Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1965, p. 9

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tomorrow set of sonrytakshcs sef a sorry statistics hobsons choice trooblad and wry dm kisaw whod ba oad of mart health and welfare ere the resjysnii- did devise one that most ofme provincial govern- biliiy of th provincial not of iha federal govern- u iiin i 1- motor whide ettjder tfaliahc for th six monaha of that yr indie why automatla ineurenca rtm liaao iftcraeelng figure ctvnpiucj by tsa ontario oaparirnanl ol transport tkow tkal me numbar of accidents increased by almot 18 par cant lo the and of juna croparty clamaoe slaooaring 3j- 10353 up 43 par cant ova th ovnparabla period of last yr a tola of 65a persona lost m4c tivat in traffic accidanh acrou tha provirtca from january i to jon 30 and 35640 war injured born tttete figure rapraaant increase of mora then i i par cant owar tha comparable period of 1964 this tony wtmrmallon it a grim reminder of tha naad for contiant car on tha highway upward of 100000 driver want involved in accidantt on ontario road during tha hat tin month of tha yaar make tura youre not on tha hit over tha naiit ui montht lift and who needed it too ort him h movdcalland aaawhalh could do tonwmsw mam but tha eagerness of our fadaral polili- fidi morning ha ttactcad up tha letter hed ciant to lhar in tb power and tha glory of pro- wrim tomorrow and thought of tha folk h moling tula walfara in canada hat commitlad would fill with delight tomorrow ii wat loo tham to torn form of compuliory national haalih bad indaad h wat buty today and hadnt insurance regardless of ill coil regardless of a minut to tlop on hit way mora tima i will maritt or dements regardless ol tha hard- haw to give others- hed say tomorrow p it it tura to impose on iha people lean able tha greatest of worker thit man uewld have to ellord it and regardless of ih b n a act baan tomorrow tha world would hava known at lh recent federalprovrvcal confercnca had ha ever iha tomorrow but tha fact it ha fa o iha lot of iha fadaral government to dad and h fadad from view and all that ha formulata a plan tor nanonwida supported uft her whan hit lifatim wat through wat a compuliory nwdare miuranca lhal would be ec ceptsble to all iha province end lhal would ciicunivan ih provition in iha b n a act con fining tuch responsibilities lo the provivcial gov- errvnvents though il lailad to produca plan lhal would giva all iha provincat more than il would laka from thern iha fadaral oovemnvetit mountain of thingt hed intandad 15 do tumor row hobsons choice tomorrow pfocr4ilirvtov t uyn of u know lo oot col it th th of oood intention no imi thn ol ttm but rrly ht th point bn rrvtd to wlt u in th following vrt th author of wkch ut it unknown hat wt going to b ll tht monl could b tomorrow mo on thould b ktnow or brvr kn h tomorromv a frwrvd who wt hobion wt tn innkftcpar fmout for tha way ha tkd kit gutlt wkii thay would lk for drn wkn thay hd totd kim wkat tfiay would lka ka would lalt tkam wkat tkay could kava tkut tka mah ka tarvad cama o be known at hooon ckoica tka offar of madacara atvittanca bang rnd by tka opvanvnanr of canada to tha govarrv mantt of tka provincat it vary much lika the ckoka of food that hobion of farad hit quait tha provincat may apatt tfvair opimont but tha final daciuont ara barnrj mada by tha fader govarnirvant urvdar tha provatont of tka b n a act tuch manu fl it would b politically maxpdnt to re act at ftnt glanca fka plan taamt to be limpl and gnarout under it tka fadaral opvarvnanl underiaka to pay half tka coit of any compul iory medicare imurenca plan attabliihad and operated by a provincial government during the latt threa yaat saikatckawan hat been operating a partial medicare miuranca plan which wat intended to be finencad by a tax of tl per family par year on the people aftar the flirtt yaar of operation the tax doubled to vu per family but 14 comet far ihort of fiayitig live coit jhj the government iv afraid to i ik real th ta lo anyltnikj like the full cott the offer of tlr triitril novernmenl lo pay half live tola cott of th- plan lool i like mnne from heaven lo live pujle uf sik atclvewan but it aa prmled word sditvual the j4 old btyt- 20 years ago iby wattuuy no mailer how kuv the uim- mcr ka kern each year the wildlv accrlctaiing pacr uf life in autumn cumn an a jl one u ruai ravd hut hurkxl buti into the rairacc firm ithtick akin lo divinf ftll an iccjlor in ihr vicinity uf greenland it ihe reopening ol chol iik eeciiing for the kwlv chuuvlintf lor parcnlv and pure choo fur the tea cher one dav u luhur dav calm ctmnpelent rrlaxed the teacher nailers a hi hi 1 i he long vilcni inrovuae kalk ut the wrhool picking up hi mail and plan- niiuj an alunmooa round o full the nett dav he i ut ano ther anl in an anthill he i hutlelcd in the ha ik by a maehtrorn f ttudratv he frantically nukm ciat livl mtui padlock fill out formv lie direct fc weeping grade- mnenk who are lot or cant remember the combination uf their kwkerx he comfort k near weeping new teacher w ho dont know what to do nor why where nor when juni lo add lo the general jolliix at our school lhi all we went on a double khifl our team slartn clae at i am this meanv hitting the deck at av 01 earlier lull a teenigcr mil ot bed at 6 jo and ou have a vurh ienager rill a teacher uui ot bed ditto and you have a ditto leather itii bad enough tlwnc line aiitumn mornings but therell icr be muider by mid wm rut whou i onlv pan of vuiumna rude awakening there i the despair that fctrike when vuu read a 1ui oi the new televivion lahows and discover that nut a tingle tree or shrub ban been planted present lis report there in the wamcland of but year m thai the speech i niter tv- ed lo make last june will he presented in 10 das theres ihc bills sprout like thislles in menu about i lie stall meeting autumn theres ihe remains 4 at 7 am theres the ads ice thai usl winlers luel hill wilh mv resignation as leachcr ol pleaw tynrcl in nnd there the bible class has been ignor- ihc notice of the mortgage pas ed and tlassct ment there the one entitled sunday iasi warning rum the guy lees the wrrc raised theres the notice from the libra rv board lor ihe llrvl fall meeting at which the propcmv citmmil tee guess whos ihaiman will cthnnteme who nodded the bald tjtot our lawn last june there the first tnttalmcnl of muiic lev- wins theres the note rum your friendly bank manager and thi tall the thkiles are longer and sharper than ever belure with a kid head ing lor university we figured uut that he will need appruni- matelv as much money thi- year as mv old man used ti raise a amilv ol ue on in between the lawn h i grown our inches the hedge louki like a beatnik and the leaxs ure lalhng the squir rels arc back in ihe attic the garage is still hall painted and mv daughter in a mnlh at camp has busted out ol all her slothes oh well lite is the lite us kim once remarked sagely ape siv there have been a couple of bright snts i have a new hughs idea of helping out e on mv cicw who with finance was to take off wlk1 have given cleuputra a in midseptember wilh m or jojjr antonv best jacket all mv socks with er n if4et vlillort and frkttd tool only rum actuci and dutrfe but from many point i dittant came back to the old home church on sunday for the itrtt of the centennial tervicet of acton un ited buixlia luv cw barker who erved ihe enngregatton 40 year ago wat tuet preacher returning wth the degree of doctor of divinity un c l poole con tri holed fine lolo uin fern brown presided at ile organ in the evening mr walter fobury and stall sergt ivan tmy chalmer sang mrs grant uc donald choir director and aislstanl oanivt wat at the cunbuie rev fobury gave the addreaa the umehouie children vic luy gardens were judged by ur bruce pargetrr among the winners were uargaret bplurr hleanor spitarr neil benton lut benton alun kllerbv da std ucvcv ktliteen klrkpat- iik jim hi own thelma rmwn kuth blown russell miller host norton ruth mc bride and helen shelbuurnr the red cmn is itmsiderlng a peacetime blood donor vs- icm ttu- following itflkers were ele ud mi loniutlton wilh live national cloihinf drive chair man mis i ivd arhlerson fe- letais uis lleih frke colux- immi mmiumi mrs got rye muw s4-iu- puhlaclly toaivcivef mis i i malilhws tlrpuxr managing mis m melwii asvum mrs littl blow packing mis a inur assistant mis b mad ilakks anv ilolhlug to be hand til in ik- it we ilk doortodimr iiillctlion dav may go to mis k m mo4dimatj opposile live lnun hall w j lleallv lias btxn eleiled presklenl of hal ton progressive conwrvalives ami c f leather- ltiul is ihe treuvurrr mr aivd mrs john suihev have ntuved lo vancuuver born blow to mr and mrs kenneth blow a son john she i don lo mi and mis allan j mil vet dauylilrr acton hiwyir4 antertained tha large friday night crowd at at ton fall fair with flying acro- iniiici of nvodel airplanes out tide the arena mny friends ot the acton member joined with te club to put their planet through performance left to right are jim jenningi tden millt bill poole ma i ion and peler pychur acton with d tiger aaoth plane 50 years aqp tafcaa bvari uw laaaw f tw ava prtevthiaraaay lavl m ifll thankvgiving day for oioada has been fiinrt for monday october ii mr e- b ger enlittcd on monday in the pioneer reg now being recruiied at coalpit and thomas cummlnt and syl- vetlar b tnpojt both f ark- ton have been sworn la mr if hammond scout com missioner of ontario will visit acton and speak at a pubbx meeting on the work ti boy scouts three fink of ihe burlington bowling club trimmed the bowl ers at acton by a good margin and called at milton and repeat ed the dose there an engine un the toronto su burban line toppled over and fell clear o the track whan it struck a sofi spot on the road near georgetown the rally day servke in tha mciliodui sunday sthool was an oct avion of very grral kater- est tlte altendaiue wi large and ihe special program helpful ami liiufcsling live longiegatimt of the bap tist chuich had a fairwell pre- senlalion tor live rrv and mr howaith al i tie hoove ol mr and mrs j i wairen man led denny sprowl a live ivonie ol live hridet parent thud line lsouesing on wed ivrs41as sepltmher 2 95 by mev j c wilson ha verell fxnnv son ol jhn denny to sm daughter ol robert sprowl mairkd watson hurt at ihe ivome ol llw- hrhle parent i laike ave ailon on wednev dav srptetnber jv ivis by rrv w ii avium ma ii d shirley waison son of robert watson fouith line i o lmma daughter ol w t burt died nttdwell al ihe home ol hei lather beaidmore cret atlon lihiise loalhim wile uf alloiiu nodwell taluwajad visitors to west find poor weather tlverv was no mivhc in ha 1 1 mm fad uniletl chinch un sunday owing to aim i versa rv services at chun hi h mr and mrs hubert mclnery mrs kav mcfnerv and grandrvon rickey have relumed from a motor rip to brandon and bois- sevan manitoba where thev report the ijitiii are ik id up harvest ing with cnps laving in theswath and gruwiny rains were cuinnun everv day when they left rl was snowing defective wiring blamed for blaze iiom ol u ii in a news report of j a inc sometime involving the toss til hit- arc we told that tte- leilitn- wiling may have been responsible ol tihirse i he res another as- ptxl maybr ihe wiling was ask ed lo do more than ii should by being over fused if you still do rvoi compiehcnd call the lire chief or an electrician ur the utlliiv ur ask a knowledgeable neighbor and make sure hat appliames and cords are in good shape check your home right now to ensure lhat your luset are in their proper sockets for lest than a dime why gamble with i lie cvca to display at trade fair booth hie r slides showing a lew ol entc spots the turns jnd on i holes and even shirt ol mine without rased culls both ol ihem meetings galore theres the notice of the curling club meet ing i which wt will discuss the advisability ol raising the and there was the old fighter pilots reunion in mid september they tried to ruin il this sear by having wives along but most of the boys ignored this and turned up stag and those who didnl were wishing they had this sundays ckutch calendar t1if man in the glory pwin verse i i wake in the morning with thoughts tvl his love wlu is living or me in the pkry above livers moment expecting hell call me away and lhal keeps mc bright all live rest of the day to be continued nine ol the work accomplished hv the c i will valles conservation aullkintv w ill he a icatuic til ik- cvca exhibit at the sttcvtsiilk- tiaile fair fiula eveninp ckx 1st md siturdi cxt 2nd some ol these xlides taken b iivcmhcin imi stall ami suhmitied hv inter ested photojrapheis aie ol the likit atei althihigh thi nuilli nullum ill- lir fkhhi com m i plan ol the aulhoiitv was smttled hv the reilerul government last juiuirv ihc cvca has cone iheail with 1iuviniial aid lo undertake three ol 1k- pitsls ukluileil in the plan lniihviinj is piikivihni a i oiangevilk- in meadovvvale uml the glen williams ihannel inipiiivvnieiil is hemp tunsliikletl this iii i lev consti ilnn authority that j alonp wilh hiatchutcs and sttuven- i us will be on ttisplas t1k dis- i plav should he ti interest o c- eisone who wishes o learn about sonsersalion in general and par luukirlv where the w cents per i seat addeil to their taxes is spent planted tree 1im spnng ihe aiittiontv stall i planted 450000 tievs on puhlu j and piivilelv owneil land in ihe wateisheil the new ailminislra- ine oiikc al meatluvvvale is voin pleietl and stilled memhers ol the cvca will be on hand lo answer anv question pertaining to pioiesls ol the aiilhoritv sentenc 1 lust- ire onh a tew tl the judge main pioicits ul the ciettit val woirs l all this mav n- seen xt 1 al ihc tiade fair and 2 a lllxplng hand i judge to prisoner aged nil the sentenee is 0 years penal servitude prisoner in tears 1 shall not live lng enough tu serve the r in a kindly tone do what sou can the acton free press runas4 in irtt mm puuuava4 vft thur1ay m it wtllnw kl art an mk mbitu churlav marnhfr t ih auait har aars al af cirt uuiimw ut cw ha w na o w h a atuajt nlm mm fc i safttn ai l rqu c saikwrlmvaxta hl in wt r60t7 tjm r amrw hhin csaa un in u ajsiha jbbritttmw twntrtot mhaf iktut ckrtavtl i zxnamr lc authartaa a vm4 aa eulaa um usil isari otilm 0r1il otuwt aartuln w rcwmlml n uvt rsmaiuwi tku la th otii ml tjcrfnrl mmr tkal paruani nt tk vwiutna aamw wiplu ar ifca irtwiiui ivmv unlhtr rllh rniftll imt migimun- will a im rkarsml rr hut tfca ktum ik rivtrtuaww i will w asu im 1 tfc taajarataa rait lo th rnl tf a lyagrahnal m m- ar1imu mmtm r wnktt at a m rartc rrvr wit hm 14 amywuhmm la mrmlr mm axitr a ull ana way wlusarawn at my llhm rvuuaaa r ttm mn pvtarw pubkto c ua mm c a oliu eavrttioiuf 4s i dau r- duta ujufc uitaf a t oerrtjat iau business and editorial jffice phone 8532010 acton nntkostal tabmnaoi pjioc 1i chukhill ltbad kcv s u thnmaa putor vv27is slmllv octouer jwttes i0ro am sunday school or all ajcv 1100 am momins stnut 700 pm evening service tundair i pjn prayer service and bible study thursday i pjn chritt a am bauadon htuvttttam cmukm in canada knox chvatch acton rev andrrvr h mckeiuie j bj bl minister j mr k a hansen ba organut and owur master slnply october rd ie5 045 am church schuul 1000 am miniler tccn ajc bmc clu usb am fall service of holy communion communion theme the lhine thread supervised nurverv lor habiek and tou durlnc entire ier- vice and junior congrega tion lor children j to 7 yean during terroon 7j0 pm v o u t h fellowihip meeting christian filth pro gram verone moat welcome acton laptkt chukh founded im2 pamor rev slanlev gammon rev l4 tidey ave ph tsjlals sundayjoctober jrd i6s 945 am church school clasv e lor all agc you are wel come l 1100 am morning womhjpj shining lights 700 run evening service tuxs witnesses mixtion circle monday pm wcdncmlav prayer and bible study 7j0 thursday is choir practice 7j0 fnjiv in bhf at 700 tcl bui god lorbid that i shuuld ckirv ve in the crosx ol our lord jesus christ galatians ii tmntty choach tw vallad ctureai sl canada minister the rev dwight i engel bjubd organist mr george elliott mx pha slinoay october jrd iw5 j church school ovi amgradfi 4 t 1100 ajn nurvery to giradc 3 services of worship j0 am ilim m communion at both iertcev 7j0 pm young people 14 yra grade 9 or over all cordially invited mapu avbjue laptkt cwuach georgelovvn sunday october jrd 115 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service wednesday i pm prayer meet ing acton mvi0s georgetown r77e5 ptetfeaaichat hirectcrij and travellers guide medical dr d a garrett physician and surgeon coiner of willow and riser sis lnlramc river si aclon onl iitnr chust1an ufoamk chuich acton ontario rev wiehe van dijk phone b53ims sunday october jrd 15 lojo am english service iv0 pjn dutch service 345 pjn sunday sciiool dr robert d buckner pliwician and surgeon 34 wvllmglon st aclon ont allcrntmns hy aprkiinlment closed wed l sat evenings phone 5 j- 1 140 thf chuich op st auan the martyr anglican corner willow and sl albani drive rev ritchie m murray ma stb sunday- october 3rd trinity xvi 900 am holy eucharist 10jo ajn holy eucharist 1030 ajn church school 19cj dr t b moore dr c hutchison phvsicians and surpeoni 3 main slreet north corner main and mill street acton tmtario phone 153 2ihi by appointment legal dental c f ieatheriand q c buuisler and soluitor notaty public oiikc hours 9 a in 1- pni i p m 5 pm saturdays hy appointment only phone olluc hsm3j0 res s31745 jf main st n aclon cf ixalhciland uf llni j mavdan ba llii archrrect donald esklnner barch mraic i7a miltstreet suite 2 acton telephone s533740 oflicc hours hy appoinlmenl- or 20 stavebank rd port credit 274m2s a bcaida b a banister solicitor notarv puhltc i main st s rsjltm oltuc hours in acton- mthijiv fndtv evenings f pm 9 p m saturday 1 pm 5 pm 08 faislev st guelph ontario phone ta 4im oltke hiuns in guelph saturday 9 a m 12 am dally 9 am 5 pm alicnonber frank fetch auctioneer and evalualor 30 chapel street e- georgetown telephone 877084 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon ollue 90 church st e oitivv moors 9 aan to 6 p m closed wednesday allernoon telephone i7s0 dr cedric dey ixnlal surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg i7a mill st e acton ont for appointments phone 8531300 optometrists e i buchner od optometrist e john m s actnn in acinn wednesdays only coo pm v1 pm for appointment phone 8s3i041 it no anvser phivne waterloa 74jt7 arthur a johnson od 184 main st milton phone 8789972 res 8789671 tuesday afternoons thursday evenings friday mornings robert r hamilton optometrist oilier hour hv appointment phone georgetown 8770971 116 uounlainview rd s aclon olfice 109 mill st h open monday afternoons and evenings alter 4 pan appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st asfnisponlario phone 85x0720 appraiserojuunsurance ovr50 years in acloo chiropractic g w coebftt dc doctor of chiropractic ua main st n georgetown phone 8776631 by appointment donald j armstrong dc chiropractor x ray 448 woolwich street phone guelph 8227721 runeral prngctoat pheau is34us0 night or day bruce e shoemaier mgr ttaveuers outoi gray coach lines coaches leave acton daylight saving tuna eastbound f33 am daib escert sua and hoi 8m am daily cevt sun and hot expresa til am 1133 am 208 pan 5 04 fri sal and sun 5 08 pjn k2i pm 8j3 pan 10im pju sun and hoi westbound 7j7 am daily except sat sun and hoi 1027 aja- 12j7 pm 2j7 pm 527 pan 7jt pm 912 pm 113 pan t0 am sat only canadian national j railways daylight saving tima eastbound ho aan to toronto daily man to fri 7j1 pjn to toronto sun day only westbound 1215 am lo stratlord dairy except sunday 6j0 pan to stral- vbrd daily hon to fri chang at guelph or london eta 1-

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