Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1966, p. 2

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why the difference thfe decision to incorporate the name helton in the two provincial ridings rather than ths former designation by towns was a logical and sensible change the provincial redistribution tor voting pret ty well splits halton in half this split will not be nearly as serious as the complete fragmenta tion proposed by the federal redistribution the provincial plan basically places burling ton and nassagaweya with a horizontal strip iiv eluding acton in the halton west riding oak- ville milton esquesing and georgetown end up in a vertical split to be known as halton east what continues- to mae us is why the provincial and federal plans of redistribution could not parallel each other the federal re distribution places parts of halton in three rid ings none of which is even close to ft areas to be applied provincially the confusion in the votersminds mat will result particularly if two elections were called close together will be dif ficult to penetrate we had understood the provincial and fed eral action on redistribution was being coordin ated but if the two proposals applied to halton are any indication there cotild surely have been no coordination i aap harry harley has indicated he has re ceived little mail on the subject and assumes the federal proposals are acceptable maps of the proposal have been as scarce as the proverbial hens teeth and when they appeared they were published in daily newspapers with no specific area followups in the local publications where they might have gained more reasonable atten tion if you can get hold of a map of the federal proposals it will not be difficult to see the com plete fragmentation indicated if you are not interested just forget about it but if you are interested it seems about time dr harley got some letters or post cards on the subject write him in care of the parliament buildings it may not yet be too late proceed with ubratt another red rwtrlrta boon injected into actors centennial library prooct this time the mjgejaatlon has been made that a downtown stow b ronfd on a long- term leofio nnd tlr llhrory be located at the millmain minor it is our opinion that such a imovi would not be in llif host interests of acton wo tool there has boon enough delay already and if we are to hnvo a new library to mark canadas first onehundred years its time to stop hunting for obstacles and excuses there is no doubt in our minds that a sep arate building to house actons library facilities is long overdue there is also ho doubt in our minds that n library operated to meet thi re- quirenients pf our citizens is going to cost money to build and operate the only way open to meet the cost of construction and operation is through municipal funds when the project was first suggested we felt the capital cost of the build- ingcould be raised through public subscription this approach has not proven feasible and now the only way open is through municipal financ ing the recent st john report on the quality of libraries in ontario should come as no shock to the people of acton for too rnany years the library in acton has subsisted on the leftovers of municipal funds it is apparent that provincial grants to libraries will be increased- it is also apparent that acton will not benefit from any grant increases until minimum standards of the acton library service are improved if council is going to meet the requirements of acton residents for improved library service the time for action is now without any more red herrings drawn into the discussions canadian facts readers digest which has been accorded canadian citizenship so far as magazine publish ing is concerned hasrpt3dcd an almanac that purports among other things to deal with can ada but manages to say that the capital that fell to the british on the plains of abraham was montreal this may be resented by people who live in quebec but they may not be as angry as people who live in toronto a city and provin cial capital that is not mentioned ar all ontario opts out the announcement of the ontario medical services insurance plan and its multitude of benefits is being proclaimed through comic strips in the newspapers and show biz personalities on the air waves it leaves us cold no place in all the glossy bunk emanating from queens park is any suggestion of increased funds for medical research it is ridiculous that in our affluent society with our cradle to the grave social security research funds are raised through seal and doortodoor financial campaigns we do not want to minimize or belittle the work of and accomplishments of such fine groups and campaigns as the cancer society the heart foundation the easter and christmas seal campaigns or the march of dimes but we do have some concern that medical research is de pendent on voluntary contributions it is our opinion that this research is too im portant to be limited through another 6ntario government voluntary plan 73l w old fsaifj 20 years ago token from the issue of the free ircnk of ttfui hliy veto 28 1946 nr ajfw sinclair arriwil liuiiir on lllu- ojiiiii fliabctli alter brinji oviihius three veals iinipklliijf nearly si years in the army in- world war ii and a vein an ol the first world war tiiir p keniiev caine home to 50 years ago taken from the limie of the fire iretih of thursday march 2 1916 a successful social in aid of st josephs chiiivh was held at hie home ol ml ielcr iihlioiis chci k line thursday a number ol the soklieis ol ac ion platoon ai tended mis jennie matthew toronto awlon lahi thursday fie was a i lias sold the cosy collage on fre- passenger on llie- jueeil elia- i dcrick st where she resided for hell and served live years over so many years lo mrs iliscilla seas he was wilt the canadians i talbot mother ol mrs ambrose infmnee belgium holland and mecann oermany while overseas he was mr waller frver has leased the niariied arid he expects to lie j michael kalev farm and lakes joined in acton soon hy his avile possession this week ladies tiav their nv- sluff photo talented youngsters from cindergarten class at the m z bennett school wore gay hats made in class as they performed on stage thuridny of last week during music night petite krm livermore is surrounded by gordon bruc janice ellerby who sang a solo and john gordon the high school auditorium was packed for the program kamillwsrvs die from mexico to tannery sidmg i slides of nigeria i at special service jersey leaders beardmore and co officials the world day ojprayer sc-r- vwe surprised wednesday morn- vice at knox church sunday even- ingo see a mexican railroad box prvscnlcci bv daughters car on the compunv railroad sid- ol knox was we i attended miss ing ii is a rantv to see a box cur from mexico in canada mirv whale jersey class leaders for january 1966 had two district herds among the winners in the senior twoyearold class starcrest commando betty a daughter of marlu commando mileslone bred and ovvoqd by a executive director neilson stark georgetown had and 0 by bill smiley george is the custodial super- inlendent at our illiteracy far- lory it usehjo be called head janitor i congratulated him the other clay his wile had done well as we say in a music i theory exam i he shook his head he swore then ltd drive you up the wall it 1 ever get married again ir wont he to a musi cian lions with a aplomb of clinks taking a bath bui middle- aged ladies dont especially when they htivcnl written an exr i ahoul three weeks before the exam they hejjin to neglect fain- ind hahv now i hr hins again 1 highway travel in the district i vear has been remarkable in that theiv- has noi been a single day hal lie was completely stalled on saturday afternoon mrs j smith and pal saw a lull grown deer near their lloillc on cres cent si it was amhline toward ihe new houses being built bv beardmore and co in i his sec tion- actons oldest resident was call ed lo her reward saturday last in tile person ol mrs robert price marv ann harding was j born in trafalgar 95 years ago coming lo ihe sixth line ksoues ing as a child ol six surviving have i are son hardini- price iktughlci row j mrs aliens mcpaehern iwp grandchildren and one great j grandchild i services al st johns church i rockwood were well attended when a former reclor rev e blillingci was present in con ned ion with ihe dedication ol ihe honor roll bearing 16 names of i tile parish two of those men- 1 tinned were killed in action don- aid till and george ware ballinalad farm forum met al i the home of mr and mrs frank smith with an atjeridance of 28 fvervone handed in a question 1 j be answered bv someone else f w shortill was convener mrs smith and robt mcfncry had charge of the program aclon platoon trekked out lo l he residency ol mr nelson mi- liiiehlinin nassagaweya mr and mrs mcluughlin eiltel luiiied ihe men lo dinner and heated ihem with great hospitality il was 1 1 1 i i c a iiniciue celebration ol mr and mrs mclauehlins crvslal wedding anniversary miss noiii kenney ol guelph hosilal 1rainiiig school spent i lew davs al her home here mr harold nicklin cf who has hien working on the water works at the 1asi man tile past vear is now al saskatoon the minimum line for not re ixhlini a contagious disease is n2s i c iter i mm hilly gould in the trenches in belgium i hope to the pleasure again lomor ol sending a few compli inenls aciasslo ihe hurls the weather is tfill punk it is rain- ing and vou can imagine the miul the rubber boots you sent ar rived the firsl time ive had warm and dry feet since i ar rived in this blooming counrrv i have had parcels from the ac- ion red cross society and the sole leather tannery would write oftener but i am a busv man with 44 men under me i would like to he home but never for a moment am i sorry that i enlisted at ihe beginning the big guns are firing again thev shake our hut every time they lire i think fritz must have ypt up feeling cranky a crowd of well over 1000 at tended ihe milton figure skating club carnival last saturday more i than 90 children apd guests artists i look part the club pro there is marv jane force robinson for merly of acton people think i am carried away by emotion when i start to sob at a symphony concert theyre tor overseas missions of the the highest record commencing t ci l t wms spoke and showed slides at two year 206 days in 305 days hair from hides for delivery in the unhed slates the mexican car was probably scheduled for the load of hair in order to have i relumed eventually to its orig inal railroad the wording on the car is in spanish all on nigeria miss carol wharton guelph fcijocal dancing teacher sang several solos those taking part were mrs howard coles mrs cliff ashlcv and mrs bill toth she produced 11285 lbs milk 541 lbs iat 479n a silver medal rec ord the word salary comes from salarium meaning salt money since roman soldiers received part of their pay in salt ilv house and themselves a week later tlicv become nervous in ihe linal week they have mov- f frrht but irv not the beauty of ed from high c lo hvstena on lhc musil lh makes me break the day ol the exam if takes dun lnnjbk j has caus dears tea tranquilizers and t int moncv ha cos in tne there isnt much chance of the sometimes a good shot ol brandy before they can he pushed into the examination hall where thev sit twitching like old fighter pilots until the- papers are given- out former as hes a grandfather but i was deeply jn sympathy with his conclusion this sundays church calendar this book the bible there are no songs compared to the songs of zion no orations equal to those of the prophets and no politics equal to those the scriptures teach j us john milton it was obvious that george had had lo help his wile pre pare for her exam it was on ihe history oj jnusic they ask will questions like what in strument did eli schwartkopf play in the brandenburg sym- phony orchestra on april elev- enth 1801 when napoleon bon aparte was staying in the cit overnight with his second wife on the way to the battle of austvrlitz but this isnt the worst of it a chap can stand a couple of weeks of helping his wife memor ize such great universal truths and weather it what really gets him on liis knees is putting up with the old lady as the exams draw near kids go through exainina- i dont know the details hut i suspect george went through something like the above and i echo his sentimentstjoud and clear if i ever get married again i want a girl who thinks a sweet potato is abom the fin est musical instrument that ever hit the market do vou know what a bane js well thats what music has been ii inv life for the past decade oil i know every family has its little problem its skeleton in the reception room its dirt under the walltowall drink ing health poverty divorce in sanity stupidity delinquents wih our laitiily its music i used to love music in a simple joyous uncorfiplicated way i used to whistle while 1 worked and walked every thing from gr e e n s i e e ve s through eine kleine nachtrnu- sik to porgv and bess by ear i liked stardust and stravinsky and ill be down to get you in a taxi honey then the kids started taking piano lessons and i started try ing to look intelligent when peo ple talked about sonatinas and concertos and scherzos andmlyn- aniics and all that vou should pardon the expression jaz we fight about the left hand each other about the kids not practising we go into tant rums- about recitals and festi- vals real estate board shows most progress two local real estate brokers sydney k lamb and g alec johnson were among ihe happy members ol the orangeville and disi rict real estate board who learned the board had won top honors al the 44th annual conven tion in toronto two weeks ago competing against 43 other on ion the record plaver rocks to tario boards ihe orangeville the beatles and bob dylan we board jaced first for showing have to snatch the harmonica the greatest annual progress in and guitar away from the kids i board achievement during 1965 would like to meet johann se- mr lamb is currently president basiian bach on a dark night and during the time the award was strangle him with a beethoven given lor he served as vice-presi- sonata g string minor dent s10000 later nobody in my fam ily can play thv national anthem without three weeks of prepara- ten anil more than the acton free press business and editorial office phone 8532010 founded in 1875 and published every thursday al 59 willow ot acton ontario member of the audit bur eau of circulations the cwn a and ow na advertising rates on rrquect subscription payable tn advance moo in canada 700 in al countries otiier than caiiadu tingle copie 10c authorind ait second class moil port office derailment ottawa advertising is occeptcd on the condition that in tb event of typographical error that portion of the advertising pace occupied by th frronioui item logrthcr with reasonable allowance for mftna ture will not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable iitt ir the event of a typographical error advertising good or ilvicet at a wrunti prire kcxkj- or service may not be old adertltlnj is merely an offer to wll and may be withdrawn at any time publlihrd by the diui printing an parjllabfng c david r dills managing editor copyright w vu 4 acton baptist church j founded 1842 i pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidev ave ph 85j1615 sunday march 6th 196i 45 nan church school adult class 1 100 am morning worship through a1e to others mission band will meet at 1130 700 pm evening service christian tolerance discussion wc invite all who have no even- ing service to share this hour with us monday 8 pm mission circle wednesday praver and bible sfudyi 730 thursdflv choir practice 730 fridav bhf 71x explorers 730 scripture they understood not that saving and were afraid to ask him math 32 the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb friday march 4 emher dav 10 im holv eucharist saturdav march 5 ember day 10 am holv eucharist slnday march 6th i6 lent it 900 am holy eucharist 1030 am church school 1030 am holy eucharist guest celiorant and preacher the rev laughlon binns cur ate ol st christorphers church brampton 730 pm evensong and lenten study group maple avenue baptist church sunday march 6th i georgetown 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 70o pm evening service wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ing t acton 8531956 georgetown 8776665 christian acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 sunday march 6th 1966 1000 ajtn english servicer 230 pjn dutch service 345 pan sunday schoqk presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday march 6th 1966 30 am church membership class s f ps5 am church school tepart- churchf ments 1100 avn public worship sermon theme the call to image god through qur oc cupation acton pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday march 6th 1966 1000 am sunday school for all ages 1100 am morning senice 700 pm evening service i tuesday 8 pm prayer service and bible study thursday 8 pm christ ambas sadors friday 7 pm crusaders j march it al 8 pm hooked on dope finds hope come see and hear david callado for- mers50 per day dope addict tell the facts of gang life in new york dont forget this interdenominational rally ac ton high school auditorium march 19 at 8 pm trinity church the united church of canada minister the rev dwight i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma phd sunday march 6lh 1966 930 am early service prceaaicnal fcitectcflf and travellers guide medical 730 pm y o u t h fellowship 1 am worship meeting everyone most welcome domestic difficulties 700 pm confirmation classy dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone 8530341 by appointment dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont on acation office closed february 24 march 14 phone 8531240 dr t b moore dr c hutchison dr d w van der bent physicians and surgeons 9 mill street west corner main and mill street acton ontario phone 8532180 by appointment i architect donald e skinner barch mraic 17a mijj street suite 2 acton telephone 8532740 office hoars by appointment or 28 sursebanlc d port credit xzhr32 lecal dental optometrists c f leatherland qc barrister and solicitor notary public c f leathcrland ba oc bart j maydnn ba lib note ncv address 8 miin st n phono 8531330 office hours mon to fri 9 am to 5 pm sat g am to 12 noon a braida b a barrister solicitor notary public i 173 mam st s 8531160 office hours in acton monday friday evenings 6 pm 9 p m saturday 1 pm 5 pm 2s paislev st guelph ontario j phone ta 4224 l office hours in guelph j saturday 9 am 12 arn daily 9 am 5 pm i dr a j buchanan dental surgeon of rice 90 church st e j office hours 9 am to 6prn closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 dr cedric dey dental surgeon suite no 3 hinton bldg 17a mill st e acton ont for appointments phone 8531300 appraising and insurance e l buchner od optometrist 14 king st s waterloo open daily except wednesdays for appointment phone waterloo 7428867 or 7422339 acton office is closed travellers ouide gray coach lines arthur a johnson od 184 main st milton phone 8789972 res 8789678 tuesday afternoons thursday evenings friday mornings f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8530720 n appraiser and insurance over 56 years in acton auctioneer chiropractic frank petch auctioneer and evaluator 30 chapel street e georgetown telephone 8772861 donald j armstrong dc chiropractor x ray 448 woolwich street phone 1 guelph 822772 funeral director phone 8534350 night or day brace e shoemaker mgr use free press classified ads for selling coaches leave acton standard time eastbound 633- am daily except sun and hoi 854 ajn daily ex cept sun and hoi express 858 am 11j3 ajn 208 pjn 504 fri sat and sun 508 pjn 623 pm 8j3 pjn 1008 pju- sun and hoi westbound i 737 am daily except sat sun and hoi 1027 ajn iz57 pm 257 pm 577 pjn pm 912 pm i1j2 pjn am sat only canadian national railways standard time eattbound 6 so am to toronto daily mon to fri 730 pm to toronto son- day only westbound 1214 am to stratford daily except sunday 634 pm to strat ford daily mon to fri change at guelph for london etc 777 loi

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