the arton fro pratt thurtday autjuit 54th 1965 thwchu holiday trips preservation shower in news of district- galbraith egger moffat herds top dhi a class id a inp tu pnulikiion in h rd cnrollcd in itaed from 18 t 27 qqui the hal ion ha association un tht dairv herd improvement as hal ton couniv hai three dairvdvr prank chjftholm placed 16th voeution program lunlinms to herd impnmmcni asmxuiiuns the 02 cou averaged 1 1 j332 lbs ol the i f tutu- m on lorn j the ol milk 424 ihs of lal tor a bca while on vacation mr and mrs i j l r l imla arxhlt kerr also mr and mn ulalilay mnroir tarl vawtier vsicd mr and ms itltu the 3ijt00 cow no on um arc haton ct awxuton under of 104 and i07 mrk wall ui thir totuije cull i and luar th batus on tuis jj lake mr and mr vtallacv suack hamtr and family enjoved a fc holiuas lii uvll ur clarintr d nny and fam lly viviled on sunday in cuclph with hir parinis mr and mrs leonard irslle ami m tn mrs rodv srhmtui and laiiul l am ilk ijon and vivli sehindit are is tdruj wiih ihcii omimii j n diu1v thank mrx artliu kt n ixicimii irtlct from mrs k iihle n t i lor askinit to hiu a notr in iru chun full news ihanktntr mi ul t allan and mrs clarrru allan toi ihrir care ol slanwv and ktnimlli tivioi this ii now livinj n i nn wiih rv aiuj uv h mt phrreon and familv ira ml art welcome lo visit mr tayloi an allrnummi mr nul mis ton dimm inl oihtmom da august 17 mrs arvhir kerr also cr averaging 10407 pounds of mdk i the supervision ol gcorf uctor the halton weil asociation mr ar- k rr also lnuand 30 pound ol lal compared i mat v was unth in the province i with howard knji as unrivr ni iihr svnam are home lo m pounds ot milk and 313 thr 439 eoves in this association j wi hth th 433 cow averaged u iwhswna i inuuti ix pnds ot lat n 9m u an n an rayed 11136 lbs ol nnlk 423 0 492 of milk 397 of fa for a v ss w h m ind ms val rtau ol is prr mil for milk and lbs ol al this is an a vera ot bca ol 99 and 101 v lulhamr n sunday i pr tenl for tal dui my the 107 ind 108 peneni iispniitl top herd in he cotinlv or thr vrc d7jiiv sis sjers sha7m i period ll- aviuc herd w in j jlxjv llu junir tot flu bttcl sjscti nl ui lan irsilt mrw c i j inn i ii hm li i i l mm 1 i i li c1uiu ll ii n i it ippv i iinik an ii t i hi u 1 i i i i h ii lik i i in i n hhnis nl i i i i ii i m in i mi i n ii ii lint i in i ii i hi i i i m i i iii m h ii i i i i 1 1 ii mi i ii i ii nm ii i i i i ins i hi v i i in in ill ik i in i i i n hi ahkemenglish wemmg vows mr and mr gordon ailkrn sn jihn hayotville t daiirhlri and son in law mi and mis mike huuhinson of j i tuionlo allrndtd lite uiddin ol the formers son sherlock and marv f nrlish al he uniltd tliuith in riinhtini on satin day noon ami ino tht irttpiionj mi it i m m ii al llolldnv inn chatham hu v h uh hiidt tiul urorni hit imtmdiiu mi l an i i ku ii t ki alltiwirdi loi uinmihi mi m i mi w i uituki minltobi when thi eioom islujnpmuil l mi i t si ilium d wth llu k al and jm anmlxlh hi i mi m tht hride will ik u k hiny at tin ihlni i u 1 h m mi sim 1 miyh vhikil sks vs il hi ii mi i m mr and mis nwotiltitui ind ml mis k dpli t i i s c irnrt bnur w piwis t honor srwlwrd allken i nylish wittdin on sit utda at bli nht nn vlilt tnf 1 it tic john tiul doncn in der lujit sp nt last wiik with relatives in hi impton mis ad i 1 untxil of rw wchki has inn n isitin with hi i kislt i mi m ju kvni mi and mis mmri mtkm rum and kali n srn nl sivrnldit- last wtcl as msis ol ri nd mrs allan cook h tlun iullit on high lakt in tht mtiskul i distitt1 lilllc cot ken md john hun tu ol gin ipli in msitui with thill jjiaiulmoiht r mis a sin clair and othti uuiims mr and mrs v ml hrmr md tons and mt and mis v ill itt brute ind thildnn from siskiil thcwin ttundtd i bum i t lly u union it tht hoim of a cousin ah in hi ik k ol port pri r on sund i w in u 42 win pit mnl mi and mis roori t slitit and diiklnn gnelph isitiil on sund i with mi md mis fnmii giiiiulv mil f tniilx rulfdlng new ilnmr mr nur mis rihii n mil fnm il ho ikinlu punhisrd ihi t inskx htn on the 17 suit road at lln i lis i nu h it sold it and an ltnmuit- a iuu honu on ttu stvinlh i nu thi ihu own cr is mr gi ol thi ilnlon a ui mr and ml s miij m u tin ol gurlph isitid on sund it wiih mi and mis i a hulhkh and itntih mi md mis i md rolvitsun guclph msilttl on hitiudt t rnint witli th lomtirs hioilur and suiiiinlaw i g md mis rolxt i son mi ind mis oiton tom ii ind two dtughtifs motd a i imp ing tup li s uilt sti m mi ow i thi wci kend h sw hkhaiiui ut mi ailhui sw ukhmui uis mianhui mis r i davids n mis ii svs u kh nn t mis v ill u swatkhnui i ind i c ifol did jiiiiu a iu mini show i foi shtioii siti- tu ui al tin hoiiu ol mis ii ii tk tin ion s n- il mi and mts j hu i itwunpm mi lied thompson ant mi 1 i w ikithhiv ol a ton sp lw ds in iklioil kisilin with m i mm i hi 1 broth i n law mi md mis s il joik s and s hi sll illy miml i hiu o i ml mil i mis k t d mis spent sund iv wiih um ii im nd mi m i m s m k i t th n t 1 i i al it tkl oiilino lail ttwk mi ml ms will n mi iwu nl iim i lh ii t il in n m in 1 i i u i i m in 1 with h t i i ii 1 iw nd i on k lh m l iu i rivitu iafc m uk miss l mwd u mini whh j il i ill i sw i khim i i in i i it w h i i k s it i nm h 1 h i md poonl i m poo i i h is on mi s it i svv kl mi i in i lh mo i v ilu ihl pnulu is in llu i nul i i i ih nn t i u d with ti i i w nl i a inline 1 i m inf titn i oiiim i i lis oil dm tomimiiu s chunh palnitmf tht county o haiton weed control news by v f mtasthut w1xq inspcctor trcuml tunsxvvtivir ejr viji glftj brjllh brut lluhinlun rr i ol ilk lljlton acsl aiumlalkin lh ii tou avimyrd i1s24 ol milk vo ol iji tor nih ruih in onuno in llu 12th pojion irom iiimi llu proviiut wa walftr i yyrr mrlliil k k 6 ol llu- hill tun vm asocidlion ullh 14302 i milk jnd 47 ol ijl in i lie 18th position uai r uollat grorgr ln il rt i ul mjllun last 1 1492 nl milk ami s21 ol ijl till- wrrd and un mcijt ikmilit n llglhlv till ulll i 71 iiisimvs i iji r llun jn jspiin t iii t willi th ui- in is ol pi mil the lot 1 jiiiouiii iikmii d in j mts m aa coles i i it nn i ul ii i lvr i it uh lol il t iimril whilil i iimdoi nun ii unik v is pioiniiu h wnii j ii sisters reunited i ii i iii ii lit i s in an mi v i hii vlui ii i ir in i iiin ihm is ilhniu ol h ut n kiintn i ii i inn i n ii mi pi nils v- in ti ptkltn nm ii as ii imiiilnl ijii 111 lint mi ihii s ii 1 m ill lli hi iii mint i s nm n lsn shlt ivvlun s t11 i naninlauitlil- ii its tls ii tillt ins mi m u s and liail lap is pll vaill stluii in lirsl in mitii uith tlllt sistti beef calf club sees top herd th regular monirtiy meeting of i the hilton 411 beer calf club was held on august 19 a the farm t of mr w ii merrv and bob thr prvident larrv gartlhoute opened the meeting with the 411 club pledge and welcomed the member lo the eurttleeit short horn herd of the uerryt the member soon found the high quality of shorthorn when the had o judtfe a clavt of yearling shorthorn heifer jim mckay yave the official placing i then club member doug card haute gave a vhowmanowp dem ont ration to junior and seplor itub member club tender jim mckay gave a grooming demon si rat ion for i ho wine the calve member then motffd to the patio tor a hoii quif and then a good mm on a new word lor i arm mg loiruh wa irrved and enfoved h ijrry garuhouu thanked mrs miir fur tier kind hosni illt in hoot thr 4 11 hrrf meet in camjajty i mil iii ill sl llllillli i k 2 ai i st i s inn mis i iiiiii i fin in in 41 nciis tins s m m lol s ol k lias ilrtl to li- vt sl m ii 1 ii 1 n il sll 1 1 in i ill us i i i nil ini i 1 i lust a i i il i i obituary n i moffat postmaster interred saturday a hi i 1 it s i x lltl i i i ii imii11 ii nil ins i i si 11 hr ostsl ii ft al nit nul s i ii il lav i vint ma polk ns h1 ir i plinl sh ik ms i a mi km ol mi hi ui ilir pollin mli iht ai ilnsy mll mis g iliihir til nit 111 nl vt is i ki slim si mm in i s isv il in ss an n i s i hal i va limn i 11 s m 1 11s 1 stilll a limn i sliad iil on n1 1n ill mi 1 1 n i10v win il llllils n11k mi iml 1 1 in 11 invhtii hnth 1 i 1 in 1 il i uln i1t itavt ii 1 lis 11 tin i hint in 1 litis 1 flls stlll iflis mslllllj kisrl is ihr stiilsl ip lss 1 it us mil hi 11 hsu vmi ks ill in nisi i lln v mis il i k antnlst m mis oli s i mills in is 1 it nil tlnl 111 1 i 1 iii ssi sl in lln tils t ms 111 v 111 his 1 sill pntilishitl mrs- grace reinhart i buried at fairview funeral cervlce wa held at tht rufntet shoemaker funeril homt on monday august 16 or gtace ross lmnston ruit- hart who died al llarru on au gust 12 irittrirunt was in fan view cemetery she wa born in georgetown daughter of the latt angus ross ami margaret ann mtkinnon mcdonald her hrm huvhand jtihn living it on had a gruiri store tyn mill sl in ac tun hi died luddenlv in 1911 her set oiid husband john reinhart prrdecrtisrd her and she i ur vived b a daughter dori mn i3nux milkr of r r 2 ridg wj ross iivmsion of north toniwjiuji and waller tteln- liail of cljippawa gniiukhdd- ilii tik and slull miller an tslimalid 170000 visitor haic loured the gm of canada passe nyt r tar assemble hne al oshawj m llu past 10 vtars a walking lour would lake day to complete so visitors travel by nuitoried turn a wnii r sjs i he longer a mins hair is ih more hkelv h is lhal he is a crook maybe so but llu n jt quite a num tn r of bald headed men who aie pietlv slick operalors harvey laverty heating numumo and lavcsttouomns sales and service fc l m iai l lnivhi cui a4 ma44l w oh uul ou limuu utlklutuxt canvwtuti iiiiiiim main smrr h ij4wj4 uluwbnltt ockwoos sllllll imiiii iii pi ills iii all on i ii limit i i i iss is lln int lit sl 1 i ii mint pi ml tilh k itssiil i ll 1 1 111 lit- l i i l ss vllll j iiiniinin iitssirtl is ihr tsii illtiltltl in tins i ins ii iniist in 1 stins tin iiiiiis sst i 1 on i in pull il in i piling h il iinli i ii spi as i tilli ml nul mil i ill nm ils ii i iii i t i m ill il i i ini al i m ii 1 in i hm s nm i il lh 1 ph lit ml nl ii pit i alh in ss is luiin ill s i i i i lis n hip mil i il mt 1 is s il ih i i st rlini h i hi ii i in i in ii i is sills i h still is i i ill ips ill i ialiil llns ul ul s niiisin ill is iii up i hirl ihli s ii mint i in r in i i i inln iii mud il who it- llll nl llll loll ii l i i ii i l xi in i kills i k it tl mi u i i mrs ii i 11 i h th i m ii s ninn i u inlilnl ills hi it it s pin i nil i si i i inn i 1 th 1 s il is mr in i mis ci il m villi 1 mi ilsi i hum hiss in s nls iiisis i in n n ii ii in i i mt i i it lis i anlis nul i n t tins lit s pi 1 hs i is ssili lln ini nu i miihi mount ind 1st imi- i i i 11 hull is all in ll s iii st is 11 i i sit il iii 11 i nn sp nt hull i is s i ml m t villi till mi in mi i ii mi m ii 1 in ipli him il ss i 11 i i s lifelong rockwood resident e w harris interred monday i dt nil mlilkti ii in i i i il is 11411 llltlt ill s iii spilnl cmlph loll shon illnss ilutl inst ph hon null ii mi lls 1 his i ill tils hinll th so i i i u nds t hills ti in kckkssihkt tht hurt it ssis put h is i its tjls oio alttr thuitti iimnii h iht pustss n 1 1 in c luiith i in rinkss nhi hi si is ihi hild nt hi in s ill mi i- j ncpluss ol lh i he ind i dnh ilkii ii ki lutd ii ins li mini stirs ill his hi in kiskiiohl lu kkksthhl tout spoiiu nt i ii hi i li ssnh lilt pliin ll 1 it si lill in plilultlphi i pnn sshit hi r nm i il sisii is is lull t ss is tmplisitl in i ii i dpin iht riimls sli kill k i inn id ninl sinn is in tiiiitil in nut mindu 1 1 1 n h n onikir silt sill in pislor hint in hill tnlldiltltd iht ills i mnl sliossi ih losi iss stllllls iii kthklltmld lipl lilt klhkssthhl v hill ii mill ii 11 1 ll il ilssj ii w nouklss prcnls irr wmes unit n tie mt thou l hiui om mr huns is t hit loni ol those he trt tivhnrt t ilks uth nunilxi j llu society ol i i n ruts their tec n ipers bcviiisc lhiu ounkcisi as w is his 1 itmu iu not sure lu will be iblc to on mended utie lins u nil it l in di rsiind ci r thine th it thi jsiijmt t until thi pist month itun ipiis till thim change of ownership main variety smoke shop plt b advitcd thai ih ownrthip ill main vanly butinau h baan ukan ovar by ivan m harnt with mn tunica madtill lyino on at nana- gar to pratanl and new cuttemara sva with lo atttjnt prompt plaatlng courtaout tarvlta coma in and gat acquaintad ivan m haiiis this weeks special for one week only silverwoods deluxe ice cream bricks only mi gal 89 oaitua1y mrs hamilton here 22 years runcral sciaka tot 1 dithc m hamilton widow ol the late hor old hamilton was he id ut tht rumleyshitemaktt funeral home mi satunlli august 21 coiutiut tdh thi riv r ms mtu i j mrx himilton pissed awa at st jo sephs hixuiu hospn il guclph tetllowing an iiiikss of 18 months mcntbcrs ut the duki cil devxm vhirr chapur ol the i ode ol which hc was a mem her wvrr unong this attending the wr ue interment tetllowetki in greenwood ormclcry george town pallbearers were three nepheus i orne gar in glen v illiants jack galloway sarnia and reg huarc ac ion earl bmgh ol to ronto rudolph sptcu ogrl and ezu mario acton she iw iurvivrd by two ton herbert ot gejorfktowtt and jack of toronto and daughter alleen mr gordon currte with whom she had been hying a wister mrw ed galhrway four srandchildren and elfhl gwtgndobjidren also remain urt- hamilton was born in georelown sepiembar 12 119 she moved to aon 13 years iafeo titer the death of her husband milton ltoy 8783272 thuk 41 sat auo so17si how tb stuff a wild bikini in color annette funicelio dwayne hickman unfamiliar sports cartoon irani 040 matinee saturday at 3 p m montueswed auo 303 1 sept 1 36 hours 4amk gapner eva marie saint cartoon doo trouble adult entertainment thuk pri sat sept 134 how the west was won in color jghn wayne james stewart cartoon pine feathered friend owing to unsytlt one show oath night at i p m show times monday through thursday om program oath o m pw friday and saturday 1 7 and satuwday matinee s pj iiiftfvrrftr7iffr miss acton fair judging at acton district high school saturday september uth at 2 pm for 1965 entries accepted by members op miss acton pair committee mt sprowl 8531195 h hinlon 8531246 linda ferguson 8332675 nemo trysehaar 8569833 w nellai 8530656 l hamtloy 853091 b r murray 8532229 this is your last chance i deadline for enfrtes wed sept 8th esquesing tsa parents of public school chtidren please note school bus routes stewarttown those transferred from stewarttown to pineview on the 7h and lh and town line will rida a aoutkbound but pkkop commancaa al is a m all olkar raulai ramain ida uim at law larw the attendance at stewartlown school will be froen is ol srplrmher 7 1965 and any furthar regntratiom in the area normally jerved by thi school w ii be directed to the nearetl tchool with available accommodalioni and transportation mint be arranged by ihe parentl to the cloleit eting lianpottation ptovded by the board claliet hart al 8 40 a m glen williams speyside limehouse and norval routes remain the same as last term umehouse classes start at iw am olen wiuiams classes start at so a m speyside classes start at 9 10 a m norval classes start at b 40 a m pineview and milton heights all children west of 3rd uni on no s side road will ride on west bound bus puiub will b al approalmaraly 20 a m tkero will b no cltanga on nat 25 highway poru la ml hon halgkm all olhar bui rautet romaln iho mm at latl mrm pineview classes start at 9 10 a m milton heiohts classes start at b 40 a m pupils attending grade three at limehouse will be accommodated a glen williams school unlil tuch lime at the new addition at umehoute ii completed pupils attending grades 4 and 5 of mrs riddells class and grade 6 of mr blains class at pineview will be accommodated at hornby school until cuch time e the new addition at pineview i completed the above schedule is to apply in all instances subject to any revisions the board finds necessary fouowino a trial period in the event of a change parents of pupils affected will be notified chool opens septemberjlh drive carefully 1