legion notes for branch 197 bonma kwosmmv end gary baleman wm mtmvl in evarton christian church both ara public school teachan school teachers wed at everton on august 7 two public school teacher were married at everton chrifti un church ductfoe of chritl saturday alicmoon auguu 7 when donna may ktitftbury be came the brwu oi gary wavnc baleman the bride and groom were both former acton leather the bride daughter ol mr and mr a c ktngijbury rr 1 acton u now with the north york board of ed neat km and the groom aon ol mr and mr o baleman 15 caledonia si stral lord u now with ttu eiobwokc board of education the rev r lcggc oltuulcd al the doublering ceremony and mr norman mckcnxii witt or ganut the church wu decorated with white thatta daum and pink glad tola sojoim brian crabb ang rr you alone the lord prayer and i love the carta ol grow the bride given in mjrriinji by her lather wore a gown ol white peau de uie vt ith empire waki line and a thine train a wed ding ring huddms held her chap el length ucc veil her pearl neck lace and earring wcrx the gilt of the grooni she tamed pink roact and wnowdrtlt mmn wim 4- trousseau tea showers held blue tarnation and uhiu ha ata daikicn grated the laicvuvirrd lea table as mr alii kingbur rr i acton entertained for her daughter donna mav uho mm mamed lo gary wane huuman augmt 7 pouring lea al tht trthicau were mr chi ford midouall mn wither hneve mrx dutkan kingbur ant mr nurnun mi kenxie mi mankn kingbur maid ol honor khowtd the wed ding gift and mt riorencc mt dmtgall hiucmnnid and mtv calhtnne ktngvhurv in abstntt of mim joan bali man bruit s- maidt sjwmotl the imuxtrau tht groom mother mr qrwl bate man of sirutlord and tht bruit grandmothti mrs rorxit kin- bur rixkwood assisted itu hos ten in rcctuing the guests gul frittulsol tht hi idt stuiwvt td her wlh lovih juuns aiul tups and sauctrs ii tht hoim ol iht hrtdi s aunt mr clittord mt iviugall rotauood mususs4n1iii the cvmiiy mik miss hoixikx mt dihivall and miss mai il n kingbuiv mr orxal llaleman and ilaugh- ter joan mrallnrd mother and wlir ol tht runm held a mis i i laiveoux howcr lor the bridt tobt j with manv tncndi aiul rclatuxs attending i mrx chltoid mtdihigatl aunt ol the bruk airpncd the guet l honor with a mixllancou ijvouvr ol gift from rtlalnr and the lad it of the fcu hon chntian churth were also ho teases at a miwtluncoux shower rycvcniatiom urn made h tht grown thuo1 lalf the brides kchool maff and ihe eveuron christian churvh congregation uaid of honor wu mii man lyn kingsbury the bndt iter brtdevmaid were miss joan bale- man the groom ittr and mis florence mcdougall the bndt i com in won row they were d revved alike in noe peau de vwc mpire vtyhng vheath gown the bod it e act en t ed with white lace their htad- drevtc were rove poau de vole bow and thev carried bouquet oi while vhavta daiwc groomunan wa john knieth and the uvher were gordon kingsbury and david wray the reception wa held in st john panh hall rutkwood which wa decorated wiih while v i reamer and pink rovers tht bnde moihtr nxivej ihc gucvt wearing a navy blue latt dre with white and naw a ccnvonev and a torsagc ol while carnations the grooms nmthtr amted weanng a junk late drv with while acceoriet and a corsage of while carnations uaay cuaala the bndc grandmother and grandfather were special guests other attended from rot a wood guelph at ion slralford toron to i on don kitthener watlilut and pnllia the hndt matli htr own own the bndevmaids gowns tnd tht wedding cake tht touplt left on a wtdding trip to the mantimes mm iinit in latt august lo lite al iim wil vn ai v apt 1010 downstcw tht bndt wore lor tratlling a pink or ion knit suit with naw blut attcssorics and a corac ol pink sweetheart rose as we now swing into the butl er part oi our wason at me branch it now possible to make a few weekly report on the hap pening in the club room the first amf most important item on the agenda thii week it thestedoatuaed dime today thursday in the auditorium the ijinic i upn in the after noon from 2js0 to 4 jo pan and from w lo 9j00 pna tn the even ing thi is a very iorthy cause and it is hoped that you all rvalue the importance of having a good clinic to make it good wc need plenty of donors and mncmber each pint of blood may be a hfesavcrl see you there flu rnday evening four cou ple torn tht atton branch will attend the brampton legion for the presentation of the t barter to the newest branch in our tone hi ant h ww bramalea this wilt bt a gala evening or all concern ed and we wivh the new branch all the suttess in thtir turning year a donation of 1000 from the alton brancti was glvrn to fone b7 for the asistantc in puitha it gavel colors etc for bra nth 60v bi a ma lea fnday nighl stpiemtrr 2 will be the 20lh anniversary of ihe ladk autiliary of our brant h and a dinner and dance will be held in the auditorium the men i itu branch will vtrsc dinner lor i he ladies congialulalions ait due to the ladies on arriving at this mite stone and fur tht tern fit htlp thry hac provided the branch otr tht years tfw i ntcrtalnmmt t halrnian has asked u to it mind iht geii eial mtmhtrship lo keep the dale ol hnday october 8 open so you can make airangementv to attend ihc combined corn roast and sadie haw kin dame in the audi tonum ii was decided at ihe last eiet unve meeting that wv try running thee two nights us one big gala evening and makt it as a tiaxd times torn roast wt hopt vou will enun this new twist in tlub t niertainmtnt admissitm lor tht tvnin will bt 12 00 per touplt wilh thtt in tosiumc getting in lor hall pnn of 100 i ntl niyht lutfwts will torn mence vn i ndav september 24 the steak will be as big or big per than last war no tome oul ind makt a try lor the nual ttv bologna will bt in alttmlantt also al iht gtntril meeting mondav iht decision as mult afttr ton sultrable distusm m ih it afltr iht i let t ion of oilkcrs in dtx tmbtr and installation tn janu arv tht st oft iter would con tinuc in oiikc fir 18 mnlbs un til junt v i96s whin iht new i fittis t let led tn m iv and instill ed in june will lake oir i mm this timi lorth all v lev lions will be held in may with the installa tions in june it is hoped this new scheme for our elections will help all new officers get adjusted during tne summer months for the busy tail and winter schedule thi coming sundav septem ber 19 thwre will be a tone meet irg in enn preceded by a zone pjlo meeting the president and yours truly will be in attend th aclon frea ptu thurtcjay sapkamlmr 16 ims m guides receive first aid awards at st john night in auditorium first aid award to girt guides i absent fur were presented moidav evening were carolyn if a vfteran why not a legionnaijse- cm fwaife the onlano safety league quotes these gems from leiicrs of complaint to one manul at turers servke department i ve told mv fiirnd about ii and they ate juvt a disguming a i am i am the only person wlw use this tar so i know it ha titwr lxn badly diivm b any one else sometime this loss ol power ii m bad that the engine will not idle n lull thiol tie a lot uf folks would think ituv were getting aluad ll tltev could stay even at st john night in live public school audi tonum robert hart corps ol liter wa masltr of crrrmonies he tailed upon divisional supennlendinl g margrave to lead pravtr mr halt intiudoted llvt guest speaktr for live evening dr kingstolt wfio pits nttd ttlose prtsrnt wlh an inttreling illus daltd talk on iht advtiituits ol spint vik divimonal of ittr t d ctjultv of geoiyttown llianked the spaki itu isi ailon nl coi it m- panv was pifanltd wiih ituir mrsl aid awaids t mrs man uing sujirnnli mit nl ol nuiv s tj kiiip town iloillal usslitl 1 b mis hills uitle t ouiniknion ti ol hallimi ounlv thovi who nxt ived iik ii ttinlitalts uu mis giiitni mis hmil nt lilt an il i km mjiyntl slavtn j aiiih pah hjlhv iupill inula kh kalhv kwha naiuv ms nt iuijii idinlr mil ult immi lit t 1 1 fs h iihi mai s i i iih s mjiumu susan mai him nt jutts jljinf itonntr ijnjf matt holm mia i on tidmi lit 1 1 dnyn mais liiwlu jams i lanklin soma ijiyl jujv t aitienmi kann ashl hall ashls 1 i util issiu ami wats4mi their certificates thomson julie smith kailiy slmgerland debby shnga4a chrrylann hacken broik wendv frver chnsltna llling and sharon jerome mrs manning tongratulated the mils fullowtd bv a few words lo itu gioup by corps cadot of luer mr smock mr roogh- u wtut is a nursing oft iter in oh pasl lor atton bngade was pit stilled with her medallion bv mis citspu and later mrs llai luvi cade suk i inlendcnt pie n nutl mis rimiyhlev wiih a binotti on behalf of live cadets mi hart made aiknowlcdge- iikiik lo iht gul guitlt v ot at 1mi llu ai itll stlkool boaid lor hull toox i at ion 111 ktd c nss l ftoivtl ntn along with pji ills and liun is capi or btlbh ii ha vin 11 1 mis ii spi been mm t inj ii wt i nig bolbs g is mg tlie laige jhi t iht n ikw i llu h im k t 1 hull lo son thing stwmild ik d alumil ividttl aiul plaiittd oul vtpafaulv lo it ttutt titinjktition ntvt spuria it whiui jimj ih a good lilt a lo in tirioial soiiu t fjnii malttl atidot liililiu int j iht soil this tlllk divissonal supennlendent g hargrave made stveral announce ments to tle bngade and also announted to ihe pubhc hie start of a strntor first aid course which will be taiting on sep icmber 27 the 77 pwople prevent were served a dthtious luntlvetui bv ihe jadie of ok brigade mi rough lev plavrd tlit queen at ihe tkim uf ihc evening attivitlts ffteo a horfman optometriit s4 st george s sq guelph ont u41v7i pollock and campull majuifactura4 af high grade meaaosia1s memob1al engraving wtw si mm sa1v start fresh this fall send us your dry cleaning now youll lilt our mrvk nd our low pric too w pkk up and dlivr custom cleaners in py t hrip filiiii la by it ua oul by s bj casii and camv main st n h40hi u31lt0 carojmes rower garden shop comhett uni ot nukmy stock i oaidmino nkds sttavs insect1cidcs frtiuzfts now th tim to plant your evwrgrns nd skrubt fortilix nd sd your lawns buy and plant now tap sin quality bulb law frfea all varuliai fresh cut flowers always available flowers wired anywhere phone 853 2980 anytime open 7 day week 8 00 a ni 111 dark vmt ui today i 2 milat wall al actan sautfc sitla al hiowy conscience b tomeihins thai niakn a kid tell hi mother belore his uler does fiwirli himon 5e to 1 storelj milton fair wdavano sept 24 6t 25 satutoav hau exhibits omnnhoav 7yt a m ta to pm horse racing saturday spt 25 700 in prizes ouhmatlin exhibit at ijvmtodc a farm products 441 club work womans work school work enoy tho county fair at milton join ihe crowd sea top exhibit midway v kino shows vincf mountfodd master of ceremonies miiton gims nn and in attendance otfleja oahla 3 imw satanlay the canada pension plan aiid its benefits fterc is wtut tho canada pension pla will do tor people like joe coslclld a 52ycarold unmarried labourer who earns 50 a week if joe continue lo work full lime ubiii ae 65 he can look rbruaid to renting u ith a monthly pension of s54 16 from the canada pension plan and s7s from old ate security a total of si 16 thats almost 60 of what he wu earning if he u ill or out of work for as ions as two years or if his earnmes for a period of np to two yean are below his regular wage he will receive the same pension at aee 65 this is because under the plaa a certain number of months of low or no earnings do- not affect the amount of the pension if joe wishes lo continue 0 woikin between 6 and 70 and earns hiehcr waces than prcwouijy he can impioc hu pension lor example if he works until ace t9 and earns s3600 a year his pension inm be s6i74 month instead of ss4i6ti- if joe becomes disabled after 1970 basing contributed for at least s years he will get a disability pension of s6 62 a month until he gets both his retirement and old age security tensions at age 63 all benefits under the plan will maintain their value the actual benefits pavable will probably be higher than those given here since benefits uill be adjusted to meet changes in lis mg costs and in wage lesels before ihcy are paid jnd changes in lising costs after they become payable ubat will the plan cost yon if sou like joe costetlo are employed and have earnings of s 600 spread evenly oser the sear you will pay at the rate of a week your employer will pay the time amount this advertisement ii one of a series which relates some of the important benenu of the canada pension plan to individual circumstances lp issued by authority of the minister of national health and welfare canada the honourable judy lamataa