Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1965, p. 11

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kl wsartlng vacantly aa tbs hosae tat km ud diana miss m nickell talks on india ftocfcwobd ntto ubnk nvk co viito recently raturaad frota world crut gave the uetnbcrs kackwoodmiytciiui wjsul astd wx awl tnlettaliag and lofonnatlve talk oa india in cus tom aad retlalou ufa mu nk- kail casvducsed than quli among ik vbr concerning indie had loliawud with a vivid dewcrto um or bar recent visit to ihis avi country then ar thre forms t religion la india aid the sp aster in hindu uuhaav tatldaa and ih all loo small nee- ctmiai of christians over 471 mulkxi of tbatr van papulation aw hindu and the government l upheld by rhem the better educalad people are usually hin du and this religion fo back over jjjoft years everyone pre- uat fell really enriched by mlu nickell ulk poltuwtag thlt mi j taylui gave aa inspiring and forceful talk asking those present to re- member to five tkants and praise god for all our many blessing urs taylor stressed the com mandment thou shall haw no uher gods before me and alaled thai many of our trouble might right themselves if we would bul open our heart to god and give him the glory mim elva fvearen wu hostess lor the meeting with is memben and four visitor present the president mrs freeman opened wiln the norm ju long ai there are home lollowed by a tiymn and prayer the devollom were taken by mrm feler sim and mrm d d gray with the roll call anwcred by a scripture verse iti the word faith several thank you note were read and the offering received by mr denham and dedicated by mr j freeman mr g swaruton and mr j freeman were chosen to do re search regarding a bale in sep tember mr freeman thanked the speaker and closed the wms portion uf the meeting with a hymn mr l johnston president of the wa read the poem who nlanti the seed mr roy soung ivad the minute and trea- kurcr report after a hort bui- nc session the meeting closed with the bcnedkiian mr calvin ailken atxivtcd ml fearen in serving a lovely lunch and a social time was en- juwo the eraawsa racxeslloa mitts are trying their best to take tfci a succati and the co operation of everyone u beaded u emusosn u finally to have its such sseextad bark renovation it must have funds and barents realise the need of thaw facilities for their children a parade with floats hone decorated bicycle etc will open the afternoon in teresting booths are lo be set up la list school ground with game boay ridea pet show and rafreah- asaals for all in the evening more gene aad a big dance under the tan keep this dale in mind and tun iher announcement will be in the rockwood new pol luck supper at ucw meting rockwood ttv nvflihrn l unit three of roi ilvmhhi initcxt church women oprtvv their june mcvigivf with pot ttk1 uinprr follotavuu the vupper unit klr lul mcrew oprfwd ihtf mcrtlng by mvdiny au j- 14 mnd poic hrttfly on ivntecuu a hymn unvf uwl prayer uflcnxl by mr uirw the unit loader etlrrustx a hearty wekume to all members and their fuetvu lo the winner and the roll tall wm antwenxl by eajch member naming their guel tor the evening a kiler vnl mm the children hon4lal in india wa read thanking the gruup for the used oirutma card iuent earlier thu yer the social convener loii toot poke of the two wedding coming in june and requested help for both the devotional wa taken by uarion ottranderav gitmip the scripture wan read by grace petty followed with prayer by marun cwlrander the guel tpeakcr fiir ilu- even ing wai mr allan blyth tu guclph who wai inhxkiuxxl to the group by shirley mal mrv blyih gave a mot iid talk on her recent worid tour mcniion- ing especially japan hong kung china singapore and ceylon the speaker mentioned her concein at he obvious sweep ol cmmun iun in crylon other plavx of lnlerevt mentioned wrre spain gibraltar and london mrv blyih concluded by aving mat world trip vavhc mot umth- vhtle they brtaaden your iewv vhj elated and certainly make ou apprrciatv more than ever our canadian wav of life she then ihowed lide ol manv dif ferent counlriex eileen austin thanked mm blyth on behalf ol all present the next meeting will he on september s msith una pvlt group ip charge the evenm iluivm ih bfnfdk tockwood lcxal and district news parade games booths at rockwood carnival ah tje aaaaa for de the eraatosa relloacovtt rodeo at school hock wood arm torn fanwiie hton tvalnty coftfccioui than oth- tr it would fcattt ui in ttw re- cf the rocent birycle rodeo held at rockwood tchoul thi it expected to become tu annual event with the full luupport uf the reeve arwi council who kupplled the pruek for the de- herviiig wuuierav two o ll conuahlea from the cuelph diviaion were prewnt lor the occauon mr mdue mr mill- utn mrm drijber ma slipp and mrv mcminn uvre busy hlperi from the home and school rep resenting the teacher and par en l there were ui cveflt which fol- tuvad the opening v tit ten tet the u vua i obktalle coune and tiguiv eight gave a good let of tuntrul aiul lite huyvlc all re teitd a thoruuith chx kup lor vulrly miwi m ut tvf rulr for llll prmement in valetv vnih iviickci fitr tlu- wife hi let appiokimaulv t0 vlitldrrn totk nail in ihu wty tvunlial event and the u inner wcre senior diun ualh ami uhhie meek liilcinwdutc dttuik death and naikv mtek junior iuuiic mmivci and man tooei l ing ihr cuntti all taking pail aveiv lira ted to dhiik uukic and candy it i hoped in fuluiv llutt iihhv paivnt utll tiy lo he pixnl at thi eenl lo tee how ntruiy it i for their thiulien tu have a good knowuttfe f vale i v rule and haw i nuitioj of then hiicui ai all linwv tlu- contihu- niailr it ai to all that ii vou aix i irtrkf hi tvclc drici yiui an- uell on the uay to being a good cur driver in the future at qtjm rovkwotul mr gcorgr dav and mr liauk day al tended the u j adui i ioi t eveicie al con- vtkjlhm hall ai iht uniwi uv of toronto mhcn ilcnn milton giver smi ol mi and miv mil ton iiwi received the ikgree l llachloi ol applkd splenic in lruloti tal llnyirnvrinir cknn i graiulmm ol mrv i rank day welsh dairy princess on her first visit here to beamsville roc i wood there wa a large it a 1 he ting of narihioner from si jithnv anglican church rok- wimid recent t v to honor rev allan cthtk hi ile and their taw michael prior ti their departure for beamsville uheiv rev cook will tormiwncc dulk on sunday june 6 an open lire with plenty of food a infrvoni plu hurnorihi ming written hv mrv m root and the presentation o nn antique rocker 10 the gocms ol honor brought an enjoable evening tu 3 crttt six wjcs f drtkt frost lack of rain curtail crops y naary staaity aji4e4ilturaj gtagwvatajualhm rain haa been a urarcc cum- nuulity in hal ton during the past u week le than one inch ham fallen unoe lh flrt of may tma 1 especially noticeable in grain and corn fields iliu haw only a very poor viand of grain owing to the drought and everal field of late planted graina and corn have not germinated to date or have germ inated very unevenly farmer have rolled or cuhipacked some ol thee fields lately in an effort to compact the soil around the seed hoping lor a rain to germ- inatc it hay and pasture field got off jkefca j may rainfall is below average should irrigate strawberries thi i a very critical period in the development of the t raw- berry crop rainfall during the month cj may ha been writ be low average and as a rexult the plant are beginning to uftcr on the warm cuyv irrigation ihmikl hart as oon a- the ground dries out wailing until the berriea mart to ripen uifl revull in greauy reduced yield and quality any period of mtru uich a dry condition wtttinc elc that u ejveountered from now on will greatry affect the ultimate yield of the fumnt it t important to keep the en vironment near ideal a pov sible some grower lost their early blossom to f roat this should not jarm driveways- does me entrance to your farm iane have and shrubs each side of the sate these curte beauttftd and add much to the 8tteral appearence of the farm bat now the leaves are out again have anoukor looa at yours a rot ioofc do these shrubs or low hanging tie branches block your villon of- the road lo trins them baesrncm your fiarm etv traikbeauuiuuuuikcu allect the icld loo great i v in moht patchev the lirvt pkktng will be somewhat later but subse quent picking vhuuld be us good a ever lo a good marl in may but the frost during the past week coup led wilh 1 he drv weather haw gixatlv curlaikd the possible yield scacral farmer arc plan- ning to start hayiny thi wxvk i hoping that ihcv will gel a good second cut ol hay an application of lertilicr ol i km in the first cutting l ha vxuild be a wry worthwhile invest iiknt this yen twvntv per cent supcrphusphttc at 200 lbs per 1 acre on our ctav soil with 00010 at 200 lbs per icrv on our loam i stiil wtuild help to stimulate the j second growth to be tvrtatrt as to the correct analysis if lertilier is to be appli- i ed a soil test should be taken rc- ports will he returned iroin the soil department oac in twi i weeks tinw al this season of year remember father with power t001s black a decker brand 14 drill only 1488 38 drill only 1988 714 saw only 4488 tati galore priced to suit erwryeavs budget hardware mamftt ttsevssl thettjt lota to laarn and lots to sen oammyrtfisd fat rtocter welsh young farm dckyte b halhm during her first fanadiart visit miss rvocter describes hal tod as the most agficultural uf the lour counties she hat visited end as fertile as it is at home suva she left england on april 21 uiss procter ha been to leeds grw vtlle vktoru and halusn coutttlei end will go to huron aad north slmooe before she leaves for hoom july 23 ftteye al leeaj hmii the first vek of her twoweek tay m hal ton miss rvocter stay ed et the a c hunter home bur lington and the second week et uerrybrook farm with mrs w ii merry the delegate report that she wanted tu see es mm h as possible and that 1 can rest when i gel home seem to have tteen taken to heart by her halloo ho l may 21 she attended the annual twilighi meciing ol the hal ton hoiktrin breeder association at hay sale arena a gt-aioua4nt- ed party wit arranged lor iter at the hovne sthool fiklay by hal- ton junior farmer she also at tended an auction sale al hay mi procter visited the rink ardem in hamilton the lxvrr muihroom plant near campbell vilk nelson crushed stone the m m robinson high school iticnd in bnmie and the farm ol well known jersey rrveder maur- kc beatv nraromagh hw aiksm or walae the first wefh girl ever to take pait in the eichangc lour mist procter brought slide ol wales lo show to ontario junior farmers lady directors planning fair mr william thompson wil her street wa hostess to the ladv director of acton fall fair board last thursday evening mrs donald matthew president chaired the meeting and mr w swackhamcr was acting secretary- she ivul the minute of the pre vious nuxminy and ulsu gaw the treasurers report the banner announcing the fall fair will he hnughl uptodate and later in the summer creeled at the town entrances the trophy won by the acton fair board for their good attend ant c at the district convention at bolton last fall wa on display and wilt be shown in one of the local shop window plan lavrada oryaniationv ami neighboring i womens institute have been nolj it led and requested tu enter iloals in the parade fveryone organ isations or individuals arc invit ed lo share in the good prixca br ing awarded which will help to make the parade bigger and belter lhan cwr this war a lengthv discuss kn centred around a new ivpe ol display case fisr nlrifi 1 ir c and took luou hare to show back home to welsh yoiusg rarmers mass rrocter it on o elaht nv4iaales from the british isles partscipaluig ut the ontario lour four ere from scotknd two from irrwnd one front eisghusd and mis procter from wales she is the only delegate who will he in haiton the siae of ontario farms im pressed miss procter as welsh terms generally consist of v acres in ivftbijfcshlre north wales where the delegate live frms err usually 75 lo 100 acres in sise gerna farm miss proc ters home hat isi acres the young farmer reports that in wales one acre is very important ur family raises holh dairy and beel cattle on their farm matremasfi foitsslry a the 1944 welsh dairy pi in ies ml procter competed ag in i the young ladv who repie- srnled the british isles in the dairy prtikxscompeliliona at the royal winter fair in 4m siiuv oinlng the wtslsh young fanners in iu0 she ha represented her lub her county and her country in young faimri oimpelitioiia ml prtktrr has done work in flower at tanging dnr making ami public speaking she ivrsoiis that kimwkdgr of milk and milk production is the basis of dairy prince competition in wales the actort rva praas twirsdey jon 16 1965 4h club leaden plan busy year for members 13 1 hajtou county ol club leader cousvcil rttuliiad plans or use club year al mchlag held uu jum t tkf wrlee of sally bimluu fur june wer tlltcthtaed aad dummir will b used lo7ltow traclur safely a judglm fractlc nlghl will be held ua july s and a ijvrsuii judging coniewrllllon al oac ua july ii a ed judging cuatpeil tiua is lo b held ua august v nans lur the 411 bus trie wr flnsliial the trip will be ou july 7 and will ltulusea luur ol the lakrvvrw ganeraling sia- witnesses meet an iiulwkc i uj hrald ur ul u iprsltris al uu tluvvuay wkh tiiwrr nminlmhl ul jtlw alr wiliirtr lit gimgclown hlul mhtmtl lh ouivvnlkmi was ttiivlrd rnliivlv bv 3vvuuuitcn ihwfrht into jo adinirtulialivt- waar1nunl iunv vulunlevi jilil in seizing laofl lulliurr iitcal lu tnr tteltfgali wlliu t- vdmv ixcvrl anumg tlhtm taking pall wciv aliimi pitiitlng mintilrr ixuiaiu vluiuui ami hii um william who mtisrl s fathrr sn wm in a ilrnwmilialuhi tiling vtlplural itiininaiul imi imimuality iloa and a lour of toronto har bour oa ou of the harbour boat the 411 acbwvesaeal day will be aa fohowt acton ol club alton fair september ii kalian 441 clubs uiltoa fair saaieenber 2vjs llalion all cunt and sheep clubs georgetown fair october 2 the annual awards night pro gram l being planned lur de cember 10 fh a car ftre u kept alton fire rlghunoct hop but thursday a tk fat a smalt car oe mill slraoi wi tlnguujwd quickly beforst mucb damage resulted a chimney lire al the home of mr and urs robert ucclna ih rvielar avenue was checked by fire fighter before any sarloua damage resulted forekt products include wood water jobs and ttxicalioa hjuton ctyofuxmt medical care plan ay ati surgical naeralloaa doctors calls paid front first vtall v coafinaasanls aaaaalhetlals uarvtrei xmaya also ladudaa uajost mfdical indivklusu or mnipuiyre clrtlp tniiv cnnill al any linve ol the yvai reviasd kataa monthly lyii single m mhllv ju v couple monthly ju j family laable uuarturlv or yearly iialton coot mfjjicai kijivicij baa 474 muloa dul t77l ftcasc sciut ntr inltninalkhi no ohlitfalkui name atliliv ence rshihith mr k archibald and mi d mallhcw had ecn a taorahlc devtgn at a spring show lhcv had allcrulccl recently and ohlatncit priccx no dclinitc ac- j lion wav taken at the meeting but i further enquihe will he made lal- j cr a ilaintv lunch wa crved hy the hostcm mr thompson av j smcd hv mrn m mccullough and mn d matthew on account ol the next regular meeting date being a holiday july i the meclini will he held on julv 8 at the home ol mrs morgan madill 95 years old former acton resident frank raw lines who is a patient in the i chronic wing al st josephs hov pital guclph cclchratcd his th birthday quielly tuesday wilh members ol his lamily j idcn mills iall pask saturday june 26 730 pja mi cau or mun iat jlhy sq ball game 630 oatl whim lucky otaw mnoo ma fouo pony bmt oaasaa al uin a1 ckanu he vau anal ou arirnitilort free refiwuirrvenl sooth en greorvtk siionsorad by kmn mius amo drttbct community club t you emn relax when youre eevered by v 8arkco kuku it ay tt agaata like u t give yaa ual aaat ewarsge bnaalbla far a aatpla kara la ana of uta sbadju advaatagaa 8akeco agar yil gafkco ar oswulal asara a m aallry lut grauets a aaaiaat aarueatal it angle gaa aslgbt caaaa safeco affr taaajr sun uataaavlag aad nw ia baaanu ii wwdd be tvar pvaaura ts iucuu hum rua dennys insurance agency 54 mih it i acsaa oat honi isjoiso laalauacaa buli us1a4j harau us1sas incluaat admission return buses start loading after last race wile tut depot ib mih g i adams aganl talaahaeuj bsssmoo lous decked out like a june bride hes got the cars with all accessories lous used cars main si rckkwood 8564235 getting married going on holidays travel n style in one of iws cars d t hit day june 70th ihm is cards for ever special dad sag our complela eollacrien tt handiorna fothgrg day cards theres one or every dad ee your uit wi havf many rrtau slut abu fo fathirs day olrtt ut us http you siuct oni km you dam sheaffers pens ah pen and sirs 295 to 2500 papermate ball pens 129 lo 195 briefcases 325 to 995 desk blotter pads 198 lo 475 batb telephone list finders 335 795 pergonal metal files savaral slxas i ukraff i ball pens 198 up ctsonauzts note paper and envelopes lassaktiom tc 9c eerl iim so shots and snvtumfts i3 4lsmi up faixil s mi baavt daslt at draft set sissw tulex ana many oraar- laajullini aa d dills stationery u mr1 st i aifi n- r

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