Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1966, p. 10

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the acibri free press thursday march 10 1966 red cfss explains procedure for regular blood donor clinic while many people are familiar with the procedure of rtve red cross blood donor clinics there arc mam who haw not attended what goes on a member ol the executive has prepared an irticle outlining what soon on at the clinic in an crtort to stimulate interest am- vn potential blood joiwrv tv vi vlon hlivod donoi ciisw will tv held mondav muvh at tbo lojsuw htditxinum j women often low there are some women with what is known as permanently low haemoglobin if its in the low percentage range they are still healthv the can still get around and do their daily chores and do not hae to see a doctor as theic is no real prdbktm the copper sulphate solution is used for two purposes one is because it gives a high read- ln and peihaps the onost im- rhhant is that it is the only mvs aatn bv branch 7 acton known solution- allowiiigt bacai- an roxjii caik5ai icjskmi with vic olobin test within a ver few fta x axi miv vlhan fu1a seconds os-ys- rcskvws vtll be cauj it whi hao to get a regular 3 rvvw b swewberj ol haemoglobin lest done it would vvjo xvjra5siv in fcof- ot i take anywhere between 20 mi- jv vxas v ivhnm ot dvmhirs vitcs ami halt an hour s iv a- jvwl 3s uicndx easily traced rxsvvs aster the technician had deter- cttnlc hours mined the mood group she will x sv s v v vo clnic ir the donor a label which is x v nxvii itvwn i pvn he swiw ooloi as the card it i s io i h ewmrtjf induatcs the mood grouping as wr s- o jits jij the h she has determined it she pass- in aveo visv l m will ajiain es one estion ot the label back n v v rsj v mixvtvjsicw ot o the donor another to the reg- io vksoi krei upcrvi- lsjrar a ouinteer who is filling out these registration sheets tv joixt v avkcs3 o rti in thoe sheets are in duplicate a vctaion vrd the red one soo- jo the branch and the croiss reward h the person ha other to the depot fvo te and cjasmtx that thoe itklude the enal number pcrsvvrt as haxinj own a prexnous ot the bottle the group and oomi o blood that person txpe she name and address and xvj haxy been issued with an in- other reatixe information that is dxidual card xxhich js called an required tor record purposes t cad or a donor card the co- this maintains a complete and jor oi she card denotes the group permanent record ot where the ot olood blue foro xelloxv bonk- o mood came from so for a pink tor b and xx hue for that should there be at anx time ae if it clots in the bottle then it cannot be transfused because it xx ill not flow it has been dis covered that this sodium citrate dextrose solution will retain the blood in a fluid slate this iv perfectly harmless to the lecip- lent in lact it has dextiose in it so there is a food for the lecip- icnt in the blood in addition to that ywhich is already contained tworhlrds pliit only 380 c c is taken which is about txothirds of a pint it is uet- american pint then there is a pilot titbe attached to the bottle conluining acd sol ution this tube remains with the bottle goes to the hospital and the technicians in the hospital use the contents ot this lime which is the blood that is taken irom the taking set when the needle is taken out ol the arm the blood that is still let t iii tfie tube is expressed in to the pilot tube arid into a test tube xxjiich comes lp the depot it is drx the blood clots m it it is for tests in the depot lor grouping and rh typing and sei lalogical testing to make sine that there is no communicable disease in the bloocj that max be transterred to the person who receixes it so each one carries this or should carrv it and when thex appear at the clinic uiex should produce it this gnes their group the rh tvpe their name and address and a record of don ations on the back if thex should anx ploblenis in hospital con cerning a donation of blood it can be traced back to the do- por ex en donor anonymous o one knows just xhere that blood is or where it went to e epi the iaboratorx technicians haxe this card the branch should ke p a haxe xv hat is called a master card similar in color to the i card and trie master card con tains the same information with the addition of the number of the bottle of blood past history the donor will have his card withdrawn by a volunteer regis trar from the file it xmii be pass ed to the donor the donor xxill plete record the hospital doesnt know who gaxe the blood alt thex haxe is a bottle number the red cross branch knoxv that mrs jones gaxe bottle 2034 be cause the registration sheet is in the office but thex dont know xvhere that blood went to and they dont know who got it this is one of the red cross principles to keep these as anonvmous go to the technician who will ask donors sq nj unscrupul5lls per the scries or questions concern- 1 son can come a and ing youi health such as have my b saved vou jaundice malaria have xou been under a doctors care haxe you had any serious illness and so on the technician then takes a drop ol blood irom the donors linger and she does fwo things xvith this drop of blood she has a white tile and she also has two a aiiu bottles which contain anliser how about it so it is better to remain anonymous no contamination noxv having been passed by the technician the donor is es corted bv another volunteer into the collection area this is the to staff ind donors under th direction mrs w dienny hostess to wi provincial redistribution of the present halton county riqhng as proposed by the special commission on redistribu tion is shown in this twopart map on the left is halton west which will include burlington nassagaweya acton and the northernmost 10 lots of esquesing township on the right is the proposed halton east which includes oakville milton georgetown and the northern 22 lots of esquesing balunafap irish theme at wi meeting mrs william duim block st opened he home tor the march meeting of the acton vv i the president mrs ro lmdsax pie sided and opened the meeting with the institute ode and marx stewart collect the roll call was answered bx what x our grand a ther did the sxmpalhx ol the community uoes out to mi and mis wilklid saodeisori and tamil in the pass ing ol the louuei s lather mi vvaler sanijerson the scouptlub held a euchie in balhnatad hall on tuesday night when 16 tables plaxed high lad missi jackson gent mi tom hamilton consolation mi ron saunders irish theme mis robert mcenerv was hos tess toi the march meeting ol thew i on wednesdav the meet ing opened with the opening ode marx stewart collect and the hmn of all nations the piesid ent presiding roll call was an swered bv naming an export irom ireland sevcial items ol busi ness followed the minutes a ietlei was read about the new little gnl whom the w i have taken to sponsor comiain koica as the one who had been spon sored had outgrown hei age limit and a new one has been given us mrs fiank smith gave the the onlv the woi id davidson current events gaxe together the halton junioi farmeis ban i mrs jesse mceneiv was pio reports xv ere given b conven i ers mrs marx giaham agricul tural convener said hon w stewart announced that the on tano department of agncultuie will change its title- to depart ment ot foods mrs graham also read the 10 commandments of the institute bi ought mis charles cult little bit of spring ov leading motto friendship is a poem on a gaiden mrs r 1 cement that will hold oneis yellowish andlhe other is greenish this is dyed to av oid eonlusion one is to deter mine the bs and abs and the othei is to deteimine the os and the as she puts a chop of each of these on the white tile and a chop ol the blood out ol this little pipette she mixes them and bv this means she is able to make a lough ckteimination ol the blood gioup cithei a o tb oi b but she is not able to deteimine the rh kietoi this must be done in the red cross depot drops in tube eveiv bottle of blood that com cs back to the depot is again giouped and tvped eveiv lime a donation is made ii a pel son has given 50 limes and comes along lor the slst tune thev still gioirp and tvpe his blood loi saletvs sake the lest ol the blood in that pipette is dropped into a blue solution which a do- noi will notice in the test tube on the technicians desk this is i toppei sulphite solu lion ii the chop ot blood sinks to the bolioin that donoi is ae ceptable ii it goes a lilt le xvav down and tlun comes back up again she will put anolliei chop into sonic tush thud and ti it again it it stavs th lop that dunoi s not acceptable it s just simplv that the haemoglobin lc vel in the blood must be as high as 85 pel cent because the donoi is not ae ccpled tluough this test does not mean thai thex aie sick it docsii t mean that thev goiiimuiv to a doctor to lind out what is avmng with them because it is lot ncecssarx lot blood to have this high a perventaee ol haeiu oglohin lor a peison to be in good health but this higli rate is taken so theie will be no risk ih taking blood from any individ- ual i quel a cake contest staged bx mrs g frvei was xsonibx mrs cults and mrs william evans a change in the meeting for april ivas announced it will be held at mrs campbell winns mrs frxer public relations eonvcner asked if actonites aie as proud of then tovsn as thex should ber do ou boasr vour of a seni n she uses a tak- ing set to extract the bottle of blood everx taking set that isln when talking about it to used is a new set with new strangers the image ol a town gram convener but owing to hei mother having taken ill she was called to guelph in hei absence mrs f j shoitill earned on verv ablv with he help ol mis nor man sinclau mis shoinll spoke and gave illustrations showing maps ol ireland which had names ol singing ol irish songs also a solo by mrs t j shoi till danny boy all loll they had enjoyed a leal lush piogiam meeting closed with the queen and wl grace alter which all enioyed a lovely lunch served bv mis robinson mis hilts and mis rav svvindlehiust anniversary dance a luge crowd attended the an- nivejsarv dance held in balhna lad hal onenday night a num- bei ol lucky prizes were given out wmnei s were dooi prize shu lev langevin lucky draw prize richaid shoitill spot dance mi and mrs tom mcgee mystery dance mi biadlev and mrs me gee mystery dance chestei swindlehurst and mrs nelson mrs damplers death the sympathy of the commun ity goes out to mi and mrs jesse mdenerv on pasing ol mrs me enerv s mother mrs dampier uho had been a palienl in guelph hospital foi some time but pass ed aw ax on sunday mi noinian sinclau and son bi uln also mr allan sinclair ol guelph attended the maple leal and chicago hockey game in maple leal gaidens on satuidav night but tailed to sec bobbie hull gel bis slst goal mi neilson s car was stolen one nighl tasl week and ioiind up near ei in mr bill smith is duving a nice cai altei his accident his needles exerx precaution is ta promoted more bv icsidcnt ken to ensure no contamination i hpostcrs than by expensive idvc reaches the blood i the donors arm is swabbed and the seal is jemoxed from the needle imniediatelx insert ed in the donoi s aim the bottle alieadv has in it a solution this is a sodium citiate dextrose solu lion and is lefeircd to as acd the puipuse ol this is to pi event the blood trom clotting when j the blood is released irom the bodx it will immediately start to clot moffat day of prayer service guests intended lot last week numbci ol the ladies ol nas sagavveva pi esbx tei lan church attended the dav ol piavei ser iiu as guests ol ebencei church lulus those taking part in the seivice included piesidcnt ol the v 1 s mis m f mullen the sciiptuic was lead b mis g campbell and was taken trom isaiah ehaplci t veises 18 and chaptci 41 ei ms 1012 mis 1 huhawax gave a veix inieiesiing papci on ye ate mv witnesses the iii si two papeis were ta ken h mis d heiideisun and mis st inlev robinson all enioved a social houi alter ilk seiviee and a him on jiow souk ol the dav ot praxer monex is lived to help spiead the gospel x eii load ol ladies irom nas sagavvexa presbxtenan church t- elided the election and install turn ot the otliecrs tor the nevvlv lumiicl presbv tei lal ot brampton at nashville on thursday using you can either be a boost ei or a knoejecr acton is a eoniinunitv to be pioud ot she gave comments on being awaie ol the puddle l s that conic to vom dooi ask loi his eiedeii hals alwaxs lead the small punt and do not sign anx thing unless xou know xv hat it is ii in anv doubt call vour local policx she said noith halton music festival is in eton robeit little school on pnl s a donation l 10v given maieh 26 is junioi faiinei diama night at milton at st pauls chuich blood donations ale hadlx need ed i et s try to inakv this the best veai vet lluk h coin die is vcle- mis maiv giaham mis tivd ndci son and mis jack haiclv mis geoige iixel was colli tesx con vcnei some ilhc oldclsctllcxs ulbali i cau leh ihe load and was smash inalad such as mefnerxs and the eel badlv bu li was luckv and shoitills evcivonc ciiovcd the didn i gel a sciatch your red cross is serving jl today mt ready for tomorrow i hintons 5c to 100 store caroline canen centre and flower shop aktisfic designs by caroline west of acton on highway 7 south sida member of ufc wire service tuberous begonia bulbs y t colors on sale now t telephone 8532980 anytime open 7 days a week 8 am til 7 pm free 100 gals free free gas or 50 cash if youre one of the first five buyers of a good used car from lous used cars min st rockwood 8564235 hurry hurry hurry only the first five buyers are eligible no down payment if credit is approved original sketch of musecrm to hang in county building the origanal sketch of halton county museum which was rcp- loduccd on telephone directories now attractively framed in black and go 1 d was presented bv bell telephone district mana ger arnold blachford to mtlseum board chairman hei belt mci rv the illustration was on the covci of the brampton geoigelown milton orangeville books it was a slide piovided by maj newman which helped montreal at list albert colutier in his sketch and mr blachloid gave the slide back to the museum dnectoi as he expressed his pleasure at piesenting the pitliic to the board fixpiessini theii thanks boaid membeis ayiecd ihe sketch miht hang in the administration build ing at milton al let all reasoned mr met iv people who are at the mils cum can see the museum hsell dm ing the- business meeting mi newman showed a sketch ol a proposed centennial build ing to be built ncir ihe piescnl museum at kelso lis main use would be the housing of faipe old vehicles arid arm implcm cuts puithci discussion and plans will be loi ihcomui bcfoie decisions ale made with the louuei piy pen on ihe museum piopeilv iiivj con veiled into an illin tivi trail house m i newman xpic d ins pica uk- ai belli invited i ilk nd a c onlei i in i sponsored by ihe dcpar trncril of i dutaliori on clalls at mianlford march 25 to 27 llu ontario rift toiiii elation is keenly interested in ctall centre i for woik ireas iirld as teachmg centies lot diitricl tiuilxi ntinw atfuntlc salmon may pawn several limes and re- linn tir sei ahilc pacific coast salmon prwn onlv once and die liimicdiilcly allciwards in the nvcrv m the 0 fat sms vbifore old frosty knocks at vour door its time to think of he a tingoil once more fred a hoffman optometrist 58 st it orges sq fllelph ont telephone 8242071 lihjjwj juufi 4sy chsh wjuu get your free easy cash card today b 0vei 600000 h pgifjj i ihevlllih specially selected tender juicy tenderloin portion 3 to 3- lb average you save twice with trim and price loin tender juicy cm for quick meals or snacks always tender c lb be st 59 maple leaf skinless 1 lb vac pack swift premium combination offer wieners s5mikausage maple leaf by the piece bologna 43 just heat and eat c bac0nnettes lb 8ox pkcs both for sunshine fresh produce treeripened good size 2 do i california oranges 69 no i ontario potatoes save 5cl e d smiths tomato ketchup save 6c vacation trailer contest heinz 25lb bag 99 11 or bottles 2 39 4 jars strained foods 669 silver wood s deluxe vi gal special ice cream reg 107 89 free ice cream cone for kiddies accompa nied by parents friday and saturday store hours see our handbill open all diy mentfay opn tuesday ni wadnasday until i 6 pm opn thursday til for easy convenient shopping packed with otsjsnbl i moneysaving items on display at our store limited supply shop early pm opan saturday til 6 pm we deliver phona u30990

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