frijj its arta rree frees thtirsday jurt 3rd l6 richest fastest growing halton truly a banner county proof lha hahon county i ontario richest and f aaleatgrowlng county cam to light thrt imt in h l44 ontario ste- ttifkarf issued by the provincial d- partmarrt o economic and development hahon ral first in populelton in crease in the number of persons earning toooo o over a year in the par capita disposable income in average family in come and in motor vehicle registration in creases the figures show ail figure in the raport ere baud on lol statistics and in that yr th county s population wa 104000 the report draws comparison with the remainder of tha pro vince evw th patt 10 years they show halfonf population grew 1431 pt cant from 1011 to lol to laad the pre vine population explosion paal algom and ontario counties followed over 0 par cant of halton resi dents earn ovar 6000 par year whtle uit 104 per cant ware malting let than 11000 annually heltons par capita disposable in come avereaed 20 the average famhy income was tjois motor vehicle registrations here rove 28 par cent in tha 10 year period just over nine per cent of helton- tans boast a univertity education ralail sales tou 305 pcctti in the 10 yejeiod second onfy lopeej county halton has the lowest percentage of houses in need of mafor repairs 19 pt cent the telling value 6f factory ship ments in imi was t4o40000oo ninth highest of th province other figures in the renort indicate walton hat 5 8 per cent of its residents rmployed in agriculture while 36 per cent form the labor force of tha total halton population in 1961 4 3 per cent were aged 70 to 49 end 23 7 per cent were immigrants threephase building plan starts at brookville school nojcinj pum comjllcd bv kaiulfauivy school hoard irv clutie a ihrrephau building pr- grmtn al brook vi ii school work will begin immediately to com plete the fir phate which irwluil w tworoom room adjithui to the exit ling building sehool board inembcis rnyagftl the archliectural firm ol kru chh and daily of waterloo to draw tftftchr ol the propowj pua which i in keepinf with wither of the department of fdu cation lo have larger whool unilv with an eve to ihr luiurr hojrd memhert have acquired ufficltnl lind to allow rtuntiun of the u hool hot will only build a- the iued arii wolfe conttrucllon comnam kiihncr were mk ortul biddtn for the final mape of he first phjvc of the protvt- tj building prujfrjm which when nmnpkic will allow 12 room al ilu- wjvool step two of the projected plan calk fot livr ilanrwmv indmiri i ari and home kcononiiis nnwm nvo kindorgarlon nmm mioixr ixm lihrarv nurscnxim jnd nlafl nmm it acta round up time in town i mop m anottt out skctal iuys t the women and childrens readytowear department comf in and gn acquaintcdi mtwtons 5c to 100 store long range plam for ihr lai and final phate call fur a gymnav ium i wo change room two how- er roomi storage and tmimct- or room for the firm lime in the hiilorv of nawagawcya kindergarten clav s will begin in sep i ember one ibs will be held at the brookville school and the uvund al the mas onic lodge hall in campbellville in nuking the projected plan school board trustees look into iew the lact that grantk are avail able for a library alter 12 rooms have been buili and grants av ailable for a gymnasium ahrr 20 looms have been completed whistle toots summer hours monday morning the hoard more tannery whistle blew at 730 am in place of the previous 8 am nounding many residents wondered what the occasion w and phoned the beard more plant general manager norman llrai- da reported monday the whistle now blows at 730 am for the start of work and again for the completion of work at 4j0 pm the whistle blows as usual at noon this will continue for the new hours adopted for june julv and august only 0mmof the lions club of acton proudly present acton up 1965 in acton community centre saturday june 5th 815 pm cast of 100 r towns biggest stage a ftcktt inttuis vou to a chanci oh a wtfttno at hosmyauty inn amb orutit uaimnm doo ram tickets 100 rkeftveo seats 150 con ba purchased from any lions club member it at the dear saturday might hbavfd mat man in slmkonsstak window btt sis win j acton done have ataajthal stew bet rlda eawe lis n it s ai la rise isxfcy skew far deer rbe sherlock aitken graduates receives proficiency medal congralulalkmts to sherlock nurselntniininv al st joul youngest son of mr and mr ilospilul visilnl uilh irumls ill cardan allken who pml with the ixiinmuiiiiv uii muiidjv 1st class honors in his linal year the 411 cluli viru ilu k lit eleclrioi engineering al wet- priuge clieleilo aiui llnii ljd lem univerclly london he was en miss doris rinrs and mr efu awarded the harry cross hurrrn atimdrrt aehlevmuvnt medal for nrotkiency since com- day on sjlurjiv al ihe iimhhmiv plelirur his studies he and home ul gtulnh chums enjoyed a motor tour of in band the southern slates graduation carol mckujii and flam exercises are lo lake place in brute semlier- ol ilu- rini div london on june 8 trie ilisth shixtl band ucu- in miss w robinson and miss ie s calhariiu- on sunday lu uklnj ol ouelph were rrvenl lht wun kirticinami u tuesu wilh un c sunlrr and bis e baldic r mr and mr wivllalumvu- guclph iited wilh mr und mii mit judy buck a frade 12 com- d stewart n wednvmla met trial student al john rom utile cindv huluxk and dar sauyd guelph ha obtained an knc ray j pup vuiwl ofrke portion in guelph on hie whaiiun iuelph danced in the com let ion of her term recital ul imlpli on saiuidiv barry clarke jr k a aliinl at niutit si joveph llospilul guelph mis xixa stjh und two ihild uhere ik tindiuenl riven t miry j rrn viiled ui ueek 11 ilu lunn cry i e ol lu i liiullufs link tiul llti mix llelenc tucker guelph i man klootiei m inn goldeh ags club i has games night the ntfuttr mellni ol the gold av club wat held in the t yuca on may 20 alter a brief boom uahiih rtuhiv cntk- inole and hlno urre plied wilh yihsit wlioin the trwmlierx had invited fur ilu evening- priiv iji etichrr went to lad- lit ui teigisum and uriar mcpnrv men mr f krntner and bob mchnerv for croklnole louirt mr shoemaker and mis anna smith men mr c mjmtn und mr suackhaimr a delightful lunch uj vcrvrd v tin- ftnuh conunlllce itkmfsr kcite district st john hold inspection lor live firxt time iluliiwi und vl ctmf nl the st john am inilaiue ltiltde tointed u eai ul manii held ii oun inspei- lion liihip pjjrtii ipatifly tt ihr oakville aivna tiuvday ecnini mav 2 came irum acton wlnili inthulen mill in and kuivrumn lakille huillnsiou und uisiinp ion iast vcur lite lihal group paraded in giklph v i iti that area corps ollicer robeil hart wu pixsenitd wilh a ten vcar cerlili- talc lor taking st john examina tion in i in i aid for 10 coniecti- live ycaiia it a pjvteuied by newton llurtt ivpreenllng may or ia luby i cooley of icorgetown re ceived his warrant us a divisional officer all live members of acton bii yadc were there but thivc wilh 17 lixtm ieomeluwn 10 from al- lon six from milton and ii ac urn culets anniiil insnvctitn is a requhv- ment lor all llrigudcs as well as trtnilar examinations and liain inf the senior division fiom acton demonstratetl timple liuclures with pnper equipntcnl and im- trsrar jj u 4h grain cub meets thursday the second meeting of the ac ton 411 grain club wat held at the community centre on thurs day may 27 with a full atten dance to open the meeting pres ident bruce coles led the mem bers in the recitation of live 4h pledge and called on secretary uobi leslie to read the minute of the previous meeting and call the roll assistant agricultural repre sentative doug mc done 1 1 tlevotcd the entire evening tu a study of plant nutrition and projected the information on a screen during the discussion each member was axked to interpret the ma terial as it was presented kvery tvnc of crop it pointed out required different levels or nitrogen phosphorous and pot ash for maximum yields and ex- j plained how nutritional deticien- j ik are balanced by the use of commercial fertilizer a reoom- mended through wil testing an interesting studv was made ol the symptoms of nutrient deficiency as they appear on com cereal grains and forage crops to illustrate how nutritional and acidity levels vary from farm t farm mr mc done 1 1 distribu te i copies of soil analysts nnd fertiliser recommendation which were lisued by the ojc solk dept for fifteen halton county farms the membctn were given the nutritional requirements for crop ol silage corn and a iked to recommend a suitable fertill- icr analysis and rate of applica tion club leader nino droit a led ihe members in a dlavcmskm about the phynlcal properties or mill and emphasised the import ance of maintaining a high level of organic mailer by the plow ing down of barnyard manure green manure and crop residues and by proper rotational practi ce the next meeting he announc ed would be the annual acton 4h safety and parents niht on june 23 which will ba held on the farm of ekvood johnston rr brigades in oakville pimised stjuipiiu til ilu- cmlrls ohttwd itiiihiiul lust- aid in1 istlmk- 1111 ml if alundint i mm a ln is quests viiv mis itiitl mi mellon moist mi and mis a ilolitun miss mideleine llblmis mis pat kfiius and lamihis ol a dels mis llai iiui mid mi and mrs riiners and sons robt r hamilton optometrist 8773971 1 1 1 mill st acton monday afternoon and kvenlng from 4 pm wij tour vigrrokfl wrkoiive to those of ou who air vim lor s to our pruvlnce we ivope vtmir stay here wilt be en- movable pleaie uxe care with rvtfv flrr in forested area and tvrlp us keep ontario green mtthhmm rnf ssviseam roundup 7965 if you mavefry talh ooi tasty tteart this is the weekend to sample them we have a ml iu ml national bakery htoducts rk daily home freezer beef sides or ouakters coaamercial blue or red brand cut and wtamd at no extta chakji finance can be arranged phone 8534520 ed langs meat market beatmthe heat biamt hot weather frigidaire c sale w toi niiii this week only rrt roundup j965 special this weekend only1 manning appliances 54 mill st r acton isjms0 where you gl salitficfion in acton fbktemstk ivn arwrholit b eesler were buyers at the shore can- adton classic holsteln tale held may 24 at glanworth when 37 head went lor 154570 for a 11 32i averate 1 1 was a record average in the southwestern ontario dls- iriw bfrtrm stewart at hornby lw jijb0 the hlakest tirloe tat bred uirefto rx dennli calk umcu b mttrwi cm bejivule bouthl an eight yearold excellent cow from l smith und 8am semlstm far lljem its acton round up week of values took af the features ragged relaiereed all steal ehuala 1fleee blade ruts cleanly aad ereoly adlnsuau eattlng heights e sesnle soregrtg robber urea mftletnre and dealproof ignhlasv storter tip shes ready to mow down the toughest lawns with lightning speed and ease has a lively 2 j hp- clinton 2cycle easystarting engine bokedon enomel finish in handsome em em color combinations trims close to walls jebsbsb wolks and shrubs as above but with 21 hp yeoll ttslrf shtgilf power producn 4495 easy termsto suit your budget com in and howti abound and su what wtvf roundid up 6 v6ut many othm mwolt savhm lamaim dhhavto in out stoh dtop in thk wtbtind wonrvou i i olp7 adiaim associate store 130m1iisie acton 8531060 ait ootbon preorieier esaakaaaaamehaiaaa