jiamtaqpnsi3 the free nm ttwertej am 17 itu june weddi donna rennick ronald arpa wed at knox church adon in apubwrint cei inan rmbm chun aeaaa satunfay turnout june 5 don na una kcaafefc and koaald game arpa were married bv the aev a h mckeiuie sarin rtowerj lad mn daiiba and lent de tht caurca lor the cereakany e a huua puved the or- u and un a h kacscetuie a tnlnltt tlnftinf the wed ding prayer tad o rvrat low yfce bride b uedauhlr of mr and un hen reaakk rjl 4 aetna and u beautician al elizabeth lo beauty saloa acton the grtwm u the urn of mr and mr f arpa ull- the bride won a while hour knglh gown with bodice of chuillly in uly poinl ilnwt and a hoop iklrl of ill organu ever lalfeta with anellque and border of lac her train ul tllk uraania wa bordered with bee and attached al the neck- line with two uaall bow her petal veil wa of tuvaer- tlp leaath and ote carrtad a bouquet of american beauty roue and while carnations in american beauty hadr she was given in marriage by her father matron uf hunur wa rue ann rumauvu who wure yellow and the luo brkleunaid were valerie arpa and laurrnr rcn- aick who wore turquui their ureel length gowni were of nylon organu over talfeta with matching petal vcllt the nut ron of honor carried american beauty rout and while carna tion while the bridesmaid bououcu were oryeuuw and while ihaita chrysanthemum draw aika kue flower girl wa lurl ann uc- claab who was deijd ut a yellow nawe blade uw aaaw at the bride with a mulch lag petal vcit she carried aawr- kaa beauty row and while grooauataa wa fevo arpa brother of the fruom and the uher were wuuaai uccuuu and wavne selrea the men of the weddiag parly wore white lullowing heal ta the reception ceremony wa church bwcrwitu mrv renoick chow lor her daughter aurrlaae a pink ho rn tull with while acueuile lacune ut blue caina- n mr arpa chue a blue lace over taffeta tuil wlih white amataohea and pink carnation later a dinner and dance were held al palermo hall fltiej l iran the couple lelt un a hunrv moon lo niagara fall the bride wearing a white and brown uiil of bourle linen with brown and white accruorie and a corutge uf miniature fretwh variegated carnation the couple arc nuking their home in acton guel alteaded the wedding from milton torunlu thorn hill sheiboumr orangevlur reldalr hamillon cuelph rockwoud orion and acton personal notes servers ihwwn uxtx hrld fur the briijc hcfuix her uvtltllntf frirfuu and ncichbur fathrrrd sfyul public choui for sliower uiv buitu whine and mui janice tuarr nrtd a mucrllat com gaouxt al the humc of mr lola while alton mr v arna and miu valeric arpa held a mlicclunruu thhowcr al ihc home of mrv william utgnnw greenock institute to sell souvenir silver spoons urx e krmfi of elora prtni- tsent of on i re well in ion dulrkt w ut guni nclrr al the june meeting of greenock wi there w need for ireafcr rec ugnilian of uoik of public re i tiont which i in reality all vo men imtltutc uork but uc mul re that it k nine- tenth doing and onetenth tk uig that really cotmli there are ejuayt public rclationi and ue mual ilne to keep them the bci pimvible by ah ay keefiing up uith the timev a nation can riv no higher than lt humca therefore a ut nvcti intitule membcrx uv are untcrned mith making better homih and uc should lake advan tage of the many vhort coure uftervd through eteniun uork of dept of agtkulturv mr kraft alu adxived all to tr to keep mcvung ahe and full of intercut mrv ohti of clora ditrwi vrc- rvlrtreavunrr un alo prrsent at thi meeting along uith one other total gurt1 and 16 memher uunocm cuali urt c ajtcn public re la 1 ion jncner tntruducvd mr kraft and mrv cktic to the meeting and alto gac the motto he ha half the deed done who ha made a beginning rolkv arc prune to ia i cant im not talented that uav thok the dour of opportunily keep doting vrr dav yet thing v like but now tr bevauw uv think uvd tail ma he the thing that uvd do he t if cant ue uould curtail one canntkt mavicr cvrthing oi in all thing ccvl ilut if ued perxcverv with like wed no tkuhi do ihcm uell our uuit like puiv hould be k koi mutncthlng that i haled tor nothing i acvotnpiihed wiuii ihc mmii i irritated were not alt born to geniut or producing work of art yet muti of u dont find our niche because uv do not ttart ilow do 1 knou vu much to ay about vuvh thing a thi i ihould bevauw im from the rank of those uho aid i uih mrv l trenaar mr j mc cullovh and mr a gate ang the old gray bonnet uhich they had alio given a a number the pfrtiou week at the 60 h an nivrary celebration at 0pringe wi mi e rvarvn thanked mrv kraft for her addrc and prcnent ed her uiih a mall gift in appre ciation kecall school dy mr wm butler ua hotc lor the meeting uhich ua held in the etnmgjlmr l trtcr- aar president conducled op ing ciercic and preidcl over the buine period mrv c allan read palm no 39 many whool day remembrancer were brought back uhen each perum anvuered the roll call by reciting a faoritc ere or horf poem correspondence included an in vitation to the wellington county hitoricai society annual meet ing at elora on june 21 safl spnmw silver poon uith a deicn de picting adelaide lloodleu found er of the wi are now available nj a carton of ihcc- are being ordered to offer lor alc by the branch the cuhion made mr a gate which won lirt place in the com petition at the divine l annual meeting ua dlplavd and ad mired by all an evening mcting at the home of mrv george wallace will be held in julv the nureting closed by singing god save the queen aivd tlw in- titulc grace follouvxl by a so cial half hour ocr the tea cupv mrv butler uw uited bv mrv l trienaar and mrv g lelie in ering tvfrrhmentv mrv joshua thumpvon was courtesy conner toths safebuy used cars sm timw topouality fuhy u4rrhorvd can ufer you buy 63 chev bel ajw 4ttoor 42 kujttac sttato chtif 4aw udan 61 chrysler 4joor rurdtorj frank toth motors qnm actow us mo iaaarlaba my mr turvy waluh u pal- ul in gukfiph omtaral uimbiui wrv luli mcbiuw hu hmt vuillttg m hcluiie wova ttculla urv jim wumi of yuiwa haw vulloj wllh mr uul mi frtj ltttu- 6a sunday mr andur ii thtwattnum ol oakvllw viulod lit town un satuftjary mr pauw and her un hav iwiu lro holland to viil with mr and mrv cknnar pauw and i amity 4oter taylor ik uoikiiig vwllh lh0 hurunglon otp jkijulr mrnt taking iratnmg rourc to the ope ration of the tculvnr miv melton lanrtwrt u mak ing a good rvtxheiv al hei luughttfti dora la guelph turn a badly tptaiikxl ankle thre carload uf ladle itvun acton ailetvwd the kdaii milk united chuich tea and bake ale un saturday afternoon a gnuop of young people irom knoa church pent ivrveral day with the rev a ii ucjceiuw at hi cottage al the french hi ver returning wrdncvday mr and mr earl lambert attend the chtilenlng ol their gramldaughler jennifer anne daughter of mr and mr ru- ell arbk of oakvillc mr eva gardner funencr dorothy and donna ol bui hu ell and mrv j robert ol mac- tier uere weekend vlvilor with mr and mr fred lemon and mr and mr j gardner mr pete filipovkh of vul dxr ouehec i- viiiing thi week uith her daughter mt gordon cooper mr cooper and family tcrrv water houc learned he ha uccefully pawed hi firt year in commerce and linaiwe at hamilton institute of tech nology rotarlan and their wive crv iovd dinner and the ovning tuedav al the home of mr and mrv mike sevan klienburg tra wiling by buv bruce andrew ha ucce- fullv pavved hi third year al sc ion hall eau orange new jer kv and i working al bcardmorc co ltd mr and mr cioorgc slater mi nellie gardner and mi lorraine carey of chatham viv ited mr and mr j gardner and mmi on saturday evening theology student michael ben nett i home for the uimmcr at- lr rinlmhing hi fourth lenn at st tvatler seminary london paul bwinetl hi oowkpleldd hi flrwt yagr in art al trent unl vurvity rvleiwttjugh tom enget oa of tht rev and mr owlgiti eaft u a pat- lot in guelph geaeraj hoiui mr uary graluun tvlurnej monday alter two wek with her wothr and other relative al their cottage at elk lake norht uf new ubkcaru mr rofawn mr hooker and mr and mr p perrmn l tended the graveide ervlcc of the late mr g lajarowiu at llolv cto cemetcrv thoinhlll ont laatwdav mt laxaruwlki wimked in aclott al ii k vr lei tile pat i lire- year ill home wa in tuioniu on mondav aitiui wonurn hiktliute enhvixl a hu trip slop included the goodvear fuhhir plant al howmanvtllr dinner at hw lltim dukhinan houmanvllte lihir of nlalu divwlofi ol canadian fiervrrnl elcclrk planl cuhouig dinner at rhe balllmote hotel hv ttw lakt- in cobourg ighlcvlng aiul hoppiiig there uere 4 on llu- tyler but many calls made by ucw unit 2 on june i uc w unit 2 met at the church parlor mrt wilder pln led in prayer and lord prayer in unlton mi cleave led the devotional the slorv of ihc sower fur live miracle of spring and nature go into your garden uivd eiaroiiu a little evd follow it thruuuh ihc eaon and vee god won- drxtu wtifk we alo are od eeil and ulto have a llle cytte memorial wa held for mrv pool- mr heller enl appt- elation it wa deitded ikii lo take either hu trip to honey harbor or to clarkon at tht lime mr lid- kea look over ihc card committee luncheon for a vititing choir and the actiui choir on june 20 was dicued mr shoemaker reported on ihc shut in more took book were old up lo date there have been 195 home call and 19 ho pi la call the meeting reported 1 1 home call and 27 hov pital call a bale for the rail i to be can ned vegetable fruit and pick lev mr engcl howed picture lunch ua convened by mrv lindsav owtuaary c a elliott cyril jlblaer elliott a braok- vule rcstdeal for uw nail 2 yaare nataarf away al oualpb general hoapltal on june 3 air elbott had baea hi for lour week ur eluolt wat born in iluf- fat j year ago where he at tended public school ss lk he married slanche irene ourrle an eeiknloyee uf the counly of llallofl mr elliott wa efillialed with the moffat ueutudit ckuorh e wattke un of wluura g and ellda el- llotl iuneral ervlcc were held in ihe mccerie funeral home on june s rev john tmhrtel of ficiated- interment wa in ihe naugaweva prrvbytertan cem etery plbeuvi ueie hlaii wiion imlr wiimw curka arm hong tjil carglll cliff yuung and atw roufdv uw- tr tiearrrs wetv krn riunam fmllcm vltlor rllloll iamiiixi rutell illhitl camnhrllvllw itxuye cuiik fuiuri end iird finn mlllon he i ufvlvtd liv itli wife blukimt vuii haul of ru i cani4thellvllle ivan ol e4jtge- town ami ilrmi id tmonlo daughter elluflnr ml h millugli of tironlo uarfoitr mr i ui4nery l halllna fad and hulh ann el lumu- and ubter louy tali iuelfrlm t walaruown meile mi wyalll of hamillon and ann mr oun- utn uf frerllon he wa prrdeirawd by bro ther alvln ilm end ituhtrll mtui one un roy all lhint cuiiu- lo him who crow ihc direct wtlrtuut look ing both wayv quality ba products save you money oil auraae fl haa 5 vaara va pay small carryiao cfc gatalirms motor oils trml ftwl ftwiotb stovcoib thompson fuels ltd acton htoni bs33 am hours iujj174 bruces spiders in fourth place in a recenl klwanu k4otlih country darue fetival ia llatini ion jack crokbie team from guelph ilrucek spider placed fourth lat year i hey placed lllh the mark thi year were etceedingly iloe 92 91 and 90 and guelph with 19 lat winter mr cnihic came down fnm guelph to ihe acton y each friday to ins i rue t a group oi girl in scottish country dancing a family picnic will he held at bloru gorge thi coming satur day june 19 about 2 pjn famil- le are atked to take a picnic up- per and there will be tome scot tish country dancing out in ihc open all subject lo good weather uy mr crobie centennial planning is theme for horticultural convenhon canlannui pla will be ihe theme wheel around one ihouv and meiubei of ontario hortl- cultural aiaoe meat june it and l al the oa ualvenlly of guelph guelph local and dlalrlcl soclaike wtll be reenld and will hear a dltlngulhed aanrl of aneakar tell how nwnmer wlong wllh public kfildied till vaetfaay anhance the beauly of ihe tilling in which thu and other i contmunlllee will hold their aelebrallun in 1m flam now and iea a harve ol hjau- iv in centennial year being urged willie horluullurjl fioclallct liave been in euktefue a long a 110 year ii wa not unill iwm llial ihe aoilallofl we formed and ihu ihl i ilic will annual convention and llle atiuul o he held in urlnli there are appmi imamy 4pm m m lua 910 hoiklte ami ihry are cngagad in saddle sale g variety of oeojatu wllh view lo making the world a belter and mora beautiful place la which lo live mat iialetli public planting flower uiow garden compel 1 1 ion nut and photographic lompeulloo tree planilng and promoliun of tlean- up campaign are imji a lew tf lite many endeavor of llortuuliural hoclelle whkh lluullul in ell part of ontario one ol ihc fralure of lie cv enl will be i lie punllng ol ruw royally era ira which wa sam t d far hontaev lural sodetih and which will ha made available for ihe tint gener- al planting in ranlannltl year approvadl county council tueaday ap proved the anooinlnvmliof jack crelghion to the public uhool lonuiliaiive coramlltee and claude tiok lo ihe north helton high uhoo dittrkl con- uillallvc conumilee bmuth alxplhwosi bmusm jummno armv whtirm ropta param amb pony laroa salartion spaciel price i haltar bridle and blanket writ for frae datcription shaaf paitsuawn miuaoi station oraagevllu 41 broadway area code 5i 94iim0 17 good uasons toiuva niw volkswaotn i all kimtuii llgllac 2 4 jurd iraiimltuhliatt vuhfnled ini till 4 gcii j hviicf tnutum 4 nlinhlo iu liaffu 1 m iiu h tile iu umtgar utir alltd mad t ul iu i a lou gh tfjiujinpiuffi u iiiiu per gnlum 7 i- mi l huahrl 44lh indivulualty ailuled 9 iw utptd uimmi 10 shaip- giiid litriflrt alyting user ltei 11 4 timit 4jf rminl 12- llectrk slptik i wiruisliuld vihi 14 wlfmtshbld u4lri 1 pettulrd tun siwii la 2 tir rim i lis 17 ouutanding quality no dwi rlyifpmf i if crwjt kmuv4i rua niicc si 730 inimhhata muvtbv puza motors 8783962 miiton piaza frid a hoffmqh optomatriit ta 42071 uitaiaaiuqmm 19yrs give father a treat shop for him at paul nielsens clothing acton 374 mm st is32u0 short ukvto shirts lw to 4oo s tnvunf ss cotton casual pants 598 mens ties 150 to 200 i imnvton squall jacketss598 dtof in now and choosejrjte skoal 6iirorsiaai6 inttgnt intiahation a cornprauor it ouuida coornrj unit intlda quia as a whisper inn frigidaire room air conditioners manning appliances 54 mill st e acton 8532950 whan you turn 19 youra no lonjar cov- rad by your paranlt hotpila insurance to keep insured you must take out indi vidual membership within 30 days cat your application form at a bank a hospital or from the commis sion newly wed the family hospital insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wile notify your group without de lay or if you both pay premiums direct noti fy the commission new job to keep insured follow the instructions on the hospital insurance certificate of payment form 104 that your present employer is required to give you- on leaving your ontario hospital insurance plan extra special ioc canned pop itvor tins 12 for 69c check our handbill for many more instore specials be sure to visit our meat counter for topquality meat cut the way you uke priratreffmliv jinw 16 17 18 19 w ksstrva lis rm e uri few