Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1965, p. 9

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w tjv rnk i4vi15 i f 11 r a ri i i conl uurm 122 i m 251 spilling five pins at acton bowling lanes srnss js 02 1w 231 larrv dcfurett by ken hulford ml f 1 r i i won joivwi bcc t kat aaeel lott ihc nr4 to untbuawable tlttfl goi orgaiilacd aad mm the bent two kjhd lotah- terry cfaurcbih 510 2i bob browae 40 iu and licks hwrb 43 isj paud tbc wbl tow or uatoucfcatjlea were jackie rtbaar sit l ul har vey taylor 44 ls ueedpuu look the fins iron slotted buuc by tl pin ihea dropped the heki two for the abort eod of w to jba cooney sj 2a2 ud kay saju 447 174 headed ufi the bonn win top in head cink trundling were bob tur- ui 4m l77 and larry row- dn4u 17 laiirviiora tvc ft wufch puftfur looa over firvl place with a three game win from rolling room the roller threatened in the wrtmd hut miuad it by 29 pu joyce uav ale 74j helen lesueur i4 iv anna bulluugh 21 and helen valeman 214mo tripled and ung- led for huih inippte sinving in vain for the roller phil lesueur tv al doley 24 and rd llubhrll 211 dog bone who havent had loo wuih lo 4iv ahuul lalclv knocked trimmer oft the top rung wilh a two and lotau win trimmer lol a tough middle canlo bv even pin tripling and aingllng lor dog bone were ben hody 0s jake vandcrkot 22 and ben bayllu 2s2 roger the dodger murray 619 and jerry joi 225 had em for trimmer rocker rocked along lor a two and lotah win ailrr toalng the finl to buffer ahie while ul bill fabian 207 ooug draycotl lis and big denny crooks 142 narked the win don harri 257 kingle waa a loner for buffer league landing hutti fuppie m trimmer sl rocker 47 rolling room 4j dog bone 37 buffer 20 imisr lmum dec lor ihe llrl time in manv a moon ihe leader manag ed lo hang onto ftrt place ii waft diamond winning two game from opal who retained the leaderhip opalx rung up a big middle game and look total shlrlev turkou ma uo louive tolh 25 247 and dorr angell 403 179 were tup for dia mond opal lop trio were jovce buchanan 560 271 grace rohertuw 475 lt ami molt mcllugh 421 192 sapphire made wilh a iwo and total win rom emerald the n ihe 1irt handtl loi the rcond b 14 pin and came hack lo win the third h een dcanna bui lough w 223 hil angell s4i ia and rrll lockerbie 49 213 topped the trundling for sapphire top trio lor tmcrulih were slot pevcha 567 245 he len jocqur sm 22a and ka i jumrv 409 170 ruble made a big jump polnlwie b uinning all game imm pearl llenr grant oa 274 mary boiler 40 165 parknt ihe win be i lor ivnrl were mar coonev 474 170 and i a william 465 117 league landing diamond 44 sapphire 43 ruhir 40 ofuu 37 emerald j5 pcari 32 ufcfcfcfcfcfclinialin mu sptfeap nurwty dec 7 vimw won two a total from the frost glad they akaou wan em all but glad aavad face by wtanuvg the middle canto by 12 pm mary cooney 634229 patiaoyvrj 42 143 and flora barber 46 136 were top for rotev top tno for glad thowed up tn loi norton 627 231 buma while 427 161 and unda gordon 411 169 tulip won iwo game rum lady slipper but the udie vlipped over a big win in ihe mid die pam lu annrs the ingleloa lor lotah marv june 54 192 adeic nolan 47 195 and sylvia mage 512 lu headed up tu hn win for ihe ladv slipper mary phillip s44 2121 lil war ner 507 191 and beiiv llardie 454 165 were lop thing arc looking up for viulet ihe wim all game lium panle wilh mai currmi ttv uiog i he win pamir jul couldnt grl blooming winwlke league landing glad 57 tu i lip 56 ladv slipper 47 rur 41 panue 33 violet ii jtrucro hatfic dx 7 jtoau runnrrv wrrr nil ami lunninf in thrlr iv with lloi d10 thrv luuk ll gnn tu lallr lirm hold un lop po ctnnd luukinnun 7m lumg am hruisr 6a nd b clhtam tal wrrr m ihr irif pllcu lor rtuuj runnrrv cinu he rarluu 741 ml ui wkrrlinf and dral iny for lift doff vain bold iatflr won iwo i rum hurrunr hoi got obhcrrd in the middle canlo and lolak went lo muni lane rob atfnrw 7v hradrd up hold litftn win llurruanc wtnl litr tvinglr wilh nll ju kcniu 2ui07 aiut alun hall a ytlliny cm lliyh rtrx urt ihe llrsl lo llillbtlluh ihrit rallkcd tu annrm ihe nril two and total jim krlman 614 jack johmton 224 chris cnrw 344 and john xltrgillowav mo tripled and king led lor mijjh riwrv sieve blan etiard 53 joan wnighl 210 and wavnr rnon 22s2i5 had cm lor hlllbillicx league alandtny road runner m bold eajiln 42 hlllhilie 42 llumcarm v high riwrr 3s hot dor 39 uwlihlruicomifmrcul dec s lodacrfc i ga won the 1 irst from xlavumi t4otor then uvnl into a decline and the bow from gavoline altev made utth the iwo and lotak win phil lis sueur ms lome norton ms and john hoare 4 so double wrrr notrrettcix ipr msw tb xk1 mcrihjit ul didnt have it innlcwtm wilh ken hullord 7u bob manin 722 and ld par ml 608 takintt care l paul wit un 6m and wilo ncarx 6u ridk cartage uimrul up with all panm- from wov pre fir cd up bv boh ayrv- wm 310 and lam portch 4w dsuhle lasmi knit thiw a nhock into iho ortuns lot a iwo and toiau win jell frxcr 722 m7 jim ftulkniph 646 and sptke spirc ft4 had ihe okuns tncounk ltacui slandinjj masun mot ors s ridk cartage s orlum 4 lcttsern 1ca 36 mavm knit u blov prck 28 act ucifc dec t- l6ttett igjl bunc oato tint place with a two and totals uu from nkeun i cloth ing itu uelloo ssi 207 donna uanei 493 l9 and anna sojka 476 195 paced the win top for ihe nurlwen outfit were cora wallers ul 13 and ua sauwnur 421 14x rachiin jewel lerv ailed lo gain on the leader but kept up the pace vnh a two and totak uin from acton jcre dair spariutg the jrwllefn win were rucanoi go 615 236 ullun heietrabeffer ss0 245 nd jean juil 414 lll ror axton jerw dairv ai net st pierre s20 2w vln papillon s20 240 and vtii niyliiinjau- 444 mm weir topv cameos wju luu yanu f iiun altx nh the lau game h my ilmw aiiutiv tuua 11 bv thter pm at 1 1 tuy vm ut in ih itivt and il yte ihem miiyl etmi lir ttat bt tut cameo ut salk wtiibu 21 iw and i uu suit 4ji um to uut lor au vir u uf lljnu- 29 202 viina ai si7 2lj a i id annr rflrui 414 iui txagur jrujinj 1djef ka 21 rathltn jeellein 27 lnbs 24 accu 24 nirken clotjimy 2 aitoii jersey dair 21 tkurttuy topptkt iv 9 4l4 c44441 uith a ihne yafim jia trinn ai it plaurd vaid oga m itur top vi n vlailin m7 1222 pti i lis winter 4m 201 und miim allan 4s2 17 fuoded uft km u in top boolt i itaf itir la inc ix was uae ui1in 4w iii spit lius paird bv mi hisjii 6s 247 louk tolh miiu rul uar siiitiv 467 174 wn tun and toiau inun jurpers ukii km1 rme winler s76 22 as top pin luitkbler uttllintf sttru hii llu u in l rail tor a 1 1 ipu v in i mm rink iinlv vlth joan kmytil 66 241 jujfijti i lliotl sv 227 and ii un bitloil 471 iw hung tp li oi rink iiul wvir i wimuiin 60ft 2u aiul ilia atkinvm sos 2im lairih mruliny cnl oiuk 65 ktitcir 6 spillinr 40 hii inv stoih 40 rinkv dink- 3s jliryerv w wi dave rak i4v115 oh john le tj ruuie defurett 127 and jun unduy 621 parked 250 cjmet winter 2u ii llec 102 229 slee marten 127 ihe carudian fire win don vkuu 211 iinglod lor timers peg 2i9 bob uccayum 102 111 2151 grein wilh 700 wa ihe lone itar spteivugd wr a loner lor spee frank buhciwiietei iv12 21q1 ranger lor jleluble norm bar uxfa 205 lejjue tanainv iuuuoin tt ber jiop did a inmminj job on lc vtjilii putt 4 ruji siou jj kiulmjts 30 buiklcel oumiruon hotel lor a two and tutliims 41 mjv la seivj 2 huiun 21 lotah win jhd kelrrtan 7s bill dv 15 spce 32 shannon 6s3 and vito kcar 603 iiii liipkl lor ihe clipper phil le g 4lph1 rus sueur tnpled 713 lor ihe 9 rouf i mjju uj a nikai uii ki walloper iv 10 it ujjl llni l 1m j ull suk 1 luivt mk 1 iu 1 11 ill lll i 1 llu lil 1 4 iuiu shop 4 ui iknlvaiaraio w i jk jf sjc- 2i0 k 1 lui up lln ltd sin and hi ijmiij t ilkl li hi iiiilium liil i acton friotrj u im kuii 11 ii ix v lk ikw up 10 liml m4 i i c 11 i lu lrt pi i taking erl while sl a j lol ua ud panol lo 41 lll kouh v will i al llal pa is uo llv ll i- s ku k m unl it a i mimi all i kil jii i lulu lal huikil 4 ii 41 1 1 h uiw- ihe kcton r7e piei trlortiayvden4jr i 18os j hall board euchre wl in area news i imutiolv ll lasl kid i mi knkpilti k has ik 1 un i t ilu ihul 1 s sal llns uix k i 1 s linn atujut sjii aiiv ilu- and mr uallby of slklounu visited tbe carmen malib dunng ibe weekend mi jtoj mr bert bealoa vi- iid iki psuent near aieaord asl suliia iu m j uujr wjii il in ijtii v laayoe vlandinv uim s cku w t 11 1 n iaui irui sliiaxkl i ik iv l i slop sv a tun laiw 57 itr ias4 vjnk as iliiu kiuuts o 7 1 kallx svp calladkalltll 21 h i lis u mi ml- v lis i ivl i i lu ij hi i la 1 k h i i v m i lat al i ml sl s n is i i mi dai i 1 1 pellicle and campbell manufacturer of high grade mtmotials aaejaoeial ewgravimg 42 w4r u riae salt tilipknjn ttlrs r ti ii pins ll my hljfh lu lrk ut au v illlaiiista iij i 0u ij luisl 2ik al mai lwalmihllali iiiiku 0i pan ls in liaj lias 1 ilir ranjs mliyk ul llipl j rsiik ms 1i lakuis ui iim ls iv iioin pa la 44 i m i an i ii i illui- llui ipl llu lluil ll 4lllfol imii ia ii snyuiai i i i lals lau lai li m k i kl mtiluava 24 ilailluks aiy h k 1 is2i it aitui t jai iiai h u paplbhi 2m alol in illuu uh 211ft 1 mu pla t0n v untjr iks ii ilia kl1 mi1 fvh sau ii ks i iv 11 kta vwi lii i i i is l kavns ka ll i u i i llw 11 u ul jval k1 up ii ikaal 201 ik ivvu 227 an1 lal ll lalij l laik 211 sul i hawks mi ll m4k i 1 v l hal s with 21224 uas a km i i up u k i mai tull4l llal l kavns i fu sl i s pamis 4s have is 42 lakxs l i i 1 i iklllf it iiu i i i i a aiv1 hill si a i m ii i la al li i i all i s it imis i ii- a i pi iai in lalas it i 4i la lu iillu mi sau ii ks v1 iv tiyha ith 111 i 1 tin a i 11 i k t i- i harvey laverty heating rhumbirslo ahd tavktka4jchwo sales and service tpatr ft all fhb f fuinaca cut tk4 mttl w oil and ca funa inuatlatin cvam luntih main itillt n 24 hawr lavua tockwooo n lll ull 40 ium w ma for ixv adun cold snipe lin all ttiok orr top ttpot tkiny tff itmimlxnl atttui ijhht lor iw and lolak did ihr tik thr btmlinp lane outfit could hal triatncd ttp rpot but kim in lal ifntf h atn pin ami that m lncml w iht- hall yjinc jwf i rvcr tts vj2 lra miciiujn 7x 4 lloh ayncw ft7s v um ihe gcdd siripc lop tno for atton larux cil tic liiint 771 2i jim hul uimtrh 777 and ioc dc loiwt fcv vctt- ttipb anadian tin wen on ihr wm dinv and look rtliahu tjvi lor two ami total p c 1 1 schippcr 781 larrv porte m7 aclon mix4d kx iu pott- iv imlu ttku i i 4 piai s im uiiiiiiiii 1 inmi mjnol ihii dropimd totals 4u ii mas iii 1 lietbt uxl tin iii in ln mi 11 k lanlo ltill ihm tram vtn mis lov im- ittok it l 12 ntin 1 1 nk 1ju n vinjuxl itu pulls uiih 2v lint ijnui 221 attd vk riu4i 204 stml mjhv umiix llir utitw lit lirwt lo hu- svaotlth lhii 4j1im11 uimi vn tvkt iul iiman ait niytilinvau 624 i ivd uiiinn 20 ami lutt rotmilnon 2 tnpuxl 4iul mituvl ioi lullrx ra i if uh 217 uj hjis taitr 714 tiaf i hi ut n noiir ttyttats i it hi j iiirht x i ik s hk all l tnn sxvn lv mjiiui robt r hautilton optometrist 8773971 111 mill st acton monday afternoon and rvealnf from 4 pjn christmas is just around the corner huiit havi youi hoiiday warotom myacteanio now free pickup and delivery w sw custom cleaners tarn day sorvk tacapl tavturtuy la by i am tul by j pan iami anu larky main st n h40ne uaiim christmas greetings i h iw lakeview greenhouses choice potted plants memorial artificial wreaths lot im ujnvnifihi u nljiirf wr will kx tiled at i x mill ji i k t to wde bui tpol donnq llc t i f i in vcil voi phone 8532200 acton mill sl w ivianiniiiia uj halton county museum third annual christmas open house crackling fires candlelight tea and christmas goodies in tnl spirit of othtr yiars conic and spend a tctul liour willi kt away from ihe busilc of chritmav hopping between december 19 and 23rd inclusive hours 2 to 5 30 pm christmas sale our entire stock of tatdiat mens girls and boys winter topcoats goes on sale 2030 off aul r s iptiiinf mewuuq0e sc0tiabuk give a gift that grows sixyear scotiabanli swings certificates geaalntij raulq ftmra mala laiftrvtrfnl pifr ywi hny thnm ilysbkiimaumeimlnlxvantftev4rarorthttift that tmrd woi than you twh h himm you pay oriryu tor vary 4 worth ol scotuhawlcsavlboa cartibealam amiubto in d4rmliuaensr tram 1 0 to wojooo at any brancji of tha 131 ol nova scotiaa caxhablaariytitim a bbnk just a few of the gifts youll receive when you give her an automatic gas range or dryer for christmas yru wno thf rttt v 5 cm an ue prtitj ctiniutcrible oi a iroupc ol tttocd tif ifflit one unipertmg sporti bhirt and a rr ol pink and purple polka dot pymai tta chrittrrns hynol ct ytaflull 0- itl jou ii tcahy ppreute gilt like thick utcy teaks cooked under 1h mokeles 1 1 me broiler ol the c ranee sott- flutly toweb watted cently dry in the as itryarr veeetbles still laity and hot even tviouch you fiot home from ti cot lice two hours talc they vo been tvmpr rriturc r nfotv i the r rnr nff with4briiirt wah n actiritufts dy- liee attcrjuit intnulcjvi the automatic neateiut m tev ot tr h ou rtil get i fti oii jue ber an autoiiji h range ordtei jor christmas but don t breatnta word to your 011 mri claus l viih yaw tmsaaliaact ilealtr 4aabuat oaie or gat cewaaay iawfaa and arrange lor delivery ot a new automatic ci ranee p dryer wc iniht even be able to set it down the chimney gas makes the big difference united gas limited

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