Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1966, p. 8

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s the aiforf tree press thursday march 3 1966 downsview meeting to launch regional development assoc as3000retfoltrcntrratjteewrnrl tntmirtpal r pmvionalshjurmjuioofihcoi- jganialion is mrsg c bcekstead lives a ordination among 60 municipalit ies in the tourcount region of peel hulton yoik and onano lerequcsting the assistance ol will be launched at a mjeting n ronal development baneh downsview this week hahon the ontario department o ec represent it iv e mavor lev dubv wtnics and development ol acton announce an an nual provincial matching giant ol 31 vooo has been piomised the proposed association hove own staff the organization is entirelv vol untas it was pointed out bin would employits own staff and its own progiams and a regionaldevelopment associa tion which could create a formal and continuing communications link between all the mumcipaht ies n th central ontario econ omic region is the object of a 33- determine membei organizing committee of objective t jackie bullough john higgihs wed in doublering ceremony at an evening ceremonv in ac- gioom s vistei rosealee dawk ton united church on januarv 7 ins and the bitilesifiaitf was a jackehne louise jackie bug- 1 friend georgina ben lies thev lough and john henrv higins wore gowns ol loval blue pcau were married bv the rev dwight de sine and cained blue cairia engel the chuich was iiceoi it- lions ed with white mums and white groonismin was the giooms bows for the seven oclock cere- biothci in law garv daw kins and monv george elliott plaved the llsn was a f i leml don organ franklin the bride is the daughter of i the bride was given in mai nage mrs jean bullough 3 mill st ej bv a luend ol the lamilv hank and the groom is the son of mr earlc bowerate h u j reception at legion i the reception was held in the legion hall in the evening attend the bride wore a floor length gown of alencon lace and net on princess lines with long hhpoint sleeves the sweetheart neckline was edged in sequins the front panel of the sknt was trimmed in lace and tieis ol lace created lull ness at the back a crown of iris and sequins held hei shoul r length veil she cairicd a bouquet ol led ioes and while- mums attendants in blue the mation ol honoi was the as mimittee has been formed j township ol pickering w g reaume of oakville is vicechair man mrs bcekstead disclosed that municipal meetings have been held throughout the counties of halton peel yoi k and ontario loi the past 21 months public meetings have lollonved on a coun l basis at oakville biamplon and ubndge some nuinicipalit les she said organized their own aiea meetings to sell the idea set grant structure on feb 16 the oigamalional committee met at the beveilv hills motoi hotel downsview to set proposed giant struc lure and name the piovisional e ecuiive the oiganiavsinal lommiltee ppioved a pioposal that a late ol 08c pet capita be made with a maximum ol 51 2s0 contubulion fiom urban centies and si 000 lor counties based on full participa tion including the piovmcial giant the poential budget at this rate ivas seen at 5020 i th ligure even jppioximatmg this amount could enable the as sociation to secure facilities and i employ competent stall mis i beckslead said w now piopose l to inviie all our municip dines in the four countv economic legion to attend a icgional convention in bv nunv lnends and ielatives i maich at which the could mgnifv i the brides mother wore a led their wishes with respect to this ivclvet twopiece diess with silvei mipoi tant matter aeeessories and a corsage ol w hue leu nations the glooms mothci wore a green velvet sun with white aeeessoi lesmd a coisage of w lute carnations vjhito babv mums deeoialed the tables special guests weie the budes aunt trom winnipeg manitoba mrs irene manswell the brides grandparents mr and mrs j hullough rex dale and the giooms grandfather mr john ford acton guests weic piesent fiom willow dale feigus camp borden alount dennis long branch and toionlo as well live in acton thi couple left on a wedding trip to miagaia tails the bi ide w aiing a red bolide sun with a coixage ol white mums and led nhbon riuv aic making then home on bower ave acton berlin e he i mainage the bi ide was guest ol honoi at showeis given bv mis bosealee daw kins andgcoigina bennes ospringe honor prominent couple before moving from area personal notes of actonians visiting oufoftown points and of visitors in acton homes jansengiven wedding vows in a double ring ceremonv in knox p r e s b v icrian chure h georgetown februarv is june- given became the bi ide ol dirk i jansen the bride is the daugh ter of mr and mis thomas giv en r r 2 acton and the gioom is itnesuiiof mi and mrs h jansen rr i acton rev young olhciatcd loi the i mai i iage the bride given in marriage bv her father wore a pale blue sun with white accessories and cai i icif pink and xshilc cai nations j hci attendant lke walinga ol stewii tiown woic a pink sun with white accessories and ear j ricd led and pink carnations i groomsman was wavnc gates a cousin ol the bride lrom r r 3 acton i i a leeoplion was held at the i home ol the hudes patents when mis given received the guests weaung a blue suit and a pink corsaee i he glooms sistet mis timmti man assisted die couple aic living in acton a lageciowd gathered at tht stfiootbn satuiday evening loi a laixvvell presentation for mr anil mis william butler who have sold their inrm on the 5th line and will move shoitlv to a new home in feigus music loi a dance was supplied bv the rrccman lamilxsoichestia and jesse mcenvrv caids weie also enjoved while otheis just sat and chatted presentation smith gullin ji called the gathenng to oidei and mis ralph sinelau lead an addiess to the honoi ed guests messis leonaid thompson and paul hamilton made the presentation ol a sum ol monev and a lcclinei chair kann hamilton lead a poem anil piesenled them with a pole light liom the- immeeliale neighbois both mi anil mis bullet expressed then siiiceiv thanks a bountilul lunch was seived at the close ol an eniovable even mg well known regiels weie expressed at the losing ol such line neighbois mi bullet was well known thiough out the comniumtv as a thieshei and the opeiatoi ol a wood saw ing outfit two occupations thai aie last disappearing due to moil ein mcthiels of i lining mil heal tng koines mis butlei was active- in wo mens oigaiiiations at chun lull chuich and also gieenoek wo mens iiislillilc both weie gooil inends and excellent ncighliois ladles aid meet mis robeil ellis was hosliss loi the lebnuirv nuvliiig ol the ladies aid fourteen ladies n sweied the roll tall with the donation ol a tea towel mis e fishei gave the devo tional and mis buiv lai ke lead the last ehaptei lioin the shlilv book new officers the slate l ollieeis lot the coming viai vuas pu suited b the nominating eoiumiltei anil accepted as lottows piesidiul mis ross mel wan vice pre si dent mis l i isliei seeietaiv mis batrv clai ke tieasiuei mis g sunlii pianist mis g ailken anelitois mis ralph sim ian anil mis nui nun mi- keiiie mis pankiit ulluul hei home loi i lit maich ineeting mrs r liiis closed the meeting with piovei a lovely lunch was icivcd bv mis all winklei and mis g aitken assisted bv the hostess miss vnginia snvilei muse in staff phgto free license plates were handed to susan robinson when she won the draw at the acton red white store recently left to right are susan license issuer jack hargrave and store owner john kynelko ml tied kingsnull s a patient in guelph fit ik i tl hospital li lends tit soi n to learn ml aiul mis campbell giiew have sold then t inn al campbell vilk anil moved to til roseloul ten at t a itetiitlv mai i tetl vutinj eoup- le mi anil mis j dtjonj ate living on c inn eh st mi dejong woiks at lteio piisiks and mis dejong i ii k ln iei s mi and ti- cltllv iii pet se t ot su in i al the linuit i landsboiou h lormi gin tkn pai k anil li i and li f in spent lilt wetkend i li and mis c in tv heal that clil s el clvte h- l jjj v inn a- on thtu sdav v allien h h llin ton attended a one dav seminar lot eounlv ouncillois ol guv u ui dul lei in and huion coun tes it owen sound hi was as sisinig as a diiteloi il the spon sot m gioup the ontuio coun tlis ssielatlon mi and ms dave manes and tin i ill i n mull ttl and shtllv loi m tilv ol ttun and now living in i ii l li mil mis o mams tton and mis mujanl gibson gtoijtown utiittitd bv plant liom i tliki nk jiolulav in 1 lot nli mi anil mis totnmaiits e tnl spttlt till list two weeks with i in p nulls antl lanulies mil nan iied hv 1110101 111 last wit k 28 offenders milton court fines on the ac ton opp dc tithmtnl dotket u milton couil mondav totalled 4 19 with court cosls totalling sm s0 ol thi 2s orieiulti s ehaiged live p ud lot di vmg a vcluck without insuianee 01 pavmetit ol the s20 lee undei the moloi chicles claims vt one v lolatoi undei tills section ieeelved a suspended sentence v ml lb s vdiitv kit h h ilton s meiiibcis ol pallia innt aie quite a bit m the news the pasl eliliplt ol weeks dont illjtt tlltv wclelllllc letters i i 1111 nstiluciirs wittc to them at puiianieiit binltlins ottawa 01 1-orwlto- laundromat addition to double capacity wotk has begun on an exteiir sion to the acton latindiomit the woikioom used pievuuislv bv 1 riciiici fquipment c mi panv will soon be opened to ton tain live moie dims mil about 10 new waslicis lot llle gelleial public t mi riemei owit i ol lilt build ii began wotk on leiiiovmg one ol the paititions adioimiu the piesent laundioniat ami vull in stall the machines s soon as doug rogeis wh opt i alts tilt laundiomit busiiitss obtains his new equipment i isivxiuj the business will be tlostll loi a sholt pel lotl while g is lutes ale connected b the etui nl maith it is tx petted patrons at the l uinclro- niit will be able m list the 1- w equipment whith double the eapaeitv ol the business red cross is always there with your help- m palitnt i pital ml tov t i v i iiitlph vvtsli hti t lit til ii 1 spitllv t newlvwttls ml i logg ait in in o mi hvg w ho t onii tlll woiks it tht mis 1 1 j is u di ikv ihi mi- i min st i umllml 1 nun t iinl i ii mi and m s 1 h i t u daughlei su unit o i oiitlmi w t 1 1 itiisls ii tht ho u i mi i it mis lite iki is hi when tv eanit u town lot tht litnual ol his latllel stnlling tilt kits jm tmv is sels iii llle pitstllt 111 its 1 ills u losis sutvtv toelhll we e ell i i nitii mi s ik i t hiiiton nui mi s chalks i tathei litttl with m s rov kntptoi mis m it s mo i and mis pat waldit tht uiiu m einj it uew kiamptoi p esbvtenil m s w is hi id it isllv lit l 1 ii t i w i hill sd iv llttl hkiil itblllllv 24 rtpttseiit mvts limn ik tliit illlssionil oips ol knn l tended mis iuiij lnls m s robt 1 1 in im mis 1 i m i- t mis o mm an mis tittl viiik i son nui rtv h mt ktii it m s elllll sollls ol itslijvl i cluiuh was apoiiitttl the lust president u lie kathm vvttldiig in loionto su t lio i ton ana vvtic mi mil mis pa il ieueii mis 1 u i coo si i li ind mis ibnv ui v us ll ll let lv tlll rllbtlt sou ml 1 111 mis itiilt m isoll mil ii and mis bi iiii it i v us llle vltllill l liuik pi lee 111 belli 1tttt si i o ue hit hi nle i k el mliiei ill mi ind mi b i rithln he i vtl it 1 ii i lid ll ill e e 11 s 1111 i le wei 1 it lit i 11 pit i e 111 llll ell lv s w 111 tile p iso is sptt ll boilspit is 11 t ll pi ivt 1 s u ill t 111 t llele lllllll 1 1 ul i i net milton al eii il t pit ll ll 1st fol llttlltt issutl mo id iv he was in tilt usual iush 11 eel notice of annual meeting banquet halton coop medical services march 19 1966 ebenezer united church guelph line 6 miles north of campbellville luncheon at 12 30 noon tickets 1 50 blsinesb meeting following spenser dr harry harley mp for halton everyone welcome offce 1 13 ain st milton phone 976 9712 train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times u c frcd a hoffman optometust 58 st geoiges bq uvlpli out telephone 8242071 for information phone the local cn passenger sales office canadian national f 1 75 i im k ano w llospi tal ul kitctieiiet ts home uilw nionths liiilnliv ilmini which she is visitlue with hei sistci in chicuio mi and mis mm i av meklli ick attended the vedihii ol tin loi nit i s sislei miilene to ralph haibci whah liok plate on sat in dav llle itieption loi low td at the home nl the hiules pai cuts at wilileiliu mis williai wi aft to her home on friday following suigery a u toionto hospital geoige allen grundy lejuined home eailv last week liom a toronto hospital vvheie he also had suigery bnan robcitscin letuined lo his studies at hamilton institute ol technology i mowing a lew mid lei in hojuleivs lxtenil sympathy sympathv is evtended lo the mmhtr find allillv ol davtil gdl whose tragic ilcith octtineil on let ill lied ml s i thin sdav davul vvis well known hiie wheit he had dchveied milk lot the acton dauv lot seveial nioiiths mi john sun ol luiuiilii was weekend visitoi with ivfi and david sttvvul fiiciuls aiesony lo itom william wiugt l lo return tti toronto hospital on monday due to eomplicilioils i meet farm owners an enjoyable evening was spent at the home of mr and mrs stuait mckiimon recent iv the main puipose being to meet mi anil mis i iowa nl black ovvneis ol the loi mci john ismond laini iiiests piisinl weie mi and mis mel uai den mi and mis slim aid black mi and mis ii r llimuil mr and mis k kiommci mi ind mis e mc kiiiniin mi ind mrs a mills mi and mis l puidv mi and mis srivdci mi and mis d slew ii i ml md mis a white and mi ami mis d g robeil son repeated by popular demand i from gtyeotfota- cet your eas cash card next week specially selected value checlcd branded round steak or roasts aiwjvk tender well trimmed red or blue brand sirloin tbone wing steaks 99 boneless rolled rump roasts lb 99c blended just right tur mot loaves or lurgers fresh minced ground beef 2 lbs 89c vac pak swirts mild seasoned wieners lb 59c lb swift premium sweet pickled crvovac cottajje rous lb 79c swifts 4 varieties for lunches or snacks luncheon meats 253c swift premium well streaked mild cured 1 b flat pkg rindless bacon lb 99c red white features swifts premium products best buy save 8c swifts i2z tin prem lunch meat 49 best buy save 19c swifts 1lb pkgs gem margarine 379 save 15c new 100 vegetable jewel shortening save 27c swifts pard dog food lib pkgs 2 for 69c 1 5or tins mix em or match em swill iltinuim spaghetti meat balls or meat ball stew 24 i in- for 89c 2 tins 79c best buy save 8c salada finest orange pekoe 60 to pkg tea bags 77 best buy save 16c 7c t kraft cheese oupon inside 2lb family size pkg velveeta 119 save on these features big savings health and beauty aids kit ih il t pilitil ill llllv pepsodent fluoride 59c ri vliilt so lull iipmilklll tooth brushes ea 59c ki 4a liu cllippn i ips lypsyl each 39c frozen foods of quality sax i 16c 10c off pack instant iii tin nestles quik s i3t sensational 1iij olln duncan hines 49c lake mix 2 for 85c llih 1 tin r hlltls nl i h haddock sllpli nu iii 1111 2 ll french fries ik luxe cake mix pkp 59c ban 3c swf 20c 3 1b carnation instant pki 109 sim 6c bake or ikcp irv willi 32- bll maz0la oil 87c swi 9t single pl vlntc or coloreil c facelle moderne tissue 4 for 49c s i 18c 8c off patk with dtrmisil giant 24- sic lux liquid 69c coffee as you like it red white instant 5h jar aunt marys coffee lib bag your choice now made by kellogg s corn chex save 2c 9oz pkg 23c wheat chex save 4c 1 8oz pkg 39c rice chex save 4c 9oz pkg 31c ml 11 ink k s i 4 1 i m- arrowrgot biscuits 49c s iv ik ilimii ami disink t mt pinesol- 15oz sz 65c rt v w miiii it sunlit mi 12 in pk butter ruffs 33c sunshine fresh honey sweat grapefruit 6u9c i minus m- iii lush 3lb ply apples 39c iiuii li i 1 it i hiintlits green onions 2 for 19c store hours opon all day monday open tuesday and wednesday until 6 pm open thursday til 9 pm open friday til 9 pm open saturday til 6 pm we deliver phone 8530990

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