Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1966, p. 8

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b2 the acton ftefe pre thursday rvh 17th 19rv annum report lakeside chapter of the jo d e secretary mrs a orr has pre- sunday of june chapter moiii- nl llovveis wei sented for publication the annual bers with their standard paraded iiifnibois flor report for 196s of ithe lakeside and attended service in a body sml o the her iode at fairview cemetery and plncel reo peianiuius un guivcs ot vvi- chapter- of the during the year the chapter eraris and lorrfiet hetd 10 regular meetings and one members also in the legion standard on remoriibraiuv dav members paraded with executive meeting hall the total membership tor l5 66 was 42 including four out-of- town members j the years programs included guest speakers- guestoartistspot luck slippers bik irips slides and parties ron active year the executive meeting at mary htntons home on march 23 got the year off to a fine start fif teen members were present and aar was held in november in j he plans for the coming year were legion hall formulated the april meeting was an out standing event ranjit hall a guest speaker from the depart ment ol citizenship and immigra tion a cousin of tanis ironside spoke on the indoctrination ol the new canadian and the status of the canadian indian to a com placed a wreath on the cenotaph and attended the chuiyh service in trinity united church members with their regent at tended holy week church service in a body canvassers members of t he chapter assisted with the cnim and cancer drives bazaar raises funds during the year one fundraisy ing event a most successful baz- bined audience of duke of devon shire and lakeside chapter menji toers and acton district hffh school students who are members of the united nations club at the school a lively discussion follow ed the talk as mr hall answered many pentinent questions from the audience the duke of devon shire chapter served a delicious lunch at the may meeting two charm- two buses went on trips which were enjoyed by the members one to the mohawk races in may and ono trlt fount v of malum new administration building md countv council session during the past year i lie chap lor endeavored to tiiltil its mam obligations as a member ol the national organization and as a pari ol the community many obligations nationally it contributed to the following funds commonwealth relations wilhelmina gordon scholarship iode canadian centenary korean projects and peace garden provinciallv the chapter con tributed to ihc lucy morrison memorial services a home and e sent to the sick id tributes were ived and a coili i- union to the mean fund our standard was carried in two parados and vcas present jtun memorial services also it was carried tl the provincial cin- ventioii at hamilton si members attended tin lo n i provincial convention in i lainillou help needy the services at home and ahroad sent a bale of 6t childrens uliclos and hospital gowns to headquarters at hamilton to be sent overseas christmas hampers were sent to the needy in acton help was gliveu to the needy in the com- iiutnitv on other occasions also old eveglascses were collected for t lie lions club the world aflairs and current invents convener informed us tlwit mam organizations and publica tions in canada promulgate com- murustic ideas many have amaz ingly ileceiving titles such as canadian peace congress toron to association lor peace canada- oiiikl friendship association label ty and the herald alert yas distributed as a public ser vice bv the iode lisjing subver sive groups and publications may be obtained ironi the following address the alert service po haltpn growers fete march 7 on plan for marketing board contplyinji with the request of thovity pi set the price or prices the ontario fruit and vegetable- thai shall be paid to producers of growers association the onlai io peaclus pears plums and prunes farm piomicis marketing board sold on the fresh fruit market- will sek an ypivssion ol opinion nine member ol 1 1 oil irowrrs 31 n rhrirrtah- lishment ol a plan ssliu h would iwiver the sale ol pen lns iiirv j filuiris and prunes on the lush i market 1 a vole on the proposed plan j will he held oil march 7 siilv six it e proposed ffiat the local hoard lie imposed id nine prli- linei iiieiiiixi s nlci led annually i loin i ie districts l the produc ers in eai ll lisli iet i he mount would tie ol the niy tvpe with all iresh fruit and two thirds ol llie growers findei the plan liiin sold by the voting iruist hi- in favor ol the pi posed plan belon il can he impl menletl at- prices fixed by local hoard iii- ho i 111 llalloii glowers will be jaskrd the plan pioposed by the fruit jo iri- llieir opinion m xills jhnd viteiable groiieis assm i 1 ifkviied al the ntaiii depart- lion would establish a 1kii rniii aviculture ollitv m mil- hoard vhich would have 1 lie an ton ct s fluff jluiln town clerk and his wife mr and mrs- jack mcgftachi vi surprised guests of honor friday evening when they received a present or irm orcion of thftir 5 wedding anniietw from fellow employees sharing in the gill of a cteaus and mjcjar u- in mrs mrgeachiei favorite pattern were town office employees town ray mason of the op p detachment v v- o 25- year pin j county chooses to member j jail committee a 25year pin was presented lo miss alma braida at the meeting of lakeside chapter of the lo df last thursday in the legion hall she is the 24th member ol the chapter lo receive the honor in making the presentation mrs r spielvogel reminded the mem bei 17 station 2 toronto 7 on- libers that throughout her 25 years sentativos fond canadian scene junior chapter seminar locally ihe chapter gave so decoration dav committee cuv adian legion and the poppy fund school awards educationally the chapter aw arded rins o the besi al round hov and ri of acion district high school of grade 12 or 15 twentysix xever-lau- nevirab coricaes were giwo 10 3l o h s ar iv s a sc hol ing young guest artists shared rabroad provincial spesial rcpre their talents with the members julie smith by playing some de lightful numbers on the piano and john roszell with two num bers on his accordion year in africa miss hilda boyes a former ac ton school teacher presented an illustrated commentary on her year in africa at the june meeting her pictures were beautifully co lored and her comments most interesting the october meeting was spec- sal with the duve o rxvorshirc cfiapter members o o us o hear the acton mivor les dub speaking on pso tor ccrtorar ceiebratiors k actor tv s spsiafcer was rcrrer rrrr tvrc lajcesidk mws rira mrri e spek and hti pu c- h taip do vtftt ziiijj irri aj fci tft- tj i i rr t pecioie o ns 1 v co ii irrii jr sent hh s arsrp a hi saons s rs rsr sts i rcrs mctt uo w as i ned tar 10 the world atlairs commitlee took part in six out of ten meet ings excellent quality greeting cards were sold by the convener lor christmas and everyday occas ions the members wish to express isincorc thanks to their regent mis j jocque to their executive dllcttherr program committee lor their untiring eftorts in making the past year an eventful one miv we as loval members ol the lakeside chapter iode writer the newyear with renewed enthuiasni fa we show a re rexvevl tnterest in ideals ol the order ard in the motto of the 0 ier fvr queen and country hael orr secretary helen jocque regent bill wilson president of 4h club leaders itii eu ii r tuiir smr 3e cntaii s-dttek- b- ic 1 cil i taw son v tltbii west tht ireriecr rssi wirr t otkr s aae til xif- iker -i- ij meiitr wic oorc 1 reading tuemin et ilj sujatiiv l was lrc y i r- amei h- ppvienevs i he i c nttujiit senitii i rt i e jy v ih v may ciirntnfriiiiir i iiue trjup 1 ior lie r eui r de jrny i chsrj- p-j- h- errjbe neetlii manbri trip tsc jlju riecr v as iay- otd vlf u latw iafld siloes ol rlls st arid st amdiia iar countrjes by orie ol siui msrwikis beriliu buchanan asssied b dr buch anan these were mosr miercm- ing and intormatiye a alentine party a talent tab le and the slate ol olliccts im l6667 highlighted the february meeting oil decoration dav the firs hr t o- m i pe ki re- cliv he p- rriorbt ls irjujc neettrg of the xs h club leaders el j r edressia 2 i bjj r11 ipittr yy aghcul- c tre rtieetii r cartjar jm 1c- j san-e- at uur- svrtiie 1 jr h a i 1 on oe b il rundown on cirs p ingram and men- a haloi countv 411 had v7 per cent comple- r o he 1 4h prokxts in 19hs ul the highest in the pro- nle he wen 01 to s thalih oyiseiiion clubs and the new senior doii projects ill be ol- lered or e provincewide basis fur thk ear ater eoiipleling a sue csi j m period in three conn- tc o v hc h haliori otinl its one a new i tub to be oilered in li is the haltoii 4h si rawlierrv club uriiiei the direction nl chailes ainei lrint ami ee table fxivnsjoii- speciiilist and bihwilson piesidiiilol the- lull lcadcl s 11iiik ll mr slaniev conductid i he el ectiorrol olficeis with the results- as follows president kill wilson lirsl vicepresident ken llla sci ond vive president deliiiu ford secretary ontario depart mtiii nt agriculture safely council repre sentative ken flla a panel discussion on success ful meeting techniques consist ed jji ken flla john vvillmotl iiu nino braida machine to replace handsigned cheque its a backward way of doing it burlington deputy reeve f rogers observed s he reviewed cheques al llalloii centennial manor were being signed hv hand he noted countv council list veir installed a cheque printing machine thai stamps the signa line 011 cheques jioud chairman ii merry pro mise i ihe sulioc would lie con iclered al a future meeting as a member miss braida was only lour years without a eonven- ership or a position on ihe execu tive nlew canadian flags will be ord ered lor presentation to the schools a sample flag costing 25h was shown to the chapter members by educational secre tary mrs marguerite t a special project may be required to cover the cost of the 39 flags they will be lormallv presented services at home and abroad convener mrs f marks read a letter lrom iode headquarters with suggestions and knilling pat terns for a save the children fund bale on march or 10 the chapter will attend the film showing of photoscenic canada in guelph the son ol one ol the members mrs e footitt is associated with the film as a kodak company employee the monthly meeting night was changed to ihe lirsl tuesday of each month a s5 donation was made to halton music festival annual reports were given by officers and conveners with mrs spielvogel in the chair the relir- ing regent mrs j jocque thank ed the members lor their co-oper- aiion a talent table raised a good amount halton county council named its regional detention centre coin millee tuesday to negotiate with peel county roprcscrilalivev on construction ol a regional jail named to the committee were reeve g gallagher bnrlingion reeve ii merry oakvillc depots reeve 3 young georgetown and warden hintori acton presenting the motion to name icir trii ond corporol ll col rui un or pmy reeve alan dav p 0111 led out the conmil lee 1 epl c ill d t lu lour geofia- plii nioi s 1 ll thccoiirii a vifc- 110 n thai 1 lu george lowll reev e 1 replace ll ie depuls on ll ic olltuilit ee v as later wlllll l1av11 tin- colotlul sii schooner ol canadas atlantic coast hive becii iejliceil ruoiicrn lishmg drag- boa is sllsll is 1 he 11 ler ier and longliik i h v- eng ines mails iv 0 si j i u were right there when you need help when theres an emergency a call to us gets action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 17 mill st w acton ont 85306400641 robt r hamilton optometrist 8773971 1 1 1 mill st acton monday afternoon and evening from 4 pm luxury firm seals mtst lvh a w bell lines by l g denby your telephone manager long distance rates being reduced again l- can sell the big red line of farm equipment provided you can qualify as the cockshutt dealer for the a4ilton area writ box 39 the canadian champion milton ont xjii s4 m i- sfesi sealy golden luxury i coiloncoil 624 coils in set oeepquilted to sealyfoam exquisite luxuryweave cover edge gards end sagging edges mjrethane now oniy ravtatetaa acton home furnishings 47 mill st e s53m20 vhivfr saij h at the s vo a up and up uis u v i u i 1 i lonp oisi uki a s i v- 1 smv 1 api iiu liiiu 1 0 1 t cu 1 c p i linv staiioni sii vh i n w viiv 11iv h p ras lor v llj s- v itt sliinc ionv n as vwi k r 1 0 in ion will li ha s o i 0 it- in onlariu 111j ous 1 calls ivr r00 v p s w lo lil ftiw k 1cn1 in suniiv n k l 1- x p 111 01 vik lav aj i i ivtys aiv 11 sliilvliv s swt s ll i- 1 i u raus 1 aiul i v nuiv 1 a f v its kub pi asm i f v v v stiiul iv maivli lncijini ilv 1 n y n iivj 1u i on- ivtsaii-v- v 1 a v t 0 v picas an in p is on 1 ft -p- careful management vlri- vi v j is i hi ii i v lv wv- in vhili ihat viv nij iiv 1 pti a vstiu rv ivi ih is in ss vim v-i- jp t i- ilua ts uk phi iv i iv n k i p uv 1 i i-i- mnilh jiov i thi iii lv- i v it i ii- 0u vj ui whi t- w s ru the civl 1in h r ri s sji tv k i rii iiiw r n i- p v hi r i oitv viils t he u c i hi- v s i p ui iv h- vii k o j hv kuui ru -e- ut oi ouimv hr unwi r a- hc pvhl- mpf wh ii ui ui f ir vu br al ihs is n jhln v liivr ivv lohj minijwiu- b vj i in iiu ivo- lo r- e i hinc llehv mil ht harp vic su h kvi il siiil kr lm niriijnu niko mi- hi th- eiivit- kcxp rnil jir- set w i -t- ci ive t lower aei uvi rie- it had to happen jiisl ii prtiw ht uw iinj i wron nuv vir sncinics be heres afi uu one k atvlp i ri ioj nolixo ihc ufiij ijiut u numhri y mursmm bowl for pleasure bowl for health well guarantee youll enjoy yourself acton bowling lanes w 10 main st n memihobpa 54170 you can heat water electrically six times as fast as average use demands with the new electric water heating appliance cascade 40 is fameess eean silent and there i a ten year guarantee on tne tark approved the new cascade 40 water hmh appliance is n approved product develofd through the combined research nd rm4ic4f oraohyslpo nd ejectrical manufacturers ttirt qeims cau actoa hydro electric ciwwkfi 3 elgin st n i r i 1 acton oct

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