it ado fiw fwc nvna ottcbmt 2 iw fire bureau warns carbon tetrachloride a killer tf kudy toxic wuhchnh tubiuicti ww o klcobal ud did fcot be ui l d wuow juvl oac eve uiher auld tymjl 2jt w i trt lhrou hr uin ol crboa u but buy uill be i bul ill wu vuiou kuuti i iu luuiul la auay hfiwm ihe bar stud- taw ihowa tkutarw- j ylnetu oul auhorlww t ls 1 tul ui wr u the vwi 1 1 e even out w door ujilitfl jtut jti the um uuulhlww he w many good wcunde pauavu wwj fine eiiag taukerv tw bureau fuatowwf veserj uvquines about the effect ol tr boa letfiuvuwlc sjuotrs a r- liele tram the brit yekephone cohjunyt family safrtv nrv feller ukufl wk redivtiibuied bv the muru rue onch awsoe lal ton 1 1 itto several es whetc persons have uutd carfcon tec at tiraaer and have euird up sciwjuslv disabled some even allied result ifcfcllao vfifijar jersey leaders urban board discusses regional jail garbage fa zzla wiurecu i b the record of zrr i vs lb7 mt i nwaha cool er ju learned rvhornfarwe mum vas made 477wrini ttu- mu wai ierfeportd tlu wek uucpalillcs by asv rotuuia l 7u vtlrl w dj allbouh final plant lor ih up- tou ucm in lavur rs 2t daw ol k tv ji lhrar utcr ajurr thr dimift hu bera done wfeen the victims at recent meriwj uk uilton becomes dur nuurted or jauiv nvjitwrf ot the lillon count diced or begin uughmj d irx prrvrnikon burvui rxpivmed thiivik hr u umirf down uith j unn at tbr ifru danger ol cold of flu kitdual authoniir point out thr txnwjnplion ol auohol bv prrvun doiumwxi by taibon trt wwm u make thr pciwn more tuwftiblr to carbon let rmhior- dr noiuuuiy one ouuple clean ed ujine wmlcd clothing with the irumktj m a wnall ilocrd iuum the roan bad tonwimrd a lr piojrfrw rw mktw a ntrur in sr ltum nr rv brlurr hr thr feurrau uit nopr to i yur cltv iwitmtk ufcfd lij a tup atfj utcr mtlcl lllfc uj k c lairful in ttu uvc ol fgini j npo4au wbfcck j in the ihusbborhood ol imojqoo haw underline couttty couo- board batwbcr cu at two r3oettt tamutf aro ihai vrcaj iu i ai the north haiuo urban board i throughout hali breuaf ui gaftifitl- wtdaev o pocinoninj lurthci diuuvmm dy ol uu week on tb ail pjupual until rtxnt ltepreweniatiw i rum ac tun j i the rhuitkrtt ktxii biud kul ton and gorgeumbn brhl uor llaitoa rwleud propowi and lemrord i the ciban board txmmitutr that diicutvioak a car a0 with irpjrrntaii-rv- 1 10111 hitx ntuu perl county igardinj rilabbii uctpahikk in the north ot llalton tn a miliar tpe jail u be thar ad the boa id dor itot have ant ed by halloa and rwi counlu j urgaj iihu to taic an action had apparently eraied it av uuver individual number noted hovet that umw tuunu niay icccuoiiieiu to iru t trtwx ipal cuunciu thiuugkuut hal ton n- iuuiuil pjijiomd atioii had been led to bcluvc that fvrl uhuh nu of iilat not iu ikall count v ua no longer interested uilh at the dtw ilion ol iium in wuch a piupocal ilii tl apuuutuilv peaicd uak lalw boaid mniiui al divuvwxl thi war the cil ol mwnillim bihajfe lolbxtumi ami it ua iuv7etuttthrrtiwn i lll im uj i ul m j i ii i been pirviuf lor a regional jail n mn vaittai ioiumumi dtuu thr ihrmhal ma villi be in uw j unh h aij n k ud jervry cow rum uuee diwiitct herd i uon mention in in sp- tember clai leaden lut utpplked by the canadian jersey cat lie club second highevi jevord in the owned and letted by d ii lie caig and sun norval in 305 days the produced mjj7 lb milk 726 lal 4j4 per ceul jor a cold lat4i- al recoij second high w wiuor four yar old ua made by lindaie bijou sally 2 bred and owned bv m c beatv milton and the produced open massaga weyas offices november 20 the new naaswya to-wo- ihip admuthtraioa building on lb guelph line uppoaiu brook- ulle hall wiu olftcudry be open ed on saturday mavctnber 30 i hi product alter the artwte on i taibon let djtliwbulrd bv the cwv tarvu huv chtet avwoc ui rurcenled kiajuturr noted nun l txibv and vmj bum trei and alt toil trpkritami vliaiftnaji uuan b i t ujiiiii ul kni utlham munlti aiuj liajwik urit leufglouii prevevtatlvra 11 v mln t livnn mil im i u d c d and kitic it ixput the unior lourtearotd cmiy have iwi et be copll kuiuiuj rarruu ninette halton v mfp lff rr bfd and uuikd b rid num th iig new m f me- geofgctuwn liad llie hight pro- k tuunlv cuuttcil all tne dulliun al lour u 71 da iauprr m the tonwhip pk vt iwacd tn ha da 12 us mal gut tin will be uv tb milk wl ibv lal 4s ir iit a siuci midjl id th trtoiioipbuiuingkabee 10- i a dauliii oj ihe suihiio u kfctr ck w silt nuruland laii-uu- i to u v at anrapntcd 1i um ol ahouj fsoooo and agfvd t icvue ammg awaiting a u ml iu u t k tu- that iheve tabon utacbkmide tuun coun m liltlu rmlinguichtn air a potential har handled v ulob tve let u r llllu pgail but i j jw gai1agt m lal of carbon tetrachloride lo tuan the uphoutrn ol iwu ihaifv ttoii afternoon hrr wrvrn vear old daughter tank home lrhn choi with a light told and cat on one ol tlir thair to wauh ubniun later the ihdd became u vkoum iv ill that che wa lakrn to hovpil al whrrr doi lo found that her kkdnry had i lopped lunliioning and che n nat death tie mm lollapwd bul iu wilr liadjcaibon u trachlofule halton agriculfural society hosts 1 50 delegates tuesday the llalton agivullutal sovurtv km wx ix olleied bv a dirrctttf billed iv agiwultuial nuielv mrs l crunbrrr of so l tun an cauvr wii inhaling ibr noiaj immbrrv rii hallon pre dul 1 1 ahibiior mo a rowan j alton ft nn sinutu and im iounlte a udgc mrs vv camphxlt j al the dav hm divtrut llterl i si rood in a paliun mis c w trig in si faul united cbut h swa khaliu r of acton and bv a biutian ijucalton ccnlir mil t04idinalor mis a miklnruv j ion an open dlviuun w a held on 1 thfoughou ihe uav rvpn tenia lhr uhe i of lliw tan we ul lues ruhangcd ideak lor ihrtr ihlr rwni intcrrm in the oum 111 fans and divcussrd mutual ln handuiafl al lairs f utxt xpeakw al llu mavor s u child ol milton tvx hr l w h mbrl wlh miml lx tings trofg aiul at ihe la vl irgulal oujii ttllei ihmi iourum mux 1 1 114 viktne vtaged a tm walkout pfwnling tuittur div j al uml i lin uu a l ii tru tuvtmm on llu vubcxl uiotm prkkonl i miiiihiui a al a fcpntal louniv t uuu il ruw lallin ait a alltx hit at i hi hvtvling tailed lavl i i ulav a lrt txng loun aiul wilt mi ntt iruunrd utiuh turtailrd a it j 4jid li lw lb ik lion on regmuial jail tat as jsaitiimnl il immmiiu jtij k hallon uunh i tmrned ulnjmurnl stmtu iiihi imi kjimi al the vrdnrvda urban tukard al lkt uwu in 1 llu biuar iivrlin nvrmhrts irmfi alton iwtliny in millim i mjih sin aiul tixrgrlown and millon learned kfst a i the priposrd rrgutful jail wilh ounl plaiiru the ll v o hamilton ami c iinl imilcd to alu i iu uilt a 11 mill u vapor of iarbon trt ll look thr eflort of a 10man nvrduai it am and an artilutal kulnrs to krp her alivr shr remained in hwpti al t wexkk until hef kidnev healed carbon irl atiatk llu- lungs liver and kidneys and manv iave ol kldnev lailuir haw been irac ed baik to the use of the hemic al detpue 1t widespread use lew rralur thr eatmne haxard of tarbiut lit thes think of it as a safe cleaning fluid because it is nonrtammable unltlae tome oihrr cummon cleaning agentv however it is one of the most sugar and spice continued lioni pagi ul nilv hr the citvdweller runneth over not lor him lhr shooting mauh on a ilcar tall saturda wilh its god humored lomnrtit ion it eav irvmdlinrss no lor him lhr quiet stroll down a un nv wtmd road shotgun over unn partridge and uinnkick tistng like tuiud if mosquitoes ut wifiluufth would iosl hallon pumiii ihmii ai iimi wu mjwi good things happn in halton beeuuse dr harry harley works for people harley harry x haiton umtal avttoclatlon iuhmi lurwheuti was kev li i in rul cxmdtwi hivmr pnmiunl ol irs c slewarl of sl andrew ibr hallon agruuliui al sk u iv pre- vhvliiian churvh klulmner olleixxl wcjfda balkjuet id wilioiiu al llu halton okays grants for adult workshop rantv of fvm per iralner lor i46vm har hern appnvrd b i a i a vbu durcloritf agruul lural stuulus also vpoki lo the reptt settlatiis assikiau dirvvlim 1 d lali of sullon op ruil llu bumiuxmiknv session in tlie nummng wilh an uultvxv arul nuniili v 4 tlu lasl disltui n tee i m l uerc n ad al a mcrling tor the rrun v lew hallon countv couruil f rumiils hi mvttk ins win olltied wtirkslips iin irlaided ailullv h dinxtor janu sellers of in the nuint counts cotiruil irk count an rthibilur glen rs appnnrd llur rrcommenda lecllow 4 orangdilu a iiulgt lion if ihe avsevrrunt linarut rerlram sliwart of huitihv and i and utllarc commillec last tu a itumtlinator dr s r mikckr icsdav of fkxton the grants followed appeals ladlea acllon fnm the thnx retarded child mrs a r wilson opened ihc nm asumallons wilhin ihc ladies secthm of th program and timintv the countv already sup- gasi obsersations ol fairs hen lis not that he docsn t itvc jnd iherc viewpoints on prub right or doesn t deserve these pleasures lis iuvl that hs phvsuallv impossthli n git to them casilv ll he want lo intuth in a dui k blind al dawn ht hav to dnvc hall ihc mgh i to gel there i ports schools for retarded rcn in the county hild mahr on a sundax or holt dav in llu all the ills iannis ilevid is to htad mil and mx sonu ot that htaulilu autumn fuliagi the mv il alttr dmtng iwo hours and with v 000 ttihcr iurs iruv trawl hontt in talc alttr noun bumper to bum pi r thr old nun cursiril the kids fitting huiumr the moihtr pmwinp ovvher i small i own peoplt tan ditve im 1 minutiv and hit seiners at hast around hen that has es them hivathkss or thev it wheel out a lew miles lo set llu n nlativss on tfu tarm tal a ntacjitlui nl diniu i and sit around waishinc tv in a stale ol dtliiious loipor up lis umib to live iu the tllv in tic tail acton firefighters 65th annual dance acton legion auditorium dancing pm to i ajc johnnie tochers orchestra admission 100 per person full licence no admittancf to anvoni undcr 31 memorials a mvmorui i tatting tribute ta th mamery of a tupmtad lovd n brtimpmii mwhhwm wln kv for tvw 40 yn urvwl yw cw with fin jtulily minwriili twh nki wh it wll hnwn in tfc acfcn cwmmmlty will b puswd aulm ywi in tlw i fur mwmwui twn ku bn w0bi ll kit uf in im m butintu nd it tthtlnly well qui m aultl ywi brampton monumehf works u qutm st wtst v moni 451444s wtampton ontario whw quty mid tritm tr cwhuhmi a yu lha wu hr tw urt a glnlial motois vaiue this is the oldsmobile toronado and you ve never ever seen anything anywhere nearly as newhonestly g j r7 j jj cpt these are some of the other new oldsmobiles for 1966 they ye luxurious elegant exciting powerful appealing and all those things twk 81 hodoy coup ta veo don li hm yl pu b 1 u ril pevj ha rurnr tkry r oil otdstob ri shh t- voy k t m tra ipec ol ttra nowarlul extra luur ooi to oh ft r 1 socket enq nes ttimed w lb iwooh turbo hydro ktot c io ii i ff ovo toble en oil ml l d oldtmoblev they offer you nr to 1 prvv ylft saatj and corpeing and you con get la- ar oji it like ot cervhihor rsg or tcally new leoirt le atcv c trl cevnte4 that ih you i cod 560 poundi of icod nfo the bunk and t ll wda way you dd amply irscludntj od tnis is vj reol rtvetdro it w do ktv o chjnvt including todov s enly tell je fret wne xitva lor t t- -n-ad- thata v rifvtr avtr ben na i ka lh toronod a 2 c b k toronodo erg n pcur lb power through o r deigned tubo see your local authorized quauty if- t- i 1 i h kfi nohtnrj you wr tr d baor it b o c liv t y- i k out fo v i keneit r qm owcry va ii l e s i klk ho l o to ccc od io tno now otdvnot tet looiv trcyio very nn t o d very very now oldsmobile for nineloon sixtysix oldsmobile dealer today authorized oidsmobiie deateu in geobgetown andrew murray motors limited fil 6t guath stteet giorgtrown moni t77am4 be tore lo soo bonanu over channel 6 ol 9 o clock sunday night