Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1966, p. 8

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w i- the arton fpp pros thursday janonry 27th 1966 millers hopefuls head list in district bowling league rbckwood hoilops millers with janet faking handicap high and hopefuls had big 70 winsai w9 i lim single riii also wcni over the alley cats and humes tojsiiirlev sajnion j texaco in- roekwootl ami pimriei bowling league rieks confee- tionerylownecl carneys plumb ing- and- healing 52 ilie same score gave a win to dunes big six over pinkneys 43 seores gave wins io jetstones over stial- t6ns sso roots rooters over flintstoties and nichols pals took if from the corner pins for the men it was fred niglit- 6x717 for high triple flat and 825 with handicap the high single qat- reached 299 and with handi cap 335i shirley salmon and lanei peart shared the womens honors shir- levs 726 look high triple hal sltverwood silver spoons given to 4h club girls intended for last week mrsg burt mrs g ironside and mrs fred duffie along with the 4h leaders mrsh marching- ton arid mrs g hendersonattend ed achievement day january is in si pauls united church mil ton ninety girls from hallon coun ty al tended these consisted of nine clubs silverwood had 12 girls and iheir demonstrationwas a skit called wool fibre and fabric three girls received county honor cerluicaues and pins for completing six projects sheila campbell kathleen tjart and laura henderson all the silver- wood girls received sterling silver spoons wi meeting mrs anne linaucrs in george town was the meeting place lor the january meeting of the silver- wood wi on thursday evening january 13 ways and means of raising need ed cash was discussed at some length and the- members finally decided on a hake sale al the laundromat on january 28 fri day evening a socialhalf hour was enjoyed by all to end a pleasanl evening aittl lo janet pearl with handicap tor a 284 score shirley salmon holds all wo mens seasons higli wilh 726 for high triple hal and 740 with han dicap a 316 for high single finl and 333 wilh handicap for mens- seasons high fred nightingale has high triple flat and handicap with 819 and 831 dave bacon with 330fms county wi president dublin guest speaker jmrs i wirrfield and mrs c armstrong were cohostesses far i he monthly meeting of dublin ingxj uhe wav with scoies hi single ha ubmr jr i-a- ilini kiiiltrnn hmli with vs 1 athlone fellowship for james ironside aking handicap high ivith 351 men over 600 fled nightin gale jr 717 art nightingale 665 jim milne6s4 charlie milnv 643 clarence liiltoyv 626r a nichol 615 dick dupuis 609 ladies over 525 shirley sal mon 726 and janet pearl 651 team standings have the jet stones htfirsl place with 16 points while close behind in sec ond are dunes big six with 15 a tie for third uach with 13 points between corner pins and nichols pals while a four way tie for 12 each and fourth place goes to the alley cats hopefuls carneys plumbing and heating and si rations esso3 hortops millers have come up in the standings wilh nine points and hold down fifth place- sixth spot js shaivd by ricks confection ery and roots rooters each with 8 the fli nt stories have 7 points in seventh place pinkneys 6 for eighth and in the cellar humes texaco have four points high average for men is 219 for dick dupuis and for the ladies 203 for shirlw salmon honor two couples presentations made rockwood a bridge set was presented lo mr and mrs ian cannell of toronto who were married recently mrs cannell is the former carol nelson of rr4 rockwood the presenta tion was held in the ss 8 rvc real ion centre with ken duncan as master of ceremonies miss helen bayne read the address also honored during the even ing wetv harvey patterson rfnd miss fori bennett of acton who are to be mavried in the near future alex mcnabb read the address and the couple were pre sented with a swivel hostess chair and lamp progressive euchre was- enjoy ed with the prize winners being mrs a shultis and mr o but- enham lunch was served by the ladies of the community womens institutelast thursday evening al heir home lake av- tnuje a good attendance of mem bers and visitors were present mrs c brition presided over the meeting and for the opening exercises mrs e norton the secretary read the minutes and correspondence and called the roll the roll call was responded to by bring a visitor and intro duce her or a suggestion for ob taining new members many thapk you noteswere read in re sponse to jvmembrance during the christmas season mrs c thompson reported on the dis position of the hampers to dif ferent families at thai time- an invitation was received from the ashgrove womens institute to celebrate their 40th annivers ary with them in february hat course a small gift was presented to mrs m nellis by mrs- norton in appreciation of her efforts as leader of the training school hats to you it had been a very successful course wilh 10 la dies fromdubiirwi participat ing it was of much interest to see what had been accomplished in the class when the new hats were modelled at the meeting on february 2 and 3 mrs f mccarron and mrs g thomson will attend the training school the club girl entertains in milton and will be leaders for the 4h girls in this project various moneymaking meth ods were discussed and il was decided to have a bake sale in acton the latter part of febru ary in the absence of- mrs james van flext convener mrs george robertson gave a splendid talk on public relations and urged the ladies to live as good wom ens institute members should and to advertise our organiza tion more so that newcomers as well as older residents would feel that it was an organization worthwhile in the neighborhood county president a wealth of information regard ing 1u tu re projects of the wo mens institutes was contained in an interesting address by mrs jtsse mcenery president of hal- ton county womens institutes the guest speaker in our own pmvince she mentioned that there were 35000 members of the womans institutes representing 1400 branches and thai should james ironside james ironside formerly of acton and now of clarkson has been awarded an athlone fellow ship for 1966 son of mr and mrs anthony ironside he is a- se nior student in engineering phys ics almcmaster university he is a graduate ol acton high- school and oakwood four mcmasler students are among the 43 who have been- awarded the fellowships for two i years of advanced study in brit ish industry and universities friends in aclon join in congri- filiating the 21yearold student on his achievement he also lias naval commit- ments but has received permis sion to accept the high honor last year he headed his class in engineering physics al- though he pointed out thai wasnt hard since there are only lour in the course main oilier- would disagree he had throe university schol arships one from the socieix of professional engineering and oik- from a montreal industrialist he graduates this year the athlone fellowships are awarded to canadian engineering students anil graduate engineers for two ears to pursue their studies in britain either for an advanced degree al a university or for specialized training in a british industry the scheme was inaugurated in l to further the education ot canadian gravi- uate engineers and to broaden understanding between our coun tries as a base for inrproved trade and cooperation the fellows are selected mt only for academic and technical excellence but for their interest and participation in outside activ ities and sports and lor personal qualities showing potential for leadership the fellowship provid es travel to and- from britain arid a stipend of 678 2040 per year j while in britain j james ironside expects to spend a year working in brinish industry and then do years postgraduate work in a british university st johns church vestry meeting rockwood the annual iveslry meeting of st johns anglican church was held in the parish hail with a good attendance rev sewell presided lor the evening minutes of previous meetings wore read by flic vestry clerk g hudson financial reports of the differ ent organizations were read dis cussed and approved also work to be done for the year on the hall and church wore planned several appointments were made includ ing dr k b waller as rectors warden who replaces a gould who wishes to devote hisitimc as sunday school superintendent g hudson was chosen lo be peoples warden a good year was report ed in the church proper foods when visiting a patient make sure that fruit candy or other lood taken to him has the approv al of the doctor or nurse be a strong voice and give weight to issues arising the speaker had rece at upnvd n prny cial board meeting in guelph and brought much of interest from it to the indies mrs c brition welcomed mrs mcenery to the meeting and mrs alex near thanked her for an in- spirinjr lah and presented her with a small jtiemento assisting the cohostesses mrs winfield and mrs armstrong ia serving a delicious lunch were mrs edward wilson and mrs j ogorman mrs e norton was courtesy convener play darrce7 geography match entertain golden age members a large jnuner of members turned out thursday night or lasl week for the regular evening mcctingof the golden age club two new members were enrolled the regular- reports- were duly dealt with charles mason and mrs fred turner were reported in hospital and mrs ralston and mrs- winn were reported confin ed lo their homes a beautiful quill completed by lhe quilt committee was on dis play and tickets were available for the draw on it which will be held at a later dale the nominal ing comjiiillee for our readers write lack of activities to whom it may- conccrri i am writing regarding the lack of activities for- theyoung people of our town we have the com munity centre which was paid for by the generosity of indus tries businesses and individuals and many haclio sacrifice a lot inorder lo have someplace for out voting people to go for recrea tion and still be able to do some thing constructive and in order to do this we need a good qualif ied recreation director when we do get one we shouldnt quibble about salaries i as it is a specialized held and with the job goes the responsibil ity of organizing and planning different programs from the youngest lo the oldest bui lets h4i stop there surely there are many people who would be only loo glad to give a helping hand for a few hours a week to get something going under the sup ervision of the director for alter all he is only one man i think lop if the teenagers and young adults were asked if hey would like to help they would respond lets give them some responsibility its good for them and they need il and you know its surprising the good ideas they have we would do well to listen we older ones can learn a lot the remuneration voujret from helping others is not counted in dollars and cents but in the feel ing you get when you see some one you have helped even in ihc smallest way make a success of life it makes you glad you were one of the team of helpers come on aclon make our town so our young people will want 10 slay leis gel so much going thai il will hike- up the centre antl the y gel behind them both and show the director the teamwork acton is capable or frorn one who has had i he pleasure of being one of many helping hands jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay brick sand stolfe livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv class fs ft f acton phone 8530730 caroline nurseries garden centre x and flower shop artistic designs by caroline west of acton on highway 7 south side member of ufc wire service need flowers for goodness sake try ours telephone 8532980 anytime 6pen 7 days a week 8 am til 7 pm 3m stationery 56 mill st e acton tel 8532030 let us assist yon with your plans for that all important wedding day comk in ami si k oi it rompiktk skikclliiynr r nt 770ys tviiivii nis lyokm1ls iccfssorits yvur kmce oiif m its tpt vj u fit y fit i ri l- slrct our wrtlding invitations announcements anj accessories itli compltfe confidence as to qualify and correctness of form mill ttb also have per0alzkd wedding napkins matches and cake b0xe5 saturday accident a twocar accident saturday af ternoon resulted ill an estimated 125 danmjje wlien a ear driven v wendv a almond lonyfielil road and a ear driven by llarrv k bannon were involved corv stahle mervin harness invest ijjjil- ed interviews allenclanecyat the parentteach er interviews al the hiyh school monday was quite good school prefects assisted in arranging the appointments the parking lot had been cleared and was edged with a mountain of snow the election of officers whs ap pointed as follows ired kings- mill chairman lolin tifirpnvc ieotfe siiiitjson lames kilsl6n and mrs miculelieon z sliorl plujp a well received short plav was enaeltetf wilh mrs- mason the lonely grandma whose daughters mrs cossar and mrs shoemak er arid maid mrsmclnlyre contrived lo make her feel useless and unnecessary till tin afdenl church wofker mrs kennedy ewmettlongrtjhcv her how her skillful lingers were needed in the church and her valuable know ledge could be put to good use in their new program music tor dancing was provided by mr fountain and mr winton and some braves ones who hadnt danced for years- proved it themselves and others that lhev hadnt forgolten how lo balance to iheir partners and promenade the hall geography match an old fashioned geography match with mrs molnlyre and mrs kennedy ascaptains show ed how easy it was to think of the name ol a town lake or coun try wlien it was someone else who had only four seconds lo name a place beinning wilh a certain letter before being elim- inikd mrs melntyres side won the contest alrtsold the four new houses just built al ffie far extension of tidcy ave in lnkcview are all sold real estate agents sav they had others willing lo buv the new homes as well a happy bachelor and fiancee tree is footloose flaring tint- in case of fire unless it is so small that it can be extinguished immediately call your fife depart ment the layman doesnt always realize the danger of fire eating- through walls or- floors of the building while the blaze may be apparently out the fire may eas- ilv flare up later in another part ol thebnililing about this time those jackets car coats dress coats sweaters and skirts i all show winter wear and soil to keep your clothes in top condition and to keep from being bored with them- about this time of ydar send them to us for repair and refreshing custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 am out by 5 pm cash and carry main st n phone 8531 ho wxr a ihc nice close lunch of i he was served at enjoyable even- 1 you can relax about your family your home your car even your boatr when your insurance agent displays this sign i fred a hoffman optometrist 58 st georges sqr oticlph out telephone 8242071 harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n 8569934 24 hour service -r- rockwood look for the safeco s with it protective roof and youll find an agent who sells the finest most complete protection at the lowest possible cost stop in to see your safeco agent soon or call him now hes just a phones length away 24 hours a day dennys insurance agency phone 853 0150 54 mill st e acton ont nobody settles claims faster and more fairly chevyvans low price ja buys a spacious 211 and a reinforced all welded cubic feet of cargo space body with a flat floor and big wide doors for easy loading and the dollarsaving power of a famous chevy 6 and special protection against corrosion what more could you ask for at any price chevrol et 116 1 cenciul motor value phone your chevrolet dealer about any kind of ttuck you want aufrtorizeachevrdlet truck dealer in georgetown andrew murray mot or s limited 61 guelph street georgetown phone 8776944 be sure to see bonanza over channel 6 at 9 oclock sunday night

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