Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1966, p. 7

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sdovtbrtpaq marching aothers fou in t 1930s by the late come- dianr eddie cantort the march of dimes was originally established to fight the then dreaded poliomyelitis or as the pubhcsp wrongly catt ed it infantile paralysis those were the days of the gteatdepres- sion eddie believed that although most persons could illafford to spend money to help others they could part with a dime or two the movement was incorporated in ontario jn 1951 as the ontario chapter of the canadian foundation for poliomyelitis when develop ment of salk vaccine ended most of the worry of the crippling disease the organization changed its role to that of rehabilitating all disabled it is now called the rehabilitation foundation for the disabled the foundation starts in where the society for crippled children leaves off t concerns itself with all disabled and handicapped persons who are 19 and over and cannot be helped by the workmens compensation board department of veterans affairs or other government welfare agencies supported by more than 40000 marching mothers the volunteer canvassers a 22-mem- ber volunteer medical advisory committee made op of some of the provinces finest orthopaedic surgeons and other specialists in the rehabilita tion field and a 40member volunteer board of directors the agency offers a service no govern ment or business could possibly afford actons marching mothers will be collecting for the march of dimes on monday january 31 through 10 branch offices the foundation gives aid to the disabled in every community by case or field workers although they are not professionally trained these young women and men provide the first real links to rehabilitation for most of the thousands of handicapped per sons aided yearly in the province in a few cases the handicapped or disabled person may need nothing more than a friendly word or an exchange of neighborhood news in another it may involve thousands of dollars to cover needs an artifical limb can cost more than 700 the foundations pride and oy of course is operation reliance inc an industrial plant it founded in suburban toronto it is staffed by disabled persons and used for training- of other potentially employable persons although its research program is small it is delving into specific areas common to many oftts cases this includes treatment of knee inpones andspmal disc disease caissons disease the bends and specific types of arthritis the foundation is a member of the cana dian rehabilitation council for the disabled and contributes to its support that agency secves as a co ordinator for the various provincial pro grams and as a sounding board for new ideas new ideas for you among new items for your profit and plea sure reported in the financial post are these three ideas first is a home sewage treatment system for use at cottages and n areas where central treatment systems are unavailable require no chemical additives made of noncorrosive fibre glass it has two aeration chambers that will satisfy the oxygen demands of the sewage and by serial dilution reduces chances of short circuit ing an automatic device triggers the sludge- return process using air to return contents into the first aeration tank the second new item is a belgian wheel barrow powered by a four hp motor easy to operate the unit moves forward when a bar is pushed moves backwards when the bar s posi tion is reversed the third idea recently developed concerns ceramic studs for use on tires claimed to be an improvement on the metal variety and to last for the life of the tire the studs are said to be quieter on dry pigment and wear more evenly its expected they will become available in time for use next winter stuff photo acton brownies received high praise from mrs carl kaufman cfiairman of the kitchener waterloo unitarian services committee after she received a box of knitted goods soarj and other articles gathered by them for needy persons in other countries the box of goods was presented to her saturday morning in the scout hall left to right are tawny owl mrs ron guest brownie dorothy newton mrs kaufman brownie diannfe de vries and brown owl mrs sid newton mrs robert jjuckner who has been a keen worker for the services com mittee placed an advertisement in the acton free press which netted 21 boxes of goods for the cause crucial issues at stake will canadas 27th parliament be up to the challenge of the imposing workload listed fn the throne speech the financial post asks not unless the politicians finally learn the lesson of the nov 8 election that canadians want results and not hot air the measures now proposed raise some crucial issues what system will give canadian savers arjd borrowers the best service at the least cost what new institutions are needed to encourag healthy economic growth what is the mosf effective way to encourage canadian ownershi and control of canadian industry and resources if government and opposition will confine their debate to these and other very important questions raised by the measures now proposed the program set out this week could prove to be a working blueprint for much real progress and a less aded public imagefor parliament day of ceremony n golden hand badges given brownies going into guides a welcome visitoi at thimiim ing of the 3id acton brownie pack last week was madam com rrnssioncr mis j lownc it was a da ol cciomonics thicc new brxjwmcs bung moiled teenic van dci koo emilv hodgson and debbie funk made then brownie promise and lecuvcd their pin from mis lownc iollovving the enrolment unn brownies shnlcv jocquc linda saus patsv joi dan doiothv new ton and rene laing to receie then golden bai badges all p ing over stepping stones jdj elanng then knowledge of clean liness helpfulness and flag his- torv before reaching the toadstool and thou ust awards five girls finally reached the peak of brownie learning and were presented with their golden hand badges bv madam commis- sionei into whose guide companv they will be going the guls aie ann mane loutv patlv dunn carolvn duval debbie papillon and heike bollart one final salute wjs paid to them bv their fellow biownies and brown owl the brownie giand howl manv motheis wue on hand along with brotheis and sisteis lo lend a happ note lo this special da giev owl mis w blling was disappointedthai she could not be piesent the meeting ended with i lew songs the visitors being welcom ed into the nng of the biownies tea was served bv two biownies and packie nellie van del koov the biownies age is fiom se en to 10 yeais it is wise to start the brownie training as neai to the seventh bnthdiv as possible leaders advised this sundays church calendar no onl is lxclpt i d aie vou in tinpl job sat 1 hi d s inothei m ti ind mai t leslls llimsell p md the cioss presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mikenzic b a b d minister mr c a hansen b a oiganisl and choir master sunday january 30th 16 945 am chuieh sehool illxla in public wolsjup of god seinion in semes the crisis ot doubt 600 to 8 30 pm youth tel low ship suppei and social iellowship progiam lironc most welcome the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritehie mcmuiray ma stb 19p6 sunday january 30th lpiphanv iv 00 a m holy euchanst 10 0 tm church school 10 30 aan matins visiting theological students from trinitv college toron to mr g j beckett ba and mr laurence dubv b a 7 30 p m evensong followed bv annual vestry and cof fee wednesday february 2 the pre sentation of christ in the temple 10j0 ajn holy eu chariot y trinity church ilic united church of canada minister the rev dwigltt i engel ba bd oi gainst mi gcoigc llliott ma phd sunday january will 19tt chu sc ml a m ciades 4 8 1 1 00 a m nui seiv to giiule 3 si rv1c i s ol worship 9 10 a in 1 1 00 a m 7h p m contu 111 ition class 7 u p in young people actonfcaftisfchurch founded 1842 pasloi rev slanlcv gammon res 144 tides ac ph 8531m5 slndu jvnuary 10th lv 945 am lhuieh sehool adult class 1100 a m morning worship i he 1 ettel ol the spillt 700 pm lening service human interest stones 7 30 pan explorers c mwtc all who have no even ing service to share this hour with us weclncsdav pracr and bible study 7 30 thursda choir practice 7 30 rndav bhj 700 text the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty he will save he will rejoice zcph 3 17 the vallev ol teats none lie on the lubbish heip mai oui had a swoid pic ice hei heait ha sal at the giavc ol a biotlui issed thioiicli it loo gelhsein nic no one le ills misses i lie ll lev acton pentecostal tabernacle paoc 31 cliuiehill road rev s m thonian pastor 8512715 sunday 1ur klili i n 10 00 a ill suiktav sehool lut all ages 1 1 00 am morning seiviic 7 00 p in eve n i iv st i vice tuesdav 8 p m pravcr service and bible studv thuisdav s p m clu ist inb is sadoi s ft id iv 7 p in cuisadeis maple avenue baptist church sunday janur 10th pro geoigetown 9 4s a in sundav sehool 1 1 00 a in wi iling sei v kc 700 p in t veiling service vvednesdav 8 p m piaver meet ing acton 8s1iqs6 georgetown 877m5 bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebc van dijk phone 8531585 sunday january 30th i9t6 10 00 a in english sei vice 2 30 pin dutch seiviee 3 4j pan sunday school sufcvt utd sfuce by bill smiley a good manv people decent kintllv wai in he ii ted in most le speets h ive a moibid streak thev gel a big v it n ions b uil out ol the b uesonie oi the goi v i vis hilling voitts lowtitd lllev tlistuss with lellsll aim i sadies t wei ol the live 1 the cvtlkend lltiidinl ill which i piljai ol ihe eomnuinitv smash td his pelvis while he iding lot ihe cit vvilh his niisliess oi untie geoies idv meed diop ll s i shalllt then lo ills ip point these people when lllele s a thinte id idd jillle toloi lo then lives i ins week i hid that chance i enl nn loot i ilhti bad iv nothing sti ions but enough to e me a ootl he ivv limp ii hipptmrd on i lie wttkeiitl mil mond iv inoiiiiug i was leaclv loi llitm ihe lnsl c ijil ciuilinci e uiht nic lust inside tin tlool is i tnivtil tin woik w ii il w is i h ul i ill mil i bioki n mkli ii ipi liillv i lb i his 1 hill milic ii ibli cov l o no ii illllll is simple is ill ll i ismill tl lie i i e pl lllle ll 111 il inv wilt mil i hid been pi it ticin oui k ii ill on s it in el i illllll is llsu ll w iii- bill e ll willi sill sillily lllosi b dellls 111 ilic lellvcl lll mllll till sldi s ol oui hinds ui ihdcc 1 tie tl lo liv some looluoik i el i lunched i limp kick ll 111 wile s in 111 slk i le ll k ll lie e pi i i ll ill slue k oui i le i loiviii mil il w is s i sh u p shell opened i i xii nidi ish in nn looulcui niches deep lhil is 1 lloll i kll lie w 111 i 111 1 i iii i lelv whotl isktel htlitvcil nic 1 us walked oil and lei i hei standing lllele mouth open c ves slightly t lossed i lit lit l e iiiiii v i line i lorn one ol ihosc loudmouths who like lo tiuhail iss one in lion ol 1 gmtip hi tiled 1 oiulh wh ul i ilo gtl ih unk and i ill down tin eellai slau ho ho not il ill i told him t ilmlv id jol tl i mi k btcii lot kcil oui slept m i snoubink ill nigh ike lit tl with i hoin tool mil ii id to h ive i in c iocs ainputal ctl i- asked hull il hell like one is a souvciiii but he thtln t seem loo keen ihe next t usloilie i wis i in iht ions old hit who looks hkt tilt i low el but iii lellllv is ihe st i pint untie i r bun lijitin with voiu w ll i on lis ihout linn slit put hti loot down on viiim iltl lite will w wi 1 1 ii l i a lie lijilnv i told hti i ii ul tin sholfiiu out mil w is iisi 1 1 m 11 s ii e ll i i iii 1 it lllsl iii i mil w hi ll lilt ll ii ii llllll weill oil mil blew i holt mi niv loot iht sit ol in oi mt vv mi i set she l iii lie i li i ii mil si ii led lo sw l o 1 icl i lie t jolltlll llllt i i o lloi i mllulrl i ill w imi lolts hotlble klllel ptoplt j 111 ll is c lllle up lo llle ets 1 ikl inn mil solicited hopi n w is nut inn siiiou 1 sutl not i i lllv fllsl i it vv si e i t 1 it ii iloiks cl illt lo wljjl inv iocs l llllluil lilt kv iii tl ol l so tcilv llii ill ll u is a id loot lllojl gasping slit pin sued what in ihe vvoi id hipptnctp nothing much i lell oil llle lool and landed on one ol the lion spikes in the liont poich i ihng bui whil in the woild vveic ou doing up on ihe tool in the nliildlt ol winlci you must h ivi bcin out ol voiu niind oh no not itallv i was pist living lo gtl my wile lo come down out ol thi shul hei up lice and that a the dav weill on i lold ot lie i vultuies that a glev hound bus had stopped on top of mv loot and tlidn t move mi id the lights chmged ihe toot hul been bin mil btvontl leeog union bv i i iiiltv clcetiic blank kct ill 1 1 niv diughlti hid been liclpuir to chop kindling lot tin i u t pi it t mlsstil mil lopped oil ill bill mv liltlesl loe gcllm niv toil in the iloak loom il the end or a pieltv inlel tslui il i i he ii il two lillialc tulle iiit s inlaw lit ol niv pits dice i ecollsli uctlllg ihe accident li unk is ilwlillv roal lllev s iv in i i 1 1 in hi d i tin allci iek squnicls willi i sholgun o n 1 he u il hi il roilc iltt i is wile mil kills with the at mil tliopp tl it on his tool i limped oil lhucilv 1 1 iiiinphant l 7ke jc4 ol4 foatfj 20 yearsi ago taken from the issue of the free press of thurs january u j946 pte herb cook came back af ter serving four yea rs-and- sewn months oveyscas a brother gor don is still overseas arid his sis ter mrs j mcgcachie lives in acton overseas for foui vears bandsman norman gibson was also on the queen elizabeth he played in u number of fine bands and orchestras while serving over seas he thought that the com mon folk tn england were ap preciative of the help sent by can we uftrlersitand the mauretama which docked in halifax had on board qjm s f l holloway and pte e a movse of acton pte ben corless an accountant at the bank of montreal here when en listing is also homeward bound to clinton the january meeting of the duka of devonshire chapter i o d e was held at the home of mis j svmon the regent mrs j c matthews presiding it was decid ed to vmle letters of congiatula tions to the following servicemen who have been given awards pte w coleman belgian croix de guerre flvinjr qfficei e mc keown d fc gunner f near posjhumouslv efficiency med al flight liimtenant hinton kings commendation the officers of the ruth nelson mission band of the united chinch are president fi icda har ns secretary johanna veldhuis treasurer irene evans watch tower ronnie ralston waid ti lends secretai v chrissie lamb eonesponding secretary vciena johnston the annual venison supper of the acton branch ot the legion was held in the legion hall as usual ewvarden j m mcdonald supplied the venison at the age of 90 years mrs ro bert watson passed awav at the home of her daughter mi s bielby in niagara falls born in esques ing she was the daughter ol mr and mrs e pei ryman eaily resi dents of acton ovei 25 years ago she lost her sight but she was al ways eheei lul she leaves is well as her daughtti sons rav shu ity and ptrry new accountant begins at bank donald kelloway a native of wlntbouinc newfoundland start ed his new duties as accountant at the acton branch of the bank ol nova scotia this week follow ing the lesignation ol former ac eountant merl ohapman mi chapman has left the banking business to take u position with dow chemicals at sarnia the new accountant has had 50 years ago- taken from the lisue of the free press thursday jan 27 1916 shall it be said you failed yourjcmg and country in the hour of her crv for mon answer the call by enlisting scale of pay sergeants 51 35 per day 15 cents field allowance per day separa tion allowance 25 per month pri vates ibuglers drummers etc 1 per day 10c field allowance per dav 20 separation allowance per month advei tisement have you a telephone those who have will tell you that it is the most pre cious ol modern conveniences ordei toda and have your name in the new directoiv bell tele phone co a line is being strung along willow st now mr rotiei t sprowl has been awauled5 first prize for the largest yield of eaily norman oats acton s quoja ol the 35 000 men ol ontauo who aie cumulating petitions asking the government to piohibil ihe sale of liquor have been busy thcj canvassers aie meeting with splendid suc cess in esquesing in some sec tions eveiy man iruthe commun ity has signed the petition tom alger writes from the front it was my turn to cook breakfast in the tienches on christmas mot mng we had noth- ihg but watei soaked wood but with the aid of a tin of dubbm and some candle grease i got the water boiling loi coffee then tlhe tin lipped over and put the fire out i had to slait all over and when i got it going the second time a big rainstorm came up and put out the fire i got the col lee made and put on the bacon when one of the fellows slipped in the mud and upset the stove and oui half- cooked bacon we rescued tlie bacon and ate it as it was just after this we heard the germans veiling at us i got up and started to signal them but a bullet whized by i lumped down ind we began filing aftei dark i went loi lalions but tupped ovei baibed wne and fell in a shell hok lull of watei i finally unhid htadquai teis and there was no mail twenl asleep in my wet clothes foi a couple of houis and was awakened to re lieve inothei man on guaid sundays lccruiting meeting wis i lousing one fen more en listed this week the moie i see ol men the bet- tei i like my hoise live yeai s banking experienca and came to town from scarbor ough he is mat ried with no chilchen and expects to move to town at piesent he is commut ing tiom his home in scarbor ough the acton free pkess business and editorial office phone 8532010 minder in imi rfiid pithlkhrd every thtirsd rv it 9 willow t alton ontauo member of tli audit rur- e ni of ciriultlnn tle c w n a dud 0 w n a advcrtllnc ritea on request suhsrrlpllorij pvnhlc tn ddante 4 00 in caimfdw 7 00 in all countries other twin camtdii single lopics 10c aufnorlzed is second c1ijs mull pom office department ottawa advrtmnc is utropted on the condition that in tho event of typographic w error that poitloti of the advertising apace occupied by the erroneous ittm tosether v it ii reasonable allowjime for nlnature will not be charrcofor but the biilance of the advertisement will hr pnid for lit the ippllt able rate ii the event of h tvpographlciil rror advcrtlhlng hoods or ervlces iit i wionc prii c roodb or nervh es may not be void ad ertiling b hierelt an offer to sell dnd may be withdrawn it any time i fubsbed by tbn dills prlntinr nd publlablni ce ltd david ii dills mmhfiiiif editor opmiili 1 proeaaicnal fcirectcrij and travellers guide ml dlt vi i i m 11 1mtai optometrists r d a arrtrt pllv sli i 111 hid sill oii coiiui i welliw ind kivel s 1 nil hkl rivi i si vlnu onl phone olhl rv ppointnictil dr robert d 6ucknlr pin mel in and smgeon 19 v illusion si eton on l k i nn ins hv appointnie nl closed d ev sil evenings phone s 1240 c i lalhlrlant qc li ii 1 1 k i nui sniiiitor nl hv pllhlle i i i i iiiuil nui h t ii ill i 1 nil in i i i b ole hi w lildliss js 1 nn s phone hs 1 iu ol i u e llonis i ml h i i i 1 iii id s 1 iii sil j i iii lo 12 ill kill dr a j buchanan li nl il sin iun ollle clllllill si p olhie llonis mi lo ti p in closul wielncsdiv altcrnoon lelcphonc 85 1750 dr cedric dey dental surgeon sunt no llinlon bids 17 mill si l acton ont loi appointments phone 853 1 uk dr t b moore dr c hutchison riivsiti ins nn suigions 2 l nn sin v i oi ih coillel mllll nui m ii stleet elcyl oi in in riiom is2im bv appointment arciiitict a bfiaida b a huiisir soliiiioi mm n public 17 s m nn si s 81 loo olhee moms in aeton pprising and insurance moiiil iv i ml n iviiung o p in 9 p m f l wright s mini iv 1 p in s p in 20 wilhm si 2s lo kv st u iph ontauo elon on lino e l buchner o d optometrist 6 john st s acton in aelon wednesdays only 2 01 pm 6 00 p m lor appointment phone 8511041 ii no answer phone waterloo 742 8867 arthur a johnson o d 184 main st milton phone 8789972 res 8789b78 tucsdav afternoons thursday evening i nday mornings funeral director travellers guide phone i a 4 2242 oltiit moms in guflph satutd iv 9 i m 12 a m daily 9am 5 pjn donald e skinner b uh m r i c 1a mill sine suite 2 aelon telephone s3 2740 oftiee houis hy appointment or 20 stavebank rd poit credit 2743423 alctioni ir i frank petch auelioiieer ind evaluator jo cliap i sin i i fkii telephone o77 2oo4 phone ss 10720 apprai ei and insurance ovtr so var in aeton chiropractic donald i armstrong d c chiropractor x ray iis woolwich street phone juelph b2j 21 phone 8j0150 night or day bruee e shoemaker mgr use free press classified ads fdr selling gray coach lines coaches leave actoni stand nd i line easlbound sh am dailv except sun and hoi 8 54 a in daily ex eept sun and hoi i xprcsi 8 s8 a in ih din 2 0s pm 5 04 in sdt ind sun i 08 p m 6 2 i p m 811 pm 10 08 p ai sun and hoi westbound 7 17 a m daily except sat sun dm hoi 10 27 am 12 57 p m 2 s7 pin 5 27 p m 7 27 pin 9 12 pm 1132 pm ipi a in sal onlv canadian nationat railways standard time eastbound eojiti to toronto daily mon to fn 7 30 pan to toronto sun day only westbound 12 14 am to stratford daily except sundav 6 31 pan to strat ford daily mon to fn change al juetph loi london etc

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