Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1965, p. 1

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u jvcfan jfttt bftss mlnattfxti vur no so acton ontafilo thursday june lotfi 1965 v faurt n cotrt can big discussion council adopts official plan in spite of reeves protest in spite of objections by reeve h- h wlnton two bylaws to ap prove the townt new orflclalplan were approved by council tues- jey however this wat not ac compluhed until the lent oi tke few 0ttia bylaw approidrnje- ry so pages wu read in lis entire- try al the insistence of the reeve uwunf board slung wllh manning consultant have spent over two years studying the new efttoul plan and proposed ion tag byuw and now have both ready fr submission to the mln- uler municipal all air lor ap- provfcl mr lllnton who u alio a mem bar o planning board insisted at tuesday nights txxwvcll meet tag the sopage ten be read nclore ihe third and final reading of the bylaw waa finally patted reave obetlam after viewing the official plan map the reeve objected to two particular areas one which had previously been designated conservation wi now divided into conservation and industrial tw other wet the downtown bus- tneta section which under new provisions will be toned com- merclal in objecting to this the reeve claimed residential place on bower avenue and church street which bordered tin the oommenial area could he penal uwd with potslblc higher taxation hu claim wat based on the as sumption that expansion by any commercial enterprise along mill street could create a midenlial house bordering the commercial propertv with the possibility the house could front on a parking or loading area clark puplalni cleriadmlnittralor jack mi gcechlc assured the reeve rcsl dentlal home would he assessed in the tame manner a prcvioutlv in the event ihis happened and could not be considered as being in a commercial son the clerk also said a commercial business would have to be established in anv one of the residential puces before commercial assessment was levied the reeve objected to each of the three reading of the bylaw to repeal ihe present official plan whlth was adopted october 2 151 and was supported in the last two bv councillor albert ir win mr llinlon objected during each of the thrreadlngs of the by taw to adopt the map and test of the proposed new toning by law for submission to the minis ter and councillor irwin raised hi objections on ihe last reading on the bails two councillors were missing good ha during the tenglhv discussion ol boih bvlaws both ihe reeve and councillor bob drink waiter members of planning board as well aired their dllferences of opinion on the subject of soning deputy reeve roy goodwin slat ed the plan had been approved by the majority of manning board members both last year and this year and the majority of council this year i feel it is a good plan he stressed mavor les dubv said everyone hi a tendency to be cautious but should accept the fact the plan can be amended from time to time as ihe need arises it is im possible lo draft a plan whereby no changes would be necessary he slated when the reeve insisted ihe test of the zoning be read deputy reeve goodwin remarked al present we dont have an official plan and i would hate to see it held up or foolishness masor dubv and ihe deputy rveve shared the limelight taking turns reading the nearly vpage lest which look close to 25 min utes straight reading rkwi trfcfv ail af the cast that nsrnrad to much pelse for ma tloni show attended on ma weekend by half ma popu lation of the town front the husband and wlfa directing taam of joyca and jack carpenter immediately bahind them the round up kh bonnie br is low cathy ashley daborah oarr diana lloutftetd pfrqoy leverty mary f ram as marcous keren athtey carol ann ms tales and jo ann lavarty bahind tham tha round up gait ha ian ban ton baa andarson delta keotrver marg hoere j una munlar sandra hargrava lestle ann duby round up chorus saatad on tha lalt john blundell john bout- field charlie roc bar who played tha guitar in tha band and murray harrison saatad on tha right ray hewkint tad tylar jr john barr back row standing dave hunter raa watt caspar pauw pianist glenn banks gil malcolm hartlay daforatt bill danny tinny matalas kan p apt i ion harold danny jim htggtnt hartlay coles georrje hargrava bill taylor bill main pria andy nolan charlia thompson al laudar nail millar dave hawkins las duby staga manager gaorga lockerbie john grtefeneder dromnter charlte perry absant at tha mo- mant tha catt picture wat tnappad man anna colat v bmtow char at landsborough 2000 see gala round up arena show theme recommended for centennial almost half the population of acton close lo 2 000 saw the restful lion- round up in the community tent re on the weekend attendance at dress re hearsal fridav was jui about v swilling to near 1300 the nest night paced fast funns and lunclul the length v show filled the arena with laughter and applause be- parade service at fairview decorate at three cemeteries for ttve lllh year in suecess- ton decoration das brought familv groups and town organi- as t ions together at fairview ce metery for service of remem brance and decoration of graves of servicemen and loved ones band guclph pipe band and hcspeler junior pipe band wil ham nicola k wax parade mar shal marching were mavor les du bv and councillors including mn rncc and clerk jack mc- as well shrubs were planted algeachic 45 members of the leg- the pioneer cemctorv and famil ion 10 members of the legion ies revived memories as thev ladies auxiliary 20 firemen in placed bouquets and planted uniform members of the lions flowers al si josephs cemel dub and loval orange lodge a ccv lew i nam the participating wo- ailhouph the vkv uak threat- mens groups the two lode enlng and ibe wcathei verv hoi vhaplcrv and the womens instl- aivd humid lor the lllh consec- lulls of acton dublin and ban- led rcadv for planting utlvc sear no rain fell and ihe iskkburn scouts cubv guides too coamlaeant members of ihe ministerial association taking part were ihe rev riuhie mcmurra ibe res dw ight eojk i he ree samiu i thoman and ihe rev g s gum mon mavor les dubv welcomed the crowd from the truck plat form where a microphone was placed he cspciiall uelconud those from out of town who come oath sear lor the ervice fijupj ihillcred fnm the lrtnl of the truck and the color par- tics had placed tbiir slainlards togeiher geraniums were twnk service continued as planned and brownies the st john am mam were seated in cars and bulancc brigade with heir anv somc of the nunv paraders lei i bulance on dul and the corps the horceshoe formation inof cadets iron of the plailorm for the under the sweeping branches shade of the tall wind swtpl of a big willow acton citizens trees in the cemeterv i band played several selection march daaplte haat and accompanied the crowd in the weather didnt deter the the singing of the traditional o paraders who kepi vtep behind god our help in ages past and three bands at ion culzens the queen in his brief address mr gam mon said again we honor our dead and our lising comrades we enjov a sense of freedom but its a precarious freedom thrca- tended b unrest and ear on ev cry hand we arc too complac ent and not enough concerned to preserve the peace we need to be reminded of the past and continued on page three tore an early acton backdrop ihe western theme rupod in plents i4 local color rntrt hurt put joyce carpenter deille a leg injury i so tiny she danc ed wilh iter own dancing stud ents ami awell directed all the choial bar mon v husband jock carpenter bad a lead rule and took ovir hd owms part in spe tiiltv numbers at short notice when mr owens was unable lo come the pcrsonallls and pep ul the directors was ret lee led in the entire cast of 100 humans plus one horse thev were prev inled with leather wallets after the show with a bouquet for mrs carpi nier the fast moving show was ranked wtih variety frtun hilar khis kils lu a virginia reel from moody old cowboy songs in nailer songs with new words mith as ltervthings up to date in alton ciiv nosilu highlight was a ran tastiialls dever reproduction of an old siknl movie jaik curncnur introduced the staff of cjoy guclph ckco- tv kitchener chic brampton mws staff uf brampton nupers c bc news and talent personnel chum representatives and also present were the president of the firm which dona ted the coffee maker mr and mrs wil son cijoksvllle a vlccpresi dent of intrmutuhtal silver co wlikh donatexj tlie china mr drury of oak vl lie and mr and mrs a mcmullcn of hospitality inn who donated ihe lop prize mr brock te spoke on behalf ol ihe centennial planners there saying wllh enthusiasm this k ihe very ihirtg we are trying to do in ontario in preparation for 1067 we are travelling all over ontario to try to find the an swer this information is to he exchanged wilh other munlc ipalilies we hope to coma back and see the biggest show of all in i967 llarea who cast members an all listed under the cast pktuie others involved were dia duncan rock wood who rode her glossy palo mino right up on stage dick wihic and chester anderson as ihe robbed bank manager mac sprowl as a bicycleriding sher iff bruce shoemaker as the undertaker i riday he was un able to be there saturday r r parker in charge of makeup ys men who handled sealing rolarv club who sponsored the mtaflu4wuc6txanuuaarmniruitfaclalmy lumskjlv vounouudanh with umbrallatarofroat ualadcynlhlajetyar- and bonnia gordon bahind mn trudy toafaa and omnia gordon oldar olrlt wllh tham ara jo ann wasowiae jo anno hoalloy lynda relnen susan mcgllloway and ellubeth hunt ik j tlim lor uf llu- onuno gulden abc club ladic auxil ctnlcnniil planning hoard jfk lary lor rclardod children who nrutkic wilh a srtxip ol cighl hroueril ludcnls lo the how centennial group cite lions show as example the acton spring round up featured semes and musical skits from the turn of he cen tury when acton was known as acton wot population of the town and surrounding country- learn spirit shown in thepro- j mc participated in the enter dulhun of ihe aelon round up i tainmctit and in the prepara- sat unlay right bs aeiaa ar- en tha following praaa ra- laaaa wu preparad to ba aanl i to ontario nuuvlcipautlas so it could be mailed monday i aeton june 5 the type ol in hen lonighl is exaeil whal is lor the show buildings needed lo make canadas ccn- he a were recreated in the tennial year lw7 a sucews 1 rena from csistlng malcrial jack brockie director of the i the casi numbering almost 100 ontario centennial manning j costumcd in branch said mr brockie spoki lollowing the spring variety sltow in the aclon arena team spirit this is the kind ol learn spirit we al the planning branch arc attempting lo promote in communities throughout ontar io in planning their centennial celebrations mr brockie said if the iruc community spirit so ablv demonstrated here tonight chvcourogcs other communities to develop similar group enterpris es o part of their centennial festivities what a slorious year 1967 will her its wonder ul to sec the people uf a municipality work ing together and plaving toge ther to nuke a dream come true jaamsa iwiaisssaiaasui wmm notololyat everything ba b up by the hound up rtmrnttitt except the hoal flaaaeatl atate- nwti noate of the yatcaraaan tram tha im ak dawtk- mulutudeor at kaaw hlthly ifllh ccnlury llc vkvrc all wth known tou npcuplc platns ihcir court- icipai l of 6s xa afo ihckmejmdrm lions club lop pnc of weekend for two al hovpnalnv inn mmuvn i mil unclaimed the number 276 ujn drawn dur ing ihe show not immediatcl claimed and a a reailt of oon- fusion the announccmenl was not made aa intended that an other number would be drawn hotel owncimnaiueer al mcmul- kn nu on tagc to draw the number an advertisement in the free pnii today outlines the proce dure determined by ptoiled lions to correct the titualion a clome ebeekr- of progranu throughout the arena showed the winning number was not left there and lions hone many kept their program- the traruiitor radto was won by mrs c frlcker 114 long- held road and the electric radio by glynls johnston m eliza- bcthdr dhhes were won by an out-of- town vlaltor and the coffee ma- er by mrs bea chew acltwi cllisrnt rand who khuok ihe raflcrx wilh mulc dunng inlermixltn lo rnlhuv lahlk afiplitie si alban thuith lor oc ti ihe parkh hall for nlieaixalt huut boards wjtti itnl rhoirv lionelle mil ton ijon tlub who brought hal- ion manor rfhlenu ifjrry ar hk in thurijc of ujund vic continued on page seven cftejirman declares town library could prevent added costs at high school rev dsvlght njel chairman of aclon district high school board wat present al tuesday nlht s council meetinc to dlt- cust the proposed ceniennui library and how li could affeel high school costs mr enpcl said he was pciul ed at some councillors rul ance to ihe proposed library and speaking on hl own behalf catd he wu or the opinion the project should he financed by dehrnluie issue and not public subscription lie died the put lie subscription campaign for ihe community centre as an ei ample of how this method could fall short of the mark t ttjttfcii crft ii he also ernphasised the im portance of having a irchnkil aivd reference section for use by grade m siudenls when ihe grade 13 course is completelv rr orvanicrd he said the hoard had received a brief from ihe de partment of education that ihh would be done the grade i course will be taken right out of our level if we dont have reference library available he sires sad mr bngcl told council the technical and reference hook would be a must for studenu and hoped the proposed centen nial library would contain these he believed if the ptsbllc library had these hooks li inlght mean a saving to ihe tainaver in i building program at the school to substantiate hu sialr ment the hoard chairman noted at present the high school hai a combination library class room if these hooks were rvnl available al ihe public library by ihe lime the grade u course wi reorganized mr engel was of i he opinion the dual purpose room would have lo he trans ferred lo a straight library and these hooks purchased thli could mean a possible buudtaa program would have to be apaad ed up in order to corapetuata for the lost of the classroom the board k facad with hv- ing to provide mil type of ho rary bv 197 whan tha ra-orgaa- cation will baooma afacllva and the board needs council atavir- ance ihe centennial library will proceed he stated ha also pointed out providing fha suh- able ihsrarv at ihe school would mean riira ei pence to equip it wilh necessary books phut sonvfone lo supervise at wall at considering replacing i ha lost classroom area he said certain grants were available for this from the government reeve if h llinlon arguad it wat assumption to pratuma the change in curriculum would drrmvnd library faclllllet ha wondered if ihe type of refer ence bookn required for tha course were available in tha town library if the department of education would accept thla in place of having a school lib ra rv the reeve said he wat all for a pub tk library but if anjtv mentt lu support tha building were based on a debenture isaua he was prepared to argue ag ainst this he staled ll had orig inally been intended to raise tha money by public subscription al fteauial ar nat mr hinton said he would want assuruncc from the department of education it would be sufflo lent lo have this reference lib rary at ihe other end of town tiwfiv from the school he fait i he reference library thould ba in ihe school councillor mrs george fryer opposed ihe reeve i opinion and staled the sludcnt were not re quired lo refer to ihe bookt im mediaicly but were given time lo look up material necessary continued on page seven in iiirmi iti junior horse show to be firs at fall fair september 17 18 plans fur acton 52nd annual rill tair im september 17 and 18 are vsem imdcrway for what pntmrses to he another out standing event president jock marshall has his commit lee for each section of the fair organized the con veners of each commit lee with president marshall and secret arv4rcaurer mrs ssvackhamcr meet with their committee and accept changes und new ideas lo be brought before the general meeting the regular meeting of ihe aclon agricultural society held in ihe community centre on may 26 wilh is directors present heard reports from several of ihesc committees more prizes waller linham convenor of the heavy horse section and his committee have received their classes and will offer more cstssrtaitticaw k ujkatscaritmttj prize money for taam four horse hitch and au horse mich classes the pony committee with bob kerr as convener reporled they had limited several boys and girls classes to entries from halton county erin and env mosa township a tlral for ihe first time in aclon fairs history the directors are sponsoring an acton fall fair junior horse show under the canadian horse show assoc 1st ion rules convener cliff mac kay and his committee have drawn up a tentative program and the society membership of iis has been accepted thli membership is based on the amount of prue money offered this show for riders is years or under will start saturday morn ing in order to arcom mndata the large entry expected mgfcl the entertainment cofflmlttaa with mac sprowl as convenara are presently working on an op cning night show they hop will esceed last years popular ev enl david manet this year chairman of the miss acton fair committee whi begin im mediate plant for this opening night attraction tha ladies division have had advance prize listi for home crafts baking canned goods and flowers printed and judges have already been selected copies of this list arc slill available from mrs wm mcdonald or mrs c w swackhamer at pl r j acton laurence hemlsey h hhntott john chapman calvin ah ken and e pratt will ba in cjtarga of concessions and space to be sold on the arena boor and art now accepting reservations bar of rabbit were lost s wall u tvurnber of tooi prose great dang dob ver mevad ee though badly baimecl the lots t thmatc around 14000 ul j frovhl n 1- 3fsjk8 i55fflfti

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