Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1966, p. 7

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get more industry- one of the favorite topics of conversation in i many communities in ontario s how do we get more industry there appears to- be a general impression that the acquisition by any community of a large new industry is going fo be the cure for all municipal economic ills acton in its effort to attract new industry is beset by the same problems that beset many ontario communities it was felt not without some satisfaction that municipallyowned servic ed industrial land could attract new industry to acton a strong and active development com mission warappointed the commissionset to work with high expectations but results have been disappointing apparently this program is less than is required to attract new industry we see a meeting was held in motjjjt forest recently which representatives of 35 municipali ties attended the decision of the meeting was that the federal governments designated area program is unfair discriminatdry and killings m- dusfrialgrowth in areas not designated under the program the delegates agreed their municipali ties had no chanceof obtaining new industries when industry coud go to other nearby centres designated by the government and receive cash grants on construction of new buildings or ad ditions to exisfing facilities and also receive tax concessions under the program 81 areas in canada were designated by the federal govern- ment ayhere industry can qualify for these grants and tax concessions at the meeting various municipalities des cribed the difficulties which they have encount ered in smiths falls a five million dollar in dustry was lost to collingwood and in mount fofest an industry was signed sealed and de livered but the firm decided to withdraw and build ina designated area because of the finan cial advantages offered by the program designated areas are supposedly determined on the basis of high unemployment or statistics from local employment services offices and low average income the designated areas program was launched in 1963 when 35 areas across canada including seven in ontario were desig nated in 1964 the area development incentives act was passed and last year the program was expanded to include 81 designated areas the decision of the mount forest meeting was to apply for status as designated area in an area covering almost 2000 square miles when the program was launched in 1963 there was a certain stigma attached which did not please most of the municipalities designated since that time there has we are sure been a change of heart until we have reached the point today where municipalities are willing even eager to be designated depressed areas since there is nothing to lose and obviously much to be gained as evidenced by recent indus trial activity in the collingwoodmidland area we think acton top should apply for recogni tion as what is politely called a designated area we must not consider it a depressed area which was without doubt the original intent of the federal government in 1963 its much more palatable to be designated as is the colling- woodmidland area we feel that actons best approach to indus trial growth is to take any money there is for industrial promotion and promote ourselves into a designated area status there will then be no need to buy industrial land to service it to pro duce multicolor brochures to hire industrial commissioners or launch a highpowered sales program instead of burying 50000 itv water and sewer services in the municipally owned in dustrial land we can probably buy the desig nated status after that all we will have to do is sit back and bear off the poor- industries which dont have any appeal to us with a big stick underground wiring acton council displayed some wisdom iri investigating the feasibility of installing under ground wiring in the balance of lakeview sub division the aesthic qualities of such an under ground system are very desirable however the additional cost in such program in lakeview does not appear to us to be feasible when we consider the installations that have alreadybeen made in this area it would appear to us to be only logical to continue the new installation as an addition to those already installed lines to change horses in midstream does not seem too wise because it will end up as a patch work of overhead and underground systems we do think council would be wise to insist on under ground wiring in any new subdivision which may come before it in the future when aesthetic considerations can he considered in the light of the whole project maintain standards we were pleased to learn the public school board is considering the implementation of a remedial reading program and the teaching of oral french in the acton schools there appear ed to be some hesitation in making a commit ment to institute the programs french in particu lar because they might not be available in sur rounding schools and therefore continuity in high school might not be maintained it is our opinion both programs should be started in acton without delay acton schools have always had high academic standards and a display of leadership in instituting both these programs is in line with a progressive curriculum stuff photo quantities of goodies went on sale monday afternoon at the m z bennett school when teacher mrs bert benton and her class of grade 3 and 4 pupils staged a bake sale with pro ceeds of 5038 going to the junior red cross left to right are steven brunelle cathy wel- don bryan robinson and sharon gillespie admiring some of the baking while mrs benton watches plan for present we were rather disturbed with the realiza tion that planning board hason its books a reso lution which does not allow the board to con- sider any further applications for zone changes until the new official plan is approved we real ize the new plan has been under consideration for three years and held up for one year at a cost to the taxpayers of 1200 but we cannot understand how the board can refuse to con sider present applications and any that may be forthcoming until final omb andor depart ment of municipal affairs approval is received the possibility that the new plan may not re ceive approval until the town has indicated its future plans for sewage plant additions or re placement could stunt actons growth irrepair- ably v we are in favor of planning in principle for it is only through planning- can we expect an orderly sound and intelligent growth in our interpretation however there is not only the utopia we expect to create at some date in the future- there is also the requirement that we proceed through the present to reach that far off and glittering future if planning is so wrap ped up in bureaucratic red tape we can not live with it today all is for naught and we should ij immediately change our way of thinking our planning bylaws and our official plans this sundays church calendar wisdom of the world there arc souls in this world which have the pilt of finding joy everywhere and leaving it behind them when they go faber presbyterian church i in canada j knox church acton 1 rev andrew h mckcnzjc i ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba j organist and choir master sunday february 2lth 19m 945 am church school 1100 am divine worship sernjon np 5 in series cri- sis experiences the crisis j of vocation j 130 piii minister and youth j fellowship members leave tor afternoon and evening youth gathering at st pauls united church cviilton j net sunday 930 to 1030 am iirm session ol ministers j lenten young peoples church i membership class i everyone most welcome trinity church the united church of canada the church of st alban the marty- anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb suqtvl 0 by bill smiley 1966 23rd lor minister rev dvvight i the rev dvvight i engel b a bd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday february 20th 19oo church school j 930 am- tirades 48 1100 a m nursery to grade 3 services of worship j 9j0arfr 1100 am i biblical personalities the mad king 61s pm young people meet to travel to streetsvillc v wednesday february 23 830 pm meeting with men of st j albans for discussion of un ion principles i sunday february 20th ouinquagesima 900 am holy eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 a in holy eucharist wednesday february ash wednesday 845 afn holy eucharist school childrenl- 1100 am holy eucharist 730 pmhoiy eucharist 800 pm holy eucharist 830 pm meti of bac meet at trinity united for discuss ion of union principles thursday february 24 st mat thias jo am holy euchar ist acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidev ave ph 8531615 sunday february 20th 19 945 am church school adult class 1100 am morning worship chosen in him 700 pm evening service v1y shepherd we invite all xvho have no even ing service to share this hour with us wednesday prayer and bible study 730 thursday choir practice 7 jo friday bhif 7 explorers 730 text for week therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin james 4 17 acton pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday february 20th 1966 1000 am sunday school tor all ages 1100 am- lmtcrnilionil mission try evangelist rev robert i argue will speak in acton pentecostal tabernacle you are invited to attend this outstanding service 700 pnl local pentecostal w mc ladies will be taking charge of this service inter esting topics interspersed with special music will be the highlight of the service tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambas sadors friday 7 pm crusaders in last weeks column i men tioned that son hugh had failed tr keep- a saturday rendezvous with kim and me he was sup posed to meet us and come home for a weekend of skiing when he didnt show up we didnt worry thinking hed become involved elsewhere he was tuesday night lollowjiig jive senior tutor of his coltcgc phoned long distance was hugh at home ill nobody in his residence had seen hini since friday night hed missed a test in psychology how would you go about telling your wile that her firstborn is missing it would have been eas ier to infonrirhcr that i had can cer and three months to live theres nothing more fun on a night in midwinter than sit ting around with your who wondering whether your son has eloped has been kidnapped j has become a junkie is on a drunk or is lying dead in a ditch tlius speculating we took turns shed be white with ap prehension id be red with rage then wed turn red and white i simultaneously she with anger i with fear and while we were thus en gaged do you know where he was wining and dining play ing a steinway grand piano in a swank apartment on park ave nue new york city next night i phoned his room mate yep mr smiley hed had a card from hugh from green wich village having a ball next slop baltimore this threw lift jjvhole lamily kim was in on il loo bustling with excitement into one ol life finest frenzies of rage and relief weve ever enjoyed suddenly i had one ol those rare flashes of iniglft which make people who dont know me think im a genius baltimore i cried ah-ha- baltimore 1 reminded the old girl thai shv has a cousin studying at john rhopkins university balti more she said i was crazy he wouldnt dare go there and il he had cousin pat would have phoned i insisted she called got cous in pat in jig time my wile didnt want to sound like a complete moron aiid ask il hugh was there so she asked gaily how is the boy theyd had a bany boy a lew months previously cousin pat retorted yours or mine and the baltimore oriole as he is now known in the family was in the net al most he came on the line hi mom how arc you gay as an oriole innocent as a novice nun when his mother was able to talk she told himi tor 20 minutes how she was and what he was finally kim and i wrestled the telephone liom her and i spent 45 seconds lifting hinr to be home by the weekend hed caught the urge to travel late friday night struck oil at 3 am in ski jacket and jeans hitch-hiked- caught rides with university students negro la dies hillbillies arrived new york with 20 cents went to coffee house to keep warm ordered coffee wai ter said sixtyfive cents hugh said ive only got 20 waiter took it read french novel and talked to junkies students and assorted characters all night sold pint ol blood ill times square lor 55 ate later phon ed gentleman musician hed met in his summer job ori cruise boat who had foolishly said any time youre in new york look me up this chap and his wile met the skijuketed bum in jeans with warmth fed him j enjoyed a musical evening lo- gel her gave him sleeping quar lets and sent him on his way with 15 cash 1 hitchhiked to baltimore had pleasant evening with cousin pat and wile stephanie immediate plans to head for florida and vis it with iriends of ours then meander to new orleans where he the jctd 014 taifa 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday feb 14 196 lance corporal newton f hurst returned from oversea orf the queen elizabeth after serv ing overseas two years and nine months he- was through the france belgium holland and germany campaigns pte r j braida was a passen ger on the aquatania with the canadia army for three years he was overseas for a- year pic emerson patrick wiis three years overseas in france and bel gium he is the last of three bro thers to return from the servic es sgt gordon p cook arrived on the scythia after joining the ar my in 1940 he has been overseas with the 15th ambulance com pany for three and a half years booster night was something new in acton arena and 1100 or so enjoyed the evening hockey stars from the maple leafs syl apps and turk broda acted as referees for the games including that of a group of bantam boys under the direction of g w mc- kenzie the audience hadv seen all the groups when there was a grand parade of nearly a hundred ho ckey players in uniformrxolor was there and when the boys band was taken into the picture it was a real night for the acton hoys mr stanley hall mp con gratulated the sponsors the lorenzo hockey team of buffalo played the- tanners in the feature event norm morton centre star of the tanners faced off with his eightyearold son acton players in the 55 tie game were woods and masters goal riddall and bayliss defense i marzo centre c lindsay hv e marzo rw alternates millar brandon gibbons barden town- sley n morton r morton goy and kentner bobby anderson former army cook hockey player and baseball catcher was in charge of the meal served both teams and guests in the legion president fred dawkins presided as toast- master for addresses made by j f rovston reeve c kirkness f j schmalz v b rumlev ralph gillespie rav mason son ny townsley and g a dills knows a couple ol girls he met at music camp but toiled by par ents phone call returned home with 788 cash disgusted with parents attitude after all hed sent us a card from new york we got il l he day before he arrived home hes back at school but theres mill one thing bothering us kim can hardly wait to get started on her first trip 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press thursday feb 17 1916 mrs e j hassard will receive oittuesday 8th march afternoon and evening and afterward on the first wednesday of each month mr and mrs albert littlejtand children left last week for eng land mr littley will take a posi tion in a munitions factory miss delenii hayward is home ttonrtotonto for a week- or two prior to the busy millinery sea son ad you cannot get greater ef ficiency or more luxurious com fort than in this mclaughlin se ven passenger six cylinder tour- ijig car par excellence solid mahogany instrument board with recess for speedometer and clock lonneau light two extra seats of the disappearing type canopy oneman imported english top fjltecl with natural wood bows and nickelplated slat irons new type curtains that open with the doors this car had no top fob oshawa 2150 about 60 farmers assembled at flie beardmore stock farm to at tend a two day short course in slock farming farmers werte ad vised to go more into dairying the dual purpose cow was refer red lo but distinctive breeds were recommended for dairying and raising of beef a large number of friends of wilfred brilton assembled at ss 9 nassagaweya school and pres ented him with a wrist watch and razor he has enlisted in the battery at guelph the following have donned the khaki since last thursday jo seph laycock james loutctt er nest perryman e b imckinnon c e herrington a rudman fred crcamore kipling puffer the men in acton is the pla toon song of d company 164th battalion since the beginning of the war 125 have enlisted from acton messrs arthur haivey and dan rite hie lett on monday to take an officers training course in to- ron to robert llvnds writes from fiance i am now in hospital formerly a factory its a fine country lor raising ducks con gratulations lather on again be- ini elected reeve what is believed to be an in cendiary lire was started in the commons reading room of the house of commons destroying this beautiful nuilding with the loss of five lives mr d hender son imjp writes home that with a fellow member he was able to leave the burning chamber safe- tippcrary girls present betsy bnker clean refined comedy in two acts town hall 25c and 35c three acts of vaudeville between acts v the acton free press business and fditorial office phone 8532010 founded in is75 and published ever thurmiay at i9 willow t arlnii ontario member of the audit bur eau of circulations the cwna and own a advertising rates on request subscription payable in advaiwe 3400 in canada 9700 in nil countries othvr than canada single copies 1 oc aut horized as second cais mail post office department ottawa advert iting is accepted on the condition that in the event of typographical error that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with reasonable allowance for signature will not be charffed for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate in the event of typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price goods or servlre may not hcsjjfld advertising is merely an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time pabllibej bj the pills printing and pafctlshlng c l14 david r dills managing tditor copy right ukfi prctfejjichai fairectcrij and travellers guide medical maple avenue baptist church sunday february 20th i9ot georgetown 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ing acton 8531956 georgetown 877mt5 bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 sunday february 20th 1966 1000 am english service 230 pjiv dutch service 345 pjn sunday school dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sis entrance river st acton out phone 8534341 by appointment dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont afternoons by appointment closed wed sat evenings phone 8531240 iegai dental dr t b moore dr c hutchison physicians and surgeons 2 main street north corner main and mill street acton ontario phone 8532180 p- appointment architect donald e skinner b arch m rjvic 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 2743428 c f leatherland qc barrister and solicitor notary public c f icallicrlaiut ba oc bat t j maydan ba llb note new address 28 main st n phone 8531330 otticc hours mon to fri 9 am to 5 pm sat 9 am to 12 noon a braidar a- barrister solicitor notarv public 173 main st s 853 1160 ollicc hours in acon monday friday evenings 0 pm 9 pm i saturday 1 pm 5 pm 28 pailev st guciph ontario phone ta 42242 j ottice hours in guelph saturday 94 m 12 a ra daily 9 am 5 pm dr a j buchanan dental surgeon oil ice 90 church st p ollice hours 9 am to 6 pm closed wcdnesdav afternoon telephone 8531750 dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg 17a mill st f acton ont for appointmehls phone 833 1300 appraising and insurance auctioneer frank petch auctioneer and evaluator 30 chapel street e georgetown telephone 8772864 f l wright 20 wilbur st atlon ontario riionc 853 0720 appraiser and insurance over 30 years m acton chiropractic donald j armstrong dc chiropractor x ray 448 woolwiclr street phone guelph 8227721 optometrists e l buchner od oplometrist 14 king st s waterloo open daily except wednesdays for appointment phone waterloo 7428867 or 7422339 acton office is closed travellers guide johnson bl in st milton v arthur a 184 mai phone 8789972 res 8789o78 tuesday afternoons thursday evenings i riclay mornings funeral director gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard time lastbound 633 am dailv except sun auid hoi 854 am daily ex cept sun and hoi express 858 am 1133 am 208 pm 504 fri sat and sun 508 pjn 6 23 pm 8 33 pm 1008 pju sun and hoi westbound 7 37 am dailv except sat sun and hoi 1027 am 1257 pm 2s7 pni 527 pm 727 pin 112 pin 1132 pm 10 am sat onlv phone 8530350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr use free press classifier ads for selling canadian najional railways standard time eastbound t 50 a m to toronto daily mon to fri 730 p m to toronto sun- clay only westbound 1214 am to stratford daily except sunday 631 pm to strat ford- daily mon to fri changf at guelph for london etc ai3dvs oasiw ir

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