Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1965, p. 1

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jbftss yro s3 acton owabio thubsoay june 34 1965 w a hd fwy i twajtfa tan cant w9 fxcs 7vsmv0v ntuhq to iiftr tjw tea pnwwd rabid m mt acta l uf rkmr wm ataslad tueulay ol last week al the firm home of u u calm jul 2 aeloa one wt later killed oa the highway sy vehicle ud the other dliap- i into the bush lira clarence cole noticed the two utlmb wilklnj up the line toward the houu and became l antud the family dot mlm at lack them she attempted to aeare them away but one walked ub oalo the verandah ol the fcinur and the other into the btuh air colei raanaaed lo call oil the dog bdorc ll came into contact w4tb the loxe a lew mlnulea lator the aw hi one of the tone lying at the aide of the road dead she called local veterinarian dr frank oake who called the federal health of ant malt office in brampton to re port ihe incident hr cole wa nia by ihe brampton of flee and told to bury the dead fan the bnt day m m colo went lo hit other farm on ihe fourth line and noticed a lo around ihc building 1 1 alio disappeared inlo the butk or oake reported wednesday morning the brampton branch ha o many call regarding vu peeled rabid animal ll 1 impoi trblc lo pick up every dead one unlet ii ha come into direct con tail with a human or any other animal aamw a ra it 150 playground applications 75 received for swim classes the number ol children regis tered for the puygraund pro gram and awimmlng itnumk has taurprtaed recreation director liar rfta roe he already has 150 ap- plkattons for use playground and 73 for swimming registration form were distributed and com plated form returned through the cooperations of the sehools deadline u june 17 there it still time to register the forms muit now be mailed or brought to ihc community centre curing the two weeks prcced- tog the program opening on july s the leaden will he getting eoilpmenl in ukanc ai well as ar ranging the program they arc receiving in ruction in camp operated by the recreation dir ectors association of west ccn tfal ontario moat of the playground leader will be attending a course at paradise lake near st clements mlu donna landsborough ha attended this course lor the past two yean and is now eligible to attend advanced leaden oourw being held at the album hills conservation school irom june 39tom ac ion leaden at paradise lake from june 23 to 21 will be jo- marie matxhmcnt lois kirk wood barbara nicola k cave it uanhall and linda ralston leaden for ihe swimming pro gram will attend a red cross leadcratrol course operated b promotions nasi wk frae prau wtulu from botk the m x sen- ad bebarl luua public irlmnli due to the july i holiday law paper will ba pub- ill watbtaaday aftamoon june mrlfcar thaa thuraday ikt fraa praia plant and of fice will be cloaaa friday july 2 the kitchener fuxrcatiun com mittcc at ihe new brvilhaupl community centre thev are uarv lou perry and stephen dubott and the courtc law from june 2j lo june 26 parrntt who arc availjbu an lime in the afternoon and who could aihl with the plauround program arc alcd toconiact llarrik roc grwdespapib at about 120 grade eight students were introduced to the high school stdents tuesday morning thry came from the two acton public schools limehuuve spey- side and brook vi lie for their oriental ion brlore beginning hioh school in september principal hansen and nest years viceprincipal joseph bra soar itmi ejuav amitrcam hootootfts pounded out storm saturday at the eramota carnival parade in rock wood the youngsters attracted plenty of attention with tlveir music and en- tics ven the pooch seated in front appears to be interested in tha muix broc logan play ed ihe comb wrapped m paper stavan webster ihe accordon david cox the wash board whila larry logan dressed as a gal sat and rocked and george crab tree spent most of his time indoors peeking out ihe window more pictures and news from cock wood inside debate arena storage tennis courts name man to recreation committee suggestions from the building i siagr ihe liom built for the committee lor a storage building round up shov a suggestion adjacent to the community hv rxxrvalion dinrclor harris welcomed i hem bill coat was i ccolnt werv fully divcuwed all hoe lo lavhion the new boxes m in charge of ihc oriental tun div thuntuy meeting ol acton re- ihev could obmiv he converted committee with different leach- crcalion committee the matter inlo a platform i x 20 lect was en explaining dillcrcnl facets of i o tossed around lor sug- endorsed high school education to ihem gestlons for the past couple of further discussions with the 11 tflh school prefects conducted v ano building chairman uons club committee who aglhockey clinic run by the can groups ihruugh ihc school thcfc cook wa- getting impair reed to replace the boxes as theyjduin amateur jiockey assoc recommended uniform dress was wiln lnc delav were uill result cost ol the 910 registration fee is refund- rnoucllcd for ihc newcomers and vc ve got lo gel going or we pmi uill be shared with thcablc h the course is completed rue was instructed to get the krss for the booth from mr hatch since the lease had expir ed hockey clinic mr roe in his report rcc orn mended the committee con sider sending someone to the foresee new fire truck by 66 em0 grants to cut cost ihev were told it is hoped slu j xa ill never gel ihc building done dents vstll wear m beginning this b ihe lall mr cook reminded all the committee tquipment has milk and cookies were sersed been piling up but theie has lo the interested vtsmors the been no suitable place lo store oncnlation program lkgan mi it 1960 continuing since date of hearing setfarahttou dr frank oakrs one of two council mernbers on the commit lee lold the meeting lc got confidence in ihc men on the building committee tell them lions if agreement is reached successful i v mr rue recom- rt local courta inended someone be sent who the committee instructed the i could pass ihc information on lo secrciurs to send a letter to coaches and players when he rc- coutkii adsising the question of i turns so liable candidates were rdikaiing the tennis courts was discussed but selection was left out ol the committees hands i lu the program committee responsibility alls on parks mr roe uas also given appro- ijoarcl sal to run a hockey clinic in ihc ikjutmorc and co ollicials all community programme continued thes would cooper- branch will suppls the mtmev a new fire truck and a lawn mower took priority on couneds agenda tuesday night at mem- ben thoroughly discussed the tuo hems until tin ii pni dead line providing a lew inuuu adjust illeiils can tie made ptutrwlsr and providing artpioval is yi anted by ihe lnveryciuy mvavuics organ ualmhi ac liu i lie if all may liouse amllur new tixick next ear tuesday csentng il was learned during i lie no 2 committee re port tin r- irndri lvd ikxii re ceived irom manulac lure is ol lirr ejutmncnl on icxurniru rvda hon of ihe lot il vttv chief muk holmes and llu- in marsltal s office 11 was tentatively agrrcxl 10 eiepl lite itiuki liuni airvrr kan marsh lire tioik conivanv for a new unit prued in tlie iklgh horhtmul ol u2ms kvv h h 1 1 in ion opposed muring into an agreement with llu company lor i lie purchase of ihe ituc k providing ttw l m uppiovc i ik purctcjse a granl ol 4s per cent on tuooo ol um anuminl will tc paid bv i mo inslalla turn ol radio equipment in ttic inut al 7q0 is ulso nt titling ajy proval of i mo wlto will jvav a grant ol 4 per nut of this cost as well one sihiijihii nnmscd is that in the event ol an cmcr gency 1ik- hie tiucks tan be pressed inlo setsice by the organ iation crast on radio reeve ii if 11 in ton pointed ool lhal i mo liad provided a 40 pel cent grant on the cost ol in stalling all lire truck radios throughout llallon or iginjllv he poinled mii ik remaining 10 per cenl had been picked up by coun i tv council mr ilinlon pressed lor lurlher investigation lu sec ll live imintv would pick up ihc lab lor the remaining 55 per cent on both the purchase of the new truck and installation of a radio councils decision lo acquire l ik ladio was withticld pending this investigation authorization during the report ol no i com mil lee bv reeve it in ion it was noted ihe committee had object ed lo ihe purchase of a new lawn mower for use at ihe cemetery before authorization had been re- dry dry dry ale in relocating the present mrs a onbest tj thy put a meeting was held june fl at the home ol mn a orr vet ran mem be i ul the dccoiation bay committee tu discuss pus aiblc improvements in the pro- ctmlurv ul the cia lor next wui the election ol ul t icei s iv aiiltod in no chaitman being ap nuliiled lo ivplace at- 1 1 w in fan cioiekin curne uccvpled the secretarss rvsponsibi lilies and mrs george haigruvc con tlnued as treusuror it was re ported that 17v giavcs had been decorated on june 6 suggestions were nude tu lnie the parade pass ihc cenotaph next scar and to alter the position ol the plat form in the park ul lulricw ccnveieiv mrs a on has ixvn xccie- tury ten live it wars the decor at ion das has been in opeiation clcsvn organ uat ions sponsor the event and present exccuiiv members who resigned i eel the posit lotu should change the last week ol apul 14 a meeting will be called to ar range lor the decoration das uexl vcar egohead lesiuipmcm on the mill su courls the commitlcv has been in to a v uuton s apphlion lucajincxa vestigatmg pricr lor a cement uhnt ts there besides nets ton of lands that would triple block building in the north west askcd member ah irwin the sie ol the town will be heard corner or the commumtv ccnirr i chairman hugh patterson bv the ontario municipal board tentative plans have also been there are swich panels lights on september jo an application suggested lor another entrance screens etc lis up lo the parks heard in october 1963 was follow icemaking equipment board to hnd facilities now ctl bs an interim decision in feb convertible section new v on board nwrv lm calling lor lurlher the building chairman also commit lee members named dv i lamiliamcd members with dts- chatlic perrv to till the vacatv this ikw hearing will he an en cussions his committee have been tx treated bv j bert woods r tnxlv new application to annex having with the lions club for irom town mr perrvs 2j00 acres from oakville and 650 replacing ihe plavers benches namo w1 be submitted to xoun- acies irom lsquesing i lorn out tu make was lor the v lor approval i discussionol methods lo col lect jim rental lor the booth in i the community centre uwing j hrhihi serial suygcsituns ih eluding seiin hood ovxr thc- sluve kn love ii opposed any iciion ol ihis ivpe the conccv- ctvijavkm awhmmey mtftm at kk smby lareest cfowutti kcl servatuut areas thivevear hiv tors an estimated 5000 to 00t filled the park ivcar milton heights on the weekend sun- day- 931 ar drivers paid oditus- tcloti there were 600 boy scouts camping there a drowning tragedy was avert t ed when artificial rckpiratlon re pay instructors only cost to the sommiuce wxxild be lor rcg istration and advertising lacraaee time a request from minor lacrosse head barrv inscoe for additional lime on wednesday night lor the lac i os se program was cnihusias ticallv endorsed bv member john gov ll ihev can use wednesdays lets twlp ihem said mr gov some div ihev miy cany tliemselves i mr roe acquainted the com 1 mi t tee with his plans lor the summer plavgrmmd and advised he had attended a seminar on swimmming pools tho committee aulhoiixcd luvment of financial statement niimbei six totalling jaw 69 chanman hugh paitcrson p re ceived wording of the commit tee revximmendation to have the committee invesiigate and auth orise before cvrtarvtc works are pruexceied with drew an ithsrc tiori from councillor rav arbic acquainted with the situation in who obected to the terininologv used allliough he agreed in es sence with the meaning of ihc suggestion latst years touruil had budgeted lor a new lawn mower and it lead been purchas ed by the clerk reeve hwtlon slated hiv ccmrt- millre should investigate and ap prove work programs and espend itures hefurr any actum is taken bv ihc town force he claimed ileal in the past too many dec is tons fell on ihe shoulders of ihe siail and ihc committee should i a lie nwr responsibility i am not titing v ritual of live staff lor ttulr actiofis he stressed procaid ea owa councillor arbic slated that all imincil commit lees depend on ttw ilrrk lu carry out business and argued against the trrmuwtj- ogv used certain works as ihis was not til for any man or dog lo follow they have lo have spe cific instructions he slated cr mn george fryrr said this is undennining ihe clerk in bis work he cant come running lo us or every little thing les duby noted there wen certain areas where the clerk could pro ceed on hiown without notifying council before taking any action deputy reeve roy goodwin said the clerk was being paid in tlve neighburhood o f 16000 and should have enough common sense tu make necessary expendi lures i the mayor reminded council il had been policy in past to re place lawn mowers in order not lo hold up ihe work and said a new mower had been budgeted for and the clerk was only following past procedure mr arbic staled he wjs not clear on what no 1 committee were living to do aivd wonder it the clerk was supposed lo run to the committee when he requir ed a dozen pencils he also slat said it was not always convenient or possible for the chairman or memben of tome committees to be present when some decisions are to be mad and ihe clerk it order to carry out instructions the mayor uaicd if the policy suggested was carried out the offke staff and work force could approach counts lor every ittru thing thes men should he cap able of working on their own init iative stressed councillor arbic llouday friday town workmen and office staff will observe dominion day holi day frtday m place of thursday in kreping with several industries gartuge collection hat been al tered lor this week and an adver tisement appears elsewhere in ihis week s issue of the free prvs regarding i lie change council also endorsed a resolution pro posed bv the town of whitby to petition tin- provincial govern ment to asnume all educational costs in the province approved ihe appointment ol gordon harding to parks board lo replace alex beet not f who ruatgned approved live appointment of c w perry lo live recreation commiuee to replace j bert wood who resigned agreed to support the ap pointment ol a county assess ment commissioner at county council level agreed to have assessor william lrvkine enroll in his final year of assessors course and reimburse him expenses on suc cessful completion lstablished council meeting dales for months of july and au gust lor the holiday period july 13 and august 10 authorized transfer of kens taxi license lo i leldgalc invest ments with peter buuwman as manager approved accounts for pay ment totalling 716 17 present lor the meeting ware mayor les duby reeve bart h us ed the clerk was working fur the i loo deputy reeve roy goodwin enure council and not ooe per councillors mrs george fryer son or one committee and was ol j dr frank oakes ray arbic ro ihe opinion the policy might do bcrt dnnkwalicr ab irwin and more harm than good he also bill williams drought ala farmers rain to date 46 inches sinmiiu isked ihe committee to sided lor llu two hour meeting tikc the liendilis machine in with committee members c lieu ot pivmcnl owing but i lie took a irwin i oakes ii ol committee ivieeted th idea at tcioctn l lovell g james j tin ltst meeting gov and sccrvtiiy o coullrup kcci cat ion diicctor harris in attendatue call special meeting j two zoning amendments approved board learns i planning board thursday night ot last week wound up last min ute details un the new proposed zoning hv law for presentation to council and will request a special council meeting lor its presentation tuesday june 29 tucsdiv night aclun council an- proved this date olid the tuning bv law will be discussed at this i 111ik william knight voting in ac cord were dave manes wes ma- sales brie johnston ro good win and robert drinkw alter change approved notice was received from the minister of municipal affairs that the amendment to the offic ial plan to allow toning changes at the acton farm supplv and kite ul live proposed centennial it wa noted dining ihc plan- library had been gfanled i ning boat j meeting that signs j had not been dealt with in the j proposed bylaw the sccrctarv vva asked to check with the 1 mas- ciiai m x s404ctt schod copped the john weldon imperial oil trophy wedrvatday during the intertchool field day ageintl the robert little whool top point oelrert admire vlved flvwyyatrnld trttql i t trophy along with teetfter ed leelherund front are tsf oajcvlue pulled imccvniclout howard coullrup end lynn dunn beck left t- danny from the lapjjowucilics pool mclennan end mr leatherland riohf the appearance of no tblgji way at the eastern entrsusee to icwtt has rhassgad git a t aa planning consultants to see if t ihis- item should be included in the bvuw or covered under a separate townbvlaw governttva all signs as recommended by- council ho the wj ana arriv- prcviously the board jgreed to al of paving cqn hea beess send notices of any proposed delayed yesterday ll waa change to the toning bylaw or tisought likely use pavusg would official plan to all resident within a kwjoot raduiolljit pqvino de proposed change opposing this were diairniaoaklo brflida and the heal it cussgs to the w luavaa above the ahfeef evthe meate wmshk 1st fanners m ihc acton aiva are praving lor ram as they lace mic ol live most serious periods of t e 2m inches of nun and lu date diought in main eais to dale i we have onl had 4a inches this month only 4o inches ol on june 1 20 inches tell and ram have fallen in this area the follow ingdiv 07 was record the last substantial rain fell ed on june 5 the local bureau may 16 amounting lo 47 inches i at crewsons corners which is tp until june i no ram lall has operated bv waller lock record- been reported bs live local bureau led 01 of an inch lor the meteorology air services last thursday the sudden cloud lor the department o transport ihuist mingled wilh hail brought below average j is of an inch of rain and wed mi lisk ivpoiicd that up until nesilavs rain as recorded at 01 mas the aiea had an almost nor ol an inch to make a meagre n ii i amount of ram in comnni total n 4o inches of rain loi the min with the past two eirs but month lot i i mp lime avsiage we should in spn of the lilite taut live have had 2 uk lies mav instead we had i m imbes i llu month ol mav and the same tltc long time average lor june lo date thtv month meanwhile farmers are literally praving tor rain as some hay and pastmage arc almost ruined and wgelables cereal crops and fruit i ices are showing signs of the drought some have gone into expensive irrigation systems to keep crops watered especially strawberry growers last nights welcome rain knocks these figuies into a cock ed hat as they were compiled at of noon wednesday shortly a ter six it literally poured every one enjoyed the rain especially the farmers it was wonderful i tain lor i thunderstorms wetv ttvurdcd lor and much needed oni hotsc yownt not by e long thotl acton km utt become tsvyhorie town acton jersey dairy now has two horse drewlno mllkweoong don tlnvplrvfts tpurrsaed hse second hone tome time ecjo end liftsbeen tramlrvg ll tjrse wmite last week it betjin and look to the route like e vjeteren left u weir the familiar oey mere end right u her new perhser tony wlfn them ere driven barry staple ton end phillip drytdei l

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