Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1966, p. 3

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quarry pit review fee nassagawcya councils method oftjeartlngwnh 8nnretnpttfi quarry licences received a blast from councillor mrs anne mac- arthtuvon monday night the recurring problern of whether or not to issue gravel pit and quarry licences at the nominal lee of 2 came up once again and after n lengthy discussion it was de cided to hold all gravel pit and quarry licences pending further invcstlgajibn since first taking her seat on council in january councillor mrs anne macarthur has con tended a gravel pit licence or quarry licence for 2 is absolul- cly ridiculous it doesnt even cover the paper work mrs miic- arthur continued her campaign on monday and suggested id like to sec a meeting with coun cil the ratepayers ntf quarry and us mews by gwen lauder at friday afternoons assembly the schools annual magazine campaign was launched on dis play was the timer that we hope to purchase this year jmr curtis of the curtis plan encouraged all students to participate in this campaign by showing the wide variety of prizes the winning class each day is entitled to carry mound a giant sized stuffed tiger i this years mascot our gol this vcar is 2000 this can be easily met with only one subscription from each student friday night at the dance the driving- beat of the toronto shays rocked the entire gym a highlight of the evening was the spot dances when the group presented the winners with the latest fad batman comics the evening was a great success and was enjoyed by all last week the girls baskolnall teams each played two games the juniors were defeated by milton and erin the seniors managed to defeat erin but lost in the game at milton however since milton is an a school and is therefore not in competition with acton the seniors still remain undefeated i intended for last week friday afternoon at the school assembly many students display ed a great variety of talent mr pearce actons recreation direc tor spoke to the students and mr- lauder chairman of the guelph section of the iapa pre sented gail mohugh with a pin a certificate and a cheque the grade 9a class held a fash ion show which included such popular styles as bellbottoms complete with bells and the lat est from las vegas the barrel look actons version o hu licences contentious bylaw enforcement i i- i r u grovel pit operators i thinly the peoptcof the township should be asked to attend such a meet ing so they will know what kind of protection they can expect reassca properties ii it turns out we cant do anything to help them she con tinued then 1- think the rate payers affected by the blasts from quarries should haw their properties reassessed they shouldnt have to replace win dows and plaster when somebody else is making money something has to be done councillor ross gordon inter jected during mytime on coun cil no one has come to a meet ing to protest blasting mrs macarthur flashed hack its fine for you to sit up there in the north end of the town ship but it would he different beware of con men corp mason warns corporal ray mason of the acton opp detachment this week issued another warning to older residents throughout the acton area to beware ol confid ence men posing as bank inspec tors or plainclothes policemen the corporal warns against strangers preying on older resi dents by asking them to chock bank accounts or withdraw mon ey anyone being contacted by confidence men is asked to either call their bank manager or pol ice and if possible obtain i car license number and u lull des cription ol the offender several people throughout the country have been victims ol these confidence men and many have had their complete bank accounts depleted believing they are helping police or bank of ficials something new with host get ly ockenden was the next at traction four gogo dancers on i tables performed while those two famous bands the sabres and the zuwsfrom limehouse cal ifornia waved several pulsating nuinberst theu alter that hackneyed phrase and now a word from our sponsor bernie freuler ol i2a clad in leminine frills pir ouetted onto the stage to the de- light of the audience more of these assemblies will be held if i more students are willing to par- ticipate j friday night alter our bovs de feated both the acton y and mil- ton basketball teams a dance to the music of the sabres was held the shays from toronto will play at this fridays dance i the senior girls basketball tjjajferrattmmi unuctratcdu their victory over milvertou feb ruary 22 miss moulton arrived in acton lor thursdays game with erin which was cancelled many students were glad to renew ac quaintances with their formei phys ed teacher who so active ly promoted school spirit last vcar sunshine school purchases madfe the march meeting was held at the home of mrs r knapton lor the acton auxiliary ol north llalton association lor mentally retarded willi presidejit mrs r loullet in the chair the meeting opened with a prayer lor the mentally retarded minutes til the previous meeting in february were approved and the financial statement presented plans are well underway tor the forthcoming rummage and opportunity sale including a draw for a lovely large panda bear donated by tile acton lions club the sale will lake place on april 23 at saint milans par ish hall in charge coupon ol mrs j tin kos all supermarket ported items purchased lor the sunshine school hornby were six piece towel set garhage can two carving boards nuigs and bowls and a kindergarten sei in eluding table and chairs old n ion stockings are requested tor use at the school lor the child rcn members were given tickets to sell tor ontario moose charities 100 per cent of the net proceeds to go to retarded children sum mer camping ami mousehaven health centre lor aged pnies are included mrs loultet announced that operations had commenced for the annual campaign ami envel opes for donations would be mail ed out in mav if you were affected speaking onirelucktlcom- plaints referred to by mr gor don mrs maearlhur suggested i knuw previous reeves not you reeve coulter- and council lors have received complnints maybe they werent fulfilling their duty councillor william million ex plained several quarries in the township were active before a bylaw regarding quarries came into effect he indicated tlivres only two quarries here that theres a chance of doing some thing about the rest were here before i1c bylaw deputyreeve william lloey agreed with mrs macarthur slat ing we have bylaws and we should attempt to enforce them we should try to gel the people affected and the quarry operators logellier maybe a puhjic ix-ln- lions policy is all that is racking maybe we can find out who is annoyed at who and try 4i get them together although mrs maearlhur did not have any one set figure in her mind regarding the cost of a quarry licence she did say maybe a graduated type nl fee would be in order where if a company quarried so much rock it would pay a certain fee and as it increased its production to another scale then it would pay more for a licence the next year i dont know whether il would work but it would be better than what we have dual bylaw reeve william coulter pointed out that one of the problems esquesing defers plan of subdivision a tentative plan ol subdivision lor nine country estate type homes near speyside was defer red mondav evening february 28 by esquesing township council pending department of planning and development approval properly owner william ollen submitted the tentative plan mil told council he planned the sub division on his propeilv on no 25 highway south ol spevside the area includes 45 acres ol i mil und pfans call lor lots ranging in size lioin two and a hall to eight acres each on the side ol the hill a letter from llalton county health unit approved the project providing wells were drilled and water supply proven before con struction of each home began another provision was the wells must be at least iso feel away i roni each i ile field mr ollen was reminded li i s plan was nor registered and he was requested to have this done belore council could make any deeistorrr- fcewftr was caused by the fact that there is only one byiaw to govern boih quarry and gravel pits while there should be a bylaw for each operation three requests for licences were before council councillor ross gordon said he vus in lavor of granting gravel pit lic ences to small operators on the same basis as always and favored the granting of a licence to 1he one gravel pit operator who re quested it mrs macarthur objected and noted you know ross if you pass one then theyll nil go through the motion was then passed holding aip all licences council wont darken lights a motion lit darken the string of lights in i rout of mohawk raceway when the racing meets uiv not in progress was defeated three to two at nassugaweya council on monday night councillor anne macarthur anil deputyreeve william hoey made the motion but it was de feated when reeve william coul ter and councillors ross gordon and william malum voted against il mrs matarthur told council lors i can see no reason to keep llieni on nobody says theres the township of imassa- gaweva why should the people of ihis township pay out money in advertise the racetrack we could save money by having them turned out erected by club deputyreeve william lloey agreed with mrs macarthur but the other members of council dillered with them councillor gordon indicated the jockey club bad erected the lights at their own expense anil the township agreed to pay the cost of hydro councillor mahun said youre mrs macarthur jiisl pulling something out of thin air as far as i know bring back the acts anil show us how much money were going to save it was suggested thccosl of hvtlrci lor the -fights- for a year is just over 500 robt r hamilton optometrist 8773971 1 1 1 mill st aton monday afternoon and evening from 4 pm churchiu mrs frank thompson is hostess for ucw the churchill ucw regular meeting was held at the home of miy anil- mrs frank thompsons in acton on wednesday attei noon march 2 with a goqd at tendance the president mrs william thompson opened the meeting with prayer mrs f macarthur had the devotions choosing as her topic the need ol prayer hymn saviour like a shepherd lead us was sung mrs r denny played a piano solo how ire u thou ait and all join ed in singing tirsl verse iind the chorus mrs w thompson and mrs frank freeman attended the dist rict annual in st pauls church milton and they gave a very in- leivsling report mrs h leitch read the minutes of the last meet- jug and some business was dealt with mrs w swu khamcr read a chapter of i he study hook ahd dealt with the questions the discussions and answers were very helpful iiul interesting mrs frank thompson the lios less also mrs stevens and mrs w thompson served a delicious hinch at the close ol the meeting we are pleased to learn mr garry dobbie who lias been a patient in guelph general hospi tal is luiilie and idling much better friends and neighbors will he sorry lo leant mrs george malt- by returned to st josephs llos pilal guelph on sunday and un derwent surgery lijsi ol the week all hope lor a speedy recovery congratulations lo miss flia belli strokov who received lirst class honors in her grade one ex amination in music in ittclph she is a pupil ol mrs don an ilersoji mr and mrs ward hamilton ivturiietl imine last week alter a months holidays thev motored- and holidayed in los angeles mr and mrs archie kcrrspenl sunday it caislor centre visiting mr and mrs murray mcmillan sign of spring is ii a sign ol spring mi wallace swackhamer killed a milk snake in his barn last week renew memberships in golden age club acton golden age club meeting was touched with sadness when word was brought in of the pass ing of frank holmes a minute of silerice was observed in trib ute lo the departed member mr holmes was the lather ol jack hdlrnes who jkui donated most generously to the g a club at its beginning the visiting committee reported many members confined to their homes or in hospital il wis decided to make the draw lor the quilt at the next evening meeting march 17lh mis oossar read letters she had received from dr harley mp in reply it printed cards sent in requesting an increase in old age pensions lie said the mallei- was under active consideration the basis lor calculation ol the pensions would be the income tax returns ffjlylour members gin their new inimhership cards and it is hoped many more will be on hand to join at the next meeting as al- linilance is always larger at even ing niceliilgs prizes lor gamesiweiil to crok- inole htilies mrs robt waine gents ieorge simpson euchre ladies mrs dougald kennedy gents a h mclean railroad work crews were in town lit week repairing rails in the spur and main lines near the station the aclon freb press thursday march 10 1966 14 offenders appear in court a total of ji7j in fines and 52 in costs were paid in police court in milton monday when 14 offen ders appeared charged by aclon opp detachment included on the isl ol olfeud- eis were two charged with full ing to have insurance on their vehicle or payment ol the 420 ntder the motor vehicles claims act one minor paid n f35 fine and 15 in costs for drinking while under age and two were charged for accidents the rest were charged for minorlriifhc viol- atious of the 14 appearing one was dismissed and two remand- the president and board of directors of the childrens aid society of the county of halton cordially invin you and your friends to attlnid tht annual meeting on thursday march 24 1966 at 830 pm in the auditorium hdlton centennial manor milton ontario gulst spfaker dr paul steinhauer md consullinrj psycliialiibl canon c m mitchell president mrs paul lanz secretary train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times for information phono the local cn pastonger salai olfic cjj canadian national wie w ten mohawk track a pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 6217sm tbib service wfll 5bwhyoohl plenty of hot water fivob yoaj a household nood hydros new mot water service a low monthly charge coven installation of a modern auto matic electric water heater all service and tnaintenancey including replacement if necessary cost of electricity r all about this allinclusive hot water service acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st n 8532410 a 1000000 expansion program which would boost the jrraiul- stand capacity at mohawk race way to over 40000 and boost the capacity ot the terrace dining lounge by 50 per cent could be completed by the fall if expansion plans are carried out tenders lor structural steel would be called for within the nextlew weeks and work would probably bopin on the project immediately following the end ol the sprinj meeting in may the present grandstand capa city would be doubled ajul the popular dining lounge would be increased n size by 50 per cent making it suitable for about 540 rather than the present 3oo mr mooney indicated the jockey club was pleased with the reaction ol harness horse follow ers lo the threeyearold raceway at campbellvillc blood clinic your red cross is m serving jl t today t ready for tomorrow monday acton clinic afternoon 2 march 21 legion hours pm to 445 pm evening 7 pm to 845 pm canvassers will call by telephone in the event you are not home when phoned feel free to donate blood during the above hours for further information phone mrs w finlay 8531774 florida white marsh seedless short rib roas 59 tablerite canadas finest red or blue brand b6ef cross cut rib or irx boneless shoulder roast 65 trices infective march 9 10 ii and 12 wc reserve the right lu limit quantities c lb c lb grapefruit 10 69 produce of usa canada no 1 grade iceburg lettuce 25 c green giant fancy frozen 2lb poly bafli 2nd big week of iga brands sale iga lancy 20oi tlni tomato juice 2 for 29c iga choke zooz tin peaches 2 for 55c lga choice 20ot tin niblets or peas 2 1 99 hospitality apple pie 24oz family size 39- ledgers iga tomatoes 4 for 89c ic a doghouse 16oz tin dog or cat food 12 for 1 ica liquid wax 32oz tin 69c raspberry or strawberry wtlh pectin 24oz jar iga jams 49c lia colored quarters- mb pkgs margarine 2 for 49c iga mild colored 12oz wedge cheese cuts 49c i v

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