Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1965, p. 3

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iha acton fraa prem ttamday novamba i ltd 1m5- 3 chlwchau ovw 95 per cent vote mori principal speaker at wi llliltuim tn peal lew day with her parents v and mi geo cooke george jackson u exmuttaf law pound angus cattle at the roy al winter fair thk week tin- albert breadner and mrs alex mcklnney jr of brampton vuatd with mr and vlr h h howard mr and hit j a- bulloch spent day recently in toronto a number of the member of the local presbyterian church at lnil the anniversary tervicc at huns lretbyterian church erin on sunday in hut week newt item it wet elated kenny uckillrvck wa at sick children s hoscilal or ex aenhwlloni thia should have been crippled children hoi pa al toronto un nik shant orarujevtlle and mia c helmler cuelph vts- iled with a c and mrs robert con little bradley matthews ol ac ion it vullirui with hu grandpar hit mr and mn f archibald mr and un cordon allken were in koreu on saturday at tending the funeral ol mr uoore- gueat apeaker at the monthly meeting of the weaken institute held at the home of mr george pletcher the new math was the sub ject of mr mchttrvma addresa mrs alfred winters hostess ugwr- the november moatwy meet- lux of cbuichlil ucw was held on nov the horn of mr alfred winter with a fair ulead- ance in the ubicncc of the presi dent vicchrmteident urv w thompson opened the meeting with prayer mr w swackhanv er gave the devotion chooung u and the mother pfni kt top what chnst offer uv delighted to hear the detail the speaker with the aid of a ques tion heet gave a very coropre- henive account of the changed subject many mothers with wrinkled brows attempted to an swer the questlchu and with the aid of ur mcpherum made a fair bowing mrs s fuller introduced the ipeaker anaur c fletcher ei pressed thxlhank of nil mw dorfv fines presided nd mrs c storev read the minutes and bmirves iteim the roll cull proved quite humorous sume- thing mv husband docs i wish he didn t do john is chapter was read and the hymn 1 am tlunc o lord was eung a chapter of the study book wa read by mr w j mcdonald and a discostion of questions and answers followed the roll call wa anvwervd bv a choice chnsi mas receipt the minutes were read and urntc business wi dis cussed mrs thorn peon closed the meeling by iveryunc repeat ing the lord prayer a lovely lunch was served bv llic hostess mrs winters mrs thompson mrs freeman tnd mrs lhleh and a social liine spent mrs macarthui thanked aninvluuonwaaroclvrdlroin winter lor ik us tvrr speedslatbrnkmntt vlund their 50th anniversary all present don ated to the mvwre prokct share a loaf and proclaim wai on hunger in european countries the vchool board requeued the ladies to prepare and serve lunch itoute sr father of rev hugh fur the opening ol the new school uoojvhouie whose wife i a alv- tu be held early in december and r of mrs cordon aitken alto provide a number for the randy stewart entertained lev program mrs ward brute kind end of hi playmate on morula v y consented to provide a read after school on the occasion ol his ninth birthday oear tr5s vol over w par cent of eliglhle vol ert eaerclied their franchise at the local polling tat ion in the vil lage on monday iklr bruce mcpherson principal of chprlngc public school wa ing the december and january program have been switched and ihl usual christmas meeling will be held in january at the school mrs w milton and mrs george home and kind hospiuhty sitown eve rv one mr and mrs w ttwimpson a cuiiipanled b mr aiul mrs at lliui oilfin aiul mi- ticss keel ci ol lin vuitad with mr aiul mr fred shot till ol uv 2 llirs lau on sunday tht ladles of on a ton i an ilaatrd ttk t al in hoinr o mis j mcculloch for liuli nut ling on thurnlav nitil mr and mrs j 1m nkai fu n aiivd ijtil tmsii so lulu vxith mis near motlui mrs maih 1 llallu ol shelrhiirr mr and mrs norman tuttw r nil davul wire gursls ui iih lets play bridge grundy alifed the hosier in ivtxklmg ol mrs turrui s hmilrf lervmg the relrehment to the eleven members and four visitors present ir am ittrr- ir iwp i mowat held their annual meeting thursday afternoon in the home of mli jesilc dunklc mrs norri presided over the ladiefc aid meeting and opened wllh devotionia the prctidtnt thanked all who worked for i he wedding supper in october and a special thankv to the committee and the ladies who laundered the tablecloth currt julian and miss i liatx th linyford in timothy lahui mi mortal churxh toronlo on sal urdav novtinher a mt and mrs ward haimllitn iimi famllv visitcil wllh mi and mrs lart kt id mul fwmtl i iat uiuvi mmll mr and mrs anhu kin uul kulhrt wen gusi l itu cmi church groups name officers x vims and ladin aid oil the llnancial report for tin naiaweya preaylrrlan church i vcar wai gnilifvlng wllh a mi hull coinpany 1 iik rmul yol held their annual meetings on balance in ihe bank lu lrl lhc tmnl m to m un mlwdm new year tlu ladles gave a nu wikii 1000 lnm ll mm um ol money to the managers f me to help pay lor the painting ol j on todjv tvimng lolluulni ihe church it was decided to a bjnqiki u piogram h gorun help iih niaiugcrs wllh a con tupp anil his mlcrl iln rs s grrgjllonal supper in november i nllkh enimid on wuiiiimiii tin ullkcrs ol i9a5 vin all iwrtd llu mv ckk reeleilrd or lv pmidcnl ll i bmnlloul jl mrs v nurris mrm vicepresl nl dent mn i niatk secretary mr mr- red marlhm mr john roberts treasurer tundid a ljmlv lanm ii pjrl mn slanlcv robinson on silonlas snunj al hk home in ihe absence of ihe prcsll mr and mrs i orrn to dent mrs c com look the chair p mp mi pik r lorlhewjus meeting mrs c i n i ummg horru to cargill md the scriplure lesvin iaskalclrwan alii n with irom si luki chapter 10 vcrxv ricniis and relamcs 3tvj7 and mrs beck led in pray i c mr macarthur spun sunil i ill llvr homi ol mt mil the ireasurer gave ihe linan- vi anhir ah cial report and 150 has been sent wf ukf c4m daot laid the rly children and almost 5 000 more adollt volert in halton did too as reiurning officers counted up 74 968 voles in his favor in aaorvday s election ooua 9 janet 4 and buce 13 show how proud they are of pop harley early results set trend top salesmen at liberal headquarters at r l school pn promises of yuloiy iarru sun riyan ii and last al liberal twadquai tux aim tis in oak vi lie monday corning ol vkidin tth i iv nd lovaaid u uiui nlut u i i i i shoilk itltt- n n ultlv lr laheral candidate lr i 1 i i a hhlu llttl ik a iiiil it llarr mailcn slarlrd carls in iimii tht iimiii txil avid minnoil l hi ivtinnu with the nuumrhni i u i i x i ic 1 him is iinmit s vk tuniping inlo tht had us soon us tlu hist ri suits wrri pttsud vail 4n ih uui ki is and iikjit ioiilidnl if ii never look a gift horse in the mouth t an old old tayiatf but does it apply to the card table i wish that i had ttever beard this old adage al the acton bridge club law monday night 1 picked up south hand on the following deal board no deakr south noith south vulnerable north so h o 5 d5 4 3 2 c a j 10 i 5 4 west eatt s j 6 2 sa 10 9 ila j 9 i 3 2 11k 10 7 4 d7 do j 9 i 6 c o 7 2 c 3 soul it sk 17 5 3 2 h a i a k 10 tk 9 6 1 1v bidding south waal worth i as is pass 2c pask jk coats aiul i 3s all pa i ood hi tan hainilton and i liked the hand u i opened luilavvon thud bui llaiiv oik vpade and when m partner llon pal jrftarr bid two liib mv liand rened to improve i jumped to three filnrs flrsrlr apdc hul mv pa nncr had the vutlccjcj aicni 8tl isense to pan j a rull tinging ttatlly etnv west ird a diamond a ou minute at the robert utile school an ire thi iv a linglelun but auakncd and alarmed neighhoi 1 dldn l know it i uim and led sunday nighl caieiaker mi a vpade lo dummv queen won btadvhav mad the 2 am heck bv the ate last returned a club to find no lire hul a short cu iiirhi inio dummv long auiuiiull in the utitng ol ihe whools ibis was a gtlt a ftre llnevve mastir t u k it was repaired 1 should hve opened the mondav morning bv i b m imis s tmuith and taken a loer i tok i plavrd the nine but weil tlu mill si w vsuknintf and hoping that the ifcfrtie would try to cash their heart tricks but no such tuck west won the heart and lad a club east ruffing eait led a diamond west ruffing this whole procedure was repeated once more and i ended up a ra ther inglonuot down two- to add insult to injurs when i checked lo tee how the others had done on this hand 1 found that twice south had played the hand at lour spades down only one i must gite the defense full nedit for thiv they gave dec later a t ha nee to go wrong and declarer did go wrong if east lust return a diamond the de fense will get two ruff but no more i luni now on i in going to take a gmml long look when someone olleis me a gilt at the taid table laisl vet k u inner waft mike junius stop lights continued from page one svucm i doing a good job in tplhe of sidewalk superintend enu he said expaclad accident mr goodwin reminded council he had lived on the mainmill cur per for ii years and although he expected a serious accident ut any time onv never occurred in ihu lime mr fryer pressed for a traffic iurvev at the comer at a time specified b coumll and not when the depalment decided to do this it wa noted the laet sur vcy had been taken on a thurs day afternoon the mavor as surcd her the road committee would continue it imestiguion of the situation oakvitle artlta as 1 itu i il llu shml iikludtng a portable tv m i lor cdoialumal pumrams i ostilu id uall viewr and olhtij lums the balance has been salt l linkid assas in iru bank and ill im listd lor lurthi puiehas i s ol hi ins loi use al the s hool 7tu list top salt situ n l ik luck diaiu btuisaluld glad who mild 4a turns ol cards ktsin joidali caiadt 1 6 hoi s jo k k j mailall 2 1 hoses rnks eilvd ik ih 11 oil unul at lis 10 p r r u 4 jt hosrs ami iu fm n aal l kl 1 i it i uiiikh t it tu public school hj pls s4ld a lolal til 1i0mv m chiisimas taids litis scar and pjj queen and i had to i pas ny piogiam is all completed ads puixhased ikmv for n dumn j krt i mm ah inn lu uv ihlt t i u iili his ui with ins wil and l iv i i mit kciltls ol tlu lllsl lmll polls loll jllsl tilt i hi km uold v ts vstrt iiiiiuhhked in dnl lu td nuival tiom pi o res isi on guji liters at 7 17 p m just 17 miulitr lu idqu nius ihal al mlnult alter llu polls closed ian masson was alino i iad ii aiul lluv slvoued di hat lev hail a lead of just uiulc r 200 soles rus of tecitrtnent ihitkjfch the pint r ns lo results certain r siili k pt coininu into llu porters sensed tlu rhwiiuiinu ol a p k oin lionitstis iiioiik a viclorv tbiileen ininults lati i mote results rumired in uul ihs indi tilled hirlcs w is qukkh build ing a had is he led v 44 votes itui siii polls hid been ht ltd irom lour of llicm lrom oik villc whuh the pc s hid consi dertd tfuir slronj urntoi- just u less minulis lutu 0 its lv noilun radc 7 21 boxes ol nds i ll lop classes tn the salts depart 111 llu llsllll old t kll iuw 1 hkllldttl ritluiid clkl s nt mon borw uj t mis mauresin mt i i m s fradt 4 ttass ami ijocu i hh i md s iadts 7 and 8 class jack rbuy cartage comcutf uocks conctftt wmot cmotvuocin oavuuck iam0 nomi uvtnock mi ntrtuim wl1m 1hvki nut iwhjis du ttucks foi hir1 freftwy aaawvaav jcv clua h i acton hwhumw i ll blthil lit ii loi a sub lanti d si i us as mt ins ihxjiiu io i md in i suit in ins ol tlu 2 sippinis in llu h ill st ii utl i i tvi loi hoiiu whilt othi in i iniitu ii d ibiit th the t 1 s is in tbt liall to vtatth bt 1 ilion il it mills he i mi sldl 10 pm lorn i llu ikille harlcv nuik his hrst apruataiue sn of theevemnp arnvmt sch his p okmlle lamlv loihi ihecnnpol i2s bos w awk icnuis supporters alter htanni in p u uluuai to the sick of the congregation the december meeting is to be a pot luck luncheon at the home ol mrs s robinson and christ christmas cake lions project arrangements for a sale ol christmas cake were completed at lhc regular dinner meeting of acton lions club mondav evening al the station hotel lion vie oris tow and ilarrv hawkins wilt lead lhc drive which coupled wllh a christmas uruw wilt keep ac ton lions buvy lur the next two months the elub accepted tht ret om mendation ol the linaiice commit tec to donate funds towards the activities of the cancer societv si john ambulance lake st jos cph camp for the blind safctv council retarded children und minor hockey in acton the am ount owing on the sw ccn rsluiv crfloodcr the club donated to the community centre will also be paid oft following rcpreventations trum delegates g l do hartley and rene schuu ol the acton minor hockey association acton lions agreed to sponsor the tn county juvenile hoekcv team this season lion dave hunter will act as manager with the assist ance of other members of the chjb lkhi rav hvelan led tlu stub in another rousing sing song after lions had their pockets emptied of loose change bv tail twismul nell miller lion pete papillon drew iome interesting cumpari sons on the election which contrt buted libcrultv to the tail twisters convention fund new members ray evclan and ralph bannon were apbointed as delegates to the centennial com mittee meeting in november the uon chief without the gong which resides in oakville unh htor leo rescue it kept order by alternately popping up and down tn unison with other sspeavkers the meeting concluclcd with lions rushing home to listen to election results the general fund the ivecrc- rjannhtarc f rcnnv tarv gave u short report the uaugnfers ot innox cheer report was given showing i d airtinn lt that nine get well cards eight i rian aucljon sympathy cards and nine ideals the diuphtcrs ol knot month magazines and one mother 1 mceimt wis held it the prts goose bckk had been sent out hvu run e hurt h un mond iv even inp novtmber i mrs t b moon ope md the milling uith a e hi to worship business w is discussed about mas program eomin aucticin s ik and the mrs cose prepared a paper furnishing of the kiichcnettt on luke 10 3037 entitled the the nominating committee road to jeneho remembrance named tht olficcrs tor the com was the word used in the verse ing vcar which are us follows lor roll call mrs coxc said we nat president mrs t b moore usuatlv think of remembrance in president mrs william toth connection with armistice dav hrst vicepresident mrs c ash but there were several quotations lev recording sceretarv mis h in tht bible we wen lo rcrncm culcv corresponding sceretarv bet such as remember the sab- mrs m spruwl trcisurer ur hith dav and remembrance in t watson assistant treasure the communion service she ul mrs ii oltcrhcin so pointed out that lhc mm welcome and wdlare mrs j went down irom jerusalem to je- 1 mcknight mrs r paul hlcnirv ncho and tell among thieves und i and camp mrs d cleland e itxl was lclt wounded and half dead consener mrs b van fleet gl id and how lhc levin passed bv tidings sceretarv mrs willi un but the good samurilan rcmem ispicuugtl supplv secretarv mrs bcrvd his neighbor and took pitv j pink press reporter mrs h on him and cared lor him who price group 1c ulers t mrs t are mv neighbors do wc treat b moore 2 mrs u robertson all as neighbors or do we dtscrr- and m mrs a holmes minate against some and lorgcl mrs wm spielvogel s group the remembrance ihal has bcnlook over the meeting lor the spoken lu us through the scrip- 1 sindv and wxirship service alter lures hvmn 418 mrs a j buchinui the oil iters for 1966 were nit opcnetl a discussion on the reelected pnvident mrs m 1 scriptures lxekici 47 verses i mutlin first vicepresident mr 12 and john 4 verses i 42 then w kenncdv second viccprcsi panel consisting ol mrs win dent mrs v norm sceretarv sptclvugel mrs h coles mrs miss jessie dunkic treasurer a j bueh man mrs c ashlcv mrs g campbell glad tidings mrs b robertson and mrs j mrs e coxc cradle roll mrs i mcknight told whit christian ld dredge home helpers sec re- women ure doing in missionarv pi i hi firs i results ht tonhdenllv priditltd a pluialilv in his lasor of irumit 10000 urs to p 1 itui il woiku ki ii i l ll i i llu pi llu un llu i il uiiiu s tours hall t ind ul rik tourinj lhc h ill and sh ikine i iru i il woi ki is i m hands ihi 1 ibt i il e indul itt s is t all smiles is the results tonlin ued to conic in mo l ol ihetn pointing to i cli in tin viiiore stoppmj il oiu ol llu ikmik he sugctsttd mv jush i think wc ii ime to i is i p ill oh k is wl us j t ii in ill bet i whiting lh si it nl in uked ssion ol dlt tl new houses i on i foundations are in lor the iuw hmists u ihe far eiul ol laevuw subdivision wuikmrn aii dicing swi lines and lis itij tut i ru w rimdwav as well is tikml n the homek ituli lit in i iki i i il ih point i klil ihn tint k piss st thl poll numbers and the voles miv w ed up mnlt tht tandidilt wis hu v sh ikin hinds sin liberal woi k crs manned telephones whiu ip olhi r lour l ibul ilcd iisulls on tdditil mithines and hvt moic mil kid up the results on htmid pomliontd str iltpit tllv thi nxim mrs haik v lollte uul ehitttd with lutnd ind i luce ol the unless lour c hild 1 1 u brut t 1 dout las intl j met 4 romped ibout ih hill the continued low ol icsulls relieved the tension in iht loom ind a nunc iclavesd almospttere e tl out but in pioit s k n nit h mi silt pn in i i tlllllipleel d ll il to mt ndt red is n buek as mi sil s i st i j i lu n i ud t i it li ol appl mst iht i i nilieipitkil in n uttini nl tl mr mtsson i m teiline vs is u eistd iiist bu n 10 vo pm uul u imvtd it lib houl al tlcadquai lels il ii pm drank m md is s fidcr il e lee t ion in ii ilion w s pnbablv the last tl return eausniii the present boun- iiiiks til ihe counts bv the time ih ntxt etclion is called the ulin in iv k spin up b leder al letlisliibiillun ol seats were right there when you need help whan ikera an antargancy a tall ut o adtan laat reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company luctiical hum1ino htatino contiactoh artn om twkt4m4l 17 mui si w n hn miiimi dliln ml llu limliil commencing november 1st we offer fred a hoffman opioiul tl 1st 6 si cn oijit s st ciirelpb onl telephone u4m7i arv mrs w frascr two invitations were read to the wms to attend the duffs and eden mills auxiliaries thankoftcring meetings thev are with oil repeating the mix pah both november 10 at 8 pm benediction fields ul india formosa brituh guiani japan and nigeria pruvcr was tullowxtl bv hvmn 174 and the meeting was closed quality ba products save you aoney 0 oil lumar rnanca nan s vaar la fay small canybab chhitaa guelinm motor otb divmi foj fiwl oik stove oils thompson fuels ltd acton phonttuasto atohihouts uui74 tax notice 1965 municipality of acton fourth instalment now due attention is drawn to the pavment ol 9rs taxes vshuh ate now pavahlc m lour instalments taxes arc pavablc to the municipal treasurer at the town of acton municipal office vmcjl building inma1ailms arl uul as lollous fourth instalment novemur isth aiiiirilmc lo tll tax cilkitlon b lav a pcualts ot 1 per cm pel month or lrailun ot a month uill be added on the amount remaining unpaid alicr the istti dav ol mav this penalty applies to each innalmcntjn seimilar manner the attention of tsatepacr is directed to the tenalties and other cluuseo as primed and explained in detail on every i tax bill hake payment now and take you tax notice with you when making payment j meqiachie galltttor interest on 3 4 5 year guaranteed investment certificates 514 for 1 2 years this offer is for a limited time only in order to supply the unusual demand for mortgages amounts 100 100000 v legal for trust funds enquiries invited halton peel trust savings company assets exceed 50000000 halton t pmi trull t saving company 253 mala slraat milton onl lnelosed is a dicquc lor s- ccmticate for war o register lib ccruticatc in he name of please issue a guaranteed investment inlcicsfpaable hall yearly by cheque address sistuturc

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