Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1965, p. 6

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r ii- wamttd fh acton f pft thursday auguil 5 1965 engagement mrs kalhlern m bniwll wish es lo announce ih ngasrincnt of hr daughter aniw kathtwn lo mr howard douglas iundv hee ion of mr and urs oorirr hendlbee of nova srolla mar riagc to lake place al the church of our lady guelpt august 31 at 1000 ajn carm o tnams rct mv sincere thanki lo our neighbors friondl and relative for cards letters flowers gifts and kind inquiries while in hos pital and since returning home i1 j 9172 bemice robuuoa for sale born mcarthur mr snd mrs bruce mcarthur are happy to announce the birth u their daughter joanne marie sun dav july 25 195 at st js ephs hospital guelph a wee sister for gordon ior salm 5 ford llmlev davidson phone s5h497 for sale large bird cage and stand poo phone mrs w uctc 6 john st n isjlej a9w ior sale ford ivm rebuilt j motor pood mechanical condll- ion need body woik i00 phone h1j all i for salf- li7 ford coach j6 cvllnder automatic t lean con dillon pv plume s6sv a9u ch appel valerie and ken for sale used car parti all chappel nee laaenbv wish lo makes phone i5vo0io franks announce the sale arrival of auto collision crewsons corn heir baby dauuhler canlers a41424tf ann august i ls al st js sephs hospital guelph lnl fur sale town maps and aranddaughler lor mr and halton county maps 2sc avail srs thomas laicnby j ablest dills slauoivuy jhfcll died marshall at guelph general hospital on saturday july 24 1065 alfred francis maishall of lit churchill road s ac ion beloved hushand ol mat- guerile dover and dear father of kenneth ol acton prede ceased by a son frank und daughter lillian dear brother ol mrs edith hall and mrs william gavlor both ol toron to mrs alice darklns ol si petersburg horida stanuv and lillian both ol toronto also survived bv seven prnul children and one grealyrind- child funeral service was held at the rumlcvshicmascr funcial home on tucsdai at j pin in terment fairview cemetery allen at guelph general hos pital on fridav july ml iw5 joseph wesles wcs allen ol 22 cameron st acton beloved hushand ol mamie akitl and dear lather of robert and mrs don hurren eleanor both ol georgetown and mrs rvl jot- dan marlorie ol acton and brother ot mrs leni ckoc mrs elda mckinnon mrs jen nic holmes mrs ada mclcin and bert all ol acton mrs bella pcrrvman ol georgetown mrs viola crosier port crr- dit mrs mvrlle beswuk hani- llton tom of klcinhuri uul the late roland allen funeral service was held it the rumlev- shoemaker funeral home on tuesday at 2w pm in terment fairview cemetery in memoriam for sale sheep norlh country cheviot ewe lambs suit able lor breeding pilcarry farm lot v con i eramosa eden mills road am for sale gnimhacher an isls supplies and waller foster arl instruction hooks are avail able at sports comer 124 mil i at wilbur as92l for sale andres malcolm dining room suite solid walnut estension table bullet closed china cabinet chairs upholster ed in bloc leather phone glen white 5jim am for sale new and used tractor tires kelly springfield all sizes low prices example i a 24 lie plus s changed oa your farm milton tire and rad iator service 191 mill st mil- ion 177711 as0420ttf for sale large glossy l prints of acton pre press staff fholos 5 k 7 size 11 i i 10 size 125 plus tax cash must aocom- i pany order enquire now at i free press office or dills stat ionery 56 m1u st e a50j9h pom tmtt ttturtama for rent heated apart ments furnished and unfurnish ed adults clean and comfort able phone isj0m5 a65e for rent rockwood town hall completely renovated lo handle banquets receptions dances end meetings for fur ther information contact frank schneider rockwood wmwas a9716tf dead stock paconi dead stock removal limited iufcet cash prices for dead or disabled cowi end horsea old horses 4c lb licence no hcc s49c5 22erpo5 phone zenith 97950 a if walnut ranch ltd crippled and disabled cow and isonea- 24 hour service lie not iurp 26ic62 watordown mu 91044 baynes farm animal service up t5 00 for freish dead div abled masss or horses live heallhy horses 5c lb call guelph h22806i collect license 24vrp65 moc65 24 hour service gibsons dead stock service iy0o tor large animals 5c a ih lor old healthy horses at our fergus plant we can lei you know cause ol death call fergus collect mv2240 s4v2m9 lie no 346c65 223rp6s all wanted wan tid cent leman boarder plume ksvi777 a927 j wastcd to buy liens hioikin ducks and rabbits war jiinirid phone guelph s22 2evi 1 uv99 i wantkd rule 1mm guelph n acton leaving downtown guelph 5 pm call 852416 after i 5 pin a9m kentner in loving nunuin of a dear husband and lather joseph kent ncr who ped away july m2 always remembered wile jcs iie and family a6tt in memoriam in luv mcmor of camiuu biukco who died auyust 10 1427 and anjjelo franccmrato who tluxt august 4155 ever remembered bv wile nd romilv snow in lovirn memorv ot bruce who paiacd iiwiv au ust b io every day in some imall wav memortcn of vhi come our vi though ubaenl vou arc cwr pear wanted 24 used hydrw or telephone pole also 2 mil door i unlets m rood condition baino svltii sile acres erin phone 8w24sa 422 help wanted still miwcd nlitl locd and eci dear ever rrmemberet by mum dad and mstcn av help wanted reined couple to tut us catxlaketa lor tarn 4 miles from ac l on house supplied enquiries invited hsj- l stilurtlav and sundav onlv a4tlw7 llelpwanted man lor shilt witrls prcler ape 25 to so rate iw per hour dav j201 nights applv a p grvcn fire buck co ltd acton ont as95 h i- 1 i w a n ttttvi rtst m t cards tf thanks with en lor excellent rauleigh disttict in tounships esqucsing and tiilaliar wtile today tor tivc nckiklet that will tell you how lo start we supply the capi tal sou ncvsl write rawleth ivpt hiiii2a 4005 richelieu si st henry montreal a0401 i wish to thank my tnends and ncihhors lor tlieir gilts cards und kind enquiries special thanks to drs hutchison and moore during mytay in hospi tal and since my return home 0957 envtl sunlcr we would like to cipress our thanks to all out relatives trteotu and ne tor their lovely cwrestt flowers gilts ami vialta to our husband and lather mrbue he via to guelph general hralpltal our thanks also to haw jwlaht bnaal and mr bruce r hoeatattr yeair kindness and aybpathy are jfaatly apprecial- uarahalt ken jack and bev a6mo avon calling aon territories now uvailahle tor iminediate ciniings good openings in navsacaweya tosiv ship christinas selling in avon starts early write now and av oid disappointment later write miss ziegler bus 141 guelph aetl for rent typewriter rentals under wood standard and portable models available for rent at dills stationery phone s3jmj0 sltfsu services lightning rods installed and repaired guaranteed john vandermeer limciouse 877- 950 a4244011 classified advertising rates mimu dkatus uauuaou titaxoaaifrm tu tut poa aalx roa marr trrr iimiwiw tor u w wsl tsi4w tllsahr l4ssartbm 1 h lf fllnll ttss mum rkavir4r it t4j su pa w4 uasfmt4r lie ducwsl ajls- 4 tef c4m yiuat couimq kvkmtai cajujs ot thamks tjrk fts4ttliaaasai l444f fh ueuoriau l uu ttr pi tua 4 r exaaabisii duhav rcji hitatv hmtu insk- box muuwju u uku litr uc tvsiuatl deadlines ii tur tum llf uwsm itc kk pholnf 8532010 or 2030 u mlu bt b utvicts tcmishui0 ouick service puvtering rrnlr urge or tmall e me- uullra dul 45 vii ii 22 1i64k acton cleaning service officr klotr home and window cleaning phone ssv2i14 52 sao k reminder we sell quality aluminum awnintfv hiding win clow door all types of exterior linivhrh cmplele contratuim wrvuc flee climatev mcmul- len salch and conlraeliny 2161 alsisk swap shop the king ol all tradeta ihirn- hles to thrrhet okii dail wed and 1 li to truck sales 9 dailv sat to 6 over 40 line umlvn in mock dpenda bilily iv our gicalcm avet no 6 hwg millgrove mu 91051 a4ll legal bought sold ti repaired good tricycles and hicvclcs murray mclaren main st rock- wood s5095m av67vt reliable radio and tv ser vice antenna installations used tv or sale call first line tele vision k531057 anytime all04tl refpigeration indiisuiai and commercial sales and ser vice reliahle and efficient king ret liberation campbcllville ul- sler 42228 a4969etl mortgage and insurance mortgage loans available comr in and see us lor mortgage loans sidney- k lamh realtor i mill st e acton s5ji0jo aj4866 kitchener upholstery ex pert reupholstering refinuiilng and repairing ol all kinds of fur niture for free estimates call main variety phone ssj0411 ac on ale9utf hour ref1nisii1ng we now hmve a modern aander and edger we will refinish your noors or rent you the equipment to do the job vourself j b frank phone 8532040 47 fred erick st s acton att smallwood acres camping swimming tishing picnic grounds canteen across lake trum acton c s smallwood r r i acton phone s5j28s9 asltf milton paving construction companvuuited r r i camphellvillc ont contractors specializing in municipality work residential and commercial asphalt and concrete paving driveways ijsjsidowalks school grounds and service stations etc we will be working in the acton area lor the next 6 weeks if we can be of service toyou please phone 854992 notice to creditors in ih matter of the estate of robert u robinson ute at the town of acton in the county of halton service an alyst deceased c red ilim and others having lainis ilmhm the ahie men i min ed estate are ietiired to seni partictilata ol such claimv lo the undcrvipned on or bctorc ihc 17lh dav ol aupuvt l6i alter which date the asset ol the es tate uill hi distrrhutcd having regard only to claims wnsh the administraltir shall then hae notice dated at guelph oniit io this 7th day ol july ad 1vv david e hastings tm wyndham street n guelph ontario solicitor or the administri lor a13 notice to creditors and others in tha estate of william knox graham ute of the town of acton in the county of hal ton retired bank manaier de- all persons having claims aj ainvt the alorementioned estate of william knox graham who died on or about the twenty tilth dav ol june i5 are re quired lo hie proof there i with the undersigned solicitor tor the executor cn or helore the sev enth dav ol august ivis alter which date the estate will he dis irihuied having regard only lo the claims then tiled dated at acton ontario this nineteenth day ot july ios c f lcathcrland qc acton ontario solicitor fur the executor notice to creditors and others in the estate of ida isabella denny ute of tha township of esquealns in the county of halton widow deceased all persons having claims ag- gaist the alorementioned estate ul ida isabella denny who died on or about the fourteenth day ot june 1365 arc required to lilc proof thereof with the under mcned solicitor for theexccu- trices on or before the seventh dav ol august iqfts alter which uoal cemlauaj notice to creditors and others in ihe 1114 uf bkrtiia mary poou lata of the town of acton in ihe county of 1 11 ton widow daosated all paixns luting ilauiis a it aiint llu- sitotviiiriilionrd emale ol luithi maty poole wh dirtl un ni siuxii he twxiiiv ninth dav ol miv 1 are required to hie prool iheretil with the under- igne1 soluilor lor tlve kieni- lois n or beloit- flu seventh day of auyusl 9s alter whiih dale ttu- estate will he dlsliihol ed having legatd only lo ihe claims then hleii dated at aclon onlaiio thiv nineleenlh day ol julv im5 v f ixaltuilaiid qc al ion ontario vjniitu lor lite lxevulois notice to creditors and others in the lutale of emil charles iiixler late of the town of acton tn the county of halton production manafcr deceased all peisons haing claims ag ainst the alorementioned estate of rmil chat lev heller who died on in about i he sixteenth day ol miv lfts are required lo file proot the rr t with ihc undcrsign- ed solicitor for the executrix on or before the seventh day of august iws alter which date the esrtate will be distributed tuning regard onl to the claims then tiled dited al aclon ontario this nineteenth dav ol julv 1965 c f 1eathcrland qc acton ontario solicitor for the kxcvulriv utft1uua clearing auction sale in erin township of houtsta cattw tncton auction sales clearing auction sale for fawcett eaton at his arm lot eon 8 liasi ftamboro adjoining the village ol carlisle 2 miles cal ol no s ilighwa on friday august ulh commencing at 1 oclock tractor implements ir r1gation system etc ferguson iraclor ferguson hvd i in he plow cultivator w coder fleiirv bksell tractor dic mm cvin tshellrr international corn pickcrortigaiion system vw it 4 alumimmi pipe 1000 li x ilmninmnjiint jlljltjlhncnu t ihillly iluinks about surge i date 4he erttttc will be diwlribui- cd having regard only to the claims then fifed dated at acton ontario this nineteenth day of july 1965 c f leulherland ocs acton ontario solicitor for the execu trices farm wagon i501x tomato stak es grimm evapoiator 500 sap pails gathering tank storage tank spiles 150 hanging feeders tor poultrv poultry wuerer aulomaiic li oil burning brood er slows 2 oil space healer for house wicker desk beds grain moisture tester cram auger urge quantity ol scrap the farm a i the same time and place the farm consisting of 57 acres more or lev barn and house water on pressure at house and barn 12 mile creel runs right across property sell ing subject to reserve bid must be sold as owner is moving lo india terms- on real estate i0s op da ol sdc 4q w pov session is given on or bctorc oct ober i 15 balance may re main on mortgage for 5 yers with ml crest at 6h terms 0n chattels cash owner not responsible in case of accident on ale day wm a gibson b6 auctioneer ilousshold goifa ale the underslgjied has received lnttiucikmit from w conrov to veil hy suction si the farm tot 24 ion 1 ltin twp vliusi ed i mite couth west ol llillir buigh on saturday august 7 cuinmrndng st 1 00 pjn fcharp the lotlowlng iioustlim cows the kerd ituisislv uf ii mature cow hol- telu cow iiesh july 10 with tall al lool hokirin cow due in sept lhi i strung herd of good nnlkris slvsy machine milked hied lo hereford bull lull dcs lipt ion srvd br reding dales given un talc dav in a rrmelkisis tree area reg ilcrr- lord hull using 2 vearv old hied bv miuv wluxkr llillv burgh out young call 5 wcek tld pigs iv tliv dairy eouipmfnt 2 unit milking machlic w i i h pump sind pipes for 14 tows al most new cock shut i ixvler el ixliic v k- tut venaialoi like new massev harris hand senar- siioi imih radio tractors comhine bau irs impiimints cuca- shuit liatlui no 30 uith live ptiwvr new tires in excellent somliiion case av irsctor fully tivdiiulic uiih 2 furrow hydraul- k pltiw cotkshull 2 furrow rub ber tired tractor plow white 21- tooth ttklor tultivalor on rub- ivi lnletnalionil 2 furrow trsc- loi plow nes idea 4 bar ule d- liveix take international no 76 somhine 7 it tut pto with wcetl ilcine htv seed attach- mculv in etielleni etindilion no lusiom wtiik allis chat men toto baler as good as new 2s cxicnsiun tidiwi 2 rubber tired farm wagons with flat racks erijn mgrr mccormick nvower 6 it cut coikshutt 1 1 disc lerlll iaier and grain drill hav loader m ii grain i hopper 10 log chains steel water trough mav s4v i ltit is manure spreader w endless drive belt 3 electric fencers 5 bus of seed oals 4 rulls of snow fence cement mix er all farm tools household goods gen eral electric radio end tables table lamps tri ligvil lamp white enamel portable laundry tub new pictures walnut combina tion desk and bookcase sink un it chest ol drawers walnul vvardmhc walnut bed quantity ol dishes grass rugs china cab inet dinette tanlcs and 4 chairs scatter nips range te electric washing machine barbecue out tit 24 many other articles terms cash wilh clerk or day ol sale no reserve as farm is void owner not responsible in case of accident sale day wm a giiison auctioneer phone guelph ta 41478 henry wheeler clerk b cars for sale looking for a newer car call herb jobb b5sv0745-o-b7764sl- phillipschrysler dodge ltd 37s guelph street georgetown asmf auettfln saub kaissssssst auction sale the property uf john h uecullock lot jl second line w chlng uacomy 7 miles n w ol bramp ton on mtvwuy august uk ih5 al i n in vharp i lie following modern farm iupl1 u ents david broun sso trac tor wllh fronl end uisder new in 164 john deerr m i iraclor on nr rubber tractor chains john deere a r tracior john tier re 7 ti power mower john darr 2 furrow plow new hol land super 6a baler mc d tied bod llirrvhlng machine insch inc bagger mc d twitting hoi wiih pipe cunningham hav condilloner mc d ace bottom jtfurruw plow new holland 4 bar vtde rake utile giant 16 bale and grain eletalor john deerr 12 plate disc cock shut i iraclor cultivator on rubber 2 iris bob klrighv ms d 7ilvc fertlllier dull as new otato land packer farm er i w bus manure spreader 2 vears 100 6 drive bell mil i it hinder on rubber like new 100 7 drite ttell mako 16 ft grain auger new old hook hairow walking plow vieel roller 2 tatv ol vsecthhi hanow wagon bos 3 steel water troughs hal rack john deerr rubber tired wagon he aw fence strehlkr old mc d manure tprcader on rubber ditching plow cemenl miser vleel fence posts rlrciiic fence posts 16 iced rack 1d00 it of plavlk pipe hracc poles 100 cedar fence posts several anchor povis 100 bags of tvtabls super phosphate quantity uf grass seed pioneer chain saw new air lornprcsvor and usual small articles this is an extra good line ol equipment and well taken caic uf dairy car truck etc woods m can bulk cooler as new 4 surge unils i9s6 chcv 1ton pickup truck good motm w3 chcv bel air 4cloor sedan with good motor hay quantity ol baled hav furniture apiece chester field suite 5piecc chrome dirv ctlc suite large extension table chairs 4 chrome chairs couch reclining chair good old organ oak desk with typewriter well small tables beds dressers cupnoard manlrl radio and other small articles owner and auctioneer nol rcv ponsible for accidents terms cash rock wood international lid sales managers frank fetch auctioneer b fhonc i772im the corporation of the town of acton tenders lor sanitary sewers watefmains and appurtenances sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned unlit 5 00 pm edst on monday august 71 165 for the supply snd in stallation of sanitary sewers arul walrrmaln in ilia lakeview area ol the town of acton tlie work lomivtv of the sup ply and installation of appruil- rnatelv lw ft of sewer pipe ap- pniiimalrly 440 ll of wilcr- malii pluv sanitary and waler laterals all as sprctfird a lupy of the tonlracl docu- men is iiklihling plans and ificsluxis ftr the work m b- oblalnrd from ihr consulling lnyir veers upon deposit of tlooo pavabu- lo r v a ruler von as vx tales limilrd which will be rrlurused on return of l he tiot u menls in good kmklilhmi within 30 days of the tender i losing dale eac h lender must be hiurnp- anied bv a irrlilied tlwuc mode pa v able lo live cot poralmto f the town of alton in the amount uf 4000 00 tile consulting lnginrvis r ihc work are r v amletmin sikiales limiled iw wilson ave nue tonmlo 12 t lie lowest or any teruler w ill nol necessarily be acicptcd tenders wanted the the corporation of town of acton tenders for road reconstruction and drainage sealed lenders will he receiv ed bv the undesigned until 500 pan edst on monday august 21 195 for ihc reconstruction of mill si reel belween highwav 25 and park avenue in the town ol aclon the work consists ol the con struction of appro 500 it of 2r it asphalt road with curbs three new rurhhsins 40 it nff j mcgeachle clerk admlmsltalo town ol acton acton ontario real estate for sale erin 3 bedroom brick bungalow modern through out garage beautifully land scaped corner lol shade trees and shrubs built bv owner 14j000 roy miconnell rrallor ilillsburgh s5v44il b5 2904 ideualk and restoration all as s pec i lied a copy of the contract docu ments including plans and sneer- lications for the work mar be obtained from the consulting en- ginecrs- upon deposit of 1000 payable to r v anderson assoc iates limited which will be re funded un return of the docu ments tn good condition within jo day of the tender closing date each tender must be accomp anied by a certified cheque made payable to the corpora ion ol the town uf aclon in the amount of 1150000 the consulting engineers for ihrtiwl are p v anderson socutes limited 194 wlhno ave nue toronto 12 the lowest of any tender will not necessarily be accepted j mcgcachie clerk administrator town of acton i acton ontario iv 3900 full price for quick sato 5room home in town 1800 full down payment one 6 mortgage 3 bedroom brick bungalow large kitchen 4- piece hath lutl base ment oil lurnace carries im monthly interest principal and luxes 10600 lull price 14500 full price 6 room brick home near town tenire modern bath basement furnace situated on well treed lot 1800 full down payment country home 3bedioom home on i acre mo dem conveniences j 11 500 lull price sydney k lamb realtor and insurance i mill st e- actoo ontario comer ol highways 25 and 7 thane i5j1u0 mvmtwr ontario can angcsille and grey bruce real estate boards caji jack mcmullen or donna krapek i5310jo s5mi6i isjs aa use free press classified ads for results fred a hoffmon ppfbnst ta 42071 mir o x pu t tl

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