Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1966, p. 2

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the acton tree pre thorihay janihry 7th 1966 lets play bridge by bui coats when von ate in a difficult con tract von must use everv means at your disposal lo help voti get a good rtsult in lookjng ovei last teks action at the acton budge club i came across this hind which avus plaed toy mv mother mis katherme coats dealer east last west vulnerable north s8 7 3 h a 8 4 o j 9 2 c a 0 8 6 vlett fust s 0 9 6 s 2 s a k 10 4 hj 7 2 ii s d 7 s o a k o 10 8 6 c j 104 0 k south s j hkow16 1 n 4 3 c- 7 5 3 2 the bidding east id 3d 3s pass dble south 111 3h pass 5h all pass west pass pass 4s pass north 2h pass pass pass i aas sitting in the tast posit ion and icll that nn hand pist wasn t quite up to a two demand bid i opened with one diamond and competed up to the ihiee le vel m p u tne i tound enough in his haiid to go loin spades al tei i sliowexl spades at the thue level south being not v nine i able peisistcd to live hcmits as a saeii t eden mills fice this was a good move since eithei loin spades oi five dia inoiuls is ah casv contiact for kasl west lo make west led the diamond seven anet plaved the live when east continued diamonds when i led the thud round of diamonds dec- laiei madethe eeellent pjay of discaiding the spade jack this lo se i on loser ptav is not used vcrv nihch it is otten useful in this tvpe ol situation south must lose a spaete soonei or latei so vvhv not now hast now inrtno eash a spade hut he was loo late south milled and emiaeted tiump mow deelar ei paused to think about easts hand i ast had shown six dia monds and lout spades in the bid ding he hail one heart when dec lare r took out trump so at the most east had two clubs surely fiom the bidding one ol these must be the king declarer led a club to the ace and rufled a spade to gel back to lu i hand now a low club was led and when west placed low dec laiei elucked thus south lost onlv lhiecviha monils and one club loi an e eelleiit lesult down two doubletl and not wilneiable is 300 letting the opponents make loui spades vuliuiable would have cost 620 points 1 ast week s unmet s were fust buan ihvmilion and chuck ham ilion second lou beitasson and u ii i v eiost thiul jack coats and deoige soltv fear grant loss manor construction delayed difficulties and delays in coni the net meeting of county coun stiuctlon of hauons new homeicll loi the aged martin house i n noted giants piomiseel tin- uneaten to cut giants on the pro j t i pedeial piovmcial mini 3cct unless work is completed by mpul works assistance progian tire end ol mardi meiubeis of halton counlv couneil weie vvatned tuesday finance committee cluui man f rogers called loi submission ol a manual and stiuetuial ic pint on the isobell project loi all seuvtaiv treasuier donald blackloek oigamsts mrs don aid blackloek and mis wallace lasbv i eu n mills womens institute hekl then jaiuiarv meeting last wednesdav altmoon hosted bv mis r w light ovei bv mis r session managers appointed at annual meeting of church theannual meeting ot eden blackloek pete oitleib geotge mills presbvtemian church was mcalpine and garnet macdou- held wednesdav evening in the sunclav school room with rev joseph tavlor as chairman 4tter all icpoits vveiv read from the difteient branches the chinch on the whole has had a success tul veai tlc members of session are as follows william mclcan si cleik william lowne robert r wright goidon blackloek rov gordon clarence ramsev wal hiv lasbv boaid of manageis russell blackloek chanman wallace lasbv ron mai tin donald guelph doctor speaks tp wa roekwood the womens au iliarv ot st john s anglican church roekwood heid then first meeting of the vear in the chuich with evensong and in stallation of newlv elected ol fleers el both roekwood and ml she lead a papei on the subject eramosa hi told to institute roekwood mis o uulkii ham was hostess loi the junuai v meeting ot rockalong womens institute with 15 memheis and one visitor present needlcei al t shoil course will be held in tne s s no 8 commun itv centre and mis k spence re ported a verv successful chi 1st mas party held at the centie mrs o buttenhain the lustoi ical reseat ch convenei was in charge of the ptogiam cmient events weie given bv mrs g nel son the guest speakei lor the evening was mis j fieeman ol utoka branch hei inteiestiiij talk was flashback in hiamosa ancl much mfoimation on the eailv settlers was given one ol the eaihest lamihes weie the ramsev brothels marv ramsev being the list white child bom in etamosa in the- ss no 8 disluet the menabb lanuh was mentioned as one ol the larms to be ovei 100 veais in the same lamily with the toumh viwiieration now occupying the hoinstead the ret ties aim and black faun rc also home steads the rockvvooel academv was mentioned with its histoneal background and its piesent ownei yosef drenters who is nowinter national known as afcieativc ai tist and selilptoi the harris lamilv and the rock wood woolen mill was anothei item ol interest and mrs o but tenham displaved an original har ris blanket brotherstovvn was the original name ot roekwood and religious groups were fiee meth- vtfrinkl not he available on win k not eiiiiiplvled bv hie mil ol mm eh possible sewage plant continued fiom ptfgc one adininisltaloi juck mixicachic to the halton plunrunn committee- i oi i ybih rohowtltg vh ee ouimen ilallon fiom the teucalion com iinltee eoiiiuil appointed ovven coiiltiup mil ii mild lounskv to till tun ol i iii ee u un ii i in i omiiutue w iii in iski il lo hi 01111111 nil oih nun e iiuiiihci lioln iwo ol lu i nuik mihiuilliil accouiiiil lo llii town hvliw stlikebountl llu ineinbci ship ol llu unci reeve g gallighei last c u s tiou eoinmiltei cannot ivmil 10 cliau man ol the imanoi boiid ex i oi igmallv a bv law ippioved sev plained a sevxn week stiike and en inciuhus anil tins u is iliang- dtllieulties in obtaining bncklav e el to allow it inembiis i lie menl as well as a special account lor the completion ol woik in i akeview subdivision amounting lo j327 u and linnliailion ol js ae counts tolaflmg js2b027 60 il was also agieiil lo leiiuesl llu- hiwn anilitois allintl a nuet iii will llmui il lollmiing eom jili thin ol tin ii u6s t4iianiiil it i eis weie delaviug the woik he said the boaid had all cad v sought an exluision on the tune limit irom rhc scmnr govcrtr inenls oil the basis ot the seven week st i ike delav i reeve ii meu picsenl chan man ol the manoi boaid enipha sied the hoaiel uis as anxious as councillors to get the woik completed within the deadline loiiniillli i suggested lo i nunc 1 1 this in changed again in commie willi lh ik pu inn nl ol i dm i i lotv ittt allf tvvhc itjhu mutvr il was piesided odlst disciples piesbvtenan rov the meet- 1 quaker and roman catholic a mg opened with a poem follow- disciple meet ing place- was at the ed bv the maiv stewait collect tarm ntm owned b llovil john institute ode the minutes mil ol the last meeting were read and appiovcd lollovveu bv the ticasuiei s tepoit and letters ot thinks liom the sick and shut- ins roll call was ansvveied bv aj l donation made with a vard of malenal another euchre is to be hekl on satuidav in the com munitv hall lit charge will be mi s r wright mrs w mclean and mi b b soove mis h gilbertson took the motto let us honor the ones who taught us the fust lesson in home economv our mother ston two hundred dollars plus the lob of school caretaker was the shiloh school teachers salarv in 1898 manv interesting facts were rrientioned inlhe comparison ol the means m working convcn lences for nnen and women saints church group fiom enn conducted bv rev sew el i the two lessons weie icul bv the presidents mrs charles hull of erin and mis david nelson the women then went to the parish hall while di margate t booth ot guelph spoke to them eonieining the usefulness o hcii lives towaid god md then lam llies hei talk was most intuest nig anil nispiiing to all pusuit di booth pr icticis in orthopedic medicine and suigeiv hei huv bind rev john boefth is the pio vmciil supcjvisoi a i ik rcoi gamcd church ol chnsi ol i u ter dav saints she has tuvelkd cvtensivelv thioughoul sucli plac es as south anuiica and miuo and his woiked a gieai ileal with handicapped chikhen and with women mrs j jones th inked dr rimth on behall of rhose pi i sun r lreshnienls wue sirvnl several niembeis will attend the conleiciicc- loi women in guelph on tcbiuaiv 1 at thi roval hotel with luncheon inel a fashjon show t old minutes of 1936 were read which hi ought both mcmoiies and laughs the meeting closed with the queen followed bv lunch served bv mis fred gar- dinci md mis ilene buchan i he vtllaue was covued on satuidav niht wrti i 14 inch tall ol snow which made the voung tiv happv skieis weie taking ad intake ol the hills eiiehie will be held on satur dav evening in the hill undei the auspices ol fdcn mills women s institute well runs dry blames cotmty countv council tuesdav dmct eil us loads committee to icview a eimiplaint in which chestei suvici miintained ins will was di nned bv a countv loail widen ing pioeel niissagawcva rieve w coultu lead to countv council a lcltci lionl mi seivice outlining how his well had bee ir diaiiinl in 164 countv iiiad aulhoi llu s had tnemi advisid ol the situation anil altei the inconvenience ol hauling wa tei and lepealed elloits to aeti v ite the well a new one was ell 1 1 led an account loi the new well ol 400 had been forwaidcd to the countv but the liability insurance i n m had denied the claim same at glen reeve g leslie chanman ol the load committee lepoiled si milar eases in glen williams had been leceived wijh ilie countv solteltoi and insuiance company he sug the eomnijltcc would be quite willing to icview the claim ol mi set vice bv lesolution the lettei was releiied to the road committee to considei md submit a icicnl at the nest meeting ol countv council deputv reeve w hoev stiess ed that nassagawev i council wanted to be sine the countv cuunulwas awuc ol the prob lem f council wis ol the opinion 12 iiiiuibi iv would niaki tin kim inittic too bulkv no dump riicre duiiiig the no 2 loninnttec 4cpoit il w is leal lied the- town ship ol lull would not allow a dump si lc which had bun pio posed bv acton in the township rule million stij1cslci that no 2 commillcc lonsidu tin picsenl dump piobkui is numliei one l u ill on its ii nda loi llns veil anil in i niilllill niv ist ipi i ion into i in w dump siu i iiscmenl deed a bv i iw in siui i wall i ex tension i isiiuuil mil d cd ol i mil willi anlhoiiv sivniuk wis he id oi i linlil il ii i i mi c iii indusli i il coiuinillie ol eiifnuil lollowing i iuiiisl hv i nuia illni c i i e illit i i mil 1 ast i il s coiiiii il had slai t eil llegoli ilioils willi ml scvilllck lo illow in i isiiiunl on his pto piilv hum noigv sliiel id ac loll boulci nil in illow nisi ill i lion ol a 12 inch lecclei wilciline in plan ol biingmg i in hue down mill si this illusion was made altu investigation piovcttihi in si illation on mill si would al icit sonic ol the picsvnt homes ml i e ilhu land w is ol the op iilion llu casement ac i oss pnvatc land would allicl i he develop niuil ol the town the mavoi leinincled couniil llu illusion to instill llu in w witellim al i lie leai ol piesent piopulv lines hoi cluing mill st i hid been in ule in oi clc i no in ink 1 1 upl in inline pi in ol subdiv ision i he iiqiusl in dilun illusion on the pioposul b hu vc is u inleil pioviduig die clc ik did notpicvcnt conipli lion ol nego tilt ions willi ml sevnuek accounts rcgulai aeolihls tolallihg- 24 i40 67 wuc appioved loi p iv use of carholov sjuifdcd cii dies for lev dnving eondilions the weuting r seat hilts sujd pio vision of lollapsibli oi telisiopu steei ing lolumii loi ill uis win licoinmuidi iltast wi i k bv a 101 mills litis in 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii into hn- ilii 111 ol i h in i lown mi i ii 1 1 dot loi li b i hehinik 32 died let lowing a iwo iu accident on the i iglnh i fill south ol geoigetown two dass beloie c huslmas ix miss sanda kavanahgltdom p j 1 ncl d l o s john nb pent last wcek stuldi d lues might have pie vi i with he uncle and aunt mr ihe tudtnl as d iving i oul coroners jpry urges use of studded tires umehousb visitors from kbr euchre in area news mom olhii cjii which- was involved in the collision two children in her eai vvitc seriously injuted and mis vance lang lirmulm l c iiiiiuii h i ii iliiiie wei e road hiu dons ih a ffu ii lo tin hi i nil i 1 angille we extend sympathy to the lamilv ol mrs angus mcdonald hvulenie diselosid the doitois who passed iww last thui sduy cat was outlined wilh seal bells at home having been in hospital some l2 days previously we iegixl that mrt robert i ane is hospitahed lot a check up loflovving a lah il her home lecenllv we hope that she may teel well soon six tables ol cuchic were in pla at i imehouse memorial llill on monday evening win lie i s al the wi sponsoied par iv weie mis r i davidson and but he was not appaiuitlv using them al ilie tune iwo unions ol canned baby lood in the leai seal it was learned wen iuuinctl ag aiqsl the hack r the dnvci s sial when his eai collickd with an olhei eai andanvxpiil tistilicd jhe s8 poiincls ol fans if 1he iu was tiavellutg 40 miles pel hoiu would ucalc a picssiuc ol km pounds against ihe si il i he uiv suggc still use- ol i iiiiv ohvu mollal wilh second pnes lollapsihji oi telescoping stcuing going lo mis roheit milnciv colunin on the i ai might havi piij mil siilniv jsn kpali ak lunch ventul llu di ith mis douui was scivcd iltcivvaids oheain w i tin dnvii ol llu bauinafad announce winners in euchre games tile- legulai ellellli w is held 111 balhnatad hill on lucsilav mghi with eleven tables pi ivinj 1 idles high mrs don mellon vlon and mis r i daviilsun cuiis mi cutting hillsbuig and mi iiank jackson gcsigc tiwn low mis mellon and mr dunk congi nutations to mi mil mis david mclneiv on tlu mk if rival ol i liabv diivhlii u geoigetown meinoiial hospital deepest svmpalhv is ivkiulul to the dills faiiulv in tile ii sul be rvavmicnt miss lanie cjiviit was ibli to lcave the hospit u and is stivnic at rhc home ol hu sisum mrs i snow the heivv snow fall on silur dav nigtil eoitainlv tieil up n itlc siren shatters night silence acton fuefightus weie loused from a sound sleep at 1 20 a m sjturdav morning to cheek an el ccetiical tire at the turkosz home on ciescent street mrs turkosz son george had just arrived home from shift work vvhenhc spotted the elec tncal outlet blazing and sent in the alarm bv the time fnefight cms arrived rhe tire was out skit on gossip atucwmeet rikkwoini the theme- lor the fust nietmg ol unit thiee united clnuxh womui w is gossip in the ommunitv shoi t skit so mi it s ew was icteit wtth i ois miric mu ion osiiantlei i na putv m nihil bi ice and lice ichol laking puj ii was a ivpicil gossip session t iking place at tin iik il supennai ket the luiiis then divided into thin groups loi a question and discussion pei ml seci i qncs lions raised wue who wire the gossips whit did thev gossip ibehit whv clid thev gossip which one ot ihe wxmicn tweto dis coinage the gossip md how did she go about il uul whit could i chiistian worn in do in this sit nation in conclusion mis mcru read in aiticle it wc must gossip cjiristian women should gossip i bout the ciospcl spreading it throughout the world ihi woul became 1 ksh was i hi opening theme ot unit leadei i ois mi rae following a hvmn mil piavei the suipiure lesion was uad bv jum mel arc n an ii lick lixnn the ohservei calleel new eai s rcsolulions was ad bv joan leslie and the roll call answoicd with our own ncmi eai s resolutions grice pettv gave the treasuru s report and i i shoi t business session followed lois mirae thanked evervonci for their help and cooperation during the past vear the meeting closed with the benediction and a hvmn coffee i and doughnuts were enjoyed dur ing a souil time following i committee promises receptions policy a countv pahev on receptions was piomised by a committee of countv council tuesdav when georgetown reeve william hunt er obected to a s28 account cov enng a reception at the conelu sion ol ihe inaugural meeting warden h hmton suggested the problcm anises when two oi thiee are contesting the warden s position and noriecari make ad vance anangements for a recep hon lollowing the election he suggested this should be consid ered a countv reception the warden explained he had give his peisehial cheque fot 28 to thexnildiens aid society so he did not stand to gain person allv bv the countv plftment ol the account reeve huntei who was defeat ed in his bid for the warden s position asked whv the cheque hadn t just been made to cover the account instead of to the children s aid societv a vote was called on the amend ment to- delete the account and if was defeated aimewims mlton ice4v 87 thurs fri sat jan 572829 lord jim in color peter o toole james mason cartoon great toy robbery matinee saturday at 2 p m one show every evening it 8 p m mon tues wed l jan 31 feb 15 the bedford incident richard widmark hide a carver cartoon just a wolfe thurs fri sat feb 345 emil and the detectives in color a walt disney production briatstrusselt waltettslezak cruising waters cartoon fire chief show times monday through thursday one complete program each evening at 8 pm friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pm saturday matinee 2 pm unicef supporters will see new movie i in bovs and girls who helped lollcel foi unfcfr will be shown i new niovn the monkevs uncle tins new movie will foe shown at the robert little school audi loi nun siluidav afternoon the y s men an sponsoring the showing h llus vear they s men substit iilcd movies ant costume judging in ihe y hallovve en night with i a ptomise ul a treat later mid this is it physically fit intelligent grade 11 over 5ft 8 in between 1830 single excellent character now see if you can make the rgmr thfe royal canadian mounted police isn t every man s cup of tea it s a tough outfit one of the world s four top notch polics forces not everyone who applies makes the grade but the men who do start out find careers that are any thing but dull everything a real man would want in life good career good pay good peop1e to work with find out more about your future with the rcmp ask at your nearest r c m p office or write to the commissioner royal canadian mounted police ottawa 7 qntano announcement 3m 56 mill st stationery acton 8532030 prespring sale new and used cars see the 1966 chrysler products chrysler plymouth valiant clearance safebuy used cars a l riemer equipment company are pleased to announce thesale of their electrical department to jack vanderkooy of jack vanderkooy acton ontario 196 plymouth fury 4door vadwrtcristrator lie e59144 1962 mercury 4door station wagon automatic v 8 lie 99468x 1959 meteor station wagon v 8 standard lie 994 15x 1961 chrysler 4door hardtop lie e66698 1962 pontiac 4door sedan 6 cyl automatic lie 15529 24hour towing service mr vanderkooy had been in charge of our electrical department for the past four years and we do not hesitate to recommend him as an experienced efficient and conscientious electrician we wish to thank all our customers for their loyal patronage dur ing the past ten years we operated the electrical department and trust that you will extend the same patro iage to jack vanderkooy who will be operating under the name of acton electrical com pa ny frank toth motors 12 guelph st w acton 8531840 remember fpr your plumbing and heating installations and repairs please call us anytime a l riemer equipment co j

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