Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1966, p. 1

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o- ninetyfirst yearno 3f x actdn ontario thursday january 27th 4966 authorised u becondtcuu mn by the poet office department ottawa ten pages ten cents down came the snow to blanket the town objectives outlined by warden in inaugural address a 24hour snow left acton blanketed in 16 inches of snow sndw sunday white capped trees houses and cars created a scene of beauty but the heavy snowfall also created a lot of work and hardship for ratepayers and motorists top left photo shows the heller home on bower avenue with pine trees encased in stnff photo top right shows tiny sandy ross with her dog cindy as they romp in- the high drifts boilom loft is a car almost completely covered in snow after beingtjarked in a driveway overnight and botlonv right is a large machine clearing the lot at acton red whjte store in a wide- ranging inaugural speech at llalton county coun cil warden i h ilinlon tuesday reviewed objectives he suggested lor the various areas of county government he urged the purchase of 200 additional acres of reforestation lands and the removal and re placement oil trees affected by dutch elm disease a new wel fare vehicle is expected this year by the emergency measures or ganization he reported and visu alized an allphase exercise by all flic emergency measures organ izations in line zone health plans implementation of plans 4o move mentally ill patients who are well enough to be in the com munity inlo nursing homes is expected under the supervision of the health unit during year completion of the program of ap plying fluoride to the teeth of all three year olds in the county is expected lo be completed financing anticipated lihis year would be for the now martin house- residence for the aged mil ton district hospital addition and possibly tiltjoseph brunt hos pital addition is more prevention changes- in the child welfare act have altered the provincial grant structure thus the way is clear for greater emphasis on prevention pro grams in child welfare which should reduce the very high cost bf children in care a review of the adoption policy is also ex pected this year completion staffing and plac ing in operation the 150 bed mar tin llousv will be the major re sponsibility of the halton manor board the warden suggested for 1966 the museum board will be con tinuing negotiations on the estab lishment of the provincial agricul tural museum which it is propos ed would be located oh conser vation land adjacent to kelso a first for llalton county is the family counselling service estab lished in october under lhe direc tion of rennie j vivian the war den noted that in three months of operation 179 interviews had been conducted in cases referred by jihe courts or welfare services as well as those who squght ser vice on their own expand facilities the warden also suggested the property cominillco would be c- party on retiring nmining and reporting on tihe need to expand present facilities at the county administration wilding to provide- additional space for the registry office county councilwill also be con cerned with the plunkettreport and investigating proposals ifor a regional jail flic warden con cluded on bank staff for 38 yeats mrs anne deveau retiring ti playground leaders training planned by recreation director possi council ewage plant extension brings ate on committee jurisdiction investigation into possible ex tension or construction of a new sewage disposal plant caused a minor discussion tuesday even ing when council led oft with its first regular business meeting lor the year deputy reeve r r parker told council the ontario water re sources commission had called meetings with town council beardmore and co otficials and engineers to discuss the possibili ty of either an extension to or re placement ol the present dispos al plant further meetings he stated owrc claimed the present disposal plant was run ning at near capacity arid invcst- igation into a system to cope with both municipal and indus trial waste was being made he said meetings to this el led had been held during lcvv and if4 and at that time the owrc de cided to take r extensive survev he noted this mlormation was now available and luither meet ings would k- called in the past o 2 committee which is lhese wei and watei committee dealt wih life prob lem and it tended meetings reeve h h hintin suggcstcil ivvo mcnilvin ol the tiniikc com mittee should be included l tu tu re meetings coimcilois c i lcathci land hacked the iccves suggestion no financing yet mr parker explained theic would still iv kuite a iiiimivi i meetings to iioisn tccuiiciliiics only and it wouj be sotrc rune reeves suggestion until such lime as linancing was involved councillor robert drinkwalter stated the project should be dealt with the same as any other in the past and it was strictly a committee problem until imanc- ing was involved then the sub ject would be brought to the en tire couivil or discussion and ap proval own jurisdiction present procedure entails each ol no i and no 2 committees investigating problems within their own jurisdiction and bring ing hack lecommendations to the council lor discussion and deci sions councillor hail misalcs wondered it breaking up this sys tem was a good thing when the ivcve insisted that two members ironi no 1 com inillce attend no 2 meetings on the subject the niavor remarked the reeve must think tire mavoi is oi vacalion i am exollicio oi all committees and am alvvas in attendance at all committee meetings is a liaison between null he suggested it this was nut adequate someone should speak out uul sa so all questions return leput reeve parker reminded the icevc lha it would be equal viiid tor iiicmhci s ot n 2 coninuticv to sit in or all n j imnutlcc nieviings pei taming tiiiiike he temtiklel council lis wasn t iicccssi however as ublccts uihlci committee dis- tiatiofis regarding the south spring with beardmore and co members of both committees had been present councillor hamil ton peal stated he had been a member ol the sevyer and water committee at that time and only members of that specific commit tee had dealt with the subject he recalled the final decision had been left with the entire council have faith in conclusion mavoi pubv stat ed he was concerned with the un- justilied lack of faith no 1 com mittee appeared lo have in no committee and said ve only assure the best cooperation by having faith in each other council gave its permission to the acton curling club to apply to the liquor control board for a banquet permit at the com munity centre lor february 14 lor members nd guests only renewal ol three taxi licences was grained to reliable taxi lor l these licences aie granted on a yvarlv basis and must be re newed each year new appointments touiieilt also reappointed coun cillor bob drinkualler and clerk tcotltinued on page two many visitors mr mrs ob meeting for the second time this month aclon recreation committee decided two new members would be needeil to fill i lie gaps left by resignations this vear anil recommended jessie coles and erie lynch be included in the list of four names submit ted to council for approval har old townsley and retiring secret ary owen coultrup were named earlier but all four must he con firmed by council this would bring the strength of the commit tee to 1 1 members one more than last years at council tuesday the ap pointments of mr coultrup and mr townsley were approved o de ferred for ifurther recommenda tion by the committee was the appointment of one of the others which would complete the requir ed 10 members the committee also hired art cooper to assume the secretarys job heard from newly hired rec reation director howard pearce on his program plans and discus sed licensing of the community centre for banquet privileges one f two applicants for the serve mr and mrs richard a slon scene st acton honored satludrtwut their richard johnston 50th anniversary john- xv ere home and relatives on their 50th wed- y- hclon luiancml- wouid the picture mavoi ies stated he was opposed t hi urn lo council as a asked lo a a change in the reeve tunc- ot m-g- marching mothers collect for march of dimes monday acton will moudiv janu mothers who march ol dun drive- is mis captains arc mrs a waldi be canvassed ai v s b muvhing will collect tor the s chairman ot the 1 i ow i u- au t lie mis k knapion mrs k marshall mrs ii wilkinson mis c ilu grave mrs n price mrs w ml son mrs w little and mis long miss hculah d garrow distiic case worker covering llalton and ncishbo ing counties tor the re habilitation foundation tor the disabled ivports 34 known cases and 15 active cases in haltou county the- caseworker helps out with arranging transportation to clin ics or hospitals and arranges such items as wheelchairs special bhoes and braces contributions to the marching mothers when thev call next mon- dav niglu will ensure turthcr bc- iicits to the crippled adults llalton countv hearings hearings by the plunkelt commission study on local government in peel and llalton are scheduled to begin tuesday march 22 in llalton county council chambers at milton the hearings will begin at 945 am continuing to 1230 and re convening for an afternoon ses sion from 2 pm to 430 pm or later they are expected to con- tinuc for three days bv family friend- the occasion ol ding anniversary the couple were married in llopktus minnesota lsa jan uary 22 1sics and came to can ada two- vears latex where thev have resided ever since mr johnston was hoi n near han ic and later moved lo the i niicd states where he met his bride-to- be the tonner hiilda mm who then lived in holihison mimics- ola many isltors as well as iiianv llovveis gilts phone calls aiul msiiiis the couples pric posscssion as a token ol their anniversirv is a rained senil iiom piviiickil secivtarv and minister ol finance lohn yarcrnko and a telegram iiom lioviiiiorcieiierai vanier and iis w lie i ainong the iiiinv gtls was a box ot 50 cent pieces which was brought bv a ineiul in toronto file two have lived in the acton area for the past 25 vears and moved lo ihcir present home nine veal s ago chiuhcii present to vlf ceie- bratc were rov ol tomato rich ard ol arthur charlotte imrs lawretice cullen i scarboi oilgh and allied ol toronto irainl- childien wiv also happv visitors al the scene stieet home hoth mr and mrs johnson arc loud ol mowers ami gardening land dm mg the wintei months i they enjoy froen loodright iiom their own large garden taken out lot their home freezer due to a recent illness mrs johnston is 1 no longer able to spend as much time in the garden bul still enjoys i helping her husband their secret to a long and hap pv marriage is coopcralion audi lew arguments- on a hoekev night in the winter mr johnston vvaiche games on tv and during the summer is an i avid baseball- ian mr lohnsion had two sisters hid live bioihers visit on sat- urdav aiid mrs johiisions tluve broiheis iid lour sisiers called three services in holy week plans for services during holy week were made fast thursday al a meeting of the ministerial association at lhe home of the rev a h mckcnzie there will he three joint services on palm sunday april 3 tuesday april 5 and thursday april 7 all services will be at 815 pm in knox church preceded by the singing of hymns at 8 pm special music is being arrang ed perhaps with a combined choir gpcst speakers from three dijlerenl denominations are be- in contacted as in past years town organi zations are being written and in vited iw attend in a oodyjfis being- suggested t ljit regular mcelings scheduled during holy week might be changed participating ministers are- mr mckcnzie rev dwight eugel rev r memurray rev s ganv mon rev s tlibinan and rev secretarys job mr cooper was hired at a salary of j750 shared on a 50o2s0 splil with lhe parks board he will start his duties february i parttime recreation director howard pearce acquainted the committee with his plans for the school carnival on march 17 the program will follow lhe same pal- tern as oilier years with a few new wrinkles added including a proposed bannermaking contest a race between the lady and men teachers and a display by figure skaters in lhe intermission small schools will be granted a handicap again this year but only for points scored in compe tition leaders training mr pearce also outlined his afler working in the bank of nova scotia for the pasl 38 yeajm mrs anne deveau has decided to retire the end of this month she first began in the bank mi ller the management of the late w k grahahm al that time the bank was located in jhe former bell telephone building at the corner 6f mill and main streets since first beginning mrs de veau lhe former anne dunne has seertnnany changes includ ing a now bank building on mill street increased stall many changes in personnel and vast changes in bookkeeping systems she has worked a i the aclon branch lhe entire 38 years under four managers the first manager was mr graham who was here from 1917 unlijl947 when he re tired arthur haydcn was here from 1947 to 1952 walltei- wood- burn from 1952 until 1961 and the present manager chester ander son came here in 1961 she firsl began as junior clerk al thai time there were no adding machines and allpledgers were posted by ihand most business places bought bv drafts and ihis meant a lot ol walking around town lo deliver lhe drafts the starling salary per year at i hat lime was 500 today she holds the position of assistant account ant during the 38 years there hasnt newconicrs lo the bankland sonic have continued up lhe ladder to higher positions with lhe bank of nova scotia she lives with her husband henry al ihcir home al 25 main si reel north lhe house in which her parents lived most of their marriedrlifc plans for starling a training i been a single holdup but mrs de- sohool for playground leaders forpveau can vividly recall one occas- next summers program he in tends to have the playground staff chosen and trained by april other suggestions from mr pearce lo lih out he progiranl in clude summer tahcirror teen agers stage shows and wrestling in the community centre resolution piscussion on he proposed lic encing of the community centre for banquets at therequest of lhe curling club centred on wheth er council or the committee was continued on page three mrs deveau on wednesday evening she was honored by management and staff from rhe bank at a dinner in the parkview motel guelph she was presented with a lovely jade ring and corsage from fellow em- pjoyees present for the dinner were manager chcslcxariderson and his wife and daughter beverley who is employed at the bank mrs eileen mcfaddcn and her hus band miv heather barnard and- husband miss gail stewart peter store watching out a side window monkhousc mrs barbara stew- nothing happened but the staff art and husband and new account- were quite nervous and were unjant donald kclloway aware until late afternoon what i mrs deveau will close off her the stranger was doing in lhe bank j she has helped lo train many ion when a report was received that the bank located then in the former bell building was lo be knocked off one plainclothes detective was stationed in the bank near lhe teller and another was on lookout across the road in the former bill cooper clothing books lor lhe liiial lime monday bank patrons wish her irrany plea sant years in her reliienient hear normal monday after storm acton leads way in snow clearance long dislaik m the i ink e i mm i stales their homes w v di ataff photo married 50 years mrr and mrs richard johnston scene street were honored by children neighbors and friends dur ing open house saturday afternoon the couple received many flowers cards and gifts the worst snowstorm in 21 years smothered the area during lhe weekend and monday after noon several places were still shovdlling out the over 16 inch snowfall wjiich began saturday evening continued for 24 hours town workmen were out in the early hours of sunday morn ing with snow plows and snow clearing equipment work of plowing and snow- removal began j soon and acton didnt lind itsdll j in lhe same predicament as oth er uuns the two town plows both went into ditches when il was impossible to see the road j extra trucks were called in toj help carl awav snow from the i downtown business area all day sunday walk instead private operators with s now- plowing equipment were kept bu sy all day sunday and on into the early hours of monday morn- ing tow trucks were called into action lo start stalled vehicles and most motorists simply walk- i et on sunday church attendance was down- jv number ol vehicles parked outdoors overnight were covered in a blanket ol snow and long lanewavs were plugged home owners wcie oul in lorce shovel- ing sidewalks and driveways some moves liad to be cleared because ot the weigh l drifts school buses run department of highways snow plowing and sanding crews were lhe busiest ever over lhe weekend and township workmen were kept busv clearing clogged roads three school buses which pick j up high school students in the rural area monday and township i public school bgses made the rounds and rural mailmen all got the mail through vehicles marooned on the streets made snow clearing more difficult out most motorists were out early brushing snow olt cars iheik waving lails arid the tips and gelling them moving child- ol then ears bird landers clear- ren who had never witnessed i a place in lhe snow and spread such aheavy fall of snow were sunt lower seeds or bread crumbs both pleased and surprised as several residents donned warm thev frolicked and almost dis- clothing and snow boots and appeared in the huge drifts thoroughly enjoved a- walk in the buses trains on schedule i deep snow while others took ad- gray coach buses ran close to vantage ol lhc sunday holiday schedule with the first bus sun- and staved indoors dav morning only 20 minutes be- hintfc timer trains were iiot held up sjnee the snow blew off the tracks larger centres had to is sue warnings to motorists lo stay oil roads until snow could becleareij and the city ol toron to was ata standstill fora while small animals had a difficult time wading ihrouyli snow det ermined cats were ideplilicd by take a bow town workmen came in for praise tuesday night al council when mayor lcs duby reported he had been contacted by four people living out of town who had visited in aclon at the height of lhe snowstorm sun day and saw how workmen were coping with the snow re moval problem here on return to ihcir home towns ihcy saw how snow was piled up and streets plugged with iii tie ef fort made toward snow remov al the visitors commended the work staff for their fine efforts councillor bill williams also added his praise to lhe work force for ihcir fine efforts in clearing lhe streets wednesday morning the free press was contacted by an out oftovvner who also commended the town force for doing an ex cellent job in clearing snow he stated in his own home town snow removal was not started until monday and then only main arteries cleared motorists who journcvetl out of town saturday evening report a dilliciili lime diivmg home one reporled taking over iwo hours to come irom streetsville lo acton in lhe driving snow i just one accident onlv one minor accident was repot led diie lo the storm most industrial and commerc ial places of business had plows busv sunday clearing parking lots and loadmg ramps monday t some were still being dug out as the bright sunshine glistened otf snow covered trees and streets although the- younger genera tion witnessed their lust real snowstorm older residents can recall quite vividly thlslvpc of snowsioim being quite common vears ijo i iih trucks vh i re tnitks iiom jack rldr lev cartage weie added to the towns tiinks lo help with snow clearing on mill st sunday and moiidav on tuesday two town trucks were still at work snow was dumped at the park former dump site where the christmas live binning took place and be hind tlu- jivdro building on alice st two fioiit end inadcis were kept busy tilling trucks alt duhv also stated the two town plows had gone into the ditch several limes as drivers were unable to determine where the roid allowance was the tleep snow had covered up ditph- es and levelled hem to the same height as roads drivers only- continued on page three

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