Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1966, p. 1

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lim ninetyfirst year no 33 acton ontario thursday february 10th 1966 authorized ai beoond clan by the port office department 1u11 ottawa ten help needed by comer society the acton branch of the can adian cancer society is still seek ing helpfrom drivers a w assistance foi the womens ser vices the continuing appeal foi dnv ers to take persons afflicted with the disease to hospital for treat ment or checkup is repeated again the branch has been as sisted by beardmoie and co ltd which to date has not seen any palient stuck for a ride however mrs william coats has sent out an appeal to indivi ttuals oi other industries willing to htlp in the part time service anyone interested may contact her by phoning 8532225 mrs ray arbic chairman ot the womens services is also ap pealing for volunleeis to help with dressings and other neces sary supplies anyone interested is asked to contact mrs arbic at 8530744 gas station blows victims of thieves police investigated two break ins thursday of last week when t garage and industry were brok en into at jack mccallum s service station thieves sroned a win dow to gain entry and stole a quantity ol cigaiettes and cigars totalling neai 25 at blow pi ess a windou was smashed to gain entrv and about 2 in cash was taken from a pop machine and the main office ran sacked total damage was cstirn ated around 20 corpoial rav mason and con stable bruce kicssler art invest gating mayor blasts reeves to scuttle centennial actons centennial library l he noted however that before project came under fire tuesday tendei s would be called council night when reeve h h hinton woikl have an opportunity of ac 40 members enjoy games a pleasant aflernpon meeting ol the acton golden age club was held thuisclay feb 3 with an attendance ol ovei 40 mem beis some members weic ic polled conlmecl to then homes with various ailments chai les mason is somewhat improved and mis tied kmgsmill is now a patient m guelph gcncial hos pital thy quilt tickets weie selling well and mi s robinson was ap pointed tieasurci to look attei the munev coming m bob ohaia tinned in u1 70 as jnocveds liom the shullleboaid ml s reed suggested the put chase ol peimanent name cauls foi members identification mis kenneth mi and mis gcoigc simpson ueie appointed as com niittee to look into this and iv poit to the club winneis loi fuehie weic la dies mis rcigttson gcmits iim iotttett wttttfc rs loi ciokinole mis shucriiakci gents ai thin sw ickhamti nei mccjitu will be kb 17 at 7 pin which will he the an luial meeting all upoils will be leteivcd and election ol olliciis heltl a lull attendance is lcqiicsl staff photo be my valentine will be the question asked next monday two pupils at the m 2 bennett kindergarten class seem to be asking already as they offer each other valentines tiny patti gordon and robert allen pass valentines as teacher gayfe hanna watches approve water easement bylaw reeve casts dissenting votes vd l a acton council tuesday evening appioved a bylaw to sign an ag i cement with tony seynue foi an easement ovei a poition ol ins piopeitv loi installation of a leedei wateimain opposing the thiec i catlings was reeve h h hinton this action followed a 54 minute diseu ilui ing which the iccc laised his objec lions at the lnsl icgulai meeting ol council two weeks ago the case ment situation was lelciiccl to the industnal commission at the lequest ol the iceve and council- loi c t lealherland tuesday evening clcputviceve r r pal k cm lepoilcd the development commission had discussed the situation and was ol tilt opinion the location ot l ik vv domain was a pioblem toi planning boaul in the event council eouldn t make the decision piewoush both the itcvc nd eouncilloi leatheilaiul chimed the pipeline nilhl inlcilci c with an pi in ol subtlimsion loi the aica the weic told plans call ed loi la ing the line at hie icai ol piopeilies fiontmg on mill st f in oitlei not to inteilcis with a lutuis plan ol subcuvision iiicsihv t telling it was cplam ed to council that last veal s sew ei and watei commiltec had in vestigated possibilities ol laving the watcilinc down mill st e on the piesent road allowance but this had not been feasible due to the excessive costs and in teiteience with piesent walei arrd scwei svstems to every home in the aiva as well as the possibih tv of causing damage to houses and tiees council was told last vcais committee fwd finalied anange ments with mi seynue lor an easement oei his piopeitv fiom acton book aid to geoigc st and ml scvnue liad been quite agieeable to the ai rangements unloi tunatck a final agi cement was no icadv loi signing last eai and it has been can led oei to this eai s business reeve hinton cast the onl dis i reeve scntmg tote dm inj the thiee leadings of the bv law council agi eed to call lendcis foi a truck chassis loi a gai bage packet two gaibage packeis hate bccn in town on demonstia lion and no 2 committee ol eoiiii its back to school cil recommended this svstem be adopted in town dming demon stiations it was found the new sstcm woiked out line council also appioted pavnienl of 85 90 to united gas loi gas main ic pan s on main st s appioved final payment ol enginceis lees amounting to 2697 28 loi highway widening on queen and young stiects agi eed to the pui chase of a new calculating machine and ad ding machine lor the town ollicc not to exceed s7o0 and loi sale ol tlu piesent adding machine appointed luc lvnch to the acton recitation committee authoiied the maor to at lend iik annual maois and eonlciencc at sainia as wlii as pat ment ol dues to the oiganiation amounting to s20 agieed to hold the next meet ing mai eh 8 in the robert little school due to the tb clinic oc cupvin the council chambcis that evening attempted to scuttle the idea in favor of renting a downtown stoic for library purposes jthe reeves constant obeetions to the centennial hbiaiy brought an outburst from mayor les dubv who remarked the reeves re marks are starling to nauseate me i feel the reeve has an ulter lor motive to deslioy the library project progress to date the debate on the hbraiy pio- ject followed a review of a sketch of the area tvherc the proposed building is to be located and an explanation ol pipceedmgs to date on the pioject reeve hinton sparked the dis cussion with a suggestion coun cil consider relocating the pie sent library in a downtown store which could be rented loi 100 per month the suggested area is at the cornei of mill and main street intersection mayor duby reminded the reeve he had missed the lact that no parking tacihtics aie available at the site now and the cornei ps piesertly a bottleneck the reeve aigued about the need of a new library and wondei ed if the piesent library was be ing used to maximum or not he said the hbraiy board had been asked to submit a report to coun cil on present and pioposcd lacil hies and cost and this had not been done to date working on report mayor duby reminded the iceve the boaid is working on the le port he himself is a mcmbci of this board and facts are not too easv lo obtain mi duby lev lew ed detad leading to the libraiv proect and stated it had been chosen as a centennial pioiect at public meetings over four other proposals because ol the demon stialed need b the hbrarv boaid mi dubv also leportcd the centennial committee had torn plcted consideiable spade work which led to council approving expenditure of 2300 to engage an architect to have the area sur veyed soil tests taken sketch plans made and tenders called c slow delivery due to a teamstet s sli ike in ontano deliveries to factories and the two local oidei olficcs aie slowed up considerably the strike situation has resulted in the expiess companies being over loaded with shipments and the past week there were days when neither c n or c p express made pick ups in toronto acton truckers arc extremely bust looking aftci the industiics in town cephnj the pioposed plarjs d jutv reeve r r paiker re maiked ii vou can get all this lor onh 2 500 vouve got the bai e or th 20th ccnturv reeve hinton puisued his idea to establish the library in a down town store and said these facihl les could be obtained without any incieased costs and the building could be open eveiy night ol the week if necessary he said council hadn t the foiesight to prove t6 taxpaveis the need foi other taeil ities but could open at the sug gesloel location moic than three tinges a week to piove this need ll ncccssaiy mr parkei ieminded the leevc this was pnimai ily the pioblem foi hbiary board and said he tho iecve was suggesting the hbiarv was not being operated at a max lmum to supply the needs ol the pufohc mi pai kei also ieminded lhc iecve the suggestion fd ic locale the hbiaiy in a downtown stoic should not be confused with the protect foi a centennial libran as it was a separate issue it ap peais we are committed nov by last veai s council which appiov ed the expendituic of the 2 500 fot the hbiary survey he remind eel the reeve councillor c r lealherland thought it might be leasible to move the hbiary into tempotary quarters m view of the added re qunements for town office lacil ities mayor dubys view of mov ing the librarv into tempoiaiv quaiteis was not a piactical solu tion reeve hinton then suggested leaving the libraurm its present location and moving t lie town ol flee facilities mavoi dubv lenimdijl council lit had lepoited at the pievious council meeting he would be at tending the hbiary board as a membei and would ask that a ropoit be submitted fiom the boaid to council legarding the need loi expalided facilities and pioposed costs councilloi dunkwaltei wonder ed il tjicic would be an ment in looking at the downtown building to sec tl it was possible to lease the building until the hbiaivsui vcv was presented the mavoi icmaikljd in spite of the seem ing it lack ol confj dtnee in the libiaiv boaid and stafl we have to turn to them to find out if it is feasible to even mote mlojempoiaiv quarters deputv reeve pai kei said theie attempt library pagesten cents was nothing ifurther to discuss on the centennial library project un til detailed ieports were received fiom the architect and suggested if council wished to look anto the reeves suggestion this wouldnt altei the agreement witli the ar chitect councilloi lealherland wonder- ered if it might be feasible for council to meet with the library boaid to discuss the downtown lo cation foi the libiaty reeve hui- ton pioposed a resolution to have no 1 committee meet with the hbiarv boaid and the motion was doleated the iceve and council- v loi lealherland were the only two suppoiting membeis a second lesolution sponsored bv councilloi dnnkwalter and iceve hinton to have no 1 com mittee ol council set up a meet ing with the hbraiy board to dis cuss operational costs and any othei pi oblenis also went down to defeat with only the sponsors and councilloi s lealherland and bill williams suppoiting voting ag ainst weie mayoi duby deputy- leeyc parkoi and councillors earl masales and hamilton peal as councillor f g oakes was absent the motion was deleated under piovedmal bv law which calls for a tie vote lo be consideied defeat i brief to consultative committee forecasts on h s boards agenda parents delve into new math course you le nevci too old lo learn lspcciallv when the dcpaitmeiit ol lducation brings out a new matheimatics eouisc some 41 paienls hate le tinned to school and aie taking a 10 week comsc in tile new math al the m dennett school starts bull rolling i he new couise which was m stigatcd bv piuieipal llmei smith had an ovei tv helming i espouse fiom ovei 100 peisons wishing to i etui n to studies unloi tunatelv accommodation at the m z ben nett school is limited with no aud itotium and theieloic onl40can be accommodated in a elassiooni teachers instruct instruction is being given bv mi smith antl membeis ol his stall eveiv wcdnesdav aswclfas intei esled pai cuts liom town a number fiom the unal aie a as well as tccnagcis made then bid to take the couise in view ol the limit the naming lo patents ot i pupils attending giades live to llglll lessons began untie i the guid antt ol piuieipal smith at the m bennett school on wcdnesdav febiuaiv 2 the inteiest in the new course is most cncouiaging to pi incipal smith and his stafl but thev i egret not having room to include everyone wishing to cm oil threeday convention of ontario weeklies discussions on the futuie ad mmistiation of education in ac ton and aiea highlighted monday evening s high school board meet ing when the submission to the halton consultative committee on education was outlined the boaid will likely iccommend wide changes in the piesent boundaues cumculum and ad mmistiation chan man vic bnstow of the public school board attended the meeting and discussed the pub he school ooaids proposed sub mission to the same committee halton consutativc committee is a committee established by county council to investigate boundaiies for the present five high school districts and suggest administration changes actons leprcsentativc on the committee is jack crcighton as well as the high school districts the board will study elementary school edu cation flip for lawyer f bv the flip ol a coin trustees selected c f leathcrland as boaid solicitor to act tor them if 1 1 becomes necessary to lake action to have repaus and fin ishingswoik completed on the inst school addition the archi tcct and piopcrtv committee have advised the contractor and bond ing coinpanv they expect icpaiis will be completed by february 14 ii repan s are not completed the board through its solicitor will institute proceedings to have slides of england shown to institute 1 he acton w i met ol mis bai 1 lambei t at the home bowel ave suii lhoto william r whitney won two tickets fo maple leaf gardens during d diaw at flic i l a tote saturday but was unable lo attend the game wednesday the winner is a shift worker at the h k porter plant and unfortunately had to work last night wednesday handing over the tickets is store manager harold manes this is the first lime mr whitney has won anything he says since hctand his wife came to acton six months ago they have shopped at the i g a they live in an apartment on main st north the tickets were sold to friends who enioyed seeing toronto maple leafs and new york rangers ploy i vast lesponse it was lleeessaiv to new doctor actons new doctor begins his practice here next monday morning with dr david vim dcr bents coining the three doctors in the medical group i will institute morning office hours by appointment in addit ion to afternoon and evening hours wcdnesdav the officer will remain closed its expect i ed the new medical building will not be rcadj for occupancy or another two or three weeks but dr van dcr bent will join his former cjassmates next week in practice dr brian moore dr craig hutchison and dr van der bent all studied to gether hit thiee clav annual convent ion ol iht ontario weeklv news papeis association this year was pie sided ovei ov david dills as piesldeiit attending the conven tion in the roval york hotel to- ioiwo horn tluusdav through satin clav weie mi and mis da v id dills mi and mrs jm dills mi and mis rov downs md mis o dills about 200 leizisteied altogether the acton and milton new spa pels elite i onlv canadian weekly nevvspapeis association eompt ti ions not ontano compctit ions inn the milton paper was aw aided one ceitilicate loi a spot news pietuie ol a tatal ac cideiit taken bv mi downs guest speakeis included ross stiike chairman ol ontano hv du civ do m igce iroin the dcpt rl i abor on apprenticeships and w rthbold aiea held manager ol impel lal oil winner ol the champion cor respondent award was mrs per- cv me mullen of the stirling newsaigus who took over writ mg the distinct news from her jiandlather 53 vears ago the veteran repoi ter came on the nam lor the day and spoke to the cnliie convention at luncheon altei icccivinghei plaque i ronnei actoman cam imcnabb now deputv minister of high tvavs loi ontano wis scheduled i to make a piesentation but was j unable te attend new city hall 1 business sessions and meals studded with piesentations eli te itamment and shoit speeches lilled the entire piogiam tinal he in was a loin through the new citv hall conducted especiallv bv eontiollel william denmson lhc gioup went lo the 24th lloor to see the splendid view the hoi i on was ha but on a clcji tlav vou can see loiever to i acton luncheon was served to the convention in the citvohall din ing loom m the basement when the acton editor handed over the office ot president to ken glen dinning editor of the delhi news record incidentally mr crleiidmning plavs with the delhi band which placed higher than acton band at the c n e a few ears ago during another news- papei convention we sat fndav morning at brcaklast with guest speaker continued on page three the meeting opened with the in stilutc ode and collect i lit i oil call was answcietl bv willing a vtgel iblc eolsage ol bunding something loi the box ol gioceiies loi the dooi pne the ashgiove wi aie eelebiat in then 40th annivcisaiv it gcoigetown st johns church on rcbiuarv 15 and all meinbcis aie invited the milton lall lair was discus sed and it was voted on to have a displav foi a little gills bntli da mis r l davidson told about the voungest piesident ol the wi in bntain 17cais old mis dcnnv who was unable to attend sent a poem on toda is ouis mrs davidson gave a read ing on a farmei in britain arth ur rockwood 75 years old who runs a faim to supply food mar kets he lives in blackfen coun tv ot east anglia the food goe to london newcastle and birm inham he keeps 100 tractors 440 transport trucks and produc cs 2 000 acres of carrots 980 acres of pcftatttes 300 atres ol p u snips 1 100 acres sugai beets 200 aeies celery 1600 acres wheat 1 300 acres barley also 800 fat cattle and 5000 pigs mr and mrs charles cutts showed pictures of their tour of england and calgary where they had a lift to see the mountains 7 500 feet high trteir pictures of the lovely places where they had staved avere a special pleasure to anybody who knew england the woik completed bv anothci contiactoi antl chaigcd lo the bonding company the school had a linishmg dite ol januaiv i li and the guai antee on the building will e pne june 4 1966 insuianec plan seven membeis ol the noil teaching stajl caietakeis and seeictancs aie to be insuied in a gioup sickness and accident plan under the plan the board will cairy a 4000 life insurance pohev on each ol the employees as well as providing payment tor sickness insurance six local long distance lun- nei s were given permission to run the corndors during oll- scliool hours tvvo days a week the boaid agreed to a one month trial lo see how anangements tvoi k out capital expenditures a lettei liom the town icquest nig an updating of the boaids lite veai capital expcndituie fore cast drew the infoimation from the principal that no further capital expenditures are anticip attel until at least 1970 present figuics indicating thoie will be no need for addit lonal classt oom space arc based oil a suivev of public school en rolmciit the influx of a large housing subdivision oi immedi ate population growth could change the picture new name stall members were authoiicd to attend the professional devel opment day tfi port credit the school will close on fuday feb itiaiv 18 no icduction in grant is anticipated because ol the clo sing since the school is allowed two davs annually to attend what used lu be called teachers con ventions tinance committee accounts to talling 1947092 were approved loi payment finance chairman chestei anderson reported the budget as beingfnirly well in hand 1 1 mav iccftnrc ia special ses- sion ol the boaid to have it com pleted for the town deadline of february 28 as the budget nears completion members will be ad vised ol the date department head management committee recom mended that bill soules be ap pointed department head of the commeicial section and hu sal- aiv be adjusted retroactive to september 1965 mr soules had oeen classeyl as subject chairman until this time tiusiecs andcison and arbic lepoited on their attendance at the school trustees meeting at georgetown district high school on saturday they indicated that the convention had been well worth attending and they gain ed much valuable inlormjtion on salary negotiations s attending the meeting were chairman tom watson trustees anderson moffat and arbic trus tee kei win mdphail was sworn since it waslhc first meeting he had attended mi mcphail reported that the bus dnveis had indicated cto him it was not the township roads which the buses had difficulty in negotiating during lhc snow- stoim which closed the school lot a dav and a half rather it was the countv with which they had problems sum photo educational tv is an important new feature at both pub lic schools with the adoption of the new mathematics course principal elmer smith of the m z bennett school explains the operation of the set tp grade eight pupils nancy lee and sherry lott v

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