Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1965, p. 7

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gmtotualptqe acton mim1wt ot th cwgtlown am nd crltt allocution mn w j dually and mil h fiim hv gain hi yvr rranod diiplay of tuffd loy for ihn salurday i am and crelh riibit at th riviera rslorvel roumary parrel lookv at tome of thm other local ehi boot clarence bofjnvaldion who mli ipmnirvg wheeh hl daughters janet and nancy who will demomtrate ipinnwvrj end well known moffat arlilt mrl wan koey suf td sftfee kyulsjuuuv ll v ihi utc i ukl eant hold cjejl ant uuhlr lit itul imw ol vcar again arul whai uould vou do if from all arov the land otoutamk of lrltcr were pounnij nf irom aniuu wive imp lor ins you ti rvpnnl yuur hunliiiy saliiy tiftf hundred ol uonuii tidi owe tuppt v idemhtkid i ttd a mthxthpmnl happv txintiriiajjti in smikv v hunting sail i tip rul it t nol jut lhe women who want in tip rrpnnlrd mant a veteran huniet ha ttniien lit lell mr lhal he cm- his hie lo a eri lul prrxuat ol the in ii in om kulh icktmltollul dear situkt me im hie in a utxlul pentwl til mkii llunttntf tip lai lilt i lost in th hush lot th liri two daw an j nijhtv i did uoirv bcatie id done iveit ihtn in the uandard manual i dutfltl pajik i i ha need into dr cork at ther uigpem t look e a il m ualih and compass re gularly uhtch told me i wjn lost und that time it vu rut as nthl drvt ilimn fr the thud lum 1 hwum diiu aped i though i ol m wile and ittddic yc ihil lum diiur ard i ui suddenh 1 re mem hcrcd vour fcuyptmion lor lost hunters you had tohl i it iom to panie like heel nin vildh ihimiih ih tn in i ii v u fchout at tlu lop ol tht luiif pa iiili an anhhithop lire tlu nth madh and it ill iim tailed ml fin to the bush i tliid it and it wot led i was trviml within i nunuus i luiivlud tm lum loi utson ihts month and am looking forward lo mix ling ou in tlu woods you is e it ran hunter thai ii vhni an idea ol how impiaelital ihi ordinart litinl my rule an and how down to tarth an nuiu th it ihap mihl ht iii lluil ml lluaufclll ins soks and tjwkjil al his eilltl will ui x yet on with the lips rewwd aiui hi out hi up lo dau on oiu thin i am in lull ayitx men i itithjipaold fashioned salt in iuiis tis in on u tilth saw ui nnipuvidti with alio lol i i last il ivh tlu itjmin tot thai ruli is that soitu huntirs will drink ainlhinj si w i shool a i a rvti 1 1 nit that 1 1 s mhli s mkii hum in companion oh it it silling in a tnx he ma hai a prleil l good ix a son toi pvnhin on that limb v i ll is lonstdrreil itnspoihnj in shoot al u ailois whili i ik laitmr is tiding on thim and ot i out si ll is tonvuhivd d in hkis in shool al lamuts thi haw a nisi hihn ol shot ling hail and art naik shots llillv lullv lllu with i llllik i in mhii iiith i alw us uin i u w h hi i ji 11 lu sillily i 11 mil mhii t it thi iom in it tiu wtu n sun atnvi il i h ii lud wiii linn uhi i in l ji i mi uiuur oi i thiouh ll i- bad loun lo ii it u i ihir own diuks ispniillv wtu n shooting in tn i hoil til i ik do io alui ihi dm k ii ii haw tui do iot1 ihout ibi itiuk ll is iinmcl un nirxitii lo oihir spotiumn h sx mhi imin il thnuth tlu sivn lki i thiiui wtun niu appioai h i i hi n j tnii ih il oii hji wm1 l th il i ihhil m i tv plnin ossuin i i m ml i n isn k ii k t ihl on i hi hunlmt k i il u pump about lit in iu sh its int linn ii mill h it s ll u t n ihi mtlun hkl ilu mi f it a lion d n i h i it pi hhls mkii hunlm p it l in i iiiimii his llisl t ml il ihi il iv si w r h mil a nin ai toss i ii mi ot into i ntit w nh i tic muyli pointing tow nd fkii mii alwi 111 kl mill lis poiimnt at ihi olhn kllow it tin lo opt i lit muii silt t iitih its huiiuli ilni in llu in kl to hiu i ilai w ilk nwi nul lllk mhii i it i wlllll x t ill ll stilly inn with u anil its ttnhiti is siii it ttii tntju si wlun ou i h ii to i tl ill it mm ilon i know wlit n it s on mil mii n it s nil 1nm i lw n nils i i iki llu u hum onl a plo i tint i boii i in i sw imp wtlh i tints fcit it miisktl o kki hiinl i inj- i h ips where voters should look to udg by th preliminary ikirmtthi and early campaigning canddlai in th currant eloc tion ar hard preiiad to find n economic uu ttey can really gl thir lath into tayt th financial pott so far th controversy hat iiu ally been waged on lopt of rltivly litll im porlance to the pub- conduct of thil country t butioett the reatont arn i hard to find the poit co menit th tm m contratt lo a few yeart ago there it no cntit in our balance of payment no light ot confidence no preientiment of deep economic trouble bight now the unemploy ment rate it not remotely an ittue labor it in thort vujiply and unemployment is down to levelt not achieved for rvearly a decade whose water is if lion aithuf liy tetourcet inmitier in ttve pearun cabuiet hat come out flatly eg a i nit the if ot wairr from canadian ttreemv to adja ieni countr et general a g t mcnaoghton former chairman of the international joint com tn ttion and a voentilt wtio it well informed on loch tnatlrrt tui made a further ipeech pointing out thai eliltough there are abundant tupphet of water in both canada and the united staid there it a limit and alio imbalance but the real problem it to gel enough clean s iirr th t if ue etccially in the united stale where it ht tcori e a tcarte retource and it only a little lett acute m montreal which it r island vtuflied in a great river draining the larg r t ixxfy of frcth water in the world wo find oortilvct adidt m tea of pollution of our own o ik rig tayt general mcnaughton propotal to divert northern watert to the vouth ii io the u s it wrong fie iyt and canada sltoutd not let tht moit important of all retourcet komp jin asset of and under tlie control of ore gn corporations or foreign countriet prol le n of the scarcity of dean water would not le solved by placing continental water sup- pi ct under u s control proposed schemes for dial ng w ih the problem would result mainly in in enlargement of the sea of pollution into a continental ocean and he adds we will have to lertn up i continental cesspool or pensh standards of ijualily control and administration are known and it it pottible to dean up pollution m canada in sharp contrail lo th late 1950s w don t have mounting budget deficits recordhigh pay ments deficits tight money or a painful premium on the cs indeed the devalued ct hat given our exports tremendous forward ihrutt canada s economy has done a dramatic turnabout from the doldrums of the lei 1950 s new directions in canada s commercial la and monetary pofioet have encouraged tfi pro cess of change i hey have gone far to brng this country into line w 1i e realities of a much changed industrial wodd in such an atmotphere the post argue oppo tion parties are plainly going to vod b dtcustion of current economic muet there it no political profit rn appearing to run agamtl protpenty lie fw old ha if 2osrearsago canada it m llo hippy pot i too of haviivg abundant supplies of dean waiter but it n tug getled that it would be tuiadel for canada to go mto grandiose iclvemet that would take water all trie way from trie yukon to meco under the control of another country it it urged by general mcnaughton that a national txlicy on water now will serve this country utt at well d not even better than our national pohcy on electrical energy served ui in lit day he arguet that a noeapoil polity for ilean water would i pote ho hardthip oji tte u s that they have within heir own power to make available vait quantiies of cen water tlie united states does not need clean canadian water a suggestion lhal comes from messrt moeney and merchant it lhal the two countries thould work out ttieir problems in the resources field and in the energy field behind doted doori i iunmtup it general mcnaughton disagrees with this eicept j inii timdnu ijhik at to tectimcal ducutiiont after and tie empha sies the word tkeal fw ik uamw of ik pr itrmmm t1mrauy oct i t4s a meeting was held in the iouii hall to elect a chairman and committees in connection with the forthcoming ninth vic tory loan chairman if boul tun vtcecluirman c klikaew honorary chairmen a mason w murrav recti uuutuiig a near reeve navtagaurya j jli mcdonald irete acton j si err tan j ii creiyhion gen eral wlev commille c l kuk ivcki c lea her land j ii j cieighlon ncmhuiv commit tec u n uaird w j o oaktt t i nillr i- tvur ii u kachhn i pavrull lavingi w g mason ixutive tommillci w gia ham ic avitntd w mat ton c j van goi4 11 i s lllow i i liari w j o uakis u u pat ktr w nmton j wluihaiit alt ervtieiiiin ol at ton and disirtci are to he inviud lo a nuxting so 1 1t tan he utltoin til humt an in mt nun lain saitln loi thovi wlui lost lluii tuts ih lo tie h ui tpi john mi if iitti atiimtl ihuisdat ilttr three wars ovt i tias pit max mt li 11 in was ns riven iikii mais p 1 mt jniwt was in i uiu1 lulgium aiul gtrmani mix tor mat don altl stivtd with iht united stat t s at in and in riled his ills t hai ti in tilt ayo pit sit mill was on llu ik dt i lame ch uks wilstin ol admuijf nuiittl pumttcnt ol llu finnh v ih s mttti mtns asnim ilium i in r i in a liner tlai opt n st i stml till tlx i iii i 111 1 wp l ihllllt i i hltll 1 1 lljs ippllllt ll st ui my i t imintt assi win ailon onliiiuation and puhlit vi tools in id thtir hi id diss in llu p it k li is t h impious tutiloi patss iu w lumuiup lit it n johns ion intt iniiitt id join olts mum i up i i uiu aihu miiiii joan soimt villi illlllultip shiiltv i lllolt llois thainplons iuiiiot ii iris i iw k ii km ss at hit ion till up mlltuhiiiu itlow stlllol lyt i it mil i fin tie i up ki ai iter a firm policy for canada t i water hat been arrived at in public ditcutnon m mis iiwiii nul mi al tht nut lin 1 ivioiishin tin he tayt yhat ihere it nol much to be gamed liomu n i by speaking of regulatory measures unlett and alt puiiud bus ci ml milonild l until there is a crystal clear guidance at to what it meant by the national interett he urget that if canada doi not know what lo do im mediately it thould hang on to the retourcet until the country hat definite plant thut the future of the country wu be protected th iuk ih mis mis i i t si1 a remembrance day service again on nearest sunday this sundays chunk calendar hui ik mom poi 1 era 2 nls sjxitl urns iitl h i t i s ill i llll sin lit ii hhik ll is s kll vimi s i i iiii ii tithing itom in niiin till niht ntl pluming l vvuns to hi n ul lot lhiht lo hv lonlnuktli acton fajumtt chutch i minded im2 pastor ret stanlet gammon rex 144 ttciev ate ph 5vi sunday ckiohik i7ih l 4s am huuh vluml i iss tv tor ill pfc vhi ar vtsl txime ltv am mtirnmj worship husi and iht old ttsl i mint jx pm lvumueubcjaivt uist bth ioi sedtm sdat mismoii lltnd 4 o s itk k pi aii r and llibli stiult at 7 w thuisdas is choir pi u tin 7w trt rut tod i or hid thit i ikrvdd blurt sate m iht tross stf vur lutd jitus hnst galatuns e 14 actom knttcostal tabtftnacle paoc chun hill rotd ret s m thoman pastor sv271s si sda ikloul r tlh l ip u a m sunday vhtxil tor all apes 11 im a m moninn scituc 7txt pn ltcning scivm prayer scrvur tacuia ipj ttlnfty chuich the inlted church ol canada minisit r lhc rc iktvhi 1 i tigct ha hi i misl mr geoie 1 lliotl m a ph 1 si sim k lultl r lth i s 111 k si iiooi y v a iii tr nits 4 8 ii ml in siirsers in dt ult runt tnhr uut d it strnces in ihm ihis m i uh ix hi id sun tt ii sin i iiiih r 7 tour d is pun to iht tusloiiiirt noit in ih i ii tl itt i his is iht sttontl mil iii suiilsmoll tht slkl is lit ui iht in in si sund i s umi il tlu in ii iii ol a popps mill si ml tht i nil ii itlual s was i 1 1 im mix i nt j i hi dt id mruu linn who iit htm hits ii limit wot iii u iis hi it iiini i poppi cvtrtoiu i ui honoi i in ui i s i ilk n a tut tiisiiti ih it noiii ol ihtir suixn ni tonitulis mil thtir ikptiitl tilts shill k illowid ti sulltt winl oi tlisirtss ri turns irom l hi s ilt nt juippu s o inlo a lund i i in lp liiiiilus til dt ul sirvut mhii nul ihost mio in llllik iu units ol un j the sale of poppies in alton hi tins i ndat notemrxr with a houst lohoust i a mass and con limits salurd is with i ipon nuiis patmlliny lhc tnets poppies will also he handed mil lies lo school children ujtain ihis mir wreaths whuh r pin id at iht nnolaph hs rjinin lions and tmtmdtials will alsi sip tuft tht intuit ol ktipmi ihi atiie uisirut minibus ol tht ails a ci ills will ix plaiinj ihtir put in tht j atiiuitl txhihiiion hunj iu id this satuntas ottotur if at llu ri it i a norval this ntup his htxonit width known lhiotiilt t hi it oulst imhn immtxr aitisis whost tahnls cniompisn ml painting potuii wtavini pj s us puks textile design sihi rsiniih and hilhtt it ill a nil m ix i ol nulsi inditi dun onsii itiotis ol cm ult in traits in ii he in wed iik hiding sihrt tin moit ol llu lallm kerieenunl llippir numtlhtn pinning ni hookup taitt iitai parks i- 1 ks i s isitots in onlailo i mil lees tor list tl uxieational ian hies less than at home a na semal vehicle tntrv permit losu onl in onl trio narki and a tl nls pit mil si strticed cimp sites art it ill ihu at tl v a d 1 or v a week in otetita park tnli lluti is a j tulit i ix loi i hoii i ntt ring the pirk h ui it i llu rt is no i ha rye or miipul coornlimn ta lr p k arts crofts shew at riviere saturday 50 years ago tajmt f row ike ku tjf the pre treat thundey oct 14 ltu the hoy scouts trganlxation hat cuellent piotpecl fr suc cess in aclon tlte parish halt was mil filudnn wednesday ev ening willi emhio htiy uouls their pairnls and tittur grown ups wlui had asseinhkxl to itear llu additft id scoutmaster hammond ol toituiio rev mr smith tpokt sitiuigly in favor ol llu oiganlatuhi and mr chas s m wire sunday school stipe rinlrndrnl ami s george wlui had ihattrt ol st albans boss hub endorsttl ii oiui a saildu i always a sol du i apphts i h linylv lo sertft willntl i ol s who auivtxl home i ist i iitlat tioin lh anaduif i oiiv ilt sit nl llospii d al ilruiii itt i nyl nul siiyl colts wav ihiootfli tlu s hi lli alilean wjt and mjs inn ol llu tint to en list i i tlu inst lontingiiil irolil at ion iu auins1 t ill ha iiniiil iiiialitltd nul disthaiitrd hui is ii w i llklnj ill it i iillslint tm h in s nut lbs th n v nit ill i nis his all iv a in i i iiu i llu yd it itei ptton i ihi jxupu linn instils in a itot i it hilh t irifri in lartll mil hiiildins 1 1 mi mi nth ol 2 milis lo ainu iilu ti s 111 aids h it k nt tht iu tnn inn inlo lit iu ins it la hi t on lo take on i nihil in iu his imiiii llu llnlisli lluii in tiilltu alwa slullid link a in n v artillery dm i wilh ui tttitmtr hillk in tlu iti in th it i u w ir iielhntf to ypu s in i union bust s hi hi hid ih il iv s lhtmlkl 1 w it i sl ol lll st iii iiii plil n i w i llu only mm i in miss i n il linn it it im i i unit k wiih hii food lor ihitt d its p ii ih nt tumult d hi llu t n mt tlu tit ih limit must llu vt i unit his nut it mmplttilv lttomiil his lull iii tin n in tnd out ol tn in ins until ins ltis viii mi l mi may 22 iu w st nl to hoiilntiii lor i ttst hid imillllllll wis optt hut 11 in i nvl mil h tisilrd in h 1 1 hn i 1 in mt i his btolhii 111 1 iw ml j j onk st wli spiiu 1 summit in ac 1 ui unit i 11 s ij 1 s ii i s ii is n his duly t 11 i i i pi s is tltidl i illi until i t ihiliinit ih h is niiiiiiiiiis in in duds in his 1 1i1i hui with i hi inn iti mod 11 i si huh tu is miss ssul he h is 1 inn ii hiihlihteti us llu jintil11 nl molding dt i ills llu p 11 tit ul 11 s 1 i whit h lit in ion it s i hi ml coh s lltd mlslu i llltsl will vithi hum i i mil i upland to it join hi ni title hmalt ciinsc iohh uiiiimii sal id eating hahits in hit 111111 it 1 m n moie dm 1 sihid iltti nun isiiit irani to othi 1 1 mini 1 it s st hi mi a ski tl lot s 1 1 1 i j1 it 11s ut it 1 t nihil ind im 11 ilt all titiwin mole popul 11 i nifr mil doll making cenotaph service on sundii stottnirui 7 1 pit ult will it in llu ulium ii ill al 10 w a 111 anil ninth lo tin etno- taph wlttix a ht lit iilu will be held and wreaths pi itett i ol lowiilfrt itlis 1 sitxhi will be hi id hui hell in 1 1 mils utuud chuteh al ii l hosinn bibb itttlkc oilte j vtltel pi hit is v idahle in manv t ttittus lor il id pripaiatlon head lilliiie hi ru itltiiet is best kiunvn k lliiee pufitt d ruinaiiie u d trul a in c hnusc the acton free press s rtrtrat 1 lt a m h rrr th rt 1 1 wl 1 m a 1 on latin mf wl 1 hi- a h 1 pi fjit itte7 i 1 o va n a adtltlili t f m miurt ftuhw npti h tiatall ii 5gjs ttmnr im h laili 1 ml in 1 immlf a ml r tl un t x1 t infi r iii a ill ml rtt k irrwa 1 1 uaii rssi oiiti rvpaiii t i ooaa ailro l a fl1 it i dllim thai in tw snt t ivimgf ihl al tl 1 llll ill 1 lf r awl titli ll m tail h iba t all r i i mil r il nol h rhaftraa for hui th tsalanr fr thr ma hlwn ml llhr nil 1 l ht pplltatar tl 1 ha- rr 1 1 alt ah 1 t r ltt luif nt hr 1 nl har 1 ad itllliuf la nirt an nllri in trll a ti tw lltdta at m llr ratiuaaj ia mu tum mm rtiuaif ia beak a nut ri ix i iiw nmd n nuu uni na i ii mif 1 p oh 1 imi busilmtss and iditorial ofhcl phonl b5j 2010 pretfejjitha fairectcrij and travellers guide midicju k mahi avtnih arrttt cwmch slvptl oltoblr i7ih 4 4t am sunda sthool 1100 am homing srrur 7 00 pjn fvcmmj sciakx wedimdj pm prajcr mfcl ins acton sji ootjloun 775 ltth tt cmust1an hwwud cmotch aclon ontano bev wibr van itljk phone jsilus sundiy octoberpih 10w iu fcntlih scttkct 2j0 pj dutch service j1s pjbsuadiy scboal l5 ind pihlc siih i hui ml ix i llinxl tm l ii iikijx 7 pm triixaxlun loiiiini at in rxx a j turxcx dd ttlb th m il iviuut mixh outxtanil in lltblr uxnilrr atxd aulh- m iu it llu xlxnjtuu xmvi n himi pimphco oxl 34 ihru sox 7 til piprr tor further iiotk tm chuich or st alban tht maitvi i angucan cxirnx r wttlox and st alhan t hnv bex km hie ux murray mjt stb msi1 october 17rti llos innltx wilt tort am holv tuchartxt 1 10 v am lol euchaxixt 1030 a m churvh school i 7 to pjn vouna rvorjk i rucxujv xtolxcr 1 feiui ol st j i luke 10 jjn attend the church of vour faith um0av st nf i s oi ttiirsmr 1 hi m 1x1 n iii ctujlillx iiixiuj 7 ui p in iiini pi pk mxis ijiuu xl oi ox 1 1 til lionllx inviuvl rhttuvmian chuich in canada kso cihrcii acton bex amlrrxx h m kenye b t bp mmilrr mr i llmvrn hi oidnixt aiul thnr miicr st sll ixtobi k i lh i ms am ihuih s ti i ii am jnj 7 ut p m ioih anruxeiarx vrxue ciucxt prrivher krx r loits thomson st tndrrxx x thurxh liuelph tiiiext trnor xxixt mr jamex spaik guclph superxived urxer lor babies and tots durinc entire set vice and junior conjyega tlorrfbi cluluwn 3 to 7 xear dunns utrrnon everyone mot welcoma dk d a garrltt pxsiioi ind surpcon atill ox ii ittb i xn 1 mi iikx kixn si txlllll oh dp pobtrt d buckner phxsuian and surteon txllin st axlon ont alicimxims bx appointment tlosxj r1 a sat exenmcv rhonc hjujio pit t b moore pc c hutchison phxxkunx and surpeons t m nn street orth itnxi linn and mill btrect av l in ontario phonx ttlxjiso bx ipfxointment abchitect ponaid e skinner b vxh m ra i c i7a mill street suite 2 aclon telephone t7 otitic llour bv appohtlmenl i or 20 suxebink rd port credit 274sjci c f ieatherland q c bdiri nd soiulor soury publix ii ithrrlind h a ul halt j maxdlll ba l l ii sou new adxlicss mini si s phoik h53mw ollixx hihirx mon ot in x a m to s p ni sit x m tu jx nuoii a bsaida b a barrister solicitor noiarx rublle 171 main st s mllxo oltixe hours in aclon mondax fndav exening tt pm 9pm saturdix i pm s p m 8 taixlex st gurlph ontario phone ta i22i oflice hours in cuelph saturdax st a m 13 am daily 9 am 5 pan avctionceit frank petch auctioneer nd eviutor 30 chapel street e georeetoxxn tejephone j77st4 dimtal or a j buchanan denial snrgrnn ollixr 0 ihuuh st p oiiixy homs 9 ajn lo ft p m closed stednesdax atlemoun telephone hsii7s0 dr cedric dey dental suigron suite so i hinton bldjr i7a mill st l ax ton ont lor appotnlmentx phone itmiulfl amuisisg and ins11uncf f i wright fl sailbiir st axton ontario phone wi7 aprtaiser and insuranxe over so ears in acton chirowxactic donald j armstrong d c chiropractor x ray 4 woolwich street guelpb phone ujta optoufthist4 travfllirs- ouidi i buchner od oplumctrut ettmin si s a i n in acton wednesdaxs only o0ni 0n pm for appointment phone list 1041 11 no ansxxtr phone watriloo 742ib7 arthur a johnson o d im main si milton phone i7w res 7l7t tuesdax ahemoonx thursdax i xening i ndax mornings robert r hamilton optometrist olticr hotir bx appointment phosl oforcftown 1177 j971 116 mounlainvtew rd s acton otlke 109 mill st f open monday afternoons nd eenuis alter 4 prn gray coach unes cflxlllls irttl acton ilaxlilht saxmc lime i xtulli est am l unix exspt sun n i ii i i s4 a in lllailv e xept sim an i llnl s jill ii o a m xiu in sal and su e t p ni it p tu sun and ffol i i xpiexi f p m xi pm 10 ui ru x llvind 7 17 i ni lltailx r ept sat sun ml hoi i 10 7 am ijsj p m s p tn s ss p nl jv ii m 1 i p ui ii 2 pm i oj a m s it on x i fvnpjtal dirkcto phone uw niht or day bruus e shoenulxr mj uanadtan nm ion al raiiways llaxlieht saxtnj time taxtbotusd txlim to toronto daily mtxfl to fri 7ji pati to toronto sun day only vtitbaudd i is am to ssiratlnre dally except sutvdax txjo p in to stral- soril daily mon lo fri chanja dt gudpli lor loudiaa mb

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