Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1966, p. 6

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tt acton fracprw thuridy jg 27h 1966 spillinq five pins at acton bowling lanes due to the bpao tourna ment held at acton bowling lanes sunday the writer or this column ken hulford was too buy to complete the rcgu- lar bowling cohunn until wed- ncsdny an thin was too lute for type netting for this weeks issue of thcacton free press only leu- guc standings appear lhi week things will be back to normiil next week beardmore league standing hush puppies 78 limimeis 76 rockcis ftol ling room 67 dog bones 47 unl- fcis 42 legion ladies lljgueilaniliug supluit sm industrialcommercial i eiiguf sliindrng mpspri mot ors r6 rldkv ailiigf 7 oifuns 71 mason km si itdgis ma irwrvriret 47 ckurchill annual meeting this friday nighf a ll l llllfi ihim lull liiutli hill ik uks 60 llol dogs 52 hold i aglcs si staff photo 82nd birthday was celebrated by agricultural society hon orary life member arthur swackhamer centre at the annual dinner in ballinafad church offering congratulations are nassagaweya reeve bill coulter and newlyelected halton warden bert hinfon of acton personal notes of actontaru visiting outoftown point and of visitors in acton homes friends are happv to learn mis s gammon is home liom hospit al mrs elsie rudee ol toiontu is spending a week with her lnend miss robina c clark mr and mrs fred kingsmill spent a week with their daugh ter and family at sault ste mar ie recently friends arts sorr to hear mrs a k mann is in guclph geneial hospftal and hope loi a speedy recovery mr and mrs vicloi gunn aic moving trom georgetown to fcal garv alta wheic mr gunn has a new position he s well known here through ihis years ol actiu ties with the bo scouts he was presently a distnct commission er di a a b kennev ol maple creek sask has been visiting heic with his brother di w g c kennev and mrs kenncy and sister miss frances kenncy di kennev has completed an eight month around the world tour and returned to the home ol his daughter and lamily in ottawa before chnsjmas he hopes to take a lour month tup shortly to south america when ys mens international piesident g w mckcnie and mis mckenic weic in euiopi the met an outstanding y set retaiv irom aliica one da lie mentioned he had a brothel a lending unieisit in canada mi mckenzie asked what ithivcisitv he was at lending and jacob mai la lephed guclph ontai 10 so mi and mis richaid malha will be guests ol the ys men al then meeting tonight grade seven eights enjoy party at y glade seen and cihl students liom both schools eiiocd t lie m selves thoioughlv at a hcl dance m the 1 i i ida t venule i he chapcmiics saw lo it that cciv oik hail a good tunc childiell in the lowci liatles ak sktvhug at tic niena every rvro weeks and this evening togctlm was a ticat loi the scinoi stu dents the gm was specially dccoiat eel i he zulus i band loi tiled bv some ol the high school students played loi elukuil 1 he musicians aicy vicky newton on diiuns gyve n laudci clecluc unlai nan cv rogmaklson eleetiic tulai and iv lan smith piano and sin el rccoids weic also plavcd loi dancing j acton rotanans joined about 100 at a one meeting in george i town on monday attending the dinnei at the north halton golf and country club weie rotanans i fi om guelph acton cooksville and streetsville district govern or jack hughes or weston and a i past district governor walter de- urccr ol richmond hill weie among the guests al- re- ol mrs j mcculloch greenock hostess mrs jim mcculloch was host ess loi the januaiv meeting of greenock womens institute foui teen members answered the loll vail with a news item regard ing the federation ol agricul line mis l tivssenaai presi- j dent conducted the opening ex ercises and the business period i mis e patteison read psalm 111 i lollovved by the lords prayer an invitation yvas received from i rock along institiwa to join with them for thxir two day j shoit couise on needleciart on j rcbruarv 10 and ii i progiam convener mrs c lan avc highlights liom the j por ol the annual meeting wellington county redciation of arricultuic a plea was made for moic women especially younger inial women to take pai t in iccleiation piogiams a contest on aiicultural abc s was won by vlis g leslie faeh membei pieseni was ask eel to complete the sentence happiness is i his pioved the point that happiness means tlfilcicnt things to each dilteient po t son topic loi the motto was i ai ming is like a wheclbaiiow ii wont go unless you push it tlic question was taised does i ai iciiltuie have moic icsponsib l ilitv to iced the woild any moic than cities the shoe manulae tuicl hive a lesponsibihtv to place siloes mi all the bale lect in this vui lei j vlis mian also conducted shoi t discussions on a subsidy loi the ontaiio stigai beet pioclucci and alse on the topic how a vuung i u in hi ide can ocst help lie i hus h ii ul lollovvin llu pioiaui each nieinbci was i c n a cohilul lie nil ll plate to be used loi 1 cllllcelloil ol ellllles loi tile cum j iv vcai i he 1 elsi 1111 wllcclllv villi be held at the lunic ol v1i s -t- i ken 1 lie nuct in closed bv the sinin ol gotl save the oucen tolloweil bv illc institute glace lea sandwiches mel tails yeic so veil bv the hostess and tea taiiivt tie 1 s an office size keyboard preset tabulator and many other fullsin features in the 1mitmcoona corsair low low hmcf 6995 owck ut mirtim suptrstioncycolct it 1t limatikti it httr lacing for rr trot dills stationery bill richmond ol geoigelovvn ehainnan of the halton county minors loi the past thiee se i sons was elected piesident ol the halton county baseball as sqciation on satuiday alteinoon in waterdovvn the portly but energetic georgetown man won out in i twoway battle lor the piesidenls chair with incumbent cai 1 ni cholson mi nicholson president of the association lor jlic past two veais defeated mi rich mond in a two way light loi t lie presidency in 1965 the association s executive loi the coming year is as lollows piesident bill richmond mimed late past president eail niehol son first yiicepiesident al bui rows of oakville second v ice piesident len andiews ot camp bellville and thud vice piesident murray hood ol milton aiibavn ton ol waterdovvn all wcbbci ol buihngton dave andiews ol brampton and ray potticaiv of burlington will represent the hun ors on the executive intermcd late appointments to the eccu live will be made at a latei date reg locke ol burlington was leappointcel as secretary tteasui ei ol the association and gave the lieasurei s lepoit loi the vcai foi the i list time since to i the association opciatcd at a proht rather than a delieil cuiicnth the association has a bank ae count ol s888 87 ol which s400 is the default lee loi intei mediate teams the all stai lund the souice ol funds loi paving the minoi league umpiies cuiicnth stands at 669 65 diamonds 62 opals rubies 51 lnltialds 50 iv ii is 46 blue springs nursery league standing fillips k5 glads 68 lady shpptis 66 roses 61 violets 4i micro plastic league slindmg hill hilhts 6k road runnels 62 high rise is 62 annual inlmg will in in iii llu- i iid iv v unlit faniiarv h al tnibl ooloflc in llu ihikii hi ill id ol last lndiv as wa nolt d in last wt i k ihim hill icnvstol lilini wt hopi ill a good ii nd nut and lidii s pit asi piovidi wt wish in wlcmii mi anil mi lii k lidiiison lo tin in ijjh hoiliootl i lit v havt movt d fmiii ttbow hpniiji in lilt liiint ol mi and mi wdhaiu a iliomp son mill tl inn mis f of mi niai wi in slit i bin ne on lit wtekind with lit inotliti imis mabel lfit lie who i ill in lit liispilal bill richmond new prez halton county baseball mi locke indicated the as sociation ikis nieieased chain ilic ill acton ladles i ague funding x tl a at ion lerst v dairy 4 kicblln icwtlur 47 arrios 4 idfjtri 1 a v n lotsfn i itltimg 41 major i eagul landing aelt ri- lincs k4 adtrn i ld slript t yniins lllr miop rt h itl liti 64 lloiiikiion llol i 61 j anadiid i ut m acton friends i airut landirik -parrot- 66 laltns 64 i agl 64 viillnrts 62 hawks 6 fovins 60 thursday toppers lagllt sladtlitry ol bit k isuliu 6 rolling stonr s l silfim s jig i 48 pinky dinks 44 acton mixed i i i agiii landing pull so ikatlt i i v ril 51 ma cots 1 s2 bee 47 spec 46 two represent halton women in regional centennial group appoinlment of mrs richard cial meeting of the committee r ilrssie bowles ind mrs a b conducted in tortrrtto recently b ffivelyn ack fvth of toronto mrs maurice akne holt of pe- r regional womens cmhairmen terborough provincial chairman for centennial pliirtriina has be n anwrtirittd by ik- ffon james a of womens centennial activities in thi ir role as region to- v in sie since l2 hi pointed tint in 1962 v teams competed undci the halton county banjiei and in 1965 49 teams competed in his leport he staled ihcie weie only two teams 29 playcis llial idled out then ceitilicates complete ly and accuiatclv i he icst had lo be completed in sonic loi m we had 42 playcis in oiu association who did not play oba ball due lo the lacl 4hat pixiol ol age was not icccivcd be lore the deadline hottest topic ol the alteinoon was bi ought up bv a georgetown giant majiugca clavton duelc lindsay the giant mentor ic called his team had tiavellcd to preston late in the season loi an impoitarm game and when they i n rived the umpiies i el used to mail the game i he ciu ol the pioblem was the lights in pieston fhe umpires claimed it wasn t sail to plav altei dark on the poorlv hi diamond accoiding to mr lindsay no decision was handed down bv the eveculive antl he claimed ills team should hae at least iccoivcd tiavclling evpenscs it was decided altei a lengthy discussion lo deal with the matter at the lust meeting ol tile- new executive farm record book meeting ovei 40 halton county farm people- inel in the grace anglican chinch hall milton on thursday alteinoon januiiy 6 to discuss the new i aim rccoid book i ins i aim iccord book along with advice on pioper pioecdure and an analysis at the end ol 1966 is available upon request at the agiitiilturil olfice milton oitm h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guelph phone ta 27150 a house becomes a castle the finest in the land for those whotmakeme their heating oil man need a spring tonic if youre tired of driving the old buggy put yourself behind the wheel of a convertible only 2395 lous got this dandy 1964 pontiac parisienne full power license 300177 lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 no down payment if credit is approved why waif for siiiii tloiliiow in wirier n en ore ova lotlc futcr 0i5 aro a 0 laole ar i sf r c t i e f 1 e en dtcjiscrt c tn co ube so 1 i it n a o a lot of sti ij to have those rtpa rs ai d renovations done now not si p ccnstrld on ai j bu id ng obs but th ngs lke havuij the lawnmower fixed and ttio screens mended having tl c drapes cleaned and the rugs sranpcccj i a j rij th j urn lure n 1 hclslered and i j ctclr cal appliances repaired all obs wl ch can call for a long vsail come springtime but wh th can be rardlcd qt my efficiently and easily during the wirier seasdn whals more government sponsored low cost home improvement loans aro available through your berk to assist you in carry ng out all kinds of re lovalion obs youve been n can ng to do up to 4000 with up to len years to repay no doubt about it vvtnfer is the best time lo spruco up your horns or place of business do it nowl everybody benefits when winter work is increased cmimo for advice and assistance call your national employment office auld mirusttr of tourirn and chairmen the lidies will form information for ontario mn hrrvr and v1r if its wilt re pr st ot the eotirifh of ont irio york pt t i and halton on tht vw in ns at f i vi f if s c omrmtlt i of th onlauo t tritenmal planning fir a nth both mrs bfyvelt and vlr atks atlfndtd the fir t rrovin corrtrrutttr tf dtitritt veomtn to c ordinal nrr n ctntena activities intl iu p a astaricc to wrnrt s group hi it litl i no cor re in i tor a d sicc big four i t ague tandkv alouette t roujm rider 52 argonauts 48 ligrgat v teen n under i eague standing iroquois 50 soiux 44 blarkfcct 37 mohawks 35 hurons 31 senetas 28 i notice the office of veterinarian dr f g oakes will be closed until february 14th emergeocy calls will be taken by or gj georgetown phone 8772741 or d- f at erin phone 8332224 dr f g oakes check our gigantic 4page hand bill for many many money saving bargains its meat week at red white specially selected value checkd branded round steak or roast ideal for stews or meat pies boneless cube style stewing beef 69 79 c lb c lb mild cured well streaked rindless mb phg side bacon 69 halves swift premium sweet pickled cryovac cottage rolls 69 c ib swift premium by the piece bologna 35 swift premium skinless wieners 53 c ib c ib sunshine fresh produce red emperor no 1 grapes 2b27c onions 2 19 arizonas finest green juicy good size florida oranges 43 free draw 1966 license plates sign your name and address on red m white cash register tapes and deposit in box at store draw to be made saturday february 5th store hours open alf day monday til 6 pm open tues wed til 6 pm open thurs and fri til 9 pm open saturday til 6 pm we deliver phone 8530990

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