Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1966, p. 2

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the acton free press thursday tobruavy 17th 1966 osprinoe valentines day birthday mrs thomas fines reacfies80 gordon yonngesu son ol mi and mrs dun wintei is confined to his home with pneumonia kalhy youngest daughlci ol mr andjwi robeit ellis town line underwewn tonsillectomy at guelph general hospital last week george allan grundy is confin ell io toronto genetul itostttml where lie undeiwent suigciv on rmonmy tor an enlaiged disc in his buck ms william wiatt hind line ck a patient at totaiito hast gen ml hospital wlieiv she had sur gory on tuesday loi vaiicos-i- veins r mr nntl mis a bulloch and willy attended the gift show in torttmo and also the boat show at the coliseum mrs william stevenson mis goidon turner and children ol cookstown visited on sunda wth the foimers parents mi and mrs w mcmillan mr and mrs k kloostei visit ed on sundav with then daugh ter and son inlaw mr and mrs joe boersma nd familv biamp ion mr and mis mtiuav mckit rick isi ted tjieu son kennv who isn patient at the crippled child frens htwpilul m toronto goidon ailken and d g rob ertson spent a da icelishing at lake simcoe and lepoit a small cateh mrs- thomas fines celebinted her eightieth bnrhda on mon dov st valentines da mrs fines enos fan health and in spite xit having two cataiacts re moved irom her ces she still busies herself b hooking liigs which are of excellent qunhtv in summor she en0s gndening and her flowers both indoois and out are a mass ot blooms mr and mrs cliffoid store churchill skiddoo rides marie anniversary party mr smifh r giiffin is in ot tawa this week attending the an nual meetings ol the canadian horticultural council mrs f treeman and mrs w thompson attended the halton picsbyfertntonited chinch wo men tourth annual meeting held in st pauls united church mil ton on thursday ieb 10 friends and ntighbois aie sor ry to hear mis george maltbv is a patient in si losephs hos pital guelph the past week we hope she will be able to return home soon a few ol the aclon i an board ladles met at mis i mecuiloch s home and enioved piactising loi the skit thev arc to give at the variety show which will be held saturdnv evening in acton on feb 6 about 40 relatives friends and neighbors gathered at the home ot mr and mi s al belt brooks in honoi of then 25th wedding anniversarv it be ing on too 8 then nephew ross mcmullen of toronto brought his skuloocs and manv enioved i id mg ovei l he snow covered fields and hills mi and mrs brooks reallv taken b surpnse received a walnut table and othei beauti tul gifts the tamilv served a bountiful suppei buffet sivle and all cirioid a vvondeitul altci noon togethei who sold then fum on the sec ond line lasl tall moved this week to ciewsons cornels on no 7 llighwav vvhenthev have put chased a home men of the congregation ol the local pusbvlenan church aic bus making icpairs to the walls and ceiling ol the siincfiuuv pi n fo retiecoiatlng mis david slewail was jjost ess loi the monlhlv meeting ol the chustian womens tellovv ship ol fveitoil chustian chinch when h memhcis and eight visi ois vvc-ic- pieiit mis allan i illie opened the meeting with scnptuie leading xind piavei mrs clilloid mc dougall lead the minutes and called the i oil answeied bv a lamous biblical charactci and vitu mis h hoi lop presented the f manual icpoit and icmind ed all ol oui goal to be met bv april 30 mis ton was named af lead ci foi the maich meeting an m- v nation to attend the woild dav ol piavei teb 2s at 2 pm at the stone chinch was accepted and all ladies weie uigcel to he piesenl mis a hams mis c mcdougall and mis mai ion burns wen named as a nominal mg committee mis d g roheitson had chaige ot the woiship poition of the piogram taking as the theme called as witnesses with scrip- tine icfeience john 1 13 and isaiah 41 10 the speaker asked whv aie wi prone to excuse oui sekes bv pointing out our in adequacies oui inabilities and oui alrcadv too busv schedules we ask whv should i bother about being a chustian witness we are told chi 1st has no hands hul oms and no tongue but oui s to witness mrs lillie intioduccd membei s ol the cwf of guelph chustian church who had chaige of the studv foi the meeting mrs goi don reid was leadei lor the top ic mission of the church with mis james thompson speaking on who is called to the mission and mis leaman thompson on who is icsponsible loi the mis sion each speakei gave an en lightening and challenging mes sage and mis reid in her sum maiv statcel mission ol the chuich is the mission of each in dividual and everv chustian has a mission to fulfil mrs a kingsburv repoitmg foi the seivice group reminded all ol articles needed loi a bale foi india and also invited the ladies to help the cyf with then coming bake sale mis j mcdougall extended a vote of thanks to the guelph la dies foi then inspning progiam the hostess assisted bv her daughters in law mis veinon and mis fd stewart seived fruit bicad and cookies and a cup of tea to conclude a pleasant even inc rockvcod speedside han bought by eramosa twp council macdonald speaker for liberals annual cancer campaign starts m april the i9g6 campaign conleience of the ontano division ol the canadian cancer societv drew ovei 300 campaign chairmen from all ovei ontario at the meeting at the westburv hotel in ten on to to tliscuss the upcoming cam paign loi funds in apt il this veai s obiective ten ontano is s2320o0o mis rav aibie actons campaign chairman attended the highlights weie thj two speakers di j a mecarfer tin ectoi ol eaneet leseaieh labs llniveisitv of western ontano al london spoke on cancel re seaieh anothei speakei was rev nobh hatton legional dnectoi ol canadian council ol chnstians and jews in toronto who uiged the chairmen to achieve the cam paigns goal othei tcatuies well the torn ot the pimcess mugaiet hospi tul untl lodge loi those who hadn t seen them and a film on cancel these lilms aie available to anv local gioup who might be interested and ariangcments mav be made through haiold dennv in advance mis aibie has alreadv staited the campaign m alton with the group captains named nvone interested in helping mav contact mrs arbic special services mis bill coats is women s sei vices convenet and is alwavs happv to heal from persons wil ling to assist an appeal was made in the tree press last thursdav for volunteers to help with dressings and other supplies and for individuals to help drive patients for checkups or treat ments mrs coats was delighted at the aumber of replies and mbre are always welcome to as sist in this valuable work donald macdonald m p and pailiamentarv secietarv to the hon paul martin secrelarv ol statcjor external affaus will he the guest speakei at the 1966 an nual meeting ol the ihalton coun tv liberal association officials announced todav the liberal annual will be held nt hornbv towers golf club neat t d hk i r- w and ivv rite he at i3h omnv on mondav fcbi uarv 21 i at 8 30 pirt two applications for consent to timslef ol piopcilv were dealt with jnd one held ovei for lur thei discussion at the february meeting ol the eramosa town ship council all members weie present also the road superinten dent mi geiskup nichitcct eail robtason audiloi and the cleik mi geiskup discussed with council plans foi a pioposed township gauige which will be discussed tuithei al a inline meeting tail robinson the auditor made suggestions to council re garding the change ol the cm rent ta billing system 1 1 was sugr- gestcd thut a pre lev tax svs tern involving three instalment payments might be bcneticial to the township the matter was left n abevance grants made wellington soil and crop asso ciation icceived a grant ol 30 and the roval citv ambulance s300 loi ambulance seivice- tor the township during the peiiod janu u- 9 to july 9 1966 the hamilton division ol the bowling league standings given rockwood the standings in rockvvoocl and distnct bowling league this week lound corner pins at the top with 30 points and only one behind in second aie dunes big six with 29 tvventv six points gave third place to the jetstones while hor tops milleis have 24 in touith onlv one tie this time for filth spot anet23 points each tor nich ols pals and carnevs plumbing and heating ricks confection en lollow close with 22 in sixth foi the remaindei it s flint stones 21 pinknev s 20 stiattons esso 19 allev cats 18 hopefuls 14 humes texaco 13 flndroots rootci s linished with 12 this week rick s conlectioncrv made a 70 win ovei the hopefuls while cainevs plumbing and heating clowned the root s root eis bv the same score vhoi top milleis came up with a s2 win ovei strattons esso with coiner pins toppling allev cats also bv s 2 4 3 wins went to humes te aco ovei nichols pals pmknevs topped fhntstones and dune s big six made it over the jet stones for the men fred nightingale took high tuple flat at 733 al nichols 73s was high triple with handicap a 308 got fred night ingale the high single flat with high single handicap going to vic davies at 290 the top ladv was janet pent t who made a clean sweep in all divisions high tuple flat 6s7 and with handicap 672 her high sin gle flat was 261 and 266 with han dicap in season s plav the higlvtriple flat goes to fied nightingale at 819 met slurlev salmon at 726 also in high ti lplc handicap its tied nightingale with 831 and shn lev salmon with 749 in high single flat dave bacon has 330 and shnlev salmon 316 the season s high single with handi cap is held b belt aicher at 3s 1 health clinic roekwood mis lois tosh and mis mav swackhamei as sisted in the monthlv health clin ic held in roekwood town hall these ladies were volunteers from the irockwuod home and school association high av ci age loi the men rs 217 foi dick dupuis and for the ladies 202 toi shirlev salmon the men over 600 were vic davies 6s8 al nichol 67s clar ence hilton 626 dune kingsburv 614 dae bacon 603 jack tcr guson 628 neil mcphedran 63s and fred nightingale 731 ladies ovei s2s man hume s30 hinct peart 6s7 gail bacon s29 and shnlev salmon 546 milton lj 8783272 thursfri sat feb 71819 the ipcress file in color richard craine cartoon docs last stand matinee saturday at2pm feb color montues wed the skull in pfjfr cushings aduutentertainment crack in the world in color dana andrews 212223 feb 242526 in color thurs fri sat winter a go go jill donahue james stacey treasure of silver lake in color lex barker show times monday through thursday on complete program each evening at ft pm friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pm saturday matinee 2 pm salvation army had requested a grant from council and the clerk was instructed to inform them that council in the past few ycais has been making ja donation to fhe salvation army guelph branch in december buy hall the township sohcltoi is to be instructed ifo draw up the neces saty papers fo convey ownership ol the speedside hall from the speedside womens institute to the township j100 is to be paid lo the institute upon thp town ship obtaining a clear title to the property the township will pnv all lognl fees involved a bylnw to amend a bvlaw fo regulate the use ol land and the character location and use ol buildings and structures in so far as it applies to the police village of roekwood only was read and passed and numbered 51966 sub icct to the approval or thcontario municipal board but subject to such approval this bvlaw shall take effect from the passing there of council gave approval to the icquest ol the eramosa public school board lot an additional 175000 making the total amount approved not to exceed 300000 a bylaw appointing a road sup ciintendent and fixing his remun eiation was passed subiect to the approval of the depaftment ol highways his salary is to be s soo annually gravel contract the iholman construction was awarded the gravel contract lor 10000 yards more or less at a price of 84c per cubic yard deliv ercd subject to theapproval of the department ol highways the treasurer was authori7ed to re turn the gravel tender deposit to the unsuccessful bidder cox con struction who had made a bid at 87c per cubic yard accounts amounting to 9399 76 general accounts 3484 54 road accounts 5 63327 were passed for payment and meeting adjourn ed to meet monday march 7 or at the call of the reeve jr farmers present rose bowl to wotoor outstanding members the rfegnlar monthly nieeting of halton junior jparmers cduntv board was held on february 5 in oda office milton vicepresi dent harold thompson opened the meeting and the minutes horn the january meeting weie read bv the secrctaiy miss lean hunlei orangeville leadership school will be held on februaiv 12 in wcstminstcrunirert church in or angeville the day begins at 9 30 am with recreation cmlective speaking and impromptu speak ing this is planned loi leader ship epenence lot the new club ofliceis the numbei or canes lemnining irom the lall sale will be picsent- cd fo a musing home in geoige town georgetown distnct hos pital st josephs chrome ward and bicnlwoqd manor in bur imgion the halton junioisjiavc agreed to present an hour sl emc tarn ment at the halton tedeiation of agricul lures annual banquet on march 18 halton will be competing in the provincial curling bonspiel lo be held at the univeisitv ol guelph on monday march 21 the team members are paleimo lunioi paimeis dannv hcaihenngtcih gordon davis bob ncuc and pete swectman march 26 is the tentative date set loi the halton countv diama festival it is repoited that ac ton norval and palermo will be competing in this annual event halton junioisarc all invited to the provincial march conference lo he held on the 11 12 13 at the univeisitv of guelph halton will be sending five official delegates to the conlerencc plans loi the return exchange with carleton county arc set foi the easter holidays while plans for a countv exchange with kent county are being arrangecl for the summer holidays ernie alexander was elected as the halton junior farmci mem ber on fhe halton tatm safety council the juniors have planned to hold their semifoimal dance at paradise gaidens on may 7 al this time a queen ol halton jun lor farmers will bc chosen rom contestant tcsrreshtlng each ol three ehvbs at the conclusion of the meet mg paul mav presented a rose bowl to an outstanding lunior tv r mis joy havwnrd this ij t r presentation is on a mdhthlv ba hold d3v oi rfayer sis with the theme roses aie ci x i u l l lor the living march 2 is the date for the an nual meeting wheie the new of llcers for 196667 will 10 chosen members are askivl in lnni anv slides eontaining junior latnul iiio made in the ae livilies jui my the iie v ions i lub mijiriu nickel to veai an minors hi invilid lo rninei membei in halton conn jallend ibis meeting r gordie tapp k guest speaker at norval jr farmer annual roekwood women thiough out the woild will gather on fri da february 25 loi the world div ol piavei this veai plans home of miss hold the ser vice in st lohus anglic un i tun eh km kvuiod at 2 30 pin announcement noival lunior farmers and jun lor institutes held theii annual banquet and dance at stewai i town hall fndav evening with i he guest speatcer gordie tapp bettei known to most farm people- as cousin clom mr tapp has given up this role howevep and on fhis occasion gave fhe guests a very inspiring talkon the idcn lifieation of canadians in other countries he went on to his experiences in other countries where people think of canada as a land covered with tskimos and indians he lelt canadian people must do a edenmius group commitree sponsors euchre sunday guests ol mi and mrs r wright were mi and mis jack gieenlaw whitby the group committee of fdcn mills scout troop held a very successful euchre in the commun itv hall on saturday evening win ncrs were ladies joan lowne mis w eailv mrs jgilbertson gents bill early bill martin glen stevenson travelling pnes went to wilda macdougall and i loyd noville- mrs sylvia noville was hostess for the silver belles club mon dav winners were wilma gil be it son saela gilbeitson and sylv la noville the group committee of eden mills scout troop met at the home ol mrs r roy and arrange menls vm re made for the tathei son banquet in the ncarfutuie bellci job ol promoting canada and making loieign people mine aware of what a great country canada really is norval institute ladies served an excellent banquet which was cn oved bv all the election ol officers was carried out wilh va nic alexander hivjng elciled piesiclcnt of norval junloi i armors tor 1966 and gail mecallum president of the norval lunior institute tollowmg the banquet a dance was held with fairs orchestra providing the cnieitainment past president puis weie pre scnted to paul mav and ruth ma son substitutes while st alban s organist w is cnjoving the sunshine in floi icla glenn binks and fred salt plav ed toi services in the chinch sun life assurance company of canada t announces the appointment of iain a williams 107 elizabeth dr 8531897 acton ontario as area representative comfort is when your wife throws away her collectioiuoi dry skin creams when john junior hasnt had a cough or sniffle for months in countless canadian homes dry air cduses problems to solve such prob lems all you need is comfort as your gas company knows comfort in volves more than ust heat it involves humidity too heres how it works hu midity is fhe amount of moisture per cubic foot of air when air is heated it expands along with the moisture it contains the result is less moisture per cubic foot of air therefore a lower relative humidity the air becomes thirsty and draws moisture from the surroundings including your body when moisture evaporates from your body it takes heat away and you feel cool youve probably heard how vou always feel cooler in a dry climate than in a damp one its fhe same in your horn when the humidity is re- when you wake up in the morning without sandpaper sinuses duced you feel cool the family complains and you turn up the ther mostat and pay a bigger heat bill comfort is when humidity and heat are properly balanced you feel neither too hot nor too cold modern gas heating systems can give you the correct comfort level automatically because gas heating controls humidity as well as heat well help you achieve the proper indoor climate in your home and save you money doing it so call your heating contractor department store or gas company phone or write to your local gas company for a free comfort is brochure united gas limited gq nones the sig comfortable difference now is the time to arrange for a rental ownership typewriter for easter its as simple as abc to become an owner heres all you do 1 select from oui stock the upcstvlc and eoloi vou uish 2 sign a lenlal agreement anil pav the llist months ii vou continue to lent until until pud equals pui chase puce plus small scnicc lie we give you the typewriter here are the advantages 1 no obligation to buv 2 seivice without chaige dining a neve portable- tvpeui i upsetting voui budget tu lot voui i cut a pei ioci home without corsair 12 mos at 640 per mo sterling 12 mos at 1195 per mo come in and see us today an office size keyboard- preset tabulator and many other fullsize features in the corsair low low prici 6995 k hick ut iturint suptrttimwcycolkbody it ljmtlmiimr 9mds it ntmspicfni ferirror etotnl office supplies ledger sheets memo books index etc bound books columnar pads storage file cabinets filing folders card boxes t office furniture desks chairs filing cabinets fireproof safes enquiries invited order today i figurematic electric adder 11950 miscellaneous items twin weil by sheaffer fine tip marker 49c sheaffer cartridge pens 100 new papermate ball pen only 98c venus retractable ball pem 49c mistick mending tape plastic coated cloth 4 and va widths 29c to 69e ball pen refills for most pens available lead pencils 6b to 9m for dhawing and drafting slide rules each 195 to 525 paper cups 1000 for 85c newsprint pads 5 x 8 omiy 2 for 15c rubber stamps to order prompt delivery stationery 56 mill st acton 8352030 sim

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