mcmlchaet conservation area ontario receives 830000 art treasure a ithiribirf ootapl- robert aod a an outandout gift lo the robert uclftchad haw u aener- ifcyw luw lapem 12 people ufcariu ll wim food oury contributed to the cultural the mrmirhl wmhlage of i u i4mou cnj aaaatjdng aysfortuae in pari ol an overall mlvatrtf metro- wealth of ontario by ihe gift lu uiw cauecaioa sagfog fcy au longer potaah t oomgrvatao au- lb people of ontario of ihhfj ltvluditf even ihe nauooal gal- negtajrd a tbatr owu- same appbe to the rambling yhiiavtfcji they buili oa jo wooded mere ut eaj of jhi pioneer vd la 30 mile nafthuii of tor onto an fiuu caud tjpawin 90 lnda ujr hce in the sun twv haw funpallv ugited over ihe land pfuuvrt and ait colln lion thorit park devclopmral lu be hrjatworlh known a lhacwwp aet conutvatiaii area where viut or w tit ajwayt he utricottw 01 designated da-k- artvnow irdg my the brquetl prime- minister j p rohartv com narntrd mav 1 wv ho very home tftpavvinfo and lu magjnf lerytttaiaa xftd ikklijtitiy oral an ouucciloa feaium it that theva daiaudg tuuwtafo itutf built with hang tn a hoou wiling a iauoj tenal htin by dtoneert will ed by their originator and thai opea everv sanday from nlay they cou4 of an muuiviy cn- titrougb september u that iwadiaa pjonaer art fanon vutb ou public can enjoy the truii of the oihar uw to jiitiu4j the thtrw purpoutiiicukrharl collrcikon fart oi the ucmkhaei culw- thu treasure trov lo cana liou umada up of giiu from cm worth an cviinuuxi ixttjuu nicatvd i aiu itul ur awl urw diaui tunlai neri 100 paint jaoianan lowtaod no thai ll ingv ami uube by the naitaau rrfubtuownad th uooluv pchpawaawwvta bevl known artivu plut arufxh re hopeful other puuuc vpinld and humey uerami ihc cuuoiry jcuudiaav uiit contribute iuu vrry brgiiintjiaw itunal punc nut only lo wurtju i gfwh w a hc vullniaon but to give thnn crmikg the vvu oi uv itiutopoermanenl home tsvwjiiivg but a uptair aad duwn f wrtb uham ihuulj lawrwi maim a y iatt 4j41 arthur ltutbcr f 11 vartry franklin cannuii- am a j onaiiul crxhip of vwn included fiank fraru johnwwi taul nui a j ckwjn however jiahnujn evrniually defevird fioin he gruup itrul now cutn u ai vcpird v ihr uvrnlh mrmber and not ur frum the main tauildiny vtnd the kiuftcd vuuk tuin thuinuaft moved wahby wjll tittin li ofiyuuil bile in tor fonioo yurivillr duuui and re ntorcd here omiwr ll in iht unpirlrnlmiu ihu iau4ii hr rttxulrd hiv gicat rvt iurtruin unuvfi i dulucllwlf rmltllm ttvoinwui v d tow ikrd mvvlrr li i tag i iujuqo av ount lor an adduaunal r l m ruv while i he miingv in ihe uu uuhael tulleituio pan the untti fc by thr croup of seven and thumvun 1 lalm till atlr u4 um all v ill llw rorf in hay anaa nlilkawv tii llonw uav alfonqutn pti and ihr wild alyonu rrfioii ttwrlr tavtwilc tubxu rivgc i mre in lu- old houe and oikrr vadituita in downtown toionltx iro lo ihr wlda upon vpm of tlw lvlir itorth whkh lh aplurad uuh unuua i taoldia noteworthy too air tka 11 aiimnal lelthr bv lyiuiruu mm lloiitud who inhrill rd muth o tut launl fioin hiv llhri 4 fiiuup of sven ljuur t vw tmamitn tia laj w ik ti4 v t i 0p l4 ra mamau iao j j th aeiwt vca w tlauuly 0cenb 3i 1965 prefer varied new year fero in uun tactkwha of the untit4 suitv bu4 paj m a inuvf ua tlw kuw yr bttl w lure aaneauji vmmm of inhtvu traditionally bak mw vcr calk u halia it don early a th i u atom u lo viui aad f tiriahi tan ww yeara dv thr waiail bowl ctm from woiund where ll wat aicaeial d uith irgeadarv romaava the tiitturt of aw and ugar aaj ipur u wtuan and to4 aad wiru i vojbclhmea addvl tu iuriv swada fotf u aa iiuporiani lud b part of tka l jadv larv thii iradiltoaal idiuiav is made with clarat wiat vatviriaad with uiaar aad na vntd with aimoavtt raua ci- nanion itovrs and eandamaaa ll i uwiallv vrl alir hroa tarvtah a spjniah atonic it aopa rice ookrj w ii h oltve oil tunutoet v y uhlrk arvd meal pat tkua alrl 4it rntoy juhuu whkh ix tojnttxl of wheal rain i mauvlv in alyuruium taik in 1v17 i in the full htouin of hi vatrrr ll aaon home furnishings mrittiiwivhvxvictimttiticcthmvntviimv shfistmas w eaont u auastnn br frlrtuu and iwif kfcaraiwne mad our cariitmu irulr jofuu frank carney son main st mweewnvimiktvti ockwooo twciccrtiiriticcw xvnvnvntitt c f ccc vchwwccwcwchm ku finer home iould hr uunj for ihiv tollciiaon than turuwin wax hi eampk a miuh ov yu iivclf a wonhwile vivlior ai anything thai led lo the loxrnj traction and jnt aw theve workk lion of ihc giuop of srvrn school will hae a pcrnurvenl reldente oi diltiuiivl canadian paint rwir to will robert and signr tntf mcmuharl trrtn of ihc hequexl hotn of kkfcfc tls to lahtavtoluyv iiwludi j iimni lor mjinlananct and eian um and allow the mcmtchorli lo remain a curatori with tontinu tiih otimpancy pnvdage of houvr and iouivds a vuyjfttcd fir vrar maintcruruc budgrl it vrt at iis 000 anothrr intcrctinfl provimun t thai upon ihnr deaths ihev vhall he huned on ihr ground a ui tana wingo 1 yotmt evopu uaeca i althotqth ihe ucmicrvocu have no children their home is an cvcrfkipolar yalhering place fur 1 hundied ui vimliny young pron w ho rnjoy v lew ing and ktudfing the painting in vo waim and friendn an almophere tapawlngu wai built in i9m of giant hemlock log chsmanlled from vme iii pioneer bams and j hnirwv movtlv from communiliev within a vmnile nullui tf klein burg manv of il beam handhewn with ancient broad axes are tru length ol telephone note and rt chtd with the markv of the hlade two firvplace which lorm the j major part of ihe construction c ich contain over 100 ions ol na i live field stone gathered rum i i neigh boring limn ltv furmida ible walls of giant hemlock joined with mortar preserve ihe pioneer image of thw modern hive home which is built lo withstand a hur mane j bulllte llumltufur it indoor swimming pool sub xtitute a a built in humidilier equipped with fans and duciv to draw up moklurc and distributi it through ihe establishment to prxverve the canvajseii a new two- lev i sooosqimc lkt wing now under construction will cre av an additional gallery lor the cuiwlanilv expanding col uction plans auo catt or i ii brary to bo housed in the spacious quarier houever most o tht paintings will hang as ihev do ui pnuem within the housa itulf sundav visitor and parties bv appointment will enter ihc grounds of tapawingo through a sione galevav identified bv i simple wotulrn sign and tracl on 1 atxek luocrwav i iaik my lol iki itu tioosr iki ii laccialluivodalt 76 ui aiuj f vi l tvuk v jl haf ibfm itu olmlt i m lk log lo b tatnim bv th oium 11 o 1 m llmlt kit i t ml tkailajjul huf ol j ihc flmmiipmmi h iujmi k u ihi thl idlls j ml mmulls u tl ji la s jtll 1 t v ui lo iii ll g i i ojui vituiilt tn nt t ti t iij tlall ulilan ju ft till h lol u tae v irk la itlcv fcfril jluvlv ta av duln i vjil inlii mjii i inn ojt a partkuljil tiarmoil m j j still cv ioa i in i llu a lljia ihiv to i fc ii id leal oil a avaata fcfcfcfcfivhfciiiiiii a iki ii it ilm wl i 111 v tali i t i 1j fvc lol lulut ilm dllala lit llxal jl child 11 j ii tlte lot 1 ll i j ur llu ir nu i lwi i all ii ts it m 1 mlii rv s i y i ii k uil u j i i t ilor 1 1 fccaaviaaafcfcfcaa 0cho6jjht lat re j air al qinttnas the day of hit lurih mat evrr he llrml 1 y ih vionder of llie ln t iioit vpht neuis construction ltd peace oneaitu a good wtu to atl man in thm mawgla of cjviamas f hara if hop aiuf promt m toe a to you anof youtt hmppy holiday a acton tv sales service kkkm avkhkbakiiikkkaaikakaiiimastaaii vwwx2tt 1 1 a jl acton farm supply and eze wash iiiiiii aa good jw1shes for ctowtai chumrfa ehmty veleaa mtmd in chhtbwa emaxtfaastlwhoadwillwamcltar ioamakaltwlamwfyairinmi j b mackenzie son ltd acton georgetown titarniiiitriihiitiiiiiiiiiviiirriiuiitiiiiiiriniiiiiiiiniviihaii thk mana0emb1t and statp of the bank op nova scotia takaaiaaawi iimin aiiiaima ay jll u turn our ihoughu la ttt firat cbrutmaa and capture in or hearts alllhe peacav lor mud nnturtunditlg of that day y n the true aplrlt of irulnui we wiah you a happy aiad italy day and pray that the bleating of the aeaaon will truly be your tyler transpoht ltd service that satisfies since 1929