Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1966, p. 1

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ninetyfirst year ho 28 acton ontario thursday january 6th 196 name v bristow chairman for public school board acton public school board el ected vic bustow as chairman unci orynl chtipman as vice- chutrrnun it its inmiguial nieet- ing ttrcinveveninbmttlc busi ness was conducted daring the regular session and iwtei ad journment the nowlv elected chnlrmnn notified members they would reconvene to complete business aflei taking ovei the tiadit- ional gavel the ohahmnn remark ed you have put me hi a veiv responsible position and f hope i clip i ill the shoes ol my pic- decessois i will do jnv best to be a yood chairman and appie elate voui conlidence in me i would like to see us uphold the respect ol hc people in town and would like to see lis lulflll om ollice with a little more dignity than in the past committees selected dining the icgulai meeting the following committees weie up- pointed loju the vein llnance doug miujiiihg and cviil bishop pioperlv muniv smith anil ot val chapiuun management wil limn benson with the yhtuv board the lust peisqunnmed will act as cuaiimmi ot the com mittee f it was agieed to continue to rent one loom at the stone school to lstpiesing township school uoaid at the late ol 100 pel month lining the months ft jnriuiuyto june- it was also ag- leed to lent the ice at the arena loi physical education classes during the winter months lot one day per week board meiiibeis learned 1y let- tei liuin thcdcpai tincnl ol hdu cation hat special educational tv progiams regarding the new mathematics couise would he channelled to sihouls beginning this month thtr robert little school alieady has a tv foi this pin pose public speuktng approval was given to hold the halton public speaking linnls at the rohei t little school audiloi- iiipi on manh 18 principal el met smith ol the m 7 bennett school is coordinntoi loi the cou- jesi ihisveu it was noted this is i lie lust vein the linnls have been held in ac toil tb tests it was also learned j in- ib patch usts would be given at the schools januaiv 27 dining the moining principal g w me- kenie icpoiied he was looking lorward to the ae carnival it the aiena again this year regulai iiieellng dates weie scheduled foi the lust tuesday ol each month at 7 30 pin imeet ings will alternate between the two public scliols reconvened session it was learned by the ficc press wednesdn moining horn the chaiiman that dining the le convened session the pievious night th boa id ic lined caieti tans colin maccoll lames biad- sfhaw 4ind geoige bin nes maiy maccollwt iohiiitd as ens uil lahoi to assist caretakeis also engaged loi anothei yeu weie ciossuig guaids c leish- man jack biuco and william chisholm attendance oflicei c leishman was also ichired it was also agieed to include the boaid employees on the towns accident pohev plan authorised iii second clua pimil toy the roit office department ottawa eight pagestn cents councils committees appointments approved committees weie named and appointments appioeil at conn ctls inauguial meeting luesilav comniiltee no l 1 he ad mulish alive coniiiuttei ol conn oil admmistiation h h hin- ton chaiiman finance and win cation di r c oakes assess ment and development mi c f ieatheiland oc wcllare and pi opeitorf masales committee no 2 the woiks cigsyytttee ot council road and mauitenaiicc h peal chaiiman lights and sanitation r dunk wallet sewer and water r r paikei hie and police w wit hams the budget commune loi ijriiv will ho di jt g oakes h h hniton upwal r r pai kei 1 a hum com i ol re ision 1 a hubv c 1 leatholmd t g oakes r dimkwaltei i masales band rcpicsentahve di i g oakes i ihiu v boa id i a ihibv slih r r paikei hvdm commission i a dtibv substitute f g oaks planning boaul r diinkwalt el 1 duh also appointed wete id toolitl toi thiec eais wil ham pendleloii loi thiec eais william wilson loi two veats and neil millet loi oik vcai paiks boaul i masales w williams rcmauon commission c 1 ieatheiland ii peal development commission c i ieatheiland r r paikei ii peal i masales mavoi duby bubble gum mystery baffles local police acton o p p detachment have a leal mweiv to chew out this week 1 hev lccoveied two dual bubble gum machines which had been smashed along the cnr xlghtotvvav casl ol the aa ciossing tuesday niountig c nr scctionmen who patiol the distiul legulaih spotted the smashed machines and notified constable nick i anon ol the ac ion opp detachment who ie eoveied the bioken machines it is not believed lho belong to an local merchants but tlnv nui have been hauled there i mm out ol town police aie ionium mg then investigation bluff plmlo actons police force was increased at 12 01 am jariuuiy 1 whop constable peter camp bolj olned the force on a permanonl basis the six man force hdb a totttl o 63 years with the opp left to nqht are constable bruce marthur constable bruce drossier corporal ray mason constable mervin harness and constable nick farion iff 63 years in service add extra police constable to increase local detachment support for reeve hinton as warden given by council passing ol tin slaluloiv bvlaws 111 wednesdays ol each month ml lesolutions occupiid the at i gave signing atithoi itv ol the lentlon ol the 1966 council al then j niiiiiicjpaliln to the cleik and uiav inauguial meeting on lucsdav ap oi i iceve new year baby new years baby ntgcorge town and district hospital tills year was an infant actonian donnu louise the new duughter of mr and mrs fdwurd wood young st the bab was the iyj child horn in georgetown hospital on new years day she signed in at 503 pm pnintinciits ol committees and representation to vaiious miinici pal hoaids and commissions weie made i lie veais vvoik was stalled vvilii hie deelaialion ol oil ice in the nowlvelected membeis and in aiigmiil piaveis olteied bv rev dwiglil tngel icpicsenling the acton ministei lal association mi i ngel lead liom acts to point out the inst tumble the i hutch had was involved in politics and economics he e o m p a i e d tile council to the apostles who i caliul then could not do all i hc viol k il passed tin tills on to olheis to canvttut ik stig gesled councillois mtisl liusl one aiiolhei imisl aeeepl lhiil icspon sibihtv and must do tin ibs as signed to them tk wished iiuiiiihis a happv good veal and a prospitous one loi ac ton on agenda t ik ne w cfiuu il decided to hokl u gulti niul nigs see ond and louilh luisdavs ol e ich month i o hold no i eoniinillee meetings on the inst and thnel i uesdav s ol e ie li month lo hold no 2 committee meetings on i lie second and loin agieed lo pa accounts onrpassuig land dec la led- a conjllcl ol intel est and louiieil l ilk veil lit t ti ol discussing and voting on tin sub ee t reeve million opposed llie ol the bv lave leeling il llie due dale loi postage pensions hospital accident lilsuianee in come lax unemplov inent insui ancc vvellaie ollice lent cleaning ollice and town hall ambulance dog eoiil i ol gas hydio and witei 1 hev agieed to pav salaiies week iv and hourly laled emplovecs on the production ol tunc sheets bv the umn supei inlende nl r agieed lo pav llie icqiusi lions ol public mc high school hoaids up to then annual esti mates tnd lo pav dehcnliuc mlei est mil pillliipil pavmeuts i changes undei tin owrc eon tl lei paid s10 me lllhe i ship lei loi till mlllllcipil i 111 lllcc olhceis mil t lei ks assoenition and the mtlilkipil ssessoi s association appointed i m e j e a e 11 i e e le i k adnunisili atoi loi id passed the bv law to hoi low lip lo mod 000 lo meet e ill lent e i peii se s until ta le e nue was avail able signing by law bv law aiilhoiied llie clcik uiel mavoi lo sign cjuil claim deeds on pi ope i iv in lakcvnv subdivision loi 1 oiv ieim invest incuts reeve llmlon opposed p isshv tile bv liv c 1 lcalllei towns fifth doctor returns from aiqeria eloe loi s v ho sulellc el 1 1 ill el leyilllcl will he piutis iclhei lu le in e ion al ic i ol i e hi u il v v ik n i lie is lomple e il isl lan vie i e will be david bh k ove i suff immtll at the doorway of tin unfinished new medical icnlie on mill w arc di david van ilcr hcnt who will bfrun piadue line as ooii a the buililiuii is lompletecl and di ctaici hutclikon dr van del html lia spent the past iwo years in algeria 1 line 1 lllle i lie v o hie 111 i ikvv llie lllell eelltle on mill si v oi and di ciaig hutchison tonieel bv classmate di u lie i belli di van ileh he in is nisi in c anaila al le i spending two veal s in alge 1 li di minie whose home was in c amphe llv llie t ink to e ion lust ik was e liuie iv bus uul wis soiil loiniil bv ol lllltehl son ovv a lluul doc toi en i- his hands and all v 1 1 1 hue ollues in the new building back ol then pi i se nl epiaiuis al ik mill mam i ill lie i change of liniale v native ol richmond hill oi van dei llcnt gi ulualiil horn the luuvcisitv ol loixiulo in ilrd with oi moon and di hulchi son i uul all tin e e mu tic 1 al t he 1 ls i uc i tl llosplt ll dl v ui u 1 be iii s i ill one v i il u si li iii ii oi thopai ilu uul gl ik i ll sill t l 111 1 ls in ii ll ll i iii ii hi in i 111 lo pi a ice iii an ii v i ll will in i till i vs lllli ll i til bislii i ii n li ol i il ii i 1 i on ilu stal i iii ii i ii ii i hi i mihough tin popul itm i ol ilu low n w is smdl th u i i i ovi i i d wi asl i i ll di i mi nl uci utile il it i i oiul ibk ivl i i i ve i hid has in e n o he v oiih i li i hiiii h ilu le hi diilii i ii ahe i when he alnd loionie lo ilou should go lo llie now l appointed no i committee loi luilhei lu dv anil a i oc oiiinirnclil ion a lesolulion passed evpiessul suppoi i and best wishes on leevi continued on page llnec twelfth night burning tonight tonight thursday hundreds ol clulslmas trees will go dp in flames during the annual cham her ol commerce 1 w e i f i li night binning parly lor par cuts and children throughout the area town workmen are busy pick ing up diiiarded trees and arc piling them in the field al t in cut r nice to the lump mayor ies duby and rcpicsenlatlves liom the c of c will light mat dies to kindle the flames acton i iiefighlcrs will once gain he piesenl with a truck to douse dying embers cotfec and iloimts will be served lo everv- onf bv the chamber members spearheading- the project this year are chambei members paul nielsen ted tyler sr and orval chapman mi nielsen requests parents to warn children lo keep mi liom llie trees before they un lit as hcfears some child could gel trapped unnoticed in the pile as the fire is lit ac is o p p detachment was u in isc i the lust ol the veal hi a vo ti in loii i with tin a 1 1 ivil ol unstable pi lei auipbcll on ni vy v u s i m 111 i i i nslahli who hails liom h till mi has been with tin opp loi ilu past 111 1 1 c and a hallveais mi i n st bi g in as a 1 1 v ill in ele sp ill in i in i doniurig the iimloim anil going into patiol siii uc ik was inst slatioiud at chatham then hui liiiglon heloie coming lo town acton is no sliailge plait 40 the mitmg singlt oil left ik vas sla honed heie in hie s u m in e months leheving ihuiiig the leg id u holidayperiod with he ispinsioii ol i iii local lone coppoial rav mason hopes lo hi in a hillii position lo keep i ik- town lullv policed at all limes al linns in the pasl olhceis both oil and on eluiv weit lompilled to maki coin appeal met s winch lcl onlv one man on ilu iv tor ixlended pt i loils i he hisloiv ol tin opp di tat lime ill in alton ililesbiek lo im when it lust began nen i he lollowing veal coipoial ma sou tmii lo town and has been he i c sum lie is eompleling lus 2klh vcai w nil 1 hi loiei c unslibi bien on i spi nl most ol ibis linii in acton constibli rrucc kiesslei who einn to acton seven vtais ago has been a mcivsbi i ol the loicc ible mimviii hal in ss has llh- lone 12 vi a i s and has 10 vcais constable biuce mi ai thin with loin and ihill yeais siivjce iime to liyvvn ihiee yeais ago and constable- nick 1 at ion lompteting his til si veai in town has live veais son tec with the opp when the opp i n si began ihene were t hive cohsiahlis with i iiiusei al 1 cost lo the town ol 7 700 loday willi a sixman lone the cost is jh00o fmpuial mason noted this week he hail seen a tew changes in pet sonnel sun e hist coming lo town when he inst came heie the joice peter campbell consisted of only t luce men work- nig sit daw pei week due to the lad olhceis aie not puld for ovtitiine ii is ncecssiiiy to lomp- ensali loi oveiliuie with time oil wuik in speaking highly ol his lonce the to noted cvciy man hna aliiiuliil the polite college at ayl- inn and obi lined tllell tertlli- i ales 1 hev also mtiend special in- seivin li oning and lectuies at hiiilingion hculquai lei s tliiougli- out tin winiei months on their owntinu they have completed a john ambulance lhm ald touisi and evety live yeais take a ithishii couise in ihst aid one iniponlani leatme ol being an ipjil licet is oknow tiiev aims and each ollietr takes ex it nsivi hauling in ureal ins com plete with uiiiiksmanship shoot ing i i lining also includes the know how ol machine guns and all iii caiins allhougfli many people dont icalie it llie i not uliinins any police olhijei is nevei h duty me must i ii i y his budge and idfiihl nation al all times and can make aucsts ill hough in civilian lollies inliii i oinmmiieihon has hn- pioved so itpitllv dining iceent yeais with the lelex system the opp aie constantly in touch wdholhei tones thioughoul can ada hie ihi in the united slates and even scotland yatd in eng land t i jitaatsf vetera sdhool board trustee tom watson chairman pf h s b spnlvogcl kin mikinnoii and no man robtustni al tendance olllici c leislimau was also ic hind appioval was given lo appoint 1 ci in lis as assistant science dtpii tiiieut head lollowing a ie online nd it ion by inspectoi v w appioval was aso given lo he m 7 brunch lloiw and school assoiialioii lot use ol llie high school iiieliloi unn jiinuaiy 12 lo hold a pio mi loi p mills on llie new dial himit li s couise ll was also agieed lo allow llie legion choialieis usi ol llie and iloiiiuu i inn n v loi a public pioi am hoaid miiiibiis i c 1 1 licet li it a vcli i ui school bo il el tins ilee i om watson was named eh in man to head llie acton lis tint high school no nil dining i kid at the inauguial ineeling morula- evening ml watson has slul 14 veals with llie public sihool boa id and is beginning his see uain llie a d ii s r i vickei s vui e hail niatt elected al t lie meeting iscliestii allele l son vvho ilso handles ihc chore ol imaiicc i hail man ol lie i appoiiitnn ills made in i lutli tbi lollowing eonniultecs willi i lit lust pi i son named acl me as e ban mail hniuei c anil ieison mil duncan mollat pio peiv kewui miphnl and new leoinei appointed bv council rav a i hie ii mspoi lahon 0 moll il land k vic ill ill and iciclui mi nai nicnl rav ai bic i oath of office liustei mephail an einplovei wnh ontnio llvdio was mi ihlc to attend ilu llliu il meet iu clue to i isl inimile wolk but plilis to open a lelul shoe ie olhe i incmhtis wen on hand lo pan and sale s oulle i ill t hi loi did lake then oath ol ollice md ileal bjvlei ding stoic have been post idle inauguial piavei olleied bv polled lempoiai llv bv owilci loc see ie lal y william middlclon also janeii allciitluig wen pi ill- iptl i a in a telephone e olive i salion this hansen and assistant piincipal week with the- lice piess ml joe biav juieai stated llicic was loo much secretaries caretakers n nova l ion nicessaiv to move re lined as ollice scciduics into i lie building in lis piesenl weie mis a kaudci on a 10 si ik i nlis he changes his mind month basis and mtss ruth low il will be about loin months be on a 12nionth basis also e ngag loie he begin any allciatlons lie cil wen caictakcis rudolph noted new shoe store cm k nee postpones plans ii to i isl inimile wolk but plijns to oper incmhiis wen on hand lo pan and sales oi oul ol 12 sitidents taking the dri- vei iiainuig couise at the school si hail passed then tests and icceivcd dnvei s licenses while loin liiled and iwo had not ta ken the deputment of transport diiveis tests it was also noted thai the chivci lianimg car had been involved in an accident do ud memheis agreed to chaige students lading to pasa i hen lest si per hour lor addit- lunil lessons taken in the school cu which jillsets the amount paid instiiiclot c i rognvaldnoh loi each houi he instructs in the vehicle oi iguially every student taking the tiaitimg paid 10 to tin sihool boaid for classroom and diivmg instiuctions cancel liuucs i lanspoi lahon chaiiman mof- lat ie polled he had autlioiied school buses not to make the hip dec i due to the bad ice stoini tnc also that monday i iiiii ii v 1 one ol the three buses hid tin in d hack on the bsque- sing route due to icy load con- dihons hoaid iiitmbcis weie thanked bv caiclakeisylor ihc turkey each i ne lie as a christmas gilt i his veai i hev lea i ued that giants re ceived loi the yeu amounted to jis8s89 80 signing and hot lowing power was jivcii to the cliiiu man viccv c li ui in ui and sccictary and meeting dates weie set lor the hist monday ol ejeh month tl ultt v that c on i i vi i eanie horn ac ioit oi lliil mi dim u h s iiiolhe i lles llcl i still 40 000 one docloi i he n be vie n lo i c omplc le lv chile ll ill ivpc ol climate wolk and oi gamahon i iiele i the c 111 1st l in olllllllllci loi sllvlec in alge ill he vie 111 to the ton stautuii an i in easteii algciia ilii in w is the onlv doc loi fol jooio people in iu iiioiintaiuoiis counli v side viti i v ii v in siill r i ol l cloe it oi less ik set up dill us iii he towns he hut nuisis ll 1111 v ii hills f lllojl ii iolltllllcs in 1 one 1 1 diu miu i 1 s ik i iv i ll i s i om llliouvl i i lie we lllle i w lie i ll llvi il w i lit jviav s hot hue i i llie luigli ol i iii villa is m ik mount ims i he ii w is host k i in iik w inti i lini kc e i in sii iclcnlv ha k i i mad i s i ilel w isu t i piolli in j main sponsois 1 hi illlimillu vlllle 1 se iii 20 i nple lo v iii to issisi b 11 is ttulk ll t i ill cis lllell ol l is 1 1 1 i c s 111 lc iii 111 in2 allt i base i in pi i c a i uiicls i e nie ho i hih1 siiiiu uul i inn i li i i mi il ions i mm iumtv uii n k s m iiilin i in id i i i i in i ion 1 st hi s c lo inn uul lilt i i supplie s iii si i i i ilii l isl like lllchlilis nielikll e lie e i ic a iiinal pi ii i mi ha ic s ha iiiii and hoiisihohl s uiki i i hint ii ion siiiiiiu uul lli s t hu up o in i pyl inn u il ni loi d- i sh aho i pin p isi s i h low n 1 1 111 pi a li nil- doc i i single ml is a in iiiu ol hi luclhic l in tin i l chtuih i s uff photo actons affairs for 1966 will be directed by member- of i licial gavel hufn peal new deputy reeve r r parker bill town council who met for their maugjral meeting tuesday williams clerk administrator jack mcgeachie and newcomer left to right dr frank oakes newcomer earl yajasales reeve charles leatherlapd council meets in recjular session twice il rs i i i tacli month with many additional committee meclings as well beit huifori dob drin waller mayor lcs duby holding his of-

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