Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1965, p. 3

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v iton ociiyi atfion for intermediates flttref th faff rdlmi and w4m anew la new asertrs ht oat- tea of oahirmmlllria tjc gieame whofte fmfct two year hi oftvrtb ml- joy oar netl ed ilrtwlni t of takk w grathi mih aw ifalasr tartoernttto a lkhmmm iim mr leitrel v iiraiia of vtmrnrnt ha baea ttu btttim km marl- margaret lavecfc at mia p lilittl matthew in bath itrelrord tc m mia nancy sea hanover of el- 15 laj t atfml imw by u llrtihd lb loltratli witaeeaa at lo easa wnnm ptdigrouad au- j4 to mr tjthaslilar presiding eml- ear af lh acton caeajreaatio el mmlii wwwi itu fix a- mbtmy had record crowd of mm person th fatal point jf hat imsshly was ik bible acattr ea sunday j pjsi whaa la k cnulu canadian attur ot mawakv wit ayah an tha tttbjeet world ocw ii aim on the afeoulder of ik toot of peot mr c ela th urn nalhering world aswraaat lor all m will ma only on si govern- btam r au th earth it will b atjtaholof th oaaaea of til th atoaw la pncrful human broth- me nirnilfrtl that world a mm i i necessary la th rrvhnii and ttappwet of la huaua fuairy but la uinwt is tit question do we not haw world aovarammi to th orm of united nations hi quoted a wu- ikhowa tekmelofwdl answering mbt stalker th i main of ha i moat nor tha united rations wu babt ea the broad roup con- tflciusasii nurnui ft t mr during th eauratof th- atacabty xt tlirferem lisikiri pnlii to reason aad tntetteet aal mo tion as i uaual la rettgtout ri- llt all put th spotlight oa gods word lh mbw to eaahu lh ibto- aalai la owhiarn lhair uadaruaad mf of lh scthhirai u wll a lragtha lamr faith rvacllcal counatl for awryday llvinj was dlicuuad in daull paranu and mmari war riailaiitd of lhair ladtvidual aural raiimuulbllill tbacialty aow la thk world of moral dacay oa lha obmuu day convanlion- era eaihuilatllcalty aaplaudad the tha aaiminr wu auurvd that lalaraatloail problcau of this wartore world can only he ul- vd by world ovemraeat head- ad by lh priao of lace jenu chrtel all in aitendano were uraul to leek everlutinc 111 afiarad by lh lord god ihrouth hi rvinot of paac and lhrouh lh world governraenl ratling on fall fair dates acton sept it ii aaeatter sept jj 14 arthur sept h u barrte sept 2 3d oct 1 1 sept 10 ii mabrook morion avaatploa caledon sept sept it ii sepl is sepl la it ii sept 10 ii sept jo oct i 1 chtey sept 10 ii couinawood sept 13 24 draylon sepl ii and 10 durham sept 15 blmlra sepl j and embro sept ii and 10 erin oct t and ii peraut 1 sept it ii gall sept 10 11 geonetowa oct 1 1 grand valley oct 1 1 hanover sept 2 j harrbioa sept 15 16 kiaeanune sept it it kjicheaer uaduy seat it to oct 2 sep 2 to is sept t i sept 10 to ii sept i it sept jo oct 1 1 sept 24 25 seat 21 mew uaatburi sept it ii markdal ktarkhaat milton jaucheu orantevflle wutter fair sept 21 22 oct 25 to so oct lo sept jt 2 oct and ii sept 24 25 sept 20 21 21 sept 24 25 nov 12 to 2 sept 2111 oct jft ii seph0ll sept u to 11 octtandll match jbat li to u ralaate of a new si2pate faranc manual make sure of au thin hold fail to what it fin practical uilhttlion of tcrlpturw and hitiorical facii ar- ranpad under iis main iubjci h wat damonttralad lo ihe audience the wiintuet were lold thai ihe majority of bible ques tion they encounter in ihelr mln- ttiry could be antwered by ikill- d ute of the new book the convention alto marked a new innovation ifc tha teaefclk work of jehovaht wltnettet mr schneider tald sine ihe release of ihe book lei god be true in 14 it circulation hat exceeded ivu mlllloni makuuj it the worldt second bett seller only being exceeded by the holy bible with its ute hundreds of thous ands have been atsiited lo an ac curate knowledge of the word of truth the saturday afternoon audience was however encour aged to begin immediate study of the new blblaaiudy aid things in which it is impossible for god lo lie sufficient copies were made available for all in at tendance to begin immediate cir culation of lh publication upon their return the convention unfurled be fore anuasd londoner a closely- knit organisation that worked with clockilk precision in the cafeteria over 20000 meals were served under the direction of 400 vohin leers a hardpressed rooming depart ment overcame numerous obstac les while billeting tom visiting convenlloner in private homes and commercial bouses within a amile radius of london allen slemensv a circuit supervisor of jehovahs witnesses in south western ontario and convention rooming manager reported that the problem which posed the greatest thaueagc to his depart ment was ihe acquisition of one home to accommodate 4 adults and it children who arrived from detroit michigan by but on thursday installation brought in 5 huge steam boilers installed 1 walk4n freeasrs and over 1300 lineal fael of cafeteria tables more than 12000 itenrt were handled by the trucking and equipment depart ment ml salnm a crowd of 200 person gather ed around a london east end mo tel on friday morning to watch ihe largest baptism ever held in inndon one hundred and forty- one baptismal candidates were totally immersed la water lo sym bolise their rvsdtration lo do the will of god henceforth the cere mony aarked the cuhtunatlon of vld atsazs liheiii gifaluaia mta ktra hatdar ttrd l1eckaoat ueawahoft2s4ma radttat and mrs aaa fre of dowmevtow who ha for thre years at mcb- moad hdl is 1th il anolhar aaw staff- i mis mary w mottttt of wmt hdl who will a aatistaat to mlu j foe la sh prs sohnpl lat peo am she ha baan oobtg filtlii work bt public sehool la oahawai 8upriatasd- aal d b kahady aotad lh pr ty of amtktf up a rnttilir cllwtf for abetil ii art arhanlsi s la kltchaxr sieau ar la est pranntly conduetad al lh mtltoa hcaool raratu and children ar vislud in the hoot but what liter i a eaaeealra- llott of deaf children la on area pumiud uraalus lis auamd tn a raaalir cttak far grout their program ltd year a abaut to s children au of the new teacher with lh ssriselloa of oa took a mv tb a imeialltia certificate la ami cmmrea teacher gary buaeh has been aimed acting supervising teacher of the lalermedlal sehool his teacher will b mis i bell j htherlegtou v heaps and nick onyachuk jiadtirlehaslataw teachers in ihe 25 junior school classrooms will b m boyler mrs j foley mrs m elliot mrs a jestsang mlas b r ihy mr m mkss a mkatav mrs t hllacamiasf j mtt l nhssa mrs u momma mr j tiiiri mis n hues v taaaauti mr f warn er alia f welsh and mr a wtt- hlritsisriwltti a glowmg t5fit i paper b toronto weakly ihjuuber wa adhad by wttaata lyon mcaueaa irraaidrlly tram itsj to imb th latue found by mr crlatl carried a tainly teacher are mrtf amoa mr s j dill mrs elbot mr ht j poster mr b oahna mr b hilton mr b c karr mrs f m uu mr d amahwymrfcfuakl wayne pott return a dean of bl3rnr and mlu a blokl and mr k brauan will btuper- vising reside counsellors counsellors ar d brunette l cordon mini r hay mrs k rlualer ml d koomans mui b miu mlit c ftopabic mia m vanalaahhilitaa mia a walker at lh boys fildnr ml a aadison mia m coat mrs m s ford mis j huus mr t inmaa ml d s 555 kla mr mcdonald and miss avalarrllla thl cmirai coupled rfsotnwoo la th airf real- with two year of dassraom lea va a f fuher will b acting iusv arvitor at the lalemwdlai boys residence tti by o belrdaad t nye mrs m ehord u acting supervisor tn the intermediate girls residence with mrs m el liott mis b marahand miss w vandaberg assisting supply counsellor are mrs c buyer mrs m bundy mrs b cross mrs u hlnchcliff mrs a hornet mrs d jervll mh b joyce and mr m scott acton 4h grain club meet at maplewood farm the members of the acton 4h oratn club met at maplewood farm rjt s acton august i when mr and mrs ctlvin altken played host for their fifth month ly meeting familiar ml in his introduction of the hosts club leader nino braids told the members that maplewood farm hat been the site of many 4h meetings during the past 10 yean and expressed appreciation for ihe untiring support given to 4h by mr allien and the mem of his family president bruce coles opened the meeting by leading the mem ber in the recitation of ihe 4h pledge and conducted the bust ness portion secretary bob let- lie read ihe minutes and called ihe roll the instruction period consist- ed of a review of the material cov ered during ihe project in prep aration for quit night on sept i which included discussion on the many phases of crop production summer assistant bill sinclair offered the members several con structive criticisms on their bar ley plots which he recently scored and briefed them on ihe prepar ation of their grain sample for achievement day and trains them to express their opinions in public he predicted that 4h experience would have farreaching effects in their future regardless of what line of endeav or ihcy may choose lo enter at the conclusion of the meet ing refreshments were served by the boats who were thanked on behalf of ihe club by fred an- thony the two 4h agricultural clubs in this area are sponsored by th acton agricultural society and nagnlifltl under lag pollcia rlcurtui cables digging hazard cabbon tnachloude anyone who inhales carbon let rachioride risks severe poisoning or death one tablespoon will saturate the air in an ordinary siied room so never ute carbon let for cleaning even with spec ial cleaners you should do the job outside or where the ventilation exhausts the vapors rapidly and if you have n old carbon tet fire extinguisher it would be better to dispose of it it could be dang erous if used indoors purchase a new ellpurpose dry chemical fire extinguisher from the helton county junior farmers the members judged a class of seed oats and seed barley and oral reasons on their plectngs were scored mr braida advised the group that judging grain or livestock has a threefold purpose it gives the members an apprecia lion of good seed stock ii sharp ens their powers to observe and make quick intelligent decisions an extended period of bible study with jehovahs witnesses onlookers were particularly im pressed with the orderliness of ihe entire convention outstand ing was ihe good behavior of ihe ihousandt of children attending with their parents the pretence of babielnarm appeared com mon place to the witnesses um colored wlftsst delegates representing 6 prov ince 27 state and mexico denv onttrated the ttand taken by jehovaht witnesses in ihe racial problem some 2j0o colored wit nesses assembled in the general grandstand ale meals in the tame cafeteria with whites and volun teered their services throughout 22 convention departments mr greenlees concluded the convention by asking all delegate 10 apply the counsel received during the four days of assembly the audience was urged to make 11 apparent that all jehovaht wit nesses are living god word of truth rw quibty stvk mvij fohtfevtatan hus th vwytmat in mm rtbsfci halton princess out in preliminary llallons hopes of cashing la on the ontario dairy princess ti tle for 195 were dashed last week as heltons princess miss margaret hunter from burlington lost out in ihe preliminary round competing againtl four other girls in one section of the cana dian national exhibition prelimi naries she lost to e girl from glengarry county miss hunter retains her halton title for a year she was award- ed a 110 consolation prlae and a maple leaf sash pin after last weeks defeat 1 tha acton rvao preeay thurtdey s 2mj 10a5 william lyon mackenzies paper gives political story of 1860s aa old n c a the oay wa taalea whs the he also quoted the i a of una peat i by ilea cried al dale of january t into kad turn up ms year later during bout mf if nsl had been est of th ihre rebel leader of us ahort- uved iut upper canada ftabel- lioa he escaped lo lh united stale and captured navy island hi lh niagara river eventually h wa caught and sente to u months bt jail ho th anuwsly ad of 114 freed him and h returned to cnadln pol itics laihi k defsatij gtnrg brows and wa sleeted to the leg- ulative ninthly for the bow fraraliinh upper and lower can ada he resigned hi seat in itsi and returned to newspaper pub and us toronto week ly publisher duriag th iut rebeuloa h was tsipjtorwd by john stewart of lh scotch block f equating stewart had brought mackenzie to halton to apeak previously ii is rumored that mackenzie hid in cave south of milton before he escaped lo lh united stales stewart himself was taughl and sentenced lo life imprisonment in ihe penal colony in tasmania however he escaped from fort jle in kingston where he was sent to awail passage lo tasman ia ha returned to ihe scotch block and continued farming un til ihe end of the century mackeniles toronto weekly publisher of i w0 indicates thai merliottrl wa still involved in th politics of canada ha said allho often compelled to apeak with severity of the class ruler of my native island and their agents here 1 have ever been true to ihe people the government may cen sure me but the british emigrant nsver can to my pecuniary loss i shall continue to persevere in slating ihe truth tn public affairs in ihe hope thai even my humble effort may do torn utile ward making canada the abode of happy mutton when 1 hve been forgotten the main political question of tto you know thai the wlret con nected lo your telephone may be hurried in your vard your planting pr fence building chore can not only result in sore back but also cut off your phone service if you want to play it safe call the telephone company they canl help much when ii come to aching muscles but they will show you where the wires are in your yard and they do it for free just disl 114 and ask for cable locating service ii there are wires under your lot theyll tell you theyll also send a man out to your home to mark the location fred a hoirmflm optwtetrist ta 42071 mcttse3mmriuilph united george fnrosnt ear ms s everyone know that lh tories are only drhsaa to thai cry of an nexation by ksisasthnytsslliiaat the tote of loavee end fashes through th fair working of free inethiirlnn that tit taajority of th fneasrveh elector do not with montreal afaaifeato for a federal union with the united blase th hit ler aaanwallw of political part ies and faction la canada often let ding to violence and upon i occasion to chal war teesn not to have abated with time nor l there al the nretsal moment any prospect of easatnutlon or ecu mode una th aspect of parties daily snore threatening toe ttitulioa ana i of oar mfatrz tim paper eoni leal view aad hat of ad awthtgaf hat of each saonth th dale of each month an ea th el page of uw january t itau found by mr criaei to represent a lara peaer with page numbered 7 to 54 each page carrie two n tar le page 7 and are actsstl- by 1 inch or textbook tit date oo new carried la th paper vary front lata to us train to toronto v-h- y bodt44door tine again v and may we tuggest start yowr rjtimr4ri mhool ytmr pff irifjkt writs bit ttcatntfajmrw hjr cut yrutt to us to tjtatm and cut tfttsir hair itt a itot rjmtti ttyw norms tti jwttomottt aatbo4jtcoitvwirtfartur ikj rturn tlm d3 en cll caluttam natronal 3imim4 m mwiiaiuam 64 yast in u lst you with your plan for that all importtnl wedding day tout in and ms out cottrlxtt uucnonor iniitjnoss jxsovsctutms e isrotuals e 4ccttiohu ejimmjaws -r- est i ssbel yser hsg hmlullist ssul sretsssriss wak esafltts fast ss le eslkr sad rirfinsris sf wi auo have kisonaunp vtddikc namin uatchu and la st ioxu dills stationery m mill 8t ybl asi2m acton its go go but rtt a trip to ntsjsn clothing for a mhi aptvv4d outfit umtjahy rjafojtmml for you and uatpot ttylaa usex at colufmri all ovar thrt rnttratantl cardigan patch pockitj custom mad km ado high bovf amd omu otlon or wool wofutm tm ithpfjo tehwrt rkh14ip tttavi jj whitf iibtt lomo llbtvt um wool wxmkttcd iwtt feut anil aular w pued t jljt thvujmi t vkcou waah awl wear baa ptoahvl tfbrvuhl a wool skhw weak and wear uu 91em hfomiztfl wrom i- ll ovm lomfmi bxv4i all sites from 5 jo in tiock ii you heve problem in fit wa will male your skin up tpacltl lor you al no estre coal cardigan p rtoarjflacuemlrjtmroa acti high boy t 0ls 0lom oh wool wfoftttb ttm u polmrat a a aveavue wash a wcab pahw conhnenlal super slim sli 10 18 feu9tt m as as abovb sfm tcmuvm pamts wfab uw 10t4l wooi bump fl4tatbmtai sbw stawbb ottwmftfl tab tttftnrattaaaw 14 hh txf bukcat aajotjat w ar wtshaut caate teaw tmt tttt ataktc abvtfmots sim ovm imam im ovm sox g ovm joocs j ovm v4tvam t6 tjh

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