Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1966, p. 2

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tt j- ntratyfirst year no 30 acton ontario thursday january 20fh 1966 authorized second clan hal by th poll office department ottawa ton pages ten cents j george arlof dills 1 8 93 19 6 6 the death last thursday of george arlof dills in his 73rd year publisher of the acton free press and the canadian champion milton ended a life of rich service to his community and to his profession r in 1958 the acton chamber of conynercen had named him the towns first otizen of thef year that same year he was honored by mem bers of his profession when the canadian week ly newspapers association named him an hon orary life member and the provincial association named him mr weekly newspaperman of the year a lifelong resident of acton where he ob tained his education he was always its proud defender and pubjic champion while he pressed for its progress directly in the field of community service as well as from the editorial chair of its paper he was not silent on provincial and na tional topics either and his editorial writings were frequently quoted mr dills apprenticed in the printing trade under the late h p moore in 1909 arid later sought a breadth of practical experience in to ronto guelph kingston and new york state in 1917 he returned to acton and the acton free press where he installed the county s first linotype machine to reduce the laborious hand setting of type la 1918 he married isma mac- pherson and the following year became a part ner with h p moore in the acton free press in 1927 he became sole owner of the paper during his years with the acton paper he co authored acton s early days which was com piled from a senes columns that appeared under the name the old man of the clocklower he was an active member of the acton citizens band and his memory was rich with recollections of calithumpian parades and minstrel shows he served as a director and was president of acton fall fair in 1937 in 1961 he was presented with an agricultural service diploma he was an honorary life member of acton fall fair he was a member of the acton library board the acton public school board walker lodge and trinity united church he i served as chairman and as a member of the north halton high school district board for a number ol years he was the first president of the acton y m c a board and played an active role in establishing that facility in the community for a number of years he was on the advisory com mittcc for the school of graphic arts at ryerson institute of technology he was justice of the peace for many years and was active in the liberal party in actqn and halton his editorship of the acton free press kept him at the table of acton council for 25 years anclnc played art active role in victory loan campaigns a mosquito bomber was named after the town during one of those campaigns v o t pro w he d he was a member of the executive of the intermediate hockey club and saw the team win its championship in 1939 war service work and a host of other proiccts wcrp included in his interests in 1943 he purchased the canadian cham 0ior milton and ooon placed it with the acton paper in the winners circle for national weekly newspaper honors during his association with the business that spanned 47 years he saw and participated in expansion from four employees to the present 34 v as one of the founding members of the canadian weekly newspapers association he enoyed with mrs dills a number of conven tions particularly in later years he served as a director of the national organization and as chairman of the executive committee for anum ber of years in 1958 illness forced him to discontinue his active participation in the day to day activities of the business but he continued as president of the dills printing and publishing co ltd which he formed in 1954 until recently he made al most daily trips to the acton jptant and retained a keen interest in its activities his irfe was one of many loves he loved his family his work his community and a new challenge the printing plant in acton which he ac quired in 1927 was always a second fathily home his chrtdrerr wcfe always welcome and early in life they were challenged with an op portunity to be useful his work placed heavy demands on him physically and mentally and the busy years of the second world war followed in close succes sion the depression years with the struggles common to that era his acquisition of the milton paper in 1943 came at a time when he might havebeen forgiven for expecting 1o take life a little easier but he cnoyed the challenge if provided the acquisition of new plant facilities in acton in 1959 aroused his keen interest although he was physically limited and prevented from playing an active role in the resulting move his keen assessment of planning and negotiations however were ever present in the transaction the funeral service was held saturday from the rumley shoemaker funeral home conducted lv the rev dwight engel of trinity united church acton interment was in fairview ceme tery a masonic service was held friday evening those actinq as pallbearers were former acton mayor e tyler sr long time employee j r macarthur nephew a b corlcss godench lodge and church associate r h elliott former milton mayor g c gowlapd and secretaryman ager of the ontario weekly newspapers associa tion werdcn leavens bolton he is survived by his wife isma macphcr son a daughter frances mrs c r prosser brdcebndge ont two sons david r of acton and james a of milton and one sister myrtle jmjb fbrqwnmg toronto predeceasing him were one son george macpherson dills a bro ther park and three sisters blanche mrs bob macphersonlttta and maude mrs t workman those of us who worked with him and those of us who were his family naturally feel a qieat cnsc of loss for his enthusiasm imag mation and love of challenge were rich assets he freely shared 30 service diploma for o johnston at agricultural society dinner at the agucultural society an nual dinnei orwell johnston was especiallyhonoicd lile member ai ihui svvackhumei celebrated his 82nd bnthday and ovei 100 en oved a delicious meal and tin usually inlormutivc progiam ol slides the happy evening lolloped an otliet succcsslul vcai ol operation ol the ian with the usual co- opeiation between the town and the countiy community apparent in repoits and attendance at the dinnck the event was held wed nesday january 12 al ballinalad united chinch service dlplomu anothei in the seiles ol agii cultuial service diplomas was awarded again this veai the re cipient is orwell johnston an honoiary cltiectoi ol the ian boaid president ol the bgaid in 1940 and a lilelong membci of the tanning community the cei tificate appioved by the depai t mem ot agncultuie is given loi meiitonous scivicc to agiicul turc announcement ol the aw aid was made by don mat i hew s mi johnston inst becamv a ducctoi of the lau hoaid in 1920 and scived on the heavy hoises and concessions committees he- has been a lome school trustee walkei 1 odge membci and a life- long membci of acton united church acting as stcvvaid elclci and lor the past many yeais clei k ol session his wife ihe foimei elsie wig gins was with him at the dinner as he was applauded by the c rowd happy birthday was sung to spiy ailhui swackhamer who was 82 thai dav he came on acion lau buaul lit 193s and was picsidcr a 1946 he acted as sipe lcndcnl ol llie lieid loi maiiv veais a hie long membci oj chuichill united chinch he was sund sihool supei intend vnl loi vr veils n i9s7 he it- ccivcd the ceiliticate lor- men tonous scivicc- to agficultuie he- lias a cei nile iil his giandfvithei won loi oats grown on the lamily hum many veus ago mi swaikhimcr and just one othei honouuy lile inembei a b mclcin o acton weie able to be picscnl the names ol the othn loin still living weie lead w l hampshiie smith gi il i in si duncipavaldie and g a dills mdfls pissed away ihe next dav head table 11k head t ihle was sealed against a bickdiop ol pictuies ol laws with gold liguies s2 loi the s2nd lau llovveis and ollici decoial ions inaclc- the tables gay as bowls tilled with steaming meat giavv vegetables salads and pickles wciv passe il by the congenial ciowil pie collee and tea lollovved bill nellcs muoduccil the head table lau pi isident jtk k mai sluell scciitarv mis wallace swackhamei extension licldman jell tavloi wndeii and mis beit hniton mivoi and mis les dub inst vice piesidcnt wijmci tiyei ladles boa id piesideiit mis don matthews mi mat thews mis nellcs miss acton tnir luiinci up bcveily buicc and guest speakers di und mis al lan j buchanan special scivtettes weiti provid ed by the i arm safely conned the annual meeting was an nouneed loi januaiv 29 we aic veiy pioud that the new waidcn iva membci ol our society dec i ued president mar shall as he intioduced mi hln ton dncctoi geoige walte was once wellington wai den ml llinton said thcie was no place- he d iathe1 be the day altei ins election speaking buelly mavoi dubv continued on page three orwell johnston y wramtkjtw seek price of underground services in new districts george williams heads parks board for 1966 acton board of pai ks manage ment will be headed this yeai by geoige williams who was chos en as chairman at the inaugural session thursday night of last week acting as vieechairmsn will be nino braida with gordon hard ing assuming the role of admin istration chairman assisted by newcomer brendan ihcarne also present tor the meeting were council repiesenlalive earl mas ales and retiring secretary owen coultrup absent were clill bradlev and william williams following official notification dom owen coultrup regaiding his resignation it was agreed to hire art cooper as a replacement mi cooper was also hned as sec retarv ol the recreation commit tee both parks board and rccrca hon committee sharelhe secre tary s salary of 750 with the board paying 250 and committee 4500 board members authorized the secretary to set up a savings ac count for icpair ol floodlights at the paik the- boaid chaigcs a rental tee foi use of the light and this money is used foi rcoai ol the lights also under bnef discussion was a caretakei for the park gate attendance man and park rental chaige the vicechairman suggested the gate admissions should be analvcd as attendance see tv bel public pupils at both the m nett and robert little schools aic- enioving the new ma thematics course being oflered on tv both schools now have pot table tv sets which can be moved from toom to room when ncccssarv guelph guests i join dancers the auditorium at the robert i little public school was bouncing with music and dancers wed ncsda evening of last week when im couples trom the guelph i square dance club joint d with cton members for the weekly i dance session i headed by mstiuctors mr and jlisinnrman will nv appealed to be chopping oil councilloi lai i masales suggest ed eveiv home- ownei should re ceive a free ticket lor his cat fmthcr discussion icgarding the budget and lining summer help was ieit to the next meeting acton hvclios inauguial meet ing biought no changes as lar as peisonnel is concerned when the membci s met riiuisdav evening ol last week returned as chali man was ted ivlei si with vice eli in man doug uawkuis continii ng in this capacity committees appointed include piopeilv doug daw kins and oi val blown and linaneu will led mclaelicin and les duby although eonsli uction ol ihe pioposcd new hydio building has ie idled a tempoiaiy stalemate due to excessive consti uction costs the commission icceived a letter appiovmg the pioiect un undci ihe wmlei woiks piogiam appioval loi ihe building i mm oiilano hvdio has not been ie ecivcil to dale liulcrgtoundacrvlccs mavoi les duby iiiloiiiied i membeis the town wis inlviest ed in undei ground huuo scivices in new subdivision and asked a costing loi undcigioiiiid seiviees on ihe new section ol lake it w subdiisioiibiuig opeikd as op posed to ovtihcjd seiviees commission membeis discussed a i emplacement oi possible ie pans to the volkswagen liuck used by the me lei ieadei the pioperly committee was also aullioiiad to investigate the an conditioner in ihe hydro of fice- which has constantly been- a headache accounts totalling 22684 78 weie approved loi payment t school carnival on march 17 paittime recitation director how ud pearce held ins first for mal meeting thuisday evening of last week when ie ml with four public school teachers to make plans for ihe coming public school cat nival prevent at meeting pic sent loi the meeting vvere pi incipal gai i y dawkins of spey- side school courtney saunders horn pintview school and stew- ii i cowan and edward leather- land horn the m l bennett school the small gioup reviewed pre vious school carnivals and dis cussed jetuls lor this years car nival set lor march 17 a few changes have been planned includ ing the possibility of an intermis sion to break ihe evening and al low competitors a brief rest 150 attend legion choraliers entertain at annual dinner for branch ovti 150 lcgioiinancs enioved a hot beef dinner with all the trimmings during the annual le- gon dinnct saturday evening highlighting tlie evening weie songs bv the legion choialiers undei the lcudcislup ol geoige mussel le- legion pidic rev a ii me kenic was nustci ol ceienioiiics and wcltoniid the huge numbei of legionnnres he told the vet crans branch 197 was on the ball but unfortunately a lew members were not pulling their weight he noted the brancftliad done vcrv commendable woik the pas lew vcirs and stated the mi j age ol the bianih would improve boti w 1 1 eve i vone pitched in to help as well hxluted the following head table guests second vicepresident hai ry hawkins m p dr harry har lev past vice piesidcnt mis har vey lambert mayor les dubv piesident max storey padrt a h mckcnic zone commander dave capperauld post- first vice presi ladv members of the legion pre sent foi th- dinner included mrs jim mcknight and mrs harvey lainbc it zone commander dave capper auld presented past president j gunn jvith the past presidents medal uul expressed his thanks dent hamilton peal acton reeve to the htanch loi us coopcratlon and countv waidcn h h hmton to the one fust vice president gordon james the iclinng piesidcnt told the rev s thoman ol the peijticostal membership the branch had to chuich coipoial rav mason ol operate as a business as it cost the acton op p detachment and moncv to open the doors he ask- rev mcmurrav ot st albans anglican church a spe ml welcome was extended to legionnaire will red coles nil woild wai 1 vet i member ol the veter past piesidcnt james gunn in jans guaid dining world war 2 lea the dancers enioved thorn selves and welcomed tour new couples who attended their urst outmg club members art hope lul more couples will om and at tend the vveeklv wednesday night d inees to date a new name has not been selected for the club but members have already submitted suggestions and the executive will choose a title for the club next month last months report gave the names of secretaries mr and mrs e whitbread it should have stated mr and mrs e vlutrcd td full cooperation ijdm the membership to the newly installed piesidcnt mix storev mi stoic v told the veterans blanch 197 had a big job to do in 1966 and said the success of the branch depended on each fnem- bii he asked membeis to give assist nice when called on for d uices mil otlni functions choialicr leader george mus- selle intioduced the numbers which his group decked out in their nw gold jackets with le gion crest sang tirst on the list was a branch favintc the wif fenpoof song followed bv the bells st marys kentucky babe the battle hvmn of the republic and as an encore fol lowing a standing ovation battle lvt staff puoto past presidents medal was presented jim gunn saturday evening at the annual legion dinner by zone commander dave capperauld mr gunn served as president of branch 197 for iho pdt two yedrc minor hockey its minor hockey week front january 22 to january 29 and 5 civicminded merchanu have sponsored the display ad back ing the event in this weeks paper support minor hockey and the merchants whose tnter- ests are in acton shorthorn soles r a shorthorn bull from the herd of s g bennett georgetown has oeen soldto jack deacon of ok lahoma a director of the ameri can shorthorn association this was the first son of the massive seotsdale tehran who in turn is by seotsdale navarre 2250 lb bull s e griff irr and son actoa sold a bull to harry ingraham prince william n3 and three females to ken parkinson arn- puor

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