Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1966, p. 5

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f if s s the acton free press thursday jan 27th 1966 born cram mr rffid mis wayne cram are pleased to announce the birth of their son timothy joseph on january 13 1966 at guelph general ihospital a bro ther for andrew anctmtchael johnston mr and mrs laur ence johnston wish to an rtounce the birth of a son dan iel robert born january 8 1966 at guelph general hospi tal a brother lor judv kathy and margaret mdhugh ed and pauline nee mcmillan are happy to an nounce the birth of a son bri an edward 6 lbs i o at woodstock geperal hospital- on wednesday january 12 1966 a baby brother tor ronnie spielvogel colleen and deb bie are happv to announce the arrival of their baby sister on monday january 24 1966 at guelph general hospital proud iparcnts are bill and diane svnnott mr and mrs leo svnnott wish to announce the birth of a daughter on january 20 1966 at st josephs hospi tal guelph a sister for patsy leona catherine and theresa cards of thanks com on behalf of the unitarian ser vice committee of canada mrs- robert buckner wishes to thank afl those who contributed so gen erouslv to the request fof warm used clothing the response has been wonderful a 31 we wish to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for their messages of smpahy and kind deeds during the loss of a loved husband and dear fa ther the late richard n brown catherine brown margaret and melvin mccullough a 31 1733 lvnne simioni wishes to thank her manv friends and neighbors for their kindness and for the many gifts caids and letters she received while in hospital spec ial thanks to her classmaes in room 7 ol the m 27 bennett school and to the tirst pack gul guides a 311734 we wish to express our sincere appieciation to oui many friends and neighbors tor their acts of kindness following the death of a dear father fatherinlaw and grandfather abraham otterbcin harry helen and brian ot terbem a 311737 for sale continued for sale spy delicious courtland and greening apples bring containers wm a bous field 8786355 b3144057 for sale full size crib wooden sides metal ends new maltiess reasonable mrs ker- win mcphail phone 8531114 a31 1723 tor sale new and used tractor tires keljy spungfield all sizes low prices example 8 x 24 36 plus 5 changed on vour farm milton tire and rad iator service 191 mill st milton 8782711 a 509208 tl hskk wonders a w v coming events died bullard suddenly at his home kilbride on sundav january 23 1966 william clar ence billiard in his 65th year beloved husband of elma frank and dear father of ken neth ol sudbury and bily de ceased funeral service will foe heldjjn wednesday at 2 p m at themg kersie funeral home with inter ment in campbellville cemetery b currie suddenly at campbell ville on sundav january 23 1966 george l carrie husband ol the late eliza mcmulicn dear father of mary imrs sa- gaskie ol acton and anne mis j h robertson of erin biolhei of robert of milton al so survived by four grandchild ren funeral service will be held on wednesday at 3 30 p m at the mc kersie funeral home with inter ment in evergreen cemetery mil ton b y ladies auxiliary penny sale and euchre friday april 29 8 pm in acton ymca a311717 dance ballinafad hall friday january 28 9 12 admission 75c dance to the shavnes booth available a 31 1724 the dublin w i will be hold ing a bake sale at simpsons- sears order offiee saturday feb luarv 26 at 2 p m a 311739 annual euchre and baking sale spevside school friday february 18 euchre 8 30 p m lu ckv draw refreshments b31 3 1720 the duke of devonshire chap ter i o d e will hold their annual meeting at the home of mrs lid kea imill st e tuesday feforu ary 1 8 pm a31 1726 badminton 7 30 to 10 30 pm thursday evenings at acton dis trict high school gym commenc ing thursday january 27 every one welcome admission 50c a 311742 help wanted help wanted sewing ma chine operatois superioi glove acton 853 1920 3 3021714 helpwanted skilled labor er top flight man for new extra sion machine for vinyl must be capable or making and correcting own dies top wages and aie negotiable weston road and finch area alumicolor 749 1301 reverse charges mr smith a 311719 avon calling make money in your spare time selling avon if you have lour hours a day to spare from your home write miss ziegler box 141 guelph a 31 bake sale february ii 1966 mcdonald on thursday janu- simpsons sears order oltice help wanted applications will be received by the undersigned for caretaker of nassagaweya twp orpices up to 5 p m february 4 1966 applications lo bemaiked ap plication jc mcintyre township clerk r r 1 campbellville ont b38 2 classified advertising rates bihths deaths marriages engagements no charge for sale for rent etc 95c minimum charge for is uqrdi 5c per word therjlter sul sequent insertions no copy chaneest 75c mini mum charge lor 15 words 5c per woid thereafter 25c discount allow ed for cash payment teoming events cards jdf thanks 1 for flrst five line jor for eaih additional llrfe in mftoojuam 1 plus 10c fwr line ol vers- classified display heal fs1 ate 1 20 per col inch box numbers tr this office 2jc additional d e a d l 1 ne s classified advertising 13 noon wednesday classified display and real estate 5pm tuesday phone 8532010 or 2030 accounts may be paid dills stationery sfl mill st b halton mp speaks on free vote oh divorce reform birth control ban medicare wanted wanted vbales or strayv phone 877 6018 a 311722 wanted woman to live in or mind in her own home school age boys for 1 week phone 853 2817 a 311608 wanted to buy we buv old and antique furniture of all kinds and condition ornaments glass dishyyare clocks guns brass and copper pieces old house and farm contents are a specialty oakville furniture 227 lakeshore ret e oakille ont phone 845 0241 13041701 employment wanted employment day care in my phone 853 2535 wanted home acton a 311727 arv 20 1966 at her home es quesing township emily scot in her 85th year wife of the late angus mcdonald and deir mother of alex sandy of geoigetown pearl mrs w lil lie everton ken limehouse margate mrs s muddle mi ton russell archie and chf- foid ol limehouse norman of geoigetown and the late wil ham joseph and hectoi funeral service was held from the mccluie funeral home in georgetown monday afternoon interment in limehouse cemet erv flowers were declined in fa vor ol donations to the ontano heait foundation b merritt at his home r r 1 ingilewood on wednesday jan uary 26 1966 burrel merntt lotmeily ot acton beloved hus- bund ot ethel thomas and deu father ot eaiirot oaky ilte tap liun mis chas thomson ac ton velma olrs chas lock huist huttonyille william toionto and beat i ice mis hickson biampton resting at the rumlcv shoe makci funeial home yyheic lun eial set vice yvill be held on sat- uida al 2 p in interment tan view cemeteiy help wanted applications will be received tov the undersigned for road department employee in the twp or nassagaweya february 4 1966 the annual meeting of the ac applicant to state age and qual- ton agricultural society will be i lfications 45 hour week usual held in the council chamber fringe benefits toyyn hall acton on saturday i januaiv 29 at 130 pan anyone a to be marked ap intciestecl is welcome lo attend plication a 302 1709 i grant momillan road superintendent rr 1 campbellville ont b38 2 employment wanted will baby sit 1 or 2 children in my oyvn home mrs dan portv phone 853 2296 a302 1702 dead stock walnut ranch ltd ci ippled and disabled coyvs and hoises 24 hour service lie nos 133 rp 208 c 62 waterdbwn aau 91044 a if a paconi dead stock removal limited highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses i icenee no hoc 349c65 226rp65 phone zenith 97950 atf for rent tor rtnt 2 bedroom apai t ment healed phone 853 1818 ckji 1740 for rent rockwood town hall completely renovated to handle banquets receptions ehjnces and meetings for fur ther lnfoimation contact trank schneider rockwood 8569963 services gibsons dead stock service 5 00 for large animals 5c a lb for old healthy horses at our tergus plant yve can let you know cause of death call fergus collect 843 2240 843 2519 lie no 346c65 223 r p 65 al tf halton member of parliament dr harry harlev on friday urg ed the government to schedule a irce yole of members of the house of commons on propos als to change the divorce laws and also urged repeal of the sec lion of the criminal code yvhich bans he dissemination of birth control information and devices he yvas speaking during the throne speech debate terming the countrys divorce laws archaic he said intoler able and inhuman situations r suit especially foi the childicn real estate north halton real estate ltd agents tor al l types or real estate listings wanted when marriages exist in name on- iv widen grounds it is high time action is taken to widen the groundv for divorce dr harlev declared he suggest- seek museum at kelso establishment of the agricu- tural museum for the province on land adjacent to klso conser- vationarea in conjunction with ontario steam and antique pre servers assoc the hultocottn- l museum board and the halton pgion coiiservurirm authotitv gauietl suppoit from count v council tuesday museum board chait man of last year i ester whiting told councillors one museum in each province was eligible fbithe pro vincial designation he reviewed discussion winh the minister of agriculture and representatives of i he steam preservers group and conservation authority the conservation authority had indicated its yvilhngness td pur chase the archie service fai in adioining the kelso conservation area on the east and abuhing highway 401 the mtiseufnx association had- halton s doctor m p also called for repeal of section 150 at the criminal code which bans the dissemination ol birth control devices and information this is a foolish law that is w j j r acton mcleod holmes 8532630 i 29 tf dr harlev declared he suggest- 1 i ne museums association had ed a debate and vote free of par indicated lis agreement detailing tv lines to settle the- issueas s certain provisions under yvhich planned for the question of abo i they yvould continue to operate ishing the death penalty j the piesent countv museum and the steam pieservers would be able to construct a separate build ing on the land to be acquired a liaison- group wilh representa- ties of the conservation author ily museum board and steam being ignored every dav bv many pieserveis would be established law abiding people he said t unciei the piovinoial museum desk thumping applause fiom designation the halton museum otliei members would obtain a 6000 annual keep medical plans sant fiom the federal govern medical insurance plans opcnl ment the designation goes to ed bv the medical profession only one museum in each pro- should he returned under thijmnce pioposed nilional medicare pro- mr whiting told council the gram dr harlev submitted he minister of agriculture jhad -mdi- ve as confident the medt4l yvork- fcsson would accept unvjrf81fitit social ion would betfiosftuvetv rlv earn the provincial designation site desirable under lhe presort jjroposals the steam pieservers would have accept medical care provided non pr fit insurance plans such as phvsic lanssei vices inc would continue and provided extra hill bv doctors permitted manv wrongly believe the nnedi their ovyn building on the arohie baynes farm animal service up to 5 00 for fresh dead dis abled coyvs or horses live nealrfiy horses 5c lb call guelph 822 8061 collect license 243 rp65 380c65 24 hour service sponsored by the two ladies soc ieties ol the christian reformed chinch piocccds lot mentally re aided a 31 31725 up to 5 p m for sale quick service plastering repairs large or small ed m mullen dial 853 1818 a 7 ft cars for sale snow plowing call john son s excavating 853 1699 or 0998 oi georgetown 877 2100 a31 1736 acton cleaning service office store home and utndoyv cleaning- c snoek phone 853 2114 a52 580tf tor sale 900 bales or excel lent ha phone 8530734 a3121721 tor sale tcmale collie pups ideal laim dog s 877 9832 a 311731 for sale a day id bradley 6 h p 18 chain saw like neyv phone 8530843 a 311718 for sale 1956 toid 292 cu j bie inch motoi in good i tinning condition phone 853 1393 a 31 1741 in memoriam morton in loy ing memory of my dear mothet and grandmo- thei catheiine morton who passed away lebiuary 1 1938 tlieie is no parting from those yve loye no distance can diy idc foi today in memoiy s garden we ftill yyalk side by side- too death loyed eyci t be tor gotten sadk missed by daughtei lil lie and gi ancle hildi en a 31 1606 cards of thanks tor sale hay fust crop i lop qvality baled- allalta 300 bales h5o phone 853 2294 i a 31 1732 f i or sale artists materials and handle 1 alt supplies for sale it spoils coinei phone 853 2160 i a 31 17301 i for sale used car parts all i 1 makes phone 853 0010 franks auto collision cjrewsons cor ners a4 1424 tt i tor sale heayy yyool gym i sox tiom 79c pan ooys to ji 00 mel si 29 toi men at spoits cot nei a 31 1728 tor sale czech lined wmtei boots toi men and ladies yeith i iremit zipper only 6 98 at sports i cornei mill at wilbui a 31 1729 i would like to thank all my friends and relatives who yvere so kind in so many thoughltul ways while i have been conhned to home yyith a broken arm a311716 bertha kentner we wish to express our heart felt thanks to neighbors and friends for floyyers cards and ex pressions of sympathy at the time of our sad bereavement in the toss of a dear father j smith crs of erin i for sale skis 35 mm ca i meia yvith hash assoitmcnt ot stamps ciee indian mocassins and jacket 1965 comet sale or trade on good volkswagen phone 1 i rui ther mfoi ination obtafnible for sale hylme layers will j from secretary produce eggs in abundance econo- grader operator the town of oakville ic- quires operator lor motor grad ei applicant must be experienc ed in all phases of grader opeia lion including auxiliary equip ment minimum 5 veais experience is necessary this is a permanent lob 40 houi woik week rale to s2y63 per hour excel lenjmplovcc benefits applv to personnel office oikville municipal building 1225 tratalgar road oakville 8456601 a 31 secretarytreasurer foi the public school board of the township school area ot nassagaweya giade 12 educaiion typing essential shoithand de suable able tt pioyide own tianspoiti tion experienced carpentry neyv woik and lemodelling free estimates phone 8530399 even ings a 314 1607 reliable radio and tv ser vice antenna installations used tv loi sale ca rust line tele vision 853 1057 anjtime a201104tf refrigeration industrial and commercial sales and set vice rehable ad efficient king red igeration campoellville ul slei 42228 a20 1406tf mically good early egg size toge ther ywth excellent shell and in tenor quality are an egg produc ers delight hyiine layers haye these and many more profit fac tots available weekly year round from the fisher orchards box bill and marjory struthers 175 burlington ont a311673 applications to be in by rebru try 4 1966 addressed to mrs beatrice fletcher secretary trrasurl r rjr 1 campbelkiiie b38 kitchener upholstery ex pert ie tipholsteiing refintshing ind icpairing ol all kinds of fur inline foi lie-e- estimates call vlain vanety phone 8s30411 ac ton a 16 988 tl moor rftinishing we now hae a modern sander and edger we will retinish youi lloois or lent ou the equipment to do the ob yourscll j b i tank phone 8s3 204o 47 tred ei 11 k st s ac ton a tt call edward g irving for i rooi ing favestroughing al uminum siding re looting 0111 specialty cirpcntiv woik of all kinds phone 8786020 milton tree estimates all woik guaranteed tf looking for a newer car call herb jobb 8530745 or 8776481 phillipschrysler dodge ltd 375 guelph street georgetown incomei home 7 loom brfck home near town centre 2 bathrooms presently in 2 apartments asking 11900 lull pnee with 2 500 down 9500 full price 6room home near town centre luinace good sie lot asking 2 000 down commercial building valuable commercial building in main shopping area in town asking 18 500 lull price with 5 000 down choice of 10 down acre lots fiom 400 cal profession opposes medicare- he said he hoped the federal and provincial governments yvould take a flexible approach to work ing out the details of the plan the hospital insurance plan should be cxtendecmo mental and tubeieulosis patients as yell he- feels he expressed hope the propos ed parliamentary inquiiy into ding prices yvould lead to gov cinmenl action lo cut prices he also called lor a change in the election act to permit the blind and disabled to vote at ad vance polls this yvould eliminate delays and contusion on election day set vice faim the proximity to metiopolilan aieas and highxvav 401 were cited as desirable ca- tuies of the site by adopting minutes of ihe museum boaid the countv en- doi sed their eflorl in continuing negotiations towaid the provin cial designation the possibility of a new counly museum building was out lined to maintain the mu seum complex in one aica but ibis yvas still lo be exploied the present conservation au thority option on the service faim al 70 000 lor the complete farm expius in april and the urgency ol concieue action before then was stressed zoning plan criticized ratepayers seek voice sydney k lamb realtor insurance 1 mill st e acton acton 8631030 member ontano canadian ind oiangeville district real fstatc boards a 31 atf legal notice of application to the legislative assembly of ontario notice is heicby given that an application will be made to the i legislative assembly ol the pioi ince ol ontario at the next ses i sion theicot on behall of the pet itioneis tanny eliza dick 1eson ind viola belle gray life tenants loi a pnvale bill toi diieel ihe exccutoi ot the estate ot wilhahi a dickieson to con i vcv eel tain i inds in the town ship ot eramosa in the counly ot wellington and being com posed ol the west hall of lot i number 15 and the north half of the 1 ast half ol lot number 15 in llu- fourth concession of the i sud ioyvnship ol fiamosa to vi ola belle griy and albeit f j gi ly as joint tenants and not as j ten lilts in common and to yest i s line in them and directing the i executor to pass its accounts ind 1 li msfcr the residue of ihe estate to i anny eliza dickieson widow i ol ihe said deceased dited this eleyenth dax of jan u u v 1966 tanny eha dickieson and viola belle grax rr i rockwood ontuio a30- use free press classified ads for results bungalows 2 large bcdiooms cosv sitting room family kitchen yyith lots ol cupboards large landscaped lot with vegetable garden pay ed driveway 10 500 only si 800 down payment 3 bcdiooms large sitting room and kitchen 4piece bathroom with vanity full basement close- to shopping and schools taste lully dccoiatcd 12 900 with 2 900 down l looms 1 laige bedroom 4 piece hathioom yvith colored tixtuies and vanity large lam ilv kitchen separate dining loom laige silting 100m yvith buck and stone liroplace lull basement caiport situated on 1 icie higiwav lot 514 800 yvith 2 soo down vh storey 3 large bedrooms cosy sitting room tamilv kitchen bath room oil furnace laige lot close to schools and shopping tixes only 120 yeailv s9 900 yviih only 1 700 down bedrooms sepaiate dinin room large sitting room fam ilv kitchen with lots of cup boaids modern bathroom lull basement neyv furnace comp lete with aluminum stoims and seicens large garden yyith lots ol shade trees immaculate condition throughout onlv 200 down payment one mortgage g alec johnson realtor 8 mill st t acton a superficial zoning plan cost ing far more than 55900 will be what nassagaweya township will get irom project planners town ship ratepayer allan ackman pre dieted at the monday meeting of nassagaweya council mr ackman who heads a new ralepayers association within the township told councillors consid cr ible- money could haye been saved if the people of the town ship had an opportunity to gather mlormation to present to ihe pro fessional planning consultants who were hired late in 1965 quoting from the contiact be tween the planners piojcct plan neis ind the township planning boaicl mi ackman described the two meellngs referied to in the contiact as being ridiculous ly small he rehtl belorc these be local men but they incorporate the ideas of lutepaycirs in their plans mr ackman who yvas sealed with the spectators got lrfto the discussion again by asking per mission o read a newspaper re port concerning lhe expropriation ol lands by conservation author ities he nmced yyirh the report which contained statements bv lhe chairman ol the 14 conserva tion areas tn ontario it indicat ed conservation authorities are confiscating land without prop er compensation to land owners mr ackman asked reeve coulter do you lhink people always get a lair deal when their land is ex propi iated the reeve sjid sometimes land is expiopi laled it an unlaii price he indicated howevci that a brief people weie hired a lot ol back lliom lhe hilton region conserva ground ctiuipmcnt should have been piepaied im not blam ing them it s not their fault they cant plan 60000 acres in two months storm of protest he said the attitude which seemed to- exist when the plan ners weie hired was lets hire i them and get the latcpavers ofl iu our bicks he was relcrnng to the stoim ol piotestslcvied on council when thev tiled to pass a contiovei sial zoning bylaw in i 1965 township reeye- william coul ter explained to mi ackman we ie talking about a laige aiea of 455 000 acres but not as niatiy people are involved as in a square- mile in toionto thereloie not nctarlv as much gioundwork has to be done and the avc can be- covcrcd in 1 shorter amount of lime- he also said some work has been done and the planning board has some lutoi illation to mvc to tlv planning consultants ihe whole topic ot planning was introduced tor the evening bv dcputvtrcevc william hoev lion authority lo ontario s select committee on consei vation re commended that the appraisal methods in expropi lal ion proceed ings be changed and thjt local appraisers who know more about the land can be brought in mr ackman said he was pleased thai voui authority leeis that geoigc golds raw who was at the nieelin said that when he- was asscssoi lot the township he was asked for i breakdown ol sales ol land and buildings in the township loi 1 vear he said lhe avelage figuie came out to 124 while lhe conservation au ihonlv was willing lo go as hicdi 5s 300 an icie announce changes in postal rates poslmisler goidon mckeovcn has announced scvcial changes in mailing rales in lhe most in slances postal rales show an in cie se wilh the exceplion of air vvhotaidthttouncitshouldgie postcards whuh haye been planning board some teims of i educed to 10 cents iclercnce to work with ml mckcown pointed out ihe reeve coulter who is a mem idles lo oveisyas coun- oer cyofticio of the planning ns other than commonwealth board said ihe board would be countries ireland and france will woikmg closely with project h- 10 eenls toi the first ounce plannois when councillor mrs pus six cents for each additional anne macarthur said i under ounce previously thev were six stood ihe professional planners i cents plus lour cents were hired at the urgings of the the postmastti also noted that people bin now i find out differ posaids lor some countries eiitlv the reeye interjected were now six cents in place ol reeve coulter stated i dcleot lour cents printed matter rate the feeling that the hiring of which includes christmas and planning consultants isn t to ac greeting cards are now four cents benefit of rhe toyvnship he ex foi the irst two ounces and two plained consultants must be hir cents for each additional ounce- phone 8532086 a 31 el so planning can be carried out in a professional manner and ht pointed to jtfie- fact that profes sional planners are hired by 90 per cent ol the- municipalities in ontario when zoning plans arc needed he said thev might not north ind south america west inches and spain excepted parcel post rates- have also been changecl to most countries and patrons will have to enquire at the post office regaiding the new rates v

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