Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1965, p. 8

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s j sdtotulp9 artnbho a miustan for pmc vasee mm i u a k ibm pw j m l ww s wff fi ww a at ml kwa ml want iiwm mwm tiaanee b ana ho lor um a tw anal wltlwjt wh have atee for u v si year iobbo6m can- edsan lilitrilij lawmawm day taaeere ira war yooaboo iwt j ts for eoorao and msvmvel the y awuda l in v want tfcattanjja tm u wa ah our anaro or heart nwai ana tpwt to budd aaund and leahna haw can are do tmsr w can put en end 10 pirsansl wart va tart ua our heart open and 14 hataam for thee kavad ana be uaad for and cequar in a ttat day by rwi w which mrmu lawllwe tnay may b smell event pratudw wluch it cauohl up and bull upon by ha naat person until it become tjovarrwnanl peley a rtananal powdar lag every man wo man and ttnu in canada t moutdo 1e mor i our country mow slew w ar to realise tkn meant mar when sv do taa it wt can lrhi to create that mould out ol our strengths cooreo honesty and hard work not out o our ifcesknse prtuov greed and war a hole in your pocker m your porta through at m canadian mothar whoa huaband foil at ftajilu w tm thank the lord who made him tearless though vahw tl timid tut me liia hmt m bt t fiqhiar tha svke i may not fait a ctoti ol tton to ksllow th plat h fou tut for hit sal i ii liohl lo build th land h lowed to wall w can uw m w want our nation to llv w can betjlm to male tha omar follow th other nana tjaeel than canada will hav an inner lirenoth a dtoniry and authority at tha takes har placa among tha nations har daalmgt will ba lair beeeuee can avians ar lair her policy will ba lor th good ol all nation because canadian haw learned to car for aach othar she will b honest bacaut canadians have nothing to tud canada clean strong iraa a country whose people heve discovered iha things ttial belong unto peace mmimmhmc1 oav utvtcft in aclon i wi well ellervded bolh at the cenotaph and trinity unilad chukh fating vail in ttw- parade and notafiti ereinoriy lafl to right were ttandard baarar mrs vmion cuiria liom it lalriile rttaplai lodf bill taylor honor guard ruamber from the loirse vols legionnaire i ion jnr who lacai a wrallt paddy dunn lorn sort honor quaii and fllen wisuni fi mi ttw a n gh guuli at laatt an h you had a hoi y tat l phy good youd hava it rapairad trantfor your monay to a tafor tpol fvary yaar it aaam car miuranca rawt ar tjta up but paopl ganarally conlin thaw m- tftgiuitn to th local aoant or th msuranca h air n thar httl corttidaration for th iwmliig acodan rata twghar panenal miury tattlamantt or th chmtmng cott ol umpl ra- piacawinl partv vat thx it m alfoci th hoi m th packat through wluch w ar loung monay annually ivory dnvar know hit obtarvanc ol toma trart rula la guit dapandanl on how racantty h putid a polkoman or tkippad through a radar trap slrictar onforcamant el trahic lawa hat bltw prnvan a an allaclrv datarranl to trahic arxidantt but w ar all incunad to abut th owar uriel polloaman or polio daparimant it t unpopular to hava ttrlct antokamanl and to w anaourao ovarlooklng th minor ol y iojbj atj t aa araufi ar ijjji jjraaiftrjnlrta bfiabbr tajjat vaawatyavv amjlaawtvuvjaiaw vavrvmovlf wtlvn moro aatily rapilrad pintu anal mor alfoctrtf bumpart wtmout oraarnantanon could roduc accldanl rapalr coah but th car it ttill a pruwd potatltlaw en which w aapact manufarturar to lavith th omarnantallon thai addt imprauiva- naat whan w haw to hav it rapalrad war t at th cetl but w roauy wouldnt hav ii any othar way and to wa add anethar hoi in our pocvat through which our car intur- anc dollar can tllp hew eltan wr incanud whan a friand doautt obtain a drrvari licanc at th lirtl at tampr w can bacoma rightaoutly indignant about th darual of our right to th road but lail to appraciat th danial may tava ut and othar trom tariou infury in our indigna on w tail to tha appllcanr waaknatt or lack ol knowladg at any tariou thraal thar aratoma dnvar who accidant record it to taniaaiic that tha inturanc compania ob- viouily dont mv want to covar tha tiiivmt at any pric tha applicant accept ihit only at a lrutfation and continua to ak covaraga onuho whi arr pntitv an aignd ntk bant or from torn untutpacting drnt agant who ha not boon given alt tha detail rarely do th applicant take tha hint that he really ha no right to drive until he plant to improv on continuing batis his operation of a vehicle with plan to mere automobile insurance wall all ut out another yelp ol financial anguish inturanc agent around tha country will draw suft d sfuee wwusmjuy addftamnp prrmp nt tuh wrumil irjhai iru tilu r nijii i wa malltnit tu i c m r ttu uh hjtliiiijj yuiiu tmsi rvcn ikjtkin pnifomiinoi iui el tthjt tkj jlt it kk k ikk tut h ui i ho1 hrihii hi m f ink thlv lovail ihh sunl tuu louk at ihr iyhi i w hull br n h n tvltu it mi ii illl llu hi tt ml i hulvs ol ihivv llilik hj h mill iii lllttk ami pjv lk mitrlil 20 ydkrs ago 50 years ago ymkmm frmri tw uitf ftf lk rwi ttlua trmmt w w- rf ik hm ttmrmy mw i i kn trtwy mot ii htft wrtc ufiulrn ihrf vloy ol the primipal w ii siruaj1 an- riyhlh vulirv liaii ui uvm iwiuiurj ihy rruili ol ihr otl auwj luurui bm wr w iwwr kui ltf ruhtnuih jt ihr high i vutk ufck lu lep u wmb a thimaj lorm iii hivlua in g ttumj ft ik- ninih vuiry uun famtir b llr ai 444 hu- hfrr sawolk alur lir uilaik iur 6 ibruv 41rbra d luf wurv ihr uwvtv whuu vv jtwl 4 o ufttm chmmiury jniuhifud ihr muiu ollrrtt a olixun ftum ii highl in ol lioofioh iumj hrrn rra hrd juj tumimg m utifye fe4 u yif frtm rrpon ii tily lo tiiujn juyrbrtf tw cubwiilrv b4 l or lh obidktivr h bima it himi o muwfti aiion wii ik ful in luilm oumv to rtjh ilw i4k- i k krrn yniiuj iliui in par kifaaiiua in ihr u hi on myhl ikfiiufh by a qurrr ttumiariur ur umj kourll who won lini 4ulrri in ihr ilkc in ruifnjim ihr ulfwiv birnilunor iv ttuik i tin lamr ilri in hrr r llnutu ol vhrn ihr ojl would br irachnl bhr wa ajw a win iwr in a prrvlou loan virlr i rjuoii and mm jtmn aijjmujn wrrr vonj n4 ihird ffiunh wat halmled towltaatv d llllh i wa ut john grrrr i wlnnrr in ihr hallway coiv rt wnrrr ui mrlrfl tituw ur 1 llrtrn fcww um n fcmrll urn julw ixnlrvuh ulu lur 1 ulnr ifalunt thr iatrmrn who vi ihr ffcrw high r f i wright onxw ua4tlr ur r i tumrf ulv uarorw nor i uajt uiu u uau4ll ur s ii i indav ami b u aylrwofih nurvinf iirr jrbtr f young kcaf wi formrrly ol at man rr lorried to canada after 1 wo yrar vrvirr ovrrra and i wm wkuiivd hrrr oa thr urea i rord vu4a wailrr wiuir ultu tnd willi- ahcok charlir prrovi i llrul col telford kcnnrr hat vail saar john gibhrnt jran nturnrd from fivr rart over nkr otr fbirrrur barr frank vai trrvlrr ur wa nudr a mrnv icclly mar irwari brr 0 ihr uol ucllrni ordrr 1 thrir trahrr wrrr i whiir of ihr aullih prnpirr in rtcug i u uaialr dauv ljurr m a niilun of hi vrvlcr in thr war stark and fliahrlh wilton and tor gallantry lie tpmi hit i thrrr arr u iiuirnu at afton bovhood cuv hrrr and wat uv j high school thr largrt alrur ing in hamilton whrn hr olnrd ihr urhool wa onrnrd thr vrvicr lnlrrrtlng iritrr havr hrrn rfn s a jamr u alw hoinr written by nurman upright wimj forw i hthc m jog raphv u william liruljrr u wil lim and v smith fnih fr mmr d ghnm ui- u 7 brnnrii annuuntrrd thr namr and mark ol thr loa f4aurth drftari ftuarl uortam charlw afulrron utwrll srtl agnr rbhr charlir uwut fura uiing ftwa iv kn- ivth hrndrrwin lubrl tlluxt uilt wilm fmmi rnr hugh william jrr uowai otluta wiih lf rnrk ji habra heun arthur brnli david llrndrfwafl frarl walla r france huri lora volt grrmihr uaal k j tint birdie gouttvl jeie u i abb uaryurrtlr ftdrr agfw ujiit ra mttlr jean mac brr farl ncr ninun wlu stthnntr dunn grurgr moll wa i nd smith arlington whllr ulna har olive coos jim- lluni uatthrw tvlrr lu rnr uaifhrrton hrlrn m donald uorr stark man clara savagr charlir brll trddte chi on ihr uj not of town u ilnrn anmirvl lb uu vii is ii ad in 1 re the hoc homo thai odd i laid lo m w ifr thrrr big new farlorv m v in th i vl hi 1 to i ml mil iii it i tlul ill ol ihrvt- h rn 1 wvmiiu tml no i al tin linn and not jii it tuui hut ik ujmii hsii niny ii in ttu ji dixti i n itul inc l til illl it t u is illl tlltl iii i r wild hit hif hiuk l tm ihn likil nx11 1 1 lv 1 ihimxi rm t tuid i thou bt i w o utiilii jr v si llimt r it ujmi i moth a vuilth itr tin i kruw that tin ump inlo tt aching nun in iiidiimrulil sbor vlcman hi shiiitoidi 1 ink hj been a it iiiiiijik ijkt 1 inn r lor umn prirjr yihi un vr ibcm an dj lultrnniy while laied to- wanl thr mall rort alter a d hi hu ariioal with 10 thr rr lltl 1 i 1v m hmll again aftrr five year the remembrance da win- dow at john tone and rumtev now acton home furnivhmg all thr lime driving at night i indeed imprele hard on a fellow an ambulance driver in the firing line in belgium at wmr place there i mo nine gun fir i a ittw iwiutt filial a mi it in their breath and prepare tor another round i middle of llv- rxmikniul mmm of complauth from unhappy customer but well continue to tolerate the hole m our podiat that ar really robbing u whll we berate th local agent en th high cost of auto- mobile insuranc briefs bewer of puppy lov rung of dogs life it can be th begin- a tlfmad man said recently thai if he had it to do over again hed get soma help this sundays ckutck caiekjar foaul vara s we have lived together a number of wan that wh i have neither doubting or feor tor m tin are all hid in ihr depth of the sea the were taken awav by ieman on the tree thev don t tiuiall allow thai then i w the roadblock out in frunt of the prawlinp one lore latitrv there wis 1 grim gent beiue it wxlldrvd but with a art of wild ftlinl in bi ce he happed m ittiwn i i slapped he came oer lo the ear tan vou ue cmi ol at leit one ee he qiknett i iwuriii him that i had uw1 mmuti or unvcthini of the sort i ihouirhl it wav uniu kind ol kook pi nn colbepolie ctwfk th kind mi run into when vou t lh 1n1r dnmg ik ens in 011r nthir pant fver been to i uniiermk he hol al me i vnd 1 d he n 1i olord i rrmember svntlinj a whole weekend thnr dunnp th war waiting inr a i ind rm pirl who noer did show up wwn vv jm1 inuu he ho rd iik iiitt a ihaif and i wait rl ititlulk lor th lt ijht hj hi 111 it air and tin itihlm r lhs tlul he lixikd nu ii biiikv a con ft lon nmlri in lutv nul vnarkd silii tluu i mlii il uumlenn what hid ixmhih 11 r ping magna c irti ii ik is mnuv kn i wanl t ind m f mi xiui in lt oipo dul i had little difhculty in making thr adtitmeni after all i bad been a urcklv newspaper nil tor in that b uu tprnd most of votir lime telling people things tru don 1 listen lo and ibcm in d things thev do i found these tmilmhlo training for m leach i ll wis not unld hr ollrrrd to show m the pvmnisitim ind lb iitrttru thil i u ihitl the la lor was a hiph s hool ind th it i hail ust hnrnt d th hint s ii on it ai h r new gtiieas 10 he continued acton tapfttr ohikm foueded iiu paator rev stanley gaakeaaa baa 14 tldry ave pk iuuis sumtwy movembeit uth las 5 am church school adult cuu hob am mornln worship thou shalt remember 7 do pje evening service setuor ciitaem will he thr guests ol the church srrmon gilt or reward wedneuut prawr and blblr stud 7m thurtcuv choir practice 7 jo fruat b ii f and explorrrs at 700 and 7j0 scripture 0od cemmendeth hi love loward us in that whll w were yet tltintr christ tiled lor ut itoman 5 t actom nntkottax txoc u churclull read re s u thoasaa pastor hm7is tonight thursdit november- 117 s pm dont miss eanrlivl harold davis coming with his thrilling drama a light in the window sunday november mlh ie3 i0d0 am sunday school fbr all rauhl avmmh ls caor sunday noveubetr ulh 45 ia suarvty scteol ilim am morning service 7j pjn bvceing service wadaesday i bjjl rvayer buc4- iflg acmb huw o e ol s0bim owlattm acterx ottlarlo fear yw vea tt htraaibsmsbs iurouy rwvbliber 14th iu is uttt aj uornlbg service 7d0 pm evanlag service tuesday i pm prayer service aad bible study thursdav g pm christ am- prlday 7 pjn cnttadrr hrtttyttjham oeuacm ttmbk oltnbttt acton rev andrew r mckenik bju bjj muuster mr tl a haesttt bjk organist and choir llulet sunday november uth ia 5 nt i chnrch school iiu ajit divlfte worsbin sermon truss steward ship in the social supervised m and tot daring eatbe tar- vice aad jstajar congrega tion for children 3 to 7 yean during aartnoe bv most welcom trhvatty cmiwch he hriihnnl cihimik riril have mhi an hint mhi iliv in rs ut ihr nrsl qikstinn i ikt lepnm i tultl him i wji is i umnil as an nun in mi ioihiiiiihi tw llahad rbaaili 1 caaada i cotilj k- uinitter ithe rev dsvlght i engel ha bd organist mr george elliott ma tb sunday november ulh 4as church school jo ojn grades 4 i 1100 ajn nursery to grade j services of worship warn 1100 am 700 p m congregational ser- issr of praver 100 pm young people all coruiall insiied mi inil mis k p lllls i 8 orsilk ri1 1 l i 1 111 l cm illl 111 t hi- i lislmp uprs i t in imiit mu t u 111 ml in mm lilt ml 1 inn sl iv 1 s ml k mi p illl st ii unii iu s 111 s illl k ii v i ik s i i ill i 1st i v ipp ol ll 1 1 n oi s 7 1 ivlm 1 ls 1 ist p ii 1 ii inol 1 ill 11 v ii 1 v v ii k till ishtp imp is 1 ii hi ll in l milt n tlu- tlllll 111 u ill j mi hue st lu 1 ll stlsls in imuh t i ft 1 stllktl mi- 1 l 11 iii in mj c irr r and 1 must admit thai things h ivr poor hi in three vrar i fought m i up to i ik pjrl im nt hi idslnp oh it kmiil a lot ol uiitlnifhloil hninink toilet biimtit lor th pnrkipat ind tin ik l th il tins koudn i get inlol lvt lor tht job itul i uuid it ami nm i hm m nun little empiit i ilui n yr so i ngtltsh ik ik lu rs who in vo in iu of iik tint in inir rttiinm more thin 10 in iii wil department in ikl uhu htn on m eser irxl iiikl ih n onli idu ts ii and i hi ihtill ol iiunditil kkpjnmetit hi id me iins il l mp on the l insuli whiii the bijt devisions re huldk 1 iltt whit ire ue gonna tlo with wit is vaii kjiw heth i wv i isi on lb desks warden visits esquesing twp hilton warden herbert c the mlditioq to limehouw school mtrrv reeve o oaiville paid an permit for m meat market on olfrciml viil to rqueirtf town- 1 1 he seventh lin and seseml vhip council ut week nd durtnf i residential permit the evening poke about the fu planner ted harrop rri ve lure of local fowrnment warim george lelie and the new ataiti mrrrv reierred lo nrgminal gov jpi ileik drlmar rremh were ernment a sheme oa the draw- delegated to attend a meeting n ing hoard for sesetal rnjuoiii nov rvffumaj dcvgjoprru nt in oakvdu and forecast the decline of to on behalf of the ourwil sal councils in favor of regional an account for 1267 represent groveniineni in the near tuluie inj uncolles led ocuunis uf tussn he suggested loal police on ship rridenls nm the george- es woulddisappear arid git a town voluntr ambulance her to a llallon counts police lone vkc was handed lo countl and cmirx illor learned 100 vm jpprovid thimil agreed to at utirth ol building pcrmit wrre tempi to lollcst the mones from ivbuod during october insloding the icsident intuited the acton free press rfaesgi m im tkiiaj taatsreala 1 wlalaaw m artdbt omlaiset unswe w ik aftm e mki w clftkktolaeavav uac c w m aaal owna ha4be ml gw j pfitlew baaeabtetiltlblb t4u t ifefeii hp liiiiai r fterjas f4h im cmkut hw 1 jt rmmltk etfcevt oaava waxllat eafalgel ilk- a aaara1staej ajche rigiaal uhu rtw 0tatv dulf tavtatw rutattxam aatrtaeaakf w a tfaaa fsikatalaan mm bt ib er1 i jgraagtrewaaarej l f aw ovcd palrtlgar ctf tfvesrt 1441 jw irwpm br am rtaageua itdjbm aaokh witt tgamaata 40aaaa bm bwautaa iu aaal k baaaleexl m kjagl ut ailbtrtat of itw lutl 11 1 vftl mm iw klllkf kalarctal pctto la lie f typagillgal attr akdtetukrtfl a airve al reael area asganale gar gr r wt m 1 aealal aat r04vlel la gefrtlr dm kfit raaay t uattrswa aty lleav ruaa r a aaaa rb4igu rvati rx kua mmk a a dls keutftt eacaslh 9 dbisu a dai iritnt eatlleur x9 rag hfptt iw1 business and edltofilal or r ice phone 853 2010 pfictfejjtenat jitectctl and travellers guide medical atttflo the cmutch of yo0ii pajfm sunoay tw cmukn ot st a1bam twhakvy anoucam corner willow aad st araajis drree rev ritchie ucmurray mjustjl suvday november ulh a trinity xxii m un holy euchiritl i0jo ajnchureh school 10j0 am matin immeuutely alter this rooming service young people are lunching in th perish hall and taking a trio lo brace- bridge 10 visit the society ol st john the b or d a garrett ph milan and smtion comer ol uillou mil biui entrance ruer si aclon ont phone vt4l b appiiinlmcnl dr robert d buckner physician and suryeon 3 wellington si aclon on afternoons by appointment closed wed ft sal evenings phone eu1240 dr t b moore 0t c hutchison physicians and surgeon i mara street north comer mam and mill street aclon ontario phone 15 who by appointment altchltecy d0na1d e skinnm bjkrch mjlajc ia mill street suite 2 acton telftaone hum afrlce hour by appointment 20 stavebank iu port credit xnsmm lfcal c f ieatheriand qc ilw istr and vili nai piihhs nir c 1 1 1athirlint n of luil j uislm r k 1 1 ii ml mis idlis s a mini st iihiiu oil is i lli nii stvv0 m ii t tin si a in to s p m sil l a ni to 12 r turn a brai0a b a bamter solicitor utar pnhlic 17 main st s hsviim offae hours in a ton monday fnda eemng 6pm 9pm sarurda 1 pm p m 2 palsies st cuclph ontario phone ta office hour in guelph saturdav a m 12a m dairy 9 arn s pjo auctioneer frank petch auctioneer and cvaluator 30 chapel street e georgetown telephone 17754 dental t dr a j buchanan ixnlal ssirveon offise 00 chursh st b omia lluirs 9 am lo 6 pm clnsr1 clnela afternoon tck phone a70 or cedric dey dental surgeon suite so v llinlnn bldg 1a mill st e acton ont tor appointments phone usihg appraising and 73satalilcb f l wright 20 wilbur si aston ontario phone umtm appraiser and inturanc over so years in actor chibonrjkctic donald j armstrong bc chiropractor x rav 44s woolwich street guelph utmi chptome tristb e i buchner o d optometrist john st s aetna in acton wednesday only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone gvi04l if no ansurr phone waterloo 742467 arthur a johnson o d 114 main si milton phone 7w rat 171m7i tuesday afternoons thursday evening friday morning robert r hamilton optometrist office hour by appointment phone georgetown row lit uounialnview rd- s acton office 10 mill si b open monday afternoon aad evenings altar 4 pat rilneatal lectoat phone bu night or day bfum- tt sraemiler mgr tauvtslhrr oljtpel cray coach lines coaches leavf acton staiularxl time fasthound os am daily escepl sun and hal im am i dairy rept sun and hal express lilam ill im in pjn 51 prl sat and sun hogpnv g23 pm- gj pm 10 0 jju sun aad hoi westbound 7j7 am daily except sat sun and hal 1027 am 12j7 pjn 237 p m s27 p nt 7 2 pjn i2 pm ii j2 pm ib un sal only canamam islattonai railways standard tune bttlhntmrl eso ajsx to toronto dair mom to frt im pm to toronto sun day oskty ixxl aaxs in except sitariay ah lorci cuyiaw to piui

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