Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1966, p. 1

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1 tttm ninetyfirst yearno 35 actdn ontario thursday february 24 1966 authorized as ftocoad clua umq r tha fast office department ottawa twelve pages ten cents tb clinics the town is well organized for the upcoming tuberculosis clinic for the general public say the organizers mr and mrs bert hinton schools are all done and the mobile clinic has visited industries now the vol unteer canvassers are this week- beginning to go to all the homes to give out cards to everyone not yet tested these are to be brought to the clinic at a suit able time see advertisement v twocar accident injures acton man an acton district man was hospitalized with head lacera tions wednesday afternoon of last week in a twocar accident on arsideroact at wildewood russell aimer upshall rr 2 ac ton received lacerations when his vehicle and one driven by david l bell of georgetown collided on a hill police said one of ithe cars had gone into the ditch hit a tree then left the ditch and struck the other caridamagc totalled 2400 discover theft masson motors constable bruce krcssler of the acton opp detachment is investigating a theft at masson motors over the weekend when a tire and rim were stolen thieves jacked up a used car parked in the lot outside and took the tire and rim discovery was made monday morning move office acton credit unjon will soon move into its new quarters in the offices occupied formerly by c f leathcrland qc on mill st presently the credit union is oc cupying offices in the former post office on mill st before the move is made march 1 the new loca tion is undergoing slight renova tions fall fair lady directors dressed as flappers enter tained the audience saturday night at the robert- little school staff photo william thompson mrs lloyd mcenery mrs william mcdonald mrs c w swackhamer mrs walter linham mrs ed archibald auditorium during- their variety night program the gay cos- and play director mrs dion mathews seated in front are mrs tumes complete with brightgarters were a big attraction as james mcculloch and mrs stan mathews the ladies presented their skit back row left to right are mrs cmv recreation committee town buy r s garbage packer costs 200 damage cars driven by stewart rich ardson or rr 1 acton and her- bcr mcmenemy or main st rockwood collided on the es- quesing nassagaweya town line on wednesday of last week c plans for ice carnival playground requested 20000 budget on agenda a three hour session thursday chairman hugh patterson review night gave ample- time for the re- 1 the proposed summer play- creation committee to accept the ground program and school ice budget as presented by finance carnival with partlime recreation recall formation of at father and son cubs banquet pages of time were turned back for over 80 fathers and sons at tending the annual cub father and son banquet at knox pres byterian church tuesday evening when former cubmasters reviewv ed the cub movement in acton from its beginning in 1940 former akelas reminded cubs the importance of living up to their cub law and promise as they recapped the years they had served as cubmaster present to review the past years were form er cubmasters esther taylor who served from 1942 to 1953 murray scoyne from 1954 to 1964 jessie coles who was assistant cubmaster until the time she headed the group beginning 1958 j cubmasters i the crowd was re- to 1964 and present cubmaster i minded of the pitfalls in the for- mrs earl jordan who took over i ination of cubs in acton when in 1964 meetings were held in homes and i began in 1940 i y ps throughout town i including the ymca before the the cub movement in acton scom ha became a rca was first started by rev e a fu trained brooks in 1940 other cubmasters was aiso notcd rn not present included rev ray smuh was the only cllbmastcr costerus who served in 1956 when the aclon r who had enrolment reached three packs ucd cubbing to obtain his wth74 boys mis eeen vvems- bcads qua icy who was cubmaster in 1956 w as lul cubmaster and ron smith who headed aej thc former xkela was quite ac- group m ij jve in scout movomcn wlll all speakers recalled the seri- i in acton having served on the oils aspects as well as humorous j scout group committee and anecdotes during their terms as j continued on page two director howard pearcc and de- mittee applications were being cide on the method of approving i accepted for leaders for the sum- banquet permits for the commun- mcr playground program h ity centre uas conducting personal inter- the budget exceeding 200001 views for the positions and asked will be presented to council lor permission to send the supervis- approval before the march 1 i leader and the assistant for deadline a weeks instruction in kitche- an agreement with the curling ner club to install the necessary imj mr pearce queried the com- provements in the booth so the mittee on the possibility of hir- lommunily centre could enjoy ing lifeguards to police the swim- banquet license privileges was i ming area on fairy lake as part discussed and recreation commit- of a supervised recreation pro- tee members felt a fee of 25 should be charged for their use the curling club bore the cost j ol the project but council repre sentative c f leathcrland said hed just as soon have the rcc- rcation committee pay it orf arid not be indebted to anyone j john gov agreed with mr lea thcrland but also reminded the members no funds were avail- i able since the committee opcral- thc garbage- packer wont re duce the number of men required to collect garbage but it will al low the present works staff to accomplish more mayor les du- bv pointed out at tuesday nights council meeting when it was agreed to purchase a sicard garbage packer at a cost of 7345 plus tax the packer will tie mounted on a chassis yet to toe purchased by the town a unit such as the one purchased would be required if any new dump site is located with the special packer the gar bage is compressed as it is picked up on the street and is transferred to the dump site with out any garbage being lost en route councillor drinkwalter suggest ed the time saved on thewhole operation would pay for the whole unit within a year or two conservation budget notice 6f the annual budget of the credit valley conservation authority was received for 1966 the cost to acton will be 385740 or 90 cents per capita deputy- reeve parker actons representa tive on the authority reviewed the authoritys decision to try to maintain the 90 cents per cap ita figure for a number of years he said this assessment would see their programs completion three applications before the committee of adjustment receiv ed the support of council the applications arc for minor var iances in the zoning bylaw an application of jules fryters for a coin car wash on mill st e was approved as was construc tion of a dwelling on queen st e by mr mancini an application for an addition to a home on main st was approved the home of mr and mrs clarence rognvaldson is presently in an industrial zoned area which is classed as a non conforming use mayurtduby said its ridicu lous when a man has to get per mission to build an addition to his house when hes on a lot the size this man has the mayor and clerk reported on their meeting last week at which the format of the submis sion to the plunkett report was decided those at the sunday meeting were the chairmen of the public school boards the rec reation commission and the de velopment committee as well as the chairmen of no 1 and no 2 committees and the mayor the clerk was instructed to pre pare the submission on the basis of past meetings and return it to council for approval before the dale of the towns appearance be fore the commission on march it congratulations a letter was read from the fire tal monthly rental will be 35 plus five cents a copy for every copy over 500 the clerk administrator estim ated monthly requirements would be in the neighborhood of 250 cop ies its expected a saving will be made over the previous wet copying machine which the town had purchased some years ago accounts totalling 892731 were approved for payment as well as lakevicw completion accounts of 561626 the town agreed to a9cept no municipal group in their weekly indemnity insurance plan unless the municipal group had less than 10 employees under the plan the employees are paid a portion of their wages for sickness or acci dent clarification of operation costs of a proposed centennial library was presented by mayor duby when he presented to council the results of the study he has made on libraries in towns of a similar size according to the mayor ac lon with a population of 4300 spends 120 cents per capita for operation of a library with a pro posed 50000 new library on the drawing board parry sound for an 111000 li brary with a population of 6054 spent 509 per capita closer to home in hespeler the per capita cost was 167 and in fergus the figure is up to 2jl8 both hespel er and fergus are established as carnegie libraries the mayor said it was his opinion that the l operational costs of the new cen tennial library jrt acton would be approximately one to one and a quarter mills annually he regret ted the delay in his presentation of figures in mayors list of j5 libraries studied not one spent less than acton annually parry sound was tops resignation of john goy as chairman of the development commission was received mr goy pointed out he would be un able to continue to serve as chair man this year when he expects to build a new home regional meeting the mayor also reported his at tendance at a meeting of the re gional development association of central ontario the vice- chairman is mr reaume of oak- ville and mayor duby is on the membership committee he said- trie operating cost of the devel opment association is estimated to be eight cents per capita at this rate actons membership fee in the association would be 350 he suggested the associa tions annual budget would be in the neighborhood of 50000 in cluding certain grants from the ontario government all members of- council were present but reeve h h hinton who is attending a convention in toronto and councillor c h leathcrland mayor duby presid ed and councillor oakes conduct ed the session of the committee of the whole imi finalize official plan gram but was given little encour agement false security it would be a hard thing to control said john goy it wouldbe a different thing if the j marshals office advising council director wanted to take the sum- and offering his congratulations mcr playground for a half hours swim wed not only be respon sible for 150 feet of beach but the entire lake if we posted lifc- es in the red until the municipal t pre appointed budget is set in march he sug gested exua days of curling be to acton fire fighters on their recentlywon award in the inter national fire prevention contest assessor william erskine was to the hallon emer- staff photo fathers and sons joined together tuesday evening at the annual cub father and son ban quet at knox presbyterian church to commemorate the memory of the founder of the scout movement lord badenpowell front row left to right are cubs cliff creasey gfenn aacken- zie and blair mccanum back row left to right are john creasey rev a h mckenzie scout croup committee chairman ron lewis and jack mccallum over 80 fathers and sons attended allocated to the curlers whenever possible to pay off the 375 cost ol the project i chairman lcn lovell was ask- ed to see representatives of the curling cluo to work out an ac- ccplablc arrangement i responsibility contusion over the role the committee was to play in approv ing the issuance uf banquet per mits was cleared up when c f leathcrland informed members council directed the responsibil- i ity rests with the recreation com- mittee by motion members au- 1 i thorized the administration com- j 1 mittee to administer and make i decisions on the issuance of ban- j quet permits a fee of 25 was i set for use of the facilities i j council was to be advised of the j j motion booth concession the committee was advised eastwood foods had vacated the i booth concession and the facilit ies were now being operated by joe jocquc under the same terms as the former occupants mr jocque will keep the booth open for intermediate hockey i saturday skating and sunday af ternoon till the end of the sea j on and whenever else it is teas- iblo school carnival recreation director howard pearcc kept members up to date i on hi plans tor the school ice carnival in march eleven schools from acton and district have in- dicated thijirll participate an the event which will have ruth pitzj i gibbons of the guelph college fi- gure skating club as a guest j therell be a banner contest and some unusual competitions inclu- j ding a bonus of 10 points for the best behaved school participating playground leaders i i mr pearce also told the com- ence of guards would also tend j gcncv measures organization wel- to give parents a false sense ofj securilv about their childrens fare committee as actons repre- sentative mr erskine will attend safety and if any drowning oc- a onc emergency measures ciirred the committee would bc at arnprior in april so blamed i thlt he wi bc f w the an hours swimming a day as program part of the summer program forj n wa also reported the asses- those participating would be a sor had applied for his license as better alternative mr goy con- a assessor eluded i a new zerox photocopying ma- full time job j chine has been installed on u trial basis in the town office and has aclon has a new official plan almost tuesday night at council two bylaws were passed the lirsl rescinded the old official plan map whilcthc second set up the ncrw official plan and documents all that remains to make it final is the approval of the minister ot municipal affairs a new official plan had been submitted for the ministers ap proval the minister recommend ed two changes on the plan and certain amendments to the docu ment accompanying the plan the clerk said the planner had dis cussed the changes with both the department and the local plan ning board and it now came to council for final approval before being rcsubmitted to the minis ter rather than make the changes on the official plan that had been submitted and in the documents it was decided to incorporate the ministers suggested changes in another bvlaw and resubmit it lor his final official approval the clerk said it- would be a linatter of form after councils passing of the bylaw for approval by the minister he suggested the approval would be forthcoming within a week or two one of the changes in the docu ment accompanying the official plan was an undertaking by the town to very carefully study any expansion of the town in view of the present capacity of the sewage treatment facilities tr the committee also discussed with mr pearce the possibility hed be interested in taking the continued on page 3 i now been accepted the machine is rented at the rate of 10 a month plus five cents per copy for a minimum of 500 copies to- c of c plans chamber of commerce board of directors held a meeting wed nesday evening of last week in knox church plains for the activ ities of the chamber for the year were outlined committees were appointed and projects studied two projects to be undertaken are the repainting of the signs at the entrance to town and the provision of waste receptacles on mill st change riding names to halton east west the provincial redistribution plan has been slightly altered to change the name of the split halton riding it was announced in the ontario legislature thursday vylien the redistribution commis sion brought in its second report originally labelled oakville and burlington the names for the split riding drew protests particularly from the northern section of the county the commission has adopted the suggestion to change the names to halton east and halton west growth of the voting population in haltons present riding which encompasses the entire county and in several other areas of ontario prompted the redistribution report when it is adopted the 108seat legislature will increase to 117 seats halton is virtuallv split down the centre by the change in boundaries thj northern 10 lots of lisquesing township lots 23 to 12 will join with the entire township of nassagaweya town of burlington and town ol acton to form halton west the remaind er including georgetown oak milton and the southernmost 22 lots in esquesing township would be called halton east i uvvkswisap parents get into act lacing skates several parents took their children to the arena helped lace skates and then stayed to see them play friday night when youngsters in the ajom league staged an exhibition game prior to the nhl oldtimers playing acton tanners left is tanner defenceman fred kentneras he helps his son kent don equip ment even the mothers showed a keen interest in their bbys and mrs wayne dixon visited the dressing roqm with daughter karen and kim as she assisted her son derek with his skates right is gordon mccutcheon helping son john tighten skate an estimated crowd of close to 1200 crowded into the arena for the program

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