Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1965, p. 1

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e ralnetbth yeerno si acton ontario thursday june 1 m 1945 twelve po- tan cant equalized assessment approved no dissent oftaa a controversial subjoay at county council the equali m of uuunflit wu ap pro tuesday without a glin- tnar of dluul the bylaw wat klvea only thort reading which c gallseher cn ihi a tribute to the cooperation of the municipalitict the eaualiuuoo bylaw hii the baut on which local muni- eioalltlek will contribute to the oounly coat in the tutxeedtng year burtlnglua w the only bum icittalily paving a umrr pet to the county with all other municipalities declining tlightly vha increase in burl inglon aiiatfcmeat was altnbut ed to the devetopmeat ol new residential area oakviue bow- ever will pay the largest per- cenlate on iumnjmuiz auau- menl they will pay j4n per cent til county eiivmdlluret burlinglun it neil wltb jm1j4 per cent georgetown ulll pay 55 per ct nl esqucsing ih per urnl milton j per cent acton 25 per cent ind ndkagjwrya 15 per cent the table khuwt the duiributmn ims ims lflffcmfy acton rqiihim mm 7j47js9 percelage 2j2m mmungton id4ma40 5u4a gbomgetown iswj76v 5512 wilton jaojio jjaflmt 4 ukllx oajcvillf 2a0mlv2 bsouesing 10u091i- 254 kassacaweya 4jv6mj i5iimx l2lem90il 10000000 eagmes rear dust swirls as motorbikes thrill crowd a hilly pailureland west of town provided mailmum lluills for both niolorcyc le rldcrv and spectators alike ever 40 ridcrs competed in the ceorgtuwn yel tow jacket motorcycle ctub tpon- sored wnnhlf in spue of the dutl billowing throughout the arra pec ta tor stayed to rc the final 2 1 lap ha- tuns lo wind up the last ol the race hamiltons slecl ciiv rulers copped every cum pent ion fur a weeping victory over all cumpeli turn over 40 riders wheeled their bikes over the hillv terrain which provided plcntv of thrills and unlv a couple tf minor spills at the farm of george bowco rr i acton in the grand pru finale in which over 40 riden took part david sehl of walerdown wear ing una hamilton colors ted the pack to tlie finish line followed ciuaely by club member rae boa- tnun antatter bnt junior in the grand pru was ken cowtan of guelph imia iii m wji atatfetj- j adk btbx dtmn other winners all member of the hamilton club included rem and put one llainllion winner in the 100 ll final marry br lining hamilton who headed the pack in i he 250 ic junior race paul head cope i own winner in the open class jerry vander lykcn oaks ill winner in the open ex pert class and david sehl win ner in ihe 250 cc expert final no accusals ai ton si john ambulance hn- bade were on hand to cope with an cmergencus but like other spectators only had lo battle the dusi pioblem the firsi line from ihe cnr tracks to luwn line was almost ijmmcd with cam at manv spectators staved outside the fence lo walch the event while other paid their admission and sal clotxr to ihe track wane wikon local member of the georgetown yellow jacket- was publicity oft iter for the races tind u lorced out ol compell ton when hi motorbike broke clown iu r u fi catmvtj saturday to draw crowd to rockwood eramoui carnival u expected to fill the prrtt milage of rock wood salurda for a full da program the mammoth tarni val at the rock wood rum lit chool proundv iartk with a parade at 2 oclock including at ton citicnv band their are booths home bak ing atlk trcaiure and an liqu et cand hot dog game- of akill bingo and other- extra special featurrw include a honekhoe pitching contest foi a irophv and interest has vnou- hulled in this laiek a novcltv will be the presence ol a kide- walk artut tor children there- a pons ride and miniature mcrrv-go- round in the evening iherell be a dance to islen tollon- orcb- clra at an outdoor dance pavil ion the commit ice hope to sec mans from the district as well as from the illagc at their big event amtfrs avpwf the annual auditors report is published again lhit scar ac curding to regulations it ap peals on page 03 in this weeks issue dfvtigttttto a catittk it no major probtam whan haavy acuipmwit li availabla tha craak which run onciar wallace avanoa through a p graan proparty it baing dtvnti thit waak and will connacf with tributary running through tha h k porta r proparty bafoe flowing undar tha culvart at the c n ft trackt man tall natlit conttruction company hat tha contract tor tha buhdoxing new lions officers installed by district governor monday district governor phil waitc of brampton officially intaltrd the incoming officers of acton ton al the regular dinner meeting of ihe club monday at ihe station hotel stressing the need lor each indi vidual lion lo do his share tn building a club he urged them lo grasp the whole picture of iiorv ism rather than juil their uun personal effort he congratulated the incoming officers and gave each of litem a resume of hit duties installed as director were ai louder and pile papillon with lion ai standing lor pete who was still on a business trip lo the wct coast jim mclennan wit inital- led as lion lamer neil miller at tail tssisier george lockerbie at leisure r murray harrison as sec re l an harry hawkins at third sitepicstdrnt vic brtstow second vicepresidcm dave hum variety of swimming lessons planned at kelso this summer whether sou re a beginner or good swimmer who wants to improve his stvle sunn lessons offered bs he hal ton region con sen at km aulhontv lifeguards ihi summer arc hound to please just about every bod the aulhonlv will conduct fuur ivpes of lessons at kelso conser vation area this ear including red cross rowil lite saving so ciets adult and lculcr pitnl courscn the red i loss class s u c on montlav velmstlav ami liulat mornings i mm 9 a m lo 12 noun and sessions air planned through out juls and august rtiiiia lions rnns i lx- ievcied b june jolv njiitr ttt bv jnty m for ihe augui souise testing wilt take place at the end of ejsh tension the rosat lite saving course will he iteld tiksda ami thurs dav evenings inun to 7 pm during julv ll tfuic is suffuicnt demand a scvunj class will jku be staged in augus i deadline for regisirathm i julv i ind a test will be held at the end o thit course lul coats cost ol ihe abovv icsmuis is for the lint child enrolled 12 v for a second child tiotn the sime latmlv and 2 lor euh mkivi ing child pei scssion the lifesuiids also plan in c pand their program with an aduli ixarn lo swim or improve ymir swimming course for men and women of all agv- thev would cost 1 and be held from 12 to i p m and early evening every tuesday beginning on jury 4 and applications must be mailed fa bv june 2s for the fnm lime i he aulhontv s planning a red cross leader walcr sal el v palmt course lo i rain mv stnny swimmers aged in in imi fur lileguard dut the course will be held one week onlv liom june 21 lo m 9 um lt 12 noon and 2 lo s pm ttsis will be tarried out june 28 five day of leaaons a lui 1 his course would include those with their seiimh- rod ckm roval life sav ing brone medallion or ymca junior lilesaving fifth star cost i is j250 which coven the fivcdav j lessons in developing swimming j sitoke ami skills teaching rescue kills desvloping altitudes to ward patrol procedures and ac practices and developing nkills lor water tmcrgentics deadline lor applicants is friday june 18 u-j- oi t tjt uhm okato kwmt ordoano dau held hi bannoel al rallinalad community mall tlmtday rilohl and received pralwt from principal eric balklnd ancttaachers during tha dinner romortnottha banqual nse mudentt enloyed dancing to the mink of the web sin a local tityuri of high tchool muticiani seated irani rowjefl lo nghl are gary heiilar brian carriere lerttrotaet fred antony and gaorga kloaatar second rewle1lcrrlghl are mary boa linda tdmjicmry fucht grace mcdonald fcaemiry mcdonald diana mcdonald bath kem and 1 thlrdbw left to rlghl are tarty curm joyce foiter dianna millar dorolhy kul- iifmlranerlbull freeman anymarianxelptnaekrcrwftlwrlghtra mgar 1 grace stanley mcenery principal ertc balkind gordon mcdonald bandy scott tbobunduy muu bock recalls church union the rev a urook who was a mimsici 40 vears ago at the lime ol chiitth union was presented with a hook in commemoration ot the inniversaiv sun dav morn ing ai ihe united church the lhhtk hum the hamilton confer ence was wntten bv chuich mod eialur di howse mr humik who has retired to acton spoke hitellv iccalling the urnon of the methodist prctbv- tenan and congregational congre gations in june i92s a town the sie of acton hat nine churches he pointed out in strong lermt he declared the division of chris tians is the scandal otprotcat- ant i iu n the same vein hc rev dwtght engel spoke tn his ser mon on the proposed union of im ted and anglican churches in his opinion a mon necexury step in the right direction st john drive uferaiurv eat law rarnnl 9 johi ajmbulaau drka lor funda wa in um wail tltfa we rmttrtu lacajty m tte prealrad aatd llamas il rn prcwueti g to heav orary treaaurtr ctumr aav craott at tlw baakvf ntmmateev tta w fat um ahow the cara iiwiuiilanilliu girnilaliiil by tha vflhtatuar pjiinaji a wwm into hkjpam4nfktdu- wfcer thay ajra kb er firtl viceprctident and hartley colet at president lion phil wat ttiankcd by first vkc dave hunter round up show chairman ai lauder gave a comprehensive re port of the show to tha lons env phaiu ing ihe terrific coverage and publicity it engendered lor the town and distrkt he lauded codirrciort joyce and jack car penter and sister service clubi in town and out for their help and cooperation he was also appre ciative uf the cooperation from merchants tn town and district we had to have heip and lots of it said lion ai and we got cooperation from everybodv we asked treasurer dave hunter old lions receipts iind expenses lor the round up had not been re ccivcd but a full report would be forthcoming two visitor from the brama leavclub urged mem ben who were out in full regalia to participate in the golf lournev at georgetown june 16 in the absence of lion chief andv nolan away on a business trip lo ihe states the first vite- p resident wielded the gavel for the meeting win trip the myalery following the tjontrctub tfjww al tha ttauaul up ahow haa bean aolvadt mr and mr norman cinutitif- ham guelph st producad tha lucky program number 374 to becotna the wtnnari of a free weekend al hospitality inn mlndtn when the lucky nuntbar was drawn front tha drum al inter- mltslon the coupla had left and were not nwara they had won until last thursday when ihe number was ajuuhinead in the acton free tveaa at present it is not known when tha lucky winners will spend tha weekend m guests of the hospitality inn ntant tenders soar above estimate new hydro building deferred decision to build a new hydro j building on alice street wa de- 1 rollowuvg are the batic tenders ferred thursday night of lasi received o b dodd wetlon week when tit tender prices rang i 100009 e s kerr wetlon m ed from a low ot mj600 to a high 16s4 j b mackenzie and son of 1104 970 not including rttrat j georgetown 1104970 a uccar over and above the cost lor ttu ihv and l- j zanjti la georgetown building vhjaq welcun cojuoructiuu anhiuxi donald skiiinei and guelph tlojwi and g w winl his staff had estimated the build i jes wcsl if u uk thcfce pru ing could tie errs led in ihe neigh j es do not include such extras as ourftuod ol 160 000 and bolh arch giavelling sodding concrete ilec i nui hvdio commissioners i walks echaust fans roof cundens we ie surpnsrd at the high bids i ing unit and oilier contingencies split halton riding into three sections ttu- prisnt halton county wilt bvsomr part of three different fedeiat tidings halton hallon wcnlworlh and wellington if iwomnundaiauiis of the llevtorul boundaries com miction released on tuesday arc accepted the llcsiuial boundaries commission wa set up by parlia ment umkr redistribution kgislaiuir last december to form coiv siiiurikies willi ptpulaiion of 70jas without varying motr than 25 pr tent up or down the halton county nding would retain lit name hut change in atea to include milion actin oak ilk georgetown and the townships of lsoucing and liin the present riding cunusls il milion at ton oak wile burlington georgetown and ine luwnthipa of i squcsiug aivd nastagaweya tlw lurw bopulatku would be 72524 the pioposed changes would create a new ii- uf svhisyg- ton which wihitd include guelph pahs and the of tagawea guelph lramosa pcrsllnch betefv and would have a population of alli wentwotth would also be formed lo intftt dundas and ihv townships of last and wet populjinm of 7j099 the recommend aiiouv uf the llntural avajstatsi c nmmta- sion a nonpolilicil commission wutild result m ihe iln iparrii mi t ol 43 of ontarios 8 federal cimshiuemie and would create 4 new ndings foi a total of is rulings the cummitiun u headed by juslite i a richardson of lie ontario ftupreme court just revvnilv a provincial voting redistribution plan was an nounted lliat would split the present hallon riding into two pieces one with the suggested name of burlington riding would include burlington nassagawca at ion and ihe uppermost 10 lots of f-s- quesing township the second ruling would be called oakvllle and would include oakvllle milton georgetown and the lower 22 lols tn lqucsing jtu wuh move compbo0ibe post office into new building on june 26 campbcllvillc post olfice will iovc inio its new 122000 home on june 2a after being housed in rent cd quarters since 1qmi village postmaster doug agnew report the longawaited move to the new quarters in the village just east of the guelph line will take plate- on saturday ju 26 and thai the new of fit e will be completely set 1 up fur business bv 9 atn on mun da june 28 post oflice cmplovecs have been cramped in the rented quarter in the agnew building for more than a rar and the postmaster it looking forward to increatcd space that will allow the erection of more sorting tables bag racks and filing cabinets he noticed there will be no increase in staff a letter will be sent to all vil lage patrons informing them of the change in location going back into campbellvillcs early davt it was learned thai divert creek by a p green bv the end of this week watei how ing unde i wallace avenue through property adioirung a p green ine brick company will he diverted north of this area to loin with a tribuiaiv flowing across the ii k porter propcrtt manscll nellis construction company arc busv bulldozing down trees and brush north of ihv present stream and the bed will measure approximately to feet across at the mouth ot the mow to jpprotimatclv five feet at the area where 1 flow under the cnr tracks into the tchool creek almmrmtjvat t0t fan act rvn ftre fighter raited a cloud of diut tor a cavaicade of cars trailing the truck to a fire which w3 at inglcwoud out uf the acton firetotca- when the alarm was raited on tuesday about s pm fire fight ers received axue dlrrctioiu which indicated the fire was in erin township in the vicinity of bamnafad by the time the truck had travelled north on the fifth line ofiuquesnv inio erin town ship and reached balhnafad fire fighters received radio call back to jowiv the lire was re ported to a bara and well out of lbe acton are area mr agnew is the 16th postmaster in the hvvear po history the lint was james n mcgnffith who held it from 1152 m others were eglantine black james mclean duncan smitten fred jihn jones james it cooper thomas christie l r lister miss ii c lister fading robert m brown irlallhew bra i tie l d malum fred garrett mrs- r garrett fact ing j k mahon miss margaret hubbert and now mr agnew mrs mac dennis assists mr agnew and mrs robert llhott is on ihe staff for holiday periods and at christmas mayor let dubyt firtt com ment after hearing the tender price was now i can concen trate on the enteniual library commissioner doug dawktnt was of thv opinion the entire cost could run iluu lo 1 125000 by the tune ail csua wce mrhnled chairman ted tsur said ha was suipristxl the bids were all over double i lie auiuipatrd cost mi wuitus who was present for tlw lend r opening told the tommicseofi numhors ilvey were late calling i c rulers and must con tractors wrre already inisy build ing scliuuls and titlwr buildings arvhiuxi don skiiuut wondered about a winter works program and woggesled ll could he pos sible lo save a considerable am ount bs calling tenders al a more appropriate time and doing itw piouxl under winter work and also revising ihe plans slight ly the atehitcxl is eiprctrd lo itv srsigale jlu piujicl luiiher and report hi findings al i tie neat regular hvdio mn ling in two wetkt meanwhile it has been shelved irmporarily pending fur ther word acvounls luialllng 121014 40 were approved lui pa imnl asvathaeas4 fnmlukmmo iloftgmd william cofvson graduated on wedrtrsdav june 16 from univers ity of toronto medical school born at alderwood he attended ouivti i liilsrlh public school and port credit high school the family purchased iikit present arm al limchousc and he com pleted high school in teorgelown while attending mi master uni versity he obtained his ba de gree he will intern al western hos pital toronto deadline with tha ttaarlhne tuaaday four emriaa ware receive by tha chamber of rnmm bi thalr aw lloeaa baaullftca- tleai eealaal csval reeohad wa william coiioon casualty milton o p p were called to investigate a fatal accident on highwat 7 iuar acton i rid ay ev- ning imi i tlu deceased turned out to be i deer thai tangled with a car the car driven by a wil low dale woman received 120 dam age when if collided with the deer lust east of the lilth line v- inks ing 1 lul u 4 k wookvwu wan homt stummt ware feted at the annual grade eight banquet in brook- villa school eudilorlum on tuesdayevening tha banqual w prepared by tha ladle of si daws pretbytarlan womens assedahon of cempbalhtlle shown in the photo- are teachers mr yrowbrtdge mrs storey end mr outfield end student urry baynlorrrflobert bhth frank bonus mary dennis charles farrier sylvia haneusek bryan howard charles maude denial mcnebb dean moffat kathleen newell unde parchem frances qulllman arthur stekoc david stone carolyn thomson ann nielsen norlena alward jan crisp robert laiby llnda hlller garnet mitchell alan peterson brand ramsay edward hotfaon llnda bllow ronald wstluujunvtlsrl bwairjvurlbuawefggwgedajesinflh hact to tawutht tito was re- mayes christopher mclaren constance mctrach johannes ottertbabaccapisifert m hr fieinhardt wayne stevenson diana storey wilfred una sam belllle mariana inglls brertovu millar lome miller paul nyby banrla pries and leiien traas x v- bjbbjfaahmt flirt a vm

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