Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1965, p. 7

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ife- tk acton fn prats sunday july 39 1065 bom hawkins to mr and urs david hawkins ijjb poplar ave aclon daughter jennif er lynn on july iwt ims l guetpli ceawvl hospital f 1 died iiergnsberger al the hos pital or sick children on sun day july 25 14j stephen frwlsrsck in hi tlihlh year an of llarry and lillian her- eniberfer at r r j mlllon and dear brother of andrea hasting at the utkcrilc pun era home private funeral on tuesday july 77 interment in e cemetery saxe on thunday july 21 ims at the doctor hospital morris sau of 4 elmridfe drive toronto locmrriy of acton husband of the late dora saae loving father of mr m flchman mine ul hew york mr s glnsburg pearl percy same of george town mr m fleuhman leo- na of toronto and the lale david sau brother of mr s kcrlovsky li alto survlv- ed by 10 grandchildren and 2 gnat g ranchlldren funeral service wbi held un friday jury u from the beth tsadsc synagogue toronto in urroent dawes rd cemetery cards of thanks i wish to thank mv friend and neighbor for the flower cards and kind inquiries while in hov pita and since my return home a51913 nelon andcron my sincere thank for cards utters gifts enquinc and all the lovely flower i received while a patient in queen ellis- selh hoipital thce will al ways be gratefully remembered ida kellls a5897 we would like to express our sincere thanks to relative fri ends and neighbors lor their many acts of kindness beautiful 4 iftas a expression of sympathy during thec days of sorrow special thank to vims and dr ilebcnck mr emily mcdonald and family a5nj i would like to express my thanks to relative and friends for their lovely flowers rills cards and visit also many thanks to dr t- brian moore and dr john d proud he nurs es and aides during my slay in the guelph general hospital again many thanks 31914 hulda johnston we would like to take this op portunity of thanking our rel atives and many friends and neighbor who gave u many f lifts and flowers and manv love- y cards on the occasion ot our soth wedding anniversary their kind expression of best wishes will never be lorgoiicn miny thanks to all annie and fred kiniismill a5i911 i would like lo express niv thanks to relatives and iriciuls for their lovely llowcrs gilts cards and visit also my thanks to the nursing stall of the sec ond floor of general hospital guelph dr brewster and dr moore during my stay in hos pital special ttiank to rev and mrs gammon their kindnesses will always- he remembered a31k4 mr garvin i wish to thank all mv rela tive friends and neighbor lor their gifts card flowers and visits when i was in guelph gen eral hospital special thanks lo my mother and stepfather char- let culls cord mccutcheon ivan kuby drs moore and hut chison mr engcl and all the nurses on the fifth flour all your kindness and thoughtrul- ness will not be forgotten thank you freda lambert a59m for salts for sale boa raleigh racer bike j speed 26 wheels phon i544w7 tvmm for sale 157 chevrolet tllsto phone as11 good condition 151213 after for sale used car paruall makes phone um010 pranks auto collision crewsoae corn er 4lu44 for sale wettinghoute refrigerator boys race bike good cundilion phone l5mt7t7 asimj fur sale town map and llalton county maps 23c avail able at duu stationery 5 mill sl e aiti wi for sale international bin der 7 ft cut tractor sheaf car rier good shape jso complete 1710614 butftm for sale arllsl mater ials by grumbachtfe see the art bar at sports corner 124 mill e at wilbur aswe for sale 16c cjstbiic in guod condition hat hand brakes head lamp and genera tor call during day ssvhx amoo for sale ford galaxie xl hardtop 30 cu in vi 4 un the floor bucket seats red wllh black interior call georgetown i77 945j bilhh for sale wallelt key cas es duffel bag golf bag and all leather goods by cooperweeks and buxton al sports corner 124 mill e al wilbur a 5905 tor sale 50 acre s room house with bath bank bam 13 miles north of acton 114000 12000 down ruv mccuntull realtor ilithbura 15s44i1 s900 for sale seed rye telra felkus variety power drive cockshull lolool hinder ha hern used as a swat her rasp berries by the pint or crate de livered phone actnn mmow after asi9i7 coming events dance at balllnafad hall fri day july 30 music bv hhc shane adrrtsloriti15c3uple 75c alngle dancing 91 booth ewryooe welcome a51913 for sale new and usad tractor tires kelly springfield all site low prices example i x 24 tit plus js changed on your farm milton tire and rad iator service 191 mill st mil ton i74j711 asmmilf help warrl ed help wanted retired couple to act as caretakers lor farm 4 miles from acton house supplied enquiries invited i5j- 1999 saturday and sunday only astrsrr heres your key to a big incouec mail today w t rswleigh co lid depl giiihy 4005 richelieu si montreal pq gentlemen i am interested in ihe worldfamous rawleigh line on a partlime basis fulltime bails please send me free cook book and cat logue will lull details name address city help wanted applications fur clerk sten ographer arc requested applicant should he able lo type base tome knowledge of book keeping and buukkceping machine guod fringe benefits stale salary expected applications to he received by july 30th at 500 pm lo box 345 acton fbxe press at ton ontario b4i for rent for rent three room apartment phone 8532006 asi910 for sale new saddle sale english all purpose english jumping army wei tern roper parade and pony halters and bridles large selection special prices fairhairns mileofesto- lion orangevllle ont as907 for sale larte- ntouy printi of acton free pvess staff photos 5x7 use si i k 10 site ji25 plus tax cash must acconv pany order enquire now at free press office or dhls stat lonery s6 mih st e k504t4l for sale reglisterrd and grddc hoist cin heifers due in augu and sept cm her regk- twvd yorkshire hojrs sericc- able age from rop ktock on spf swine herd program har ry burt hillsburg 8554579 b51496 clearance sale ul all summer items at ihe cameo shoppe air- conditioned lor your shopping comlort we twdullv invite vou lo visit u during out summer sale and at your future convenience wanted wanted ride monday to friday from third line north to guelph to arrive 8j5 or soon er rwe erin um7s as477 lost lost young girls bathing lease phone suit and lovvol sssj2s7 for rent j roorm and bathroom ground lluor phone ssji97s us899 for rent 6 room house modern conveniences availuble augut ll apply j2 church st e a5951 for rfmt apartment one bedroom located near shopping centre in georgetown phone s7797s or 77m97 a5i9i2 typewriter rentals under wood standard and portable models available for rent al dills stationery phone asmojo i ajtf542 for rent collage at french river august 1st to aug 28 20 per week phone before fridav july joth lo rev engcl uj1624 a51898 for rent rockwood town hall completely renovated to handle banquets receptions dances and meetings for fur ther information contact frank schneider rockwood 856996j o4971mf dead stock paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses old horses 4c lb licence no hgc j49c43 226rp65 phorie zenith 97950 atf walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cow and horse j4 hour service lie no 1jjrp ktcj waferdown mu 91044 tvtf baynes farm animal service up to 1500 for freth dead dis abled cotss or horses live healthy horses sc lb call guelph 2m06i collect license 243rp5 3aon5 h hour service gibsons dead stock service km tor large animals 5c a lb for old healthy horses at our fergus plant we can let you know cause of death call fergus collect s432240 8432519 lie no 34ec6s 22jrp5 svltf classified advertising rates kutw utatsu wamtaoiai kmoaaiciiamta w uj- roa uij wost ut ktc mlatonwi jukf lor u wwi u rvs uillff lultnuiiit tt rt emy rigti tl smist- mm kr lr is v4 w pt wmi uraruf 1 tl tor un rt unft lb w th ubsojuau 11 tuttf lb 9t itm u vjn ctxmmmtd xjupljtv iuju ksttatv tl 1 pm tj uuta- gox muusakus to uu efflc tfe tva4luoat deadlines m phone 853joi0 or 2030 employment wanted employment wanted will care for children during day tor working mother mr lav rrnce paup ja mill si e a5l52 wanted to rent wanted to rent lor im mdute occupancy i or 2 lui nthcd looms and kiuhen ktlv lo llo 246 free pits u s 5w services quick service plastering repair large or small- e- mc- muilen dial lultlt som14u acton cleaning service office store home and window cleaning phone 4512114 as250lf lightning rods installed and repaired guaranteed john vanderroeer limehouse 877- 9503 a42440lf bought sold si repaired good ricyclcs and bicstlcv murray mcljren main st rock wood 85953 a j7jlf reliable radio and tv ser vice- antenna installations used tv for sale call first line tele vision 8531057 anytime o km 10411 refp1geration industrial and commercial sales and ser vice reliable and efficient king refrigeration campbellville ul slcr 42228 a499tf cars for sale looking for a newer car call herb jobb 8530745 or 8776481 phillipschrysler dodge ltd 375 guelph street georgetown a ll mortgage and insurance mortgage loans uvatlahlc conc in and sec us lor mortitaac loans sydney k lamb realtor 1 mill si e acton 8531010 a 348a6 kitchener upholstery ex pert reupholstering refinishing and repairing of all kinds of fur niture for free estimate call main variety phone 8530411 ac on a 16948 tl floor rehnishing we now hava a modem sander and edger we will refinish your floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 1532o40 47 fred erick st s acton ait reminder we sell quality aluminum awnings siding win dow door all types of exterior finishes complete contracting service free estimates mcmul- len sales and contracting 85v 2161 al815lf smallwood acres camping swimming lishing picnic grounds canteen across lake from aclon c s smallwood r r 1 aclon phone 8532859 i51ll swap shop the king of all trader ihim blc to thresher open dailv wed ami fri to 9 truck sales 99 dailv sit to ft over 40 fine trucks in stock dependa bility i our greatest usthi no 6 hwg mlllgrove mu 91051 altf general steel wares factory service depot purtruntl servfco for oil beattv t mcclaryeasy apmjances telephone belwood appliance company fergus b433800 a51eov legal notice to creditors in th matter of lh hstal of robert l robinson ule of the town of acton in tha county of llalton service an alyst deceased crcdilorn antl olhcrs haviny claim afainst the uhovc mention ed cljtc arc required to sent paniculate ol uth claim to thj undersigtned on or before the i7lh day ol auyust 193 aflcr which date the awcl of the ev laic will he distrfbutcd havinu regard onlv to claims of which the adtnintnlralor shall then have notice datid at ciuelph ontario this 7th day ol julv ad 1965 david i hastings ft wvmlhim street n guelph onlario solicitor lor the admiriira lor 3- j notice to creditors and others in the estate of william knox graham ule of the town of acton in the county of llal ton retired bank manager de ceased all persons havrng claims ag- tinst the aforementioned estate ot william knox graham who died on or about the twentv- lifth day t june 1965 are re quired lo file proof thereof with ihe undersigned solicitor or the executor on or before the sev enth dav of august 1965 ilier which date the estate will be div ti ibulcd having ixyaixl only lo the claims then filed dated at acton ontario this nineteenth day ot july 1965 c t leatherland qc acton ontario solicitor lor the executor a43 notice to creditors and otheks la 4fc emu j bcktha uamy foole lata u tke yam of aria la tka caualy of halt widow all pervons having claim ag ainst ihe aforemoloed etaie of bertha mary poole who died on or about the twentyninth diy of may 1945 arc required to file proof thereof with the under signed loliciloe for the execu tors un or before the seventh day of augu 19a5 after which date the eilale will be ditribul ed having regard only lo the twitm then filed dated at acton ontario thl nineteenth day of july i95 c f uathcrhtnd oc aclon ontario solicitor for ihe executors notice to creditors and otiifju in the estate of ida isabella denny lata of ihe townahip of ksquiiliuj la the cmmty at hajlon widow tutu4 all person having claim ay- yainst the aforementioned estate of ida isabella denny wlni died on or about the fourteenth day ol june i9a5 are required to i tie pntof 1 hereof with the under- signed solicitor for the execu- trices on or vefore the seventh dav ol august 1965 after which dale the estate will he distribut ed having regard only to the claims tfien filed dated at acton ontario this nineteenth day of july 1965 c leatherland oc acton ontario solicitor for ihe execulrices a43 notice to creditors and others in the estate of emil charles heller late of the town of acton lnlretouiytjfr production manager deceased all persons having claims ag- sinst the aforementioned estate ot emil charles heller who died on or about the sixteenth day of may 1965 arc required to flic proof thereof with the undersign ed solicitor for the executrix on or before the seventh day oi august 1 965 after which dite the estate will be distributed having regard onjy 10 the claims then tiled dated at acton ontario this nineteenth clay of july 1965 c f leatherliind oc acton ontario j r solicitor for the executrix 4j free press walsft ads really do sell ant sheriffs sale i twentyone foot boat equipped with sixcylinder inboard gray marine motor complete with trailer sale to be held on monday august 2nd 1965 at 10 jo am at jim baileys ba service sta tion rasa line and ontario streets where ihe vehicles are presently stored terms cash may be inspected by appoint ment previous to sale william gibson auctioneer andrew w frank sherill county of llalton i9ih july 1965 ivii2 sheriffs sale i 14 international tan- el truck 1195 international tank truck sale lu be held on monday august 2nd 1965 al 10 jo am al jim haileys ba service sta tion bavc line and ontario streets where the vehicles are presently stored terms cash miy he inspected by appoint ment previous to sale william gibson auctioneer ndrew w frank shcniff counly ol llalton llih july 1965 b-ii- auction sales auction sale for russell w udtaxknie lot 4 concession 2 east tor onto tounship first farm south o 401 highway saturday july mm lhsv at i2j0 pan rcuislered holstein cattle in cluding 12 daughters of thorniest texal supreme implements millc cooler milking equipment hay and household effects albert mcbride auctioneer b5l tenders wanted county of halton j tender van body truck sealed tender properly mark ed add ret d to mr garfield a brown county clerkadmlnltira tor milton ontario will be re ceived up lo 12 oclock noon friday august uth i9a5 for ihe purchase of a van body truck specifications and further in formation may be obtained from the emergency measures co ordinator w r mcgregor court house brown street milton ontario phone 1782101 loc 70 the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted gurflctd brown county clerk administrator c12 regional jail continued from fftd oae vftor to municipal affair mini ler w j spooner reportad re cently th 11 rf kmal jaji to erv hilton and rvel count l wouid seem more reajutic county jail facilities are pre ently located in milton and it tuu been estimated they will be ade quate for county needs for about five more year member of the administration j juslice committe for the county are reeve coulter reeve gordon gallagher of burlington deputyreeve austin ledwlth of milton deputyreeve wilfred let- he of equeilng and deputy- reeve roy goodwin of acton real estate for sale frin 3 bedroom brick bungalow modern through out vurifc beaut if ul iv land scaped corner lot shade trees and shrubs built by owner j 14000 roy mcconneli realtor hiikhuryh ism41i h32904 special buy attractive brick home alumi num equipped recreation room low mortgage interest excellent terms enquire now holmes real estate 8531650 basule bus depot rockwood 100000 full down payment one 6n mortirduc or balance 800000 full price 5 room bungalow modern ctmv venienccs garage choice of homes in tosn and country from 100000 full down payment sydney k lamb realtor and insurance 1 mill st b acton ontario corner of highways 25 and 7 phone i5m0j0 member ontario canadian or- angevllle and grey bruce real estate boards call jack mcmullen or donna krapek i5jkm0 ji6l i5j06m a 5 3 bedroom bungalow on 4 i acrc mall barn close to town school bus at gale full basement oil lumace large modern kitchen 4piccc bathrtxmii 5 room bungalow with attached garage or large well landscaped lot overlook ing fairv lake this home is in immaculate condition must be seen to be appreciated mrs g wallace hostess lo w i a very enjoyable eveniruj was spent at the home of mrs g wal lace on july 7 by greenock wo inent institute president mrs l trvsenaar op ened the meeting with the ode and mary stewart collect mis f pearcn read the scripture psalm no 1 and then ihe lords praver was said in uniton- there were 14 members and one visitor present and the roll call wjii in keeping with the safety program of ihe evening safety and things we ought not to do the minutes of the last meet ing were read and approved also a financial report was given then correspondence was discussed the lavilies voted to put in a dis play at the acton pall fair and the suhjtxt would be harvest festival mrs g wallan- who was safe ty convener fat the evening in troduced mrs g hargrave of the st john amuhlance brigade of aclon who gave a very informa tive talk on first aid mrs e johnston presented mrs g liar- grave with a small gift for com ing also a donation of 5 lo the st john ambulance irom the in stitute and thanked her for com ing the meeting closed with the singing of the maple leaf forever and a very tasty lunch was served by mrs k fckcrkh and mrs c allan mrs j thompson was soc ial convener for the evening and thanked the lunch committee and mrs g wallace for the very nice evening g alejc jofinson realtor phone iswos i mill st e acton commercial industrial residential farina member of the canaditn ontario and ottnjeyllse real estate represented by mrs a thomson ismtts mrs g mahby- isumf mr erofe t mark tsmuo works tour thupdav ot ut week mem bers uf lour neighboring town hlp took a trip by tylers bus lo amhermburg where they saw ihe manufacture of lake calcium for use on roads and to harrow where the liquid calcium is mjde the foremen subforemen ind some of the workmen from fsquesinu nassagaweva erin imd framusa townships also en- loscd dinner together al the iro quois hotel in london pigs fo crafts alter building at llalton countys museum in kelso conservation area another building is being prepared for ei- hibits the former pig pen on ihe duff alexander farm is being ci- lensivelv renovated and is already renamed the crafts building with new waifs and floor the pigs are ousted forever in their place will eventually be a display of pioneer crafts the second moor ol the barn has a partial new moor now and there will soon be exhibits up there donations increase for memorial fund mure than 1250 has alreadv heen donated to the lcruv inglis mem orial scholarship pund in mem ory of lerov inglis an is yearold campbellville hov uho was killed in a motorcvttc automobile ac cident recently fund chairman mrs j whechhan announced that the lund utll accept donations labor dav the scholarship will be pre sented to a grade 12 special com mercial student with the lint award being made at the milton district high schools commence ment exercises thi year donations to the fund can be made at the bank of nova sco or hv contacting mrs whcelihan al ts2293 water safety night at kelso thursday thursday july 39 at 7 pm marks kelso dams flint water saioty demonstration evening there will be no admission fee at the sate after 600 ptm included in the program are the folfowina itemi two film en titled head up and oara and addles provided by th kcd crou headquarter the moiibv umnoutb method of artificial ret plration ctemonstrmtad by dr t ronald mackay of milton an e hiwtloa of canoe and paddle board tuus and a n y of machine aulsta and dromft- a

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