Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 10, 1966, p. 6

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ll the acton irrae prss thursday february 10th 1966 t77zzw7 william j orchard of burlington was elected worshipful master of the halton county loi at the annual meeting in the i oof hall in milton on saturday showja seated in the front row are clifford ebbs recording secretary fergus quee deputy master w j orchard worshipful master david wor- enof lastowel jr deputy grand master rev m j aiken chaplain j b munro grand chaplain of ontario west nor- ebenezeft man fryer past county master standing ralph barlow auditor william jailligan mccoo financial secretary ernest graff junior deputycounty master earl brown first lectbrer percy hall treasurer james staff photo in the back row are number 257 james a stinson tyler h schroeder deputylecturer francis graham service marshall keith ireland setond deputylecturer first whats new for 1966 last years corn discouraging last year was very discouraging for many corn growers in halton the very dry spring curtailed gcr mination espcofally lruthe hcavv clay soils then the fall rains slowed up maturity and delayed harvesting a large acieagc was harvested in january with some corn still in the fields most corn helds have not been plowed posing a problem for this spring farmers should add up to 40 lbs of actual nitrogen to break down these corn stalks this could be applied along with the regular nitrogen requirements be fore working iri the spriryjand plowing toown or can be applied as a side dressing before the corn is 12 inches high if plowing and discing is nol possible because of time in the spring other methods of preparing a seedbed mav be used some will ust disc where as others mav pull a clodbuster behind the plow and then sow the corn high breakage stalk breakage was vcty high last year this was possibly the result of one or inoie ol tre fol lowing lactois too cold a sum met veiv high levels ol nitrogen too low a level of potash lioen or dead stalks holding up heavy wet ears 01 too late a niatunng vanety earlier maturing coin varieties must be sown eailier in the ear in order to guaiantee a crop the demand tor these eai lv vanetics lias been so great this winter that man early varieties jiave been completely sold out choose high ptoducing varieties with good stalk strength in jhe 26002800 heat unit section liom the recommended list young people conduct farewell party for andy franks ebenczer young people had rompletc charge of the churchj service on sundav morning sus an ward presided at the organ stella o gorman and albert blom rendered mansion over the hill top as a duct the speakers murray fatt and gerard blom discussed the pros and cons ot capital punishment murra was in favor of abolish ing it on the grounds that it bru tahed societ is no deterrent to murder and it makes it impos sible to rehabilitate the crimm al life is sacred since god made man in his own image if a wan ton killer docs not repent when the sentence of death is upon him he certainh will not with 50 cars of prison ahead of him gerard staled that there are 59 abolitionists 49 retcntionists and 60 undecided in parliament france and spain are the only countries east ol the iron cur tain which still retain capital punishment and that onl on a limited scale the exception it the use ol capital punishment should be treasonable conduct during war in the18th centur there were 240 ci lines including thelt adul tery and heresy punishable by death capital punishment is in aich ait custom of 2300 capital mut- ueis annual 1 in the united stat es then au onl about 30 ee onions otheis taking pu t in the sli- iti ttcu winmlnd dunbai cat ol rrccnian llovd lucas and rob blth thi oung people also loiniid the choir wea thev are much missed singsong solos by mrs hay- ward and john kitching and readings b wnne dunbar add ed to the enjoyment of the even ing mr art diamond lead the ad dress stressing the many com munity affairs to which elsie and andy gave their energies unstint- inglx the franks all expressed their appreciation andy gave us a tune on the fiddle the even ing closed with lunch harley to halton standings monda 7 9 ab irwin 8 frank van wck 7 meb blow 6 mac dumarsh 5 walter dubois 4 bill dumarsh 4 ethel holmes 4 al kirkness 3 lome dober- thien 3 monday 9 11 dick lee 7 jim graham 6 wes beam 6 gord mccutcheon 6 mick holmes 6 don mdmillan 6 allan ellerby sports shorts left district u iioabl cliiing uis spinl reciiitlj at ltix n i on lh ol casion ol a pait and pnsintat ion lot shetill and mis and trank and thi n son rid who muvid lo milton in siptimbii i iti idiij iisiilmts ol massaga pick date prizes for manor bazaar plans loi social tuluii ouils imii maji irst miik whin m m txis ol uk hallou ciiilenmal manoi woiikms auvili ir hilil- thin libiun miititv mis s mini ilu piksifjuit toiiihiiiiil lli meeting plans wile niuli loi i bntli ila pun iibiuni is ii the manoi llu pn stele lit lepoilcd mis ltliell tlitm the pejlill lllenl nt willlu hollies loi rile aged hialleh was lsling the minoi this iiiiiiilli lo hung a ills pli and insliiu in new ideas on hobln nails mis isabel wil son mis mugit it mint i uul mis jlthll pill ill well nniku to tile elite i tainilletll e hlllllttei if of praeer milllbels will ul isej ol till mm id d iv ol pt iu i lihtuaii 2s atiel till ila ol mae ii was shiisin loi ihe m s annual spring baa it it w is ileeiiled i litgi quilt hiktkiil lug and ettb lllllll would be the lllek iltlw pties im the hi at mi in bi is also illelillil to pieeeell thi mai ell iiicvtin with a pit luek llllle lleilll ttei iihout nnieiit mts hop kills ami mis blowniiille seized klleshlllellts continued from page fie crowds attendance is down 300 per game over last season when the first place regals lost a i lot of moolah rumors of a i 27000 deficit over the past l two seasons are loudly poo- bahed but its obvious regals arc in the red for a large sum fans from this district who i have attended games claim the league is oerratcd most pre fer the intermediate games here short shorts requests lot tkkets hae come from as i u iwiv as loionler but all id missions will be at the g ite when the mill oldtinuis isit here a week llmi lnda ill oil ol nun oi lunkei milton juveniles w lapped up ihe ti i counte semi finals in two stiaight games against oi ingiville and will meet tii in the tijials the elimin ated alton in the quutei linals current topie lot hoekev fans mill bobbe hull equal mauiin roeket riehuels lee otel bv seining s joals in so games s bruce cargill 4 ted tvler jr 4 ken marchment 0 tuesdae 7 9 and nolan 10 dr t b moore 8 dr a j bu chanan 5 gord cooper 5 lcn j lovcll 5 chester anderson 5 jack ridley 4 alex zbcctnoff 4 bunk holmes 3 claude cook 2 i tuesda 9 ii ted tler si i 9 john buckman 8 bei n van rieet 6 margaret toth 6 bill toth 6 rev a h mckcn7ic 6 vic patrick 4 ffe somerville 2 don timmings 2 harvee laeer t i ladies afternoon draw linal standings monda eve coop cr 7 margaict toth 6 wilu hew- 1 lit 4 eleanor go 3 tuesday i gwen telei 10 mac dumarsh 8 mae wilds 2 ethel holmes 0 the i plaeoffs between ee coopers team and gwen tvler s team will lake place mondav februare 21 i the winner will be awarded the ben rachlin trophe business men ted telei si 8 bunk holmes 7 lcn love ii 6 dave manes 4 bill t 3 goi d coope i 2 by dr harry harley mp the thi one speech debate is over as expected no vtjte was taken on the throne speech it self all the votesbeing taken on nonconfidence amendments pio- posed bv the opposition the government of course suivived these voles with the main assist ance coming from the social cied it partv and having done so the opposition did not force a ote on the throne speech thev had tried unsuccessful to bring down the government been de feated and accepted it gracefullv the atmosphere of the house ol commons is quite diffeicnt than when we last sal thele in the 26th parliament the gieen cham ber was often filled with biltei nes and lancoi and the air tense with liustration and anger in this new 27th parliament this bitterness is nol theie at least not as vet even during the votes and during the speeches ol the opposi hon sqme of which were verv political and partisan this un pleasant background has been nolieeaolv absent this is the time of the dav that visitors enjoy the most the cabinet are asking questions and answer them or take them to be answered later this is the daitv thrust and parry session and of ten provides heated exchanges the new speakei ot the house of commons laces his sternest test ciuiing this penod and is car rving out his very difficult ob most efficientlv and effcctivelv and is being impartial in his judgment to all members of the house little change will be oe in row widtlj planteis veiv curing can lcduec the row width but harvesters have clil ficulty with tows below 3032 inches wide narrow rows have shown inci eas ed vields loi some hvbnds but usually lodging inci eases thus insurance due urge new jail giand jurv inspection ot peel countv s outdated jail last week called lor haste in the halton and peel countv negotiationstor a new icgional detention eentie the jurois said a new jail is a dux- necessitv foi peel grand iui ics have saiel similar things about halton s ccnturvold jail in lceeiil veais save with state farms low insurance rates for careful drivers see me drumm george e 42 langstonc crcs georgctpwn ont 8774148 imlubamcf state farm mutual automoiiu ihjuhci company canadian head office scarboro ont consider estimates supple niolton is belou ndw secretary mis doieen vlahon ol camp bellvillc was selected as the new seretaiv tieasuiei ol the public sehool boaid ol the township school aicm ol nassagaweva 1 ii dav evening the boaid niel that evening to open applications lot the posit ion mis mihon will begin hci dulics immediiilclv she replaces mis biatnce i let cher who held the position loi 2s veals beloie retiring tills veal a supple motion is beloie the house now this is a 48 houi d bate on am topic and is unothci oppoitunitv oitjic opposition to move a vole ol non conlidcnec thev have agreed not to do so in advance however and the house of commons will in the davs ahead move into ihe consid eration of the spending estimates ol the various government de partnienls foi ihe 196v 1 966 bud get veal it is dilficult to sav how long this will lake but it is evpeeted to be completed beloie me legisla lion is brought beloie the house ol commons in the near lutuie intel mi supplv must also be gianted lo allow the government to pi us dav to dav bills this is a debate without lime limit limit questions the question pciiod in ihe in 1 1 i nit nt ll is been limited bv aglec lllenl it mav last up to ulie houi on mondavs 0 minutes on wcdnc sdavs uul 40 minutes on tue sclavs i inn sdavs and tn caroline nurseries garden centre and flower shop artistic designs by caroline west of acton on highway 7 south side member of ufc wire service cu9id says the average row width will be 36 inches with a few going down to approximately 30 inches increased corn populations aic being planted the aveiage pop ulation s about 19 000 plants pel acre with caily planting good teitihtv and weed eontiol plant populations mav be inci eased bv 2000 to 4000 plants pei acie in ordei to achieve this population care must be taken at time ol seeding and at least 10 pei cent moie seeds planted to allow loi some lack ol gci initiation atiaine applied pieemeigeilt has pi oven the most sueeesslul ovci the yeais howevei annual grasses may beiissed kulv postcmeigent appltation ol atui me and oil gives tjcttci conliol loi these annual glasses this application should be sprayed on when the weeds are in the one to two leaf stage a split applica tion ot atiaine both before and altet sowing the corn is recom mended for couch grass control information on weed control can be obtained from publication 75 guide to chemical weed con- tiol an citiovmu climb o7 snow cluldieii ing on lop ol banks which have been pushed back by plows unloi tunitelv this puts- iffotoiisls at a disadvantage and could be the cause ol a senous accident to some child h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guelph phone ta 27150 dance every saturday evening 900- 1130 pm royal canadian legion acton orchestra in attendance 200 per couple fsendflowers valentines day february 14th telephone 8532980 anytime open 7 days a week 8 amtil 7 pm now is the time to deal at childrens aid has emergency service n cc nuip and w ee k end em el e ilk v seiviee has been ileve lop ee bv ihe c hildrcil s aid isocicmv ol the countv ol h litem eeeu ll e el iiecuu got don k askwith announced this week from lovell bros modern meat market l nlottunttelv u w is not pos ible to ul i iv- i telephone lllllll he i iii e le ll illuille ip till v in hal ton and as the largest poition ol leejllests loi seiviee eeilte itoill the iluilinglon aiea a biuhnlon telephone system vs as chosen llolle heeding elllelgene se r vice e in call t7 som betwlxn s met i p in week nights oi from s pin i riilaes to t am monetae motilities n uiswerinj seiviee ask loi vehii n inie and num her inel have the social worker en dut telephone vou back i were right there when you need help when theres an emergency a call to us gets action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 17 mill st w acton ont 85306400641 devon brand rindless bacon lean ground beef fresh small link sausage 89 59 49 c lb c lb c lb c v motors 189 guelph st georgetown 8776531 your authorized volkswagen dealer all used volkswagens from 1960 to 1965 carry 100 warranty labor and parts on motor rear end and transmission valentines day m0n feb 14 for other occasions everyday see our cards always a large selection to choose from r stock your freezer now sides hinds fronts cut and wrapped at no extra charge lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton phone s532240 daily delivery w 1964 custom special sold as is volkswagen 1959 buick radio gas heater lie j94938 4dr ht ps pb radio full price 1095 black in color lie k45978 full price 695 t963 deluxe volkswagen 1959 pontiac tins car is ready to serve you 4 dr h j 2 tone blue faithfully lie e62210 lie 2008e full price 1095 full price 395 1962 custom 1959 vauxhall volkswagen 4 dr sedan lie e62078 lie 61408 full price 995 full price 295 1960 morris 1961 deluxe oxford 4 cir sedan volkswagen lie e62443 this ear has had only one owner and is very clean car full price 295 lie e85448 drop in and browse around we will be pleased to assist you choose a valentines day gift etc boxed stationery writing pads chuaiahac a wide selection to envelopes choose from office supplies ledgers sheets memo books bound books columnar pads index etc storage file cabinets filing folders card boxes office furniture desks chairs filing cabinets v fireproof safes enquiries invited order today i j figurematic electric adder one only i c smith used typewriter 11950 29so full price 895 1960 volkswagen dckxc model crccn in color this nir has been none over completely lie l66605 full price 695 buy now became we need the money ask for don brown ted cerrard or jim walsh remember no down payment if your credit is good miscellaneous items twin well by sheaffer fine tip marker 49c sheaffer cartridge pens 1 00 new papermate bali pen only 98c venus retractable ball pen 49c mistick mending tape plastic coated cloth v and ii widths 29c to 69c ball pen refills for most pens available lead pencils 6b to 9h for drawing and drafting slide rules each 1 95 to 5 25 paper cups 1000 for 85c newsprint pads 5 x 8 only 2 for 15c rubber stamps to order prompt delivery 3ms stationery 56 mill st acton 8532030

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