gdtoil lection 1965 abet hjooo heo vptnrt wm b lia toftibhehhvmbmf mitom f nlaoa rvm tru to fam about per tmr wea voe we asact harry herlay wdl tamer a turft- cw mvmw of waaa to wwi ksa mw but w do lot tar any y win ah be parti eat wau id but weuitflg pubac til fjltjabsiamaail in ik ttw unlaw ctoytei a cf maia at waal m ioeemy v k tla i4al on hat outcome votart hv bmfl t a iteaot ik tmrs and hari to a le- utto huamiaj liaialanrli hat nv toeb mksiueier nmmlobra laeuae lata ev mtndad to ur eho in the uat awto but a ik ilcilaw clay r a tol oi nomas wll ba mad up on a wide variety oi fectom the local canyaajn in hahon has baan fre ol mud allftqtnq this it a cfoam to the local canauaam tnay kev tougni valiantly at oha panto euchre danom and collartwy on the public platwmi to deal with luuat the day am pimp when tonja numbers of elector involve wnwaahm bavtomajly in politic to ik pcum ol ahanohfto masalve local relltm inuead can- dldatat mutt woo tna volact with wwuirvrwil ahachad or on tha doorsteps of home or industry tha present member lor helton marry marlay wat fill alerted in im3 by ona of melton t tlimmaal pluralniaa 0 in tha uieoaadincj election that plurality wat anpandad slfjnificem- ly to 9s33 hit representation at ottawa hat baan effective and wa hava yat to haar a consii- tuant claim ha ignored thalr raquatl for attitt anca in dealing with tha federal government in fact wa haw haard several go out of their way to report ka wat particularly attentive lo pequeeh for aatlttanra or direction or harlay hat not only baan active in rep resentation of tha constituents ol helton but alto at iha governing laval ha hat contributed hit laatlanhlp to commitiaa worlt and baan a regular eftender in tha houta of commont to combine tha vartad activities necessitates a buty ufa and thit ha hat appeared willing to wviur hamo votes cannot ovaloot atkar iha fact their choice wui contribute urfemelely to tha liltrmnii of tha tvwaat that wji lead canada while wa hava waichad tha naw unity thai hat dewelocid m tk conservative rankirwa ran tin iowwhet intlal itt longevity w nanllj john oafanbakac at a speaker bui at a prima aalnajaar wa remember only loo wall hit maully to dene lop a learn approach lo tha o rlllfwi frtafctftq funrtont of covafnmant ii tound adrrunharamon took only ona man parhapt ha wotilff ba tmtabla but ratpontibilitiat of qovarrv ing canada naomtilata tharino m i irnpoujbla to aya tha national tcana without wovig iha libaral laadarvhip lacking in tevna m i0ictt loo too ofwn rhara appaarad a hatuarton in daallng with toma ittuat on which tha alactorata atpadad tp action but nona can affrua that tkt w vdvnt m avry ittua a tamanvabla arwmint of lagitlahon wat anartad by tha minority libaral govarnmant ovtpila cum batoma fruttratlont that timnd lo ut from thit ditlanca tufficiant raaton for calling an aarl lar alaclion canada doat at thit point in itt hulory naad a ttrong govanmanl conplai ittuat including thota concarning franch canada will naad ttrangth at ottawa that ttrangth wa tugoatt tha libaral go it in a bartar potition to avart than iha nattily unifiad contarvabva party at tha momant w do not taa tha pottibiity of tha naw damocratt forming a govammant al though if anothar minority davalopt thay could wall ba iha hlnga pin of canadat govammant canadiant hava a mator ratpontibility to can thair baltott on imovambar 8 wa tincantly hopa aach will analyxa thair own thinking on tha tub tact and vota accordingly voting it a pertonal act it raouirat a partonal and ratpontibla da- cition only you can arriva at that condution for yourtalf failing to vota timpty bacauta no tpacial ittua hat tlruck a ratpontiva cord in your thinking it a cratt abdication of your par tonal ratpomibiliry dmiu tehbkg 1040 presetted by y mats kb a acrin ol donattont loulhng tl wat pmeslnl by y v uen o vuhotu toup at tkelr sacond inccllng of i he fnu truui on thurada rvwiinj of latt week at the yuc hiflhrtl chequa wtflor smo to ike ymcjl boanl then o00 lo the y for equipment board finance chair- nun phil elliot i accrptad 4he ehajjuba from harr artuc a cheque or 2s to area officer ro bert lun or aclon st john am bulance brigade was presented b bui malnprtie high tchoo tracner ctarence rognvaldutn accepted two more chaaum one lor s15 lor a high chool icholarhip and another of 25 for the paul william alexand er fund money raised through doe and personal contribution vav ipeci lied for tki more cheque one for usa 9 the international build ing rxind aad one of i12s for inter natlo i convent ion npente the othar donajloas were til raised through club projects cbmi girlir com ipetker at the meeung wat mfihamed shall leaitter tech- nalogiti with beardmorr and co ltd who tpokc cut hu home land pakuian he explained tome of the difference between life in pakutut and in canada and ans wered many interested quruionti after j he meming some of the vuunget memherk played a game of volleyball upstairs in the gvmn while the other lingered to talk to mr shall a ting song was us by lome doberthem uuh the new pre- dents wife mrv g w mckeiuue a l the piano prevent to otn with club menv mm st me a gn in the window of the m utore next door to the bui depot uvt a baxbar wld ba loc ating there jack holmes hat left thai location for an office be hind the two doctors office at the mill main corner nauo ftrtrmw s a tonal hour was enjoved b the duke of devonshire i1dx- membert at the close of the meeting tuesday a birthday cake honored the birthday of three members mrv duk misv clark and mrv mainpruc bers were richard coe and rons farrelh prospective members plans were finalised for uniccf collections halloween night this sundays church cte4t pocu vekse 4 but when i went lo hint and tlood face lo facr and uttenrd awhile to lliv alory of grace how fie tuffered for unnrrt and put away tin i heartily thankfully welcomed him in be continued to acton latiisr chukm fouoded 1143 patter rav stanley ramavi ret 144 ttdey ave ph bm41s sunday november 7th ims 94s am church school adult clan 1 1 do bjb uornint worthip lovet bitter cup 700 pa evening service hymns of the faith wednauuy uiuton band x0 oclock prayer and bible study 7j0 thurtday choir practice tjo friday bj1fby al 7 taxi and when thay came to the place called calvary there they crucified him luke is u alapuavtehh g sunday novealber 7th 1045 945 bjil sunday school 1100 in uornint service 700 pjuevenljh sorvke vvedaasday pjbrvayer bb acton ismlst flaiwylnarn ttmtla cimuitl acton ontario kftv vrlebe van iwjk pfcfaie ftsls5 suntiav novntom rth has loofl alnbnjuah satvlse 2j0 bjhuoutch service s4s pjosunday school acton ptwrtcoctal rjudjc u churdtul road re 6 u thoaaaa puur hutis sunday november 7th ias kloo ajn sunday school for all ui i n mnrnlni service tjh pjt bymmj service tuesday t am prayer service and bahte study thurtday pan chrut am- bauadon friday 7 pny crtmrleri commg afajn rev a j turvey djj yhj thai of detroit abdu oauund- inr bttje lecturar and auth or hear this dynamic voice on whle prophecy oct 14 thru nov nm chusch w auau iw mahw corner willow and st abtut rev ritchie mretaray jiasxb sunday noveubbr tth ims trinity xxi 9m ajamoly eurjurbt 10j0 ajuuoiy biirhtrlt 730 num young pe tmmtv chukh the diikttj chnrrh ol caili vqnutar the rev dwiahl i eanel ba bjj oreukt mr george elliott ma pu sunday november 7tu ims church school 9j0 ajngradea 4 a iijoo aj nurcary to grade 3 services of worship 9j0 ajn i us aja 7d0 pm confirmation cuts all cordially invited ptiwmiiii cmmbch knok catuech acton rev andrew h mrlfantu ba bjt mibuiar mr e a hauea ba organist and choir master sunday november 7th ims 945 ajbchurch school 1115 aj service of remqn- brance sermon theme for jonathan sake tjo pjkvi youth fellowship nteetinkrtum presentation on thejuve of tomorrow and discussion supervised huraery for hahles anotams during entina ser vice and junior congregn- lion for children 3 to 7 years during cernton everyone most welcome a shall remember them j- the j4 old hai ww flit itmhi maraftfy r iht fmm yt fjuf fw f si tk tkmm4 fjruw tkm kr wim u4 km iu tt tjwkl uu umak m tllm tky k r jkxt sf d sftice awimtmuy not until you get a ion or daughter off tu college that you learn what a simple unsophixii rated rrattionary narrowmind cd oldaihknrd prjanl mi rrall are he or she will make it all quite clear u suti on ihji liri werkrnd home fnm the h il lowed halls of learning tvery fall the blood pressure of countless fathers skyrockets the tender hearts of hordes ol losing mothers shatter when the freshman student beloved and cherished these is rars u alters m stith a bag of dirty lanndr and a twolten eo we ve had quite a fall of il in our neighlborhood with a sigh of relief we shipped our gauk of a bus off to one uni versus and amid floods of tears the people next door sent their darling daughter lo another both were home last weekend and both sets of parents spent the entire vuil alternating vtuh fury al the kids and shame al their oun ignorance theres no question about it a college education is a won derful thing in a matter of three or lour weeks small town kids vsho harrlv stagger ed through high school and bareh knew enough to change their socks or blow their noses are transformed into pipesmoking plavbovs or dash ing desirable women of the world imagine wliat a whole year will do the boys nunchalanllv loss off a nmaik or luo about beer pai im- the juls lijiht up a fag right i there uhile fathers froun deep ens and mothci jaw alls wider and vsidir the hoss with a solid basis j of three weeks lecture in pull tu al si irrxe curllv enlighten their dads on the asinine pol tual ideas the latter have che rished for jo wars j the girls secure in their three weeks ol psvcholuas put their mothers into shock with casual comments on the nccrssits ol a lull mx life before marriage i both esplain kindlv lo the old folks not onlv that ull s vsiong in the world hut also that god is no longer in his heaven in fact he isn t anywhere he just a anthropomorphic pro jection of the need for a father image both point out that the capil talislil w stent is d rising us into a neurotic pursuit of the mater lahsiic that the dollar is esscn tialk an esil thing and both pocket uiihmit comment the e tri 10 sticks sou slip them on departure our kid has discovered a iuu ssstim in which you can git along on four hours sleep at night this is done b sleep ing all da which he did on the weekend he assured us 20 years ago i taaafci tiwm uw tau trf the vt isarj of twridy uaw i 14 hoi key fans skaters and voting rsuhl will be tiulesfd glad tu learn that at ion aienj is nearly ready fur occupancy again and this sea tun will set it in use with kc as soon as the weaihrr is suitable veslerdav iht ftee picss sisiud the building and found that all iht uool uas gone tei par tl the timbers and tiu bruk on the re surface halt all been taken avsav mr ki tl gat dim r has been working wi ih rtplatt inrnis to put ha k in its original txmditon jliamnbef s of the at tun brum it oi lie canadian legion rivrtvur men and many acton iiun ttll in unilorm tnemtaers of the lad u autiliarv of the legion und i ou i chapters paraded 01 sun day lnm live lgaon hall to uvrmanal service in aiton united hunh tn honor uf sgt neil ut nabb who lost his lifr white on atlon srrske overseas ust tarftxr rrturnutg imaiw itrs foxburs raid a splendid tribute more glorious tonuvoriiings of tlw boys uverseas tn llir he 1 prance sgmn jlandd bartrr ir turned after serving in f rm belgium holland and fernijrt sgt i rant is p pi lion over seat with the denial corps t ariw on i lie oucrn f lirabrlh oscrma r live years and in the arms ms years cpl t c lndshorough rived home kiurulav he w ia lioned within 100 miles of berlin at the curvtlusion uf his trrtik others we have heard atxjut etth er home or torn ing unin are syt johnny o s sgt m h to a hie j ii uarvhatl pie j wallas aclon was enthusiast icaly or ganled fur imtkey honor ar presldanls j xi mcdonald k markln s bennett ii r iwvr and a mason president a ma son first vke president wm coon second vueprrsident win burton seirrtarv k b mellon treasurer wn middle ton geti riddel i and sonny town i ley wrtt delegated to seek an esesajiisc for the junior club 50 years ago ttk tram tw uu bf tlw iw isshi thursdy mov 4 hll at the meeiing of cosinetl od mondas eseiung it dci4d tu disauntinue the ringing of iu town hall ikii morning noon and night itu bell of the gov eminent building clock being onsidticd vultkicnt the silsxr torun ot i he old belt which has been laithfulk ringing for a qua rler ol a t en t u rv are sad- it missed bv nians hallowetn patsad ojf very suac4l rwrc hui there were niiiiwrmi parius on salurdav rsening tlur voting folks had lui l irifvxtni ftin with their jjt k o itilrin and lalw fmces jnd nrnl iru anntversars verv puasantk tutjllufnte of un sermlv pranks was unprec laird in lot onto sir adam beck e la ruff he proposed rvrs hvdo radial litw between toronto and aurlph ami n to sarnia now in oiisiiik ttofi whuli will be a link in itte whole nvhrin ijxi spring mr roeit sprowt if im third tine sowed it umifui of i jitv njorrnart at whith had piverhirnenl leld il 400 mmirulv i tsats v rs uitiqiu j fid of hiturk unoi laru f w j i he mi n inter fait rur 1 1 1 it oi i m i v t tna r v ha n qtacl the dil ol lis kind in at loo jlhndrd hv timfi itoin the ki ton itaplisi ongrrgal lonal ut timmlitt and plesbvlrrian ihufktw sm h a thing would hji im i o irnpomhle a genera hmi of imii j otnelv mat tons pi 4 paitd thf supper as ivlid lis tlairivn wtaring red row irimgrim lor a layman like utnold johnson lu hold forth lax an hotir on the kingdom in sin 1 1 an eloquent earnrsl and ikimijvim iiunrw r w js remark miivf ii m als spare nb lji ih pork toast xv lb pork emit r loin iv f pork t hop k ih miulors iivj j bag thjt lw hal worked out a rigid work schedule whith begins at 7am daily dut a few minutes later he let ii slip out that he s4ariely ever ate breakfast at the dinmghall because he slept in the girl neit door nearly fin ished off her father he gava her a blank cheque the dope to pay her first term fees and rest dencr dues hoping he could rapr up the second term wheni jit arrived with admirable sang- i fruul she filled in live cheque i i for the whole years fees next day lie received a call from his hanker he had to sell his last bonds to meet the overdraft i young hugh is letting his i hair grow long has taken a lead role in the college revue i plays flamenco records at ear splitting volume and is just busting to get in on a sit in or a hedown or some olher form of civic disturbance so he can j be arrested the girl next ddor is disgusted thai her mother cant read chau cer in the original and believe the storv about adam and eve her mom was weeping when shc left with rag oh well i guest its all worth it our grocers bill has dropped by si2 a week since f lugrr left and well have the last laugh nest spring when exams start laymens sunday at knox church lavmeni sunday wasobservtd it kim hunh sunday with w ral rmn ot the longn gallon tak ing pari wilmer davidson led in preiver and murray scoynr read scripture a former sunday school superintendent bill ben son gave a ihildrrns storv ser mon a 1 1 port on the ment meet ing of 4hi synod of toronto and kingston w is given by murray coles soloist was norman dholl t arthur formerly of alton far brtwaia qdikt tm new red tmd while maple iaal flag was deduated sundav uiii ning lor use by the uides out it row ni s the service look pi it e in si alban s hunh with ihe girls und their leaders seat d toyeifur a i l ik front al the same tinw the unon j k k was n tired ii wjn folded pluid in a hag and taken out of the ihtinh ht barbara nuilak land will rxt he opened again leaders nope it it will be sent in alton tngtind guiding head quarters has suggested that the jacks could be sent back to bnl- am for use there ues r mi murray led ihe cuid es and bntwmes ill repeating hur own pravirs and spoke es pes tills lo hum in his address the acton free press rtoiiteiml in iiti mi wasluxl r tkurtatlaj u wllla tw aalon oeatetlee ufbf f u iluelll ttr- mu tt clrrtaavlltuvia th cwha ual o w m- avattll4tvc nlh m f bnfcrrlilgm ttye la atvfanefr ssm let camtu i1u to all rvly lr la is autkewss cum uftll tssat offer dmrtmet otuiws avrtwnj la bimwpiml is owlta out t is l lrafjtllatj rvr lhl bkavllfmi ot ua fadwartataiaj bir oreupuaj sr ul rroamasw iins lr hs tta tqawtam for tfjtsfttvw wui n4 km vkaram tt txh ik buim mi ih mdnri i rl will b paal fa fh fagatdacakl rml tn ik vsl of m tyramjratharl trr autwrtuins xmeu at- rvlc 11 wrmna mit or rar mt mi mm artaaanjj u anal mr b wiuvalrawn at any tlm rsiiaa kr ih ata nuuq pasmsu c o a dui ml i or in oiwf dvtd il dtlu ksumgfuif eat i lo ccprrtffjm ism business and editorial office phone 853 2010 ptceaaiehal fairecterij and travellers guide n da gabrett phuctan and surgeon corner ol willow and rner sis entrance river st acton ont phone kuotl b appointment db r08ert d buckner phyician and surseon 39 wellington st aclon ont afternoons by appointment closed wed a sat evenings phone 531240 dr t b moore ds c hutchison pnyuciuu and surgeons 2 main street north comer main and mill street acton ontario phone isu1u by appoint afecbrnbct donau e skinner barch mjajq 1u miu street suite 2 acton telephone ssu740 office hour by apeotalmtnt or 20 suwebank rrl poh credit 274j42t legal c f leatheriand q c barrister and solicitor notary public c f leatherland ba qc ran r maydan ba llb note new add re v 28 main st n phone is3i330 ollice hours min to fn 9am to 5 p m sat 9 a m to 12 noon a braida ba banister solicitor noury public 173 main st s ss31im office hours in acton monday friday evenings 4 pjn 9 pan saturday 1 pjn 5 pjn 21 pauley st guelph ontario phone ta 44242 office hours in guelph saturday 9 aan 12 am daily 9 ajn s pan auctioneer frank petch auctioneer and evaluator 30 chapel street em georgetown telephoneetmaol dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 90 church st e office hours 9 am to 6 pan closed wednesday afternoon telephone m3i750 dr ceoric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 hinloa bldg i7a mill st e aclon ont for appointments phone u313qd aphuimnc and insubancb f u wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone j534jt20 appraiser and insurance over so years in acton chntorcacnc dona1a j armstrong dc chiropractor x ey- optometrists e i buchner o d optometrist 6 john st s aetna in aclon wednesdays only 2jo0 pan a00 p m for appointment phone is3imi ii no answer phone waterloo 74iu47 arthur a johnson od im main st milton phone itm972 res r7497 tuesday afternoons thursday evening friday mornings robert r hamilton optometrist office hours by appointment phone georgetown 77j9ti ii uounlalnviaw rd s aetna office 10 mill st b open monday afternoons and evenings after 4 pjn funeral 1vbbctok phone 8s3jj3m night qrdty brucee shoeinakejf ugk ttavtubbt outog cray coach lines coaches leave acton standard time easibound 4j3 aan daily except sun and hoi is am dally ex cept sun and hol express 151 am iijj am 2jh pan s04 fri sat and sun sm pan t2s pan ij3 pan lojkf pju sun and hot westbound 7j7 am daily except sat sun and hol 1027 un pan 257 pan sv27 pjn 77 pan 912 pjn 1132 pan iso aja sat only canadian national railways standard time asoaaw to toronto dally mon to fru 7 jo pjn lo toronto sun day only westbound 1214 aan to straiford except sunday 4j1 pjn vslrat- tord dally ir aroismph for-