Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1966, p. 5

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pounding the sports beat i s6me players on the tun ners would rather fight than snitch to the referees when nn opponent caresses them with a shhielah blake inghs is one of them brother gerrv is another friday night with an abbreviat ed orangevrflc squad here the in- glis brothers tag team was tak ing on arl comers enthusiasm for the toovcmefh exen spread to the stands it started when bob montgom ery wearing mnriber 10 tor orangeville encountered blake along the dasher apparently bob laid a little wood on blake would you mind piling vom wood somewhere else blake said to bob not at mz coun tered no 10 hi lav it here and he did on blakes helmet tfneased head did you get the point said bob in lieu or a reply blake hung a punch on the surprised mont gomerys classic features the referee intervened at this point excuse me would vou fel lows mind cutting up somewhere else he stuttered perhaps ou should go for a little rest of two minutes this is certainl not the proper placefor such fnxol- ity he was roughly shoved asid and the two gla throwing punches intervened pushing to emphaswc the point blake broke loose it started again meanwhile among the specta youngesfteam in tricounty acton novice tricounty team mav not be the class of their lea gue hut lhe ncxei quit and what tlux laik in oxpettetuv twe make up in desire to leant not onlx from coach barn inseoe ot matt aiei don van meet do the learn but while on the bench the boxs vxatch the opposition no mallei what the scoio ol the same and absorb inxaluable hockex know ledge- acton novice is the oungest team peiicnlagcxvise in the leu gue with three plaers onlx eight xeais old and te who just min ed nine this ear the bos hae won two tied i and lost siv hae scored 26 goals with onl 33 against but have the j distinction ot not being shutout this season thev ha e come c lose on an 81 loss to brampton and a 51 loss to guelph but the team comes up with that second elloil to spoil the oppositions shutout bid stee mdntxre is the teams top goal scorer with oxei 12 so lat this season tern holmes has been more than a surpnse in goal coming up with some fine games gar and get aid barden and i russ van fleet aie the thiee pla icrs onl eight ears old that hae i shown lots ol piomtse the lust season ken withers inhis first xear is making his piesencc felt with his fme checkuia between the blue lines paul dalv billv mcgillowav chns tennant dave lee glen tanners win in overtime at hespeler drop clunker to orangeville here ii a i mckenzie make up the rest of gladiators started h represent thctowirt both referees lltxkevs uki an elevator has its ups ami downs one night xouro on top the next night xouiv down in the dumps xxeat ing goal hoi ns to hoot back to back games lor acton tanneis last ihutsijax imd in dux luimsh a good example ol the contrast ihursdax the tanneis walked light into the mic macs den at hespeler and caino back home with a s4 oxeilimc vvm ovei the league leaders tridax in trout ol one ol their biggest ctowdt this season thcx let the next jo tail end oiangextlre dullenns with thev luxe come dose i onk thw nu ftl w bcnch bell them 10- the xx in xvas mimhci nine the loss then louith in i fames it lell them in second place a game behind llcspelel lead shrivels tlmrsdax it xxas tight delcn sixe hockex xxith onlx si goals m regulation time tudax un concei ned about dullenns who thexve soundu threshed thiee iiiiks in pivvuius encounters the tanneis watched a 6s second pcuod lead shuxel undei a live- goal ban age in the thud chnptet m a rcgulai scoimg picnic penalties xveiv lew and ijn be tvvxen in hespelei with onlx eight illinois called tndaxs liveliest action was in the thud stana when the inghs brothers took on a pair liom orangeville in a don tors were gerry inghs park said gerrv to don care i ion todance i nein said park stressing the point with a little push gcrrx took exception to the curt refus al he took a step forxxard park took txvo back another step for xvard xvith a clenched fist park xxas in full flight closelx pursu ed bx an indignant gerrv for a xxhile fans thought thex were playing fox and goose arc ling and xveaving until park made wildlong it back to the orangeville bench okratka where sat bill church orange ot acton in noxice tncountv competition mi have shown jhex belong on this team xxith their desire and hustle in practice and a e regardless ot the oppose iimmnmnuiinumraiimimiinitinii scoreboard acton 5 hespeler 4 first period yl toxxnslex d mckenzie m marchment 16 s a t haines b inghs j farrellx 19 so pens b inghs g inghs j j cunningham b the acton free press thursday january 20th 1966 nx brook which resulted in 16 minutes in penalties and piceipi tated a light in the uovxd the tanners proxed thex could ivacl to excrvmuiatiun thev i li veil it eaivlul lluusdav i hex weie eueless pndav wuliuin sou tli the acton club took a 20 lead in the inst peuoil ol tluusdaxs game as tirst haiold tovvnslex and then tim i lames hit the ln get behmd the watson less mie macs watson hohduving in tloi nla was teplacvd x bob john son a xeiv adequate substitute who kept the ae4on loiuuds llllstiatcd mie macs came back stiong ni the c 11 in minutes ol tin second pcniiil is speeil me i eh nit loin iiaham sank ixxo goals to knot i he eoiint about tutu aput 1 it look a oal bx denv highs willi onlx is seconds lell in the penod to put the lanneis b u kj in i mill biortici blake assisted the tanneis hung on to that j one goal lenel until the llnul pi i lod was almost ovei but at m2s doug exans was dealt an intet leience pcnalls and with only a second lelt to serve bob kit man heat jim sweeney cleanlxto lie il up again svxeenex one of the top hands loi the tanneis took lluxe goals olj the mie mae slick in the lust si ana on clean bleaks and he held the club togelliei until thcx got oigamed in oveinnte overtime trip jjespelei took i he lead mymen laiilv when tied kcnlnct lug ging lite puck i lorn bclurtd ihe acton net tupped and bob rus sell w lapped the pill past a sm piiseil svxeenex ii looked like the big goal the oni lo buuk the 1 inni is bieks bui thev caiiu link inn tar icllx kiiolinl ihe coiinl at 4 24 of iiiiniilis ovii lime on a plix which kent i lie- 1 set up wild don mckcnic to eoinpinsali loi liis tau pas the xxinnci was scoud hv llovvii tvans on a plav with bob daniels less than two minutis lain the tanners hung on to take home the viitoix lluv vveie full valiu foi the bigms holler helps hut royals edge cyclones in sun hockey second period ville laxvjer out of thelineup i h willi a broken hand to wit he addressed gerrv this is plainly a case of close pursuit i demand the right of sanctuary the referees al this junc ture xverc all for calling the xx hole- thing off especially when an orangeville fan questioned the propnetv of the proceedings to an acton fan this precipitate another maelstrom of flashing fists pushing and excited gallop- ping to the scene i it ended when the xisiting fan landed outo the ice surprised at the extent of the oppositio i police intervention quelled furth cr disturbance while the referees xvere sort ing out the penitents the reluct ant don park skated over and was immediatelx sent for a five minute rest what s going on he complain cd i trx to avoid a tiht and i get fixe minutes anxwav gerrv inghs gave him a hug and thex and the olhei pair went into the penance box with 6 minutes in penalties between them that finished the most exciting part of fndax s contest outside of another couit appeal anev bx lawver bill church he appeared before the stripe shirt tribunal to protest the clock time stood still he said when it should haxe marched on he added an other man to xxatch the clock the incident passed xvith an orangeville victory and an ac ton defeat minor hockey week starts on saturdax and it s a good time to shoxx xour suppoit ot the le- cal organizations who dexote their time to boxs and hockex the minoi hockex association hopes to have a couple of special events to mark the xxeek mclud ing an exhibition xxith orange- mile midgets pnor to the 4nt b game here on jan 28 best support of all xxould be for xou to take not send your bov to the arena and stax to see him plax this xvax the men whoruirminor hockex here xxould know xou appreciate and support their efforts to make hockev in acton a xehicle to haxe fun produce better citizens teach discipline and respect for rules and sportsmanship res 517 19 45 16 24 105 424 620 1051 11 30 12 42 t graham e plein d hcipel h t graham d heipel a g inghv b inghs pens e plem farrellx third period h b kitzman wildfong b russell pens d exans overtime h b russell a j farrellx f kentner d mckenzie a h exans r daniels pens nil orangeville 10 acton 6 first period h exans d evans h exans d exans o h mcdonald r little a t haines g inghs 1 marchment o d park l solomon second period a h townslex ormontgomerx parks a b inghs j cunningham 6 40 a g inghs t haines d i arbie nil o i solomon puks me i donald 18 28 o b montgomery 18 38 pens me don dd g inghs h exans third period o r little guistini solo mon o i solomon townlcx o tow nlex mcdonald paik o mcdonald little solo mbn o little mcdonald pens cooper gregg gomerx 2 4 10 misc inghs 22 4 10 misc glis s min park 5 by clair voyant ml the hollenn and shouting that mel shephetd could muslei didnt haxe too much ol an ad xersc effect on the roxals as thex pounded out a 65 decision over the cxclones on sundax exening in the other industrial league battle the bushxxhackeis scored three times in less than a minute to eke out a 66 tie with the dust ers ron schmidt blinked the goal light twice and john cunningham bruce macpherson daxe papillon and r dolbx each scoicd once as i fell to the it in eithei fear or the roxals tetamed then league sui pi isc on two occasions xxhen leadeiship the big stoiv ol the the cvclonc peilonnci let loose night howexei xvts the wax mel i vv ih ins veision ofie indian war shepheid manhandled heltx doug ctv vickeix withou evm touching him holler guy mastei ix mel does his best chcckiiii with a stiong voice and on moic than one occasion he s i chased opposition peifoimcis oinj ot the coiner himplv bv shouting i sundax heavas in top fonn audi according to reports doug vnkcrx i doug black led the assist par ide loi the wmncis with tbree helpeis while schmidt had two and doug vieknv and td llilliaid had one i aeh victory dominating plav through most nl the contest which was sloxxed down by sticky ice mid way through the third period blake inghs xvas inurcd and coach junior beaumont had to higgle hjs lines it paid off but not before giving the acton con tingent heart failure insult to injury rndav orangexille exploited the olerconfidence of the tan ners in beating them for the first lime ibis season dullcmis rattled five third per tod pucks past jim sxxveney to eiase a 65 deficit they faced go ing into the final chapter irony xvas the tanneis were only two goals down when thev provoked a txvo bout fight card the visi- tois added insult to iniury xvith two moic goals within 13 sec onds mcdonald and little pull tng the lugger edge on play pnoi lo ihe ihnd stanza the tanneis had an edge on play while duffel ins played cautious ix willi less than two minutes left in the second period the ac ton club led 63 a penalty to ilowje evans and lcs solomon limshed oil a play lo reduce the nun gin to two while attempting lo cleai tied kentner iammcil one in bis own net and the game took on a new complexion dullenns really hustled in the thud while the tanners visibly liiec from ihe previous nights ovciliimc thriller laded they merelv xvent through the motions when blake inghs and bob montgomery squared off in a biaxl it kept increasing in inten sity until thev xvere joined by gci r inghs and daxe park with gerrv in hot pursuit of park all over the ice when tempers cool ed there were four combatants in the don jon with peace restor ed all around crowd joins in simultaneouslv a fighl broke out in the crowd betwem- some acton fans and one from orange ville which icquircd police inter venlion belore it was settled the two harried referees almost had w atom brampton 3 acton 1 jim hurley connected twite for brampton in the first game and billy ware shot one goal and assisted on one of jims john ashlcv collected two assists and ricky baginski and steve papil ion got one apiece ivan hearns scored the lone acton goal a acton 2 weston 1 john mccutchcon and steve brunei le got a goal each as the acton team bounced back in the second game ol tbe double bill to win tayloi and heains as sisled jell townslcv bagged the wes ion goal from jell shields kent kcntnci was given an el bowing penally novice hamilton 8 niagara falls 0 rene schuls and bcrnie tavloi were the one- iwo storing punch lor hamilton as they shut out niagarjfalls schuts drilled fie goals and taylor notched thiee in ihe lopsided win jim mtlnlxre collected thiee assists and dcalh and trclh aimsliong got one each niagara talk was assessed the only penally blaif mccallum str ving a tripping sentence st catharines 3 onhawa 2 garv fisher hit the tatget twite for st kitts and john rochester go a goal and an assist russell coultrup and sieve marshall col lected an assist apiete tor oshaxxa bnan storex and flyers here friday john dunn and cd hubble scor ncixous prostration nhl oldtimers here feb 18th the nhl old timers xvill son dick lee harrx law son make their annual appearance doe haiklex rene schuts and i here in an exhibition with acton gold tnckei tanners on fndax februarv 18lh sponsored jointlv bx the le gion minor sports and the acton minor hockex association pro i eeeds go toxxards minoi hockev n40 n aaon is 3s details were ironed out al a meeting sundax attentled bx bob 450 louttet ted pope bill buchanan 27 gord mccutcheon charlie thorn midgets lose to guelph milton actonupwa midgets skidded in their last txxo tncounlv ap pearances losing a 5 1 decision to guelph and dropping a 62 garne at home to milton 609 7 47 9 51 15 56 1609 mont blake g in mm one or ihe most pupulai at liactions heie the lineup loi the nhl old timers is as follows lean walmslex bob goldh im dctioil chicago toronlo wal lv stanowski toionto bob ro beilson detroit munax hen derson boston rags r lglan chicago banv cullen toion lo bob beckett boston bnui cullen toronto new yoik sid smith toronlo ron hurst to onto jack h inulton toionto mm i av teaid dctioil c il gaidnci toionto new noik harrx watson deli oil chicago toronto john mccoimaek to ionto damn lewicki toionto new yoik eel twic loi the lovxlx cvelones and slu macdonald tallied once don hiriis lirrv pot le bruee- baibii hied anehews and stu macdonald each assisted once pull out tie in the other contest of the eve ning the bushxxhackeis pulled a tic tioin the hands of deleat as ihcv seoied loui last period goals thiee in the final thiee minutes lo deadlock the dusteis ovei the past lew wicks i he dusters cant seem to win ioi living and it was the same old tale on sund ix gaix ritchie continued his as saull or opposition nelmindcrs as he netted loin maikeis and as sisieel on mother to lead the seoieis loi the dusteis jen mfr laicii anil bob biuce stoicd a goal e ih while slultv eentte red phillips anil newcomer denis gibbons earned a pan ol helpeis brian mecnst ill eliew i single as sist noel row sell tallied twice for late stalling bushwhackers and ruddx gus holmes jim mac donald giant witheis and gord mason golojioil apie giant wilhcls inn mcdonald and gord mason set up i pan ol goals each and i single nil went to wivne shi pile i el giigg cooper 2 f 10 misc curling results beat bits ken oxven and alan mckenzie plax eel for the midget all star tewm from the tncountv against toronto west claires jr b club in oakxille last fndav the game xxas a ben cfit for waxne tucket guelph bov xx ho lost an ex e in a recent game named prexy j t jack armstrong a hxdro commissioner of georgetown xvas elected president of central on tario district no a ontario mun icipal electric association at the annual meeting held at the west- bury hotd in toronto monday 79 paai jack mcgeachie 4 al kirkncss 3 ab irvxin 3 lome doberthem 2 tihel holmes 2 wallet dubois 2 trink van wxck 2 meb blow 2 bill dumarh 0 mae dumaish 0 monday 911 pan allan cllcrbx 4 jim graham 4 wis beaux 2 ted txler jr 2 dick lee 2 gord mccutchepn 2 don macmillan 2 bruce cargill 2 mick holmes t xen marchment 0 tuesday 79 pan andv nolan 4 dr brian moore 4 len loxell 2 jack ridlex 2 1 le 7beelnoff 2 claude cook 2 gord cooper i chestei ndeison 1 dr k buchanan i bunk holm es 1 tuesday 911 pan ted txler sr 4 bill toth 4 john biichman 4 margaret toh 2 fxfe somerxille 2 bern van fleet 2 rex a h mckenzie 2 ie patnck 0 don tlmmings 0 harvev laxertx 0 business mens curling daxe manes 4 ted txler sr 4 bill toth 2 len loxell 1 bunk holmes 1 gord cooper 0 ladies curling monday afternoon exe cooper 4 willa hewitt 2 eleanor goy 2 margaret toth 0 tuesday afternoon gwen tvler 4 mae dumarsh 4 mae wilds 0 ethel holmes 0 at guelph kennx oxven scored the lone acton goal as the bovs al loxvcd the roxal citv crexv an easy xx in milton scored all six of their goals in the second penod here last wednesdav xx hile the shoi t- handed acton club suffered a rash of penalties alan mckenzie and casex hark- lc scored the acton goals with brent marshall john mason and jim barden assisting ssthe woblis u6htest direct drive chan saw ikrlflcnmkrlo ihe greatest lightweight of em an is here 10vi lbs of fast cutting dependable easy- hamflhv mcculloch itll tackle any cutting job youve got around the farm cabin or right at home petty s gunge rockwood 8569571 from lovell bros modern meat market beef lean shoulder roast lean blade and short rib roast choice wing roast or steak fresh small link sausage 63 69 89 c lb c lb c lb 49 c lb r stock your freezer now sides hinds fronts cut and wrapped at no extra charge lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton daily deuvery phone 8532240 best line for the tanners was the doug and hoxxie exans com bination wthi-dannx- albic shoxx- ing lots of hustle in his bnif ap pearances hoxxie exans filed the first ixxo acton goals both assisted b doug exans tim haines added a third irom gerrx inghs and murray marchment to gixe the tanners a 32 first period lead haiold toxxnslevs slap shot connected early in ihe second and blake and gerrv inghs added singles in the second period big les solomon hugh mc donald ron little and bob mont gomerx drilled txvo goals apiece for oiangeville park and town lex sniped one apiece reinforced by veterans bob doble and john mccabe fergus flyers xvill attempt to string another upset on the line beside last weeks orangeville contest when they meet the tanners here on friday night flyers almost upset hespeler last friday but were edged 76 when they faded in the last few minutes the presence of dobble and mccabe in the lineup has given the fergus club new impetus and don prlckett is one of the best twine tenders in the league so the tanners will have their hands full friday a first place finish carried the reward of extra playoff games so thats where the acton club would like to finish but so would durham and hespeler the resurgence of the two tall end teams complicates matters still further i leslie coles scored xvith wade knight helping stoiev on his goal three penalties xvent to david ncjrman steve shultis and jan sen of ihe losers pee wee rochester 4 cleveland 2 john snuxx sniped txvo goals for rochester howard coultrup and jim mullen bagged one each xvith mullen getting an assist too seib atmstjong and dean storey also got an assit dale tisher shot boih cleve land goals assisted by brendan irwin on each one sixxn penalties xxcrc imposed lo jim frizcll 2 brendan ir xin cailh taylor and henry wi- sen ol the losers mcphcdrun and mullen of the xxinners baltimore 3 springfield 2 david rochester saitz and garx master pullcclthe trigger loi baltimore xvith roland tc culloch and george kphail in the backct urlce springfield goals vxcre xcorctl bv giaham tracr and daxe manes vvnh traser ao getting an assist onlx penattx xvent to john joe dan l baltimor bavtam hershey 5 buffalo 3 ken marshall daxe le blanc steve garrett clue stewart and brian death each scored a goal for ihe- bears xwth garrett ard marshall also assisting on a goal apiece gord williams also help ed on one foi buffalo daxid ken ned v scored two urtassiited goals xxith waxne deforest notching the other four penaltic xxere assessed i the losers xxhile the winners serx cd three midget montreal 6 toronlo 3 stcxx mccullough bob waller garx kellx ron hagan brian dunn and lloxd smallxxood notched goals foi ben baxliss canadiens xxith kellx also get ing in assist foi ted pratt s leafs goals vxi n shulhx lcnieuwauercook b0wuts bp bowl for pleasure bowl for health well guarantee yoljll enjoy yourself acton bowling lanes 10 main st n member obpa 8530170 anil pishel assists wire rccotd ed hx fisher and gotdon reward a to to finder of this buxton keytainer card inside tells finder mail this to buxlon and gel a free key tamer as a lexvaid then bux ton ictirtgru to ihx oxvn- ei gel this new thin kex tainer 6 loops zip per fine cowhide and all for jv50 up plus tax sports corner 124 mill e at wilbur phone s532160 proclamation town of acton minor hockey week in canada whereas the week of january 22nd is being observed throughouf canada as a period to focus public attention on the physical character building and other benefits of hockey for our youth and whereas the game of hockey is recognized as canadas national game which teaches our youth to develop a competitive spirit cooperation with others body building and respect for authority and whereas it is the hope of every municipality to develop one or more players capable of representing canada as a member of canada s- national team and whereas the minor hockey association in this community has earned the com mendation and support of every citizen and whereas minor hockey is the foundation from which accomplished hockey players develop now therefore i as mayor of the town of acton do hereby declare the week commencing jariuary 22nd be observed as minor hockey week in canada and request that all parents and others support this observance by attending games during minor hockey week and thereafter until the minor hockey season ends date january 18 1966 i a duby mayor

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