Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1965, p. 1

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hht jvtldw jsttt ps nirwtyhnt va no 30 apon ontario thursday november 11m 1945 w twelve paget te cnh how acton voted liberal m i dr harry harley look all but one i the 10 acton pull plus the advance poll in mondays federal election in a de cisive victory which reflected the fact that actuns politick havent fh much uwe the last two elections the acton total showed or harley ahead 44 to s74 over clos est contender pc candidate allan uasson nop candidate murray ktfniifjun ran fttird with a total of 16 vole beatinf mr matuui in throe polu independent conservative candidate henry timmins polled a total oi u votes in town a tola of lw voter went to the pull monday out of an eligible 224 making an s2 per cent vole in acton then were 16 spoiled ballot aptfj i slartlar the picture uj wry similar after the last election in apnl 1943 when again dr hurley victory wa apparent irom early in the evening then he pulled in actunv v42 voles sandy best sm rullrton of the nif j02 timmms 14 and socred wilson 12 there wvrr 17 rejects dr hartcy won by u majority ol jw in town more iharr thi lime ttu vole wa jut uluuit lite tame 82 2 per tent with i w6 out of 2311 voling mr best won ihc advance poll with a majority of 16 in halioii in april 63 dr harley polled 2sj2v bet 4fcj and fulterton 661 om poll vx again this vear polling subdivision 29 rv turned the cuicerve tiwf lv ut ne voir ami the umr totals m to 2 tlwr district i south ol mill cast of i rederulv north of beardrnore crrek and ucil of llu- tracks and volirs wenl to 7 frederick st s lasch lime all ohwi polls liad 1 itxral majorities jum 4i racitlac tin cuelion ol juru was far moir exiling than ihe following two 1 1 wd a c lift lumper in at ton when dr hurley finally polled so liel 614 rouleau for the- ndp 2 and wllum for the sucnrd 24 tlien dr harlcx maontv wi 119 following is a breakdown on ike voting b wards including ihe advance noil pull flair hjrlv ki miyhun mimi tlmmin 22 gurlnh si ms m r2 0 u knui cliunli 1 12 71 1 4 count ii cfuimtk in w 7 74 1 m 191 mill st 1 jo 41 m 0 hi 41 voun si 74 2s hs 1 27 v m c a gviii ttl 4a ml 2 2 vm a ciijihiii ho 24 ml x 7 imlrikli si s 62 24 m 5 30 e ruulurtl ivnai vi is 21 0 jl 74 ritwftml 7iiiuli vi m 11 i advam1 pill 41 s 16 0 harley sweeps halton total halton s total vote betide winning the dr harry harley alio won municipalities in mondays e including advance polls acton burlington etquenno twp georgetown milton nettegaweya twp oakville halton election race liberal candidate victories in each of the seven halton lection here are the municipal totals harley kermghen masson timmms b44 b807 1388 2239 1479 459 9772 386 4102 498 963 606 221 39b5 594 6746 807 1176 690 358 5957 8 137 26 39 16 ib 129 373 totals 24988 10761 16328 there were also 362 ballots recled the above figures were released by halton returning officer richard h west bur lington on tuesday morning following the election the service vote is not included join millions in blackness actons power soon restored wins in every municipality for third term in ottawa harley for nation w ih choice a 749bb riding electors on aacvsday at they gave ttve 39 yeaold oakville doctor 8660 plurality v a vote of confidence dr harry harley popular liberal standard bearer remained undefeated in federal politics at he wit reelected 16 tfve seal in tha hoovr of commons which he first won in 1962 axl tlven captured again m 1963 i a cloudy wfmjy ad often rany day ddn t prevent 53012 j halloo electors from trudging to tfve pollt for a 78 62 par cent turnout dr harley wtio wv reelected lo tfw teat by a pturatlry ol 9 sj3 m 1963 tmihaki 8 6o0 voles front of progreuiv con- ifvalive cerwiudele allan matton new oemocrattc party hopeful uurray s kerrughan gaftered 10 761 vote for a third place fin- iif aitd indepernient conservative henry limmuti wound uf fourth with 33 votev wlni u iah muwkipauly 1le vittory wn cooiplete n alnxxil every way for the liberal cartddale at le swept evey municipality in ihe ndinq official total from halton uelurning office pitftard wait indicate or harley received itrofg lupfxrt 41 rearly every one of th 111 poll m tlw ndng live vervnr vote which in tf pal two electtont fa favored tfw literal taiufidaie vtrongly will not be tabulated until novniter 15 mr wet vaid in tru lwl teiliiil ikvlinn 1i iiih111 put tip a fciirpningly hnu- jiiutl 2s4x2 vous to hmm1 light anning to dr himh 4su toll 111 lioni of 1ir iuihim santlv li m wih h4l i mil mkiuiiu- miis in ui ton ietted 6 790 tolo wink indi p ndenl corim rtatne he nr lintininv gaiiunl 4hi otc jnd sim tail c led 1 1 candida it liwng wilson umiuhi u ole a ii111 mi von a ptxilit nutui 111 oakvilu impiuiil t mw iu i 1 llu sioa iny ol mi ium and thv viu i iauu to iihium ill iidpnm tiu 111 it uatl a iillk i tun i mil inn i ngnut 1 m11 r k 1 in i9m l kxiioii 1 lu kxlion 1 lul soj ttati in tht ivt e the ettenie blackout uhich o fccriouxh hinipcned normal lin ing fur million ol people was not of a lohp duration in iik town ol aclon i in mot other places uolh cetrgetoun and milton wciv in chill dnrvtkss long alter powet was n stored here to flicker olt luki and reluin again minutes taut avion is in a iltllcrent area led uilh power irom guclph onlv car headlights die mca clonal hunttre and the mrs lick ering ca tulles lit the tout uhenj u tailuiv in a v10otv lt line outh ot niagara falls n y piling cd the cntitv district in darkness tlc i ai lit iv occurred when blocks ol power ueiv being exdiangext between the inteixonneviin pou 1 er grid stents ol oniino and the us throwing the cnttri net wurk oil bilaikc hundreds ot circuit breakers weiv tripkd various s stems in the grid had to he isolated to mum servic is when possible dine by candlelight when power lirnt went otf at s 17 p in then flickered on mom entank beloie complclck black ing tu the entire town social ivsidcnts had begun their evening nual main rushed lo light catull cs and ale 111 tvlc with a candlelight dinnr power came on again within 20 minutes but lights began to dim again short t niter pm and wctv restored for a whik only to black out ugain at 720 pm until short i v ultei 8 pm when thev linullv reniainid on the rcm of the night several mdux tries weiv allcxl ed by the pouxi lailutx- when production lines had t- b shut down homes began to cool down continued un page live harley in thf dhvefs seat wat the aim of liberal through- avtociatton members poy goodwin and pettfr papillon monday out halton this is raacily what ttwy did at the polls monday i night after hi vjiit to ttte campaign room in acton a caval mp dr harry harley 1 slown ot the wheel of ha station cade of followers toured the town beforo their representative 1 wagon with hi wife marg being congratulated by local liberal left for o0cr centre in halton cheer victor at liberal headquarters ikilh i iimmi nut ptojiisiw in mil llu jilt t wis hit 1 alb totes and this tunc 1 lost lull 000 1 pul lu ailguit u is was calkd otf cons 1 alii camptijmi luukpi 11 lumping t mmi llian his pc oppoiu nl vv lu 11 it uj iuknl ih niuli lers in acton wert hnine with viliot mobbed ani minagsr ko mwhiwhi ex ciju allin misson wis litilin it lis lis monti i 1 1 1 p 1 1 1 as pu t i iih iii ciiululiti mp ii ii 11 tended 1 oli ot thanks to ttu with 110 hupc ol tikhnij- tip in sopportcts illuitd ti wilh i liili uid his wile wen mot lidu s who helped thiouiliout llu sit nl 1 h uullul ol mippoi i latest 1 tin ns 1 1 0111 poll 1 11 mil ih j h mippoi u is w lun thev 11 cunpiin and told pail lollos is vm tit to llu honu ol mi uul mis divisions litmlaud on lo ec iiid it tin awimi heidciuartv 1 n llu litxials would hii won loin wimiti lot huu h tub shoiik illei io pm iik wen mvwiv hul williout 1 ik ih lp ttl ampuen oslcis wic tikcn the dilts who doiiunttcd likeii on 1 hi u i hoin limitine ihc ladies i don t know when m j on i ol windows uul lussul in llu thnuighoiit tlu ciiiiix 1 its 1 1011 i ikuk torn ol llu town ik- i on would have bvcii iotii iloii wiih otlur ciui with the exception ol oiu poll ka me toi nsh town then on spituc atu smiling li hat lo p u ku 1 a lute t 11 1 1 11 his had ntnneis bnnine in lesolls to lltirlintoit uul oikvilk head shook 1 host ol hands ikul loi wic dimnud md misimhi kli inim somu polls ink s mimes 1 s qunivis uul pminpl l go i hi kis liuni ihiou hi hhim wis txclcd in olhei plumed m it suits as l wuuuni euulidale ihiislj mis r l dtidsn with jkms luxl dooi well as watlhing llu mivui ni two loldmj diii told the p ca conceded called for reaulu board lhe sat anxioush listen viowd ol wellwishtis the siueess i nl m llu inin wlun ill ihniughotit the tvtiiing tnan inj lo 1 lluimstoi iuho is 111 veittild noi hot lxn possible but iwo ukii polls hid u n pait supi u 1 s phoned tin earn tionll le suits wete ihiii bioul wittiool the hud woik ol the lu ltd hoill atlcl 1 oilma toi the p un mmmiis whlk otbiln chop east btindutls nl pul wmkiis llbcids was ewdenl iikii i ped in lo find oul lesolls po jumping fhioughout lldlon who loikd so assk uilioii piesuknt lorn wii both lilxtil and pc suporl canipiin uniiiis win set up elilieenlh loi him md tlu libviil s 11 eanie i ioni part headquai t ei s w u unuvualh bu- proid in the tornui osl ollue build pulv eis m t door in he loruu 1 hi in inks 10 llu polls dm me ihc ing a lirce eoflee uni mi im the it lluk united everxone to tci drue stoie to eoniatulate di ihiiiim of the lain middle ol llu throi peiles ol attend 1 u tot pui in oikvilk ihv tirniil suppoiteis lft womieiing sandwiches w re pknlilul and this saliiidiv evening ih ion leav although the now el wis mil iv h tiu sdn afternoon eani xuphiiui he lhel lluinsiui- nip lirgr interest wis rcrx bit as pucmi psurs whuli hid spiting while wailing lor r stills an ih oiitilunding mp keen in the 1 01 coinimtlcc up on ttet s md building llu im castonil stigpoi ie 1 w ho had 1 ui i i in il i iih i at ass lalion assist rooms as well is wiie lung llu out tow n vie 1 c ihlrimiing to chs ed earhei in llu evening 01 11 ant ma manaic 1 pet 1 papillon inasu 1 ihiici ioi knal 1 lee tion appeal uul poll lie a i tdk was tended a niexting diophtl m to sucl li llukv wis an outstaiicl liesulls paitv stipmttuis kept liii k 10 normal wiih mhih un campaign headcuule 1 s 10 10111 nig nuilllxi ol pu liune nl and then ves glued to a hiilabk 1 v hippv pulv supihtiliis some i el low suppoiteis in 1 vuloiv nottl hit the hist iiiih he 1111set loiiieet to them tot ih m ht siiishtd imt 1 iumiiihi who won eelebiation when tin lestilu toi lot llu m 1 he polk d cs lluv waieluel iiatioud imiii- iknd luw inj il would ih until aetou and halton hid ihui t ibu iiim voh ih in tin p toih ihim abulatid tlu iu e k j with 1 iiuimmiiv lattil a hugi uvoid plnei and ixiut 111 halton llu following ljghl hit 7niimenl inixmo lu llu j a pile ol leeouls ttvu hiuoghi uu he olkd ovi r 000 moiv a plamud eavautuk to oakville seeoiul leitn 1 councillor presses for lights millmain corner dangerous hail v and the nop candidate uipioved on ihe levotd ol lllli i oik hon b i77 voles mr tim- wlto u rived onlv 41 vote j i 111 votes in this soeaal credit candi- lex lion did not mil loi clcvlion this eir alilkhigh li llarlev gained e elcatetit oiton or ihe liberals in halton ihe i iheral party uc- ecss kioss iih voufilry w con- sidiiahlv less tljan htey had hop ed lot llalions npreertlative mil a iv seated in e minority tmiveinimul the laheral victory in halton was lite i4lh lor the iaitv in itu tiding 1 1 4- year pul- ilieal hisloiv masson concedes first vote ai ton s eunges ou r llai hia noi ion had no dillleullv in east uu tier lirst ballut mondav as e xplained 111 last veeeks i ui piess j lexhnicahu gae her the ecle tin ilj hefoix hei 211 birlh dav she tikk next door neighbor and long time friend of ihe lonulv a miulinj but ohvumlsly dtiap- toni waistn with her to vihich pointid candidate progressive loi her although he s pie sick nt tonwrwine standard bearer aj- ot acion pnigressne misers a ian mawin lurned up at liberal me asmkiation he didn i ask i headguarteix in oakville late llaihaia how she unul and mondav evening lu congratulate uaihaia didnt sv the winner dr llarrv harley i the m earold candidate and mavor of 0tkille suggested we didn t win hut wc put up a good light and well look forward to the next one it was my first try at ledeial campaigning and ive enjoved it i offer my eongratula- a valuable pure bred aberdeen turns to ini llarrv lor a well run angus cow was destroved ihsi canipogn i said pwtmld be run- i11d1v ilte 1 it had hexn iliagnos 1 ning for mavor ol oakville if dr cd as having rabies i hailo beat me and i still intend locd vetciinaiian iii 1 c lo he in llu running oakes was called to fall brook he ofleird his heartfelt thanks i tuns in ksqiicsmg township to eveixone whi si rived on hit owned v o d vaughan toi part unci he congratulated dr onlo tit trial a suk animal he llarle supporters lor their hard diagnosed the sickness is 1 thus work ii h o lev noted im and suggested the anima be tks pioud to have tiad vou ax an op- tnved 1 pone n i vou ran u clean well hts diagnosis was conlnicd tougbt campaign the winner bv a veterinarian irom the led also thanked hix supporter for crd health ol animals olt ice in their hard work its obvious a diamplon and the animal was candidate can oilv jo iu much clesitoved iinmciliaulv ami 1 want tnthank vou end the dr oakes believes the cow had mam hundreds o others who ihx n billen pruviihislv by a tabid helped me get reeiecled i could i ox and warns evervone to h get now lie ie without tu he awue ol strangeacting amtrils said rabies strikes purebred angus ikcvi nt installation ol slop lights al a bad lute i see tion iii teorgctowu 1 oik lied oil a healed discission aillollj eouiiell uieill- bvis m aeion lucsdiv evening actons ladv nuneilkr mrs ixuts livet enguiied il atisone taken al the ixuurst ol council but tlu ivpai linent itpucld its 01 igliial iksision against ip lights tried once in answei to mrs liversqueix legaiding alton louiuil uistat ling stop lights at its own ex v law 1 011 id no ik dcpulv keeve ro suit phout new monoemcy awards gjuin this ver for the first lime by the aclon and district high school board were presented at commeneenrtnt friday four of the winners shown with prin cipal e a hansen proudly display their award left to right ere eva de bartolo marilyn mclntyre mr hansen janice wagner end bob hart 1 had ixad about the light jn penserlci k adiuinisuahu javk ceotgeown m the ceth limmded hei that iiewspapei slu lulled the article slop and go signals had been in in tlu pavi ioited the lights stalled at one lime and within had ken installed bv eoutuil at live huuis the dho had ie a sost ol j2siv ahei ihe depart- moved thi as the provnv js nit m ot llighwavs had ivluwd to devu tmeni owned msall he hghis p takui then lilt in 1 took surveys t owm hands empiasiud the mis i ivei woiuleied it aetoii vvoinat eittuuilkii j she termed emiuil shiwdcf take similar a tion the eomei dangeums she also at the mill maui corner prcou claimed the suivevs might have and past couikiis have requested been taken at the wrong houn stop lights toi this corner the and rmtrd how bus the inreisec i i dho crews har taken traffic tioajuos at 5 pm suivxrvs whuh disclaimed the mavor le dubv said he wax neecssitv tor stoprtijjhu svnipaihetic to the situation but i 1 lu place ot these the depart felt council wa powerless to do j ihent ixvotu mended and installed unvthiug without the consent of thj preetu hashing tvd und am the department the clerk was j j ber light sxsiem since then ud- 1 of the opinion that a bvuiw auth- ditioual uallic uprvs hac bccai uruinfi ejoforccment of hop bghti bad to be appinvel he tlu ie- puiment ol iiaiishu uul niilesi this approval wa- obtained i lie nfoiccd eoodwin aitf suih a bv law would ik sum lti to one- passed bv council slip uiaang no liauv w h i s i i i n g through town ii this was done without ix part men t appioval tllel soitieoik was ltlicd bv a titiu the town would be open lor h igat ion worked so far counolloi rax at hit stated die present an angcmeul ai the corn e is was bet let thii stophglus and claimed ihe standards where- hx the present sxstem was set up bx ihe dho seemed to he work- ins out lis ion bad if it takes a serious accident belone this sys- tcpi is changed buf it has work ed so tar he said the councillor also orlatmetl mat stoplight at this inierree- tion would tie up traffic in the main business area the present conunucd oipagc three cofmovatnm assooanoh mowt for acton tom watson telephones the sad news of acton results to party headouariers in oakville as his son david end wife ben console him the progressive conservative undldaie allen masson won just one poll in acton over winner dr harry harley and that by only one vote j- hjss

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