Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1966, p. 9

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0 omkilrrs at limehouse arouse interest in limemaking method an article of particular interest in this area was published in the january issue of the toronto bruce trail clubs newsletter titled things to see on and around the trail it was writ ten by jim and olive byers the article follows perhaps as you have been mak ing your way towards a section of the trail in the georgetown area you have passed through the quiet 4ittle village of limehouse now a small rural community ot about 250 people you may have noticed the village store the little church and the new school sit uated at the west end of the vil lage but did you know that at one time this was a thriving commun ity providing work for hundreds of hard working settlers around the middle of the last century the grand trunk cnir line was pushed through and within a short time the village had three hotels three stores two quar ries several big mills woollen paint lime grinding etc plus the lime industry from which the settlement derives itsname homes improved the first use settlers had for lime was in the rough and quick ly constructed chimneys in their wooden homes as conditions im proved so did the homes mor tar and plaster became valued commodities much in demand the industry grew at a fast rate and two types of lime kilns were in use good examples ol both types can still be seen in the village to day the set kiln is the older type a short squat looking struct ure wood was placed in the kiln and limestone piled on top to a height of six feet the cooking process took five to six days with wood being continually fed through the fire hole finally the fire vasallowcd to die out and after a cooling off period the lime was removed more efficient the draw kiln was a tall struct ure and much more efficient than the one we just described the stacking of the wood and lime stone was basically the same but a grating was added between the wood and stone cooking took approximately three days and once this initial period had el apsed lime could be drawn off every six hours rock could be added contin ually at the top of the kiln with wood being fed to the fire below the grate the kiln could operate for lpng periods ol time shut down only being necessary for the job of relining with new fire brick st xi lm h arley to h alton by dr harry h arley mp since the conclusion of the throne srieech debate the house ot commons has been consider ing the estimates of various gov ernment departments to date the department ofl external af fairs has been concluded and the department of transport has just begun the debate on external affairs ume i raw kiltf jt lets play bridge by bill coau three teams met in acton last week for the first game of foyr challenge matches held in this area acton proved to be the per fect hosts for the occasion erin was represented by bob and reina dickson clay barbour and george ellcnton miltons team was made up of lou ber- tasson bill barbour bill hamil ton and brian hamilton actons representatives were bill and gloria coats mary manning and bob reminpton unfortunately dne to the illness of a kevmem- bcr or their team georgetown was not represented milton won the most boards hands due to an almost clean sweep against acton but the erin team won their matches against both acton and milton acton weir as i said earlier acton were the perfect hosts ave arc looking forward to re peating this event later in the spring and wc hope at that time that georgetown will enter a team as well here is a hand from the acton- erin match in which both defend ers slipped up dealer wost- north south vulnerable north s0 6 h 8 5 d 8 6 4 c a k o j 10 8 west east s j 5 2 s a 8 4 h o 10 7 6 h a 3 2 vi 10 7 d a 9 5 2 to lead the suit to cut off declar ers communication on the diamond lead east should win and immediately lead a club if declarer has two clubs east can win the first round of trump and lead clubs again this way declarer is held to a maximum of three club tricks if he led a fourth club the defense still has trump and can ruff try to cut communication be tween declarer and a long suit in dummy last weeks winners were first bob remington and bill coats second miss ohvc logan and mrs katherinc coats third lou bcrtasson and bill hamilton c 6 5 3 c 9 7 4 south sk 10 9 7 3 h k j 9 4 dk q 3 why limestone is burnt any of our readers having a scientific inclination might be in terested in knowing just why limestone is cooked or burnt and what the chemical process is through whichit passes in or der to become the cohjesivc ingre dient in mortar or plaster limestone as it occurs natur ally consists essentially of cal cium carbonate cac03 calcium carbonate has no setting pro perties and has to be converted to calcium oxide or quicklime in order toset and bind the sand together into a mortar this con version is accomplished by driv ing the carboro dioxide from the limestone by heating it- in a kiln ol the type described in the preparation of a lime mortar the quicklime is thor oughly mixed with sand and wa ter and trowelled into place lor- ming the binder between the stones the calcium oxide or quicklime is converted immed iately to calcium hydroxide or slaked lime by the water soft mortar when the excess water evapor ates from the slaked lime sand mixture a relatively soft mortar is formed this mortar slowly hardens as the calcium hydroxide takes up carbon dioxide from the water and the air and is con verted back to calcium carbon ate or limstone complete con version of the mortar in a joinj mav take many years roman structures which have lection of good used clothing to j been standingas long as 2000 be included in the annual bale years have been found to contain april auxiliary plans packing of bale the womens auxiliary of st albans met at the parish hall on february 9 for their monthly meeting the rev r macmurray gave a discussion on the proposed union of the anglican and united churches of canada arrange ments were made for the making ol a quilt mitts etc and the col- miss clark hostess at wms meeting the afternoon auxiliary wms of knox church held a very en joyable and enlightening meet ing at the home of miss rubv clark after the president opened the meeting with prayer and the sing ing of a hymn the meeting was turned over to mrs e j has- sard lor the worship service mrs william mcleod read the beatitudes in the fifth chapter ol matthew alter this miss isabel anderson commented on this chapter and on philippians 2 on the theme salt and light she noted how olten christ referred to these and how he applied them to the christian lile she also pointed out what it means to be a christian and our need to get our help lrom god following this mrs d leslie rclfdaslior tvoenip heou i cf ness ofprayer which carried out the theme of the devotions this devotional study brought up the question ol christian out reach and what our church is dor ing in different countries mrs o moran spoke of india mrs d kennedy ot british guiana and taiwan and miss ruby clark ol nigeria they told how the church and also canada are trying to bring experienced workers and are so anxious for education that they undergo many hardships to attain it the president in the business part of the meeting alter hearing reports and letters spoke of the coming inaugural jncejing ol brampton presbyterial and 61 the worlds day of prayer when two from the auxiliary will take part in the service she thanked mrs hassard and her committee mrs w mcleod mrs d leslie and miss annie stalker and the hostess four guests were present and all enjoyed an enjoyable half hour of fellowship c2 the bidding west norui pass pass pass 2c pass 3 s 1 was in the and found that problem over rob id ot two south i is i 2s i east pass pass all pass i north position i had a bidding souths minimum spade just how shich will be sent in april to hamilton where it will be sorted and redirected tb needy people at home and abroad mrs w denny presented a doll that she had dressed beautifully with extra outfits included this will be on display in hamilton at the annual meeting of the diocese and later sent out with the bale members will attend the world i day of praver service at bethel christian reformed church on february 25 mrs rol president closed the meeting with pracr i memorial organ in br guiana on sunday night december 12 a new hammond electric organ was installed in burns memorial church georgetown british gui ana and dedicated to the glory ol almighty god and named hie ellen anderson memorial or gan in tribute to the memory of the late miss mary ellen nie anderson for many years organ ist and choir leader ot the church each year since the passing ol miss anderson the adults bible moisture and class ol burns church founded bv miss anderson has held on the third sunday of june an an- the waters oft canadas atlan- niversary memorial service this tic coast comprise some ot the was attended last june by more most important lishing grounds i than 30 organizations and bv the of the globe supplying fish to bible classes from other denom- pcople all over the world inaiions unconverted calcium hydroxide on the inside ot a joint protected by a thick laver ol calcium car bonate trom the air on thboutside yp speaker karl ljundberg spoke to the good is norths hand should united church young people stm- north trv some number ot no i day evening onttfe in his native trumps it was a tough guess so sweden he pointed out that 1 ended up just falsing paitners sweden and canada have much in spades j common as he spoke and showed west led the diamond jack pictuie- mr and mis iiujmlbcrg which was won by easts ace came from kitchener lor the eve- east i el timed a diamond alter j ig clearing trump declarer was able to run dununs clubs he lost two trump and two aces just making- three spades against acton the erin north- south pair rcaihed a tour spade contract this cas also made thus giving erin the best result on the hand both defenses slipped when dummy has a long solid side suit and no side cp tries it is essential harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n 8569934 24 hour service rockwooo ct 99 vcolpcold 80mthi min m heating i r-vii-rx-v- uvuly ul69983lkvarockwood come one come all to ye old c0untrye pub night friday feb 25th at 8pm acton legion auditorium come alone or bring a partner old comtryc fish chips entertainment galore all for one price 125 per person patrons must be 21 years of age and over tickets available at acton legion or call 8531554 8530593 8532906 was a farreaching debate cover ing such topics as viet nam rhodesia and lhe organization of american states channel 3 controversy has arisen on the question of chunnel 3 on televis ion an application has been made to transfer the barrie station on channel 3 to the toronto aiea there is a gre deal of tear that if this is donet reception on chan nels 2 and 4 might be affected this problem is toeing investi gated at the present time i un derstand that there is enough business to justify the presence of a third tv station in the to- ronto area finalize rules the rules of the house ol commons have been finalized these do represent substantial changes from the previous ones and should prove to be of consid erable value the hours of sitting are as lollows monday tuesday and thursday the sittings start at 230 pm and go until 1000 pm with no ollicial dinner hour the imembers arrange among themselves what hour they will lake lor dinner and in this way make sure that im adequate num- he rol members are present in the house atv all times between 6 and 7 pm on these days is pri vate imembers hour when private members mav piesent bills and resolutions a the govern- ment to do a certain thing these matters are usually talk ed out il they are talked ab out the lull hour and do not come to a voter the ibill or reso lution then goes to the bottom of the list and must then wait until it again comes to the head ol the list belore il is discussed again as there are many such bills and resolutions this elleet- ivelv kills it tor the whole ses sion limit questions on wednesday the sittings are from 230 pm to 6 pm the hour of private members lrom 5 to 6 pm as it is on fridays on fri day parliament sits at it am until 6 pm with no ollicial lunch hour the question periods in the house ol commons are now lim ited to one hour on monday 30 minutes on wednesday and 40 minutes on other days this has been in ellect since the opening of this parliament and is well accepted by all members of the house i have not heard of complaints that questions have been cut oil because the time is limited the speaker ol the house has good control to date and this certain ly lends to keep the question period an inteiesting and inlor- mative period with little waste of time pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 6217580 yorkdale dufferin a 401 hwy 7898669 plan monthly visit to manor residents unit two united church wo men trinity united church held their monthly meeting in the church parlors with mrs veld- huis president in the chair op ening the meeting with prayer and the lords prayer in unison mrs helen little gave the sec retarys report in tle absence ol mrs earl lambert who was in jured in a fall the treasurers roport was given by mrs helen mcgeachie letters ol appreciation are still coming in lor the christmas cheer baskets and many carus have been sent out to sick and shutins 33 house c have beep made and live hospital calls mrs h r force was delegat ed to buv books for the child rens library at the church two car loads of ladies went to imilton on february 10 to at tend the fourth annual meeting of the hallon presbyterial lor the ucw held in st pauls united church this was a very inspira tional meeting with over 200 lad ies present but was greatly sad dened by the accident and later the death of the incoming presi dent mrs f w hay ward a car load of ladies is to go to hallon centennial manor once a month to visit the sick and aged who otherwise dont have too many visitors mrs shoemaker gave her usual full report of the sick elderly and shutins of the church february 25 is hie w bi ol praver to be held in the christian reformed church anyone in the congregation who wishes to help in the work ol the leper was asked to save used postage stamps leaving a margin of the paper with each stamp over 60 lepers were taken care of last year by the sale ol these stamps the addiess is mis sion to lepers 67 yonge st room 1101 toronto ont mrs shoemaker lor her devo tional took the apostles creed and gave some vcrv enlightening reading on the diflerenl parts ol this creed mrs force read the legend ol st valentine in closing mrs littie read a letter from her brother prol jcrvis and his fam ily who are adjusting to lile in japan where he will be station ed until next june the meeting closed with the mizpah benediction and m loveh lunch was served by the commit tee in charge tho ac ton froo press thursday february 17th 1966 silvtrwood wjly poot heads 4h club executive the first meeting of silver- wood 4h club met at the home ol imrs henderson on satin day morning february 12 flection of olticers resulted as lollows president willy poot vicepresi dent linda thirt secretary ja net henderson treasuivr rose marie tjart press irene kcir courtesy convener debbie rog ers telephone conveners sheila campbell laura henderson at tendance convener connie born- holt plans were discifssed for future meetings and a demon stration took place on hov to pack a suitcase the meeting ended with cake and cookies and 13 he next meeting is at limehouse hall mrs g hcndcrsoirand mrs j keir arc leaders for the441 club the silvcrwood womens in stitute held their february meet ing on thursday afternoon feb ruary 10 at the home of mrs k c lindsay miss moore was program convener it was cur rent events and cueh member added to the meeting her own current eventund a lew remarks on this special event the roll call was answered by suggestions lor the centennial program if it affects the insti tute branch at silverwood other plans were held over to the march meeting a social half hour closed the meeting the conquest ol arthritis in our time will be an achievement of vast benelit to all canadians halton cooperative medical care plan pays all surgical operations doctors calls paid from first visit k confinements anaesthetists services xrays also major medical individual or employee groups may enroll at- any time of the year revised rates monthly 575 single monthly si 150 couple monthly 1325 family payable quarterly or yearly halton coop medical services 143 main street box474rmllton dial 8789712 please send me information no obligation name address for appointment elizabeth lo beauty lounge phone 8532775 if no answer call 8532336 put your dollars to work 6 increase your interest income interest on 3 4 and 5 year guaranteed investment certificates special rates for shorter terms issuea in even or odd amounts from 100 100000 interest paid halfyearly by cheque june and december 30 investors include many insurance companies municipalities societies churches cemetery trusts estates etc legal investment for trust and estate fundsr 4y o savings accounts 4 interest paid reckoned on the minimum quarterly balance your paid cheques serve as receipts and may be obtained a1 the office each month childrens account welcomed 1 starts an account ak for free dimo saver saveby mail tree postagepaid envelopes supplied convenient office hours mon thurs 9 00500 friday b til 6 ju your local trust company halton peel trust savings company 252 main street milton lorne skuce manager 8782834

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