Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1966, p. 1

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ninetyfirst year no 34 acton ontariothursday february 1 7th 1966 authorised mm second class y the poet office department man ottaw twelve pages ten cents scrap season pass for park actonians all to cater free acton residents wil no longer purchase a season pass to enter prospect park on sundays and holidays during summer months this decision vias made thurs- day evening of last week when parks board members agreed to lift the jl per season ticket charge and issue local residents with free stickers instead in the past acton residents could buy a jl sticker for their cars which allowed them access to the park at ajiy time without further charge vehicles without the sticker many of them from outoftown were assessed 50 cents per trip which included the driver on sundays and holidays on other days there was no charge made well over 100 actonians paid tl each for season passes each summer mechanics for distribution of the free stickers have not been worked out to dnte but board members discussed several pos sibilities the decision to lift the charge was sparked by council rcpres- cntative earl mosaics who first objected to the previous system at the inaugural meeting thurs day of last week all members present were in accord with dropping the present charge to acton residents start glenlea park during the budget discussion it was agreed to include a sum of money for development of glenlea park the park develop ment started a few years ago but lack of funds prevented extensive plans it was also agreed to attempt to improve the condition of the race track in the past the track had been graded and oiled but this mcthod had not been found fully satisfactory centennial date a request was received from the guides and brownies for re servation of the park for july 9 1967 for a cerffennial pro gram members were of the op inion the writer had mistakenly inserted the 1967 date but a phone call revealed the park was indeed required for the centen nial year present lor the meeting were chairman george williams nino braida brendan aticarnc gor don harding and earl masales as well as secretary art cqopcx and past secretary owen coul- trup tb clinic dates set town hall is location the tb clinles will be held in the acton town hall on monday and tuesday march 7 and 8 for tuberculin tests and again on thursday and friday march 10 nd imor readings and for xray i required 2 to 5 und 7 to 10 pin team captains have been as signed curtain districts in town they need visitors to distribute clinical cards id- the homes and offer any required explanations also required arc a few volun teers to work as clerks or hos tesses at clinics and one urtwo with cars who could provide transportation for the elderly or for mothers with prcschool chil dren if you art interested in helping out in any of these ways please call mrs c lcalherland 8531745 or mrs h h hinton 8531246 doesnt hurt the lest is important to dis cover the presence ol a tb germ before the disease develops or spreads to others it does not hurt officials point out the xray takes one minute whether the test is positive or not all over 40 are urged to have it ay it reveals other disorders in lungs heart etc this is all free attend meeting an instructional meeting for aeton milton georgetown es- quesing and nassagaweya was held friday evening in george town under bert hardwick of oakville acton was well repre sented by mrs h denny mrs 1 maicoux mrs a waldic mrs m synion mis i duby mrs e foolitl mrs i ynimgblut mrs r knapton mr unci mrs c an derson mr and mrs c leather- land and mr and mrs h hinton schools done said the importance of this part ol our survey to find the unknown casus of tuberculosis in the county cannot be over em phasized young people have a special stake in this search a positive reaction in a young per son indicates that there is an ac tive case of tuberculosis some where within the family or neigh borhood everyone in halton the campaign to tuberculin test every person in halton coun ty is sponsored by the halton tuberculosis and health associa tion in cooperation with the on tario department of health rev eslabrouks outlined the procedure to follow if you wish a tuberculin test at the forth coming mass survey during the coming weeks can vassers will be calling at all homes in the county they will be leaving vital information nt your home as well- as survey history cards for you to com plete these cards are to be filled in as directed by the canvasser and on the day that the clinic is held in your community lake the card to the town hall and hand it in to the clerk at the door you will then lie directed to the simtt photo miss barbara christie representative from simplicity patterns visited the acton high school monday to spearhead a fashion show in the auditorium students modelled the styles for spring and summer front row left to right are jackie lee wearing a onepiece dress betty provis wearing a matching scarf and blouse and blue stretch denim skirt and miss christie back row left to right are beverley brunelle wearing a onepiece dress in two lengths with jacket margie sullivan wearing a onepiece drsss with simulated smocking and jane cooper wearing an extraclear vinyl plastic- raincoat other students and a number of parents enjoyed the fashion show just filed away hydro abandons plans for new office shop ac torr hydros hopes arid plans ancing lor the next live years for a new office and workshop re- j broughl the revelation that no ceived final burial at last thurs- projects were anticipated which n i davs meeting when ontario hv- j would require a debenture issue j accment committees proposal for depiirtmen ot health nurse who n u e n i 1 i- do through their hamilton olficc there have been on v j crating station in niagara i accounts of s20273 were ap proved for payment and the riian- wjl administer this simple skin 11 l 11 recommended lest 1 011 will be asked to return to the clinic a lew days later must return here rev eslabrooks empha- j sized the importance ol the re turn visit so the nurse can ex- 1 amine your arm to see if a re- action has developed ii you find i that you have reacted you will he one of the 20 per cent of on- i lario residents in the same silua tiom- it means that vou the local commis sion reconsider its building pro gram the letter from hamilton informed commissioners the plans and proposal could not be approved before february 28 thcbuikline program was csli mated bv the architect to cost between s50000 and sc0000 when tenders were called prices submit ted were over 5100000 alter re- all tender two deben ture issues in the history of acton hydro the cost ol conversion irom 25 to 60 cycles and the instal lation of senice in glenlea were holh financed by debenturing to receive award notification that chairman ted advertising was accepted the superintendent reported his crew was working in conjunction wilh the towns wort staff in removal of trees the superintendent re minded commissioners of his pre vious recommendation that sal aried employees with 20 years department of health nurses haw so far tested a total of i ease ol tuberculosis at sometime 10243 school children in all pub- lie and separate schools in the county expressing iratitiidc ol the niass survey committee lo the various school hoards anil health officers in the eoiinlv general chairman rev il estabrooks i spring summer fashions modelled at high school jcclmg all lenders negotiations i were initialed with individual con- been in contact with an active tractors and bv requesting a win- in vour life there is very little ant estimated chance of vour having active iusww0 commission tell the heivulosis but for vour own pro- i building could be constructed at u will be asked lo have a ncl cl lo h l the neighborhood ol sdo000 the tyler would be recipient of a l54aervicc be granted an annual va- ycar award for service on the ac- cation ol lour weeks the sugges- lon commission was r e c e i v e d lion was reserved for liter discus- from omea the superintendent sion said lhcirward would be present- 1 a a replacement vehicle lor meter eel at the thursdav evening ban- a i i rwrpri cacting came under cuns-nlera- ncl uvvtu specifications ol various types of cars and trucks were re- viewed prior to calling for lend ers lection you will ne askeil an ray the xray will show ac tive tuberculosis as well as any oilier abnormalities that may ex ist in vour chest area gay colorful spring flowers lining a while picket tence on stage at the high school auditor ium was an attractive setting for the spring anil slimmer fashion show staged by over 20 students from mrs alcy oils home ec onomics class monday afternoon the latest in lashions were sup plied by simplicity fashions ol toronto wilh representative miss barbara christie acting as com mentator musical numbers principal e a hansen welco med the audience ot parents and students after the singing of o canada the pianist throughout the fashion slum ws anne shor- till aiul ehairmanol the show was margaret orourkc linda ralston smg two solos one both in english and german alter intermission marianne coles sang a solo both were accompan ied bv anne short ill at the piano girls taking part were irene severinski roberta nesset jac- i erry bishop gail reed jackie lee terry curls jane cooper ann gordon beverly brunelle sharon white anna may busehe- mever betty provis linda foster gail dunne marg sullivan linda danim joan gibbons linda ral ston and lorraine servos at the conclusion of the lash- ion show students and their guests enjoyed lunch served by the home economics class prepare brief 01000 cost ligure was contingent upon early approval by ontario hydro an immediate start ac ceptances winter works project and completion of the building i bv ihe winter works deadline ol i april 30 while no resolution to remoxe j the project irom active considera tion pf the commission was pres- ented it appears the plans and i models will be filed lor consid eration at some later and as yet undetermined date claim rejected an insurance claim tor sis lor repairs lo the pa system and two fluorescent fixtures at the m z bennett school was rejected by 1 the commission- insurance car- rieis the conipanv claimed the clalnage was the result ot an act of- god wind apparently blew i wires outside the school until two wires came into contact and a surge jjowed into ihe school sys tem chairman ted tvler expres sed his concern that both the schikil and commission insurance was carried bv one company and there appeared to be no coverage 1 on this particular claim commis sioner dawkins suggested a ice quel of the omea jtlcoiilerence it was decided to hold up registration until the con- lerence program is received j a suggestion irom ontario lly- ilro that the acton hydro might consider commissioning j writer to prepare a hislory of acton j hydro met wilh little enthusiasm the published history would form a part ol the ontario hydro cen- j lennial project which is to bi housed at the sir adam beck gen all commissioners were present md chairman ted tyler presided oakville highest i county tax shares are established oakville will pay the largest portion of county costs this year with the largest assesmeirt in the county and nassagaweya will be contributing thesmallesitportioh a schedule approved by halton coirrty council tuesday incorp orating the equalized assessment approved last year with the cur rent nddiim of amounts to be paid by the dominion and provin cial governments on property they hold in the various munici palities establishes the basis for the distribution of 1966 county costs oakville will pay 4385 per cent burlington 3964 per cent george town 553 per cent equesing 357 per cent milton 337 per cent acton 252 per cent and nassaga weya 14 per cent the figures established initially last year under the county equal ization have also been adjusted to compensate for the milton an nexation of small portions of es- qucsing and oakville increasing miltons portion by 10014 pcr cent according lo the table sub mitted by county councillors mil ton picked up- 321650 in addi tional assessment from the areas annexed to the town of that amount 202175 came from oakville and 119475 from es- quesing two accidents valentine day valentines day on monday proved anything but sweetheart day for four motorists who were involved in accidents at 910 am a parked car in front of hintons store owned and driven by d ryder acton was struck in the rear by a west- abound vehicle driven by g raw- ding eden mills corporal ray imason investiga ted and estimated damage to the ryder car around 300 and the rawding vehicle around 250 careless driving charges were laid against mr rawding who claimed he fell asleep monday afternoon constable peter campbell investigated a two ear crash at the corner of mill and john sts involving a car driven by david w gait and ne driven by beverly bennett both of acton damage lo the gait vehicle which was proceeding east on mill and was in the pro cess of making a left turn onto john was estimated around 250 damage to the bennett vehicle which was reported to be pulling out of a parking area east of the johnmill corner was estimated around 100 the accident took place opposite dennys insurance office where both drivers arc insured oakville assessment valued t 127107887 will be the basis ol that municipalitys share of coun ty coils biirfingtons adjusted total is 114906185 other munic ipal assessment totals as adjust ed with hc inclusion of ithe pro vincial and federal grants given in lieu of taxes are georgetown 16040175 esquesing 10366728 millon 9776630 acton 7313109 and nassagaweya 4345168 the total county equalized as sessment of 286949081 is increas ed to 289855882 with the con sideration of dominion and pro vincial grants in lieu of taxes nei ther government pays taxes but it is customary jor them to make grants to the m u n i c i p a 1 i t i es roughly to the amount they would pay it they were tajced government owned lands in the municipalities include property of the hydro electric power com mission of ontario the depart- riieiit of highways the depart ment of pwblic works liquor control stores post offices arm ouries cbc department of trans port and the department of na tional defense vi ui sign perennial problem county views new one the perennial problem of a pomincnt sign suitably inscrib ed for the new county building drew more attention tuesday by members of halton county coun cil when they viewed a new pro posal the new design presented by reeve g gallagher bore the in scription halton county admin istration and court house reeve h merry objected to see ing only one design he suggested the building was a county ad ministration building that hap pened to have court facilities in cluded he recommended the building be called the county ad ministration building and in smaller letters court house under it deputy reeve w hoey observ ed the formal was not particular ly good design he suggested it should get more consideration ind objected lo the use of the ampersand rather than spelling out the word reeve g gallagher reviewed the historic foundation of the county around the court house the judiciary seem to feel they have got prior prominence he pointed out the visiting judges each year point out the lack of designation which one first deputy reeve c menefy sup ported the earlier contention the county administration designa tion should precede the court house designation the mailer was referred back to the property committee for further consideration the subject of signs at the new county building has been a re curring one since erection of the present pylon bearing the words halton county adrtiinistratioir sxxxtx allcounty toll free calling depends on actons indication inclusion of acton in a tollfree calling area to milfoil was urged by millon council monday when that council endorsed a bejj tele phone co proposal to provide tollfree calling from millon to burlington oakville and george town this service will be effec tive in november 1967 milton councils resolution urg ed bell telephone officials lo give serious consideration lo in cluding the acton area thus pro viding ihe service throughout the county representing the coiripavu at the milton council meeting a name assistant crown attorney a full time assistant crown at torney has been appointed to help halton crown attorney p k mc- wiliiams with the court work of the county he is bruce martin 40 a toronto lawyer formerly with the law firm of kennedy and irnssin mr martin will work from an oil ice in the brown st court house he expects to live in -mil- ion a graduate of the university of toronto and osgoode hall mr martin is an army veteran and is married with three children breakin discovered at thompson mptors constable bruce mcarlhur dis covered an open and broken window at thompson motors ar ound 515 am sunday morning when making his usual rounds in the cruiser the building had been broken into out nothing ap peared to have been taken blachford told members the com pany would be able to include acton if acton council indicated the municipalitys interest including acton in the area would raise rates here by one group it would not uffect the rates proposed in milton that will go from- group four lo group eight 653 march atotij of 65312 wan collect ed in the march of dimes this year convener mrs j lowrlc has reported this was the first drive for funds in three years but there was a const- dcrable increase over the sum given ihe last time volunteers called doortodoor club planning easter drive- rotarian re a h mckeiizie euc a talk on the international koiary magazine at the regular nice in tuesday evening and nul answer per- ol the monthly j a meeting of repivsentativcs il all municipal boards and eon missions has been called for sun- day afternoon to compile the j town ol acton briel lor submis- omniendation go to the school sion to the plunkett hearing j board suggesting the grounding which will be held in milton jot the school electrical system i be checked held a quest ion ioj on aspects puli licit ion i plans have been finalized by rotarian tivd gordon general chairman of the easter seal pro- ice or a campaign next month literature and easter seals will i he mailed out to residents throughout ihe area appealing i lor donations for this worthwhile curse oba doornbos zenith anivsvrong included in ihe general brief march 24 to 26 at a previous meeting all boards were requested to submit a written report sunday to be look ahead a request from the town for the commissions forecast ol capital spending requiring municipal fin- 1 first pansy campbell winn main st n aii ardent gardener picked two paiisies last week from his flower bid apparently the flowers were blooming under the snow and when the snow disappeared there were several in full bloom oldtimers star former national hockey league greats will face off with acton tanners friday night in an exhibition game at the arena to highlight a full even ing of entertainment for hock ey and skating fans many of the nhl oldtimers will be familiar to fans here some however have been add ed to the 11st since their ap pearance here the last two years also included on the pro gram will be an exhibition game between two atom lea gue teams and the youngsters propose to hand the fans a keen game of hockey between the first and second periods over 20 figure skaters will waltz around the ice in a display of figure skating all are from the local club another main feature of the evening will be a draw for two nhl game tickets to maple leaf gardens donated by mur ray ezcard and another for a grucn watch supplied by the sponsor of the nhl oldtim ers for times sec advertisement seve staff photo cakes come expensive especially when pupils at the m z efennett school decide to raise- mpney for the red cross during a bake sale the children sold tickets on the cake for a- draw and sales netted 2375 the special cake was won by yvonne duval 189 main st s holding the cake and showing a ticket are peter pavli susan south and susan mills the bake sale was a huge success and within a half hour grades one two and three pupils had cleaned up almost everything only a few cup cakes remained for senior grade pupils to purchase next less than half licenses sold sales arc beginning to speed up at the local license issuers office for purchase of 1966 plates according lo a report from issuer jack margrave sales in the early part of the year were slow compared to the same pcrjoil last year at the ac ton ofllcc but lineups are begin ning to appear now to date less i han half the expected sales have been made deadline for driving with 1965 markers is midnight monday february 28 the aclon office is open daily monday through fri- clav from 9 am to 6 pm and saturday from 9 am to 5 pm good news heres something to crow about the first crow of um season reported to the free press miss ida nellls rjl 1 acton phoned to say so saw a crow on saturday the and pa curling bonspicl monday at the arena was quite a success with the male members coming out on top with a victory

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