Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1965, p. 3

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rm pnassagaweya applies for grants for 7100 centennial projects lvneael imuii allllll fa tusse laii rull i by m tows- ssnproqwmenla the project will tnducvr ork est park at campbesrvillfc brookvule end ea mills and tout 17100 of wkh sum will be paid by the town- plans call for taprovofteau to the park area al caautbem- vta by the addilioa of a half acre iron the present school property and the uutauatioa of p equipment expendi tures in the area are ettlauted kl hjdd at bdea aillts funds will be proddrd for a pump and wash rooms on the present park area as well as some landscaping and shrubbery title lo the land will be obtained by the town- ship eipenditures of sijoo are anticipated in this area a twoncre park area and ball diamond will be developed at brookville adjacent to the new township offices the esti- mslmfujoo will cover levelling grading construction of a base ball backstop and general im provements lo the area at thi tile a field stone cairn with a suitable plaoue will also be er ected at an estimated cost of llo the township share of the centennial protect funds hat been included in the ims mill hamfhtt ofsukmmmu at graves of tavkman buried in dublin cemetery sunday were members ol acton lions club and acton boy scouts represented above by george locker- bie wi scoutmaster roy hawkins the planting took place efter the annual decoration day ceremony al feirview ceme tery new teachers named for ahs high school teacher juuph firav hat hern named asst prin cipal acton district high school lor ihe neal lerm he nrplacrs michael brvan who is leaving on a year exchange in eng land replacing a teacher who will come to ac ion high school for a year mr bevan leave new york citv with two children on august is and will leach biology and basic sciences t william fill school at walt ham fonrsi in esses northeast ol london since hit mm iniured in an ac cident at ridlev colletfc will be having a earn lege repair opera- lion ihis summer and hi oldest girl is taking nurses training his wile uill yo lo enyland later hell he living near ron lewis mother uho is eipected lo visit here again his year he is rcfslactnn miss rose mary hitch who aimo to ad 115 5he arrives on ihe tyatwo- nia on auljum 6 and uill be hoarding at pilkingtons mr bev an ha s a rra nged i o r her i o lake a course in conservation to acquaint her uith canadian science hdorc school starts new teachets engaged at the high school lor next tenn in clude miss high uho will teach science mivs m k juhasx ol sudburv who will leach history and guidance i ii mecillitj ol vvcyburn sisk who will teach commercial and history miss l osuouski ol toronto who will leach his lory a slvar- uwy ol kyvpi who w ill teach english mrs m j sioctvdalc ol napaiwhwlw will each girls physical vocation and mrs k r walker it guclph uho will teach rivneh teachers leaving ihe stall this eai include mr bevan who will he on an exwtange has is lor a ear miss soma moulton miss dianne mcconncll who will take a pratt graduate course at the university ol totonlo ron hoj- iimm who uill leach in hamilton in outer lo take night courses al mc master unlvcrxily and miss marilyn way who is gel ling married pefer glynn given engineering degree pcler glynn son ol mr and mrs john r glynn ol lime- house graduated irom roval military college ol canada at kingston on may 28 with hi bachelor of engineering degree and rrgular commission as a lieutenant in the canadian ar- ntv royal canadian electrical and mechanical engineer nle and will not fee dcoentured- finaj approval was received recently lor i he 140000 capital expenditure on the addition of luo classroom al the brook ville school and construction on the project will be proceeding council monday accepted with regret the resignation of george golds t raw as township asievor effecllvs june 1 tlte road superintendent was instructed lo have a parcel of land at the interaction ol the first une and jo sidroad sur veyed and purchased for future toad improvement problems with improperly placed culvert irom township roads led council to insist i hat before a building permit i htued approval must be obtained ftom the toad superintendent regard tug the sue and location ol the culvett to be installed this will apply to live pioperlv owners ltetvmg cess fiuni roads main i anted bv the lounship adtud ea coumil approved a bylaw ap phtng or supnlamentary toad ipendituivs ol jio000 ti con struction and 12000 on mainlen ante due to the sesete wintcf londilionv municipal emplmees calvin mtlntsre and mrs vera cock- ram were enrolled in live ontar io moitkipal employees retire- nwnl system the gravel pit license ol chas mihlvell was renewed aiuj gener al accounts totalling flu249 were approved for pavmcnl new building accounts ol 719 weiv also uppimcd circle informed of childrens aid on monday evening members ol the baptist mission cncle jour neyed lo milton and field their june meeting al 11k hoinv of mrs iliyan hams queen street the president mrs lumlhormigh op ened the meeting uiui an ailhle on going loiwaid will pi aver during the business session r porls uere leccivcd m a vareel sent u mr and mrs ruild in india and money sent lo white cross uoik anangeinenls wvir made tui the annual pknic to he held in mid july at the ihhik- of a former member mrs lkivd lllv lev of guelph mrs chapman gave a fine devotional talk on john i sib chapter marg bailey spoke on wanted a missionary hcatt and impressed m ihe nicmbers that a missionary heir1 was a gruuing heart a glowing heart and a going heart the meet ing closed with a season of pray er lor the home and foreign mis sionary work name department heads at hs board meeting high school board monday evening approved ajart fw used ui the bof claaaea appoint mm li from principvj down to subjeci chalmiseit for next term principaj e a hansen wiu again head the staff neat year and jowh bray was tutnad tu avtt principal in place of mich ael bevan vho goes to england next term on an exchange bail depart ntent headi include r- j lambourn for the english de partment and mr bray in charge of science subject chair men appointed include commerc ial w ii soule geography c l- bognvaldson languages j b- lavit irultvematict w d coal and phyvical education r ic mccallum trustees wished mr bevan ev ery suecetk in his venture next irrm and hoped hi experlencet would he an auet lo trie ac ion sclvool when ite return approval wii given to convert one of the toomk in ihe new ad dition adjoining ihe present in dustrial aru room into an area lor motor mechanic in i ruction on an ciertinental basis cost ol ihe conversion iv evtimated aiouivd 1so0 two bids lor painting al the sc4tool uere received and board members agreed to discuss de tails of live contract with ihe sulvrsttlul bidder j b frank al an estimated cost of 16 12 crashihoum again ever since it was lirst install ed several year ago the green house has constantly been a siaurve ol discusvion monday night wav no ei option wtien pntpertv ehniiman kerwin mc- phail grinningly inlormed col leagues live school hud u green house ihii it would be awfully cold tlwre next winter unless a luating system was lntalled btwi d member s had been re guested several months ago y assistant principal- michael bev an to consider avomc kind ol heating system as plants and lloueis were being killed by the frost lately ihe subject was broach ed again and al ihsil lime the assistant principal appeared to t have a change ol mind and urg ed the board not to spend too much money on the greenhouse tuesday mr bevan repeated this statement but suggested the property committee contact the new agriculture inspector lor id- j eas on how the grccnliousc could be healed economically the pro perty chairman uih also con tact the leal hydro commission for estimates lor electric heal i draas for fall trustees expect the proposed tvpe ol wearing apparel lor boys and girls will be worn when the fall term begins it is also hoped the driver training course can be started at that lime finance chaitman chester an tfrarsoa witdered why two uth- t bee overhaul prior to ordering i hew one at a cost ol 1900 he reported the vocational committee had inspected the utiie and tugget ted they could be overhauled for an approxim ate coat of 1250 principal e a hansen laid the xhop teacher was of the op inion the lathes were beyond re pair trustee tom walton not ed the memben of the vocation al committee were in a potlllon lo know what equipment was re pairable the committee is com prised of svrtl industrialist s board inamberi agreed three lathet were necessary in the shop room acvounit mailing 12sji7i4 were approved for payment decoration day continued from page one challenged in live present we decorate with flowers cmsmv wieaihes and monu ments god has placed luo mon umenis for our remembrance ihe one live empty cross and the other an empty grave telling ihe story of victory other ceeaaurfaa permaiknl shrubs were again this year plsinled in plonevi met cry as living memorials lions and scouts planted geran turn alter the- seivke at st jo sephs crnelcry at all three ce meteries flags and special lrg ion cnssev marked ihe places for friendv and comrades to place lite scarlet i lowers special rvogrmm decoiation day appeals to have increased in public accept ance since its inception special programs are printed each year and were given out bv scouts this years program showed the new canadian flag with an aer ial view of ihe toun on lire front cover on ihe baik appear ed a poem little tilings by is- obel andeimmi with ihe order of service inside ab i ruin heads t he planning committee with mrs george margrave as treasurer and mrs a orr the secretary for the lllh year probably the oldest in at tendance sunday was will red coles m a boer war veteran th adon rvaw pr thoraouy lons ims first communion for 27 at st josephs sunday sunday of pentecost li g very important feut in the catholic church because ii is the cof irfiuv tion of the promise or our lord to his apostles that he would send the holy spirit the third per son of ihe blessed trinity to enlighten and ins i rue i the apost les of hii church lo be able to go forth fearlessly and preach christ crucified as our lord and saviour last sunday was the beautiful feast day throughout ihe entire carbolic world and it is one of thanksgiving and joyful celebra tion 27 cjaudrw for tile parish of st josephs alton i was a double occasion for rejoicing arvd thanksgiving br- lause al live 10 vj mass 27 child ien of ihe parish received llieir psrsi holy communion nineleen ihjvs and eight girl were instruc ted and prepared by their paslor falfvrr morgan tor ibis joyous ikxaston the lillle girls all dressed in white willi veils and ureaths and live buys uearing a white rilbon on their armv uith a while flow er in the laprl of llieir oats ma reived tnim lite hall into ihe churvh ulute the congregation ng a very appropriate procev ganist miu irene mumsolhaao tfce young ladiea auixting the jchildren were uiaaeg auury icea- ney roaetnary 0ourke mary ic gibbena and helen uarolc clonal hymn for pentecost sun day come holy ghost the pastor congratulated the children and their parents on ihe happy event and laid emphasis on their duties and obligations of not only accompanying their child ren to mass but also frequently partaking with them at the ban quet of the last supper after mass the children uere en rolled in the confraternity of the brown scapular by which they uere placed under the prut eel ion of the mother of god and e short rd to live chaste humble and char itable hves as their exemplar our itlrssed molhct on reluming lo live hall the first communion clavs were pho- lograplud wearing their scapu lars and holding i heir first com- rnuioon certificates bv live par ents and iriiruls and the press tlveir photograph appears on page ih altar decorated ttvc altars were lavivhlv dec orated uilh liolb cut and plant lower v lor the brautiful feavt of prntecovl and first commun um surutay the childrens vhoir sang live oh era lory communion and rncrssmrtud hvmns during and alter mass directed by ihe or- in the afternoon pmther mor gan and the pahslviofseri motored lo little doblirt cemetery st josephs where there waa held me annual decorative and relig ious ceremonies in remembrance of the dead aging the link- when dad gets greyer and mom gels blond- motorcycle scrambles sunday june 13th at the farm of gordon bowen 3 wmt of acton follow no 7 htghwsy west o aclon to first itrve turn rtghf over on u tracks to first farm on right races begin 130 pmtsrlarp spills thrills fun galore european styl motto cross round tvirst ontario ckampionthips sponsored by oioronown ytuowjacxm motoacvcu ciui admiuion 100 rfrthmnl if you attandradl clt gro up show saturday night d0nt throw your program away lucky number 276 strew fer e w u rlisphsixy im kae ist lieea have elulslisl rk ww be e weeks w pirlssl if rke wswtir staes clilni us swssa ly tsen hnm 273 274 278 279 tke fevr de mmssers wui be twt u a kar atssl saarasva sraraaiava tssgajsvan raariwi a ashed 8532010 between 9 mmd 12 aaau ai i aasd s pjm or 8534147 ba tweet 7 ad 9 baas leaving their nanst aalraaa aaul if you hold no 276 contact immediately born in toronto october 14 1444 peter moved uilh his par ents tu limehousc as a child and rwetxed m public school edu cation al the si one school s s no its graduaiing to high whool georvetown at 10 years ol age he attended royal roads military college al victoria u c lor two years prior to com pleting his course ut rmc kingston dining his tinal year he participated in sailing judo ualer polo and rugger pivscnt- ly he is taking an oil ice r train- j iig course at camp borden he i uon an achievomenl award ii a member ol the team lor intei- collegiate shilling regatta were right there when you need help hswm wfcan itieres art eeseroenty a call a us veta adieu fast reliable service reasonable rates fer veur skspjrto measure and cenvenience we feature showkoom faciuties and retail sitvici i choose iron our display of lighting fixtures i i i i electric motors plumbing heating i electrical wiring and supplies urori you decide give us a try call or drop in for a free estimate a l riemer equipment company eucttical kuauino heating contractor 17 miu si w art out 5 504004 1 canadas lirst postage stamp the ihrecpenny beaver ol 1451 depleted a beaver in a lores selling it was designed by sandtord fleming recipe of the month quick cherry crunch a ilessert tklljht lor easy summer tutttnf 16 eraham wjfvrs cruji- utlsuf iiwcr m cut brown sujir i tsp ciniidiitoii m curt irtcltcj butler u isp salt 1 xu can canada- choice cherry pie fllliruj heat mil to 325 mix graham water crumb sugar cinnamun butter and salt springle thro- quartcr ot crumb mis- txttv over the bottom of an eight inch or nine inch cake nan pat uowu gcnl with tltc boul o a spoun sptuul ihe cana- ua choke cherry pic rill- ina over crumb base then sprinkle on remain- ing onekuarter of the- crumb mixture bake fur jo minutes serve warm with cream serws 6 iaioe srecrton of vtstc creens shruu and trees fruit trek fruit rushes ready for ftantino rous fotteo ready to fiant au varietvs ueonias ouunou dahuas everything ran your garden cutrtowcrs alvyays avauaru srvswsfa vnvm anyywrsvsi msmw tssmso anytiase osven 7 days a weed rod am tu dark visit us today bedding plants now available confines flower sankushopi two miles west of acton south side of hrohway wmroleb65 mmkiiz a general motors value impita sport coup chevrolet value is at an alltime high and trade w travel time is the time to buy the 65 chevrolet is the bestlooking besthandling smoothestriding chevrolet ever built so it stands to reason that right now chevrolet value is at an alltime high and because trade n travel time is now in high gear at your chevrolet dealers he has the biggest selection of chevrolet models in stock whats more he can deliver the model of your choice fast antthe wants your tradein for the boom in used car sales now if you put alltime high value and trade n travel time together the only conclusion you can possibly come to is that now is the time to buy so how about seeing your chevrolet dealer jn person and proving for yourself that chevrolet value is at an alltime nigh and that trade n travel time is the time to buy that way youll have the satisfaction of knowing youve done the right thing at the right time made the best deal ofthe year on a beautiful new chevrolet discover the difference f chitoier cunsntn curtsus tiswl cesvsia ea hs trade fl travelmma al yew chevrelet dealers newl authorized chevrolet dealer in georgetown andrew murray motors limited 61 guekjh srrear o pwe wt744 be sure lo see bonanze over channel 6 el o oclock sunday night 1111 iii 11 mmib i m i i i i i i fcmii 111 ii i ii i i l iii

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