Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1966, p. 1

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ht ninetyfirst year no 35 ttmx sftt acton ontario thursday march 3 1966 y midnight fire destroys plant james b ledger stood by watching as his door manufac turing plant opened january i of this year was gutted bringing him ah estimated loss of around 15000 tuesday night the old greenock school which closed its doors last year had been purchased by mr led ger remodelled and opened the first of the year to house his newtype door operation the entire building was burned out and a new shipment of plywood lost as well as tools and mach inery damaged all his office records were destroyed about 20 completed doors ready for shipment also went up in flames turned in alarm gordon allan son of mr and mrs chester allan r r 2 acton first noticed the blaze in the sky and drove from the third line of erin to the scene he then continued to the farm home of calvin altkcn who phoned mr ledger about the fire the owner turned in the alarm to acton fire department by the time firefighters ar rived the entire building was engulfed in flames and the roof had caved in a portable pump was hooked up to a nearby stream and firefighters stayed on the scene for several hours keepinglthc fire under control the alarm was turned in to the fire hall around 1145 pm cause unknown cause of the fire is unknown mr ledger told the free press his employees left the building about 430 pan and no one to his knowledge would be near it after with brick walls buckled and roof collapsed the 90ycarold building is complete loss the loss is partially covered by insurance authorized as second clan hall v the port office department ottw twelve pages ten cents school board asks for 137722 69222 increase over last year midnight fire tuesday gutted the door manufacturing plant owned by james b ledger formerly greenock school by the time acton firefighters arrived the entire building wwyxjulfed in flames and the roof caved in approximate toss estimated by the owner is around 15000 for building machinery and stalf photn supplies at right neighbor calvin aitkenleft talks to mr ledger at the scene of the fire gordon allan r r 2 acton first spotted the blaze from the third line of erin and drove to the home of mr aitken who in turn phoned tvr ledger 67 forecast busy year indicated by centennial program discussion at mondavs meeting ol the centennial piogiam com nuttcc indicated local gioups aic beginning to plan cclebiations most comprehensive piogiam le polled was that ol the guide bixmnie gioup mis iowric indi i catcd then centennial progiam would coei a wide lange ol ae tivities langing liom church pai ades thiough mothei daughlei banquets held das and a ticc planting and beautilication pio giam at the scout hall local 47s united paekmgliouse woikeis bcaidmoies union le poi ted thev wcie liilcicstcd in and would sponsoi i sottball tournament at the puk in jul 1967 acton legion indicated thev could possibly be intcustcd in staging a spoils piogiam dining the summei also discussed was iik sug gestion ol oiganiing a oung ptoplc s new yeal s ec p ll l t tragedy saddens community teenagers funerals saturday intiedulilv shock and over whelming smpath were lclt by acton lesidcnts thursdav mom ng asuhev learned ol the sudden death ol two popular teen aciers ruth ann elliott and david gait the well known oung people weic lepoitcd missing tin night beloie thc were lound in the gait cai noithwest ol acton on the town line b const meruit harness ol acton opp belore am he had leccivcd a phone message liom albert rvluomu rr 2 cton called for help ruxliglitci s with a icsuslitit oi and di ciaic hutchison imic hastilv summoned but the tcn age is weu b that time bound help cause ol death was clehii mined as eaihon monoxide poi soiling as the cai u is on the ninth sidi ot the town iiik cuielph opp detachment was called to investigate coip a c jilliisind const j s pitts weu noliticd and animil shoitk altci the two wcie taken to guelph general hospital whcie the were pron ounced dead o wellington eoun t eoioner dr walter scott grade 13 student ruth ann the 17 eai old d lughtet ol mi and mis harold elliott chinch st was boin at acton on jul 26 1948 a sistci man beth te ichci at the robcit little school aild biothcis paul aton and noi man guelph ic main the iadi n student was ac tic in school activities and spoils uul was a nicmbci ol the student coullc ll plllatc lllllcial sclalcc at tile riinilcv shocmikii tunc i a i home satin ela w is conducted b tin rii dwight 1 ngel intel mint was in iairview cenictciv worked at dairy diid gait moied to acton with his t imik sexual caisa mil siikc then his lathe passed iw i his mothei mis jean gall a biolhii john and sisici helen who both atlnict sehool suritve at then 56 mam st home da id was boi n in toionto in 1947 mil the lamilv lived on tlu thud line ol eiin and at bolton beloie coming hcie he attends 1 mount wollc public school and alhston high school he was cinplovcd at ilon jei sc dam 1 uncial scivicc w is held at the rumlcv shocmakci i uncial hiiic on siluidii allernoon tol lowed bv intel nient in laiiview cciliiliiv pallbcaieis w c i e 1 1 lends mian reidl flank rvtist mails don locaubic bunie benton ol cton john h immell ol i iiutu and tom smith ot tot teiihim riowci beaieis wcie lohn davidson dae guiett 1 led collins david wildie how 1 1 ci rosell aiul gai vlehach el 11 ilk ii lle ill ihs ol these two lllle oun people touehcil the lie ll is ol e el ollc i ml mill ll s ill palll his been epiissed tol the inouinmg p units tannins and i ll i lis expansion ol the tall fan pio giam into thiec davs ol activi lies publication ol locallv writ ten works of literature a decora tion da round up and home coming weekend m june public speaking contests school activi ties the libiarv piocct an adult music lestual and a icdecoration and town beautilication project the band had oluntecred to assist an local oiganiation in their centennial plans recrea lion committee while not repie sciited advised the would assist thiough the piovision of then laeihties at the commumtv cen tie seventeen attended the meet mg lepicsenting vanous acton organizations bob pai kei chaiiman of the centennial piogiam committee chaired the meeting at the robert little school and led the discus sions brendan ahearnc secic tar of the group lecorded the suggestions will coordinalc as time pi ogresses and the vanous oigamalions complete then plans these will be an nounced nt coordinated through the centennial committee the committee was foi med in 1964 not to sponsor oi stage the ac tivities in 1967 but to encouiage and coi elate tb clinic on moncjay tuesday all homes will oe contacted mim of the dooi todoor call cis handing out cards tor the up coming tuberculosis survev 1ieie have alrcad completed their dis i tl lets i ana than men explain that anvonc who is not contacted in advance will be welcomed at the i lice clinics anwvav since the aim i ol the mass piogiam is to reach rvrryont in halton countv thcic will be loims available in the town hill to be tilled out b invom missed at ins oi her home chi lib en ol eicrv age are l urjeil to attend is well as abso- lltelv ill idults manv hue aluadi been tested il industiies oi schools tile lm poi line ol leaching eveivoni is ispicialli stiessed this week bv cton voluntcci than mm can vasseis thev ieport havecneoun tied some who stated blanklv ihev would not ittcnd the clinic 1 lit hi not onlv ndangeiing lieii own hies but those ol their undies ind ntighbois it is ex pi lint el lo pmlect all ot us all unknown cases ol tubeiculosis must lie eletictcel in oakville a baby in a tubei culosislree fanulv was discover cd lo have the disease treatment was begun at once while the lam ill endeavored to discover how the infant could possiblv have cncounteied t b evtntuallv they learned the babv s giandmothcr had been in contact with it on a tup to europe had been met bv the laniilv on her wa home and had kissed the babv the tests aic not painlul ask voui doctor il ouii wondeiing it s suggested prepare clinics disti ict chaiimcn mrs bert hinton and mis chailes lcithcr 1 ind aic now detailing the town hall clinics which oegin maicii 7 next mondav nassagawcya clinics in assagawea township rev w iceman is woiking in cooper ation with the acton gioup all the houses in the township will be tinvasstd the clinic in biook idle is in the town hall on march 10 and is and in campbcllv ille at tin masonic hall march 11 mil 16 george lee again elected chairman of library board stjff phot father v j morgan was surrounded with guides brownies and cubs sunday morning when the three groups attended the morning service to mark guide week left to right are soma daigle from the second acton company guides cub joseph mcconnell father morgan cub gordon mcconnell and brownie joclyn daiglc v icoi lie was iiturntdas di in m in ol cton libi u board it the in iiniu il inciting weines d i tmiiin ot last week wei mintd is i new membci and i lie ii instilled is vice chairman w is the rev ritchie mcmurrav two si hiding committees were nincd ted piatt villi chair the mulcting ind linaiice committee wnh niembeis mis l g frank h l uul m ivoi les dubv mi 1ciuii iv heads the book imiibv committee with doug cupel iml tin hbianans and an nicinimis iblc to it lend centennial library s is a ion standing custom il hlit n v bo ml meetings need lm licw ihiutcis was ag mi dis viisscd li his budget loi 1966 to be p esenlell to council mr pi ill will nicoipoi ite cstimali s loi ihc hoped loi centennial lib 1 11 v si itisiics on othei irritants oh t n tit tl bv mi duov were perus id with mtciest these indicated cton spends less on our hbrarv th in ant othei comparable com nuinitv ol the 15 he had listed sacre bleu coniplctclv m french with no ti inslalion a letter was received liom the minister ot affaires cul turelles du quebec saying a col lee lion ot canadian literature would be still to the hbraiv here somewhat battled boa id minibus icstinglv instiucted see utan miss e sthtr tavloi to re iplv m tiench she complained she liaeln t leanicd in school how continued on page three council buys packer chassis at a special council meeting on tuesday night acton coun cil purchased the chassis for a new garbage packer the ten der of masson motors of ac ton for a truck with a 7 000 lb front axle was accepted at a quoted price of 4010 plus tax es council a week earlier had ag reed to purchase a slcard pa cker which will now be mount ed on this chassis price of the pucker was 7400 which will give the town a unit worth 11410 plus taxes for picking up garbage at the meeting a week ago it was estimated the unit would reduce the cost of gar bage pickup to the point where the savings would pay for the unit in two or tjircc years acton taxpavei s will be asked lo dig deeper into their pockets to offset the rising cost of public school opt i it ion foi 1966 tues- cla eicimig public school board mcmucts agreed to requisition council loi 7 722 loi this ear is mm council raised 568500 fo uiii scioul pui poses boaid niembeis pointed out the mcieasc in school operation was mainly due to teacher salaiv in creases the lact the boaid ded lictcd a 1964 28 000 surplus liom last vcai s lew makes the jump appear greatei a pievious icqucst tiom m 7 bennett school principal elmei smith for the boaid to consider seuouslv an addition at his school was discussed briefly and it was agreed to wait fuither ac lion until a survey is taken to de teimine the anticipated enrol ment at both public schools no auditorium yet chaiiman vic bristow suggest ed board members should delve into the problem at the m z bennett school as soon as the sur ity is completed he also bcliev cd the anticipated increase in school population would not be sufficient to warrant an addition at the im z bennett school he did suggest however the board might have lo altci the sehool boundaries to allow some ol the pupin presently attending the jvi z bennett school to at new product for micro building products of canaui ltd and tjurapipe and tittins ltd ol london england have concluded an agreement undei which durapipe pvc prcssuic pipe and fittings will be made in canada bv building products john hagciman plant managei ol micio plastics division in ac ton confnmed today that the lutings will be manufactured in acton at the micro plant injec tion moulding equipmeruwasiri stalled here last november and december but has not yet begun i pvc pipe and fittings both of which would be made here have been accepted by cmhc lor drain waste and vent use mi hagerman said the pvc i pipe is being used in etobicok- in a laige sewage installation the pipe is appiovcd in euiope 1tji tiansmission ol dunking wa ter howevei canadian appiov il lor this has not vet been gi lit ed the pcv pipe and littmus aic solvent welded and have eh id cnt characteristics irom c irlon pipe which has been pioduccel loi manv vcars main adv intage of tins tvpc ol product is the low laboi cost loi installation no additional stalf or manulac tuimg space will oe requiud at the piescnt time stalf was hiiecl and ti aincd at the installation ol the equipment last vcai tcnd the robei t little school it was agieed if this was necessaiy it would only be on a tempoiarx basis ihc continual picrblem of leakv school lools is still before the bund and tucsdav evening pio i ptit committee mcmbeis mui ia smith and orval chapman submitted n estimate for a pai- tiallx icplaced rool at the m z btnnctt sciiool amounting to 5 000 cost lor a new root had- been estimated aiound 15000 btfoit a final dtcision is reached both membci s are to investigate work completed by i he company i submitting the estimate the chairmah reported on a i recent salety meeting he attend- eel at hamilton and icported on the school salety patrol program i management chaiiman bill benson reported on a brief sub mitted bv the executive director l the ontario school trustees council outlining resolutions sub mitted at the annual meeting boaid members learned the punhc school skating carnival would be held at the arena on riuirsdav maidh 17 and the halton puhlic speaking finals on maich 18 at the robeit little school i invitations vveie received lor mtmbiis to attend the ontario ruial and uibin trustees assoc iation convention at viheland with a registration cost of 4 per membtr no decision for delegat es to attend was made accounts totalling 21002 41 wcie appioved lor payment 15 year service award hydro chairman tyler hyclio chait man e g tylei si who has completed 15 ycais sciiicc with the commission n ceives a seivice awaid announce mint ol the awaid was made at i com cut ion at the roval yoi k hole i in toionto monday the combined ontaiio miiiiui pal fjcctiical association and as situation ol municipal electiie utilities convention fybuiary 27 28 and mai eh i anil 2 is being attended by supei intciidcnl doug m iso n four weeks holiday at the commission nucliiig i isl thuisdav appioval w is gntn foi unplovets with 20 vtus stunt lo leixiic loin wicks hohdivs iich vcai supei inlc iklc ill l miii has anothel eii lo seiie heloic hi ing eligible and secictaiv mis atidicv uiquhait i i u n vcais architect donald skimici who had been engaged lo diaw pi ins lot ihc pioposed hvdio building on alice slieel which since has beui chopped tcmpoianlv was pusent lo discuss his lees 1 1 was agieed to honoi an agiee- nicnl ol 75 pei cent of 6 pei cent ol the lowest tendei with pay nieut lo hfm amounting to s4497 the lemaming 25 pei cent fee would be pav ible upon comple tion ol the building truck standstill i maliation loi puichdse of a new 1 1 in k foi the miter reader w is detained when niembeis pre sent difleicel in opinion as to the tvpc lequncd both a half ton pickup and a panel truck weic discussed but loui members puscnl wcie at istandstill with i wo in i uoi of lah pioposal c onnnissioneis aic to view e nil i v pi ind eliseuss the merits l both ivpcs beloie a decision is icielicil j accounts totalling 2 937 29 wcie ippiovxd lot pa ment pic sow- lm the meeting were i eh mm in tvlcr commissioners on i biown willied mceachern and doug d nvkins as well as sec- ictaiv mis uiquhait and super- intendcnt mason missing for i the meeting was mayor les duby form vote no committee to oppose erin outlets a number of enn township niitlee this week in part stated latepavers arc up in aims ag mist ihc- coming hquoi vote in the township i nda march 25 and have binded togethci lo lot m the i tin township vole no com mi t ice the gioup is meeting legllllllv it the clinstian disciples chinch hillsbui gh and pi ins ue being made to oppose tile liejuoi vole ilai iv bui t has been named as managei of the committee and let ins willi simple ballots enclosed hae been mailed to ill eligible otcis throughout the township improve community a riews icleasc handed to ihc acton lice plcss fiom tile com as a eticn ol erin township each vffitci has a icsponsibilitv loi the wellaic ol his family sehool church ind community as a whole it is hoped that we will cons dci ciiclullv the several as pects ol the mallei in hand and be concern d cspttiillv loi long i inge lesultsol out vote continuing the release stated can we honcmh s i that the sale ol hquoi bv tin dunk will make this comniuniti a btttei happier oi mui t piospeious place- grade m students will be loin ing the uimcisitv ol guelph one dav next week sua pkoto this is how girls get their man not quite grades two and three pupilssrom the aa z bennett school went through theft paces with rhythmic exercises using hoops dumbells and skipping ropes during the schools music night last week james ellerby and steven papil- lon frame two girls scisan stevenson and maria pataky in one of the hoops as the girls hold dumbells f

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