Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1965, p. 1

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ehr jvctait jfeu ptftss nlatyf iftt year no 9 acton ontario thursday august 26th 1965 smvef oo you shop out of loan arc you satisfied with l he service from local grocery stores wen i two of the qucstiom askird res dent in the lakcvurw ubdi vision lhii week b a team taking aur vey j the three uoituti would not sa lor whom lhr were taking thet survey they earn hen lium a idjnuitr survey in colling wood they answered qiuiits cryptic ally saying onlv ihai the suives did mil necessarily mean any j thing opn thursday wsfc try i stltjt ihu igju ih hwckfthl to witch lo th two op thof- fi- fclli adas lud wuu bl ciibiti khopplauj plan baa wt pa tkurwtay astd friday tsicwu tbtc it flrmi b fkv uftwm ixava owmt haminiwriil tm wialt ttla lesrs wo ill j whalw opm thursday tksttl tie pom a wu as frt- at rue i ctoaad mactlng kld by tlowwlow biarrchsnta tw majority aawlly ruud out phhyoiaj to rmjn ftami oh ytaafatuy wfell muluf tumaam fevotwd the uua a lew i comply with the pro- v th majority wr in law ftnd ton tlstxl they waumiit comply in any went tw propou by th rilall wirt law of th actnn chimhr of cewwiiti wkd marchanu lo coiijir thursday ooanlng on a trial baau for th muni ha of juno july and august top mali studtwt m gfdo 13 at acton duluct high sctiool this yfaf neil franklin obtained 67 3 per cent in a lott of i i mr wrtltrn me ha rnrohed at queen 1 uni vcmty afmi begins datvrs on septetbef 7 in chemical en gingering top girl student in grade 13 ol acton district high brvool stella o gorman ot tained 68 6 per cent in 10 ppri written jhe hai en rolled at goelph university and begins the fall term in a whelor ot arts course haltons farm products iltop 14048075 hi ion county 1338 farms prodocsd 1408075 worth of 1 niutts and veoitaaus farm crop livestock and produce in 1964 to reach a new all time figures include all of hal ton county and part or north went high production record for the county it wit revealed this week worth county the ontario department of agriculture released a special agricultural statistics evaluation with authoritative fgtures on the apples farm value of all the counties in the province including halton cherries the 1 40 page survey indicated hundreds of interesting facts and grapes figures on the wealth of rural hallon figures were compiled by pears the farm economic statistics and cooperatives branches of the cantaloupe department in cooperation with 60 000 ontario farmers msnu roipttcmrs facturers processors marketing boards and dstntt agricultural 1 strawberries representatives j asparagui the report contained information on the dairy industry arvd ttve production of livestock fruits and vegetables and held crops 12 pagesprice 10 cants graduate nurse going to coast mais p ml mi- k h 2 k 1- aiiii i m in iumi seven new teachers join acton high school staff i ll v liuk m pi itlthi 7 iii ik nl uni this vtjll llll ill hi in hus is hi ii iv i initiiti 1 inotln 1 i inul hi 1 yruli 1 1 11 uk lll i i litis vet k im hlh s tuelj imkii sin mil m mil iii w ill im in ilti tul twtt ihw t iiks s finu mm ind i m11 s liyun llnnj hs t iii sill i ill loi l i iss v ul 411 11 p in i 10 ti incraat in uvvalock attogethr hallon county had 649020 head of liveitock dur ng 1964 valued at a total of 6 53 1 837 this represents an in crease of 20 4i0 m tte number of animal and a slight decrease df j144 100 n value over 1963 statistics show an increase of 796 783 for a total of 3 776 093 worth of fruits ani vegetables produced in 1964 as toinpir ad o 1963 farmers used 6 515 acres for this commodity in 1964 las compared lo 6 257 tte previous year for the departments purposes the frut and vegetable figures include all of halton county and th northern portion of wentworth county in halton in 1964 7 670 acres were used for field crops producing n yield of 7 09 j 540 bushels and 121 900 tons of crops valued at 3 740 150 ths was an increase in value of 232150 and using 70 less acres than were used in 1963 ftuher production goal down the county also produced 513476 pounds of creamery butter ng 1964 a slight decrease from the 534865 pounds produced a midsii ii i i is 1 shflii in tllk iii ow i llsl on lln till plllh pil j h still it p i uni hr it i is i 11 will im tssisl jiii pi ilk 1 li iiikin ihk 11 kitl m ith 111 as vhient crash injures five h twhcar accident sunday ciiuii llu ill n iii 1 itkini iinspil five pcruini wtn inunil mil two lun nrark uidkid in j no kfll liiulviim 1111 hiyliuuv 2 mnr allun sdluitliln aflrrtumin in i car in the rutvlnj laiu ttntl 4h11 i n ajul cullukuj uiih u cur hoadmu in ihi iifiiiilc in ccluin miitim orr suit 1 ikuiti hfhind cji dux in b ohm 11 o mialcr ul ns mill si a inn wcnl hh ol tomiiit iikii llu dinrr fiasnt anotlui 111 11 ihi tlnu naliid 1 south imkiihi 11 vu appniiihiii mil slmiuu 1 on the hntkii lli 111 miukj turning imtiiul mil llu n u ul thl mlailt vll ilc 111 lotllmoii v4ith llu imllt il ihi soulh4ihiihl huul m1111 11 ttihli mi miatix ilniu in mii tsi iiv anil lu 1 m in hs 1 1 pills l and i 4uictt ribs r iv i hid tiriiisi s in in 1 hi r raiii 1l1nxl1u iliil iihii inhih mnlhi i s kilts it ixxn iith i lii iii iii lilt 1l1sl1nx1t1l rrcrlvc laccralum mis mxiiii smith til k r x millixn 1 ilaiixthl 1 nl mts puts mil uxtilhii ul s mix xx is tut mix ill llli ii ii s il int imixxil llli lltlillxs in txulh i js lll litis smith il si 1 1 1111 xx is iinlitti i a xxlt tkil ins 11111 iiusxd hx xx 1i1 mrs jian ii llu i111i1i s at lisid xxilh liai lt laxrntuonx 1 itilin imkix 1 s 1111 x smith 111 lll i mil llu liim inst ixlin ii 1 li linsl1 iiuluili miss j a llnl 1 xxlm ti iiks ii111 v i i his i 111 lllli 111 llll s i i llltls sl 1 tin i dllllh i 111 lllli ii 1 s 1 k i nun i lijlsh mil x101 1 plix miss k llljh x illlljl til ill 1 tliim i llitlintl xxlm xill i nil s 1 1111 1 a holmis- i nxlisli miss m k jnli is t iiii nii and hfiaplix i k j unilxiiiin i n j i laixis iiihiiii iiiilii in s j i malhixxs 11 i hi 1 ills mis i k mitlnxis iiimiui 1 1 1 il k k mtiuiii lixs txhxstil 111 inn i h msdillixiax mmim r 11i anil liisliir mis i mull lx inslnix mis ii 1 oir 111111 mill mi s i ii kanl ill iilllsh nut lusniix 1 r ijii lls 11 tiuti iphx ii siuks mil 1111 1 1 innii 11 1 il uni in illii 1111ns mis m j sin iil ilx tin 1963 i and halton s 1 5 1 00 dairy cattle war credited with a latcje iluie of tlxc 4 1 744 3s5 pounds ol milk that was purchaied from lamifn in hallon peel and duffenn no separate figures were lined foi hallon llm lepresents a value of 2 007581 as compar ed to il tb j 1 29 the ptevous year and mn increase of 2214 927 poxjndi of mili from 1963 to 1964 the lollowuxg iv a statistical halton taken from the 1964 report report of farm pioducts livestock reels laliliage t carrots caulitloxvei celety musliioonis onions peptxeis rutaliagas spina i badislxes beans com clkw lr lelluie onions tiuin parsnips peas tomatoes total 1964 xvinler wheat spring wheal dais barley rye buckwheat flo mixed grams potatoes acres i 946 165 2j3 319 48 64 190 h5 61 jj6 140 6b 60 16 31 li j 50 5 120 5 i j5 11 1 5 ounmliy 466 000 bus 512 000 lbs 580 tons 2 592 600 lbs 5 760 bus 78 000 ts 3b0ooo qls 370500 lbs 693 tons 4 704 tons 1 540 tons 34 000 do 51 000 crates 780 000 lbs 74 7 tons 3 7 500 bus 2 675 ions 315 tons i53 600do ixhs 31 700 ills i i i 375 dor 1 6 1 70 bus 43 970 dor 3 500 do 707 tons 10 boo 6l bsk 473 391 bus value i 796 860 40 960 60 900 i i 5 769 17 096 sir 7 760 k bj 600 si b5 715 i 79 106 159 936 s6 9b0 51 000 107 100 i 078 600 19 521 52 500 61 000 37 800 69 120 75 896 76 730 29 106 4 1 774 15 750 17 170 s 5 940 776 504 1376 09j llispit ll xx 11 i ill iiiiihi 14 llll llisl mis i xxxi 1 j liii i h smulx i 1 ilxx ml kxx lt t 7 im ml ii six ills tin still 11 p tin nl mi 1 il 1 v sin nix tit pis iju 1i1 s til in s iiith sati i ispil il ll ax upliil a pnsl it ill nuil 1 kiixiil ik s i 1 lutx sp xxi 1 is in ilx tl hi h mn alt n lul kkk s i i i lllli i ii fi tu in 111 ijih ii ii i 1 i ill it i slslt i mi 1 1 1 nil is anil lin and palls mill cattle horses swine sheep and la hens and chcke turkeys ducks geese 1964 total turkey c in numbar 30 700 700 15 900 4 700 571 700 23 261 ti 32 i 477 v 5 778 000 r cm l70 400il 461 500 field chops ac ret 6 100 1h0 1 600 500 90 50 70 4 100 300 100 3 100 730 3 1 ho0 urxal 244 000 5 700 i i 83 700 20 000 7 300 1 700 340 743 800 74 400 1 17 800 tons 4 800 147 700 lonsl 79 100 87 300 i 4 76 700 106 071 i 891 4 970 s6 531 832 649 020 nd geese figures are from lh dominion 1964 lolal 7 670 7 093 540 bus and 121 900 ions value j 407 500 r 500 857 300 71 600 7 400 i 300 950 709 700 i 13 100 777 300 715 400 83 900 1 581 700 s3 740 150 mah pasmohi closing reunion greenotk school ixn il th i il nl 1 ills ills till ll ills ill iis the follow e categories ig is a comparison ol the value of each of the n the last three years us of june i 1961 all olhers in this column are 1964 figures field crops vegetables 1963 j6 49 03 s 549 110 j 940 000 1963 16 676 03 1 979 310 13 508 000 1964 16 531 83 13 776 093 13 740 150 iii x tl i i nix ill iii mil p 1111 il 1 inn lliil i int 1 s iililliins xx ix xx lis iii sillmll tix ul xx i ml inn npl ill the phx 1 til luxsc th 11i1 john willi sill in siiipx llll 111 i 0 pi ll lllllslx iti vim as ill ixr n hx nl i 1 lit smll 1 iii mill iii 2 suit nl mill 11 lul il il mi tl i ml il llls sulh k walk i i 1 pi m p i 1 sin uil iititiu nxi nad ix up lulus i 1 sill lulls xx ii ix mluii i mi in i k ik hue llll lit 111 lu p il ml mis ul pm tliiiuil i lux slul 11 his llllshi si intij st all nsi llun inti ml ul llu assessmeat notices assissmini 11011s inr ivvxs aii in mi miilitl tn fiiirrnsixxnux i inn ass ssm hill 1 rskim piinls mil ihtt nix tinmioxxlh i lul silistitl xx tl ll llu assissmini nullii mix nun lit him 11 ihi lixxn tilllsi mil 1 iixuxx ill ihi pi inx 1 ix xx ill ix 111 uli winters coming recreation committee discusses suggestions for hockey season in in nil- sit bull fighter to hairdresser stylist at ranch school j itillutt hulls in tu 1 mp til the a it nl i mi riphu i ul lniutnn i nptnul iiv 1 up itu tupv nut svitiitt in ivvhmi im missois 11 ul vihiltt itut tit u is vxtiuh nul h in m i bull tuiil tikik up ti 111 silmj- 11k lop tllll lllslih t in i u iuul nul his puliiii mi i 1 on ml 111 ins 1 1 n till i up si lisls t mm il 1 1 1 1 s01 ih 11i1 1 iv 1 this tikvk uul tiinn ium 11 sik akixs kiik ll iuh ilon 1 lus ttrt k mi kiphu 1 is u tlu mikh nut pmussion il ihki iis limn lotkllul iu ll oil ilnh lo hi 1h111 i11 llll sukj h llli 11 lis passing his iut 011 lo lll stvlisls sh11hh uk ss nihil lop aim 11 k him sis ihr 1 hui dill l imiiiiulilk ills mahout ih oilu 1 hits il is 1 m pxis invllulton lnl 1 ir lisis umuikjioui k i iiu ul tlu l il h 1111 it iiion 011u pi sik ilk 1 i i sniih link ml ill ill smsiil ll hill 1i1ss1is sslul in tin 11 own husiiuss ikisu uki ol llu suuum 1 i is ui impui ik knowkiiv ol kl pilltt sskmills so oi ih i1111 s lists nun kevp thuisi ol in i ik- lruk mi vhs iii also 1 in limoulo dun is mil 1 iu in i otoi vhoo ol ll poi lul 10 tv on mil mosi us ns1 lis klllj ul llll ll itu uiluu svlukl is ih ill pin ippiii 1114 is 1i0ik i uk ihiah ikimi o kill lllli s special summer is lading and the vin ihi kiintnilln amd ihi mat in hkki camn is rapidly ap- in was mil ul their hands un proaihiny this was read ik an- ul a suilihli- sue uis lotind to patent al thursda s njuliir nlikiii ih touris mcitinj ul ac ion rtcicalion ilockvy sxasan suefcattkma lummiiiu whin pripaiaiions aiion in i nut lukke hiad dtx idlllls ippi is llll ll 11 11 ll 111 nul on lioin vhk ijuipp 1 litu n 111 skh hl on jiitu smku luld 1 1 11 loinu 1 u 1 in is u 111i1 1 1 pu nit and ilim pu hill t im hi ih won hv llu oll iv hois in siklil 1 ii 11 uul pi ill im x don 1 mill i11i pi im tin inn ir union 11 lu u many 1 ml pupils al in llu ilu 1 noon t is it infill llu s llli il 1 il lis th kaino oi its pholofia pli hail st lim j ki ilksdll din hitut liiiini ipikiu d show iiii mi kiphitl nisliin ihi loii hluk haii ol rorunlo model j isii sm j i iv uul uk f imp ul llu iukii iniomil walihinp h 1 si l im k mi 1 iiiiuul will lu al ilu 1 uuh 11up1i lint his knowing lo att all m w troup ul i 0 hair st lists i rum man ihrouyhoui north amci lot llu cumins wintir si a son al llu coinmunm unln ierc dis iussid and a dclifitc imm the minor hoiki assikialion lilt some suggestions lor the com nut lot 10 studs liiiildnil ummiilei ihiirniin claude cikik outlimd approxi mali costs tot lilt pioposid niw t t sioriii huildini al the rear ul 1 otonlo iv i ihi anna and ihc sunlaiv j mslruiied 1 mulual nuilinj could he i 1 a npi d to discuss ilu capital ex pindilmx tnoled mr ckk leti uk tost ul the it mini block mfiiure would run in the rictgh horhood ol 1 000 tlii buildinp chairman hopes ih mlkk was ptisml lo discuss plans lot the hockfv siason he askid thi inmrnittee s eonsulira lion ol a debt ol 17 owinn irum last eu s operations he also suptlstid ha tioph ease he uislalud in tin eommuniu eenlti su tro phies eould tx on ltw 2t in time ptieis lor older hos be icdueed lu thi j5 lie thi contact council so mums md ounper learns pa tlu dispint made lor tin tumor hikki to ha la on us hooks mltai dunn uoild s cm skill i l u un so tiuns he allowed on i unless i hi coach matia- pi r or some icsponsjbl is with i hem 4 diseiphne problems wilh mi in ii hoc ki learns be 1 1 le i lid hv the arena manape r lo the al liiulinp manaiir or loaeh niriowinp ihi pal si soim pxopli ean mk ik in whin thi trail lie a 6 consideration ol an eailier dale lot ope tuny the aieua lor hoekev aeton teams were not ahk to plan i heir hrsl cthiple ol home dalts beinise lie was not aiahanli la ear oilier towns wiie open much earlier 7 i nthl kitchen tacihtics be i dilfiiult insialled downstairs tn the torn itssoeiation muniu ccnlie so iisitinp learns inp its lirst pla hi id he prinled ihc sime coin band lomptliti il pm d b i i ilu llo ht i tin iii ill iiioiil n ill t oil llk ii i lir uuillinp l tlu w i ih u ih s ll i ih ikllll i i ills is k uul lor s alul the 111 tmnoik ii ii s institute hmlll1 hinllinp al units ml h i i p i im li ams u 1 ill 111 1ihii al llu limn i itii us h i s i iforpe- nd is di ii nd- tropin in the s ai ton duln t cxtindid lo ac i on teams mlii this linu hx busy wilh continued on payc lic i ihc new band hall ulslkm 1 i ho ik speaks tli mell llks a is voi eonii i s mi in 1 iiijisi al ihouph his quhiu aniui is an an m iisilt as it ll oils ills ixhmgui to piust sllllsts t the iii u ai ot p hi ellli in llu ihllltiphliiv nnj in spam mu iml attii ikih tviul uul s ml tup thin months in liospitil at deaths dini did hi at llu poi muksiimi ol hismiuhei iii tip this euititip enterpuse like lalltci liki son is i ik tvel tmiviitiimiyf artilhtsrs exaclk uhat mi raph ul did ik tliupped the cape and swuiil im hair dressing ecuipment to tot lews llw same puiussioh as his lather todav he is one ol the top men in the husiikss lsisle aiies ranch loeaus1 i muthvasi ul town is owneifunit oneialed ln bmno selistati ami his business puttmi lieun llalb awa the unique idea ot statt tny un advaucetl aiadeun al the runclt became a realm ttw cars ntfo and the ucnuuul since thal lime hu bevn tremendous the cuuple have been akix tu um top hair stylist in england mr raphel is instructing expslivrked try lists rom att over north america at style acres ranch this wek the classes are being sponsored by bruno sclisiul and mrs etselyn hathaway coowners of bruno s schools of hair styling mr raphael is show ing the coowners the latest method of styling the nutldinp wilt be finished lime tu start the season prupratn committee chairman goid james indicated his cum mil lee would like to pet started on the hocke propram a meet inp to be adertised was set lor september 9th at tlu commun ily centre when in time propo sals would be discussed with the various clubs mr james nut tiled the com mitlee he was unable tu tind a vuilable candidate lo attend ihc c a ii a hockey clinic in king lon scleral hkelv person were approached hut all hd pre vious commitments tor the clinic dates further discussion of reloca tion ut the tennis couru revealed council had nut been olficially nolitied bv letter ut ihc prob lem but thechairman was as sured b council s representativ es on the cummittcc they were aware of the problem council fels more intercut should be shown if courts arc to he relocated commented lf goaker intercut n at a low ebb said ab i ruin parks board says there u no room for courts tn the park anyway to which chairman patterson 4 retorted theyve sjot room for pig pens which they use only once year ftlu classes ere being conducted this wk bv two missionaries from the child evangelism fellowship of ontario al various rmkvughout town missionary mist elaine goudy of elmira is seen reading a bible story to the tuesday morning group at the home of mr end mrs stan cripps agnes street included in the photo are carol ann stltt debbie unger kim shay karen mcdowell kim mcdowell janice unger doug darby sharon phillips louisa harm sma beverley norton diane frank donne darby kathleen dills and karen norton sjuvti

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