raconi dead stock lumoval uttttftd highest ci prices tar tteatl or st cvw east knm ma iicc m6it5ehs phot ttnlth 97950 tl at km fie preit ihurtoey nov 3sih itfs coming evanl born cernlg ur and mr viil dqmwui wtllirujlun si ate isappv lo anivmintc tlir anual of ihrtr giartvuliiij rttci iviui pallku i mr ami ml u id xrihu wjttiki ttnt al k t w gcnrial llvraal kit cttcnrr ont 21 tw a llri it k lull aiwl ui km i died luiu ilni mill 1111 satur 1 da fcuvenilwr 17 curt or- luviu adiiiittui tv iveryunr vvrusunr e21 1471 ilw ai brvviiuucd bv balllna- lj i i u vvtll he hcm on sal- uivti soteiiitvrr 27 inml 2 to v p iii iii hie lullltlalad untied llunvli llak larvk ring and iliiitahmit i i iiiimiruruvhiir ui i4s luial la vuu iiiui sal unlit uiiciiummi uttilitui 27 ll hall lupslallsl 2 iii ik ihiivlnia sruiiplng i ilhv all nukui lia baking tand ap- i m liiillitit rvuvtllv gill wiv in alt id in inr mime tin a2l 2 i4s0 lowki i sudjnl al si j epli t llntpllal lain ltv tn til cda nwiiiilm 2 l mtllk tanker muni wilt l j i i unit ol h m i amp twllitllf dear nuilrur til mix flank lrtivmri limit ill sua thru mrs luuirw uallln til putllmh bill arul utlvin 1 j vlvn aa limn lh agitcul home and menrtl ij i den tuia oiiicc or inim junlur i amv malum jiiiimr rarmri vtlh aimiit i aii ihiiui dinrur arul ilaii1 at tlouirtv tuvtei till t lull saluttlav november 27 al 7 i in turl tricalrr ii k hair malum flivl agittuttural irpir- illative lulil 12 v per pen mill milir ol ktrlttn liitkii mrs win calls uauial mi mary cheese aiul the laic o car luvkti aiul i liii tin in wir rcllftg at ih kliilil mint waker putitral ilium vtlirii inn vral irnkc will ik- lu ui ml iii stay al 2 pin inn i nu nl i tit n mill cttiwlttv ucartltm smith nti u a ton nn sundav suimirhi 21 1465 manjairl mailln tvili ul iha laic vsilliani m1a11i1111 tl aclon in her fmll wai drilj mulher ol riiuii ul uii town mr llairv s niilun oonkllvl ul llllja i ih 1 null mr ian muivinl1 1 1 1 j guclph rtuarral ifnur wai hclil 11 ih unmley srmtniaku i it tit 1 il home welncsli nnmrtiti 24 i 2 pm inlcimcnl i iiitint t rutrr iix kiuu for sal i ok sai i hi unni plum hm 1vs tiat aiul a 22 i4s7 i ik sai i maiwr plv lulu ittl 7 ttl old photic 177m42 a2247 llu sali tillu pnp mulli- 1 hitt incd sviilli male jill i 111 il n piuhu 77h2 a 22 1441 i lk sl i 72 lut lluhncr it iiiiititin ns4tl tint 6 month ilk new plum km 2707 a 22 14w i ok sai i make ihi ant 1 1 llisic nci s 11vhi car part all h- hmooift franks 11 litumhi cor a4l424lf sciinrldut suumcnk al lur home in kutktttukl on tiu day novrmrur 2 linn barlow hrlutvtl uil ul 1 1 ink sthrtruler arul dear mollui til donnut ol luvptltr kcnnith and dai id al muime mr ri htrl palurtain ipatiknl ul rucliwood vktcr ol mr 1 1- nartl dcnike deriu i ilutlinv ton mr duuiiik dunk intn il arul ralph liailuu n1i1 l guclph alti mirxithl lit lotn frandthlldren uneral eruc at iik kiinilt shoemaker fnnvt il ii 1111 atlin thunda- 4otinbcr 2 il 2 pin interment rutkitoud ltntittit in ijeu ol llotttrv ih im tlio uth mi make a donation tu the ontaiui cuppl 1 ihtlltnv fund lok sai t tmn map and ii illi 11 iiiinlt map 2v avail ihl it dill si illoncrt vi mill st r a2ll4l lk sai i sunbeam llnor po- linh 1 tituktt evliupnitnt all in t illnl tt nth 1 ton phune 8m 27v a22l2ji i or sai i kuki llcd tvikul n 1 111 t mil 111 itul dtuir wide hiiitt ol mx riavonahlc 2di mill st 1 alton a i u7l i or sai i tull recondition ed itlnni ilurs irom js up all hi 11 uittovl dnthllit llanlvtare xiii 111111 772x hl4m in memonam rosxel in memon of our la ther and pmndlilhtr willitm roecl hi pad 11 o sot ember 27 l4 iii meouarv 1 a tuar t ul it a in the hour ht ptsxtd at i alua tttnenvrk rd b ittli tom and tamil ind llm 1 leone and tamilt 1 22 i42 i or sai i good uxed a arul tl 111 initv ill it v it a r out piitv uithlltt llardttan loiiltin 7 2m h221467 i or sai i r its i no vlolhcs lint likt net tintlmon vatll- htt jxvlt uvulltt llirxlware ckw 77 2s d22i4m itir sai v ls7 meteor 2door hirtliop nil ind hiu auloma- lu 111i10 btxl in pood condit 1111 luvt oiler siv27 122 14m i or sali clear out tjle ot iivatl unnjtr and automatic wa- vhtiv 12 up gtuidltt hard mm viiiliiivn s77255i h22 14m po 4aup slop carryliu tnni of milk each monlh ipaed up milking chorea with lure lrp one tyjen u- traerrug milk 10 the nub lmr taiu call hera towllnum i tsuh h fob sale large kuv irlnl ol acton piee piy lall iiholo 1 tiae tl i a 10 alee 1 2 plu tax cah mui at ixun nanv cvrtler fnqiilrr iuiw al fiv- kv uirouur dilk slalioivrrv v mill st i a vuh tor sai i nev and ued iratlor 111 kell spilngliru all le lou mite i lainplc lil tu plu h tharujed on tour larm milton the and rad lalor sertlte wl mill si milton 7h27ii v2ol fine arts crafts shop lav i live rd w ol liny 2 mlllon vtoollrns 1 1 in j2 yd cottons wc d 1jdits swatrrs ml ms wooi work so ks vk pair cfllamim oil paintirjs 0u 11 i p m p m sal 1 i loxcd tueday i7tua2 wanled wantid 11 line while so laving pullet phont 77 9t0 a2 av wantfd to buy baled tlraia stuart mcfadden t7t26v ivl4m2 ll wantfd ride to guclph lcae atlon 7am leave nietph p m tel uv022i a 22 uk wanti d morljaire monev wanted tsouo h 7 000 lint nvoitgase requlivd to complete count r home near atlon i rec prcv box 270 22 i2h for rent for rrnt 2hedroom healed apartmint phone asvi818 a22 i4m roszu in loving memorx ul 1 dear huxband and tilrur wil llam g roiy1 hi paxxetl l awa noixmhcr 27 im tix though hi vmiic ix gont forvwi and hi hand ve cannot tuiivh sllu u have im man intmorux omhe one we loved xo muih iii merrtorx 1 our ketpxakt axith which well ntvej part god ha him in llix keeping we have him in our heart sadl miaed h wile ctrolim ona garnet mow aid i merxon daughterinlaw bonnu and granddaughter bvskv a 22 1474 i or sali apples mclr lovh ctmrtland dclniou green- spx bnng own conlaln- wtn bouxlield 871u6vs b2vavs64 i or salr ccm xkatex for pi ixut liiiiux or htuke and ill tiur xkituii needxold at sptirtx lurntr 124 milll e al uilhui a 22 1412 i or salf cncxterlieldv xpive xierx tollee xlx chrome xuitcx high vhair all new alxo rtlrigerator xlovcx and piano macleod furniture acton b221471 for rent 2bedroom apart men healed on main st norlh phone smm7 a 22 117 or rf4t sellonlained 2 bedroum apartment in a conn tr home ttxaco station in mof lat d29j072 rates classified advertising 9 nxls m t btt v ft44awku4 a4u4 r u 4 w i- ilav4 ttkmjkit4i ukjiimwl u lka ijiipi tl huii ama4b tl t it w4 i d imtktjtam u jltialt aiw 4j aw taariatal roulwo kvftwti tajumi ot thauus iim ft w lukm ttv 4kk kumiluaavtkl bus 61 uibjoaiau tl frbu uvptliaga vw ctjjmnt uih4y aftal cwtatv ii m m ml uol nuuukft r uu kxlltav 9m aatmiluaaaai dudi ini s rtaumltml imt4 ahj hl kumtm y m vaf phoir bij voio ot j030 atwaau wl lav t40 otitk ft44tlahaalt u ulu b4 w jlumifhjm whia fcidui uio im tluun all typt ul muhur un suw rvj cbftirtrtlftft mv help wanled nn p wanti l utwmkl imy i itll mi a lailu imtaui am m tn n i vat i im u uup wanti 1nvl uinlrr ui k ski ait j iiariimii ir qulm lur iwimhi of ikxemhrr ht manh 1 1 un ulrn ski arra uiliiui vljn in luu with quillllcaiuim u k llimphm 4i407i iitip wanttd mmivk- cr in ljiunt hrilili apr vw mm rvaiihu htmxrhom i ihill likflii itiitux lnum in luun haitillhin tluimllo hui ul1iijivthl ft wmi mu tn ablj lo iliui ui wnit yivlni hill iuiiuui n in lihliiitf trniiiiur ilion itiuiiil it lul w ailml lux plln uj2 i4tt avon calling nixtl iiiu ttwtih iih htisl mas otii iipn nlalivi 1 nn w m tl 000 jui inn ou iimki mas s i liny amm imivv in lull wviny wv tan ihi mni tint llnv kuul il wliu miss tlhmk mlll avttll uyki llx 141 township 01 rsonrsino assistant assessor applications will he rrcciwil fur ihr poitun of awimani an cmu until s pm nvmir 2 a 1465 application vhmiul ho in own harul writing and vhoultl include rrtcrxtmrc rccurd itf cmplovmcnt age and rnanlal t ilus and rx pcrvcncc if snv in munuipal work rdncattunal vniul ird ii- iiirrd is grade- 12 salin rommonmirale nm qiialifk itinns address applications to k c mnoay cuilk kr 1 gitiryittmn h21 2 wu waxrto ctmuufcjp greb shoes limited manufacturers of hush puppie unci kodiak work boots 01 1 1 ms 1 1 1 1 11mi employment in kitchener to nun iiwl vnrn rttuii tl iii lllm iii llklll iitl l lh 1 wishing in in iii a din 1 in ltt sink iulilsll i si 11 linn r it in mni i v n 1 ihhii miii iiniinn fipixti tunit i ilwvk v ho tlri itdmv on t i l si irnny rate im wimrn 1 1 70 k i lltmii mlll t llllllls 41mtl limiln iimv l nj kuptiulin n tl tn u i nipltit rum his m lutlt nim pans pud lcmip hlr insui itk ind iiiuikjimhhi d puilfi nn 1 ml si kiuti ilutnt ixiimnn pi in ii luxdid miisldci ill n wlll ho fiit in assist in rlcxalkn i intirxsitil putits shmill cn i i mi j spurur mr s mars dm in prison 01 h plmm shorwcxxj 5 1116 greb shoes limited 72 st 11 ri k st kitciirjrr 022 ross lake rlblfxjg school indoor riding ifbuim now in xi lon lvujn tkftutli the wivk iriun 4pm tin by a4vulil mm in only oualiliad inalrtkllon ly u vnum r h 1 latiigetown 177771 and hank w uina regklrallon how apmtt hick lint psouming alltl grj for sals looking for a newer car caij herb jobb 853 0745 or 8776481 philiipschrysier dodge ltd 17s furlpli street georgetown all services ugal notie lo gdilors ami mmtft b tw eatal f muvh wka- lkv atuuc ui mt iw w aaim k iw ctaa4y iui- uat tmw brruvna having clalmt ag mlluiwml unite all alnvi the alorml of jomfll wpjufv aijpm wko died on at about ikt thir tulh day l july ih an re- rid to ilia pniol thnol with underiogned ailmuiuratila on or balur ttye ywenlyiveiili day of muvathber w alter uhkh dale ihe enale will lie ill tithuird haying rvgard only in ihe claim then iliad hat i i at alton untalio llo ninth day ol novenmer 14 uainie rrbena allen adnilnlvlralril hv her wilk ilor t f i iatiii riami or ailun onlaitti a2ut atf glisons d4d stock swvtce vtr lor urw iahil st a b for old itaaltlry bum at ur rwtgua puat w4 cm m km kaow cauu el ftaatk call inutoua oouset mv2140 uusii lk no mfvts iiias 4tf auvmit farm animal sarvke up to mm e fna 4tia 4i kklrj ctkwa ot kuim llv healthy boret 1c mi call cuwm u14mu cawct immut 24 mat uftot 14 hour tervie raal eilal uk for rent spacious odiccx faciliiiex included central loc anon reaaonable rent replv box us acton po a2tvjl407 stf rent 2 chicken penx completely exnirrmed will hold i 160 bird apply ronald brown r r i crcwxon comerx first lint a 22 1477 for rent rockwood town hall completely renovated to handle banquets receptionx dancex and meetings for fur ther information contact frank schneider rockwood u699u a47imi for rent j 000 square feel of light man ufacturing floor area in acton level loading sprinklered heat ed cards of thanks we urlah to express our sin- cera thanks to all our neighbor from and around 1r r 4 acton for tha wonderful wedding giltx vve received wlllcmina van amnion mike de jong a22 12j2 i wiah to thank all m friends tor cark- tkvwut- nd visits while i was in hoapllibther were greatly appreciated tmljil dean leslie would ua to wtprtts my aln- tah tknkt for all the kind en- uttutea ajao the many thoughttul mm- for sale uxcd skates pric ed at 12 00 to 14 do boyv suefr ii 12 13 6 7 and girls vires 10 2 all newk sharpened sports corner 124 villi e at wil bur a 22 145 for sale ethua pump shot gun perfect condition poly choke ribbed double sight che ckered siocvand rapport case aaduquipment phone 1m140 axulue for sale10 ponilac vs click shkl m7s4d 145 bu- ick 41oor hardlop lie ajome 191 volkswagen lie wis4d lsi meteor he emm teiuco sut- oortj maton ion tn moffat bjm7l plee phone bw077 contact dava dills for sale handicraft mater ialx from uwtxcratt mocassin xotx mosaic tilt kits and candle eri making matemlx etc available- 59 wlllow st acton al snortx comer 124 mill e at wilbur a22 14si b17tf lost lost ladys leather hand bag black embossed contains identification reward to finder phone tsumo after s pan a221ti career opportunity dins vour prvmnt position nf fir opportunities for id inn mints is vour propnss hltkkid h kcmontx nitron lt knnvan pntcessor ol qudits mk1 prtxlucis olurv in excel lent opporturill inr the pn- duct ion field lor a voting nnn utth initmlivi and amhition to ad intn to hilhi r ixsponsihilit us this is i sihned sunerison position txpiricncc in loud pro- 1 j f cxssinti an asst hut not essmt lal free pension plan cxielknt fnni benefits sitar commen surate uith qunllfkaitons ripl must conliin all pertinmi d ita box 2is actos tref pufss ohick srrmcr plisurinn itivuin 1 iryi in sin ilt td mr 1 mull n did 8m 1h1h a7tf will driiiisg licensed opaiitot i in tsiiniits c ill jinus oromkt aiton rsv14a9 i h22 1470 acto ci i aning srrvici oil ice stnrx home and uindou li mink t sntkk phone vsv 2114 a50tf rl1 iabl1 radio and tv scr ki anunnu installations u ed silt cu rirst line tue- x 107 inmiim a 20110411 kli r1gfratios industrial ind commertial sales and iser tte ri habit ad efluunt king rititkit ration campvielu die 11 l sier 222k n 201406tf applications art mxhed for the salaried position ul joint secretarytreasurer to the act0 rrcreatios committee and actonj board of parks management duties involve attendance at meetings eortcspondenc wd hookkecpinf ail rcpltts to kitclirrr ipholsterv t pi rt reupholsteiing refinishiny ind impairing of all kinds of fur nit urr for i ret estimates call mun iiutv phone tsv0411 ac ton i lvmltt floor rcfivjishing we now hive i modern sandtr anil eiltftr wi vvill rcfinish our fhwrs vir rtnt vou the equipment lo do the job ourselt j b trank phont 85v2040 47 fred ertck st s atlon atf phillips biggest selection m w and usrd cars is tut art over 100 to choose from r 60003 lms dodor 440 poura eilan v a aiitumalii tutotli radio dual iniinik padded dash nar nm vhhitcualk and lull discs now only 12 4k ttjiois i0as clirvv ii h under wdnn stand ud triftismisslon uhite- walls washers and full wheel disis i uwntr lw mileage now onh ms e63s2 ims chryslt r saratoga 300 4- dhr hardtop u3 v4 auto in hit powir steering power btukts tuslitm radio manv othir txttas is standard cquin- nuni on this luur car now onlv 13 995 f 63136 1s chrysler saratoga 300 4- door sedan 313 vl automatic power steering pouer brakes iiistum radio padded dash scat hells whitewalu and full discs com pans driven save now onlv m7w e 63836 1965 dodge 440 2door hardtop v- automatic power steering power brakes custom radio padded dash mirror uhile- walts and lull discs now on lv 2 995 all late model chrvsler product corrs 50000 mile or 5 ver warrantv town op acton court of revision take notice that the court of revision for appeik against thr iws assessment of the town of aiion will he held in the council chatnhrrs at ihe 1 town hail acton i nmi 1000 am novemfteft hik l49 new usting nl alt toww ctmtr s1500 full down paymn aiooni iwjnsr vvkih alh lurutr uigr lot jvr imiiy i4u new homes v unitri totttirut lion in lake- iu lltiuliu fiked rrtwn illaor lull pile with down luiniefil lnun 1144 letv ssan- tir vi k uoliu ul ivaj iii rhy rok tiiesii tliry a0m1 1jst at tiipse phici s for rent firoorn jpillnent with 1 hed i toonit trntir ol town 1100 per i month heated j mvcraciiir clrrk 212 notice to creditors box 39 acton bv beccmhcr 10 ls ave ave save 1 5 only new 65 dodges left im stock 022 swap shop no 6 hw n millarove takes this opportuniry to thank you for vour generous patronage will cloe nov 27 for winter satation watch for spring opening a18tf lost possibly while walking from park ave to 240 mill st east approximately i years aao nurses graduatloa vrooch wlth initials ovmh over red cross on front and katharine mkhaud 1930 engraved oh back finder ir9a12m signs truck letterimg showcards outdoor signs store windows etc call paul tocher hlllsburgvi 8554609 collect ahv llurrv for clvoice of model and color phillips chrysler dodge limited your authorized chrysler valiant i and dodge dealer immediate delivery guclph st on no 7 ttlthvjay georgelowa 1776471 i77m11 la the lutaia of alpmed pvan cis uawuiall uu ol the town of acta la ik county of llaltaa aullred dacaasad all parties having claims ag alnt the aforemenlumcd estate tf a1fred francis marsh all vnhti died on or about the 24th day of july ims are re quired to lile proof thereof with the undersigned solicitor for the administrate on or before the 50th day of november ims alter which date ihe estate will be distributed having regard only i the claims then hied dated at acton this 2nd div ol november ims aldo fulaida b a 17 main street vxilh aclun ontario solicitor for the admlnlstra trii marguerite joyce mar shall a20s sydney k lamb realtor insurance phone 8531030 i mill st p acton member ontario canadian orangrvillc real fstate boards a22 township of esquesing tenders for snow plowing sealed tenders will be re ceived by ihe township ol ev quesing clerk k c lindsay r r i georgetown until 1000 o clock a m saturday november 27 ims for two graders 100 horsepower minimum on an hourly basis the hourly rate shall include operator luel all operating costs an allowance of one hour per dav standby time will be mate lor any day the equipment is not required bidders may tender on either one or both of the graders re quired lowest or any tender not nee essanly accepted c e snow road superintendent township of esquesing b22 dead slock walnut ranch lid crippled and thsabud cmm and mors 24 hour service lie nos luhf 2te2 waterdown ml 91044 auction sale of rraurallal pniiir assd caaiessts the underigned auctioneer ha received iiiliuimin to sell ht puhliv auction at ihe resld ence til ihe latp uk kvu nichyimcalc bjl 1 acton s miles mm of rusksvuud situated al cresvsvans comer 2 miles west of actun nurth of no 7 llvty just lustier cnr subway saturday novcaoatk it ims al ik nm lor ura wa lritlatvjaai the following property i acre of land house t rooms ham 20 a m this is a comer property nicely shad ed an ideal location for some one wanting to live in the covin- furniture i it marconi tv with stand in good condition new aerial head was never out side 2 chesterfields can be wad into beds china cabinet kitchen cabinet with matching table and some chairs j bads 2 with springs step stool coffee table 4 dressers 1 with mirrors hall rack with mirror 2 fwwer stands i roll of linoleua t 12 never was out of the snapping kelvlnator relrigerator matty washing machine cook stove quebec heater kenmarc itaamer electric range 1 electric hm pist es excellent for cottage electric griddle iron coal oil stove a set of baby scales radio steal svalh- tub power lawn mower victor model ht used i season antioues battery ooeral- ed radio ssith speaker made illt gramaphone antique mor ns chair 7 kitchen chairs all over 0 years old in condition es 2 very old oil lamps some garden tools and small art icles too many to number also a lot of rabbit pens if not previously sold before tale day attention property will teh at 3 pm tu6jejo reserve hist terms 10h down balance h m days unlets otherwise for on the other articles are cash with the clerk at ttat or tale owner pe umlnt mm ts lotsttha ftr arrfcwnts on tlay l fajl9cstjttlt aurllrsssssss ckrtv jttn ljttstdvk csmbaed 5 pegje