Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1966, p. 1

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art n mftt ninetyfirst year no 32 acton ontario thursday february 3rdri966 authorized u second clan mill by the post office department ottawa twelve pages ten cents jack marshall returned as fall fair president h stanley halton agricultural representative brought greetings arid congratulations to the mem bers bf the acton agucuttural society at tfieir annual meeting on saturday january 29 mr stanley pyesicled for the election of officers when jack marshall was reelectedrrspresident foi his second vear serving on the executive as past president will be calvin aitken first vicepresident wilmer fryer and second vicepresident fred kentner jr with mis c w swackhamei as secietary-itreasur- er 18 directors the meeting lavored a motion to amend the societys method of nominating directois in accord ance with the constitution of the ontario agricultural societies act the motion resulted in an dec tion for 18 directors the maxi mum number ol directois appruiv ed bv the department from this number are elected the president first vicepresident and second vicepi evident a society may have any number ol associate direc tors and not more than six hon drarv directors directors elected bv ballot liom a slate ol 35 nominations resulted in the following seiving with the 1966 executive don matthews ja imccuiloch e woynarski w swackhamei nino braida mac sprowl cliff mckay ken john ston wm nelles laurence hems- lev fred archibald goidon haid ing wm thompson and bob kerr r l davidson and a robinson who have served as past piesi dents and active directois foi man ears were appointed life members ol the society and will be presented with the society lite membership pins other lrfe members of the society are j a swackhamer d d waldie s e griffin a b and w j l hampshire one minutes silence was obsei- ved in silent tribute to the mem oi vol robert kerr and arlol dilfs life membeis of the society and rae west an associate director who passed away dui ing the past ycai their years of service and intoiest in the society were deep ly appreciated honorary directors the following weie appointed honoiay directors warden h h hinton mayor l dubv henry stanley halton agncultuial rep resentative dr h hailcv mp and g kerr m p p financial success in his presidents address mr maishall commented that the im- ancial success of this years lau was due to the cooperation and hard work of many people he stressed the need for the contin ueti cooperation thns yeai when in addition to plans for the 1966 fair plans for the centennial year project will have to be consider cd music night tins yea i the m 7 bennett school is sponsoring a music night in place ol the customary operetta the main reason foi the change is la of auditor fac ilitiios for pi act ice sessions no date- lias been set as yet inspector gives p s board advice on reading french staff photo year by president jack marshall he was i councillors bugged to tape or not to tape to tape oi not to tape the nassagawcva council meeting was the question laised when township i atepayei gordon ag- new showed up at a recent coun cil meeting with a tape recoidei reeve william coulter suggest cd we had it at the inauguial meeting and i dont think we need it tonight gordon seveial late pavers in attendance voiced then appioval ol the use ol the tape tccoi dei deputvrccvc william hoe said he had no obcction and councilloi mis anne maeai thin said she was in lavoi of it coun luith the use ol a new gaibage cilloi ross gordon said 1 think i packei which is on tual ills an odd pioceduic council lbi xilham mahon queued what bund it is it at ter a brief discussion reeve coulter said to mr agnew you can leave it on or off whatever way you please imr agnew left it on tor the next three hours and is minutes until the meeting ended acton fair board will be headed again this elected saturday at the annual meeting for his second term seated left to right are mrs c w swackhamer secretary and mr marshall back row left to right are associate director ken johnston past president calvin aitken associate director william nelles and first vice presi dent wilmer fryer no zone changes till plan okd shop car wash nixed by board public school boaid trustees andjnspei loi vvl mcneil pon- deien the pioblein ol remedial reading cisus oial tiench in public schools and which should be givn pnoiitv at piesvnt both icquile lcachcis with special tunning the subcct was uuscd lollow ingftpplication b assistant pi in eipal doug tope land ol the rob ul little school lo take an oial riench couise this summei at llhotl 1 akc rmolincnl in the couise hinged on whcthei the boa id aulhoiicd oial ricneh lo be taught at the school ml copland had indicated he did not intend to make this stibicct a lull time occupation pnikipals g w mckcnzic and elmci sin i til weic ol the opinion that remedial reading should be sliessed at the moment mr me kenic stated that a pupil who was a good leadei was geneially a good student in high school readings value both piincipals emphasied the mipoitance ol pupils being able to lead propel h in oidei to cope with pioblenis in man subiccts chan man vie bnstow was ol the open up liquor election day a resolution calling lor the ic peal ol the section in the liquoi contiol act which loixes liquor and bcei outlets to dose on mun icipal election das was approv ed last week by the halton cleiks and tieasuieis association opinion remedial reading was moie impoitant at the piesent time and the school wasnt leady loi oial ricneh foi the neai fu tuie inspecloi mcneil noted that some othei places had previously adopted remedial reading in every grade bui lington had done this and is now considering oial riench he mfoimed the boa id it was his opinion a teach ci loi remedial reading could be kept busy thioughout the al the two schools tiustce doug manning wondei ed il theic was anv thing being done to assist the slow pupil in aiithmelic he was told by pun cipal mckcnie there weie spe cial classes bclore and aftei school being conducted foi these pupils grade nine uniformity on the siibect of oial french the inspecloi cautioned the board to hue the best teachei possible piuicipal smith was of the opinion the teachei should be hi lingual he also suggested before the boaid considct oial tieneh consideration should be gien to contacting boauls ol othei schools which leed pupils to ac ton high school in oidci to make the giide nine pragiam effective boaid membeis agreed to give luithei consideration toward both remedial reading and oral flench befoic the stait ol the tail teim lneil commended establishing spe- classes at the jnspcctoi mc the boaid on cial auxiluuy school wonderful cooperation adininistialion committee chanman william benson read a lettei liom stall rncmbers thank ing the boaid oi the salary sche dule piesented them for next tei m and hie wonderful cooper ation between stall and board mi benson said it was necessary loi the boaid to gir along with the going late loi teachers or l he schools would not have a good ealibie ol teachei s the boaid appointed rev rit chie mimiiuav as the board rep- lesenlalive- to the acton library boaid accounts totalling 8339- 99 weic appioved lor payment budget meeting it was a giued to hold a special meeting nxt tuesday to review the 1966 budget both principals submitted a idhg list ol supplies and leqtiiitments lo assist the budget committee piinupal flmei smith of the m 7 bennett school asked board membeis to give consideration to ciouded conditions at ins school he noted that seveial changes weic bung considered for the robei t little school with which he agieed but wondered if his school was being forgotten boaicf membei cvnl bishop agicetl a look at facilities at mr smiths school uas long ovcidue garbage packer loun garbage pickup monday and tuesda was made easiei one breakin two attempts investigated over weekend weekend thieves smashed a window at pauls sunoco station at the easlerlv outsku is ol town sometime satm dav night and stole aiound ss vvoith ol tools and about si 50 in cash liom a pop vending machine milton o pp detachment aie investigating the same evening an attempt was made lo break into little motoi s aeioss the load but it is believed the watchdog inside scai ed the intiudeis awav mondav m o i n i n g h a i o 1 d manes nianagei ol the 1 g a sloie discovered an attempt to i imm open the back doois at i the stoie a xvtccking oar was ta ken liom a titick in the lot and is dition believed this was used to attempt l boaid acton planning boaid at its inauguial meeting thmsdav 1 lasit week turned down two ap plications one to establish a coin operated cai wash and the othei a request loi icvoning in oidei to allow an elcctncal shop and show loom in a i evidential aiea the application loi the leon ing came liom lack vandei koov and was piesented on his behalf b iealtoi john r holmes the lequest entailed ic zoning properties bordei ing main st n fiom thompson motois to rivei street in turning down i he applica lion boaid membeis noted this was being done in view ol a pie vious icsolution on the books not to considei luithei applications loi one changes until the ollieial plan is appioved mi holmes lold boa id nicm beis mr van dei koov who lives at thecoinei ol rivei slice and main stieet n had puichasecl the elect i ical business liom 1 reimei and he wished to est iblish a show loom and woikshop m pait ol the new iv consti ueted ad stage loi about thiec ears due to seveial applications being sub mimecl last veai lor changes ap pioval ol the plan had been held up loi a veai and changes had cost laxpaveis around 1200 he suggested the application be withheld until such time as mun lcipal boaid appioval ol actons plan was given mi holmes staled his client did not intend to do anv maoi ovei hauls ol motois which might in icilcie wilh neighbors radio oi tv sets he also said thele was ample loom in the aiea to provide pa i king tacrlilics the second application was liom lules livtcis and cornells snoek lo establish a coin opeiated cai wash on a poition ol the hvlcis pi ope i tv on mill st ad loining the station hotel ml livtcis piesented a plan loi i ik building and noted theie was adequate piopcitv to comply with t he zoning icgulations he said he had planned entrance and en to the business oil bower avenue the cai wash is plan lold mi chan iiu holmes n aldo bi aid i the application tjie bieakin illul the thieves gained cntiv to was bacllv timed in ieu ol the the slou thev would have been tact the now pioposed oilicial suipnsed to heai the buiglar plan ol acton was in the hands ol i alai m sound when anv doois oi 111c depai tnient ol municipal al windows aie opened dining the i fans awaiting appioral bv the night constable biuce mcal thui illimstci the chanman stated is investigating the plan had been in piepaiation five accidents within week i another weekend storm school buses cant buck drifts high winds estimated up to so miles pei houi combined with tailing snow plugged lanes and stieets in acton and aiea mak ing seveial loads linpassaole 1 n si thing mondav nioining the second stoi in in iwei weeks began sundav with light snow tailing but high winds whipped the imht snow oil piev ions diilts making visibihtv al most nil loi moloi ists school buses halted bv mondav morning seveial sleels and mfal loads weic mi passablt and a numbei ol woik eis living in the i in al aieas dtdn t make it to woik main una stu ilents who attend eton distucl high school also enioved a boh dav when school buses found loads blocked with snow thiec school buses stalled out on the unites but onlv one made the entile lound puking up uist eight students one othei bus tinned hack allei social miles ol bad dttvmg conditions and a shoi tagc ol studcuts no one was waiting at customarv stops the thud bus had picked up thiec students when it got ma looned in a deep snowdult aeioss the load in esquesing township it wasnt heed until aiound noon mondav but the three students weie dnvcii lomc in the bus op eiilois cai which had been dn veil tn the scene lalei on i uesdav the thiec acton school buses went out one made the complete trip while two oth cis could uiik covei a poi lion ol tile loute battle tire l llie height ol the storm on moikiiv moiiimg acton fiictight cis nude a cold olusteiv mil to the n in home ol s tehoizewski ol rr cton on ihe thud line ol i 1 1 1 i township to douse a blaze stalled liom ovei heated su c pi pes llelighteis standing on the hick ol ihehftd weic almost toen mcl coveted m snow blow in- iioiincl 1 1 tun the ironl ol the 1 1 vie k is u bucked deep diilts when the tuick letuincd to th i ti 0 hall almost three wheclbai low in ids ol snow weie taken oil the lop ot the engine undei the hood the tile hall was awash in incited snow v fieii i iielighteis ai lived at the ichenewski home i lames had bnmed thiough the eeihng in the kitchen but had almost been doused with walei bv occupants ol t lie house minor accidents police investigated an accident mori da altcioon on mill st in volvnigtwo cars and a lew oth- passable co pe le campbell ol ihe acton tpp detachment since last wednesdav has investigated live accidents in town on januarv 26 at 1 40 p m a lai duven bv andiew williams and a cai diiveil bv milton hicks weie in collision at the col nei ol thin eh and lolni sticcts the i ii which was westbound on chinch shed ieceived j esti mated ji2s damage and the hicks vehicle which was southbound on lohn stiect leeened aa estimal cl 5 damage the same altei iweva lowffship noon at 3 so pm a cai duven bv nd campbelhillc newton y hmst of town which was stopped at thecoinei ol bow ei avenue and willow stiect when it was struck b a cai tuin ing orfho bowei avenue duven bv daniel mckinnon rr 1 ei in on januaiv 27 al 1220 pm con stable campbell investigated an i accident neai the coiner ol fied i click and chinch stuets when a cai duven bv william hietala which slopped loi the inteisec lion was stuick in the rear bv anolhci vehicle duven bv charles joseph riehaid rr 4 acton when the lattei failed to stop on shppeiv paveiiicnl on the down lade damage lo the hietala cai was estimated aiound is uid the riehaid cai aiound 100 on januaiv 28 at 1105 a in the eonstahk investigated a nunoi accident involving a gov tians poll tuick and a cai duven bv me k in mitchell ol pel iii stiect ihe gov tiuek was dnven bv michael rogeis o town and was backing out ol the lamp at micio plastics plant on pcith street the mitchell cai had backed out ol a dnvcwav and stalled in the load damage to the mihhcjj cai was estimated around s75 i continued on page three ned as a doit voui sell business cai owneis chive in and deposit mono in a coinbox which pio vides hoi walei and soap loi cleaning cai s during a review ot the piesent zoning bv law board membeis could not find a section which pci milted com opeiated cat wash cs the application was tinned down in view of this a new zon ing bv law which as et has not been appioved has a clause which pel mils this tvpe ol opciation may apply again ll was noted that both apph i cants mav il thev desuc apply to the committee ol adiuslnienl i loi luithd considcialion piesent loi the meeting weie chanman aldo biaida viecchaii man william pendeon members neil millet wm wilson mayoi les dub councilloi r o b e i t dunkwaltct and seciotarx jack mcgcachie also piesent weie denis flood and owen rose ot pioiects planning absent was ed tootitt the planning consultants told boaid members theie aie a lew minoi changes to be made in the ollieial plan at the lequest ol the municipal board it was agieed to make these changes in oidei to speed up final appioval mi flood said the depaitment 4wctnldl4i3trphcr4stir posal plant was tunning ar neai capaeilv an suggested council restuct luithei expansion tintil this was icetilied ihe group holding then annual meeting in milton inn endors ed a icsolution calling loi repeal ol section 3sc municipalities have a real pi oblem the section means thev cannot have saturday elections without a lot ol obec lions irom the liquor inteiests said he gioups secietaiv tieasui er al tumble assistant clerk of the town ol buihngton we fed this part of the act is outdated and has no use in ihe piesent dav he added mi tumble pointed out the law is hypocritical as il one town closes outlets loi an election the neigh holing mumcipahtv does nol inn do people liom getting- some thing to di ink elsewhere lohn white treasure ol the tow n ol oakville iwas selected as gioups 1966 president with halton s deputy dlei k inn an drews as v iccpiesident rhe town ol milton hosted annual meet ing and about 2s cleiks and treas liieis liom aiound halton countv attended plus loui milton coun cilloi s guest speakcis weie robert watson diicetoi ol the counties blanch ol the depai tment otmun icipal allans who gave a icpoit on pioposed levisions in the an nual auditing icpoit statements municipalities must hie with the dma and mis maiy brand duel election cleik for ontano who spoke on ihe possibility ol using voting machines foi iviun ic i ele t ion s overhead underground costs of wring compared by hydro a hydio commissioner last thursday evening icccied a cost bieakdown on ihe installation ic quiied in lakeview subdivision lo service all lemaining lots coun cil had lequested the breakdown to determine ihe differences in cost between an overhead and an cindergiound system esltmatcs run from 40 to 70 lots which require electrical sei- vicc the supei intendent in re- poiting the estimated costs haid a complete underground system would cost 1269 plus the cost of underground conduit altei natives suggestedwcre a continuation of overhead second aiv lines installed at the real ol the piopcrties with a further al ternative ol underground street lighting or street lights on wood en poles with ovei head wiring estimated cost of overhead sccon- clit v lines was 57759 of under- llouncl street lights 4659 of street lighls on woodcni poles with overhead wiring 1653 34 piesent installation in the sulb- division is overhead secondary lines with underground street lighting inns the information is to be fin warded to council commissioners authorized at tendance at two saifety seminars approved accounts ol 1614 17 agieed to continue sppnsorship of a public speaking contest auth- jmiied the properly committee to investigate ihe puichase of a tilled and delegated the finance commit lee lo recommend an ad- vcitising progiam for 1966 commissioners dawkins and mclachcrn weic present as well as chanman tyler propose many improvements to roads in nassagaweya twp dnving is still lieacheious in some aieas and motorists aie be ing warned lo duve with care ei nunoi aeclelents acic icpoit ed causing little damage in nassa biookville a scsheiols didn t open then dooi wliett school buses weie stopped liom going out lo makpickups in esquesing township school buses stalled out mondav but weic called back lucsdav buses weie not allowed to go out a all at sposide school not mal em 1 uk nt ol 200 pupils was i educed to nine on mondav i michousc school loi 4s pupik and pine view onlv six llgllles loi cilhc 1 squcsing tendance i uc sdav spev side j schools loi monda he not known mot c pupils ii i iv eel it school and pi uicip il gaiiv daw kins inloi med pile ills who diovc them iikv woind have lo icuin to pick up then chilchcn as buses wcieii t urn ning lown woik clxws vvcic out plow in siuels and dealing snow piled at ihe side ol ihe sticcts with a itont end loadei and it licks to haul it awav a lew lieloiv woikeis living in the taiial aieas didn t make it lo woik when toads weie dull ed rural mail eirueis made then lounds but sonic spots wheie loads were not plowed weie mi- improvemcnts to a number of township roads and the drawing up of formal townline agree tnents with surrounding towns and townships weie proposed and approved when the roads committee presented its lust ic port of 1966 to nassagawcja township council the onlv item in the icpoit which caused contioveisy was the proposal to continue impiove ments on number 3 sideroad at the iwesi end or kelso conserva tion area roads department tote lo back out half a mile to let the other one b i think there should be at least a few turnouts so you could back inio them and let an- othei cai pjss in approving the report coun cil agieed to have foi mal agree ments drawn up with neighboung towns and townships legarcung the upkeep ol lown lines ihe council also agieed the basic pi ice loi put chasing land loi the lownship should be 300 pei acre the lepuil icccthiitieiided the man grant mcmillan lold council township smvev and buy the land necessaiv loi construction of the pioposed service road not lb ol ihe 401 highway between ihe i hud nut tin th 1 mes the load which will lake tuick tral- lic awav liom the village of campbcllvillc- is lo be constructed and maintained bv the county tun riioio sons of scotland onioycd a rodm bed dinner with all the trimmings fnddy night nl acton legion hdll the dinner was lopped off with servings of haggis the traditional scot tish dish everyone enioyed dancing after the dinner left to right are treasurer mrs jock calder and husband jock calder who is chaplain former actonians now in george town chief mrs tom hutchison georgetown rudolph spielvogel and his wife mrs spielvogel who is recording secretary of acton over 135 attended the social function improve menus to the load in 1966 would cost pist vei 6 000 he said it was planned to continue impiovements lo the load be cause it is a unite loi both high school and public school buses he said it had betrt neglected in the p ist because othei s iojcis needed impiovements moie councillor mis annev maeai thm wondered is llus anolhci load that leads into conservation propel tv she then rcmaiked i think this is a plum foi the conscivation pic she suggested il it wasn l foi conservation theic wouldn t be as much interest in improving the load and she ehug ed thev the halton region con servation authontv want to use it as a back entrance to kelso mis mae ai thur suggested theie was nioic need lor improvements on othei township mads and ot ed the i list i mc reeve william coulte i said wc liv lo do as much ihioiighout ihe township as we can we ceitain lv don t tiv lo conceiiliate on one paiticulai ilea depulvrecve william hoev not ed the liupiovcniciits thai have been made have done vei v mcelv when reeve coullei suggested ihe loi miiliiion ol i live vear pi in loi looking attei the roads r the deputv reeve slated i think thai s an excellent idea i councilloi macarthur agreed with the idea also but a ded the l ider just as long as every sec lion gets its ian share a resident on three sideioad spoke briefly and hinted il two cars meet on the road one has i three actonians ln accidents j milton op p had a lash ot i accidents to investigate ovei the weekend as niolunsls persisted in liavclling ciespile the high winds and dulling snow i torn wednes dav ol last week to mondav mid- l night thev icpoit ovei 12000 in piopertv d images and live iniui- cd persons- in ihe lash ol acci- ck nts i llliee aotoii lesiileilts weic in volved in i lie weeks accidents a cai diivui in noiman ross moi ton ol 28 mam st ieceived 200 damage in i iwocai collision on 1 the given rd at the third line 1 scpiesing fndav at lu noon cars duven b margate bolleit ot r r 4 ac ion anil lohn lolev of 239 mam st aclon ieceived sw0 lij- m a c ollision on hih- wav 25 situiilav inouiuig marth of dimes due to bail weathei and illness the maiil of dunes canvass is continuing longer thanepected thctes ojpetted to be a total next week

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