Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1966, p. 1

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ht dm sttt ftes ninetyfirst yearno 37 actonrontarlo thursday march 10 1966 aiithortud oa steonit rim mio ida pmt ottlc department ottawa fen pages ton cents say yes blood is urgently needed and donors can support the red cross in their request by at tending the blood clinic monday march 21 at the legion udtor- tbc demand for whole mood is so great reserve supplies have been badly depleted it was noted this wreck that every leukemia patient receiving treatment re quires at least 20 pints of whole blood the short time it takes a don or to give a pint of blood la noth ing compared to the reward a donor receives knowing he or she could figure in the saving of someones life telephone canvass a telephone canvass is now under way in the acton ares ask ing donors to make an appoint ment to attend the clinic march 21 local organizations hand ling the telephone canvass in clude royal canadian legion branch 197 legion ladles aux iliary lakeside chapter iojje duke of devonshire chapter io de acton rotary club acton lions club ys mens club acton womens institute golden age cjubsand actonjfireflghten whenthephone rings and you answer be sure to say yes the life you save may be your own committee grants minor variances aclon committee ol adjust men i heard three requests for minor variances thursdiv even ing of last week granting two and adjourning one for two weeks awaiting a further report irom the applicant the first request from jules frvtcrs was to erect a coin car wash at the rear of his properlv fronting on mill st e his ap plication was opposed b neigh bor john mellon and bv ooid mcculcheon for his mother an othci neighbor on the basis that the business would create cxicss traffic and be a nuisance factor lease service station mi frvlers told the commtl- tce he was expecting lo oblain a lease for the bp sen lie sta tion on queen st and approval was waiting the return of the dis trtct superintendent from won tieal since his application was heard a lease has been signed and the committee will be noli fled to this crect the second application from emo mancini lor a 10 loot ai iincit to elect a house was giant cd the piesent bv law calls for a 60 loot it outage and mr mancini asked to be allowed 50 feel the thud application horn c l rognaidson was loi approval to build an addition to his home on main st n which is in an j industrial zone he also request j cd a two loot vjiuiiii on the sideard ncu tlu ieii ol the pesent building his application was also approved i submission to pjtmkett council proposes metrotype govt alternative north haltonpeel union acton council- lucsdav evening finalized as submission to hal loivpeel local government icvieve lor study bv thomas plunkelt special commissioned conducting the needs study lot lalton and peel counties the submission outlined i he ex istmg conditions and laclllties including population and assess menl capital debt xvaiei and sewei operation education iacih ties expoils and unpen is social jb l bvoi n a government thai slau photo it doesnt hurt was the message among the many youngsters attending the tb clinic at the town hall monday and tuesday left to right dre technician miss shiela mcclane h h hinton district chairman two yearold cheryl lindsay and her mother mrs don lindsay a large crowd attended both days and all are asked lo return today thursday and friday to have their test interpreted s review creek water pollution will seek solution to problems don t let the signs ol spuing fool vou remember theie have been snowfalls as late as ma in recent cirs deputvrccec r r parkei in giving the no 2 committee rcpoit to council tucsdav gave details on a meeting tcbiuarv is in to ronto called bv the ontauo wa lei resouiccs commission anil at tended bv a committee liom council and beaiilinoie and co ollieials to discuss the acton dis pusil plant and pollution ot the blaek ciuk the dcpulv leeve icpoiteel theiv weictuo concerns i i he black clock pollution pioblem iiielud nig the small llouol vvatci md 2 the high c monde lonlint in the giound wateis which 11 was kit was m unlv due to be aid mole and c o possible solutions two means ol concitinp these had been diseiisscd one was jut increased how ot watei thtough the blaek cicek possible willi chemical solutions to take cue ol the chlunile pollution second several lots have been sold in was a possible extension to the lakeview subdivision will be built as soon thci impiovcs houses disposal plain lo ovc iconic the the wci clcpicsscd oxvgcii laetoi contain cd in the wate t the chloride content which ap pealed to he in leisonamc amounts is not toxic as it is sun pl a salt solution mi paikci noted it had been pioposed 111 il deepening ol lauv lake mighl possible liieiease the i love ol wi lei thiough the black click and this had alicadv been iliseussed at cledit allce coilsci vatiou authoiitv nice tings picnic of watei continuing his icpoit mi paikei saiel theie w is no slim i age ol watei lm it appealed al tunes theie uis cilhei loo lillle ol loo much 111 llle clclk use ii me be he veil suction dtcdriug al lanv lake eould iisile till in llle bulhush aic i al llic noithwcsl side of the aleni as was done al the lake f i out in loioiiln lie was ol tlu opinion il would in cixase the how ol w ilei lluough the black cieek t he i c bv oci coming ihe oxegcii plohlciu regional plant council also le llllell llle o v rc discussed a possible addition to llic town s disposal plan which al picscnt is operating at ileal capicitv as well as the pus sibililv ol a laigc icgional plant which would not onlv handle loun cllliiciil but indiistnal sew age as well in conclusion mi iukci not id it would lake eonsideiablc in esligilion and pi inning hcloic t complete solution lo llic piob km eould be winked oul and uldllioii il meetings would be held lot tills pill pose ihe depute iceve okinglv st it ed he hail been accused ol beluga man wcuuig tin ec hits as he icpicseutid ihe town is a mem bel ol the cledll vlllcv collsci iluiii all thot 1 1 v tiic is a bcaul mole oil lei ll on your own activities ime piolecllon plan mng police and lianspoitalion the main hums contained in the submission including linal iccommeiklatiun lolloev it is oui considered opinion that the county of halton should be retained as a basic unit ol government and that no advan lage would be gained m ommg halton and peel counties as one- unit ol government ihe lact ill tt this study is ta king place pixves this poml lo some extent in that it is widely held that small municipalities most join togctlici to loini a re real education gional unit as thi cannot ceo nonniall piuvide ihe servites etc ih it lie icquued by the public today ihe same would liold hue in oui opinion that so laige an area piesents pioblems in adequately serving the needs o the public municipal govern ment is constileied glass toots government and to maintain this kind ol government you must be lose to the people you are help pi ov ides one lepiesentafive foi 2s oi 30 thousand people could not hope lo have the close liaison willi the people it serves oi look allci then needs adequately tor this icasoon we- icspccltul ly suggest that halton county be considcied as a icgional govern menl aica with the picsent coun ly council being disbunded papfinttcvtsionul gaol now under dis initially the piesent loim ol piesentation on this council we suggest a mctio type gov eminent he loimed with each municipality letaining us own lo eal councils possibly willi a ic duction in the sie council returns to school it was back to school loi coun iiotlhein municipalities in halton but lo considci the lining ol a county plunnei councilloi c i i cathciland op posed ihe motion slating he was against a county plannui having liuisdiction ovei aclon deputy reeve r r iaikei was ol the opinion a county planuci should be able to adopt a icason able umloimily throughout llic county lathci than the piesent system ol each municipality hav ing its own consultants maeoi i es duby said munici palities would have the oppoi unity ol calling on the county in additional 10 planner foi minor planning ilc assessoi all in- tails lathei than having their imn planning consultant on a it- laming ice a county plannei would be anxious to help eoor dinalc planning throughout hal ton iceve hmjon added council also ileal d a hi icf icpoit liom the mavoi outlining a recent meeting ol ihe cenlial ontario regional development associa lion reviewed amenilinints to ccmilciy icgulations anil ices i tallied ijibm boaul would meet in georgetown maich 16 received a letter of thanks irom ml anil mis ft joidan the gilt i mm the town on the onision ol then solh wedding anmecisaiy cil membeis ruesday night but only lo conduct then ivgulai business session due lo the t b c lime at the council ihambeis it was ncecssai e lo hold the council meeting in the stall loom ol the kobti i little school salary increases rollowmg a lecommendalion by no 1 committee ol council mcmbcis appiovcd the following salaiv increases to office stall pi i sonne i mis loina claike s2 so pel eveek mis munay hai i ison ss 00 pel week j 7 hutst 100 annually w erskine j200 annually plu loi mileage creases ale ictioaclive to janu aiv i 196t- also appioved was a 300 salaiy met ease pel yeai loi clcik j me gcacluc- ictioaclivc to januaiy i and a iicommiiitlalioii thai he be relieved ol duties with planning boaid and committee ol adust menl as soon as possible at such time as a ic placement is found he is to receive an additional 200 which is iiutttioaetive reeve h ii hinton voiced llic oiilv dissenting vole against llic cici k s mi i easy county planner it agreement ecith a resolution liom planning boaid council dc tilled not to suppoi i a suggestion to loim a planning stafl foi the ihe county melio government to be comprised ol the miyois ol each municipality and in the the tase ol the townships the reeves lull lie i memheishtp to this council could be on a pop illation basis the cluilnnan ol this council lo be elected annually by the membeis ol the council they would assume all capital debt within the county and hi tuie capital debt ol the i eg ion and each municipality would be on a similai basis to that pie sently in opeiatiou in metio to ronlo tin niolio council evould con ttol anil adimnislei the complete- administiation ol justice one po jke loice loi lie entile couitlv the gaol and lock up possibly a eiission home lor the aged health unit thildiens aid and all sei vices in connection ihciewilh wcllaie assessment county toad system flit piolecllon e m o ulections should be at least biennial in all municipalities within ihe liamewojik ol the county a county boaid ol ldn a hon would be elected possibly using ihe same lormula foi its mcmheisliip as the council and this boaid would be icsponsible loi all capital construction with in its unsdlction one salary schedule to be in lolee thiough out the aiea lach municipality would have a boaid to adminis to local needs the i own ol aclon is il pie senllv exists has no appieeiablc vacant land to allow loi any type ol expansion and il is suguistcd thai ihe boundaius ol aclon be i cxlended as pel ihe map enclosed and inaiked as exhibit a this aiea is somevvhit smaller than lhat pioposed by the pu blic school tepoil but it remains within ihe county ol halton and it s quite reasonable to assume thai a laigei aiea is icquued lo pi ovule education economically in l lie event that ihe above ic- commenilalions do not meet with yom appioval eve suggest in the alternative- that the norlheily poition ot halton anil peel coun ties be malgainatcd lo be known as halton peel and lo consist of walloon county not ih ol highway 401 and all ol peel county north ol ioioiiio lownslilp lo be included with the sub mission is a map ol llle pioposed bounuaiics as mentioned above 817 patched tb patch tests were given monday und tuesday at the town hull to 817 aclon resid ents during the twoday bills all hough the number present didnt meet expectations it was considerably higher tliun the lust clinic in acton prior lo the clinic this week pupils ul ull three schools re ceived the tests and factory workers received the mlnluture chest xray a totul for the com plete survey la riot known at this time those itsled monday and tu esday return loduy thursday und friday to be read too many volunteers uslsfed lo be listed officials say j t i um widelyknown cattle drover f e holmes buried at fairview coin car wash to open in early april seek five new high school teachers two retiring after lengthy service aclon and ihsliiet iiioloilsts will soon be able lo use 1 doll e oil 1 se lt coin e 11 wash lo be opened eaile in api il be two new canadians jules livtcts and cornelius snoek il ihe site ol llic hp seieiei stition on iii e isle 1 le 1 nd ol low 11 llle new business will be sum lai lo those established m oilier to accommodate equipment real iicaseehcic motorists arc sup plied wifh all matcllals to evash then oven vehicles t begin with two bays lor washing cais eeill be established with plans loi more lo be added al a lalei ilalc renovations have exit doors will be installe to al lovvvehictes lo drive 111 thc-front- doors and exit by llic real of the building the method ol washing cais is stncllv a pressure system once a motonst has dnven his a liletimc icsident of this dist- net lianas irank early holmes passed away thuisday mai eh 3 in st josephs chionic hospital guclph in failing heal 111 he had been in hospital loi two eveeks ihe well known cattle diover was in ins 79th yeai i uncial sei vice was held al the rumley shoemakci i uncial home on saturday al loi noon conduct cd bv tin ree dwight lngel in tciment followed in i an view cemetery pallheareis weie the sons ol lwo neighbois kcrwm mcphail acton and ailhui me keown richmond mill the sons ol teeo friends i lovd mclneiy georgetown and beit cunning ham hcspeltr icllow drover clarence hodgkmson kitchener and nephew charles ruddy of st catharines the widelv known atloniin was with his fatliei 111 llic house wlicie mi and mis h ocveau now live me had anolhei profession in acton lot a few years after gra duating from guelph business college and appienllcmg in to- 1 onto he was undci taker and cmbalmei with his business in the present aclon home furnish ings location he purchased the business liom william johnstone who winl wist about 1912 and lliin sold it back to him several yiais latei he ictalled terrible tups out into the country with llic hcai sc 111 bhzards even be ing stranded overnight he also was an undcitakei 111 regma for a while his stockyard in acton was at the old radialtrack west of wil low st south he shipped ani mals by the cnr and the old bom in nassagaweya township elcclrit railway system for many son of joseph holmes and mai years gaiet king hi came lo acton as an infant and although lie went west and lai mid in the dlst net aclon eeas alwavs his home town i man led to violet r111i he vtoainai diwt1 lies latii he was always interested in poits in youngei days he play ed baseball hockey and lacrosse and lately had watched on televi sion acton high sehool boaid is seik nig replacements loi five teach ers who will dcfimlele leave the stall at llic ciiel ot this lenn otheis mae possible bv leaving as will mondax evening it xvas leal ik el one replacement was al most assured and membeis wmikl be interviewing prospcets this vvcvkmd at the paik plaza hotel in toixinto reining liom the tiaehing piw icssion this vcar will be 1i- alex on and miss jean birbu othci tviv he is leaving the sjtt will be mrs june stoekdale james lav is and i aw son randall it is possible the iv mae have to be othcr replacements as some teachers have not dclimtele mill catcxt then intention to date teachei management ehuimiti rax arbic repotted his voinnnt tee had inlvieieweil st dl nicin bcr and picseiitvd a pioposed salarv schedule loi he coining term he notixl ihi pixjpond salarv svhedule was reaertcei thrvmigh a median rate last vur oi 8 schools 111 the area plus 111 entases this vear mrs arbic noted teaeheis 111 school ale destined foi shipment lo the bahamas loi schools ihcic a icttei was ixeciveil 1 10111 the ixpaililhlh ol ldiivation icqucsl uv eoopci it ion m sending out dale el 01 unused cqutpnknt 01 icvi books loi ehlldleil hi this a l e a named ice principal j r biav assistant piuieipal it tile sellocl ixeclvcd a plolllo- lion mond iv nilit when he was ellv luel til the position ol eull v let pi meipil mi biae took oeu his loi mi 1 position at tlu tulle issistant piuieipal michael bevan kit loi i ngland as an c c lllllge tele lui lot 1 vcll mi bevan is sshcdulcel to iiiuin this tall lollowmg a biict siuile ol a lettel lioih a gllelph diiving svhool the in 111 igx nieiit voinnnt tee was asked lo investigate thc- posslbllltvot the guclph school handling the driving portion ol the sehool s eliivcr training ccmiso prcsentlv tciv hi r c i rogn valdson is handling the class room insiniition as well as the diiver poition of the course it is thought having the guelph boafct nieuiocis iiccd to p iv ihe cost loi nisi illation ol a spoils tiniei oi tlu rv inn isuini which is to ih puichised lm ihe sehkl bv lie siuelent council cost ol llle lllllcl is cxpcelcel lo be aiviund smh1 and will be paid loi bv ihe sale ol bioks be the student council another bus 1 lanspeii taliop cb 111111 in dun can mot i at wanted boaid mem be 1 s next ecu s li uispoi iition budget might be iiicic ised with tin anticipated iiicivise ol mid students i 111 ill nd the budget might have lo be blggel llex ve 11 as the mileage is iikic isin mil till picsellt buses ale ust about loaded now he s heel finance chaiimin c leski n dc 1 son aillicip heel the c ipil il cv pciidiluie leiiecisi oi ik ne 1 live ecus uound vlkhhh i his lolccast is leqllesled e kll veil be the municipal bond tlllslee kclwill mc ill hi lilted mcilllhis ie vollsllel e p lllsloii ot the- st dt u in wh uli had been discussed a tew ee lis ago he noted the present iexm was built tor teachers 111 the original school categories three and lour would school look after one part would n uk saf nas if s i l ir tint- tl r- hli l 1 t be olfcixd a higher maximum rclicec the piessurc on the local rate in accordance with other 1c 1 a agixet b arcaa and department heads 1 resolution to have mr rogneald would be ollered an increase on assume the- entire responsi obsolete and discarded furni- bihtv of the dnecr training car ture and text books at ihe hjb cucd at the bdiool ed considerable chainnan tom watson noted stall membeis had been informed a new stall room was anticipated when another school addition was nccessare continued on pac ilx stim rholo teaching at home for two weeks are actomans karin heller and gertrude kuhn receiving instruction from m 2 bennett teacher mrs bert benton the two girls are attending lakeshore teachers college and are taking their practical training in their home town begun inside the piesent gaiage i vehicle into the bay he deposits a quarter and regulates the how ol cither clear water or combin ed water and solvent for clean mg by pressing buttons an overhead hose with pressur ized nozzle forces water at the 1 ate ol soo pounds pressure per square inch onto the car to do the cleaning the detergent to be used is of a special nature which doesent streak cars paper chamois will be available as well as large commercial va cuum cleaners if patrons wish to use them the entire process tak ts about five minutes unless cus turners wish to take longer and deposit an additional quarter mr snoek and his larnile m tend mining into the cottage adoining the service station and mrs snoek xe ill operate the lunch tountei in ihe garage gas 1 pumps will also be operated but no repair service will oe avail able came from holland mr irvtcrs was born in lim burg holland and came to can ada in i9s first settling in mil ton before moving with his wife and two bovs and a girl to town he is cmploved by the credit union in milton mr snoek who is cmploved in brampton at american motors came from amsterdam holland in 1957 and first lived in the ospnngc area for two months before coming here he has two daughters survived bv his wile the foi met j jennie allen sons william ol guclph douglas of hdmonlon gordon of milton john of aclon mis robert mclneiv joan of i 1 in and mrs gicriville hall jean ol loionto also remaining ait a brothel i dward of los angeles and threi sisters mis h d davis helen ol mitchell mr iciul and holmes both ol toronto he was pie deceased bv his son robert and a sister mrs ada near manv vtars ago mr holmes started in the cattle trade and he showed cattle at guelph when the roval winter fair was held there the hair was moved to toronto and ht was a consistent cxlnbi tor and winner there as well as at the canadian national lxhibi tion for manv years his name was listed among the old guard of the winter fair as a cattle buecr and drover ht became- well known he bought cattle in saskatchewan and al berta tor harris abbatoir which is now canada packers at one time he- was a butcher in acton first robin the fifst robin of the sea son has been reported mrs roger murraj noticed the perky bird at the home of her daughter 5 park ave on monday then on tuesday frank freeman called to re port wild geese flying north clearly outlined against the vivid blue sky he also had stcn a robin already w ay nort ol ih i own line in 1940 he loi mid a partnership with his sou jaik several years ago he iclned and moved into town to live- witli his daughter helen and nephew william near he was a mcmbei of the ma sonic oidci and the ioor the holslem rncsian association canadian jersev cattle club trank williams canadian shorthorn asvjtiation miss riorcnci jn the canadian aberdeen an gus association township stuck h new riding the proposed redistribution of federal riding which would put the township of naasag- wcya in the riding of south wellington will likely be ac cepted without change reeve william coulter told township council on monday night reporting to council on a con versation between himself and halton mj dr harry harlcy mr coulter said the mjr in tended lo discuss redistribution with neighboring members but indicated any change seemed quite unlikely since it was a report front a don political commission under the new proposal nassagaweya would be fan a rid ing with guelph guclph town ship puslincb township bev erley township south dum fries township and parts public school skating carnival next thursday a13ds

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