Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1966, p. 9

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brownies lead way preparations for the celebration of canadas centennial in acton in 1967 will be reviewed at a special meeting next monday at the robert little school the program committee invited acton- organizations and groups to a meeting last november and outlined several proposals at next mondays meeting the organization rep resentatives are expected to outline their pro gram proposals with only 10 months until cen tennial year arrives the first group we heard of with firm plans was i- the local guides and brownies just- this week we learn dublin wi has decided on furnishing a room at the manor when the guide commissioner requested use of the park in july 1 967 from the parks board the board thought perhaps a typographi cal error had been made in the year we are pleased to note it is a small group of young child- fen that has been the first organization to have a definite program perhaps once again it will be the children who will lead the way to a full participation by the apparently footdragging adult groups now is the time to plan our events no george is going to come along and do it for us and january 1967 will be too late to start in many parts of the country there is agood deal of excitement about expo 67 canadas world exhibition whose site is to be at montreal next year around acton we have heard very little mention of it but we are sure that a lot of people are going to have their eyes opened before many weeks go by at the brussels world exhibition in 1958 45 nations look part at expo 67 no less than 70 countries have signed on the dotted line to take part and there is every reason to believe that the original estimate of 80 participating na tions will be reached some of the work done disposable license plates how much longer will the ontario motorist tolerate the present system of disposable licence plates for the life of us we see no reason why the english and european system of issuing per manent plates with the car cannot be adopted every year the department issues stern warnings that no extension of the plate deadline will be granted before we have even purchased our 1966 plates a picture of a pretty girl with the 1 967 plates appears the great feature of the 67 plates is that there will be a crown on them as well as a blurb for centennial year it seems to us the department might have adopted a re flective type of licence which at least has some- safety benefits in spite of all this but on behalf of all half- frozen motorists wrestling with stubborn rusted and ice cold plates in ontario we ask just why a permanent plate and a small validating sticker through the mail would not eliminate this annual najlnce traffic signals while council is preparing its budget for 1966 we hope that once again some considera tion will be givri the proposal to install traffic signals at the mill and main street corners over the years traffic surveys conducted by the de partment have indicated no lights are required it isour hope the lights are installed before they have to be recommended by a coroners jury the department suggests lights will slow the flow of traffic so what it is our opinion rt would not take too much intelligence to install aset of traffic lights of standard design which could be operated normally through tlje peak trafficperiod and revert to a flashing amber and red signal system as is presently in operation the net result would be that the traffic flow would be controlled as it presently is during low volume time and at peak flow the uncertainty and confusion would be eliminated the jcc4 014 bay 20 years ago 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free taken from the issue of ihetfrier- ressjjthursday feb 21 1946 press thursday feb 24 1916 welcome home pte lino mar- dr and mrs j m bell very zo who has been serving for two hospitably eiiteilained he mem- and a half years overseas arriv- bei s of acton platoon of the ed home like his brothers ezio l64thuattalion on friday evening and ilio he was one ol actons i the battalion will soon be al full hockey players pte a johnston j slrenyth kliiff plmln cool chicks could easily be the caption for this photo after acton figure skating club members came off the ice friday night al the arena the youttrjsteis dressed in their short skirts were literally frozen as temperatures dipped below zero included in the pholo are dolores jordan kathy peycha debby papillon karen townslcy and brenda denny already on the site includes 52 structures under ajqer telephone area way and the start on construction of 17 natiohs way canadian business is committed to a sum no less than 45 million and it is reported the russians will be spending around 20 million on their exhibit these are just a few of the simple facts which give an indication of what is to be expo 67 there are less than 13 months until it opens and there is every indication expo 67 is a great canadian triumph in the making n sutycul town planning one centennial project which is being dis cussed arfdwllttlkely be undertaken in many towns of canada is the implementation of a nor wich plan project various chambers of com merce and board of trade are discussing the plan under which the main street is redesigned an architectural firm is hired to submit a design for the whole of the area in which each estab lishment is compatible with all the other stores the plan has been implemented in various mun icipalities with varying degrees of success in oakville a start was made but appears to have bogged ddwn in stratford a great deal of civic pride has been generated and the plan can be termed successful certainly in acton a great improvement could- be made in the appearance of our down town business section we think the retail sec- i tioh of the chamber of commerce could at least think about such a plan and make an attempt to improve the show window of acton it is interesting to us to note that milton council passed a resolution endorsing a bell telephone proposal to enlarge the milton toll- free area attached to miltons resolution was the recommendation that acton be included in the milton tollfree area in accepting the in creased area milton subscribers rates will in crease by four rate groups actons rate would be increased by one rate group a few years ago bell proposed that guelph be included in the acton tollfree area and at that time we along with severs others opposed the increased area because of our own business interest in milton we at the present time hesi tate to urge extension of free calling to include milton however with the suggestion of a region al form of government and if municipal services operated from milton increased it would be de sirable to have available tollfree calling our main opposition to free calling to guelph stem- something subdued something to j be used lor recreation or looked med from our belief that such a service- would be of little benefit to the majority of subscribers and also a form of direct competition to our local merchants i perfiaps we should reassess our thinking j on an extension of telephone area in the light j of our past experience with a relatively small calling area too we could be left as a very j small and isolated area- in the middle of much j when nature comes up w ith sonic larger areas of influence j kind ol a spectacular that man we must remember of course that any increase in and by bill smiley 0 theres nothing like an old fash ioned blivard to put that cocky creature man in his place were right in the middle of a tourstar dandy at the moment its been snowing and blowing lor 48 hours with salutary- results the world has become a wild white wilder ness and the people in it have become human beings the creature man in his wis dom believes he has tairrcd na ture he will admit under quiz zing that he still doesnt know much about himsell but he is confident that he has brought the natural world to heel normally he thinks ol nature as at and savin nice aint it it takes a rousing belch i run that old trollop mother nature whether it be in the lorin ol a blizzard a hurricane an earth quake or a lire to set him right back on i his primitive heels and strangely enough il is onlv laughter at the little lellows and collapses the tacadc ol cica ture comforts which aic the modernday lctishcs the old vh lues brighten the darkest col i ner gcncioil v uuscljishncss tie cencv doiintoolhcrs all the things to which we pav lip service suddenly howcr when pcoplc arc gelling a good kick in the teeth ironi old mother i when a blizzard is raging or- j dinary miserable grouchie pcoj pie regain some ol those qualij ties ihc pioneers are supposed to have had people who wouldnt pick up the oueen ol england even il she displayed i sign refilling buckingham pal ace or bust suddenly start picking up hitchhikers people who ordinal il wouldnt give ciu the time ol dav wdl slop and shove on out o a slum bank people who wouldnt bu an ap ple ironi 1 bov stout t 1 1 1 shovel j out old ladies drivewav- comes thev snort and stamp into work tiill an hour late as proud as though theyd just crossed the sahara singlehand ed without water they die in their hundreds liocn grins on their laces clutching their snow- shovels i speak ironi experience this morning nncvi e i g h h o i with whom i exchange a carelullv am iable greeting about every six months had managed to smash his huik through the threeloot ill ill in his drive and there he was when he mushed out grin ning like i gargoyle motor run ning lo give ns a ill iyc to work and ik- wasnt practicing one-up- maiiship lie uis being a giod ncrmboi who before enlisting was driver fur acton home bakery is back residing in georgetown servicemen affiliated with ac ton united church were given a welcome hunic night on friday last when a chicken- supper was served about 100 men of the con gregation and a delightful social evening was enjoyed mr charles mason led in a singsong assisted by norm gibson and tedclif- lord rev walter fosbury was the genial master ol ccretiioncs haltons elected members mr hughes cleaver and mr stanley hall both spoke sunday evening the sconls and cubs paraded to st albans church wednesday evening t h c scouts held parents and friends night in knox church there was a community sing led by mr w coles with rev r i thomson scoutmaster al the piano mra t brown showed nature study pictures taken by the lale c c speight and himself the scouts about 21 strong put on a minstrel show in which lack mainprize was the interlocu tor and hob bowles and ted kachliii the end men the cup lor the best patrol was won by the eagles and presented lo jam es dills doug davidson was the lies allround scout ol the year anil won the trophy presented by the scout mothers messrs j b chalmers and j m mcdonald attended the meet ing ol council as a committee irom the legion asking what consideration was being given as lo what recognition would he giv en those who had served in the last war the legion would like lo cooperate council decided to purchase a lire alarm siren i ruin the war as sets corporal inn lor 295 the earl ol athlone governor- general ol canada and princess alice are on a larewell lour overnmeni gives hockey equipment r wo set sol goal eiuipmenl two goal masks and a dozen pucks have been given to branch 197 ol the royal canadian legion bylhc provincial government to assist in its minor hockey program branch treasurer gordon mc- cutcheon received a letter to this elicit list week from halton mpp george kerr the ontario government assists minor hockey by supplying equipment through slides ol llpp- the athletic commissioner idian village red cross hinds were swelled by 71 received lor a car of waste paper gatheied by the boy scouts rural rei i uitiilg will receive an impetus with the announcement that lariners and farmers sons will be given special tin lough to permit i hem to assist with plow ing and harvesting the hydro commission has an nounced reduced rales on saturday evening the staff ol the free press gathered at the home ol mr and mrs h p mooie moorecrolt robert stewart a valued member of the stall having enlisted in the ac ton platoon was presented with a serviceable gun metal wrist watch hv mr ernest brown the loreman on behalf ol the office anil slaut bobby is enrolleci on the free press honor roll winch- includes lieut w g c keiiney rvs lance corporal bugler john l moore pie ernest wil son and lieut e j moure who is now at oil jeers training school in toronto the cold weather has resulted in a coal anil wood lamine 1 1 was 26 below sunday the literal v society which was reoi ganicd al iiallinalad is do ing nicely next snnjecl lor de bate is resolved that the lele- phone is ol more benefit to the lainici than the rural mail af- lirmalive rov v matter and miss lang negative stuart lowrie and william mcdonald decision was given at osgoodc hall by which tralalgar town ship council are unseated due to ii regularities in the election beilin cilv council has petit ioned the legislature lo change its name anil may amalgamate with waterloo georgetowns high school salar ies lolal ovei 5000 acton womens institute will again pack a bale lor destitute helgiau children garments are lo be taken lo the council chamber scouts cubs at banquet rockwood a father and son banquet lor the cubs and scouts was held in rockwood town trail al limited by over 140 rev gard iner ol rickwkd united church waf the guest speaker wes fountain of acton showed canada and in- scehis to shed his scale ol mater ialism get down in his basic vir- service we require or request must tucs and lind out once again and strangest smile a nil gi in mil i theyre iloing it it all tiles hot tic w lulc be paid for and the only ones to pay for it j what makes the human race go inanity they return to a will be ourselves round in everdiminishin circle not onlv do thev revert lo hu nam battle go i hi u i ii k one hap hnl lb- t i ii ikiiii s lo make was slit c c i sonu il 1 1 1 i a and found that din iu tin iiiigh hail mil a halt i it on lime he unshaven and j hero lor per- i i this sundays church calendar wisdom of the world re souls in this world which have the there are souls in gilt of finding joy everywhere behind them when they go ordinarily the christian vir tues are as easily spotted as the teeth in a hen who is drawing the old age pension but when nature gives a vast rumble ol primiliie pride in with ihc elements cluing people who will giunilile hn hours annul a sprinkle ol rain that spoils a picnic linn into giants when the big snow haps the in m tunc in ins hie i hah lostigisl il in i ase old mother n is listening hut per haps we need a lew iiniie bliz zards earthquakes holocausts and hurricanes thev work a lot belter than nationally aiheitiscil hi othci hood weeks the acton free press business and editorial office phone 8532010 founded in 1875 and published every tliuisrtiv il ml willow si aliu ontario mfmliir nf tlio audit ilur- ru of 1iniilainns thr cw n a mid own a advrinslin riar on rcmiirt sutmir iptlons payhlf in hdiimt kl in litiidi 1011 in all 1ounlrirs nlhrr ulan canada rnnkl copirs lflr authorized it srcond clis- mall rw offirr nvpartmenl ottawa aril rrtisliik is arrptrd on tlir riiidlllon that in the event of lvpociaphlcal inor thai portion of thr adierttslnc space occupied liv the rrroiuous itrn lorether w nil nasonahle allowance for slunatuii will not be charced for but the halanre nf the advertisement w7ir be paid for at the applicable rate in ihe event of a ypniiiplitral nor advertiuui ttutkls or services al a wronc pi ne unrids or nervlies niav not in- old alrrtluig l merely an oiler to sell and may bewlttidtaaii at any tune robluhcd by ihr diiu rrlnllm nrl publuhlnl co lad v david r dill manauuik hriitnr inpviiklit una unci leaving it l i acton baptist church founded 1842 pmlnr rev stanley gammon i res 144 tidcy ave ph 8531615 sunttay february 27th ltj 945 am church school adult j class 1100 am morning worship this book the bible livening service cancelled to at- 1 tend knox missionary world day ol prayer service wednesday praver and bible studv 7u1 thursday choir practice 730 iridav bhf march 4 at 7 scripture if we say that we have lellowship with god and walk in darkness we lie and do j not tell the truth 1 john 1 61 the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb sunday february 27th 1966 lent 1 900 am holy eucharist 1030 antrchurch school 1030 am matins 710 pm evensong and lenten study group maple avenue baptist church sunday february 27th 19c georgetown 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ing acton 853195 georgetown 8776665 bethb christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebc van dijk phone 8531585 sunday february 27th 1906 1000 am english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pjxi sunday schuot presbyterian church in- canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckcnzie ba bd minister mr f a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday february 27th 19oo 930 am 1030 am youth continuation class o45 am church school 1100 am rublic worship of god sermon theme work that becomes worship 700 pm world day of prayer service conducted by daugh ters ol knox speaker miss mary whale toronto using slides soloist carol whair- ton friends from other churches will be welcomed to this service everyone moot welcome acton pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday february 27th 1966 1000 am sunday school tor all ages 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambas sadors friday 7 pm crusaders trinity church the united ctturch of canada minister the rev dvight i engel babd orpanist mr george elliott ma phd sunday february 27h 19co 30 am early service ii ix tin worship i church parade tor cubs guides mil brownies j sermon never underestim- ate a woman 700 pm confirmation class 745 pm young peoples meet ing program investigation ol moralities do chrstians love everyone or just nice people why does chris tianity bless marriage and condemn stx why dont we demand more of chris tians prcffejjjchai fcirectcrif aad travellers guide mfdical si- dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner tit willow and river entrance river st acton out phone 8530341 bv appointment iixal intai dr robert d buckner phvsician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton on on vacation office closed february 24 march 14 phone 8531 240 dr t b moore dr c hutchison physicians and surgeons 2 main slicct north coiner main and mill succt acton ontat io phone 85 2180 by appointment c r leatherland qc barrister and solicitor i notary public c 1 fiitherliihl ba of bart j may dan ba lib nolo new address 2i mam st v phone 81 olficc hours moii to ln 9 sat 9 am tin to r in to 12 noon architect donald e skinner barch mraic 17a mill street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hours by appointment or 20 stavebank rd port credit 27434 a braida ba bariiter solicitor notnv public 173 main st s 8531 loo oltiie hours in jin monday friday ecnings c pm n9 p iji satuiday 1 pm 5 pm paislcv st itielph ontario phone ta 4 224 0hc hour in guelph saturday 9 a m 12 am daily 9 am 5 prn 28 dr a j buchanan r dental surgeon olh e hi church st p othic i loins 9 am to 6 pm closed wcciiicmiiv alternoon telephone 8531750 drvctdric dey j denial suipcon suit no hintnn bid- j l ll st e a tonont i oi appointments plume 853 1300 appraising and insurance f l wright j jo wilbur st v ifit onti io riionc 8s3o720 apr 3cr rind tnurance i oxtr jo year3 in acton i optometrists e l buchner od optometrist 14 kinj si s waterloo open daily except wednesdays for appointment phone waterloo 7428867 or 7422339 i acton otlicc is closed j travellers guide gray coach lines coaciies leave acton st mil ii i tune v etstbound t3 a m i llolv cnpt sun arthur a johnson od 184 maui st milton phone 878 9972 res 87s9e78 tuesday altrrnoons thursday evenings friday mornings funeral director i in hid iloll h st t m opl sun and 1 lol 58 am 1 1 a m 504 it i sat and son f- p m 8 t p m sun and llol westbound daily ex- fprcss pm pm 1008 pni 7 i a in daily ex rpt saf sun anil ho 1027 am 1257 p in 2 s7 p in s 27 p in 727 p in i 12 p in 11 2 pm 10j a in sal onlv chiropractic phone 853gms0 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr auctioneer frank petch auctioneer and evaluator 30 chapel street e george lowr telephone 8772864 donald j armstrong dc chiropractor 3vray 448 woolwich succt phone guelph 8227721 use free press classified ads for selling canadian national railways standard time eastbound i t0 a m to toronto daily mon to fri 730 pm to toronto sun day- only- westbound 1214 am to stratford dally except sunday 631 pm to strat ford daily mon to fri change at guelph for london etc

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