ivfi ftown of acton auditors report tom foster committee chairman for halton centennial project p dafwmi of ica kkmi a have r aa aiaaslaailial of the books and accounts of s of actoa sad it axeorisled board aad coibaskssions for r eaded dnhcr ii i4 our namlahlnd ku been coo- la wwkw with tlw mkhtkjg laaiwtjcam of the de- of miarmfi- affair and than is attached rum p the staleaeil of kavanua i expeodlrnre tv show tlilj wi the years tyeeatimva of suaesjj a detailed conkper- i otstaab aad kaake from um bud figures u attached towing t gas the sxarphet occurred al the vssd of v um tom of aetna had loan of tatlmum caditiartfamj thai osoaey has heed uai hy liu town ad roads advaacad so um acton district tuga sdsaal to provide toads for a new man school addition bshaatara or this addition wid bs issued la 15 aad tfm ad repaid the towa has alas eurd lalo aa swrsnasamai to purchase laad for industrial purpose and al december si 144 had mad a jagill of iijdoojh oa ths laad approval has fee obtained for a hat of deeestturee for this purpose aad debentures la the of yrfflw an to be luuad dated dooembec si 164 halloa coaaty adtj b compet ing la ths panaataad liainiii meal cenanlal project under the i of ths aaltoa fed eration of agriculture at ths monthly federation meeting oa thursday june 10 at ths agricul tural office milton this project was disctatsed the toilowkeg eom- atltled was lonaed chairman tout poster jl 3 caaaamttvule w j nlehod kjl 2 cernpbeuvu- chester early crwig utii ckmks arnhnnmry at cmirtl ht b assoc exalltatoete ovamaoaf we hereby report thai ia our opteloa l the ftaamoul iraasactioas which have come under our aouos have bsaa withl- um powers of the munlclpestly j the audit has beert conducted h accordance with the taaiructluna of ths daoartawal of m affairs i ths flaaacial sleleftienis present fairly the financial poaj- lion of the municipality as at december si ims aad the mulls of he oparitlnnt for ths year aadad oa that dale lever irosln c11agnon sv maccillivrav license number jsso town of acton capital and loan fund balance sheet dccemsh 3 1 t 1944 assifs oaaoral hied as per schedule ii smjium work in progress high school addition 20163x61 dim from schools for debentures public aad continuation 415012 si collegiate and high 2omi3j0 due from utilities and other municipal enterprises for debentures waler supply system 22312- biactrlc light and power hu0m s4ioi2j4 due from other municipalities fur deben tures assumed schedule 2 475030 cash 630i32 les9j240 liabilities debenture debt luucd and unmatured general other se3mo00 36590000 school public and continuation 4w4000s collegiate and high iis00o00 32240000 public utilities and other municipal enterprises water supply svmern i2sju0w elcclric ughl and power 00f 17343000 total 106175000 due to other municipalities f d l vhml 1 l8n hhec tons term debt specify due to ontario waler resources commission mslurlnj oct si 1w2 and ha1na a variable interest rale im4 s7sh im332j4 temporary loans from bank re high school addition 20170000 other liabilities speciry unexpended portion of water and general debenture debt 4440m investment in capital assets 2slli 1 459124 w note guarantees ur contingent uabilitles schedule 16 central ontario cattle fetod- ln assodauoa celebrated its 25th anniversary friday rvenlng june 4 at maple with a program aimed at honoring ls founders chairman for the twilight meet ing was craig held of mlllon president of the association cuesi speaker was w p watson now aeineral manager of toma tos royal winter fair mr wat son was aiililsnt livestock com missioner for ontario in 143 and played an important part in help ing lo organise and scl up the breading unit other special speakers were g w keller turn president of the association w m cockburn who was york coun ty agricultural representative in ims and dr c c reeds first employee now manager of cocba the guests of honor were the breeders who had joined the as- soclstion in lis founding year they were provided with color ful ribbons distinguishing them as 1943 me and were hon ored by several of the speakers mspie cattle breeders atsuua- liun it was known in 143 bad ii members by the end of that year must of them within the licenses ami permit imlmlc ilog tat inlerrm tax penalties etc other revenue rent cutwcssiuiu ami lyan- chivc fine service charyc ambulance recrvation am community si i town of acton revenue fund balance sheet dccemdcr 3 hi 1964 assets cash on hand 20000 cash in bank im32j4 uos2j4 accounts receivable sundry 100325 due from province of ontario iwot49 ioov25 due trorn othermuntcipautes due from schools due from other local boards and commissions tprvifv recreation committee 2ii3ji hydro electric power comm 240ass parks board 10js 72405 93907 2j4679 taxes receivable schedule 3 3tfims less allowance for uncollectible taxes schedule 13i6j9 property aoquired for taxes schedule e other assets deferred charges other deposit on industrial land development i0do00 total assets 244139 ttojj 5447 uauuttes accounts payable transient traders- f debentures and coupons due tntrt kdius si340 104j3 due to province of ontario doe to other munlcipahiies i due to other local board and commissions speciry water department l6fcs9w hydra electric power coram 1mm4 mj other uabiliu 0oslts on town land reserves schedule i surplus form c 5sj 25us2 16157 lltwla imocob u1w 14auts tjoul tralhsnand surplus 70jbt2j5 rjl i raorval tom ajderaoa k- r i horoby this project it designed la eav eeauaae fssrasers i clraa up dressup and paiasajp their pro- ealsae lor the acton fte proas thorsday jon 1rh ivos wife sons rejoin father home ready m georgetown it jail radius of svtapw that had marked the original boundary of the service area by the end of last year id contrast oocba membership ssberad lljtm re- preaentiag nine counties of cen tral ontario aslus severs north ern ontario districts cows serviced have shown a cor responding increase from 761 in 1945 to 114741 in 144 preshly painted barns and care fully groomed bulls were inspect ed prior to the program by cocba rorrnbers and guests alao on display was storage equipment used for holding semen at a temp- eralura of minus 326 degees fsr- enhell thu lesaperalure guaran tees safety for long term storage to illustrate just how long this semen can be stored a calf was horn at the ontario agricultural college late last year a result of breeding with semen irusen in 133 following the meeting lunch was provided by the asujciatlun with long lime members repre- sentsllvcs of breeding urgsnua- liont breeding assuclatiuns and other agricultural groups taking the opportunity to renew old ac quaintances party bs preparation centennial it also is lo provide a centeaalal project in which rur al people will becoeae personally judges will be tppotalcd lo in spect the farms this fall the im provements are to be made next year with the final lanwlkm in 16 winners will be choseu eat she amount aad type of i menls in the appearance ia their farmstead the ontario department of agriculture provides a grant to each county taking part in ihlt competition based upon the num ber uf entries the grant ranges from 6 to i per entry with the maximum grant of ttjoo in eounly the tlallon county far rrs will receive further informa tion in the nr future on this pro- led- cu4kmsu town of acton statement of revenue and expenditure for the year inwd dcccmbm 3 1944 revenue total revenue from taxation schedule s longterm debt chargt- rcemrrablc schedule 121 cuntribulinnt grants and subsidies government welfare aklancc highway improvement pulice and fire share of liquur licenw fees unconditional per capita grants actual a 1 33401 budget 47i671j2 7431 ii 2190769 52100 1059 m 793o463 73a17j4 ijo000 9o5oo0 32100 1000 00 i2m640 oilier munkipalllies cuunly uf llaltnn goeittntent enterprises canada lieu uf tax ontario lcbo in lieu if lac 3079115 1244640 anniversary party held at toronto y mr and mrs r l davidum and mr and mrs w ii thump- ton aclun accompanied by mr and mrs arthur griffin mrs tressa kreier and mr and mrs howard mrarthur of erin si irrhled the 33th wedding annlver- sry uf mr and mrs jack den lev of toronto on sunday june 20 which was held al the ywca st dundes and st john st mr and mrs archie kerr sod robert were at their collage at fenelon falls on the weekend and entertained mr and mrs pox uf rockwood mr and mrs den- ion mccarol of colllngwond alto mr and mrs murray mcmillan harry and wsln of caislor centre mr and mrs bob mcchi and family of orion visited with mr and mrs ron saunders on sun day mr ami mrs john near villi cd un sunday with mrs ethel frryufcun of georgetown mr and mrs j w juhnilon of brampton viiiled on sunday with his aunt and uncle mr and mrs charles binnle mr and mrs charles binnic at tended the funeral of mrs george foster of georgetown on mo jo ksorovssl was reunited with hi wife and and eons ivan and martian last week when they ar rived by plane from kakivac vugs slavia joe has been living with his uncle and html mr and mrs joe rice since he emigrat ed we hope the family will be hap py id their new home which was ready in georgetown r and mrs earl scull of nobleion visited the roughleys a k ago ha negrs congratulation 10 our lime- house public school principal eric balklnd who earned hit b a degree at western unvciitv i ihlt vprtng mr and mrs john glvna allrnd ed the nurses graduation ol mi artene whalen uf truut creek at kingston un june 7 m yaare ow birthday greelingt lu mn an gut mcdoiuild of ditlkv vuioyn who wat 14 early in june and lo mrs a wakkavm7wa 71 latl week mr and mrs ilea iferrlttttim little daughter wat hotpllahrd al orangevillr for a few dayt latl week with an ear infection the umrhuute prettiylrrian wms met al the home ol mrt iurdon boulh un wednrtday rvr nlng with vice president mrs roughly in the chair ears a w benton read scrip ture from acts and mrs gleby led in prayer mrs sanford cover ed the study chapter concerning ihe advances uf foreign mission vork in ihe orient test word goud wat antwered in a verse of scripture the ladies atked to gather their good used clothing for a bale for toraato the hostess served a tasty hascfa after the meeting congratuiitions to mr bill co- boon who passed his final year in medicine at university of tor onto he recently returned from a holiday at far as alaska mr shirley walton and the lloyd mceneryt vitited mr and mrs wiay wattun in grimsby od j sunday carolms fhwtr garde ship commit uni op uottttmv stock a oajrotemno raaath smlavs mucnanh trnnuxth fresh cut flowers always available riowfns wiprd anywhcre phoni ess 79130 anytime twn uayt a week 8 00 a 11 dsik vitt ut fodayl 2 miui waal af aesaa taoth tide af frghway corn club debates on soil fertilizing president rill alexander open ed the second regular nvreling i ihe 411 corn club with secretary murray harris giving ihe mlnulrt of ihe latl meeting associate agricultural rrpii-ten- ative doug mcdonnell club lead er bill wilson and ihe new agri cultural associate john lockburn led a dlscuttion tin toil frrlllii- ing the talk dealt with soil frr- lilily and the types and amounti uf fertiluer lu apply fur dillcrenl tull conditions club membert were alwi infor med uf the individual collection and mounting uf ten common weedt to be exhibited on achieve ment day al mlllon lalr 44444 464461 4644 61 115100 99602 j 1 5x00 9902 2a2200 201607 1571x 2mi61 24000 275000 100000 255000 ij0000 2h500 250000 30000 -ij- mitcellancout pevify sundry poll tax township tlandby deferred expense 1ji99 19000 1400 00 1459 g71211 29453 tvtxtnr 600000 25000 1 40000 grots total revenue 61740a 61471344 surplus irum prior yours used to icducc levy 900092 900292 tulal revenue scctiun 64604140 621j14v36 expenditure general goiemmrnl executive aiul lccivlathc 569o0o administrative 1971402 other i29ioas pmtcction to rersoiis uul pioocrty fire g43709 police 3ivw96 street uhlim 9ji997j other specify llwliant rental 4950110 actual uwlget public works riuds iliftiwivs ami streils sanitation aiul waste removal conservation uf health social welfare schedule 10 welfare assistance 970214 5jui507 54ji267g 5l4fm37 1416701 242017 600000 2017000 407is0 95ki95 3130x00 1000000 493000 1793000 i3o0ooo 243000 education including debt charces schedule 9 v recreation and community services debt charges loneterm debt charges schedule ii 2o094ol2 less own share of school debt charges t 970214 1200000 22h1 1642 3003744 2267104 300031 shortterm interest and other charges 7e6226ll i24j2j5i 202704j3 7677934 9s743 taxes written off instilulional and public utility deficits and levies provided specily charges tor local improvc- m d recovered in revenue frotw tautioti 552j6 i2soh094 40844 140000 40000 joint or special expenditures county rates 407420s provision for allowances reserves and re- serve funds schedule t and form g gross total expenditure surplus for the year i total lixjteodiiure section sxtm 407420a 404a4j7 1030000 iojoujm 63li34j7 ujms3 63918j 646- rol36 hmwstkg hey ntw ykudmfrim 64 halloa coualy fat s are sow busy lurvealsag the hay crop this yea r oaly apareajasalaly risemhlre as high aa fat 144 the exces sive whsler kllflag c with the prejeagad dry wr r haa umltad the yteul by cutting ihe bay al the late bud atsga before uaoas occurs the faeeag value af the hay will be higher thaa al aay other stage of maturity the averegea of three years af trtela al the ontario agricultural college sas lite ary saeine r eea whan alfalfa b cut al ihe early bud slagfe s4t4 tba rnaspar ad lo easataalh uoaas ti44 ma aad full flower al4 tba the astasias dry bsaller la also auperlar far the early cut hay bud atage harveatlag per mitted three cutlbsgs a year wharaas esdy two cuttings rroas the other biota h s hoidcn oattnytrrst 34 cork 8l eaal cuelph phoas ta stin ihtaeka u304s hssat ksya tu 1 1 i snuu uke ta vae acua r r vi i vi sbeaey ease ye acsta rraa mfvut eut esiawa sad i oeut m dc wservsas babaaaabaakasal i- i im reaa- people buv ihe frre prrw to read and read ihe free prett to buy flexible talk about nctiblcl at tltr ton 5mn thrirt vtmrthlng tu oil rny in i iinii lutury tuitrt nimiiriii al mmhi ifnr ami cjn e in uic alaim latili- or vnack in the alklln c alctillj nest time rnoy or vlay in toronto morg at ilia lord simcoe hotel ijo kinq m vrl 1 1 i i llfl8 grampa just one more crajawr b ajwaytt rvlieljtej to read jtut one fat its tmt peulil wnf lrl itittirvm grampa and pawafcjiuci ha can giv gwaxttil uixarg arjou tser jmt stle a tribi tafataa saa ylitttaal hi affa4 to sonic after inannia yaystvlasly he mchnt aor casstire utt big wislsea and ejaaardastemulmeanxedorjt caum fa eoo ad let us kelp ton pit- jots estate veil bo liviiaful in idliiilitri 7tmr surrf ttitt -ti- r ajgajytje it wh i ajdtsaw sslivnmtaa aafaisliam 1 a attmfaaaial atgiaiyssrsbe hmut0h tmust savinos commnv ha- ofheat oaecvflta is qhuivh stvatcie asjwimteebrlqiaaaaste4sl1 sss main stttlt fewton lornt skuce mgr- r convenient office hour men w thtirs 00 5q0 fridays hi 630 juas v stei