Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1966, p. 5

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i shorts coach junior beutmon pleaved in the plav ot the ian ners last wednesda in dm ham and again hue on tiidav night whvh thcv toppled league leailint hesrpclct coirtmbiitccl thevie plavingjust the wav i want them to skalinghack with then checks and realh momg that puck around those two big wlnsjiput the tanners into contention for a first place finish at this writ ing theyve gor five games left two with durham a pair with fergus and one with orange vllle if they play as well as they did last week they will wind up in first place while the tanners wcie scalp ing mic macs fridav fergus flv ers pulled another upset when thcv edged durham huskies 65 in fergus the much improved fivers were four goals down at one point but thev came back to narrow the gap to s4 at the end of the second period bob dob hie a big leason lor lire fergus resmgence bagged one in the middle canto in the third pei lod rivers got goals fiom ron tippm and giant lu mei and lield on to lake the win -f- fresh from the victory fcr gus will really be flying when they step in to acton friday theyve got their sights set on fourth place the final playoff position its presently occu pied by a shaky orangevillc club wholl be fighting tooth and nail to hang on to it bruce hood ol milton who referees in theainc ncan hockc league will soon be blowing a whistle in the nhl on a tnal bqsis now in his fouith season as a professional ofticral bruce has handled io games mostk in the american league this season so far he s oltcn se on the ahl games tclcvisec tiom ha milton a son ol mr and mis mell hood ol millon he s a bro ther to muna hood who loim erl jopeialed a business in ac ton and is now piominenl in the milton spoils iraternits two defeats midgets out jjcspelei midgets stienglhened in an enliic hue which plaed junior c hockt most of the sea son ehminiled av4on ijiwa midgets loni the ti 1 1 oiinlv plav oils with a vj decision heic last wednesdav tii st gamcjol the bcstoftluee set was tied 2 2 with hespelei pulling then goalkeeper n the last tehv seconds to knot the count an oceitune pei lod cle cielcd nothing second game was til htspele and the home team won a naiiow 2 0 decision the hcspcler crew completed the task wedncsdav with two last penbd goals al lei the acton club was close on a goal in ken malt bv and allan mckenzie although hespelcr wound up the schedule in the cellai thev warmed to the task ulien the plavolfs rolled aiound especiullv when they weie leinloreed b help from the juniors thev lost the fust game ol the league i in als4 llttmrlton high hopes entci tamed at the seasons stall loi the acton cluhs success vveic dashed bv the cleleal co idles lleib lobb and td owen and managei doc hnklev ale e tc i an hekc m n thcv accepted the dclcal but owcd thev d be back helm than cci iict season staff photo iga sponsored novice team are ready for final games in the tricounty hockey associa- tiqn front row left to right are ken withers paul daley terry holmes chris tennant and bill mcgilloway back row left to right are gary barden david lee steven mclntyre coach barry inscoe russ van fleetpmanager don van fleet glenn mckenzie and gerald barden missing because ofother obligations were timmy mclntyre pnd steven marshall hockcy standings vloaa int b ifacuf standings up to feb 4 games l w t i i eft 4 s 6 6 s 20 19 18 18 19 llespeler acton durham orangeville- tergus games wed feb 9 thurs feb 10 hcspeler fn feb 11 fri teb ii ham mon feb 14- villc ttics teb is 14 i 1 s 1 6 0 14 2 37 21 k 7 ii 4 1 1 is this week durham at acton orangeville at tei gus at acton hcspcler at dur acton at orange ac ion at feigns fv acfoh frft pffa thufsaay rvfirimfy lofh 166 thtee tanners royals dusters supreme tanners busy with only four games left in the schedule before playoffs this is a busy week for acton tanners following last nights game with durhanrhere the tanners entertain the resurging fergus tlyers at the community cen tee friday monday night the acton club goes to orangeville for a game with the dufferlns and the verv next night tues day they check in at fergus sit on league pinnacle lop sided wins were in order lor the fust lime this season as the rovals and dusters easily handled their opponents and maintained a hold on first place in industrial hockev action this w eek roval performers fattened their scoring records as thev tallied 10 times and blasted the cyclones 10 1 doug black with a hat trick john cunnmghamwltlutwgjialfc and twotassists ctl milliard with phillips two goals and i pair of assists aruron schmidt with a goal and loin assists were the big point- gettei s for the winnei s bob dovle notched a goal and an assist and howju- leadei tallied once ted foot ill s goal on i pass s fiom stu macdonald was the onlv puck to get past roval net- minder bob shepherd marksman pete marks was the hero for the dusters as thev romped to an 84 v in over the tailend bushwhack ers the shakv skating nghi er scored three times line- mate bruuimccristall had a pair of goals and two assists and den masv ritchie and red i runups scored single goals bob bruce turned in a strong game on j defence and picked up four as i sists phillips and ritchie had i single assists wavne wilson jim mcdonald ron mellon and wavne sheperd scored for the bushwhackers noel row sail gus holmes goiel mason arulwaj ne wilson had an assist each w 6 s t pis 2 14 4 14 3 13 1 u gja 49 53 83 70 rovals dusters cvclones s 5 bushwhackers s 7 top ten scorers r g a pts han v phillips 24 9 33 ron mellon 13 14 27 gary ritchie 11 14 25 stu macdonald i4u 24 wavne shoppard is 6 21 doug black 14 5 19 jim macdonald 9 10 19 fred andrews 14 4 18 ron schmidt 9 8 17 don hams s 12 17 hood hoped hed get a trial in the big league but wasnt counting on it a shortage of capable officials hastened his debut for an interesting story on the work of referees this scribbler recommends an ar ticle in a toronto weekend pa per on george hayes an offi cial who resigned from the nhx rather than take an eye- test both acton teams kit in the tiicount plavolfs vwic elimin atetl last wedncsdav the nov ices lost a 62 decision to milton who completed a sweep ol the senes and the midgets chopped the deciding conlesl ol then set to hcspcler both teams pluvccl well like all the acton tucountv teams thev showed a marked lm provcinent this season it wont be long before ac ton has a championship in one of the minor hockev classes to doc harklev and his hard working minor hockev execu tive we tip the chapeau hope youll be back next vear bet ter than ever think acton was the onlv place wheie thcv showed clispk i sun at officials bv polling cjgs the volks on von milton the sviene counlv eipit i was the scene ol a hen liuit fuhs ule in dav in a taut jumoi c hoekcv contest belvveeil geoigcown raiders and milton ui chants the first place raickis won 7 2 turning back a millon bid to take ovei the top spot alarmed bv sagging attend ance at home games guelph regal have even cut off radio broadcast of home appeurun ces in an effort to bolster the continued on pac six tanners narrow gap twixt top two scalping front running mic macs 84 bi top ten three acton plav ers are among the leading 10 scorers in the wo aa southern intermediate gioup after the first 17 games blake lltglisr jiln rarrellv anil flaiold townslev weie in the top 10 which is headed bv two veteians irom durham huskies jim nixon and andv grant nion a piohhc goal gcllei heads the league with s2 points composed ol 2s goals and 27 as sists tanner captain blake inghs is in third spot with 37 points fiom 19 goals and 18 assists following are the statistics as compiled bv league convene bob marshall g a pts jim nion d 2s 27 s2 andv giant d 14 27 41 blake inghs a 19 18 37 dave heipel h 14 21 35 buck graham d 17 14 31 larrv schafcr d 8 18 26 jim farrellv a 13 12 2s harold tovvnsley a 13 12 25 jack wildfong h 8 15 23 bob davis d 10 11 21 letters after names indicates team le h hespelcr d dur ham a acton atom brampton 4 acton t jim hui lev bagged two goals and an assst in biamptons vie torv billv ware and johnnv ash lev completed the scoring with a goal and assist each gordon toth sniped he lone- acton goal with help from ivan ileai ns thoinhill of the losers received the onlv penaltv lor tripping weslon 1 acton 0 acton look its second loss ol the clav when kent kcntnei scot exl the onlv goal foi weston lone penalty vvini to gotd toth lor holding standing w i t pts weslon 7 2 3 17 acton 4 6 2 10 bi aninjliil 16 3 9 6 scoring leaders g 9 7 6 1 3 2 4 4 i jell townslev w ivan hcains a inn hui lev b steve iapillon h kent kciilnei w billv waie b riukv baginski b sieve bi unc lie a john ashleo b john scovnc w goid toth a pts 12 10 9 7 7 s s 4 4 3 mic macs ofl balance most of the night as thev poured in on goalie lack watson whose puck stop ping wiaidiv has slvmud them on moic than a lew oec isions both m this and previous s isons thirteenth win ol the euiicnt c unpaign lor the acton squad it lett them in second place two points behind hespelei with a inn in hand it was then thud win ovei the mic macs this sea res one ol the latgest crowds of the sandwich session but the from lust inside the bluehne the sc ison supplied plentv ol laiineis outseored the visitois 3t which caught the corner on wa baekgtouncl noise as acton tan m the linal ehaplei which sons stick hand watson never ncis whieked the iront running wound up witha piqued jack saw it staflord alvvavs a nopu hesipelcr mic macs 84 frtdiiv watson seiving a five minute lar performer here aggiavaled an night fn woaa intermediate high sticking sentence in an in- old knee injurv in the lirst per b hockev here tent uncoidiale with emmerson dvhen he slammed ojirafka plaving with authority andthe beavei baxter for his part into the boaids he returned tj speed to burn the tanners had the slashing match beaver was issessed a minoi bv referee king and reid who at times per- loinud like thcv were attending a faille somewhere else despite the oil color whistle tootling the game like grandmas soup incl cveivlhing in it blake inghs put the tanners in front it the 7 20 muik ol the inst with a shot that never lett the lee on a thiee corneied plav i with tim haines and howie ev son thcv vc lost two and lied one with them new look stilling with the g imc in dur h im the puvious wcdncsdiv the tmncis looked like i dillci c nt hockev club tiom the one thus been blowing hot and cold the past montli fach ol the thice lines wu i thicil eveiv time iikv stepped on the ice the cle teiice lightened up in lionl ol uallelldel lull sweenev tllcl did some buhnping th it slowed up the speedv hespelei squad which licked wcbn wildlong mil ci iham in then lineup gc 1 1 v liillis incl guv cooper vvc e missing hum the acton lostel 1 in hist two peiiods icatuied the best hockev seell iii cton this sc ison the tunic is took i 4 2 cdge in the initial stana h inks to i pin ol t lis in tile list two minutes while thcv pi i eel shoi t h mclccl watson whacks both clubs notched singles in but the visitors plunked in two go lis within the space ql a mm ute to he it up ind go ihead at 11 41 and 12 while the tanners hied v unlv to cleat a slap shot lioin an ingle which looked im possible to scoie horn earned haioid townslev a goal and dan albic the issist is well as knot uv he count igain at 2 2 haines scores tim h lines scored with a si7 7lei il 18 minutes to put acton ahead to stav at the 18 m nute niii k while both dims wci sboi t h indecl while the tinners still pi iveei shoi t beavei basic limshed olt a neat plav to give xyton i two goal lead hespelcr got one hick on the hist plav ot the second perol hut bi ike inghs second goil ol the night nullified that whilo both clubs weie short handed staffs home debut vloil cllitllc lied its lead clllv m the i nal stani whci 1 iv sttlloid chilled l scieclled sb it 1 the bluehne brigade alter despitei the injurv eric plein scoied foi hespeler his thud of ihcnight assisted b rolv polv brother adolf and centre dave heipel to give mic macs some hope midwav through the last period but jim fanellv emerged tiom the penaltv box fiom a slashing sentence to take the puck oil watson deke him incl shovel it into the net than thiee minutes later centner in penance farrellv shot his second goal of the game i ter taking don mckenie s piss on the llv to end the scoung hot line blanked the line ol howie and doug evans and dan aibic hottest unit for t lie tanners in iecent games vcas blanked but the other iwo lines picked up the slack the blake inghs haines jint baxter combination accounted lor lour ot the go lis while the threesome cenlied ov fanellv rattled in three counting jims pair and townslev s single stillords counte7was the lone teplv irom jhe hluch corps i i eel h h a a a 7 20i 11 41 12 35 15 50 18001 19 14 kentner- and mic mac forward norm love a former tannei were banished for stick duelling m the second period but timeu intervention bv oiticials prevented a listiculf sequel which both plav ers seemed eager to start first period a b inghs t haines h evans e plem d heipel a plein l o kralka n love bill okialka h townslev d arbic t haines e baxtei j farrellv vi vlaichment pens kcntnei heathenngton less vlaichment stafford heather with inglon townslct 2 nuns plus 10 min nnsc second period 11 e plein d heipel a plein 021 b inghs 1 haines j cunningham 7 21 pens heathenngton baxter bill o kralka a plein kentner love stalloril hespelcr bench minor third period vi stat loi el j r uiellv s46 l plein a plem heipel 9 28 j rauellv 14 ot i tarrellv d mckenzie ii townslev 17 12 pens farrellv clemens kent ncrtuxfer watson 5 mm tricounty bants win exhibition the tncountv bantams chalk ed up a 12 3 decision over the le gion town league bantam all stars in an exhibilion game sun dav the- legion league allstais picpping tor the four town toui nament which is being held in georgetown this vear on maich 12th are being coached bv i ho mai70 this was their hist test as a team the firefighter bantams coach ed bv harold townslev got a four goal performance from dave dun bar three goals irom the stick of rov mainpne a pair from both bob andrews and pete maro and a single bv bill field brian black ken marshall and david lcblanc replied foi the le gton bantams novice oshawa 5 st kills 2 brian sloiev notched i hat tuck 3 goals loi oshawa as thcv won and took the game s onlv penaltv steve shullis mil jensen tapped in a goal apieci assists weie icgislered bv james mcnabb 2 and bi uin stoic v garv fisher and swim scoied for st kills with sieve maishall assisting swim penaltv went to i eshc coles hamilton 3 niagara falls 2 ron death hied all thiee goals loi hamilton is thcv edgcd the tails tim melntvic assisted on two tin niagai i chiis sehuls ril i lied m the pan both unassisted penalties weie seivcd bv john cameion 2 mil d death ol the winners j pink ol the loscis pee wrr baltimore 4 springfield 3 two goals in both the lust and third periods sulhcecl baltimore as thcv shaded last place spnng field george mephail garv mas tcis david rocheslei and tiaiik holmes blinked the light with mastcis also assisting on iwo hotrneson one spnnglield goals were legistei ed bv graham tiasei with two and david manes horn david braiila both penalties went in ihc los els tiasei and kuikcn rochester s cleveland 3 big gun lor roilustn was ron louett who dulled the thud hat hick ol the altemoon is well as assisting on two other goals sleve vrtn fleet and john snow scored one apiece with snovv picking up two assists van fleet and rod gibbens one each brendan irwin notched two goals for cleveland wilson got one dale tisher assisted on all jhiee penalties went to holmes ami gibbens bantam hershey 8 buffalo 0 i the bears mauled the bisons in the onesided bantaiyi contest i with kcn marshall steve gar- iclt and dave le blanc eaxh i shooting two goals bill blaik and bnnn binnie potted one apiece marshall finished off a hn point performance with tmrco assists chve stewail cpllecleil two black and binnie one the bens weie also pentilieil most taking live sen tenets to huttalo s loin binnie death clinic hill gauell and le blanc seivetl ihc lime for ihc vvmneis while clare snow was in ilie iiitf twice loi bulfalo gold i ishv and paul millie once midget montreal 5 toronto 3 gaiv keiiv popped in two pucks foi the canadiens as thev con tinued to roaster leafs rov hib- b in dave rvder and ron hagen each sniped a single stew mc- cullough colleetecl two assists i lovd smallwood and hirklev contubutcd one each tin onto goals weie scored bv mike mareoux cook and john doweling with mareoux also as sisting on bowlings rive penalties went to perkins masales and robinson of the hahs and lee and carnere of i eafs sports corner 124 mill st e at wilbur phone 8532160 physical fitness with ccm exercisers nd whitely muscle builders and all supplies for sports and recreation at sports corner staff photo upwa local 479 tannery union sponsors the midget hockey team which play in the tri- county league this vear front row left to right are barry elliott casey harkley paul cooper john mason and allan mckenzie back row left to right are ken maltby brent marshall jim barden manager doc harkley coach herb jobb ken owens lloyd smallwood and brian farrelly missing when photo was taken was assistant coach eddie owens buy now brand new- deal now 66 ford fairlane falcon all serviced ready to go try a drive sales tax may increase save money deal now galaxie 500 4dr sedan v8 automatic custom 4dr sedan v8 automatic custom 4dr sedan 6 cyl std trans fairlane tudor hdtp 8 cyl automatic fairlane 4dr sedan 6 cyl automatic falcon futura 4dr sedan 6 cyl automatic falcon tudor sedan 6 cyl std trans also 1966 custom 500 4dr sedan 390 v8 automatic demonstrator 7000 miles lie no e59191 fe- good used models from 1962 to 1965 come in or phone so we can talk dal you will be glad you did thompson motors acton ltd your friendly ford dealer save on your 1965 income tax while providing or retirement too enrol before february 28 1966 in a haltn peel trust registered retirement savings plan your deposits are deductible from your 1965 income tax within statutory limits your choice of guarantied or equity plans e make your deposits when convenient there are no loading charges or commissions to pay based on 1 965 tax rales for a married taxpayer with no dependent earned maximum you income deposit save 1000 s 600 104 sdoo 1 000 153 7500 1500 370 10000 2000 52s 15000 2500 922 20000 2500 1069 2s000 2500 1123 cti or urtff today jnr a enpv of otir jfrfdfr registered retirement savings plans halton peel trust savings company your local ttttt com panx head office oakville ontario branch offices biri tcto 449 biint sliect 614 1861 milton 22 main street 878 2814 brampton 28 main slieet north 4s1 336s cooksville 2s80 hurontano siiet 277 9474 simcor 46 oifolk stieet 42622 delhi 118 church street east s82om0

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